Cows fall from the sky - a selection of interesting facts.

Snow, rain and hail are common precipitation for us. But many “things” fall from heaven, sometimes unusual and surprising. Cow falling from the sky– does it sound? When you first read it, you probably began to smile, but in vain, because history knows cases when this happened. flying cow– is this possible? this question can be given an equally serious answer: anyone and anything can fly, the question is whether this someone knows how to land?

Cows falling from the sky- it’s funny (if you don’t think about it, but it’s still sad) and surprising, but still it is. So, I present to your attention 5 cases in which cows fell straight from the sky (explanation included) according to the site:

  1. Let's start with the “lowest cow fall“. Once in China, in the city of Changchun, there was such a case: a car that was calmly driving along the highway suddenly a cow fell. Eyewitnesses were able to fully reconstruct the events. In front of the injured car was a truck with a cow on its platform. Apparently she got tired of standing and decided to get down to the ground, but that was not the case (we know that getting off while walking is not very good idea). That's how the cow ended up on the car that was following the truck. By the way, the truck fled the scene of the accident, and the cow turned out to be stolen - the thief did not bother to secure his loot.
  2. This incident occurred in 2002 in Norway. Olaf Kalstad was driving his car along the A39 highway when he saw a large shadow on the asphalt in front of him. Having turned out to be quite agile, Olaf realized that something would soon fall on the asphalt and quickly braked, when it was right in front of his car the cow fell. This case also has its own interesting continuation: Olaf was very scared when he saw a cow lying in front of his car, according to him, he even admitted the thought: have I gone crazy? Having pulled himself together, he called the police, and they, in turn, listened to Olaf, redirected the call to the psychiatric hospital, whose team was soon at the scene of the accident. The cow was indeed at the scene of an accident that did not happen, and the explanation is as follows: the animal was grazing at the edge of the terrace, which is located above the highway, stumbled and fell.
  3. The same year, 2002, June: a 36-year-old Austrian woman was injured. She was driving a car with her husband, when suddenly their car the cow fell. from which she fell was no less than 5 meters. The animal was walking through a mountain pasture and wandered behind a canopy protecting a mountain road from avalanches, lost its balance and fell. The woman was sent to the hospital, but her husband escaped with shock.
  4. This incident is more interesting: the incident occurred in the Sea of ​​​​Japan. In 1997, a fishing trawler sank and was caused by a cow that fell, according to fishermen. straight from the sky. After 2 weeks it became clear where in open sky it turned out to be a poor animal. The pilots of one of the planes stole a cow to treat themselves to steaks from time to time. But they didn’t take into account one thing: when the plane took off, the cow went crazy and started destroying everything around, because of this, the pilots decided to simply throw it away (by the way, how they did it is kept silent). As long as you live, you never cease to be amazed at the cruelty and stupidity of people.
  5. About 10 years ago, several cows fell in Kamchatka. The border guards were simply transporting cows on a transport plane; the tail doors opened, causing several cows started falling straight from the sky. The cows crashed, but no one was hurt.

After reading these cases, you understand that there can be any number of such incidents. The cause may be an accident or human negligence. So cows still fly.

