Australia is interesting. Peru - the mysterious city of the Incas

30 interesting facts about Australia

Australia is an amazing country. When it snows in much of the world, Australians bask on sunny beaches. The most unique and deadly animals live here, which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

The name Australia from the Latin “Terra Australis Incognita”, which means “Unknown Southern Land”, appeared during the reign of the Roman Empire.

Australia consists of 6 states: Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and Western Australia. In addition, there are two main mainland territories: the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory, as well as a number of fairly independent islands.

The capital of Australia is Canberra, the largest city within the country and the 8th largest in Australia.

1. Australia is the largest island and smallest continent in the world, completely occupied by one state.

2. Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth, the driest is Antarctica.

One third of Australia is desert, the rest is also quite arid.

3. The Australian Snowy Mountains receive more snow each year than the Swiss Alps.

4. Australia is the only continent without an active volcano.

5. 6 of the 10 most venomous snake species in the world live in Australia. The Australian fierce snake or coastal taipan is the most venomous snake in the world. The poison from one bite can kill 100 people.

6. More than 750,000 wild dromedary camels roam the Australian deserts. This is one of the largest herds on Earth.

7. Kangaroos and emus were chosen as symbols of the Australian coat of arms because, unlike most animals, they are rarely seen moving backwards.

8. The longest living structure in the world, the Great Barrier Reef, is also located in Australia. Its length is 2600 km. By the way, the Great Barrier Reef even has its own mailbox.

9. Australia has 3.3 times more sheep than people.

10. The excrement of wombats, marsupials of Australia, is cube-shaped.

11. Kangaroo meat can be easily found in Australian supermarkets and restaurants. Here it is considered a healthy alternative to beef or lamb: the fat content in kangaroo meat does not exceed 1-2 percent.
12. Koalas and humans are the only animals in the world that have unique fingerprints. Koala fingerprints are almost impossible to distinguish from human fingerprints.

13. The largest species of earthworm on earth, Megascolide australis, reaches a length of 1.2 meters.

14. Population density in Australia is calculated in square kilometers per person, rather than in people per square kilometer as in other countries.

It has one of the lowest levels of population density in the world, which is 3 people per kW. km. The average population density in the world is 45 people per kW. km.

More than 60% of its residents live in five cities: Adelaide, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth.

15. Australia is home to a huge number of emigrants from all over the world. According to statistics, every fourth (more than 20 percent) resident of Australia was born outside of Australia.

16. Australia has been the homeland of the Aboriginal people for more than 40,000 years. They spoke more than 300 different languages.

17. Australians are the most gambling people in the world. More than 80 percent of the adult population gambles, the highest rate in the world.

18. The straightest road in the world runs through the Australian Naallarbor Plain: 146 kilometers without a single turn!

19. The air in Tasmania is considered the cleanest on the planet.

20. The longest wall in the world is not the Great Wall of China, but the so-called “Dog Fence”, which divides the Australian mainland into two parts, one of which is the habitat of wild dingoes. The fence was built primarily to protect southern Queensland grasslands from voracious dingoes. Its total length is 5614 kilometers.

21. Australians are required by law to vote in elections. An Australian citizen who fails to turn up to vote without a valid reason faces a fine.
22. Houses in Australia are poorly insulated from the cold, so in the winter months, at temperatures below +15 degrees, the rooms are quite cool. It is not surprising that the fashion for “ugg boots” - warm, soft and cozy shoes - came from Australia. Australians wear them right at home.
23. Australians almost never leave tips. Some, however, note that this has a negative impact on the quality of Australian service.
24. Australians sometimes call their English relatives with the word “pome” - an abbreviation for “Prisoners of Mother England”.
25. Canberra became the capital of Australia as a result of a compromise between Sydney and Melbourne: the Australians could not decide which of these cities to give the palm to, and eventually located the capital between two competing cities.

26. Although many indigenous Australians are descendants of prisoners, genetics do not indicate exemplary behavior.
27. The greatest football victory in history belongs to the Australian team, which beat American Samoa 31-0 in 2001.
28. In South Australia there is a farm called Anna Creek Cattle Station, which is larger in area than Belgium.
29. One of the most unusual opera houses in the world
The Sydney Opera House is one of the most prominent and recognizable opera houses in the world. It is one of the symbols of Sydney and Australia.

