Golden city under water. Cities that went under water

These Atlantis have been waiting in the wings for thousands of years to be explored and told about them to the world. In the meantime, these are unique diving spots.

For centuries, humanity has been dreaming of finding the mythical Atlantis, and depths of the sea full of ruins of absolutely real cities. Some of them once destroyed thousands of people under their rubble, others were abandoned and forgotten. Architectural monuments of ancient civilizations and empires lie dormant under a thick layer of silt. Many have been explored and protected by UNESCO, while most have been waiting in the wings for thousands of years.

Heraklion-Thonis, Egypt

Heraklion, or Thonis, is famous for its numerous historical finds. In this underwater city, resting at a 50-meter depth in the Gulf of Abu Qir, where the Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea, household items, jewelry, ruins of palaces and temples, ancient statues were found under a layer of sand... In addition, in 6 km from the coast to this day the wreckage of 64 Egyptian ships rests. According to the famous underwater archaeologist Frank Goddio, it could take up to 200 years to study all the underwater artifacts! Most of the finds were preserved in good condition, despite being underwater for 2000 years.

The underwater city was named after one of the artifacts - a slab on which it was written that it should be erected in “Herakleion-Thonis”. Double title the city owes its rich Greco-Egyptian history. Heraklion is a Greek name: according to the mention of Herodotus, the heroine of the myths, Helen the Beautiful, with her beloved Paris, fled to Heraklion from the just wrath of her husband, the Spartan king Menelaus. The Roman part of history is notable for the fact that the famous Cleopatra was crowned in the city of Thonis - as the Egyptians called it.

One of the most popular versions of the disappearance of the city under water is an earthquake that led to a tsunami.

Samabah, Guatemala

The city of Samabah rests in the depths of the beautiful Lake Atitlan, surrounded by three volcanoes. The lake is considered sacred - according to legend, the first Mayans came out of it. Traces of several buildings were found at a depth of 30 m different sizes and an ancient temple with preserved the main staircase. The flooded buildings date back to the period when the Mayan state had not yet reached its greatest prosperity - 250 AD. e. In addition, ceramics were found, including altars and censers, as well as several steles decorated with carvings. This confirms the scientists' guess that the city was a Mayan religious center.

Found ceramics indicate that the residents left their houses in a hurry, abandoning all their property. Scientists suggest that the city sank to the bottom about 2000 years ago as a result of volcanic activity.

Samabah was discovered by archaeologist and diver Roberto Samayoa during one of his amateur dives. The first part of the name, “sam,” comes from the surname of the discoverer, and the second, “abah,” means “stone” in Mayan language. Samabah is included in the tourist route to the main Mayan cities in Guatemala.

Dwarka, India

Dwarka is another city of legends. This city is mentioned as the capital of the god Krishna in the Puranas and the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian epic. Legend has it that Dwaraka was built in one night at the behest of Krishna. According to legend, the capital existed for about 10,000 years, and seven days after the death of Krishna, the city was swallowed up by the sea.

In ancient legends, Dwarka is described as a very rich and unusually beautiful capital: “... the city was built in the middle of the sea: it had straight roads, wide streets and alleys, as well wonderful gardens and parks where... wishing trees grew. There were many palaces and gates in the city... Almost all the palaces were unusually high.”

We found it almost by accident. In the late 90s, Indian archaeologists explored the tidal zone in the Banapur area and discovered the remains of a stone wall that were almost invisible in the sea. When scientists continued their search with underwater equipment, at a depth of 7 to 40 m, the ruins of an ancient city were found: walls, buildings and temples, paved roads, sculptures, coins. Underwater excavations were new to India at that time, but research continued until funding problems arose.

Shi-Chen, China

The uniqueness of the underwater city of Shi-Chen (translated as “City of the Lion”) is that it owes its appearance not to nature, but to man. About 50 years ago, the Chinese authorities built a hydroelectric dam, for which 377 villages and 27 cities were flooded, and 300,000 people were resettled in other cities.

Surprisingly, while the ancient city of Shi-Chen stood on the surface, no one was interested in it. And it is the formation of the artificial lake Qingdao that the Lion City owes its fame as one of the most beautiful underwater cities. In addition, the waters of the purest fresh lake have become favorable environment to preserve historical material. Scientists believe that relics are better preserved underwater, so they are not brought to the surface.

The buildings of the city of Shi-Chen date back to 621 AD. e., but in the same lake an even more ancient city of He-Chen, founded in 208 AD, was discovered. e. It is now known that the lake hides about three more cities, but exploring the underwater depths is a very expensive and time-consuming process. But at the site where Shi-Chen and He-Chen were discovered, the Chinese Ministry of Tourism built a diving center and anyone can see ancient ruins with my own eyes.

Other cities destroyed by people are in ours.

Bailly, Italy

Also one of the favorite places for divers. On the site of the found city, the Bayi underwater archaeological park was built. Part of the park, including the castle of Bailly and the half-submerged temple of Serapis, is located on land, the other is at a depth of 3 m to 24 m. Divers can “walk” along the underwater streets, visit Nero’s villa and even swim into the Roman baths, built about 1,500 years ago. .

