Germanium - medicinal properties. Germanium in the human body

This information is intended for healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals. Patients should not use this information as medical advice or recommendations.

Organic germanium and its use in medicine. Organic germanium. History of discovery.

Suponenko A. N.
K. x. Sc., General Director of Germatsentr LLC

The chemist Winkler, having discovered a new element of the periodic table, germanium, in silver ore in 1886, had no idea how much attention this element would attract from medical scientists in the 20th century.

Germany was the first to be used most widely for medical purposes in Japan. Tests of various organogermanium compounds in animal experiments and in clinical trials on humans have shown that they have a positive effect on the human body to varying degrees. The breakthrough came in 1967, when Dr. K. Asai discovered that organic germanium, the synthesis method of which had previously been developed in our country, has a wide range of biological effects.

Among the biological properties of organic germanium, one can note its abilities:

ensure the transfer of oxygen in body tissues;

increase the immune status of the body;

exhibit antitumor activity

Thus, Japanese scientists created the first drug containing organic germanium, “Germanium-132,” which is used to correct the immune status in various human diseases.

In Russia, the biological effects of germanium have been studied for a long time, but the creation of the first Russian drug “Germavit” became possible only in 2000, when Russian businessmen began to invest in the development of science and, in particular, medicine, realizing that the health of the nation requires the closest attention, and its strengthening is the most important social task of our time.

Where is germanium found?

It should be noted that during the geochemical evolution of the earth’s crust, a significant amount of germanium was washed out from most of the land surface into the oceans, so at present the amount of this microelement contained in the soil is extremely insignificant.

Among the few plants capable of absorbing germanium and its compounds from the soil, the leader is ginseng (up to 0.2%), widely used in Tibetan medicine. Germanium also contains garlic, camphor and aloe, traditionally used for the prevention and treatment of various human diseases. In plant materials, organic germanium is in the form of carboxyethyl semioxide. Currently, organic compounds of germanium – sesquioxanes with a pyrimidine fragment – ​​have been synthesized. This compound is close in structure to the natural germanium compound contained in the biomass of ginseng root.

Germanium is a rare trace element and is present in many foods, but in microscopic doses.

An assessment of the amount of germanium ingested from food, carried out by analyzing 125 types of food products, showed that 1.5 mg of germanium is consumed daily in food. 1 g of raw foods usually contains 0.1 - 1.0 mcg. This trace element is found in tomato juice, beans, milk, and salmon. However, to meet the body’s daily requirement for germanium, it is necessary to drink, for example, up to 10 liters of tomato juice per day or eat up to 5 kg of salmon, which is unrealistic given the physical capabilities of the human body. In addition, the prices for these products make regular consumption impossible for the majority of the population of our country.

The territory of our country is too vast and on 95% of its territory the deficiency of germanium is from 80 to 90% of the required norm, so the question arose about creating a germanium-containing drug.

Distribution of organic germanium in the body and the mechanisms of its effect on the human body.

In experiments determining the distribution of organic germanium in the body 1.5 hours after its oral administration, the following results were obtained: large amounts of organic germanium are contained in the stomach, small intestine, bone marrow, spleen and blood. Moreover, its high content in the stomach and intestines shows that the process of its absorption into the blood has a prolonged effect.

The high content of organic germanium in the blood allowed Dr. Asai to put forward the following theory of the mechanism of its action in the human body. It is assumed that in the blood organic germanium behaves similarly to hemoglobin, which also carries a negative charge and, like hemoglobin, is involved in the process of oxygen transfer in the tissues of the body. This prevents the development of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) at the tissue level. Organic germanium prevents the development of so-called blood hypoxia, which occurs when the amount of hemoglobin capable of attaching oxygen decreases (a decrease in the oxygen capacity of the blood), and develops during blood loss, carbon monoxide poisoning, and radiation exposure. The central nervous system, heart muscle, kidney tissue, and liver are most sensitive to oxygen deficiency.