30. Australia owns the largest part of Antarctica
The Australian Antarctic Territory is part of Antarctica. It was claimed by Great Britain and transferred to Australian administration in 1933. It is the largest portion of Antarctica ever claimed by any nation, covering an area of ​​5.9 million square kilometers

Australia is an amazing country, full of surprises and surprises. It is not for nothing that it is called a country of contrasts, because here in the neighborhood you can find developed megacities and endless deserts.

In addition to the incredibly beautiful landscapes in Australia, you can find a lot of dangerous fauna. This is what else this country can surprise you with!

  1. The Australian continent was already inhabited by people before the arrival of the British, with the first aborigines appearing 50 thousand years ago.
  2. This country is in sixth place in area (7 million km) and occupies an entire continent.
  3. There are more than 10 thousand beaches to choose from in the country. It turns out that for almost 30 years you can come to a new beach every day!
  4. About 200 thousand species of animals live in Australia, while a larger number of them are endemic, that is, those who live only in a limited range and are no longer found in other places on our planet.
  5. In 1977, the famous and only ABBA tour took place in Australia.
  6. The territory of this continent is 91% vegetation.
  7. Australia exports camels to Saudi Arabia.
  8. Near the mainland is the largest sand island in the world - Fraser Island. Its area is 1840 square meters. km. sand dunes.
  9. More than 80% of the population lives in the coastal zone, not exceeding 100 km from the water.
  10. Australia uses a special dialect of English called strine. In total, more than 300 languages ​​are spoken on the mainland, 45 of which are indigenous languages.
  1. In this country, Burger King fast food restaurants are called Hungry Jack's. This happened because such a name had already been registered in Australia by a small cafe.
  2. In 1967, the Prime Minister of Australia went to the beach and never returned. Two years after taking office, Harold Holt was reported missing. This has given rise to many conspiracy theories.
  3. Australia is in 193rd place (out of 195!) in the list of countries by population density. 2.8 people live here per square kilometer of territory. For comparison, in Monaco per sq. km. accounts for 18 thousand people.
  4. Australian Highway 1 is the longest national road network in the world. Its total length is approximately 14.5 thousand kilometers.
  5. In Victoria, only licensed electricians are allowed to change a light bulb.
  6. The capital of Australia is the city of Canberra, which was built specifically for this purpose in 1913. This decision was made after the country's largest cities, Melbourne and Sydney, began a real competition for the right to be considered the capital.
  7. Wireless Internet was given to the whole world by an Australian scientific agency. The discovery was made in 1998, and to this day Australians intend to sue any company that uses Wi-Fi without a license.
  8. The top 10 deadliest snakes in the world live only in Australia. Moreover, in the ranking of the 25 most poisonous snakes on the entire planet, 20 are Australian!
  1. The famous Burning Mountain near Sydney got its name from the smoldering coals in the sandstone underground. It is curious that the burning of coals has not stopped for 6 thousand years.
  2. Despite the fact that Australia is teeming with all kinds of spiders, the last time a person died from a bite from this arthropod was in 1981.
  3. Before British settlers arrived in Australia, there were more than 10 million koalas living here. Now there are about 43 thousand individuals in the wild.
  4. The story about the origin of the name kangaroo is unconfirmed, simply put, a myth. Scientists do not rule out that James Cook could actually ask the Aborigines the name of this animal. According to legend, they did not understand his speech and answered him in their dialect “I don’t understand,” which is what “kangaroo” means.
  5. One of the Australian rivers is called the Never Never River.
  6. There is a pink salt lake in Western Australia called Hiller, and scientists have not yet determined what causes this phenomenon. The main version is that the pink color is given by the algae of a special appearance, although tests have not confirmed this fact.
  7. In 1859, only 24 rabbits were imported into Australia. Within a decade, their population increased to 2 million.
  8. More than 80% of Australians are addicted to gambling. 20% of all slot machines in the world are located here.
  9. Every year the Australian plate moves north by about 7 centimeters.
  10. The very first Australian police force was formed from exemplary convicts in 1788.
  11. In the small town of Coober Pedy, known as the opal capital of the world, people live underground. They had to choose this unusual way of life because of sandstorms and constant heat.
  12. Almost half of Australia's 12 million people live in three cities - Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane.