The city was famous for its hot springs, which contributed to its prosperity as an ancient “spa resort”. Thermal baths at that time were valued not only for medicinal properties, but also as an opportunity to have an interesting time, they even hosted political clubs. And the residents of this city knew a lot about entertainment - the resort city wasted its life in feasts and pleasures. Seneca even called the city “the hotel of all vices.” It has been established that once rich and beautiful, Bailly was sacked by the Saracens and after that, abandoned and deserted, it gradually sank under water as a result of volcanic activity.

Port Royal, Jamaica

The sunken city of Port Royal did not reveal ancient palaces and statues of ancient deities to scientists - it is of interest to others. Founded by the Spaniards in the 16th century, Port Royal was a center of trade in the Caribbean, and after passing from the Spaniards to the British, it became a “pirate Babylon.” The gangs that took a fancy to the city turned it into a brothel with taverns and brothels. The slave trade flourished here. Therefore, the earthquake that occurred in 1692, which almost completely flooded the city of many thousands, was considered by contemporaries to be God's punishment for debauchery. About the tsunami that destroyed many cities on the planet.

In 1959 and 1966, American archaeologists organized expeditions to the sunken port, but the valuables remaining after the raids were of exclusively historical interest. Scientists discovered remains of food and drink, from which it was possible to establish what they ate and drank at that time. Life can also be judged from the found tobacco leaves, smoking pipes, rum distillation apparatus, historical documents, maps and silver jewelry.

There are currently several projects under development to upgrade the underwater city into a tourist attraction.

Pavlopetri, Greece

Pavlopetri is unique in that it is the first underwater city discovered by archaeologists. It is very ancient - artifacts found indicate that the first settlement on this site dates back to the Aegean civilization, dating back to 3000-1000 BC. On an area of ​​30,000 m2, scientists found the remains of residential and religious buildings, as well as a cemetery. It is believed that the city suffered from numerous earthquakes, as a result of which it was flooded.

The underwater ruins are located at a depth of 3-4 m in the south of mainland Greece, in Laconia, near the city of Pavlopetri, which gave the name to the underwater city. What was the name of the city in ancient times, as well as the dominant form government structure have not yet been determined. Scientists suggest that it was a major port center. According to Dr. John Henderson, director of underwater research, this is “one of the few places in the world where you can literally swim along the sunken streets of an ancient city and peer with curiosity into one of the graves.”

It is believed that modern scientists have explored no more than five percent of the underwater depths, and no one knows how many mysteries are stored at the bottom of the ocean. Ancient cities that went under water and were wiped off the face of the earth as a result of various cataclysms are reliably hidden in sea ​​abyss. Their unsolved secrets, which are important for humanity, are also kept there.

Mythical Atlantis

Everyone knows the ancient myth about a continent with a technologically advanced civilization that sank millions of years ago. Thousands of scientists all over the world are trying to find out whether it really existed or is it just a beautiful legend that has survived to this day. And if the continent really went under water, then everyone is worried about its final resting place. However, not a single discovered artifact has yet lifted the veil of this mysterious story.

In our article we will pay attention to real ancient cities that went under water in different time periods.

Ruins near Japan

Not all sunken monuments have been found by scientists, and the ruins discovered by an ordinary diver near the Yonaguni Islands are bright that confirmation. In 1987, a gigantic complex consisting of a stadium, many buildings, and roads became a real sensation in the scientific world. Researchers involved in marine geology have found that the sunken city, which received the name of the islands and went into the abyss after destructive earthquake and the subsequent tsunami, approximately five thousand years.

Numerous claims that the exceptional find was the work of nature itself were found to be erroneous after the discovery of monumental blocks with holes correct form, and immaculately smooth steps, clearly processed by man. The same ruins, which were previously huge terraces, were discovered on the surface of the island itself.

Ancient cities that went under water. The Hidden History of Civilization

The underwater monument, located at a depth of twenty-five meters and called Japanese Atlantis, is not protected by the authorities, who did not consider it necessary to give the sunken city a special status. Now this place has become a favorite for all divers interested in the strange structure. There really is something to look at: perfectly straight blocks are covered with mysterious ornaments, one of the giant platforms was a pool carved from stone, a sculpture found next to the monument resembles a sitting Egyptian Sphinx, and a carved head on a round boulder is peering intently somewhere.

Numerous tablets discovered nearby are covered with strange writings, a little reminiscent of By the way, not a single message has been deciphered yet, although scientists agree that it is on the stone relics that the history of the sunken as a result is engraved natural disaster ancient building. Cities that have sunk under water, well preserved at the bottom, become clear evidence of the existence of developed civilizations that perished as a result of natural disasters.

