Rock salt by structure. Rock salt salt rocks

A bathhouse requires many accessories, and one of the main ones is washcloths. Various sizes, shape, degree of hardness, from various materials- For different people and skin types. Some of it can be bought, some can be grown (exactly, this is a loofah from a luffa) or peeled off (bast), and you can also knit it. How to tie a washcloth with your own hands - read on.

In principle, you can use any thread to knit washcloths. They are chosen depending on how hard you require this bath accessory.

If the skin is delicate - for children and ladies - you can use sheep or goat wool. Only we're talking about about homemade threads, and undyed ones. Wool can be bleached, but it is better not to use dyed wool - it sheds heavily. Wool sponges are not rough, but slightly prickly, which gives a good massage effect - due to the “work” of small hairs. When using wool washcloths, they should not be immersed in hot water - only in warm or cool water. Otherwise, they “sit down” and become several times smaller in size and become very dense and even hard. They also need to be dried thoroughly: wet wool is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, so we dry it well.

Before knitting a washcloth, it is advisable to wash home wool (if it is in skeins). warm water with shampoo or soap solution. To prevent moths from eating the threads, they are treated with gasoline. Therefore, they are first washed and dried, hanging a load from the skein so that the threads do not twist. Then they are unwound into balls and only then knitted.

A universal option is polypropylene yarn. It comes in different thicknesses and densities, so you can knit a washcloth that is harder for active massage, and softer for delicate skin. The degree of stiffness also depends on the density of the knit. Polypropylene thread is the same as packaging twine, only thinner and wound into bobbins, so if you have twine, you can use it. But a sponge made from twine often turns out to be too hard, although this depends on the characteristics of the fiber. In any case, you can try.

Their use of polypropylene threads for washcloths has a ton of positive points— the paint does not wash out, they do not fade (features technological process), they are not demanding on the water temperature (just don’t put them in boiling water). They dry quickly - water is not absorbed into the fibers and drains quickly. Perhaps their only drawback is that they are not of natural origin. But the properties are remarkable (chemically neutral, hypoallergenic, bacteria do not multiply on them) and therefore most of the washcloths are knitted from polypropylene beaches.

Natural washcloths

Lovers of natural fibers often use luffa washcloths. This is a vine from the genus of pumpkins, similar to a large cucumber. On ripe fruits, the peel bursts, the seeds fall out, and the sponge-like core is exposed. It is dried, and can be used either in the bathhouse or in the kitchen. Only the washcloth turns out to be hard, it is not suitable for every skin and needs to be changed often: bacteria thrive in natural fibers.

This is how washcloths grow - from luffa pumpkins

Another natural washcloth is made from bast. Bast is the fibrous part under the linden bark. Bast is harvested in mid-summer by cutting down the tree and stripping the bark, and the fibrous part between the bark and the woody core is torn into strips. The softest ones are used for washcloths. The bast is rolled into skeins, with the remaining bark turned inward. These skeins are soaked in water (previously they were sunk in the river) for at least a week. During this time, small plant fibers rot and are easily washed off. Both the appearance and smell of bast are, to put it mildly, unattractive. But after removing the mucus and thoroughly rinsing it in the river, it acquires a pleasant color, and after drying it also has a honey smell. Now the bast can be used as a washcloth. Our ancestors took several strands out of a bun (kept in the attic), wrapped them around their hands and washed themselves. IN modern version You can try to stitch the bast somehow, giving it the shape of a rectangle.

There are also washcloths made from nettle and flax, but they are made from a special fabric, and the skills to make them at home have been practically lost. But they are in stores different types However, the prices are not at all encouraging.

Crochet washcloth with elongated loops

If you are just learning to crochet, a washcloth is a good choice for the first product. Everything here is simple, and we will tell you in detail how to knit a washcloth. You need to know how to knit chain stitches, a regular single crochet, a double crochet, and elongated loops. This is the entire required set. Most of will be demonstrated in photos and videos, but you can prepare in advance.

