The best books by Verber Bernard: description and reviews. Bernard Werber - From the Other World

Every book written by this brilliant author evokes mixed feelings. It changes consciousness, broadens your horizons, and makes you completely reconsider your views on life. Today I will tell you more about them.

The World of Bernard Werber

It seems that everything is clear - if the book is called “Ants,” then it is about ants, if “Thanatonautes” is something related to other planets. But as soon as you start reading, you will begin to immerse yourself in unique world Bernard Werber.

This author made his readers live his books and theories. Incredibly, but in his scientifically - fantasy novels there is something more hidden than just fantasy and speculation. The paradoxical nature of this author attracts the attention of readers more and more. It is unlike anything you have read before.

2 paradoxical facts about Werber's books

Most of writers speak of Verber as a strange science fiction writer. They genuinely wonder how he managed to attract a huge audience of fans and influence a new generation so much. After all, even those teenagers who never manage to sit down with a book enjoyed reading the works of Bernard Werber.

His books are incredibly annoying

Almost half of the people who have read any work by Bernard Werber describe his writing style as “boring.” The desire to know how the novel ends and to read a book by a fashionable author influenced the purchase of the book. But in the future, readers switch to other authors.

Perhaps the reason is the translation. Perhaps in a rather serious writing style. Perhaps in the boldness of assumptions. And many people do not like the topics that the author touches on.

His books become reference books

While some readers cannot grasp the meaning and understand the reason for their admiration for Werber, fans write quotes and believe in the author’s theories. I personally know two women who proved to me that we are like pigs. To the logical question of why they decided so, they answered: “That’s what Bernard Werber said, don’t you know?”

5 facts from modern philosopher B. Verber

Today I will provide the most interesting and incredible facts about the work of the French writer and the influence of his progressive ideas on the younger generation. You are ready?

Fact one: “People are ants”

The author's first book, Ants, has been collecting dust on the shelves for a long time in various editions. Publishers for more than five years did not want to publish this bold and strange piece. Even after the book was published, critics ignored it. Some compare it to Kafka’s “The Insect”, because the writing style is similar and the analogy with an insect is drawn.

But Ants is written about people. The author endowed them human traits and behavioral reactions. He described the foundations and spheres of ant life in such detail that one can inevitably assume that Werber had a very close acquaintance with some ant, who told him everything about his brothers.
Ants have a very strict hierarchy. They live in a huge metropolis, where everyone occupies a certain status and performs their duties. For example, there are soldiers. They are responsible for order in the anthill. There are the queen's maids and servants. They feed her, carry her and provide comfort. There are nannies (nurses) who monitor the safety of the offspring.

According to Bernard Werber, ants dream of taming other animals and insects. Every bug can help. For example, you can ride some large bug to transport food or the queen mother. Some ants have learned to decipher the conversations of beetles in order to find a common language with them.
People are the only living beings who have “bent” the world to suit themselves. The earth, animals, birds and underground resources. People even control the Earth from space. We had and still have a hierarchy of rich, poor, kings, presidents. There are always those who serve and those who are governed.

People have learned to tame large animals and use their skills for their own benefit. The same Indians control elephants, fragile girls play with Navy SEALs, and fearless men once caught mustangs on the wild prairies. Werber used the skill of training several times in his book. Here is an example of how the queen invited one of her slaves to ride a beetle - a scarab, which is tens of times larger than him: “Mentally show the way to your beetle. Think about the road."

Fact two: “Death is the beginning”

Bernard Werber decided to write his vision of what happens to us after death. Many ventured into the unknown. There are a huge number of theories about why we live, what is the meaning of life, what will happen to us after we die. Probably every person has thought about this. The author decided to show that death is not scary. He suggested that after the physical shell dies, the soul goes through a series of tests. Depending on how well she can cope with all the tests in the afterlife, it can transform into divine essence.

Such a bold theory inspires fear and hope at the same time. It turns out that regardless of actions, sins, or the number of prayers said during life, everyone will have life after death. Some remain at the first stage, plunging into debauchery and the satisfaction of base desires. Others stand in a long line, talking to Beethoven or Plato. There you can meet your family and friends, find out everything you were interested in from eyewitnesses, and confirm some theories.