Ancient relics of Greek Pavlopetri

The oldest city, discovered by archaeologists in 1968, was perfectly preserved at the beginning of the 20th century, a geologist from Athens, for a long time engaged in research, told the government the location of the ancient city that went under water as a result of the earthquake. And only almost seventy years later, the famous oceanographer, together with an archaeological group, discovered at shallow depths not only sunken buildings with streets, but also tombs dating back to the Mycenaean period, which gave the world ancient myths.

The University of Cambridge became interested in the find, determining that the city was inhabited back in the 9th century BC. However, there is still debate about the age of the ruins found, because some objects raised from the water turned out to be much older than was established by scientists.

Amazing discovery

The uniqueness of Pavlopetri lies in the fact that the previously discovered ancient cities that went under water did not trade with the Mediterranean countries, and their harbors did not become a busy port. A prosperous and comfortable city, not marked on any map, occupied large area about thirty thousand square meters. In a flooded large settlement, divers found Big hall, used for meetings and called megaron. Thus, it was established that the port city was governed by a government chosen by the residents, and the amazing discovery provided a glimpse into the life of the ancient Greeks. The place that became main point transport interchanges, with a developed culture and writing, stood out among other underwater cities.

Historical monument of world significance

Researchers found two-story buildings, a temple, a market square, and even plumbing with toilets. Currently considered a monument of world significance, the buildings buried under the depths of the sea, discovered after a unique find, were not so ancient and not so well researched. In this case, the sensation was the age of Pavlopetri, which sank to the bottom even before Plato spoke in his writings about the tragic end of the mysterious Atlantis. Some scholars suggest that the philosopher knew about the fate of the port city, and it was this story that inspired him to tell the story about the non-existent continent. Now Pavlopetri is considered the oldest and unique settlement found by archaeologists on the seabed of all time, and in 2009 its location was finally mapped globe.

A legend come true

More than 12 centuries ago, the ancient Egyptian metropolis, mentioned by Herodotus as one of the most majestic and rich, went under water - Ancient Heraklion. under water, according to scientists, died as a result strongest earthquake, and after the disaster he sank. True, researchers are still arguing about the reasons for the departure to the depths of the prosperous shopping center, which has sunk by almost four meters, and they cannot yet come to a common opinion. Many are convinced that civilization perished as a result of a severe flood after the Nile flood. For a long time, the story of the sunken ancient metropolis was considered nothing more than a myth, and all the more surprising was the report in 2000 of an underwater archaeologist about the ruins found near the city of Alexandria.

Amazing Finds

Hereby cultural center and the main sea junction was the found Ancient Heraklion. The city under the sea was called the gateway to Egypt due to its many contacts with foreign traders who visited the port. Ship wrecks, jewelry, and ancient coins were hidden under the thickness of silt and water. The main artifact confirming ownership was the found huge black stele with the inscription of the name of the metropolis.

Research into the underwater depths has been ongoing for fifteen years, and thousands of priceless relics have been brought to the surface. Most interesting find became the main city temple. Next to the destroyed stone fragments of a religious building, massive sculptures of the pharaoh and the god of the Nile made of pink granite were found, and based on their prostrate position at the bottom, conclusions were drawn about destructive force earthquakes. Inside the temple they discovered a huge tomb covered with hieroglyphs. A recent translation of some of its parts fully confirmed the fact of the discovery of the original Heraklion.

Underwater Chinese attractions

Fifty years ago, the Chinese government decided to flood two historical monuments in Zhejiang province, which are about 1,800 years old, when building a hydroelectric power station. The local residents were resettled, and the ancients Chinese cities, which went under water, forty years later they became a real local landmark. The huge lake now attracts divers from all over the world, who are amazed at the excellent preservation of all the wooden buildings that have not collapsed after being in the water for such a long time.

Unfortunately, along with the cities, all nearby villages with a huge area of ​​fertile land sank. And all lovers of the underwater depths lament with annoyance that the flooded ancient cities with many colorful buildings, temples, and residential buildings are now hidden from many people’s eyes. The only way to contemplate such majestic pictures of ancient buildings is to sink to the bottom. Admirers of the world architectural achievements They are truly delighted to watch the unique underwater species that can compete with the most famous cultural monuments.

Ancient cities that went under water: Anapa

More recently, a group of divers unsuccessfully searching for a crashed plane in the Black Sea area discovered the walls of an ancient and hitherto unknown city. Researchers seabed We are sure that this is a sunken civilization with a highly developed culture and technology. Scientists also agree with them, comparing the architecture of underwater structures with the pyramids in Mexico and the ruins of Yonaguni. A certain similarity in the masonry method between them was established, meaning that it is indeed very Old city, incorporating several cultures at once. The find did not come as a big surprise to archaeologists, because they had previously found numerous confirmations of the location of an ancient city here.

All amazing depths are carefully studied by scientists. There has long been talk that ancient cities that went under water are the ancestors of modern humanity. Great civilizations that sank after global disasters, hide important secrets that need to be understood for the further development of the historical process.