  1. Australia Day is celebrated on January 26 - in 1788, the First Fleet of the British Empire arrived on the shores of the mainland to establish a colony.
  2. In Australia, television cooking shows are very popular. A TV election debate was once rescheduled due to the final of MasterChef.
  3. The famous Ugg boots were invented in Australia.
  4. Australia is not called the sports capital of the world for nothing, as 70% of its residents participate in sporting events at least once a week.
  5. Surprisingly, despite the popularization of sports and healthy eating, 63% of Australians are still overweight.
  6. The territory of Australia is 32 times larger and almost equal.
  7. Australia's kangaroo population is twice its human population. There are 24 million people on the continent, and more than 57 million kangaroos!
  8. The longest fence in the world is in Australia. It stretches for 8.5 thousand kilometers. A fence separates part of Australia from where Dingo dogs live.
  9. The only albino whale in the world lives, of course, off the coast of Australia. He was first spotted as a whale in 1991 and immediately received the name Migalu. Now the whole world is watching the snow-white whale.
  10. Australia is the second country in the world to give women the right to vote. This happened in 1902.

  1. Australia's richest woman is Gina Rinehart, whose fortune is estimated at $28 billion.
  2. Kangaroos and emus are national symbols of Australia because they have an interesting feature - they cannot “walk backwards”. Like Australia, they are only moving forward!
  3. There are 19 Australian sites on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Among them are the Great Barrier Reef, Fraser Island, Kakadu National Park and the Sydney Opera House.
  4. The concept for the Sydney Opera House was designed by Dane Jorn Utzon, inspired by an orange slice. Construction of the theater dragged on for 14 years, including the expected four.
  5. Australia is the only continent without an active volcano.
  6. The Great Barrier Reef is recognized as the world's largest living structure. It consists of 2,900 coral reefs and more than 900 islets formed from coral polyps, tiny microorganisms
  7. The female kangaroo carries the baby for only 27-40 days, and at birth the kangaroo is only a couple of centimeters long.
  8. Melbourne has the largest Greek community after Athens.
  9. Australia has strict environmental controls - even importing soil on the soles of shoes is prohibited. Particular attention is paid to inspection when entering the unique territory of Tasmania, even from the continent.
  10. Failure to appear at the polls and refusal to participate in the census are punishable by a fine of 20 and 110 Australian dollars, respectively.

Australia is a country of contrasts and unique things that can only be found here. This amazing continent attracts tourists from all over the world thanks to its amazing atmosphere!

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Australia can be called the most amazing and isolated country, which is located almost on the very edge of the globe. This country has no close neighbors, and is washed on all sides by ocean waters. This is where the rarest and most poisonous animals in the world live. Probably everyone has heard about kangaroos that live only in Australia. This is a highly developed country that takes care of its residents and hospitably invites every tourist. Here you can find a holiday for every taste. Next, we invite you to read more interesting and surprising facts about Australia.

1. Australia is considered a state of contrasts, because civilized cities are located close to deserted beaches.

2. In ancient times, more than 30 thousand Aborigines lived in Australia.

3.In Australia, the law is broken the least often.

4. Australian citizens spare no expense to play poker.

5.Most Australian women live to 82 years of age.

6.Australia has the largest fence in the world.

7.The first radio for lesbians and gays was created in Australia.

8.Australia is considered the second country in which women have the right to vote.

9.The largest number of poisonous animals is located in Australia.

10.An Australian who fails to show up to vote must pay a fine.

11. Australian houses are poorly insulated from the cold.

12.It was Australia that introduced the fashion for the well-known UGG boots.

13. Australians never leave tips in restaurants and cafes.

14. Australian supermarkets sell kangaroo meat, which is considered an alternative to lamb.

15. A snake that lives in Australia is capable of killing a hundred people at once with its poison.

16. The Australians own the greatest victory in football, the score was 31-0.

17.Australia is famous for its unique Flying Doctor service.

18. This country is considered a haven for 100 million sheep.

19.The largest pasture in the world is located in Australia.

20.The Australian Alps see a lot more snow than the Swiss Alps.

21. The Great Barrier Reef, which is located in Australia, is considered the largest on the globe.

22.The largest opera house is located in Australia.

23. There are more than 160 thousand prisoners in Australia.

24.Australia translates as “unknown country in the south.”

25. In addition to the main flag with a cross, Australia has 2 more flags.

26. Most Australian residents speak English.

27.Australia is the only state that has occupied an entire continent.

28. There are no active volcanoes in Australia.

29.In Australia in 1859, 24 varieties of rabbits were released.

30. There are more rabbits in Australia than there are people in the Chinese state.

31.Australia's income comes mainly from tourism.

32.For 44 years, Australia had a law prohibiting swimming on beaches.

33.In Australia they eat crocodile meat.

34. In 2000, Australia was able to win the most medals at the Olympic Games.

35.Australia drives on the left side of the road.