Fact three: “We are gods”

There is no god. Our planet was created as an experiment or during the training period of a newly-minted god. The soul that has gone through all the stages after death finds itself in upper world. Now this is not an ordinary guy, but a god who has the right to create planets, civilizations, people. He can monitor the speed of development of the mind, technology, introduce ideas and accelerate progress. People can turn to him for help. Of course, you can’t hear everyone and you can’t help everyone. But God, if desired, can satisfy the loudest cries for help.

But there is a small problem. If there are many such gods, then someone is above them. And, most likely, there is someone else above these leaders. And so on endlessly.
Perhaps the theory about the gods would have remained just a theory if not for the mass of admirers of Werber’s talent who decided to bring the theory they had read to life. Some sects use the idea of ​​the universe in their appeals.

If we only assume that we can become gods and create worlds, then all the dogmas of the Orthodox and Catholic religions are smashed to dust. Now there is no longer anything to be afraid of death, sin, murder, there is no need to live according to the commandments. Why go to church or pray to God? Fearlessness in the face of punishment higher powers could cause a revolution in modern world. As long as there is religion, there is at least a semblance of restraining factors.

So while Verberists support his theory about the gods in their close circle, this will not be able to affect the overall picture of our familiar world. As soon as even 30% think that they can become gods, the world may face huge problems...

Fact four: “The monkey and the pig”

Somehow the first man, also known as a monkey, and a wild pig fell into a pit. Sounds like the beginning funny joke. But, unfortunately, there is nothing funny here. Bernard Werber suggested that we are all descendants of monkeys and pigs. He even provided evidence.

When Charles Darwin burst into scientific world with the statement that people are descended from monkeys, most people almost tore it apart. It’s a shame to have such unworthy creatures as distant relatives. And where then should we put the biblical understanding of “...and God created Eve from the rib of Adam...”? If people were expelled from paradise and created in the likeness of God, then what does this have to do with animals?

Darwin provided compelling evidence - if you develop the mind of a monkey, after a few generations it can be called a very intelligent creature. Yes, and she looks like a person, no matter how you look at it. But Verber went further. The thought of monkey ancestors raised a logical question in him. Why, if a pig's heart is transplanted into a person, can it take root safely? Why can pork blood be suitable for us as a donor?

Trainers say that pigs are extremely clean, intelligent and loyal creatures. They know how to make love, experience a violent orgasm, cry, suffer. They are omnivores, just like humans. They know how to love. So the author suggested that then, in the pit, the pig and the monkeys fell in love with each other. Their descendants climbed out of the hole and began to reproduce. And changing the environment accelerated the process of brain development.

How do you like the theory? If the pig is our ancestor, how can we eat it? In this case, you will have to completely abandon the consumption of pork meat and tame pigs like dogs or man’s best friends. The production and cultivation of cereals and feed will stop. Millions of people will lose their jobs and pork processing plants will close. Many people will begin to despise themselves deep down. Beginning Hare Krishnas of Slavic nationality experienced approximately the same feelings. Throughout childhood and adolescence, eat meat and refuse to consume it, because animals are not created for food. Many Hare Krishnas considered themselves murderers.

Therefore, a bold theory about the origin of man can simply break consciousness.

Fact five: “All knowledge is already there”

Bernard Werber included quotations from the Encyclopedia of Relative and Absolute Knowledge in his books. While reading, one gets the impression that this is a storehouse with knowledge collected from all over the world. At first, the facts seem small and insignificant. But everything is no coincidence.

In this encyclopedia you can read what a person is, learn how to prepare a revolution (according to Alinsky’s strategy), learn about new animals, unknown facts in the history of mankind, learn to play necessary games etc. After you have mastered the book, you will become many times more educated. Universal method learn more about life in a few days than we would learn at university or development courses.