“They realized that people had rebelled and decided to destroy them. Thousands of pumas emerged from the caves and devoured a man who asked the devil for help. But the devil remained unmoved by their pleas. Inti, the sun god, cried seeing this. There were so many of his tears that after forty days they flooded the entire valley.”

Inca legend about Lake Titicaca

Let's consider one anthropological hypothesis that allows for the possibility that prehistoric humanity reached high degree technological progress. At the moment, there is evidence that ancient people used much more advanced technology than you and I can imagine. Much of this is confirmed by the dozens found at the bottom of oceans around the planet. There are absolutely amazing discoveries, such as the ancient "Yonaguni structures" off the coast of Japan or sunken ancient"Mega- city", which was accidentally discovered near the northeastern coast of Cuba. These discoveries confirm the validity of what was called geographical mythology. Stories such as "Atlantis", "Mu" or "The Land of Thulia". Every few years, these "long-sunken discoveries" only confirm the hypothesis of prehistoric empires.

Urban architecture from unimaginable times

A typical example of the archaeological ruins described above was found in the waters of the western coast of India, in the Gulf of Kabay, at a depth of 120 feet. While checking the degree of water pollution, a very extensive one was accidentally discovered, the age of which dates back to approximately 9,000 years. Using sonar, scientists identified various geometric structures at a depth of approximately 120 feet. In some areas it was found construction material, pottery, sections of walls, ponds, sculptures, bones and human teeth. Determining the age using the radiocarbon method showed that the finds are 9500 years old. Before this discovery was made, anthropologists believed that there was no civilization in this place before 2500 BC. Found ancient city, therefore, was much ancient than previously found ancient the Harapan civilization, which was considered the most ancient on this subcontinent. Another amazing incident occurred in 1967, when a particularly deep-sea research submersible at that time was used. A kind of ancient "road" running along the coasts of Florida, Georgia and South Carolina. Found at a depth of almost 3,000 feet (approx. 1,000 meters), thisancient road was a straight line more than 15 miles (more than 24 km) long. But what's even more surprising is thatancientroad It was made of cement, quite complex in its composition: aluminum, silicon, calcium, iron, and magnesium. Despite my age, ancient road was in excellent condition, washed by the current, which kept her constantly clean. Of course, this one is forgotten by everyoneancient roads and can give odds to our modern highways. Thanks to the presence of special wheels on the research bathyscaphe, it was even possible to ride along the mysterious highway. Later, scientists studying the area discovered a series of monolithic structures at the end ancient road. But whose technology made it possible to build such a long paved road that has remained in excellent condition, despite the fact that it is already more than 10,000 years old? The mystery of the underwater ruins that hide the waters of the Bay of Bengal at a distance of 100-400 meters from the shore still remains unsolved. on the coast of Tamil Nadu. Local fishermen have repeatedly reported that they saw underwater structures at a depth of 4-8 meters. The disaster that occurred on the coast in 2004 was the reason for a more recent discovery sunken ancient city. On the infamous day of December 26, 2004, a few minutes before a four-meter tsunami wave hit the shore, some local residents and tourists witnessed a unique phenomenon. The water moved away from the shore a couple of hundred meters and exposed what was hidden at the bottom. stone buildings. However, soon a wave came and the salt water again hid it under itself. mysterious city. Tsunami wave that destroyed the coast South-East Asia, also moved big mountains sand, washed away most of the centuries-old layer of silt, which led to the discovery of the mythical sunken ancientcities Mahabalipuram.

According to local legend,ancient city Mahabalipuram, moved great flood 1,000 years ago, submerged in water in one day because the gods became jealous of his beauty. Six of the seven temples were flooded with water, the seventh temple remained on the coast. A team of 25 divers from the Archaeological Research Center of India took a detailed look at the bottom surface covered with man-made structures located between 15 and 25 feet under water. The flooded ruins extended over several square miles and were within one mile of the coast. According to official data, antiquity These structures range in age from 1,500 to 1,200 years old, although some researchers claim they are at least 6,000 years old. After the tsunami, a temple pond with a stone column and a statue of Varaha was discovered. When the demon Hiranyaksha placed the Earth in the depths of the cosmic ocean, Vishnu took the form of a giant boar, boar (varaha), killed the demon and set the Earth in place, lifting it on his tusk.

Yonaguni buildings

Classified by some scholars as " archaeological find century", structures located near the Japanese island of Yonaguni, consist of ancient architectural structures in the form of columns, hexagons, stairs, streets, galleries and even a step pyramid. Although according to the most conservative hypotheses it is believed that the structures of Yonaguni are the result of increased seismic activity, nevertheless, the geometry of the rocks and their location in relation to each other indicate that there are remains of .