We knit from polypropylene yarn, in in this case from two skeins, since the thread is thin. For beginners, it is more convenient to use one thicker thread. We take hook No. 5 (you can use less if it’s more convenient for you).

First we knit a chain of air loops. If you fold it in half, you get the width of the future washcloth. This way you can decide on the length of the chain, but for example you can knit 30 air loops.

After this, we knit one lifting air loop and move on to the next row. We knit the second row with single crochets. We knit them by inserting a hook between the columns of the previous row (behind the jumper). Having knitted the last one, we connect it with an air loop to the first column of the row, closing the ring.

To move to the next row, we make two air loops - this row and the next two will be made from double crochets. Having finished the row, we connect it into a ring, make two air loops and begin to knit the next one.

Please note that the number of columns together with lifting loops should always be 30. Count them, otherwise you will not end up with an even washcloth, but an expanding one. So, there should be three rows of double crochets in total.

In the next row we knit elongated loops. We place the hook as usual under the jumper of the bottom row, but we grab the thread with the index finger of our left hand and pull it back. We hook it and start it up as usual. We also knit with a regular half-column.

We take the thread away and hook it on the other side

Pull it through the jumper

Using the same pattern, we knit the remaining elongated loops in each of the columns. However, they remain inside. Having finished the row with long loops, we knit one of the double crochets (don’t forget two lifting loops). It will secure long loops, the washcloth will not stretch and lose its shape.

Next - again elongated loops, then a row with double crochets. So we alternate to the required length. We finish the washcloth with two rows of double crochets in a row, then single crochets. The washcloth is almost ready, all that remains is to tie the handles.

The finished “body” of the washcloth from the inside out

We tie the handle. First, fold the washcloth and connect the two edges with single crochets. Next, we knit one air loop, make several loops in the second row (3-4 loops) and begin knitting air loops. Their number is the desired length of your handle. Having made the last air loop (count to knit as many on the second handle), tie it to the 4th loop from the other edge of the washcloth, then another single crochet to the side, and, turning the “handle” in the other direction, knit stitches along the chain without a crochet. You need 3-4 such rows. The same operation is repeated on the other side.

Two more ways to tie a washcloth. They also have elongated loops, but there are differences in how they are knitted (there are three ways in total). Another difference is that these accessories are knitted using single crochets, which is why they are more dense. In general, choose how to knit a washcloth according to your own preferences and feelings.

Crocheting all the loops is shown in great detail in the next master class. This is great step-by-step instruction for beginners who want to knit a washcloth themselves.

Washcloth-mitten with elongated loops (crocheted)

A washcloth and mitten are knitted using the same principle. Select the sizes according to your hand - the starting chain of air loops should freely cover the hand (there should be a little free space left, since a wet mitten is difficult to put on). Read on to learn how to knit a washcloth-mitten.

First of all, knit a chain of air loops and connect it into a ring. At the same time, make sure that the chain does not turn over and form a figure eight. Next we knit two rows of single crochets.

Hook it near index finger and then knit like a regular single crochet.

We make the next row from single crochets. So we alternate (loops-posts) to the height where you need to make a hole for the thumb.

Then, when knitting a row with posts, in some place we knit 12 chain stitches, skip the same number of jumpers in the row and tie them to the 13th. We finish the series. This creates a hole for your finger.

We continue until the little finger is closed.

The mitten-washcloth is almost crocheted. Now in each row we decrease several loops. So - until the last one remains, close it, cut the thread.

The final touch is the top binding and eyelet. Crocheting a washcloth mitten is finished

The final touch remains - to tie a loop through which you can hang the knitted washcloth. You can make two or three more rows of single crochets, and make a loop in the last one.

Crochet patterns

There are two more types of homemade washcloths - single flat and round. They knit even easier than those described above. There are schemes by which even a beginner can do this.