Verber - science fiction writer or scientist

It is difficult to answer the question of who the brilliant Bernard Werber is. He is an extremely intelligent, accomplished writer. He knows how to reliably present information. He gives facts to prove theories in books. It seems that his books are written about some real situation and about real people. After all, why not? After all, really into the world modern technologies connect your brain to a computer and control people. It is realistic to observe a person’s movements when he is in a coma. Really get to the planet. You just need to learn to think.

Well, Verber’s thinking makes her work 100%. In just a few pages he manages to captivate and confuse his reader. None of the books will leave you indifferent. But remember, sometimes a book is just a book. Even if she inspires confidence.

Born into a Jewish family. At the age of 5 Bernard showed special interest to drawing. His passion was noticed by the teacher, who even provided the child with special conditions learning - Bernard was free to draw while others were studying.
At the age of seven, Bernard wrote his first work - a story in free topic"The Adventures of a Flea." It told from the point of view of the flea itself about her journey through the wilds. human body. At the same time, the future writer does not show much success at school, except for French literature lessons. It is especially difficult for him to learn numbers, formulas and texts by heart. The problem with memorization will continue to haunt the writer, which will subsequently lead to the creation of an original work - the “Encyclopedia of Absolute and Relative Knowledge”, in which scientific information mixed with fiction, physics with metaphysics, mathematics with mysticism (see Kenites).

At the age of eight, Bernard wrote his second story, " Magic castle" The mystery of a castle that devours visitors. The young writer discovers new genre and independently learns to create an exciting story. At the same time, at the insistence of his mother, he learns to play the piano; later this activity, which he does not like, will result in a passion for the electric guitar. Bernard continues to write, discovering new facets for himself. School studies in free fall. Outside of school, he studies what really interests him: electronics, balsa airplane models, the Mayan civilization and the inhabitants of Easter Island. He is passionate about astronomy and, in particular, the systematic study of sunspots at the Astronomical Center of Toulouse. He reads a lot, and was especially interested in Jules Verne's The Mysterious Island, which seemed like an incomparable masterpiece.

Creative search

IN Lyceum years joined the editorial board of the lyceum newspaper “Euphoria”, wrote scripts for comics. Thanks to this, he discovered new literary “genres”: American science fiction of the 1960s and baroque fiction of the last century. I discovered Lovecraft (Cthulhu cycle), Asimov (Foundation cycle), Van Vogt (World A cycle), Huxley (The Best of Worlds), then Boris Vian.
In 1978, after graduating from the Lyceum, he began writing “Ants”. The idea was to continue the seven-page script for the comic, which was created in collaboration with fellow editor Fabrice Coger. Having assessed the possibilities of the plot, the writer decided to create a real novel. From that moment on, Werber set himself a disciplinary regime: 4 hours of work every morning (from 8.00 to 12.00), no matter what happened, even during the holidays. Establishing a work schedule was a good idea for the writer, since at the same time he entered the University of Toulouse, where he planned to study law. Studying at the university initially did not work out, which resulted in the first failed session. The author himself continued to produce Euphoria. Discovers Frank Herbert's "Dune" series (a revelation was the realization of the possibility of building a novel in the manner of a game. "Dunes" is built like a set of fortune-telling Tarot cards). He begins to try to draw the architecture of his novels. These were geometric diagrams filled with numbers and arrows.
In 1980 he attended courses at the Institute of Criminology of Toulouse. He often goes to the district court and jury of Toulouse to find topics for his detective stories. While studying in the “Second” first year of the Faculty of Law, he joined a theater troupe (STAC, in Toulouse), where, together with the group, he was involved in staging a play by Hitchcock (this troupe was never able to stage a single performance). In the same 1980, he travels around the United States, from New York to Los Angeles. The journey turns out to be more extreme than Werber could have imagined: in New York, the writer and his fellow traveler were cheated by card swindlers, so that both of them had to live on 2,000 francs for both months of the trip.