Supporting this hypothesis is the presence of chalk stones (which are not found in these areas) and the presence of two depressions adjacent to structures (6.5 feet) that no archaeologist would classify as a natural formation. An oval stone was also found, which at first glance does not belong to the structures described above, but which clearly points to the north. According to rough estimates Yonaguni Islands are approximately 10,000 years old. Maritime archeology has only become an academic discipline in the last 50 years as technologies for deep-sea exploration have become available. According to marine archaeologist Dr Nick Flemming, there are approximately 500 sunken sites around the globe containing the remains of man-made structures. By some estimates, at least one-fifth of these sites are over 3,000 years old. Of course, some of these were washed away by floods, but others ended up at the bottom of the seas or oceans under the influence of tectonic shifts in the earth's crust. And, of course, these structures were originally built on land. But the Earth may have been geographically different from how we see it now. Also, the people of that era were much more distant from the period that we today call the “dawn of civilization.” So, does our current humanity really represent the pinnacle of evolution, or is it just one of the same numerous peaks, in an endless series of cycles that originate in the distant, distant past? The answer to this question may be found at the bottom of our oceans.


Western coast of Cuba, Guanajacibibes Bay.

The famous American atlantologist and underwater archaeologist Dan Clark in 1998, on the west coast of the island of Cuba in the Gulf of Guanajacibibes, found and dug up something that scared him. These were ruins that were 12,000 years old. Dan Clark's discovery confirmed the widespread version of Atlantis as a civilization with many points located throughout the planet. The underwater pyramidal complexes discovered by Clark's expedition exactly replicate the Mayan buildings.

Clark was very surprised by this fact, since the structures of Teotihuacan and those found under water are almost the same. The steps of the structures were as tall as a scuba diver.

South America, Peru, Bolivia, Lake Titicaca.

From a satellite at the bottom of Lake Titicaca and other lakes of the Andes mountain system artificial structures are clearly visible. What kind of structures are they, when were they built, by whom and for what purpose. Lake Titicaca parameters: length 200 km, width 100 km. in such open spaces it was possible to build a modern metropolis. According to the legends of the indigenous population, other ancient cities have been here since the beginning of time, they were built by the gods. There are such structures in some other lakes of Bolivia and Peru, watch the video:

For those who want to see this for themselves, watch the video with GoogleEarth coordinates

During each pole shift, some lands, especially coastal areas near widening ocean rifts, they are flooded. Traces of sunken civilizations can be seen underwater all over the world - cities, roads, pillars, walls. Who lived there, and where, if anywhere, did these civilizations disappear?

This is exactly the case on the east coast of the United States and the Caribbean islands. Traces of sunken structures are found near the Bahamas and Bermuda. This civilization was no more advanced than the ancient civilizations of the Incas and Mayans and came from the same roots. Where local Indians and slaves brought from Africa made up the bulk of the population, the ruling elite at the same time were giant humanoids from the 12th Planet, who left their traces in many countries. This land was pulled down during the next pole shift to its current depth, so the sinking was not as dramatic as it might seem. Following the tidal waves that always accompany pole shifts, the earth has continually changed and low-lying areas are now under water. Then, due to the rapid melting of the polar caps, the oceans began to advance on the coasts, and the surviving inhabitants were forced to flee inland, and historical records tend to be lost.

Between 1930 and 1940, American soothsayer Edgar Cayce stated in a well-documented prediction that remains would be found off the coast of Bimini in 1968 or 1969. lost city Atlantis. In September 1968, seven hundred meters of neatly laid limestone blocks were discovered in the sea off the coast of Paradise Point in North Bimini, making up what is now called the “Bimini Road”.

After ten underwater archaeological expeditions since 1974, historian David Zink is convinced that these stones are megalithic in nature and were laid by humans. Other researchers say it is the result of dredging, surf action, or marine sediments called beach rock. Whether these stones are truly traces of a lost civilization, the work of stranded sailors, or just a natural geological formation remains to be determined.

08/17/11. Pre-Ice Age Complex Discovered Off the Coast of the Bahamas. Members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment examined an underwater area with an object that appears to be the remains of a collapsed multi-room building. The foundation cornerstones and other debris found outside the building walls are hand-cut and made of limestone. A sample of shore stone from a long, straight wall foundation has been carbon dated to between 21,520 and 20,610 BC. These dates are surprising because before this discovery, most researchers believed that the most early dates the existence of people in this area was 1000 BC. Once upon a time, not far from the shores of the Bahamas, a highly developed culture existed and operated, spreading throughout this region.

The sunken roads near the Bahamas have long been known and loved by scuba divers, and again, they are approximately 3,500 years old. The land opposite the East Coast of the United States and in the Caribbean Sea was once located above water. Underwater, one can see remnants of forests, roads carefully paved with dressed stones, and clear outlines of where rivers passed through the previous coastal area. From the ruins in Central and South America It is obvious that civilizations existed in the past, and they disappeared for reasons that humanity cannot understand. The continental shelf on both sides of the Atlantic was once land submerged by the periodic passage of Planet X. Here is a diagram showing the landmasses believed to have occupied this area about 10 million years ago.

There was a bridge between the Florida region and Venezuela, and there was also land where the Caribbean coastal waters of Honduras and Nicaragua were.

The Cuban Underwater City is a complex of structures now underwater located on the shelf of the westernmost part of the island of Cuba. The territory belongs to the province of Pinar del Rio, located on the Guanacabibes Peninsula.