How to knit a washcloth: single (with or without elongated loops)

The middle part can have any number of elements. Their number is determined by the required length of the washcloth. First, a chain of air loops is also knitted, but it is not tied into a ring. Having made one more additional lifting loop, they begin to knit single crochets, picking up one from the jumpers. Having reached the end of the chain, two stitches are knitted in one loop at the end, which makes it possible to continue knitting on the other side of the chain. And again, having reached the end of the chain, knit two stitches into each jumper and continue to knit on the other side. It turns out to be such a long chain. When the washcloth reaches the desired size, handles are knitted, then the thread is cut and pulled in.

If you wish, you can knit a flat washcloth with elongated loops. They are also added in every second row. You saw how to make them in photos and videos (there are two options), everything is the same here.


For children, it is more convenient to make small round washcloths and disks. The pattern for knitting with double crochets is shown in the figure. The principle is simple: we double the loops through one jumper, and we knit air loops between two adjacent posts.

The number of rows is as you wish. Once the disk reaches the desired size, you can knit two or three rows of single crochets along the edge to seal the edge, but make sure that the edge does not tighten the disk, periodically also knitting two loops into one jumper.

How to knit a round washcloth on your hand using single crochets is shown in the video.

How to knit elongated loops with knitting needles

For those who want to knit a washcloth for a bath with elongated loops using knitting needles, the following video tutorial.

You can purchase and make many different accessories for baths and saunas, but the main one is a washcloth. And you can even create it with your own hands, namely, knit it. A knitted washcloth will be an excellent gift for any occasion for your friends and family.

What yarn is suitable for knitting washcloths?

    1. Jute is a fairly tough material. Used for twine and burlap. Is a textile fiber.
    2. Manila fiber.
    3. Hemp.
    4. Bast is an excellent material for health prevention, but has a short service life.
    5. Loofah.
    6. Sisal.
    7. Cotton yarn.
    8. Wool.
    9. Polyethylene.
    10. Acrylic.
    11. Viscose.
    12. Nylon and nylon.

But most often polypropylene yarn is used, as it is wear-resistant and has high strength. In addition, this is quite a convenient material for knitting washcloths and more. Another big advantage is that you can find more than 50 colors and shades on sale. And this means that you can come up with a large number of a variety of washcloths by design. Experienced needlewomen recommend combining polypropylene with another type of yarn. This will make the product more interesting and unusual. interesting selection to the website 20 models for adults, no children's

A knitted washcloth will become an indispensable attribute not only in the bathhouse, but also in an ordinary bathroom.

For many women, going to the shower is impossible without this accessory. After all, a hard washcloth allows you to get rid of dead skin cells and clean pores. Usually a scrub is also used. Therefore, you can always put together a set in the form of a scrub and a knitted washcloth as a gift for any woman. New Year, March 8 and other holidays. A washcloth is the best attribute for peeling. No fashionable brush can replace it. So you can even arrange SPA treatments at home with your own hands.

You should choose the thread material based on your preferences. Not everyone likes hard materials; some people also like softer washcloths. And yarn for such knitting can be purchased at any retail or online store. Exotic materials, of course, will be more difficult to find, but it is possible.

How to knit a washcloth with knitting needles for beginners?

  • Cast on 30 stitches and knit 5 rows in stockinette stitch.
  • In the 6th row, remove the first loop, and knit the second in this way: hook the loop with a knitting needle, as when knitting with stockinette stitch, and place the thread over the knitting needle, which lies on your finger. Wrap the knitting needle and finger twice with thread and knit with a knit stitch. The third loop is knit, and the fourth is like the second, and so on until the end of the row.
  • Row 7 - slip the first stitch and knit the rest in stockinette stitch
  • Knit the 8th row like the 6th and so on
  • When the required length of the washcloth is knitted, make 5 rows in stockinette stitch
  • Knit two strips by casting on 40 stitches and knitting 3 rows in stockinette stitch. Close the loops and sew strips along the edges of the washcloth for ease of use.

Most often, washcloths are knitted from propylene yarn with a “Fur” pattern or elongated loops. Use needles number 3 or 4.