In 1982, Bernard Werber gave up law and moved to Paris to study journalism at the Higher School of Journalism. In his work he discovers Philip K. Dick, who in one fell swoop eclipsed all his previous literary standards: “Azimov showed me intelligence science fiction, Herbert - mysticism, Dick... madness. And with this madness he surpassed both of them. Dick is not from science fiction, he is from philosophical fiction that blows your mind.” The only other author who impressed Werber at that time was Flaubert with his Salammbô. He thought the book was truly detailed and very cinematic. Inspired by his discoveries, Werber continues to work for 4 hours every morning on the manuscript of “Ants”. By that time, he had already rewritten this novel 18 times. In September 1982, he had in his hands a version of “Ants-P63” with a volume of more than 1000 pages.
In 1983, he received the News Foundation Award for Best Young Reporter for his report on a species of ant living in the Ivory Coast.

Then he worked for 7 years without much success in the magazine “Le Nouvel Observateur” - he wrote articles on scientific and pseudo-scientific topics: about space, medicine, artificial intelligence, sociology and more. After a collision with senior management was fired. The failure that befell the writer hurts him greatly. Taking advantage of the temporary lull, he enters Higher courses screenwriters at INA. Verber was already thinking about abandoning “The Ants,” but unexpectedly he met his future publisher, who became interested in the manuscript, but asked it to be reduced from 1,463 pages to 350. Verber spent 12 years writing “The Ants,” but, according to him, these years were spent learning a more subtle craft, consisting of inventing characters and situations, seeking out original mise-en-scenes, directing dramatic tension and, especially, constant surprise.

First publication

In 1991, his first novel, Ants, was published. Contrary to the author's expectations, the book did not attract much attention. Critics did not appreciate Werber's ideas. In 1992, the continuation of “Ants”, the novel “Day of the Ant,” was unexpectedly published. Werber continues to try to reach critics by expressing his ideas through the mouths and actions of ants. Critics remain unshaken, while Werber's novels attract more and more reader interest. "Day of the Ants" won the Elle readers' prize.
At the same time, Werber begins to write short stories (inspired by the work of Frederick Brown). A collection of these short stories was published in 2002 under the title “The Tree of the Possible.”

Start of active writing activity

In 1993, the publication of the "Encyclopedia of Knowledge of the Relative and Absolute", written on the basis of strange and interesting information, which Werber collected between the ages of 13 and 19. Then he travels to South Korea, where he falls in love at first sight. IN South Korea"Ants" is presented as a poetic book, which is very different from countries Western Europe, where it is presented as belonging to the “fantasy” genre.

In 1994 he published the novel “Thanatonauts”, in which he tries to show that he can write not only about ants. The theme is the conquest of Paradise by new adventurers-explorers, about death and the other world. The publication of the next novel again did not win the attention of critics, who seemed to deliberately ignore Werber. The writer becomes depressed. Tries to lose himself in drawing. In 1995, he pulled himself together and, realizing there was no other way to convey his ideas, wrote Revolution of the Ants, the novel that completes the trilogy about ants.

In 1997, the novel “The Book of Travels” was published, for the creation of which Verber studied the process of psychoanalysis and self-hypnosis. This book speaks to the reader. According to the author, it should function like a mirror in which each person is able to see his own memories, tastes, fears, hopes and origins.

The book “Fathers of Our Fathers,” which could be called an anthropological detective story, came out completely unexpectedly for readers in 1998. In it, Werber for the first time introduces his own Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson into the narrative, whom he later uses in the 2001 novel The Last Secret. Sherlock Holmes is Isidore Katzenberg, a fat science journalist, an inventive and sensitive character who lives in a water pumping building on the outskirts of Paris. Dr. Watson is Lucretia Nemrod, a young and petite journalist, plump vital energy, an orphan and former thief, hard-hearted and throwing herself into action without a second thought. In addition, “The Father” is the basis for creating a film, the plans of which never left Werber. Werber devoted the entire year of 1999 to attempts to film adaptations of his works. In 2000, Empire of Angels was published, which is essentially a continuation of Thanatonauts, but you can read the book on your own. Here the reader meets Raoul and Michel again, but this time they work as angels, trying to help people become truly human.