In the image obtained by the echo sounder in 2001, the correct geometric rock formations, which in total cover an area of ​​2 km² (200 hectares) at depths of 600 to 750 meters. The discovery was reported by marine engineer Pauline Zalitzki and her husband Paul Weinzweig. Paul Weinzweig are the owners of a Canadian company called Advanced Digital Communications, which, together with the Cuban government, is conducting seabed topography exploration in this place.

It is clear that near the western tip of Cuba, Anunnaki structures were discovered deep underwater. That there are sunken structures in the Caribbean Sea should not be surprising, since the Caribbean in the past was above water, so that a person could easily walk from Florida to Venezuela. Repeated movements of the earth's crust occurred and the Caribbean sank, being pressed down. Although the most famous wrecks are those near the Bahamas, the Caribbean Sea is simply teeming with them. The Cuban structures are at quite great depths because they lie in the Yucatan Strait, one of the many fault lines and cracks that exist in the region due to the grinding and cracking that the Caribbean has undergone.

When slabs move apart, their edges often sag due to lack of support. This is part of the geological changes that occurred during past Pole Shifts because of the way the plates interacted. It is therefore not surprising that part of this weakened area has recently sank, dragging major Egyptian cities under the waves.

Menoutis and Heraklion - discovered in 1933, 30 kilometers east of Kite Bay (eastern bay of Alexandria, Egypt), 450 meters from the coast, at a depth of 5 meters. Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the middle of the 5th century BC, wrote about the prosperous cities of Menoutis and Heraklion, but no traces of these cities remained on land. Based on ancient sources, it was possible to identify the city of Menoutis and the ruins of the discovered underwater temple. This made it possible to determine the location of Heraklion.

04.06.00. Archaeologists in France and Egypt have found the remains of flooded cities, previously known only from ancient Greek myths, reports the Associated Press. The search was carried out at the bottom Mediterranean Sea in Abukir Bay near the Egyptian port of Alexandria. Discovered at a depth of 20-30 feet, the ruins are approximately 2,500 years old. Archaeologists believe that they belong to the ancient cities of Heraklion, Canopus and Menotis, which were destroyed by an earthquake.

The Mediterranean sank during previous Pole Shifts, when Africa shifted and stretched into the Mediterranean region, reducing crustal support for the edges of the continents along local plate boundaries. For some time the Mediterranean was a swamp, which allowed to early man migrate from Africa to Europe. The Black Sea was also exclusively freshwater, but is now a mixture of water due to the subsidence of the region. Evidence of sunken cities in the Mediterranean gives rise to a hunt for Atlantis, which is actually located off the coast of Europe in the Atlantic Ocean.

Both sides of the Atlantic are pulled down during the continental rip that occurs with each Pole Shift, so there is subsidence on both sides of the Atlantic Rift due to the lack of land mass support there.

This fact recently made news in the UK. The remains of an ancient forest that was caught under the waves were discovered after a storm and can be seen at low tide. Edition The Guardian even notes that this ancient forest is estimated to have sunk about 3,100-4,000 years ago (Nibiru passes every 3,600 years). The loss of these lands along the Welsh coast is also reflected in the legend. On the other side of the Atlantic, in New Hampshire, similar sunken forests can be found. They are clearly visible where land once existed, in areas now called the continental shelf. Again, their age is estimated differently: 3500-4000 or 3400-3800 years. It's about about the same event on both sides of the Atlantic. According to recent analysis scientists working mainly for oil companies in the North Sea, Britain was a vast land mass.

Doggerland is the name given by archaeologist Briony Coles to the former landmass that occupied the southern North Sea and connected Britain to mainland Europe during the last glaciation. During the Mesolithic era, Doggerland was inhabited by people and had a rich fauna and vegetation.

07/05/12. Oil scuba divers and scientists managed to discover the remains of an ancient civilization, which was destroyed by sea ​​waves absorbed about eight and a half thousand years ago. Before this, entire cities stretched between Scotland and what is now Denmark. Britain's Atlantis, a hidden underwater world swallowed up by the North Sea, has been discovered by divers working with research teams from the University of St Andrews. The vast Doggerland region, which stretched from Scotland to Denmark, slowly sank underwater between 18,000 and 5,500 BC. This could be the "real heart" of Europe. Many species of animals lived on these lands, herds of mammoths roamed here, and people lived here - tens of thousands of people. The flooding occurred as a result of subsidence, rising sea levels, and culminated in a megatsunami.

Both the western coastlines of Europe and the eastern coastlines North America the earth sinks during periodic passages of Nibiru, that is, Planet X. On both sides of the widening Atlantic Rift, underwater, you can see the places where rivers made their way, see surviving tree trunks and traces of cities. The UK is expected to sink along its western edge during the coming Pole Shift, but to what extent has this happened in the past? Ireland, Scotland and Wales are closer to the Atlantic Rift than the east coast of England and will therefore receive main blow in the form of a descent. The underwater shelf lying to the west of these islands shows that this has happened before.