As a result of experiments, it was also found that organic germanium promotes the induction of gamma interferons, which suppress the processes of reproduction of rapidly dividing cells and activate specific cells (T-killers). The main directions of action of interferons at the body level are antiviral and antitumor protection, immunomodulatory and radioprotective functions of the lymphatic system

In the process of studying pathological tissues and tissues with primary signs of diseases, it was found that they are always characterized by a lack of oxygen and the presence of positively charged hydrogen radicals H +. H+ ions have an extremely negative effect on the cells of the human body, even to the point of their death. Oxygen ions, having the ability to combine with hydrogen ions, make it possible to selectively and locally compensate for the damage to cells and tissues caused by hydrogen ions. The effect of germanium on hydrogen ions is due to its organic form - the sesquioxide form.

Unbound hydrogen is very active, so it easily interacts with the oxygen atoms found in germanium sesquioxides. The normal functioning of all body systems must be guaranteed by the unhindered transport of oxygen in the tissues. Organic germanium has a pronounced ability to deliver oxygen to any point in the body and ensure its interaction with hydrogen ions. Thus, the action of organic germanium when it interacts with H + ions is based on the dehydration reaction (the abstraction of hydrogen from organic compounds), and the oxygen taking part in this reaction can be compared to a “vacuum cleaner” that cleanses the body of positively charged hydrogen ions, organic germanium - with a kind of “internal Chizhevsky chandelier”.

Please note that we receive germanium in any quantity and form, incl. in the form of scrap. You can sell germanium by calling the phone number in Moscow indicated above.

Germanium is a brittle, silvery-white semimetal discovered in 1886. This mineral is not found in its pure form. It is found in silicates, iron and sulfide ores. Some of its compounds are toxic. Germanium is widely used in the electrical industry, where its semiconductor properties are useful. It is indispensable in the production of infrared and fiber optics.

What properties does germanium have?

This mineral has a melting point of 938.25 degrees Celsius. Scientists still cannot explain the indicators of its heat capacity, which makes it indispensable in many fields. Germanium has the ability to increase its density when melted. It has excellent electrophysical properties, which makes it an excellent indirect gap semiconductor.

If we talk about the chemical properties of this semimetal, it should be noted that it is resistant to acids and alkalis, water and air. Germanium dissolves in a solution of hydrogen peroxide and aqua regia.

Germany mining

A limited amount of this semi-metal is currently mined. Its deposits are significantly smaller compared to deposits of bismuth, antimony, and silver.

Due to the fact that the proportion of this mineral in the earth’s crust is quite small, it forms its own minerals due to the introduction of other metals into the crystal lattices. The highest germanium content is observed in sphalerites, pyrargyrite, sulfanite, and in non-ferrous and iron ores. It is found, but much less frequently, in oil and coal deposits.

Uses of germanium

Despite the fact that germanium was discovered quite a long time ago, it began to be used in industry approximately 80 years ago. The semimetal was first used in military production for the manufacture of certain electronic devices. In this case, it found application as diodes. Now the situation has changed somewhat.

The most popular areas of application of germanium include:

  • production of optics. The semimetal has become indispensable in the manufacture of optical elements, which include optical sensor windows, prisms, and lenses. The transparency properties of germanium in the infrared region came in handy here. Semi-metal is used in the production of optics for thermal imaging cameras, fire systems, and night vision devices;
  • production of radio electronics. In this area, the semimetal was used in the manufacture of diodes and transistors. However, in the 70s, germanium devices were replaced with silicon ones, since silicon made it possible to significantly improve the technical and operational characteristics of manufactured products. The indicators of resistance to temperature influences have increased. In addition, germanium devices made a lot of noise during operation.

Current situation with germanium

Currently, the semimetal is used in the production of microwave devices. Germanium telleride has proven itself well as a thermoelectric material. Germanium prices are quite high now. One kilogram of germanium metal costs $1,200.

Buying Germany

Silver-gray germanium is rare. The brittle semimetal has semiconductor properties and is widely used to create modern electrical appliances. It is also used to create high-precision optical instruments and radio equipment. Germanium is of great value both in the form of pure metal and in the form of dioxide.

The Goldform company specializes in the purchase of germanium, various scrap metal, and radio components. We offer assistance with material assessment and transportation. You can send germanium by mail and receive your money in full.

