Please advise what I can read. Valery Panyushkin “Revolt of Consumers”

Whether the weather is good or bad, there is no nicer and more interesting activity than sitting on a cozy sofa, surrounded by pillows, with a cup of hot tea at hand and, most importantly, a fascinating book before your eyes. We all love a good story, an epic story, a sob story, a story that will pull us into the whirlpool of its events, fascinate us with ornate phrases and make us forget about the real world, real people and real problems for an hour or two, or even for the whole day.

Books give us the chance to experience unprecedented adventures with a wide variety of characters, to experience feelings previously inaccessible to us, to visit unprecedented and sometimes non-existent lands. One book can last you a day or a week, depending on how fast you read it. However, it nevertheless takes a lot of time, and this hobby requires a lot of money. Therefore, every really good book is worth its weight in gold, because it more than pays for all costs, while mediocre or obviously weak literature only spoils the mood and makes you regret the time and money spent on it. We bring you the most interesting books to read that can be purchased on the shelves of our local stores.

Planet Water, Boris Akunin

It's impossible to miss with Akunin. All his books, whether novels or historical essays, captivate you from the very first minutes with their smooth narrative language and fascinating plot. “Planet Water” continues a series of detective novels about the beloved character Erast Fandorin, who during his eventful life managed to uncover many crimes and conspiracies, as well as visit various parts of the planet, including mysterious Japan, where he learned the art of ninjutsu and found a faithful Masu's friend and assistant. However, the funny valet does not play a big role in this book. It consists of three stories, three new adventures of Erast with the corresponding subtitle “The Adventures of Erast Fandorin in the 20th Century.”

Paper Towns, John Green

The author of the piercingly tragic novel “The Fault in Our Stars,” John Green, has already managed to win a whole army of fans. So it's no surprise that Paper Towns was an immediate best-seller and flew off the shelves at record speed. The book tells the story of teenager Q Jacobsen and his mysterious neighbor, Margot Spiegelman, for whom he has had feelings for many years. When one day Margot invites him to participate in a punitive operation against her offenders, Q immediately agrees. But after this enterprise, Margot suddenly disappears, leaving behind only a trail of notes and subtle hints. Like all the most interesting books, “Paper Towns” received a film adaptation, in which the leading role was played by the famous supermodel Cara Delevingne.

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and his years of wanderings, Haruki Murakami.

Haruki Murakami is without a doubt one of the top 100 authors you need to read at least once in your life. Like most Japanese writers, Murakami gives his books a special philosophical atmosphere, full of thoughts and inner experiences of the hero, whose thoughts you simply cannot tear yourself away from. Every word is a revelation, every event has its own meaning, every detail adds additional meaning to the story. Tsukuru Tazaki is a colorless man whose life one day took a sharp turn and quickly went downhill when all his friends turned their backs on him for no reason. Many years later, the already adult Tsukuru decides to find out exactly when and what exactly went wrong in his life, going first to Nagoya, and later even to distant Finland.

The Martian, Andy Weir

You know you've stumbled upon a worthwhile book when you're greeted with quotes like "Duct tape works anywhere and everywhere. Duct tape is a gift from the gods, it should be worshiped" and "It's not as bad as it seems. I mean, I'm still screwed . Just not that deep." And there are plenty of such pearls in the book. Andy Weir's sci-fi book, which won a film adaptation, does not try to amaze the reader with beautiful speech patterns or cheap action; it takes a completely different course. Mark Watney was left on Mars during the evacuation, presumed dead. Waking up completely alone and without contact with Earth, Mark had no choice but to try to survive on an alien planet, using all the available means in his arsenal.

Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts

Published in Russian in 2010, Shantaram takes pride of place in the list of the top 100 best books of all time. The plot tells the story of an Australian who escaped from prison, a former drug addict and robber. With the help of a false passport and the name Lindsay Ford, he ends up in Bombay, where he begins a completely new life, full of adventures, misadventures and all sorts of difficulties. In the book, the experiences of the main character himself, his thoughts, wise sayings of his friends and, of course, descriptions of an exotic country and its inhabitants are intertwined in an amazing mix. On February 5, the sequel to the book with the intriguing title “Shadow of the Mountain” comes out.

