What do the different colors mean? Psychology of color: How each color characterizes personality

Nowadays, almost all tubes of toothpaste can be found color-coded. However, none of the manufacturers explains what it means.

There are a lot of versions on the Internet explaining the importance of these colored squares, but in reality everything is much more banal. From the current material you will learn what the colored stripes on a tube of toothpaste actually mean.

This marking is applied to the “tail” of the tube (see picture), it can be found at every toothpaste manufacturer. Most likely, it was the widespread use of colored lines that became the reason for the spread of the myth about their sacred meaning for the consumer.
meaning of stripes on toothpaste
The most common colors are blue, green, black and red. For some reason, it is generally accepted that this indicates the safety of a particular paste and the percentage of harmful chemicals in its composition. The theory is as follows:

Black stripe - indicates the most harmful toothpaste, 100% consisting of chemicals and abrasives that are harmful to children's teeth. It is recommended for whitening only.
Blue strip is a less harmful toothpaste that contains 80% chemicals. Long-term use can cause periodontal disease and other complications, so it is used only for medicinal purposes for a short period of time.
Red stripe - the paste contains 50% harmful substances, it is not suitable for people with gum problems.
Green strip is a completely natural product recommended by dentists for regular use.
In fact, the color coding of toothpaste does not provide any useful information to the consumer. It is used in the technological process of packaging manufacturing and can be of any type at the customer’s request. When choosing, you need to carefully study the composition of the toothpaste, and not focus on the color of the tube strips.

Some manufacturers have already managed to get their bearings by starting to produce toothpaste with a green square on the tube. Although the paste itself may be 100% synthetic. The most interesting thing is that this is not prohibited by law.

In the profile GOST 7983-99 “Dentistry. Toothpastes. Requirements, test methods and labeling” and ISO 11609-95 do not have any requirements regarding colored stripes on toothpaste. In addition to the standard information on the packaging (name and address of the manufacturer, composition, storage conditions, expiration date, etc.), only the mass fraction of fluoride should be indicated separately. Neither the color marking itself nor the meanings of its colors are spelled out in these documents.

Once again, the stripes on the toothpaste are only needed to make the tube itself, they have nothing to do with safety or composition.

Myths launched in the media:


Myth one.

*A black mark on a tube of toothpaste means that the paste contains substances that increase periodontal disease;
*The red square indicates to the consumer that the paste contains substances hazardous to health;
*The blue stripe indicates the permissible content of synthetic substances in the paste that are not hazardous to health;
*A green mark on a tube of toothpaste indicates that the toothpaste contains 100% natural raw materials, as well as the content of environmentally friendly substances. Myth two.

The stripes on toothpaste tubes indicate the percentage of chemicals in the toothpaste.
*Black - paste contains 100% chemicals;
*Blue - the paste contains 80% chemicals and 20% natural products;
*Red - toothpaste consists of 50% chemicals and 50% natural product;
*Green - 100% natural product.
After reading the last statement, I imagine how at a paste production plant they make a paste from a natural product, crumble herbs, make infusions and package them in tubes, without preservatives or thickeners)

Myth three.

Quote: "On the back of the toothpaste tube there is a colored stripe. They come in three types: green, blue and black."
What do they mean? According to the author:

A tube with a black square (stripe) contains an abrasive in the paste. This paste whitens teeth well, but this paste cannot be used often, because the abrasive will scratch the tooth enamel. This paste can be used no more than once a week.
A tube with a blue stripe carries the following information: the toothpaste contains abrasive, but much less than the toothpaste with a black stripe on the tube. It is recommended to brush your teeth with this paste no more than two to three times a week. And the tube with a green stripe is more of a phytopaste; you need to brush your teeth with this paste every day, morning and evening.

Myth four.

I quote: “if there is a black stripe on the tail of the tube, the paste is terribly poisonous and generally “made entirely of oil”; blue, red are also nothing good, but green are natural substances and herbs.”

Many people naively believe and then spread such “true information.” Let's separate the wheat from the chaff. The presence of “chemicals” and “herbs” in the toothpaste is written on the box that comes with it; there is no need to attribute any meaning to the colored stripes on the tube, just study the composition. The difficulty, of course, is in the small print and incomprehensible names, but don’t despair, if you are a fighter for natural products in your home, then a magnifying glass and a table of harmful ingredients will help you.