The easiest way is to knit a rectangle with a fur pattern or elongated loops of propylene yarn, and sew handles on the edges. If you want your washcloth to foam shower gel or soap well, then knit the washcloth with knitting needles in a circle in the shape of a tube. Insert a piece of foam rubber inside. Sew up the edges and make handles on the sides.

“Fur” pattern or elongated loops with knitting needles: how to knit:

  • 1st row: 1 chrome. p., *knit 1, 1 elongated loop (“fur”) (knit a knit loop and without removing the loop from the left knitting needle, bring the thread forward and wrap it around thumb left hand; then move the thread behind the work and knit a knit stitch from the thread behind this loop; pull the last loop on the right needle over the penultimate loop, thus securing the elongated “fur” loop), * repeat from to * to the end of the row, 1 edge. P.
  • Row 2: knit all stitches.
  • Row 3: repeat from the 1st.

“Fur” pattern or elongated loops with knitting needles on the right hand:

  1. The execution of the pattern allows you to apply various ways. The working thread can be located in front of the work and be wound around the thumb of the left hand and behind the work - with a winding around the middle and index finger right hand.
  2. Knit one knit stitch. When winding the working thread around a finger, a knitting needle must be present.
  3. To make the fur more fluffy, the thread can be wrapped around your finger twice. Throw the first knit stitch over the extended loops and, without dropping it, knit a knit stitch behind the front wall. Pull a new loop through two air loops, thereby securing the “fur” loop.
  4. Knit each subsequent row with knit stitches. This way, the elongated loops will be on the front side, and the back side will remain smooth. With this knitting, the thread consumption increases three times.

“Fur” pattern or elongated loops with knitting needles on the left hand:

  1. In the position of the left working hand, the thread is wrapped around the index and middle fingers. Knit the elongated loops, but do not drop the loop from the left knitting needle. Knit a second loop from the same loop behind the back wall.
  2. Throw a new loop over the elongated loops, thereby securing them in the row. Knit the second row. If desired, receive larger number chain loops, wrap the working thread around your finger two or three times.

“Fur” pattern or elongated loops with knitting needles on a ruler:

  1. This way you can decorate any product. When knitting and and, use the “EXTENDED LOOPS ON THE RIGHT HAND” method, only use a ruler instead of fingers. This will make it possible for all loops to remain the same size.
  2. After the decorating row, continue stocking knitting. This method can be used several times in one product.

Video tutorial on how to knit a fur pattern for a washcloth with knitting needles:

Video tutorial for the “fur” pattern with knitting needles, closing the edge using a hollow cord (I-cord):

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Sponge for dishes with knitting needles, master class

A washcloth can be knitted not only for the body, but also for dishes from any synthetic yarn. This type of washcloth can be crocheted or knitted. Today we will knit with knitting needles in the simplest pattern - garter stitch (we knit all the loops in the front and back rows).

To knit a washcloth with a diameter of 10 cm, we will need about 20 grams of medium-thick yarn and knitting needles No. 4. If you want to get a multi-colored pattern, you can take several skeins of different colors. We will also need scissors, a needle for sewing the product and any yarn for the auxiliary thread.

In conclusion of our article, I would like to note that washcloths are most often crocheted.

Many needlewomen knit products on their own. Things and household items made with your own hands look stylish and original.

  • Everyone knows that a washcloth needs to be changed once every three months, as toothbrush and other personal hygiene items
  • After all, these products accumulate bacteria and dirt
  • Washcloths can be made from different materials and yarn. The main thing is that the threads are of high quality, otherwise the product will quickly become unusable from exposure to hot water and soap.

Yarn for washcloths

Yarn for washcloths

Yarn for polypropylene washcloths can be different colors. If you want, you can make such products from natural materials in the form of birch bark, rubber and others.

Remember: Washcloths made from natural materials must be changed every month. Otherwise, this personal hygiene item will turn into a real breeding ground for bacteria.