By 2002, Bernard Werber's books had already occupied the top spot on the bestseller list more than once.

In 2003, the writer’s long-time dream came true - the short film “Our Human Friends” was shot, produced by Stephanie Krausz. By the way, Bernard Verber is the screenwriter of four films - “Tueurs de petits poissons (1998)”, “La reine de nacre (2000)”, “Nos amis les humains (2003)”, “Nos amis les Terriens (2006)”, in The last three he also acts as a director, and also starred in two films - “The Vanishing Lion (2003)” and “The Railway Romance (2007)”.
In 2004, the first book of the trilogy of the same name was published - “We, Gods” about further adventures Michel Panson, the main character of the books "Thanatonautes" and "Empire of Angels".
In 2005, the second book of the trilogy, “Breath of the Gods,” was published.
In the fall of 2006, Bernard Verber, as part of the Moscow International book exhibition-fair visited Moscow, which greatly pleased his Russian fans.
In 2007, the third book was published - “The Secret of the Gods”, which opened the curtain of secrecy and the answer to the question posed in the first novel “We, the Gods”: “What is it to be a god?”
The year 2008 began with the publication of the novel “ Star butterfly" In the same year, the Russian-language version of “The Secret of the Gods” was released.

Creative process

When Bernard Werber writes a book, he always knows how it will end. He gradually leads the reader to this ending. In all his books there is always a hidden structure. In the novellas he uses geometric shapes, for example, spirals or triangles. Any simple figures. Thus, Verber tries to introduce the reader to the light: “After all, a good book can change a person.” Werber's novels are subtly related to the structure and peculiarities of the French language, so much is lost when his books are translated into other languages.
He considers himself the prototype of all the heroes of his novels.

He says the following about his state while writing: “When I write, I laugh. We must write with joy so that the reader is happy. A book is a relaxation and the main thing is that a person does not find it a burden to read. I try to immerse the reader in the book from the very beginning. In the morning I get up and before I sit down to write, I go to a cafe opposite my house and read magazines that pour out a bucket of far from favorable reality on me, which spoils my mood. In contrast to this, I write, trying to fill my works with light.”

Werber's novels on French have strange punctuation. The author explains this by saying that when he writes, he listens to music, and the punctuation comes from the music. He does not like exclamation marks, therefore, he tries to put as many points as possible, thereby making the sentences shorter - this gives lightness to the style and helps not to be distracted from the main plot.

Personal life

Bernard Werber is a confirmed bachelor.
Favorites female images in art, literature, life - Kate Bush, Jodie Foster, Marilyn Monroe.
The only inhabitant of his apartment is a cat, which has replaced the anthill.

Every year Russian publishing houses release thousands of new books. Most of the new books are reprints of famous ones literary works. Another part of the books is printed version popular books on the RuNet. But among all the diversity there are authors whose books are eagerly awaited.

The literary portal “Buklya” offers its version of the most anticipated books of 2018.

George Martin - "The Winds of Winter"

It has already become a tradition to talk about the release of the sixth book in the “Song of Ice and Fire” series: “The Winds of Winter”. Everyone's favorite author, starting in 2016, promises to finish work on the last book in the series.

The Winds of Winter was supposed to go on sale before the release of Season 7, but George R.R. Martin did not give the manuscript to the editors. The producers of the series even postponed the premiere of the series for six months so that the author could release the sixth book. But, alas!

In his blog, the writer noted that he still has many months of work ahead of him, but he will try to finish it as quickly as possible.

And all fans can only be patient and hope that the book “The Winds of Winter” will be released in 2018.

George Martin - Fire and Blood. Volume 1"

At the end of 2018, the first volume of the guide to the “A Song of Ice and Fire” series: “Blood and Fire” will go on sale.

The author began work on the prequel in parallel with writing the main series. This book will chronicle the life and reign of the Targaryen dynasty. Initially, the text of the book should not exceed 50,000 words. But by the end of the work, this number became five times larger. That is why it was decided to divide the book into two parts.

The second part of the Blood and Fire series will be published in March 2019.