So what do the colored stripes on the tubes mean? I'm afraid to disappoint you - nothing, they have no secret meaning.
Why does the manufacturer label its products, and in different colors? Let's figure it out.

The colored stripes on tubes of toothpastes are “markings” or “light markers” for the conveyor, and they are used so that the sensor on the conveyor can read these markings and cut the tube in the right place.

Color– this is something that surrounds every person every day, causing special emotions and sensations. The choice of clothing, interior items, improvised means and much more according to shades and palettes directly speaks about a person’s preferences, his state of mind and inner feelings. Preferences in colors also characterize temperament and mood regarding the upcoming event.

Choosing the right tone contributes to various effects and can even guarantee success in various endeavors (at work, dating, meeting important people, etc.).

Understanding what certain shades and combinations carry, it will be easier for each person to navigate and even direct the course of events in the right direction. You can understand your condition, see changes in your friends and acquaintances, help improve your mood, and much more by correctly selecting and combining certain colors in your style and environment (items on your desktop, home interior, etc.).

Experts have proven that certain events or memories are directly related to one color or another. Almost everyone associates various holidays and events with bright colors such as red, orange, green, pink, yellow, etc. Sad events always have a black or gray tone.

Subconsciously, people perceive and react to colors in a similar way. Since childhood, a person gets used to perceiving red as a warning sign, prohibition and anxiety. Green, on the contrary, allows you to perform desired actions, move forward confidently, without feeling danger. Each of them has its own characteristics, affecting the perception and psychological state of a person in different ways.

Purple color in psychology

By combining red and blue, you get purple. Deciphering this shade has certain difficulties and several nuances. Most artists in ancient times painted pregnant girls using this shade of the palette. This phenomenon is explained by its consonance with sensuality.

In the modern world, experts claim that it has a negative and even depressive effect on humans. Most self-critical, gloomy, dissatisfied individuals with life prefer to surround themselves with purple objects and clothes. By using it in small quantities you can get benefits, because purple increases self-esteem. It is worth noting that this color is not used when working with elderly people and small children.

Blue color in psychology

The blue option is preferred by many people. This happens due to tangible magnetism. It is when contemplating deep blue things that a person tends to immerse himself in thought, to reflect on the meaning of life and the eternal. In films and stories, magicians are depicted in blue robes. Buddha and Krishna are blue in color, which speaks of wisdom and inner harmony.

Most often, this option is preferred by purposeful, selfless people with personal views and point of view. Clothing in similar colors exudes austerity, high spirituality and a serious position in life. Blue has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has calming properties and extinguishes excessive passion.

Yellow color in psychology

This color is one of the brightest and most positive. The color of summer, sun and warmth has a positive effect on brain activity, improves mood and makes the imagination work. Of course, excessive use of yellow shades in clothing and interior design can lead to overstimulation. In the interior it must be harmoniously combined with darker and soothing tones.

Positive and talented individuals prefer yellow. Those who have a huge amount of ideas and talents. Purposeful, positive people who are able to adapt to their interlocutor. In addition to all these positive characteristics, yellow has a second side to the coin. It is he who is considered a symbol of dementia and madness.

Green color in psychology

Green is a symbol of spring, rebirth and peace of mind. The healing and relaxing properties have long been proven. Prolonged contemplation of green brings with it absent-mindedness and boredom.

Lovers of the green palette have balance, efficiency, internal harmony and the ability to logically assess the situation. Green extinguishes the negative effects of depressive and negative colors. That is why it is combined with dark depressive tones (purple, black, etc.) creating ideal clothes and interiors.

Red color in psychology

A victorious color characterized by excessive activity, determination, rigidity and even aggressiveness. It is also red that is associated with passion, love and self-sacrifice. It is most often used in marketing concepts (posters, advertising, etc.) and in danger warning signs (road, traffic lights). Experts do not recommend getting carried away and looking at the red color of the palette for a long time.

People who sympathize with red have a strong character, obvious courage and determination. Passion, impulsiveness, power and perseverance can play both to the benefit and to the detriment of a person.

Orange color in psychology

Orange is pretty close to yellow. It has similar features and properties. Cheerfulness, positive attitude, passion, readiness to solve complex problems, joy and spontaneity - all this is conveyed by this version of the palette. Orange has a positive effect on a person and lifts him out of a depressed state after heavy losses and disappointments. Included in the list of the best flowers for psychotherapy.

Lovers of this color have forgiving, easy-going, bright character traits. It is worth considering that their characteristic is inconstancy and arrogance.