09.25.13. Portuguese researchers discovered an underwater pyramid 60 meters high and covering an area of ​​8,000 square meters near Bank De João de Castro, between the islands of Terceira and São Miguel. The structure was found by a private yacht owner named Diocleciano Silvaer, who discovered the structure via sonar while sailing. The author of the find does not believe that the pyramid has natural origin. The government says the case is already being investigated with the support of the Portuguese navy.

Atlantis was located off the coast of Europe, which regularly sinks deeper under the waves as the Atlantic expands during the Pole Shifts. What about the pyramidal shape found near the Azores? This is also not the location of Atlantis, which was a navigation pyramid similar to the Great Pyramids. The Anunnaki, arriving in rocket ships, passed through the clouds of the atmosphere and searched for a suitable landing strip. There are many identification marks on Earth that contain their symbols and are part of this guidance system. The Atlantic is a huge ocean where a landing rocket could make a mistake in choosing the course of the gliding rocket. That this pyramid is considered to be much older than the Great Pyramids shows the importance of Atlantis compared to Egypt at that time. Atlantis was the landing strip we were looking for!

The legends of Atlantis are not based on real facts, but on a combination of truthful information that gave rise to the legend of Atlantis. Stories of Atlantis, which was never found, are supported by myths of great cities destroyed by suddenly rising waters. This phenomenon, of course, occurs over much of the surface of the globe every time a pole shift occurs. Atlantis was a land near today's continent of Europe that was pulled into the Atlantic during the continental rupture that accompanied the major pole shift and thus disappeared spectacularly into the sea. Earth has been visited in the past by humanoid aliens, and these humanoids possessed technologies that greatly impressed primitive people who witnessed this. The humanity of the past has not achieved more progress than today's. Atlantis was not just a human society: it was a composite society dominated by advanced humanoids from the 12th Planet. They used crystals for communications, had rocket power, but all this was within the limits of the technology that humanity has today.

"Yonaguni Monument" is a massive underwater formation discovered near the Japanese island of Yonaguni, the westernmost of the Ryukyu Islands group. At the moment, the origin of this formation is a matter of dispute, there is no agreement on the question of whether they are completely natural formations, or whether they are of partial or complete artificial origin. By appearance they resembled architectural structures and seemed to have a very definite architectural scheme, somewhat reminiscent of the stepped pyramids of Ancient Sumer.

The center was an architectural structure with a height of 42.43 meters and sides of 183 by 150 m. The structure externally looked like it was built from rectangular L-shaped rocks. It consisted of 5 floors. Near the central object there were also small “pyramids” with a height of 10 and a width of 2 meters

Alongside the legends of Atlantis are the legends of Mu, a land located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean that is supposed to reappear in the future at some alarming moment, like a paradise to which troubled people can flock. Does this legend have any factual basis in the past or future? Indeed, it has, since such land in the past was above the waves, hiding during one of the last pole shifts, which transformed the continents and led to the rise of some strata above others or to the sinking of others with a sudden movement with a loss of the height of their level. There are many places in the Pacific Ocean where the land is not very deep under the ocean, and the evidence is the roads running just under the waves from the coast of Japan, indicating that even along the countries of the Pacific Basin there was land that sank with the contraction and compression that during The Pacific Ocean experienced a major pole shift. Lemuria was another land in the Pacific that slipped beneath the waves without intervention during a similar pole shift. Like most Pacific countries, Lemuria was inhabited by the carefree peoples of the Pacific South.

Are there still many sunken cities around the world? Great amount.

Ruins of Samabaj, Lake Atitlán, Guatemala. The city of Samabaj was discovered by Roberto Samayoa in 1994 while diving. Samabakh is its modern name; during its heyday the city was named Solola. Samabah-Solola is located at a depth of 35 meters at a distance of 600 meters from the coastal strip. One version of the disappearance of Samabah-Solol states that volcanic activity at the bottom of Lake Atitlan changed the drainage system, which led to an increase in the water level in the lake by more than 30 meters.

Pavlopetri is the oldest sunken city, found off the southern coast of Laconia, in Elafonisou, in the underwater area between Punta beach and the islet of Pavlopetri, from which it takes its name. In 1904, the geologist, president of the Academy of Athens, Phokion Negri, after conducting research in southern Laconia, informed the Greek government about the existence of an ancient city, indicating its location. In 1967, oceanographer Nick Flemming, from the University of Southampton, while conducting research on sea level changes, discovered the city of Pavlopetri at a depth of 3 - 4 meters.

The sunken temples of Mahabalipuram - the ruins of large coastal temple buildings were found in April 2002 off the coast of Mahabalipuram (Tamil Nadu, South India), at depths of 5 to 7 meters. According to legend, it was not the only structure, but the last of seven temples, six of which went under water. New findings suggest there may be some truth to this story.