bugmaker: how do you know that they don’t fly when they’re not visible? geek: Enough with the rambling already, huh? NO COW PATTS WERE FOUND ON THE ROOTS OF HOUSES AND TREE TOPS bugmaker: How do you know that flying cows leave cakes behind and don’t clean them up after themselves, that cakes from flying cows are the same as those from crawling cows, that cows don’t fly at exactly that height, that cakes burn even at upper layers atmosphere, that cows do not tend to fly exclusively over the expanses of the ocean, that... ??? anonymous: She only shits on the ground. They descend unnoticed, shit, and fly away unnoticed. And finally, sometimes there are such centers hanging here that not only cows, but also elephants, crocodiles and green hamsters fly in schools. anonymous: did you know that... ordinary cows prefer altitudes up to 87 km, it’s amazing, but it’s a fact that maximum height which a cow has ever reached in a jump - 150 km during the test of the most powerful nuclear bomb on Novaya Zemlya, where she successfully used powerful convection currents, accelerating to Mach 4.3 and reaching this height in just a couple of minutes! It is noteworthy that the cow pellets emitted in this moment, usually either turn into ice or burn up in the atmosphere when falling from heights of more than 60 km. Petal falls are often confused with meteors. Be careful, cakes that do not burn in the atmosphere have kinetic energy up to 46 KILOJOULES!!! that is, they are able to penetrate at an angle of 90 degrees. steel 10 cm thick!!! acheron: A small part of the cow - the cake - flies in one direction, and the rest of the cow flies in the other. We get a reactive absolutely cold cow. Tigger: Let's take a cow weighing, say, 300 kg. Let us accept it as consisting entirely of water. The number of molecules in it is 300/0.018*6.02e23, the mass of one molecule is 0.018/6.02e23 kg, the size of the molecule is 0.3e-9 m, the vibration frequency is ~150 Hz, that is, movement in one direction takes ~1/300 s. We get the lift force: 0.018/6.02e23 * 0.3e-9 / (1/300) / (1/300) * 300/0.018*6.02e23 = 9e-6 N. While the gravitational force will be about 3000 N. I hope , I didn’t screw up anywhere in the calculations. :) For organic molecules the order of lift is unlikely to be much different. sin_a: Listen, tell me as a physicist, if a migratory cow uses the lifting force of a tornado for its seasonal migrations, is it flying or not? Lumi: Flight still requires active participation and control, otherwise it’s just a fall towards the center of mass Vladimir Malyk: Isn't a cow flying from a cliff towards the ground able to actively influence the trajectory of its flight with its ears, or, say, its tail? Lumi: The cow doesn’t need to go to the bottom, she needs to nibble grass on another cliff. What should she do if she can’t just jump over? What size should the ears be, what should be the musculature on them? geek: By the way, about ears - do elephants fly? anonymous: No one will take your word for it because the area of ​​a cow’s ear exceeds the area of ​​a sparrow’s wing, therefore, by making movements with her ears, the cow develops a lifting force that exceeds the lifting force of a sparrow, while a certain tendency of cows to emit gases in impulses helps cows maneuver in conditions space station, which clearly indicates extraterrestrial origin these animals that have roamed for centuries outer space before settling on Earth. geek: The weight of a cow exceeds the weight of a sparrow by 12,500 times. To create lift, a cow must flap its ears at 13Hz (sparrow flapping frequency) * 12500 / 2 ~~ 82KHz. HEBECTb_KTO: This is in terrestrial conditions. What are you attached to a particular fluctuation, an exception to the rule? In other cases, a cow flies just like a sparrow. anonymous: More productive because it can use the principle jet propulsion, as well as intestinal gases, but according to the geek, this is already aeronautics. Maneuvering is done with the ears. Based on the structure of cows, we can conclude that they came to Earth from planets with low gravity. There them biological features allowed cows to move through the air, that is, to fly. True, a geek might call it hovering... Komintern: So, a person receives the energy necessary for life from the Earth and from Space. If it is possible to divide it this way, then from the earth he receives its emotional part, and from the cosmos - the mental part. Egregors are independent e/and entities that are initially formed from a general idea or general thoughts several people, and then grow and attract everyone more people to your networks. The egregor of fascism, MMM, and many other examples are vivid demonstrations of the true essence of egregors.

All the cows in the world are known
Same in spirit and body,
But she lived in a village near Brest
That cow that looked at the sky.

I imitated rooks and magpies.
She wanted to rise high!

I observed starlings in the clearing.
I studied the flight of buntings.

Imitating the long-winged swifts,
Every day she circled in the paddock.

Thought: “Without heaven, health
It will not return to the cow's body.

I'm bloated, cramped and bored.
How beautiful the vast sky is!
I would like to run through fat pastures,
I wish I could eat clouds every hour. "

And she walked along the path to the rocks,
I came out to the abyss beyond the pass.
And the cow decided boldly
Accelerate and jump off the cliff.
It's like a bird took off,
Two seconds - and here you have clouds.

And when I chewed on the clouds,
I stretched and, having slept well,
She mumbled: “Well, that’s it. She flew off.”
And she returned to earth.

This time everything is told honestly,
So what, that sounds unprecedented.
Where the mountains are near the city of Brest,
There was a time when a cow was flying.

Original - Jan Brzechwa "FRUWAJ;CA KROWA"


"And she walked along the path to the rocks,
I came out to the abyss beyond the pass."
I got emotional while reading this passage. And everything ended well, as it should always be (if only everything in life always ended well!). It’s nice that the cow flew “where the mountains are near the city of Brest”, which means that we are almost fellow countrymen.)))
Thank you for the world of Jan Brzechwa’s poems, Alexey. Here I have another favorite place on Stikhira.