After you, Jojo Moyes

"After You" is a continuation of the novel "Me Before You", telling about the further life of the main character, Lou Clark, after the death of her loved one. Trying to forget about him and open a new page in her life, Lou returns home and finds sympathy and understanding in a psychological support group among the same people who share with her the severity of her situation and her deep experiences. Thanks to them, Lou meets emergency physician Sam Fielding and a mutual understanding arises between them. But despite the sympathy that Lou feels for her new acquaintance, she is still not sure that she can move on and fall in love again. According to the author himself, “After You” is an unplanned book, but Lou’s fate simply did not leave her alone, as, quite likely, many fans of the first book.

The Mysterious Case of Billy Milligan, Daniel Keyes

A master of the psychological novel, author of the late 20th century masterpiece Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes continues to explore the mysteries of the human mind. Based on the story of a very real man, Billy Milligan, who suffered from multiple personality disorder, Keyes created a truly amazing and goosebump-inducing novel about the horror of sharing your body with another consciousness and losing months, even years of your life in oblivion, while someone else, standing at the helm, commits completely unthinkable acts. The main character, like his real-life prototype, was accused of crimes that he did not commit. And until he was arrested, no one even suspected what kind of chaos and what kind of struggle for a place in the sun was going on in Billy Milligan’s head.

The Year We Met, Cecilia Ahern

The queen of sentimental romance, Cecilia Ahern, once again delights her fans with not only a touching love story, but also food for thought. Jessmine, the main character, had everything her heart could desire - a great job, friends and family. But all this changed overnight when she was suddenly fired and left without work for a whole year. However, the girl does not lose heart and takes on all sorts of small chores around the house, takes care of the garden, makes new acquaintances and builds relationships. Jesmine's adventures give you the opportunity to look at your own life from a different angle and learn something new about yourself that you had never suspected before.

All the Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr

Reading about war is not easy, writing about war is even more difficult. However, Anthony Doerr took on this task without fear and, after many years of reflection, brought to light The Light We Invisible, which immediately became a bestseller and was awarded a Pulitzer Prize. The plot follows the lives of two completely different characters, a shy German boy and a blind French girl, who, despite the war raging around them, fight for survival and for the right to grow and be happy, while trying to maintain their humanity and not lose loved ones.

The Girl on the Train, Paula Hawkins

A gripping detective thriller by former journalist Paula Hawkins, it immediately gained great popularity upon release and held a leading position on The New York Times bestseller list for 14 weeks. Rachel often watches from the train window one seemingly painfully perfect family, husband and wife, whom she named Jess and Jason. But one day the beautiful picture is shattered when Rachel notices something shocking while driving by, after which Jess disappears. Rachel is confident she can find out what happened to Jess, but isn't sure if she should interfere in someone else's life.

We hasten to remind you that these are not all the interesting books to read that you can purchase. These are just a few suggestions based on the best seller list at local stores. Don’t be afraid to experiment and perhaps, unexpectedly for yourself, you will greatly expand your horizons and learn something new about yourself.

Mikhail Bulgakov: The Master and Margarita

A volume of Mikhail Bulgakov standing on a bookshelf testifies to the good taste of the reader. It is no coincidence that what this author wrote survived the death of Soviet literature without loss and today is read as a continuation of the golden fund of Russian classics of the 19th century. Fascinating plots (“fantasy, rooted in everyday life”), vivid images, moral problems raised to a universal scale - all this makes you return to what you read again and again.