Crochet washcloth mitten

Crochet washcloth mitten

This washcloth is convenient for showering. You can easily soap yourself with it, and this washcloth is also convenient for washing children.

Crochet washcloth mitten:

  1. Cast on 30 stitches
  2. Knit circular rows using a single crochet stitch. Knit 1 chain stitch in each new row
  3. Determine the length of the product based on the length of your palm. Now you need to connect the upper parts of the mitten - knit the upper and lower stitch together and secure
  4. Sew all the parts and secure the thread with a knot

DIY polypropylene washcloths

Polypropylene is a durable synthetic material, so it is used to create household items and personal care products. Do-it-yourself polypropylene washcloths will appeal to all household members. They lather well and do an excellent job of removing dead skin, sweat and fat. top layer epidermis.

If you know how to crochet a little, then creating a beautiful washcloth will not be difficult for you. The diagrams will help you make shower and bath accessories quickly and easily.

Beautiful crocheted washcloths for beginners step by step:

Bath sponge

Beautiful DIY crochet washcloths for beginners

Beautiful crocheted washcloths for beginners step by step: diagrams

  1. Knit 7 loops and close into a circle
  2. Knit in the round with a single crochet
  3. The diameter of the washcloth will gradually increase towards the middle. When you knit 15 cm, start cutting every other row.
  4. Knit 5 rows in this way. You will get a “cylinder” with a closed bottom.
  5. Insert the foam inside the cylinder and attach the handles

Children's washcloth

Beautiful crochet baby washcloths with your own hands: diagrams

Beautiful crochet washcloths: diagram

This washcloth is knitted like a mitten, the creation steps of which are described above. The difference between a children's product is that it will be smaller in size and can be decorated.

Beautiful crocheted washcloths for beginners - animals

Caring parents know that children develop through play. Therefore, even while bathing, the baby should frolic and play. How to crochet a funny washcloth toy?

The knitting pattern for washcloth mittens will help you create interesting bath toys. It will be fun for your child to swim with them. Older children will even want to rub such a washcloth with soap themselves.

Washcloth "Kitty"

How to crochet a washcloth toy?

Frog washcloths

Such products need to be knitted like mittens. Knit the muzzles in a circle with a yarn over of a different color.

How to crochet a washcloth toy - baby frogs

Crochet Hedgehog washcloth

Crochet Hedgehog washcloth

The hedgehog is one of every child's favorite characters. If your little one doesn't like bathing, then crochet a Hedgehog washcloth for him and he'll look forward to the evening to take a dip in the bath with his new friend.

  1. Cast on 32 loops and knit 2 rows in a single crochet row
  2. Then knit with elongated loops. Knit 30 rows in a stitch
  3. After this, change the thread of the main color to the thread from which the muzzle will be made
  4. Continue knitting with a single crochet from rows 31 to 35 with a single crochet.
  5. Decrease 4 stitches in each row - the muzzle is ready. Fasten the thread, make a nose and eyes for the hedgehog using a needle and thread

It is better to knit any toy washcloths with elongated loops. This technology helps create a beautiful and soft personal hygiene item for the baby.

Make these children's toy washcloths with elongated crochet loops:

Children's washcloths toys with elongated crochet loops

Baby washcloths with elongated crochet loops

Children's washcloths toys with elongated loops

Knitting with elongated loops is also called “fur”. Using this technique, you can knit not only washcloths, but also hats, scarves or sweaters.

Children's washcloths toys with elongated loops with a "fur" pattern

Children's washcloths toys with elongated crochet loops - technique for making a "fur" pattern

Important: If holding the loop with your finger is uncomfortable, you can put it on a strip of thick cardboard.

Crochet round and oval washcloth

A scrubbing sponge is a little different from a sponge for a bath or shower. It should be made of stiff threads in the form of a circle or oval with a loop for the hand.

A round and oval crocheted washcloth is the simplest product that every woman can make.