JK Rowling - Lethal White

JK Rowling is famous not only for her amazing story about Harry Potter. In 2012, she began writing a series of books about private detective Cormoran Strike under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith. The detective is not only smart, but also insightful. He takes on the most unexpected cases and always brings the investigation to the end. Three books have already been published in the series: “The Cuckoo’s Calling,” “The Silkworm,” and “In the Service of Evil.”

And in 2018, the fourth novel about the London detective, Deadly White, is due to be released. The plot of the novel is still kept secret, but knowing the talent of JK Rowling, readers will find another interesting and exciting story.

Let us note that at the end of August the premiere of the first season of the series “Strike” took place. A total of 3 seasons will be filmed, but the exact number of episodes is unknown. Although in some sources you can find that it is planned to release only 7 episodes. Season 2 will premiere in June 2018.

JK Rowling - original screenplay for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2

The first part of the film was released last year, and after the premiere it was released in book form. The script for the film adaptation of the textbook on magical creatures of the same name was written by Rowling herself.

On November 15, 2018, the premiere of the second part of the film – “ Fantastic Beasts and where they live 2.” In this part, Grindelwald will escape from prison and begin to recruit supporters into his ranks. Dumbledore can stop him. But the great wizard also needs help. That's why he turns to Newt.

Newt Scamander has gone from being a faceless explorer to real character, who took over the baton after the completion of the Harry Potter saga.

So, the release of the script in a book version is an excellent opportunity to expand your collection of books about the world of magic and sorcery.

Released in America on September 26, 2017 A new book Stephen King, co-written with his son Owen. The book was called "Sleeping Beauties". The new novel was written in corporate style King of Horrors. This time the action takes place in women's prison, where strange events occur at night. As soon as the prisoners enter the kingdom of Morpheus, they are enveloped in a cocoon. And if you disturb a sleeping woman’s sleep, she will change beyond recognition. But among the kingdom of sleeping beauties, there is Evie.

The rights to publish the book were acquired by AST publishing house. The book Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King is scheduled for release in the fall of 2018.

Bernard Werber – “From the Other World”

Bernard Weber's books are read all over the world. At the same time, at the beginning creative path(26 years ago) his books were not taken seriously, and critics simply ignored the work of the young author. But since the 2000s, the author’s works have increasingly attracted readers.

Especially popular are “Thanatonautes”, “Empire of Angels”, “Secret of the Gods”. Just recently the book “The Tomorrow of the Cat” was published. And in next year there will be a presentation of the new novel “From other world" Unfortunately, we were unable to find out anything about the plot of Bernard Werber’s new book.

Haruki Murakami is famous for his amazing subtle works, which are imbued with many feelings, and also touch on many aspects of life. And all this is imbued with the special spirit of Japan.

At the end of February 2017, a new book by the author entitled “Killing the Commander” was published in Japan. The plot revolves around a young artist who lives in famous artist 92 years old. Sometimes the hero hears rustling in the attic and when he goes up to check what the noise is, he finds a painting in the attic. And then strange things start happening. One day, late at night he hears the sound of a bell from underground.

Translating Murakami's books is always difficult, since there are not many translators from Japanese. And if not in 2018, then in 2019 the book should appear on the shelves bookstores.

Anne Rice became famous thanks to the Vampire Chronicles book series. Main character- the vampire Lestat, who narrates the life of vampires. At the same time, even more fantastic events often emerge in books. And in general, the plot is very intricately twisted, so much so that it is sometimes impossible to figure it out.

But, nevertheless, this series is loved not only by readers, but also by directors who have already filmed three volumes. In 1994, the film “Interview with the Vampire: Chronicle of the Life of a Vampire” was released, and in 2002, a film adaptation of two books appeared, and the film was called “Queen of the Damned.”

There are 13 books in the series in total. And the last one was released in 2016 - “Prince Lestat and the Realms of Atlantis,” loosely translated, the title sounds like “Prince Lestat and the Kingdom of Atlantis.” The book is available in the original; many fans have already appreciated this novel. Well, in 2018 the book should appear in Russian.