Germanium was discovered by scientists in the late 19th century, who separated it during the purification of copper and zinc. In its pure form, germanium contains the mineral germanite, which is found in the mining of fossil coal; its color can be dark gray or light with a silver sheen. Germanium has a fragile structure and can be broken like glass with a strong blow, but it does not change its properties under the influence of water, air and most alkalis and acids. Until the mid-20th century, germanium was used for industrial purposes - in factories, making optical lenses, semiconductors and ion detectors.

The discovery of organic germanium in the body of animals and humans gave rise to a more detailed study of this microelement by medical scientists. During numerous tests, it was proven that the microelement germanium has a beneficial effect on the human body, acting as an oxygen carrier along with hemoglobin and does not accumulate in bone tissue like lead.

The role of germanium in the human body

The human microelement plays several roles: a defender of the immune system (participates in the fight against microbes), a hemoglobin assistant (improves the movement of oxygen in the circulatory system) and has an inhibitory effect on the growth of cancer cells (the development of metastases). Germanium in the body stimulates the production of interferons to fight harmful microbes, bacteria and viral infections that penetrate the body.

A large percentage of germanium is retained by the stomach and spleen, partially absorbed by the walls of the small intestine, after which it enters the blood and is delivered to the bone marrow. Germanium in the body actively participates in the processes of fluid movement - in the stomach and intestines, and also improves the movement of blood through the venous system. Germanium, moving in the intercellular space, is almost completely absorbed by the cells of the body, but after some time, about 90% of this microelement is excreted from the body by the kidneys along with urine. This explains why the human body constantly requires a supply of organic germanium along with food.

Hypoxia is a painful condition when the amount of hemoglobin in the blood sharply decreases (blood loss, radiation exposure) and oxygen does not spread throughout the body, which causes oxygen starvation. First of all, lack of oxygen injures the brain and nervous system, as well as the main internal organs - the heart muscle, liver and kidneys. Germanium(organic origin) in organism human is able to interact with oxygen and distribute it throughout the body, temporarily taking over the functions of hemoglobin.

Another advantage that germanium has is its ability to influence the remission of pain (not related to injuries) due to electronic impulses arising in the fibers of the nervous system at times of severe stress. Their chaotic movement causes this painful tension.

Products containing germanium

Organic germanium is found in well-known products, such as: garlic, edible mushrooms, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, vegetables - carrots, potatoes and beets, wheat bran, beans (soybeans, beans), tomatoes, fish.

Germanium deficiency in the body

Every day a person needs from 0.5 mg to 1.5 mg of germanium. The microelement germanium is recognized throughout the world as safe and non-toxic for humans. There is currently no information about germanium overdose, but germanium deficiency increases the risk of the occurrence and development of cancer cells into malignant tumors. Osteoporosis is also associated with germanium deficiency in the body.

Worth like gold - fragile like glass. Germanium is a trace element that takes part in many processes in the human body. The lack of this element affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, fat metabolism and other processes, in particular, the development of atherosclerosis. The benefits of germanium for human health were first discussed in Japan. In 1967, Dr. Katsuhiho Asai discovered that germanium has a wide range of biological effects.


Transporting oxygen to body tissues. Germanium, when entering the blood, behaves similarly to hemoglobin. The oxygen that it delivers to the tissues of the body guarantees the normal functioning of all vital systems and prevents the development of oxygen deficiency in the organs that are most sensitive to hypoxia.
. Stimulation of immunity. Germanium in the form of organic compounds promotes the production of gamma interferons, which suppress the proliferation of rapidly dividing microbial cells, activate macrophages and specific immune cells.
. Antitumor effect. Germanium delays the development of malignant tumors and prevents the appearance of metastases, and has protective properties against radiation exposure. The mechanism of action is associated with the interaction of the germanium atom with negatively charged particles of tumor formations. Germanium frees the tumor cell from “extra” electrons and increases its electrical charge, which leads to the death of the tumor.
. Biocidal action (antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial). Organic germanium compounds stimulate the production of interferon, a protective protein produced in response to the introduction of foreign microorganisms.
. Analgesic effect. This trace element is present in such natural foods as garlic, ginseng, chlorella and a variety of mushrooms. It attracted keen interest from the medical community in the 1960s when Dr. Katsuhiho Asai discovered germanium in living organisms and showed that it increased oxygen supply to tissues and also helped treat:
. cancer;
. arthritis, osteoporosis;
. candidiasis (overgrowth of the yeast microorganism Candida albicans);
. AIDS and other viral infections. In addition, germanium can accelerate wound healing and reduce pain.