Lilac color in psychology

The color lilac is a symbol of affection and warm feelings. It evokes philosophical views on life, peace of mind and the feeling of flight.

Lilac lovers are very romantic, sentimental, dreamy, romantic and sensual people. Despite their gentle nature, they have impeccable mental abilities and excellent ingenuity. Attentive attitude to one’s appearance and to the appearance of others, readiness to help is another quality inherent in “lilac” people.

Blue color in psychology

Surrounding yourself with blue flowers, a person feels comfort, security and reliability. It allows you to disconnect from all problems, not think about tomorrow and existing problems.

All those who prefer this shade option are concentrated, self-confident, straightforward and focused individuals. These are excellent office workers. Those who know how to quietly but confidently achieve the desired result.

Pink color in psychology

The color of naivety, childhood, carelessness and love is pink. Naive dreams and fantasies, calm and distraction from bad thoughts - these are the properties that pink colors have.

Pink lovers are very hardworking, dreamy and dedicated to their work. They are touchy, whiny, have a good temperament and even childish naivety.

Black color in psychology

Despite the associations with grief and sadness, black always attracts the attention of others. The embodiment of strength, confidence, intrigue, wealth and mystery also carries with it this variant of the palette. In moments of depression, it only aggravates the situation, prolongs the process of sadness and detachment from the world around us.

Black lovers are most often gloomy, self-contained and overly serious individuals.

White color in psychology

Purity, innocence and exceptionally light associations are carried by white tones. New beginnings, a symbol of freedom, inspiration, peace and faith.

Medical workers wear white coats. This is due to the color's associations with goodness, honesty and perfection. In many countries, this color is present in traditional attire. It is impossible to accurately reveal the character of white lovers, since it is widely used as work clothes. It looks impressive in combination with other color options and is a classic option.

Turquoise color in psychology

It is the coldest of the entire palette of shades. It has a very attractive appearance and leaves no one indifferent. Brings the coolness of the sea waves, healing, peace and creativity. Many people prefer to wear turquoise jewelry, which brings good luck and protects its owner.

Gray color in psychology

A mixture of completely opposite colors (black and white) carries a neutral feeling. The “golden mean” is mostly ignored by people and is associated with workdays and everyday life. Despite the fact that few people pay attention to the color gray, it conveys friendliness, calmness, stability, realism and common sense.

A small percentage of those who prefer gray are friendly, courteous and patient by nature. Preferring and surrounding oneself with gray tones indicates a person’s emotional exhaustion and nervousness.

Brown color in psychology

A symbol of hard work, reliability, stability, dedication to work and one’s business - this is cinnamon. The negative side is that brown is associated with doubts and disappointments.

Those who prefer brown colors in the palette are purposeful and life-loving individuals. They are thoughtful, rational and optimistic.

Psychology of color in clothing

For business meetings and promotion at work, formal outfits in blue, light blue, brown, and gray are ideal. Combinations of white flowers with black also have a positive effect.

Meeting with friends and relatives, walks in the park, around the city require brighter and richer colors, especially if it is a warm period of time. Clothes in green, yellow, turquoise, lilac, and orange tones cannot be ignored and left hanging in the closet.

For dates and romantic dinners, the fairer sex quite often resorts to outfits with red accents and elements. This move ignites passion and has an exciting effect on partners.

Psychology of color in the interior

Bright shades (yellow, orange, green, red) are most often used when decorating a kitchen. Furniture in these colors helps increase appetite and improve mood.

Blue, violet and cyan are actively used in bathrooms.

It is not advisable to use blue, purple and white colors in children's rooms. It is best to organize children's rooms in pink, peach and other warm colors.

Very often, public institutions (cafes, restaurants, hotels) resort to decorating their premises using brown and red shades.

Many buyers, caring about the health of their teeth and the entire oral cavity, try to purchase high-quality and useful products for care and preventive measures. When purchasing toothpaste, special attention is paid to its composition and how the packaging is designed. In this regard, there are many myths and guesses regarding the color marks on the tube and their designation.

What do consumers think the stripes on a tube of toothpaste mean?

According to a survey of residents, false information was revealed about the colors of the stripes on the packaging of toothpaste.

Here are some of them:

  1. Black– eloquently indicates that the paste contains a huge number of chemical components that can negatively affect the health of the gums and the development of periodontal disease.
  2. Blue- indicates that the paste contains only 20% natural ingredients, the rest is only substances of harmful chemical content.
  3. Green– the safest and healthiest toothpaste, containing only 100% natural ingredients.
  4. Red- indicates that the paste contains half of the total volume of useful substances, the remaining 50% is only chemical harmful substances.