36.There is no metro in this state.

37.The Australian state is lovingly called the “island-continent”.

38. A huge number of cities and settlements in Australia are located near beaches.

39.About 5,500 stars can be seen above the Australian desert.

40.Australia is a leading contender for the highest literacy rate.

41.Newspapers are read much more often in this country than in other countries.

42.Lake Eyre, located in Australia, is the driest lake in the world.

43. Fraser is the largest sand island in the world, located in Australia.

44. Australia has become famous for its own records, as the oldest rock is located there.

45. The largest diamond was found in Australia.

46.The largest deposit of gold and nickel is also located in Australia.

47. In Australia, they managed to find a gold nugget that weighs 70 kg.

48.For every Australian resident there are approximately 6 sheep.

49.Australia is populated by more than 5 million immigrants who were born outside this country.

50.Australia has the largest number of dromedary camels.

51.There are more than 1,500 species of Australian spiders.

53.The weight of the roof of the Australian Opera House is 161 tons.

54.Christmas holidays in Australia begin in the middle of summer.

55.Australia is the third state that was able to launch a satellite into orbit.

56.The platypus is found exclusively in Australia.

57.Only in Australia is there one nation.

58. Products marked “made in Australia” have another iconic designation “with pride”.

59.Australia is in the top 10 countries that have a high standard of living.

60.The dollar, which is used in Australia, is the only currency made of plastic.

61.Australia is considered the driest continent in the world.

62.The Nullarbor Desert, located in Australia, has the longest and straightest road.

63.Australia consists of 6 separate states.

64. Australians are particularly passionate.

65.The importation of any products into Australia is strictly prohibited.

66.The largest species of worm lives in Australia.

67.In Australia, the kangaroo population has surpassed the human population.

68.Over the past 50 years, about 50 people have died from shark bites in Australia.

69.Australia was described in a fairy tale by Frank Baum.

70.The Europeans who first settled in Australia were exiled convicts.

71.Australia has been trying to deal with large numbers of rabbits for 150 years.

72.Australians are the lowest continent.

73.Summer in Australia lasts from December to February.

74.Australia is considered a multinational state.

75.Australia is the flattest country in the world.

76.Australia is one of the youngest countries.

77.The cleanest air is in Australian Tasmania.

78. Australian gliders and possums are different animals.

79.In western Australia there is pink Lake Hillier.

80. The coral-footed frog, which lives in Australia, produces a liquid similar to dew.

81.In Australia, to prevent the death of koalas, artificial vines are stretched over the highways.

82.In Australia there is a monument erected in honor of the moth.

83.In order to make the life of sheep safer and to prevent attacks on them by dingoes, the Australians erected a “Dog Fence”.

84.Australia is the most law-abiding state.

85. Australian sharks never attack first.

86.The most dangerous animals in Australia are crocodiles.

87.The Queen of England is formally the ruler of Australia.

88.Australia is a country rich in a large number of minerals.

89. Oddly enough, the capital of Australia is not Sydney, but Canberra.

90.90% of refugees can easily enter Australia.

91.Australia is the only state on Earth that eats animals that symbolize this country.

92.Euthanasia is a crime in Australia.

93.Human rights are not written down in Australia.

94.Nuclear weapons are being tested in Australia.

95.Australians prefer sports.

96.Australia has its own specific phenomenon - the Murray man. This is a silhouette that stretches across the Australian desert.

97.The day Steve Irwin died in Australia is considered a day of mourning.

98. Since 1996, Australians have been prohibited from owning any type of weapon.

99.50 million years ago, Australia and Antarctica were a single state.

Australia is a country so far from us that this fact is the only thing most Russians know about it. The Australian continent, once inhabited by European colonists, is an amazing place where you can find such strange animals, birds and plants that are not found anywhere else. Moreover, many of them are very dangerous - it’s not for nothing that Australians sometimes joke that everything that crawls, swims or flies in Australia is always ready to kill an unwary tourist.