Jojo Moyes - "Still Me"

Jojo Moyes writes simple but heartfelt novels. The writer has many fans and everyone is waiting for her new works. And so, the author decided not to forget about the life of Lou Clark and wrote the third part of the story “Me Before You”.

A new novel in the original is due to be released in January 2018, entitled “Still Me.” And perhaps in a couple of months the book will hit bookstore shelves in Russian translation. The writer keeps the plot of the novel secret, but fans just want to know about the life of the simple but sympathetic Lou.

Boris Akunin is the last book in the series “The Adventures of Erast Fandorin”

On February 8, 2018, the last book about the adventures of Erast Fandorin will be published. It was on February 8, 20 years ago, that the first book about this hero, “Azazel,” was published. What will be discussed in the latest historical detective story is kept secret by the author.

The Adventures of Erast Fandorin series includes 15 books, one of which is the experimental play Yin and Yang. Films were made based on three books - “Azazel”, “Turkish Gambit” and “State Councillor”.

Before release last book There's only a little time left to wait, so it's time to re-read the entire series.

This selection of the most anticipated books of 2018 contains only a small part of all the new releases. On our website in the section you can find the latest arrivals in bookstores.

2018 is preparing many interesting releases for fans of good books. Some works from the selection have already been published English language, but are still preparing for a Russian-language publication. Some appeared on store shelves just before the New Year, and some have not yet even received a release date. But all books, without exception, have their own large audience of fans who eagerly await their release.

10th place

Bernard Werber - From the Other World

French writer Bernard Werber well known to modern readers. His books are usually devoted to the fate of both the individual himself and society as a whole. New book by the author – From the other world will tell about a writer who is investigating his own death. IN new job Werber tried to go beyond a simple thriller, looking at the life and profession of a writer from a slightly different point of view.

9th place

Joanne Rowling -

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2- This is the original script for the sequel, authored by . Unlike the play, the authorship belongs to Rowling, which means all Potter fans should get a copy of this work simply necessary.

8th place

George Martin - Fire and Blood. Volume 1

Fire and blood. Volume 1– this is 1 of 2 parts of the world guide Songs of Ice and Fire George Martin. The main content of the book will be focused on the description of the dynasty of the House of Targanyen, which has many understatements in the main cycle and will fully expand the knowledge of fans about the ancestors of Daenerys.

7th place

Haruki Murakami - Assassination of the Commander

In 7th place in the selection TOP 10 most anticipated books of 2018 there is a new work by a Japanese, but at the same time well-known in our area, writer - Haruki Murakami. Book Killing the Commander was released in Japan back in February 2017, but its Russian version will appear only in 2018. According to the plot, a young artist, living with another 92-year-old artist, often hears a strange noise in the attic. Having gone up there, he discovers a mysterious picture, after which strange things begin to happen to him.

6th place

Stephen and Owen King - Sleeping Beauties

Sleeping Beauties- This collaboration"King of Horrors" and his son. The book takes place in a women's prison where strange events occur at night. The consciousnesses of sleeping prisoners are transferred to unknown worlds, and if they are awakened, the women turn into ferocious, bloodthirsty killers.

5th place

Boris Akunin - I don't say goodbye

February 8, 2018, exactly 20 years after the publication of the first adventure book Erast Petrovich Fandorin, a new book about the famous detective will appear on store shelves. It, like , will be a collection of stories that complements the main plot. After the events of the book Black city, in which Fandorin received a bullet in the forehead, the detective turns out to be alive, but has been lying in a coma for the fourth year, and his faithful friend Masa is trying to bring him back to life.

4th place

Jonathan Stroud - Lockwood Agency & Company: The Empty Grave

Fifth and final part series teen novels Jonathan Stroud Lockwood Agency and Company will reveal all the secrets that haunted readers. Where did the Problem come from, as a result of which London was filled with evil ghosts that only children can see? Who is behind everyone mysterious events that Anthony, George and Lucy encountered? Book Empty grave will give answers to all these questions.