What can you tell about toothpaste from the stripes on the tube?

The next misconception is that color markings indicate the frequency of use of the paste:

  1. Black color– indicates that the paste has a strong whitening effect, which can negatively affect the condition of tooth enamel.
  2. Blue– this color allows you to use the paste daily.
  3. Green stripe– indicates that the paste has a strengthening effect, but can only be used for one month.
  4. red mark– the paste has a beneficial effect, it contains medicinal components, however, you can use it for no more than 7 days.

Another misconception is the myth of content abrasives. There is an opinion about the composition of the components in the form of tiny pieces that polish and effectively lighten tooth enamel, but at the same time negatively affect its condition.

According to this opinion, paste with marks black, blue and brown colors contains a huge composition of abrasive substances, and this product can be used for no more than a week.

Band Red indicates that the paste contains much less of these additives, but it is allowed to be used no more than 3 times a week.

And toothpaste with green mark can be used daily without fear.

Do you want white and healthy teeth?

Even with careful care of your teeth, over time stains appear on them, they darken and turn yellow.

In addition, the enamel becomes thinner and teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet foods or drinks.

In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest product - Denta Seal toothpaste with a filling effect.

It has the following properties:

  • Levels damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
  • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
  • Returns teeth natural whiteness, smoothness and shine

Why are there stripes on toothpaste tubes?

You should not believe all the myths about the semantic meaning of the strips; on each package of the dental product, its composition is described in full. The meaning of colored stripes is much more primitive than the mythical stories that dreamers have come up with.

Stripes of various color shades are a kind of identification mark for the conveyor, they are needed to correctly and evenly separate the workpiece for the future tube. The production sensor finds a colored mark on the conveyor belt and cuts it exactly at this point.

Next, the cut piece is rolled up using a machine, glued and filled with toothpaste, at this moment the lid with a screwed cap is located on the bottom side. The final end of the work is when the tube of paste is wrapped and sealed.

What determines the color of the stripe on the tube?

What identifying color the stripe on a toothpaste tube should be depends on the design:

  • So that the conveyor mechanism can easily read the mark, there should be maximum difference between the main background and the color mark.
  • If the main background of the packaging is planned to be a light tone, then the stripe should be applied in a dark color.
  • If the background is planned in dark shades, then the light mark will naturally be light.
  • 4 main and primary colors are used in the design of tubes. It doesn't always live up to what was originally intended. In this case, a complementary color scheme is used.
  • So that the colors do not overlap and interfere, the fifth color is applied. It produces barcode printing, text printing and light marking on packaging.
  • Sometimes design elements are used instead of a color stripe, in this case there will be no strip of a certain color on the tube.

If you really want to study the composition, then you need to read what is written in the fine print or study all the messages on the manufacturer’s official website.

Many patients complain of excessive sensitivity, discoloration of enamel and caries. Toothpaste with a filling effect does not thin the enamel, but, on the contrary, strengthens it as much as possible.

Thanks to hydroxyapatite, it firmly plugs microcracks on the enamel surface. The paste prevents early tooth decay. Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries. I recommend.

What to look for when choosing toothpaste?

When buying toothpaste you need carefully study its composition, which is printed on the back of the packaging container.

To treat the oral cavity, you should opt for products that contain juices and decoctions of medicinal herbs and do not contain synthetic components. It is necessary to know and take into account the condition of your teeth and be aware of diseases of the gums and oral cavity.

If you have diseases, you need to opt for a product that largely consists of medicinal herbs and plants. There is no need to ignore the advice of our ancestors, who treated almost all diseases using traditional methods using medicinal herbs.

During the manufacturing process of the paste, some harmful components are added to its content; you need to know about them and take them into account when choosing and purchasing.

What components of toothpaste are harmful to health?

Sodium lauryl sulfate- one of the harmful components of the paste. This substance is of synthetic origin, it forms abundant foam. It is actively added in the manufacture of powder and various detergents. It does not bring any benefit to the body; on the contrary, when a person is oversaturated with this substance, great harm is caused to him. It has the ability to dry out the mucous membrane and develop a disease such as stomatitis.

Fluorine- huge content, which significantly worsens the condition of tooth enamel. It negatively affects the general condition of a person: bones are destroyed, kidney stones are formed, and joint diseases develop.