Dwarka is a legendary city, the capital of the Kingdom of Krishna, one of the seven most ancient cities in India. It is believed that the modern city is the seventh, built on the site of six that sank to the bottom of the sea. Dwarka (and Bet Dwarka, located 30 km away, on the shores of the Gulf of Kutch) was discovered in 1983 near the shores of the Kathiyawar Peninsula (Arabian Sea, Gujarat), at a depth of 7 meters. Its age is estimated at 12 thousand years. Walls, slab-lined roads, columns, and sculptures made mainly of limestone were found.

The history of the mythical city of Atlantis is not fiction at all; there are quite a few mysterious flooded cities on earth. We invite you to go with us on an underwater excursion to twelve flooded cities.

Alexandria, founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC. e., Egypt

This city has preserved many magnificent buildings, including Cleopatra's Palace on the island of Antirhodos, and neighborhoods such as the old town of Rakotis. The city was wiped out by tidal waves and earthquakes more than 1,200 years ago.

Heraklion, also known as Thonis, founded in the 8th century BC. e., Egypt

These ruins were discovered in 2000 by a team from the European Maritime Institute of Archaeology. Before the founding of Alexandria, this city was the most important port of Egypt. It sank in the 8th century AD.

At Heraklion stood the temple of Amun, which played an important role in rites associated with dynastic succession.

Canopus on the eastern outskirts of modern Alexandria

The first mentions of the city date back to the 6th century BC. e. Canopus was famous for its sanctuaries of Osiris and Serapis. It was discovered in 1933 by Prince Tucson.

Mystical rock structures in the waters off Yonaguni Island, Japan, were discovered by a local diver in 1986.

This 5,000-year-old city sank as a result of an earthquake 2 thousand years ago. An amazing monolithic step pyramid was found in it, or perhaps it’s just natural structure sandstone?

The city also has castle ruins, five temples, a triumphal arch and at least one large stadium. According to Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist at the University of the Ryukyu, the sites were connected by roads and water channels.

Saeftinge in the southwest of the Netherlands, currently known as the Saeftinge Sunken Lands

The land around the city was submerged during the All Saints' Flood of 1570, and the city itself disappeared under the waves in 1584 during the Eighty Years' War, when Dutch soldiers were forced to destroy the last intact dikes around the city.

Port Royal, founded in 1518 and destroyed by earthquake, tsunami and fires in 1692, Jamaica

Many 16th-century English and Dutch privateers loved to spend their treasure here, and the town later became a major pirate base. The earthquake of 1692 caused the sand to liquefy, and many buildings slipped into the water or simply sank underground.

City of Bailly (also known as Campania) and Portus Julius, home port of the Western Imperial Fleet, Bay of Naples, Italy

The city was a popular resort for the rich in the last decades of the Roman Republic - it had a casino and a giant swimming pool.

In the 8th century, Bailly was sacked by Muslim invaders, and around 1500 it was deserted due to a malaria epidemic. Currently, most of the buildings are under water due to local volcanic activity.

Pavlopetri, Greece

The city, built 5 thousand years ago, was discovered by Nicholas Flemming in 1967, but every year archaeologists find more and more new buildings.

Neolithic village of Atlit Yam off the coast of Atlit, Israel

The settlement, now lying eight to twelve meters below sea level, was founded at least between 6900 and 6300 BC. e. The city has rectangular houses, wells and a stone semicircle with seven megaliths, each 600 kg high. Also found in the city are ten burials, including a woman and child, the earliest known victims of tuberculosis.

Lion City (Shi Cheng) at the bottom of Lake Qingdao, China

The city was flooded in 1959 to create an artificial lake and build a dam on the Xi'an River. All 290 thousand residents were resettled to other settlements.

Shi Cheng was founded during the Han Dynasty (between 25 and 200). In the VIIth and 8th centuries this place was a cultural, economic and political center, but now the city lies at a depth of 27 meters.

Samabah, a lost Mayan city at the bottom of Lake Atitlan, found by Roberto Samayoa Asmus in 1996, Guatemala

Lake Atitlan has been the most important spiritual and health center of Guatemala for two thousand years. The first settlements on its banks appeared in 300 BC. e. From 200 BC. e. to 200 AD e. here stood a temple, currently hidden under water. Pottery and other artifacts were found in the sunken city.

Samabakh sank about 1,700 years ago when the water level in the lake suddenly rose by 20 meters. Archaeologists think that the reason for this could be a volcanic eruption at the bottom of the lake, which blocked the natural outflows for water.

But Lake Atitlan is still used as a ceremonial center and remains a sacred site where astrology and Mayan religion are still practiced by many of the civilization's distant descendants.

Bezidu Nou, Romania

The entire village, including two old churches, drowned in 1988, and since then only one church tower has been visible from under the water for more than two decades. This place was one of many destroyed cities and villages during the Ceausescu era.

Countess Claudine Redi von Kees-Rede, ancestor british queen Elizabeth II was born here in 1812, but her final resting place was in the city's Reformed church, restored in 1936 thanks to a donation from Queen Mary of England, great-granddaughter of Countess Rede.