Marquez Garcia: One Hundred Years of Solitude

One of the greatest books of the twentieth century. A strange, poetic, whimsical story of the city of Macondo, lost in the jungle - from creation to decline. The story of the Buendia family - a family in which miracles are so everyday that they are not even noticed. The Buendia clan produces saints and sinners, revolutionaries, heroes and traitors, dashing adventurers - and women too beautiful for ordinary life. Extraordinary passions boil within it - and incredible events occur.

George Orwell: 1984. Animal Farm

“1984” A kind of antipode to the second great dystopia of the 20th century - “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley. What, in essence, is more terrible: a “consumer society” taken to the point of absurdity, or a “society of ideas” taken to the absolute? According to Orwell, there is and cannot be anything more terrible than total lack of freedom... “Animal Farm” A parable full of humor and sarcasm. Can a humble farm become a symbol of a totalitarian society? Of course yes. But... how will this society be seen by its “citizens” - animals doomed to slaughter.

Herman Melville: Moby Dick, or the White Whale

Herman Melville is a writer and sailor, in whose work and fate the experience of a traveler and the mythopoetic worldview of the artist surprisingly organically melted. Awareness of the magnitude of Melville’s talent did not come immediately, and only a quarter of a century after the writer’s death did the outlines of the enormous contribution that he made to the treasury of world literature become visible. Melville's work - the grandiose "Moby Dick" - became one of the pinnacles of American literature.

Francis Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby” is the most famous novel by Francis Fitzgerald, which has become a symbol of the “Jazz Age”. America, 1925, the time of Prohibition and gang wars, bright lights and vibrant life. But for Jay Gatsby the embodimentAmerican dreamturned into a real tragedy. And the path to the top, despite fame and wealth, led to total collapse. After all, each of us primarily strives not for material wealth, but for love, true and eternal...

Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment” is a novel about one crime. A double murder committed by a poor student for money. It is difficult to find a simpler plot, but the intellectual and spiritual shock that the novel produces is indelible. And the question that the main character set himself to decide: “Am I a trembling creature or do I have the right?” - horrifies.Abyssthe writer explores falls in order to rise to the heights of the spirit.

Ray Bradbury: Dandelion Wine

Dandelion wine“Ray Bradbury is a classic work that is included in the golden fund of world literature.Enter the bright world of a twelve-year-old boy and live with him one summer, filled with joyful and sad, mysterious and alarming events; summer, when amazing discoveries are made every day, the main thing of which is that you are alive, you breathe, you feel!

Daniel Keyes: Flowers for Algernon

This fantastic story has amazing psychological power and makes us think about universal questions of morality: do we have the right to experiment on each other, what results can this lead to, and what price are we willing to pay to become “the smartest.” What about the lonely?

Alexander Pushkin: Evgeniy Onegin

Novel "Eugene Onegin– “encyclopedia of Russian life” – presented in thisbookwith the famous comments by Yu.M. Lotman, allowing the reader to better understand the spirit and morals of the era and the novel, the heroes of which have been loved by readers for the third century. The book is illustrated with drawings by A.S. Pushkin, made by the poet on the handwritten pages of the novel.

Ernest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea. Across the river, in the shade of the trees

The story “The Old Man and the Sea” is one of Hemingway’s most famous and beloved works by readers. It brought the author a Pulitzer Prize and also played an important role in awarding him the title of Nobel laureate. This is a story about “tragic stoicism” and courage, about how, in the face of a ruthless fate and loneliness, a person, even losing, must maintain dignity.

Jonathan Swift: The Travels of Lemuel Gulliver

Gulliver's Travels is Jonathan Swift's most significant work. At first glance, similar to a funny fairy tale, “Gulliver’s Travels” is an allegory, a parable, the author of which is a ruthless and brilliant master of words, ridiculing human and social vices. Masterfully using all shades of the funny, from good-natured humor and gentle irony to angry sarcasm and poisonous ridicule, Swift created one of the greatest satirical books in world literature.

Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace

“War and Peace” by Tolstoy is a book for all times. It seems that it has always existed, the text seems so familiar, as soon as we open the first pages of the novel, many of its episodes are so memorable: the hunt and Christmastide, Natasha Rostova’s first ball, a moonlit night in Otradnoye, Prince Andrei at the battle of Austerlitz... Scenes of “peace” , family life are replaced by pictures that are significant for the course of all world history, but for Tolstoy they are equivalent, connected in a single stream of time.

Margaret Mitchell: Gone with the Wind

Gone with the Wind is the only novel by Margaret Mitchell (1900-1949) for which she, a writer, emancipist and women's rights activist, received a Pulitzer Prize. This is a book about what makes us live and fight - no matter what is happening around us. For more than 70 years we have been reading this novel, for more than 70 years we have been admiring Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable in the film adaptation - and the story does not become outdated. Most likely, it is eternal.

Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita

Lolita” was published in 1955. Having caused a scandal on both sides of the ocean, this book raisedauthorto the top of the literary Olympus and became one of the most famous and, without a doubt, the greatest works of the 20th century. Today, when the polemical passions around “Lolita” have long subsided, we can confidently say that this is a book about great love that has overcome illness, death and time, love open to infinity, “loveat first sight, from the last glance, from the eternal glance.”

Daniel Defoe: The Life and Amazing Adventures of the Sailor Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe's famous novel was published almost 300 years ago. But even now, after many, many decades, the exciting adventures of Robinson Crusoe still captivate readers. The life of a sailor, who by chance finds himself on a desert island, is full of amazing events. And how many difficulties befall him!

Alexandre Dumas: The Three Musketeers

Where can a poor Gascon nobleman go if all he has is courage, a noble heart and ambition? Well of course inParis! And of course, such a brave man belongs among the royal musketeers. However, the honor of being in this privileged regiment must still be earned, and the surest way... is to make powerful enemies and make friends. D'Artagnan brilliantly succeeded in doing both...

Ilf, Petrov: Twelve chairs

The famous feuilleton novel by Ilf and Petrov “The twelve Chairs ” was first published in 1928. The story of two swindlers who set out in search of Madame Petukhova’s diamonds brought the authors unprecedented success. But few know that one of the most popular works of RussianliteratureThe twentieth century, which went through hundreds of successful reprints, was distorted by Soviet censorship: not only individual phrases and episodes, but also entire chapters were not allowed to be published.

Ray Bradbury: 451° Fahrenheit

“Fahrenheit 451” is a novel that brought the writer world fame. 451° Fahrenheit is the temperature at which paper ignites and burns. Ray Bradbury's philosophical dystopia paints a hopeless picture of the development of post-industrial society; this is the world of the future, in which all written publications are mercilessly destroyed by a special detachment of firefighters, and the possession of books is prosecuted by law, interactive television successfully serves to fool everyone...

Charles Dickens: The Life of David Copperfield as Told by Himself

The novel by the great English writer has won the love and recognition of readers all over the world. Largely autobiographical, this novel tells the story of a boy forced to fight alone against a cruel, bleak world inhabited by evil teachers, selfish factory owners and soulless servants of the law. In this war, David can only be saved by moral strength, purity of heart and talent that can turn a ragamuffin into the greatest writer in England.

Jules Verne: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

One of the most fascinating novels by J. Verne. Scientist biologist Pierre Aronnax and harpooner Ned Land go in search of strange fish spotted by sailors in different parts of the world. The mysterious creature turns out to be a submarine designed by the mysterious Captain Nemo.

Arthur Doyle: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

The English writer and journalist Arthur Conan Doyle is the author of historical, adventure, fantasy novels and works on spiritualism, but he entered world literature as the creator of the Greatest Detective of all times - Sherlock Holmes. A noble and fearless fighter against Evil, possessing a sharp mind and extraordinary powers of observation, the detective uses his deductive method to solve the most intricate puzzles, often saving human lives.