Sodium cocosulfate- a harmful chemical element, it is made from saturated fatty acids. Has similar harmful characteristics as sodium lauryl sulfate.

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Color is something that surrounds every person every day and evokes special emotions and sensations. The choice of clothing, interior items, improvised means and much more according to shades and palettes directly speaks about a person’s preferences, his state of mind and inner feelings. Preferences in colors also characterize temperament and mood regarding the upcoming event.

The meaning of colors in psychology

Choosing the right tone contributes to various effects and can even guarantee success in various endeavors (at work, dating, meeting important people, etc.).
Understanding what certain shades and combinations carry, it will be easier for each person to navigate and even direct the course of events in the right direction. You can understand your condition, see changes in your friends and acquaintances, help improve your mood, and much more by correctly selecting and combining certain colors in your style and environment (items on your desktop, home interior, etc.).

Experts have proven that certain events or memories are directly related to one color or another. Almost everyone associates various holidays and events with bright colors such as red, orange, green, pink, yellow, etc. Sad events always have a black or gray tone.
Subconsciously, people perceive and react to colors in a similar way. Since childhood, a person gets used to perceiving red as a warning sign, prohibition and anxiety. Green, on the contrary, allows you to perform desired actions, move forward confidently, without feeling danger. Each of them has its own characteristics, affecting the perception and psychological state of a person in different ways.


Since ancient times, people have shown a special interest in the color red. In many languages, the same word means the color red and, in general, everything beautiful and beautiful. Among the Polynesians, the word "red" is synonymous with the word "beloved." In China, a sincere, frank person is said to have a “red heart,” while the heart of a bad, treacherous person is black.
Red - exciting, hot, activating, associated with danger and aggression. Reds can easily attract attention to any advertisement. Your pulse and blood pressure may increase if you look at red for too long. Red tires quickly.
People who prefer red love to be leaders. Almost all their senses are at their maximum. They are persistent and do not like to put things off. It often happens that those who prefer red are demonstrative and selfish, intolerant, stubborn and cruel. A woman in red is most often inclined to flirt with guys.
The color red also denotes power and greatness. In Byzantium, only the empress had the right to wear red boots. The emperor signed in purple ink and sat on a purple throne. For many peoples, the color red symbolizes the south, flame and heat.

Orange color in psychology

Orange is pretty close to yellow. It has similar features and properties. Cheerfulness, positive attitude, passion, readiness to solve complex problems, joy and spontaneity - all this is conveyed by this version of the palette. Orange has a positive effect on a person and lifts him out of a depressed state after heavy losses and disappointments. Included in the list of the best flowers for psychotherapy.

Lovers of this color have forgiving, easy-going, bright character traits. It is worth considering that their characteristic is inconstancy and arrogance.

Purple color in psychology

By combining red and blue, you get purple. Deciphering this shade has certain difficulties and several nuances. Most artists in ancient times painted pregnant girls using this shade of the palette. This phenomenon is explained by its consonance with sensuality.
In the modern world, experts claim that it has a negative and even depressive effect on humans. Most self-critical, gloomy, dissatisfied individuals with life prefer to surround themselves with purple objects and clothes. By using it in small quantities you can get benefits, because purple increases self-esteem. It is worth noting that this color is not used when working with elderly people and small children.


Pink is a soft color that dulls the emotions of anger and aggression. In places where children with antisocial behavior are corrected, pink walls or furniture are often used. If after a hard day you come home angry and aggressive, look at something pink and your aggression will disappear.
Pink can mean goodness, passion, romance, love. Those who prefer pink want to live life to the fullest, desire new experiences, are hardworking and do not like to rest. But sometimes people who prefer pink can be frivolous, childish, and love to show off in front of everyone.
Pink is the color of life, of all living things. He talks about the need to love and be kinder. Those who like him can become agitated over the most insignificant things. For people who are overly pragmatic, this color causes irritation.

Blue color

In psychology, this shade symbolizes calmness and contentment. It balances mood swings and other aspects of the human psyche, and evens out well-being throughout the day. It is recommended for decorating work areas and offices when it is necessary to develop discipline, diligence, organization, and leadership qualities in employees.
Blue color develops the ability to find profitable compromises and make cool, informed decisions. Contributes to the stable functioning of all systems of the human body, including mental processes.
Used as a balancing lever that restores sanity and promotes rapid rehabilitation of people with neuroses and other mental conditions. The entire psychology of the color of the sea is based on this.