  1. Europeans discovered the continent, later called Australia, in the mid-17th century. Initially, this land was called New Holland, although the Dutch never began to develop the new territory.
  2. Formally, the supreme ruler of Australia is the British Queen Elizabeth II.
  3. Australia is the only continent on Earth where there is not a single volcano or modern glaciation (see).
  4. Australia is the world leader in uranium reserves.
  5. Australia's flora and fauna number around 12,000 species, 9,000 of which are found nowhere else on the planet.
  6. Due to Australia's arid climate, water use is officially limited - for example, between 10am and 4pm you cannot water grass, walkways or fill swimming pools. The effect of the prohibitions weakens only during the rainy season.
  7. The Australian island of Tasmania is one of the few places in the world where opium poppies, used to make medicines, are legally grown.
  8. Australian Aborigines are the inventors of one of the oldest wind instruments on the planet - the didgeridoo.
  9. The largest cities of the Australian continent, Melbourne and Sydney, have been fighting for the right to be called the capital of the state for a long time. To end this dispute, the country's leadership founded a new city, specially built as the capital, at the same distance from Melbourne and Sydney. The city was named Canberra.
  10. Australian states, in many respects, take on a life of their own: each issues its own driver's licenses, develops traffic rules, sets the date for the transition to winter and summer time, and sets public holidays. However, the total number of holidays in each state must be the same, otherwise some Australian residents will have more days off than others, and labor laws prohibit this.
  11. The Australian dollar is the first currency in the world whose banknotes were made not from paper, but from plastic. Since then, this initiative has been taken up by other countries, for example, Vietnam (see).
  12. Australians have elevated an edible mixture based on yeast extract to the rank of a national product (the most famous brand of this “delicacy” is Vegemite). The thing, it should be noted, is peculiar.
  13. It is prohibited to import into Australia any vegetation, food, fur, wood, leather products and even soil on the soles of boots. In this way, Australians protect their environment.
  14. Residents of Australia cannot, without a good reason, fail to turn up to vote or avoid participating in the census. Violators face fines of A$20 and A$110 respectively.
  15. The first Europeans to settle in Australia were the British, who were expelled from their homeland for crimes. The functions of the first police officers were assigned to 12 criminals with the most positive characteristics.
  16. Colonists from Europe completely destroyed the Tasmanian Aborigines.
  17. One of Australia's cabinet ministers went missing while in office: Harold Holt went for a swim in a bay near Melbourne and was never seen again.
  18. In Australia, a record-long road train was recorded moving along local roads - it consisted of a tractor with 79 trailers.
  19. In Australia, it is prohibited to breed rabbits, as there are too many of these furry animals on the continent. Their numbers had to be reduced using a specially created virus. Note that initially there were no rabbits in Australia at all - they were brought to the continent by Europeans.
  20. In Australia, the screening of an episode of the children's animated series Peppa Pig, in which the main character became friends with a spider, was banned. The authorities decided that it was not a good idea to teach children not to be afraid of spiders in a country where many poisonous species of these animals live (see.

Australia is one of the most interesting places on our planet! Although most of the country is occupied by semi-deserts and deserts, it has a variety of landscapes from alpine meadows to tropical jungles.

The most famous representatives of the Australian fauna are platypuses and echidnas, koalas, kangaroos, wombats and birds such as emus, cockatoos and kookaburras.

Australia is also home to the largest number of poisonous snakes and spiders in the world!

This is such an inconspicuous, but the most poisonous land snake in the world - in one bite there is enough poison to kill 100 people! It's simply called - cruel snake .

The capital of Australia is Canberra. The city is large in area, but there are practically no high-rise buildings, mostly cottages.

Australia's population is 21 million people, with most of the population living in the country's largest cities Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide and their suburbs.

Typical Australians. Seriously!

Today, the majority of Australia's population are descendants of Europeans who arrived here two hundred years ago. The emigrants came mainly from England, Scotland and Ireland. That’s why they speak English in Australia and the flag is similar to English.

The historical population of Australia - the aborigines - today lead a very miserable, almost primitive, way of life, not much different from the life of people thousands of years ago. At the same time, the culture and customs of the indigenous Australians were lost, and huge modern farms - ranches - were created on the most fertile lands.

Australian Aborigines.

Australia Day -January 26- the favorite holiday of Australians. Costume performances depicting the landing of the first English fleet are held throughout the country, and numerous regattas and parades are held.

The celebration is marked by numerous fireworks.

On Australia Day, a music festival starts in Sydney and a cricket match in Adelaide. Canberra hosts a live music concert, as well as the presentation of one of the country's most honorable awards - Australian of the Year.

By the way, for Australians of European descent, January 26 is a holiday, and most Aborigines perceive it as a Day of Mourning. As the true owners of the lands, the Aborigines consider this historical fact to be the beginning of the loss of their rights to live as they have lived for 40 thousand years. Therefore, Indigenous Australians today are making every effort to restore these rights and restore respect for their culture and traditions.