The tale of the modern classic Leonid Filatov is the best book for family reading, half of the text of which has already been parsed into aphorisms and anecdotes. Here is the first fully illustrated edition. Characteristic characters, witty mise-en-scène - one of the most striking books of the twentieth century is finally being published in a wonderful design.

Antoine Saint-Exupéry: The Little Prince

A touching, kind and philosophical work by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry with original drawings. A book addressed to children will accompany you throughout your life, each time revealing itself in a new way.

Strugatsky, Strugatsky: It's hard to be a god

Perhaps the most famous of the works of the Strugatsky brothers. One of the most famous stories of Russian science fiction. A fascinating, dramatic story of the life, love and adventures of “Don Rumata” from the kingdom of Arkanar on a distant planet - a knight with two swords, under whose name Anton, a resident from the planet Earth of the 22nd century, is hiding.

Lewis Carroll: Alice in Wonderland

We talk about books of different genres that you can read for your soul. These works will definitely not leave you indifferent.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Well, when else, if not in winter, should you ask yourself what to read for your soul? When you're tired of TV and social media, it's time to pick up a book. And we will tell you what you can read.

R. Bradbury “Dandelion Wine”. Cold winter evenings make us remember the gentle summer. Fresh air, birdsong, a warm river, golden sunlight - this is exactly the atmosphere this work will immerse you in. Together with the main character - a 12-year-old boy - you will live a carefree summer full of discoveries, sad and joyful events, and pleasant impressions.

T. Pratchett “The Unadorned Cat”. No politics, no drama, just Their Majesties Cats. This book is a small encyclopedia that talks about the life and essence of cats in an easy manner. “Cat Without Embellishment” will allow you to while away the evening in a warm, cozy atmosphere, and maybe you will even learn a lot of interesting things about mustachioed pets.

A. Exupery “The Little Prince”. This is an allegorical fairy tale, which, despite the genre, is dedicated to adults. Together with the wonderful Little Prince, you will go on a journey across the planets and learn to look at familiar things from a different angle.

This is a work of modern literature. This novel tells about the girl Liesel living during the Second World War. It is interesting that the narrative is told from the perspective of Death, and in Zusak’s book this is a male character.

Ken Kesey "Over the Cuckoo's Nest". We tried to include works of different genres in this selection, and it’s up to you to choose which book to read. “Over the Cuckoo's Nest” is a serious work, the characters of which are in a psychiatric clinic. The silence of hospital corridors and boring procedures reigns here, but everything changes with the appearance of Patrick McMurphy. This naughty hooligan turns everything in the clinic upside down, not allowing his fellow sufferers to obediently bow to the outside world.

B. Pasternak "Doctor Zhivago". This book can also be read for the soul, but it is quite sad. The novel shows how historical events (in this case, the Civil War and Revolution) influence the fate of an ordinary person who, by chance, finds himself in their center.

Stephen King "Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption" This is the story of how the main character, wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, ends up in Shawshank Prison, where corruption and violence are rampant. The book is considered one of the best in King's work.

M. Hansen, D. Canfield, E. Newmark “Chicken Soup for the Soul. 101 best stories". If you have never come across the “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series of books, we recommend that you pay attention to it. The series includes several books, each of which is a collection of stories about different people. You will learn about a boy from a simple family who met three presidents, about an actress who became happy thanks to cancer, about a girl who sold more than forty thousand cookies for her mother’s dream. Here are amazing stories of ordinary people in whose lives something incredible happened, and you definitely won’t be able to tear yourself away from them.

It's no secret that women love to read for the soul. Most representatives of the fair half of humanity love to read about love. Romance novels are also designed for a certain circle of readers, but if you want to read better and more interesting works, then you should pay attention to the following books:

  • Maya Kucherskaya “Aunt Motya” is a classic novel about love, betrayal and emotions;
  • Haruki Murakami's “Norwegian Wood” is a novel about friendship, love and conscience;
  • Chingiz Aitmatov “Djamilya” is a novel about love with gorgeous descriptions of steppes and mountains;
  • Janusz Wisniewski “Loneliness on the Internet” is a novel about the modern world and the position of one person in it.
  • John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Mistress. A lot of good things are written in this novel. The author leads the reader to the fact that conscience is an individual choice of each person.