The Poles have many wonderful children's poems. It’s interesting to understand them. Sometimes I deliberately insert familiar names - Brest, Grodno, Slonim, Yanov-Polessky. For Brzechva it was one space; he lived in Zhmerinka, and in Kyiv, in Novosokolniki and Velikiye Luki. And his Babulei and Bubuleika lived somewhere near Vileika, this is no longer my invention :)

Alexey, you are not mistaken. It's written on everything post-Soviet space. Where have I never seen these covers! I definitely saw it in Novgorod, Kyiv, St. Petersburg.

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The Rostvertol enterprise in Rostov has created a new modification of the Mi-26T2 helicopter. The modified Mi received new avionics and blades made of composites. Now it is managed not by five, but by two people. Due to its size, this giant helicopter is often called a “flying cow.” The rotary-winged giant is capable of lifting up to 20 tons of cargo into the sky. In combat conditions - up to 85 soldiers or two combat vehicles. In civilian life, the “cow” helped during the liquidation Chernobyl disaster, installed power line supports, rescued victims from natural Disasters. Just recently, the Mi-26 of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations returned from distressed Japan.

Wind and rain, poor visibility. Despite the vagaries of the weather, the heaviest helicopter in the world easily rises into the sky. A new modification of the legendary “flying cow” - Mi-26T2 - was mastered at the Rostvertol enterprise, part of the Russian Helicopters holding company of the Russian Technologies State Corporation.

“We are the only company that makes heavy transport helicopters, which the whole world knows, which worked at all points and now continue to work,” says Boris Slyusar, CEO JSC "Rostvertol"

The giant helicopter holds 4 world records for lifting capacity. In combat conditions, it transports up to 85 soldiers or two combat vehicles. In civilian life, the “cow” helped during the liquidation of the Chernobyl disaster, and participated in the rescue of victims of fires, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Just recently, Mi-26s of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations returned from distressed Japan.

“Everything about this helicopter is special. Everything about it is greater than anyone else’s. It has the largest rotor, the largest fuselage, the largest payload capacity, the largest cabin, the largest tail rotor,” says Vadim Mikheev, a historian of helicopter technology.

The modernized Mi-26 received new avionics, that is, pilot instruments. This is called a “glass cockpit” - all information is displayed on five multifunctional liquid crystal displays, no dial gauges.

"On the indicators we see navigation maps, which are needed for the pilot, for the navigator, for all navigation. Plus, the state of all helicopter systems can be monitored both on the ground and in flight,” explains Sergei Popov, director of the Heavy Helicopters program at the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant.

Now the Mi-26 is controlled not by five, but by two people. The pilots themselves plot the route, monitor the technical parameters of the flight - navigators and flight mechanics may be left without work. GLONASS satellite navigation, airborne and ground proximity collision avoidance systems, modern weather radar and even a new digital autopilot. All this relieves the crew.

To lift such a giant helicopter into the air, one cannot do without the most advanced technologies. In Rostov-on-Don they mastered the production of blades from composite materials. Inside there is a “honeycomb”. Previously they were made of aluminum. Composites can significantly reduce weight and increase strength.

“What is the difference between composite honeycombs and aluminum ones? These are made of metal, which tends to corrode. This means that its durability is limited. These honeycombs actually have an unlimited lifespan,” explains Alexander Shamshura, director of the blade plant of Rostvertol OJSC.

Inside the blade there is a steel spar. More than 3 thousand kilometers of high-modulus glass thread are wound onto each 11 layers. Previously, this had to be done manually, but today Rostvertol operates the latest automated line.

“After the spar is wound, it is taken to the mold. Temperature and pressure are applied in the mold, and it is sintered, resulting in a strong, reliable spar, which, when hit by a 30 mm projectile, does not lose its strength characteristics,” says Alexander Shamshura, director of the blade plant of OJSC Rostvertol.

Survivability in combat for Rostov rotary-wing aircraft is one of the main requirements. Moreover, this is where the old Mi-24 soldier has been released for 40 years. It became famous in Afghanistan, and today “Crocodile,” as it was nicknamed in the army, has acquired a new Mi-35M designation and modern filling. The outside is the same “flying tank,” but inside there are new engines and electronics. The first helicopters from the assembly line are about to go to combat units.