Green color

It is a completely natural and most adapted color, which evokes only positive feelings in a person’s life.
Naturally, many shades of green can cause some unpleasant sensations, for example, neon. Over time, they irritate the visual analyzer, contributing to fatigue, and worsening well-being. But, besides this, neon shades improve appetite, causing a feeling of hunger. It is often used in rooms intended for eating.
Other shades of green are calmer and more peaceful. They have a beneficial effect on human vision and well-being. A return to the primitive beginning of man associates green with something natural and native, so it is perceived very easily in any interior, clothing and household details.

Black color - meaning in psychology

Many are sure that everything associated with black has a negative meaning, but in fact this is not the case.
It personifies authoritarianism, it has been proven that people in black clothes gain weight, so it is not surprising that rich people prefer it.
In some cases, the meaning of color indicates a serious psychological imbalance. If black predominates in children’s drawings, then it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist.
A person who prefers this color is a mystery and, by choosing such clothes, he unconsciously tries to attract the attention of others. If dark colors predominate in the wardrobe, then this indicates that such and such important things are missing in life.
In psychology, the color black has a connection with sexual attractiveness. People who love him agree to experiment in bed.

The meaning of white color in psychology

The lightest representative of the color spectrum is the personification of purity, innocence, joy and fidelity.
It means freedom of opportunity and the removal of all existing barriers. White color in psychology is a symbol of equality because it combines other shades.
A person who prefers white devotes himself completely to any task, wanting to bring it to perfection. He is open to the world and easily senses deception.
When understanding what colors mean, it is worth noting that this light shade also has an opposite meaning, which is due to the fact that it is able to neutralize other colors, personifying emptiness.

The meaning of gray in psychology

The middle neutral value between black and white is gray, so it does not distract from important matters. According to surveys, there are very few people who prefer it in their wardrobe and life in general.
Gray color in psychology means that the person who likes it puts reason first, not emotions. Clothes of this color give strength to insecure people.
A mixture of black and white is considered a shade of calm, balance, realism and order.
Doctors and psychologists are sure that people who love the color gray are on the verge of nervous and emotional exhaustion.


The color of gold, which since ancient times has been perceived as a frozen solar color. This is the color of autumn, the color of ripe ears and fading leaves, but also the color of illness, death, the other world.
Among many nations, women preferred yellow clothes. Often the color yellow served as a distinctive feature of noble persons and upper classes. For example, Mongolian lamas wear yellow clothes with a red belt.
On the other hand, among some Asian peoples, yellow is the color of mourning, grief, and sadness. In Europe, a yellow or yellow-black flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. Among the Slavic peoples, yellow is considered the color of jealousy and betrayal, and in Tibet jealousy is literally called “yellow eye.” Let us also remember the “yellow press” and the “yellow house”

Blue color - meaning in psychology

If you want to calm down and inspire trust in another person, it is recommended to use blue. With its help you can evoke respect and emphasize your social status.
Blue color in psychology is a symbol of stability. It stimulates and motivates well, so it is recommended to paint the walls in the office with it.
Blue is a symbol of straightforwardness and stability.
This shade is used in hospital decoration because it has been proven that it gives strength to seriously ill people, helping them fight illnesses. Athletes training in a gym with blue walls achieve better results in competitions.

The meaning of brown in psychology

If a person prefers things with this shade in his life, then this indicates his self-confidence. Psychologists recommend using brown in moments of life when many problems arise. It gives a person hope that everything will turn out well.
The color brown in psychology means that people who choose it love to work and always tell the truth. When going to an interview, it is recommended to wear brown clothes.
It is associated with common sense, reliability and stability, but it is also associated with disappointment and depression.
The color brown combines red, which embodies aggression and activity, and yellow, which extinguishes these qualities.
When figuring out the meaning of colors, it is worth pointing out that fans of brown love life in all its manifestations, but at the same time they are reasonable. In critical situations, they can show composure and rationalism.
When it comes to sexual life, a “brown” person prefers conservatism and traditionalism. For him, the emotional state comes first, and then physiology.

Burgundy color - meaning in psychology

To form this shade, red and brown colors are used, so the characteristics inherent in them are transferred to burgundy. In life, it is preferred by strong business people who are conservative, confident and respectable.

In psychology, burgundy color represents power and strength. If you often use it in clothing, you can develop assertiveness, perseverance and determination.