Oval knitting pattern:

Oval crocheted washcloth - diagram

Circle knitting pattern:

Crochet round washcloth - diagram

  1. Fold the thread in two layers and knit in the round with long loops
  2. Now make a slip stitch, three single crochets in this loop
  3. In the next row, double the number of stitches
  4. Then add 6 stitches evenly around the circle.
  5. Tie a washcloth the right size and secure the thread
  6. Sew a knitted strip or elastic on the inside for convenience.

Important: This washcloth is also perfect for washing dishes.

Crochet flat washcloth

Crochet flat washcloth

The flat washcloth knits quickly, does not stretch out and lasts a long time. This flat crochet washcloth is suitable for washing in the bathhouse and shower. It's convenient to wash your back with.

The knitting pattern for a flat washcloth is simple. Even a novice craftswoman can figure it out.

Flat crocheted washcloth - diagram

Tip: Knit such a washcloth with the “fur” or “fringe” pattern with long loops, which was described above.

Tie the edges with a contrasting thread in two single crochets. Tie chains of 40 loops on the sides - these will be handles.

How to knit a washcloth with knitting needles for beginners?

If you don’t like crocheting, or this technique for creating products doesn’t work for you, then try crocheting a washcloth with knitting needles. Prepare regular long knitting needles No. 3 or No. 4 and synthetic polypropylene threads.

How to knit a washcloth with knitting needles for beginners? Follow these steps:

  1. Cast on 30 stitches and knit 5 rows in stockinette stitch
  2. In the 6th row, remove the first loop, and knit the second in this way: hook the loop with a knitting needle, as when knitting with stockinette stitch, and place the thread over the knitting needle, which lies on your finger. Wrap the knitting needle and finger twice with thread and knit with a knit stitch. The third loop is knit, and the fourth is like the second, and so on until the end of the row.
  3. Row 7 - slip the first stitch and knit the rest in stockinette stitch
  4. Knit the 8th row like the 6th and so on
  5. When the required length of the washcloth is knitted, make 5 rows in stockinette stitch
  6. Knit two strips by casting on 40 stitches and knitting 3 rows in stockinette stitch. Close the loops and sew strips along the edges of the washcloth for ease of use

Washcloth with knitting needles with elongated loops - diagram

The elongated loops are the same size, so this knitting looks beautiful. Try knitting a washcloth in this way, and then use this technique to create a hat, sweater or cardigan for your baby.

Washcloth with knitting needles with elongated loops - diagram:

Sponge with knitting needles - diagram

DIY jute washcloth

Jute is a natural fiber. A DIY jute washcloth is an environmentally friendly product that will perfectly exfoliate dead epidermal cells and combat skin contamination. This personal hygiene item provides an excellent peeling effect.

Important: Flat washcloths are knitted from jute, both knitted and crocheted. The pattern can be whatever you like.

DIY birch bark washcloth

A birch bark washcloth or “birch bark” is a personal hygiene item made from natural material.

To make such a washcloth, take birch bark, cut it into strips and tie it at one end. You will get a round ball that can be used for going to the bathhouse.

You can make a birch bark washcloth with your own hands in another way:

  1. Take a piece of birch bark 20cm x 20cm
  2. In the middle of this square, mark a strip 3cm wide
  3. Cut the birch bark on both sides of the mark into narrow strips
  4. Roll the workpiece into a tube and tie it in the middle. It turned out to be an excellent washcloth for a bath

Important: Before use, the birch bark product must be steamed by holding it in boiling water for several minutes.

How to make a bast washcloth with handles?

Lyko is inner part linden bark. How to make a bast washcloth with handles?

This product can be made simply and quickly.

First method: Fold the bast threads in half and tie them lightly with a loose knot.

How to make a bast washcloth with handles? First way

Second method: Fold the bast threads in half and tie, retreating 5-7 cm from the bend.

How to make a bast washcloth with handles? Second way

Important: To make the bast sponge soft, it needs to be steamed in boiling water, just like “birch bark”.