The chemist Winkler, having discovered a new element of the periodic table, germanium, in silver ore in 1886, had no idea how much attention this element would attract from medical scientists in the 20th century. Germany was the first to be used most widely for medical purposes in Japan. Tests of various organogermanium compounds in animal experiments and in clinical trials on humans have shown that they have a positive effect on the human body to varying degrees. Among the biological properties of organic germanium, one can note its abilities:
. ensure the transfer of oxygen in body tissues;
. improve the conductivity of nerve impulses;
. increase the immune status of the body;
. exhibit antitumor activity

The high content of organic germanium in the blood allowed Japanese scientists to put forward the following theory of the mechanism of its action in the human body. It is assumed that in the blood organic germanium behaves similarly to hemoglobin, which also carries a negative charge and, like hemoglobin, is involved in the process of oxygen transfer in the tissues of the body. This prevents the development of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) at the tissue level. Organic germanium prevents the development of so-called blood hypoxia, which occurs when the amount of hemoglobin capable of attaching oxygen decreases (a decrease in the oxygen capacity of the blood), and develops during blood loss, carbon monoxide poisoning, and radiation exposure. The central nervous system, heart muscle, kidney tissue, and liver are most sensitive to oxygen deficiency.
As a result of experiments, it was also found that organic germanium promotes the induction of gamma interferons, which suppress the processes of reproduction of rapidly dividing cells and activate specific cells (T-killers). The main directions of action of interferons at the body level are antiviral and antitumor protection, immunomodulatory and radioprotective functions of the lymphatic system. In the process of studying pathological tissues and tissues with primary signs of diseases, it was found that they are always characterized by a lack of oxygen and the presence of positively charged hydrogen radicals H+. H+ ions have an extremely negative effect on the cells of the human body, even to the point of their death. Oxygen ions, having the ability to combine with hydrogen ions, make it possible to selectively and locally compensate for the damage to cells and tissues caused by hydrogen ions. The effect of germanium on hydrogen ions is due to its organic form - the sesquioxide form.


It should be noted that during the geochemical evolution of the earth's crust, a significant amount of germanium was washed out from most of the land surface into the oceans, so at present the amount of this microelement contained in the soil is extremely insignificant.
Among the few plants capable of absorbing germanium and its compounds from the soil, the leader is ginseng (up to 0.2%), widely used in Tibetan medicine. Germanium also contains garlic, camphor and aloe, traditionally used for the prevention and treatment of various human diseases.
Germanium is a rare trace element and is present in many foods, but in microscopic doses. The recommended daily dose of germanium in organic form is 8 - 10 mg. An assessment of the amount of germanium ingested from food, carried out by analyzing 125 types of food products, showed that 1.5 mg of germanium is consumed daily in food. 1 g of raw foods usually contains 0.1-1.0 mcg.
This trace element is found in tomato juice, beans, milk, and salmon. However, to meet the body’s daily requirement for germanium, it is necessary to drink, for example, up to 10 liters of tomato juice per day or eat up to 5 kg of salmon, which is unrealistic given the physical capabilities of the human body. In addition, the prices for these products make regular consumption impossible for most of the population. The territory of our country is vast and on 95% of it, the deficiency of germanium is from 80 to 90% of the required norm.