Maybe we are spending our lives on the wrong things? Or do we value worthless things? The life of the dying Lillian teaches readers the importance of time.

Anne Frank "Refuge" Diary in letters". The book presents the diary of a little girl who kept it in Amsterdam, hiding with her family from the Nazis. This is a tragedy of the twentieth century, which was reflected in the notes of a fifteen-year-old girl.

Vladimir Nabokov "Lolita". This work can be treated with contempt or with admiration. There is no third. A novel that shook up society and became popular on both sides of the ocean.

The reader himself chooses what literature to read, domestic or foreign. You can choose very interesting books from foreign literature. Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice is admired by readers around the world. This is a love story that stands a level above all other novels in this category.

Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. The novel will take you to England, where the girl fell in love with her cousin. This novel still remains a mystery.

Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe". The text of this book is divided into quotations. The love story that develops in Nazi-occupied Paris cannot leave the reader indifferent. Paris, two lovers and doom are the main directions of the book.

Victor Hugo "Notre Dame Cathedral" The novel is also recommended for reading, because this book has withstood centuries and has not lost its popularity. A story about what can stand in the way of love.

Margaret Mitchell "Gone with the Wind" The novel remains a sought-after work decades later. If you are looking for a woman to look up to, then this novel is for you. The main character Scarlett O'Hara deserves to be succeeded by women with diametrically opposed social views. thorn bush". Family saga of an Australian writer. This is a story about the Cleary family, about their sorrows and joys, about ups and downs, but the main feeling that permeates the entire novel is true and pure love.

Françoise Sagan "Hello, sadness". This is a novel about the experiences of a young girl, Cecile. She spent some time in a monastery, and upon returning to her father, she plunges into a bohemian life without rules. Until one day their mother’s friend appears in their lives, an intelligent and beautiful woman with her own moral values.

Mikhail Shishkin "Writer". The book is a correspondence between two lovers. The hero writes from the war, in which he takes part in a campaign against the Chinese. The girl writes from a “civilian” background. Soon the reader understands that the lovers correspond, but do not hear each other, and they live in different times...

Russian classics have a lot of interesting things about love. For example, Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina has been filmed many times. Performances were staged based on its plot. A story about passion, love, which has destructive power, makes the main characters live through the experiences.

What books today can be safely included in the top most interesting books and how is this determined? Let's try to figure it out. Now, in the age of rapidly developing technologies and rapidly growing capital, the literature that was popular half a century ago is far from always relevant. Nevertheless, the unshakable classics remain as such: Shakespeare, Goethe or Dostoevsky are read with pleasure to this day. Most of their works are certainly relevant and interesting books for the modern reader. Also, let's not forget about the famous masters of the twentieth century - the era of post-modernism, which also now claims to be called classics, and not without reason, by the way. Authors such as Ray Bradbury, George Orwell, Bulgakov and Remarque remain popular today. So, if you are looking for very interesting books, do not pass by the classics of the 20th century.

What about today? And today, world and domestic literature is not only not inferior to the past, but for the modern reader it often turns out to be even more exciting and thoughtful than the literature of the past. There are top Western authors, like King, whose books become hits with enviable speed after their release. There are also ours, such as Pelevin, who regularly write interesting books to read which, however, need to have developed intelligence and imagination. In general, both the past and the present are rich in interesting books that are worth reading, if only you have the desire.

How to find a list of the most interesting books for yourself?

A list of books is works sorted into separate lists according to certain criteria. Here you will find both the best novels most loved by readers, and a list of the worst. Based on the lists, you can find the most interesting books. Discover works you haven't read yet. Choose a list of interesting books to suit your taste, and among the already favorite novels you will definitely find something new!