You can sew a bast washcloth this way:

  1. Take the bast threads
  2. Place them on a flat surface and straighten them
  3. Sew the workpiece in a chaotic manner on a sewing machine or make several even lines
  4. Sew trim and handles along the edges

How to sew a bast washcloth with handles?

DIY mesh washcloth

Vegetable mesh is soft and therefore suitable for creating a washcloth. You can take a new mesh on a roll, but a used one will also work. DIY mesh washcloth:

  1. Wash the mesh after use (if you have a used mesh), and dry
  2. Cast on 10 mesh loops on the knitting needles and knit according to the “ribbon yarn scarf” principle. The loops should be loose and not tight
  3. You will get several rows of purl stitch.
  4. Then roll the product into a ring and secure the knitting with a hook or needle and thread

DIY washcloth made from new mesh

Kese washcloth

Kese washcloth

In the Turkish baths - hamam, they use soft washcloths in the form of mittens made from sheep's wool. You can sew a kese washcloth yourself:

  1. Take a piece of sheep's wool. If there is no such material, you can use any other, but soft and delicate texture
  2. Cut out two parts so that the finished washcloth can be easily put on your hand
  3. Sew these parts and trim with binding
  4. Make a handle - the washcloth is ready

DIY bath sponges made of twine

Twine can be polypropylene or natural. Most often, synthetic threads are used to weave washcloths, as they are stronger and come in a variety of colors.

Do-it-yourself bath washcloths made of synthetic or natural twine are knitted according to the patterns described above.

Tip: You can make a flat washcloth or a product with elongated loops, as you like.

DIY washcloths made from nylon tights

DIY threads for washcloths from nylon tights

After the cold season, every woman has many pairs of worn and already torn nylon tights. Most often, ladies throw them away, but real needlewomen find a use for such things.

It’s easy to make washcloths from nylon tights with your own hands:

  1. Cut off the tights top part. You only need Bottom part- stockings
  2. Cut the workpiece into strips 3-3.5 cm wide. These strips will be the threads for knitting
  3. Now knit as you like - crochet or knit

Important: Products made from tights are not knitted with elongated stitches. Make a flat washcloth according to the patterns described above for creating polypropylene products.

Sisal washcloth

Sisal washcloth

Sisal is a natural fiber that is obtained from the leaves of Agava sisolana. Needlewomen willingly make washcloths from it - for massage and for washing.

How to do - steps:

  1. The sisal washcloth should be flat
  2. To create it, cast on 30 loops and knit or crochet in any pattern. You can even use stockinette stitch if knitting, or single crochet if crocheting
  3. Fold the edges, first inserting handles from an old washcloth, and sew. You can simply sew handles knitted from the same threads

How to knit a one-sided washcloth?

A one-sided washcloth is the most simple model, which is suitable for beginner craftswomen, despite the fact that elongated loops are used to create it. How to knit a one-sided washcloth?

Depending on the material used, a washcloth with a one-sided pattern should be knitted in one or two threads. If with one thread, then crochet the product, and with two threads - with knitting needles. Choose any knitting technique at your discretion, for example, as in the video below.

Photos of beautiful do-it-yourself washcloths for showers and baths

It seems that the washcloths are all the same, differing only in color. But real needlewomen create interesting products for their family and friends.

Anyone can make washcloths with their own hands. Of course, they offer it in stores huge selection these products are made from natural and artificial materials at a very reasonable price. But why not try weaving a washcloth in the form of a mitten for a child or with a piece of soap inside? There are many options for homemade washcloths.

We crochet washcloths

The most simple option can become an ordinary piece of soap, crocheted with polypropylene threads. This type of washcloth is knitted in single crochet stitches in a circle, making sure that the soap is freely placed inside. For convenience, you can tie a loop and hang the washcloth to dry after use. To do this, cast on the desired number of air loops, along which 1-2 rows of single crochets are knitted.