Germanium was discovered by scientists in the late 19th century, who separated it during the purification of copper and zinc. In its pure form, germanium contains the mineral germanite, which is found in the mining of fossil coal; its color can be dark gray or light with a silver sheen. Germanium has a fragile structure and can be broken like glass with a strong blow, but it does not change its properties under the influence of water, air and most alkalis and acids. Until the mid-20th century, germanium was used for industrial purposes - in factories, making optical lenses, semiconductors and ion detectors.
The discovery of organic germanium in the body of animals and humans gave rise to a more detailed study of this microelement by medical scientists. During numerous tests, it was proven that the microelement germanium has a beneficial effect on the human body, acting as an oxygen carrier on a par with hemoglobin and does not accumulate in bone tissue like lead.


The trace element germanium plays several roles in the human body: a defender of the immune system (participates in the fight against microbes), a hemoglobin assistant (improves the movement of oxygen in the circulatory system) and has an inhibitory effect on the growth of cancer cells (the development of metastases). Germanium in the body stimulates the production of interferons to fight harmful microbes, bacteria and viral infections that enter the body.
A large percentage of germanium is retained by the stomach and spleen, partially absorbed by the walls of the small intestine, after which it enters the blood and is delivered to the bone marrow. Germanium in the body is actively involved in the processes of fluid movement - in the stomach and intestines, and also improves the movement of blood through the venous system. Germanium, moving in the intercellular space, is almost completely absorbed by the cells of the body, but after some time, about 90% of this microelement is excreted from the body by the kidneys along with urine. This explains why the human body constantly requires a supply of organic germanium along with food.
Hypoxia is a painful condition when the amount of hemoglobin in the blood sharply decreases (blood loss, radiation exposure) and oxygen does not spread throughout the body, which causes oxygen starvation. First of all, lack of oxygen injures the brain and nervous system, as well as the main internal organs - the heart muscle, liver and kidneys. Germanium (of organic origin) in the human body is able to interact with oxygen and distribute it throughout the body, temporarily taking over the functions of hemoglobin.
Another advantage that germanium has is its ability to influence the remission of pain (not related to injuries) due to electronic impulses arising in the fibers of the nervous system at times of severe stress. Their chaotic movement causes this painful tension.


Organic germanium is found in well-known products, such as: garlic, edible mushrooms, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, vegetables - carrots, potatoes and beets, wheat bran, beans (soybeans, beans), tomatoes, fish.


Every day a person needs from 0.5 mg to 1.5 mg of germanium. The microelement germanium is recognized throughout the world as safe and non-toxic for humans. There is currently no information about germanium overdose, but germanium deficiency increases the risk of the occurrence and development of cancer cells into malignant tumors. Osteoporosis is also associated with germanium deficiency in the body.


Garlic is one of the few products that contain the microelement germanium. In the seventies of the 20th century, Japanese scientists conducted research on the importance of this trace element for the human body. It turned out that germanium is actively involved in the transport of oxygen to the tissues of the body, like hemoglobin. This is especially important for the heart muscle, the entire nervous system, liver and kidneys. By stimulating the immune system, germanium activates macrophages and T-killers (special immune cells). This microelement also has antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, and analgesic effects.

Germanium is not a medicine, so it cannot cure diseases. But according to Japanese scientists (it was there that they first became interested in the positive effects of germanium on the human body), germanium can improve the general condition of the body, namely:
- normalize blood circulation in the body;
- relieve fatigue and muscle tension;
- accelerate wound healing;
- relieve pain;
- prevent cooling of the body;
- improve sleep;
- promote better motor activity;
- normalize the emotional background;
- prevent stretching of muscles and joints during sports.
It should also be noted that germanium necklaces and bracelets have no side effects and are not addictive.

The roller projector of the massage bed, the five-ball projector, as well as the ceramics of the additional mat are made of tourmanium.

Now let's talk in more detail about the natural materials on which Turmanium is formed.

It is a mineral, a substance formed in the depths of the earth by the forces of inanimate nature. Several thousand minerals are known.
but only about 60 of them have the qualities of precious stones. This is exactly what tourmaline is.
Tourmalines are stones of incomparable color variety. Their name comes from the Sinhalese word “tura mali”, which means “stone with mixed colors”.