3rd place

George Martin - The Winds of Winter

Opens the top three in the selection TOP 10 most anticipated books of 2018 George Martin with the sixth book of the series Song of Ice and FireWinds of winter. This novel was planned to be released back in 2017, but it is still not finished. Will Martin have time to complete the work in 2018? Millions of fans sincerely hope for this, because another novel is planned ahead - Dreams of spring. But the speed of the writer’s work leaves much to be desired.

2nd place

Robert Galbraith - Deadly White

The second place is firmly held. It's no secret that Robert Galbraith is the creative pseudonym of the British writer, under which she works on detective stories. Deadly White(or Deadly white) is the fourth novel in the series. Plot details are not yet known, but this does not prevent the book from being one of the most anticipated in 2018.

1 place

  • Book review:

TOP 10 most anticipated books of 2018

  1. Dan Brown - Origin
  2. Robert Galbraith - Deadly White
  3. George Martin - Winds of winter
  4. Jonathan Stroud - Empty grave
  5. Boris Akunin - Not saying goodbye
  6. Stephen and Owen King - Sleeping Beauties
  7. Haruki Murakami - Killing the Commander
  8. George Martin - Fire and blood. Volume 1
  9. Joanne Rowling - Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 2
  10. Bernard Werber - From the other world

Last September, Stephen King's new book, co-written with his son, Owen King, was published. However, the translation of the long-awaited new product is tentatively expected only in the fall of 2018.

The plot of the novel seems truly intriguing, because we'll talk about the events taking place in the women's prison. In a very small locality Terrible, disturbing things happen: women, after falling asleep, are covered in creepy cocoons. But danger approaches after they awaken. After all, if you interrupt the sleep of sleeping beauties, their behavior becomes unpredictable and, most importantly, extremely cruel. The only one who was not affected by this curse was a girl named Evie. But what makes it different from all the others?

"From the Other World" by Bernard Werber

Bernard Werber is one of the most read and popular writers of our time. The whole world reads his books, although even at the very beginning of his creative career, the French prose writer was coldly perceived by literary critics, and his books were not in wide demand among readers due to their specificity.

But still, the writer managed to reach the hearts and minds of the literary community, writing such novels as “The Thanatanautes” and “Empire of Angels.” It is difficult to position such works as “for everyone and for everyone,” but the fact remains: Bernard Werber realized his potential.

The details of the plot are still unknown, but according to the author, this is a story about a writer who took up the study own death. It will touch on many aspects of writing and, as is already clear from the description, will touch upon the topic afterlife, in which Werber himself has the greatest interest.

"Still Me" Jojo Moyes

Jojo Moyes - English writer and journalist, to a greater extent specializing in romantic prose.

Thanks to her novels, written with warmth and emotion, Jojo Moyes found world fame and status as an international bestselling author.

Her new book continues the story of Lou Clark, the heroine of Me Before You. The third part of the series should be published in English now, but it is expected that the translation of the book into Russian will not take long. The plot of the novel is still in top secret, but as promised, the book must live up to the expectations of loyal readers.

"Turtles in Descending Order" by John Green

John Green is a popular writer of youth prose, author of the acclaimed novel The Fault in Our Stars. His new book immediately received flattering reviews from literary critics, thanks to its sincerity, truthfulness, artistic thoughtfulness and depth. Already now it new novel considered the most serious of all his works.

In the center of the story is 16-year-old Asa Holmes, who has set herself the goal of finding a missing man, a very influential moneybag, for whose finding an impressive monetary reward is guaranteed.

This is a story of friendship, love, youthful attitude through the prism of confrontation main character with his own illness - obsessive-compulsive disorder, which prevents him from living a normal, ordinary life. A book in which American author world bestsellers used all his best writing skills and abilities.

"Fire and blood. Volume 1 by George R.R. Martin

George Martin - American science fiction writer, winner of many literary prizes, famous primarily for his “Song of Ice and Fire” series. The writer’s work has become so widely revered that in 2011 Time magazine included Martin in the list of the most influential people in the world, and fantasy fans tirelessly compare him to John Tolkien himself.