Sponges made from elongated loops are very convenient. First you need to cast on the required number of air loops, close them in a ring and knit a couple of rows with single crochets. Next, the hook is inserted into the base of the loop, and the working thread is made over a ruler or finger. The thread is grabbed under the ruler (finger) and brought to the front side - there are 2 loops on the hook that need to be knitted in 1 step. Then the steps are repeated until the end of the row. Visual diagrams will help you understand the sequence of making long loops. This DIY washcloth will turn out durable and beautiful if you alternate rows of elongated loops and single crochets.

Adults and children often like to use mitts in the bath or shower. First, knit a chain of air loops, the length of which should correspond to the required girth of the bottom of the mitten. The loops are closed in a circle and 2-3 rows are knitted with simple single crochets. The next row is knitted with lush columns, as shown in the diagram. In the next row, lush columns are arranged in a checkerboard pattern. Alternating these 2 rows, the mitten is knitted to the required height, and then rounded, evenly reducing the number of stitches. The last 3 rows are knitted with single crochets, cutting the loops so that 5-6 loops remain in the last row, through which the working thread is passed and pulled together tightly. If desired, you can make a hole for your thumb.

Washcloths made from natural materials

Weaving washcloths for baths can be made not only from ready-made threads. Common nettle produces strong natural fibers that are used to make washcloths.

Young shoots are not suitable, but last year’s stems are perfect option. They are collected during rain, since it is easiest to remove the top fibrous layer from wet stems. The resulting strips are laid out on a flat surface until completely dry, after which they can be used. Nettle washcloths are crocheted, and if the fibers are not long enough, they are simply sewn on a machine or stitched by hand, using durable fabric as a base.

Knitting washcloths is not the only way making these bath accessories. An excellent natural washcloth will be made from luffa - next of kin cucumber It is grown for food and technical purposes. The young fruits of this plant are fragile and juicy, and fully ripe ones have many bundles of hard fibers. Both ends of a ripe luffa fruit are cut off and the seeds are poured out. Then immerse it in boiling water for 20-25 minutes, take it out and wait until it cools completely. After this procedure, the peel of the fruit is easily removed.

All that remains is to thoroughly rinse the resulting mesh in hot water, and the original washcloth is ready for use.

Many needlewomen are interested in the question of how to crochet a washcloth.

Having basic knitting skills, this will not be difficult to do.

This handmade washcloth will not only be useful in everyday life, but will also be a good gift for loved ones.

How to tie a washcloth. Materials:

Multi-colored propylene threads

Hook No. 5

How to knit a washcloth with elongated loops. Step-by-step instruction

How to choose the right materials

Propylene threads are the most suitable material for knitting washcloths. The product is quite soft and at the same time durable.

You can purchase them in specialized departments for handicrafts or in hardware stores. To make your washcloth bright and fun, it is best to combine several colors.

When choosing a hook, you should take into account the fact that the pointed head can constantly cling to the threads, interfering with work.

Use a medium thickness hook (#4 or #5) with a rounded head.

Let's get started

To make the washcloth elastic and dense, it should be knitted in two threads. Place them together and tie a loop.

Grab a long thread with a crochet hook and pull it through the resulting loop. Repeating In a similar way, knit a chain of air loops, the length of which should be approximately 20 centimeters.

Having reached the desired length, the chain must be closed in a ring and then knitted in a circle with single crochets.

After knitting several rows, begin to create the “shaggy” part of the washcloth. To do this, you just need to pull out the loops, no matter whether you knit with single crochet or double crochet.

IN the latter case the work will progress much faster.

Having knitted the desired length, finish the product with single crochets without pulling out the loops. The number of rows at the beginning of work and at the end must correspond to each other.

We complete the process by knitting the handle. To do this, you need to knit a single crochet and make a chain of air loops. Fasten the end of the chain to the other side of the product and for strength, knit a few more single crochets.

Want to get cute, bright washcloths? Just use threads of different colors in your work, combining them at your own discretion.

Knowing how to tie a washcloth, you can extra effort make a useful thing with your own hands, which will also be a good gift, made with soul and love!