Of all the minerals existing on earth, only tourmaline carries a permanent electrical charge, which is why it is called a crystalline magnet. Among the endless variety of stones, tourmaline is considered the absolute champion in the number of colors and shades. The natural brilliance, transparency and hardness of this precious multi-colored mineral have earned it a well-deserved reputation as a jewelry stone.
Tourmaline contains: potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, silicon, iodine, fluorine and other components. A total of 26 microelements from the periodic table.

When heated, tourmaline creates a low-frequency magnetic field and emits anions, which act as follows:
enhance cellular metabolism, improve metabolism;
improve local blood flow;
restore the functioning of the lymphatic system;
restore the endocrine and hormonal systems;
improve nutrition in organs and tissues;
strengthen the immune system;
contribute to the balance of the autonomic nervous system (this is a system of excitation and inhibition of the psyche);
provide the body with life-giving energy;
improve blood quality, stimulate blood circulation and thin the blood, so that blood flows into the finest capillaries, giving the body vitality.

Worth like gold - fragile like glass.
Germanium is a trace element that takes part in many processes in the human body. The lack of this element affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, fat metabolism and other processes, in particular, the development of atherosclerosis.
The benefits of germanium for human health were first discussed in Japan. In 1967, Dr. Katsuhiho Asai discovered that germanium has a wide range of biological effects.

Useful properties of germanium

Transporting oxygen to body tissues .
Germanium, when entering the blood, behaves similarly to hemoglobin. The oxygen that it delivers to the tissues of the body guarantees the normal functioning of all vital systems and prevents the development of oxygen deficiency in the organs that are most sensitive to hypoxia.

Immune stimulation .
Germanium in the form of organic compounds
promotes the production of gamma interferons, which suppress the proliferation of rapidly dividing microbial cells, activate macrophages and specific immune cells.

Antitumor effect .
Germanium delays the development of malignant tumors and prevents the appearance of metastases, and has protective properties against radiation exposure. The mechanism of action is associated with the interaction of the germanium atom with negatively charged particles of tumor formations. Germanium frees the tumor cell from “extra” electrons and increases its electrical charge, which leads to the death of the tumor.

Biocidal action (antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial).
Organic germanium compounds stimulate the production of interferon, a protective protein produced in response to the introduction of foreign microorganisms.

Analgesic effect .
This trace element is present in such natural foods as garlic, ginseng, chlorella and a variety of mushrooms. It attracted keen interest from the medical community in the 1960s when Dr. Katsuhiho Asai discovered germanium in living organisms and showed that it increased oxygen supply to tissues and also helped treat:

arthritis, osteoporosis;
candidiasis (overgrowth of the yeast microorganism Candida albicans);
AIDS and other viral infections.

In addition, germanium can accelerate wound healing and reduce pain.

Translated from Celtic “white stone” (“el” - rock, “van” - stone).
- this is a porphyry granite, with quartz and orthoclase phenocrysts in a quartz-feldspathic groundmass with tourmaline, mica, and pinite.
Koreans believe that this mineral has healing properties. Elvan is good for skin health: it is added to cleansing creams. Helps with allergies.

This mineral softens water and purifies it of impurities, absorbing harmful substances and heavy elements.
Elvan is used in the interior. It is used to make floors, walls, beds, mats, sauna benches, stoves, and gas burners.
Widely used in making tableware. In some restaurants, elvan is used in grills so that it permeates the barbecue with its healing fumes. Eggs boiled with the addition of elvan are also very popular in Korea. The eggs acquire the taste and smell of smoked meat, and the color resembles our Easter eggs.

Elvan stone contains many trace elements and is a source of long-wave infrared rays.

These are rocks formed as a result of a volcanic eruption. Thanks to them, tourmanium ceramics acquires its hardness.

Volcanic rocks have a lot of valuable and beneficial properties for humans.

1. They retain the original magnetic field of the Earth, which greatly decreases on the surface.
2. Enriched with microelements. But the main property of volcanic rocks is that they retain organic heat for a long time. This makes it possible to get the maximum effect from warming up.

Volcanic rocks also have the ability to remove toxins from the body and have a cleansing effect on it.
This is a pure breed, not contaminated by civilization, which is actively used for medicinal purposes.