Today there are more than 129 million books in the world. It would not take several generations to read them all. Therefore, I have compiled a list for you of 10 must-read books in 2019. Take the time - it's worth it.

A few weeks before the election, a popular talk show host mysteriously disappears. Among the suspects are all Ukrainian presidential candidates. This could very well happen in reality. But for now, this is just the plot of the political detective story “Caesari.” The dense dynamic action of the book is only a cover for a subtle satire on the entire Ukrainian politics and the search for answers to eternal questions that have long worried Ukrainians.

This novel by Colombian Marquez is well known all over the world. The work, written in the direction of magical realism, has been translated into more than 35 languages. If you have not yet had time to enjoy the lines of the book “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” we advise you to still read it. The novel is quite extensive and consists of twenty chapters, describing a long story looped in time. It all starts with the founding of the village of Macondo, and then the author talks about the people, their destinies, the development and decline of the village. Despite its volume and many plot lines, the novel is read in one breath and is incredibly captivating.

Among the best examples of world literature, there was a place on our list for a book that was published in 2015. In this book, close and well-recognized characters, intertwined with the realities of our lives, transform the fairy tale genre, actually creating a new direction - “fairy tales for adults.” Light and sophisticated style, exciting storylines, philosophical reflections on eternal questions and unexpected allusions - all this distinguishes “Fairy Tales for Adult Children” among modern (and not only) literature.

This detective novel is the first book in Larson's Millennium trilogy. The work begins with Mikael Blomkvist, a journalist for the Swedish political magazine Millennium, losing a lawsuit and having to serve three months in prison. But soon Blomkvist receives an offer to conduct a rather complicated investigation, and he agrees. From this moment the fun begins. The book has it all: riddles to be solved, the influence of money, disappointments and love.

This book is a science fiction story about mentally retarded Charlie Gordon, who at the age of 37 works as a floor cleaner and one day agrees to participate in an experiment to improve his intelligence. A similar experiment has already been successfully carried out on a mouse named Algernon, so why not conduct the same on a person? After surgery, Charlie's life gradually changes, he learns to read, write, and becomes much smarter. But what happens if the hero becomes smarter than the professors who worked on his intelligence? And what will happen if Charlie realizes that any rise ends in a fall, and progress is characterized by regression...

Echoes of this story - the theme of duality - can be seen in many films and read in hundreds of other books. The story in the book tells about Dr. Jekyll, who suddenly began to often lock himself in his office, refuse to go out into the world, and, moreover, address people in a strange voice. At the same time, a certain Mr. Hyde appears in the city, who calmly commits atrocities and disappears. We advise you to definitely read this story, written with a touch of science fiction.

"Shantaram" is partly an autobiographical novel: the characters in the book are fictional, but the events are real. The action of the work takes place in India in the 80s of the last century. The plot describes the hero, a former drug addict and robber, who escaped from an Australian prison and ended up in Bombay. There he receives the name “Shantaram”, which means “peaceful person”. It is better to read for yourself what will happen to the hero next. The book is fascinating.

The book describes the coming of age story of the young maximalist and idealist Holden Caulfield. An angry, touchy, somewhat wild, somewhat confused, sincere and vulnerable boy. What can a story about him teach the reader? Perhaps to show the reality in which we all live.

The book tells about a young and beautiful guy Dorian, who absolutely does not want to grow old. One day, the talented artist Basil Hallward paints an incredibly beautiful portrait of a young man, after looking at which Dorian Gray expresses a desire to remain forever young, even if it would be better for the man in this picture to grow old. This is what happens. With every terrible thing Dorian does in life, the Dorian on canvas becomes older and uglier. The story ends tragically. “The Picture of Dorian Gray” is really worth reading, it perfectly reveals the psychology of narcissism.

Friends, what to do if all the books have already been read? Then it's time to go on a trip! Choose and discover the amazing beauty of our country.