It is important to consider that in large quantities, burgundy begins to negatively affect the psyche and can cause depression, so psychologists recommend using the color in doses.

When analyzing the meaning of colors, it is worth pointing out that people who wear burgundy are energetic and they have excellent organizational skills, but at the same time they are stingy with emotions.

The environmental friendliness of any product is now not in last place. What do the colored stripes on toothpaste tubes mean? Is it really possible to determine the naturalness of the ingredients by these markings?

All shades of marks have already acquired a lot of rumors, but which ones are true?

Myths about the meaning of tube color

The most popular assumption about the origin of the stripes on the tubes is related to their composition. More precisely, with its naturalness:

  1. The red stripe indicates that only half of the substances are natural.
  2. Black marking is an indicator of the chemical origin of the components.
  3. The green stripe means natural ingredients, i.e. a completely organic composition.
  4. The blue color indicates that 80% of the composition is chemical compounds.

Terms of use

There is a statement that the frequency of use of opened packaging is indicated precisely by the stripes on the sealed part of the tubes. If you follow this theory, then you can use a paste with a blue marking all the time, but if it is red, then no more than 7 days. Restrictions are imposed due to the natural composition, which has a healing effect.

Black color indicates a strong whitening effect, so you need to use the product at certain intervals. But you can use a tube with a green stripe continuously for about 30 days, as this product strengthens your teeth.

Number of dyes

Hypotheses regarding the origin of the stripes extend further:

  • The paste with a green stripe consists of natural dyes; there are no synthetic impurities;
  • blue and brown markings indicate that the product is only half natural;
  • the black stripe is purely chemical components.

Abrasive components

Some believe that the mark on the tube can tell you the amount of abrasive particles in the paste. They clean well, but long-term exposure to such particles destroys the enamel. If you follow the theory, then blue, black and brown shades indicate a large amount of abrasive, which is why they use products with them for a short period of time.

Few cleaning components have a paste with a red marker. But still, they brush their teeth with it only 3 days a week. But the green one is suitable for everyday use.

Protection from diseases

There is also an opinion that the mark on the solder indicates the quality of protection against:

  1. When the mark is green, the paste protects against disease through its ecological composition.
  2. A black mark indicates that the product has a low degree of protection and even provokes periodontal disease.
  3. If the mark is red, then the paste, although it has a synthetic composition, is still capable of providing the required degree of protection.

Race and quantity of petroleum products

Some theories are very strange to hear, but there are also those who link both of these features into one, suggesting that the third world and Asia are intended for black mark funds. Allegedly, they contain the maximum amount of petroleum products and, accordingly, they are of low quality.

A blue mark is an indicator of decent quality and is more common in the USA. But green and red stripes are marked for Europe. The first package speaks of environmental friendliness, and the second contains a small amount of impurities.

Financial conspiracy

This theory links label differences to prices. So, a red mark is an expensive product, a black mark is an indicator of cheapness and appropriate quality, but the blue color is applied to pastes that are somewhat more expensive and of better quality.

The hypothesis does not explain the origin of other shades on the sealed part of the tube. There are other opinions regarding their designation, but there is no point in citing each of them.

What do the stripes on toothpaste tubes mean?

There are plenty of conjectures, but none of them are true. If you have doubts about the quality of the paste, you can read the composition to confirm this idea or refute it.

The markings on the paste do not indicate secret messages or conspiracies. This is just a marking that helps the conveyor cut off the foil tube blank. The sensor recognizes the light mark as the package moves on the belt, cutting, curling and gluing it. After this, the tube is filled with paste, it is soldered on one end, and the cap is screwed on on the other.

Why are the shades different?

The argument that the marks differ in color and therefore indicate quality also does not stand up to criticism. The color of the marking depends on the overall design of the paste. There needs to be contrast, only then the sensor will work correctly. This is also confirmed by the fact that the color of the barcode is similar to this element.

If the overall shade of the tube is light, dark colors of the labels are used, and it will be light if the packaging is made in dark colors. 4 colors are used for the design; the remaining shades only complement the main background. It is important that they do not overlap each other, and that the fifth shade is different from them.

The stripe on the paste is sometimes missing, it all depends on the design. Some brands use other elements to decorate the tube, which replace the label. Therefore, you need to choose a suitable toothpaste based on the composition, without paying attention to the packaging elements.

Video: what do the stripes on toothpaste tubes mean?