The war will begin in January. World War III: how it could be

Today, news broadcasts every day broadcast about brutal terrorist attacks, military operations unfolding in the Middle East and neighboring Ukraine, and heated disputes between the heads of developed states. This state of affairs is frightening and the question is increasingly emerging in the world community: Will there be 3 World War in 2018?

Perhaps now we can try to resolve this dilemma by turning to the forecasts of analysts and great prophets. True, opinions on this matter are ambiguous, so you should not rely entirely on them.

Experienced political scientists are confident that the mechanism of war was launched several years ago, when the government was overthrown in Ukraine. The new government did not skimp on harsh statements, and their minions tried in every possible way to sow the seeds of hostility between the two fraternal peoples.

Full-scale information war which incited hatred and contempt in the hearts former relatives, friends and neighbors. On various forums, in in social networks And news portals real “virtual” battles took place, where commentators did not skimp on expressions and each side provided irrefutable facts about the guilt of the enemy.

Even if there are two fraternal people, which for a long time shared victories and defeats among themselves, were able to come to a serious conflict, what can we say about other countries that are ready to “throw out” anger and aggression at the first call.

Some political observers insist that World War III began when the United States launched Operation Desert Storm to overthrow the supposedly undemocratic president in Iraq. The "Storm" brought America control over everyone natural resources countries.

There is a theory that Russia and America are two powerful powers that could become the instigators of the Third World War. It is from them that the danger of a military conflict now emanates, because tension is already felt in those places where their interests come into contact.

There are experts who argue that misunderstandings with America arise due to the strengthening ties between China and Russia. The United States understands that it is losing ground and is trying in every possible way to discredit Russia in the eyes of the world community.

They're on the move various methods, making the Russian Federation weaker:

  • reduction in oil prices;
  • EU sanctions;
  • involving Russia in the arms race;
  • encouraging mass protests in the Russian Federation.

Thus, America is trying to come to the situation that collapsed the USSR in 1991.

Psychic prophecies about World War III

Throughout the history of mankind, many seers foreshadowed the beginning of the Third World War. Some of them even claimed that this battle would lead to the complete destruction of our race and the emergence of new, unique creatures.

Nostradamus at one time saw the development of two world wars, but regarding the third he did not give any clear answers. Although he did not deny the fact that a large-scale battle is possible due to the fault of the Antichrist, who will be distinguished by cruelty and inhumanity.

In turn, the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant indicates that the Third World War will begin with a small state in Asia and spread throughout the planet. Judging by her comments, it will be Syria.

The reason for full-fledged military action will be an attack on the leading figures of the four developed powers. Vanga stated that the consequences new war will be terrifying.

Pavel Globa gives more optimistic forecasts regarding the Third World War. He argues that only a timely cessation of hostilities in Iran will prevent the development of a full-scale world war.

Will there be a war in the Russian Federation?

Expert and political analyst I. Hagopian is confident that full preparations for a war between America and Russia are already underway. He published his guesses on the Internet portal “GlobalReasers”. Hagopian states that in this battle America will most likely receive support from:

  • Australia;
  • NATO countries;
  • Israel.

At the same time, Russia will find allies among China and India. The expert claims that America is heading towards bankruptcy and in order not to become completely impoverished, its government will decide to take possession of the wealth Russian Federation. He emphasized that as a result of such a military conflict, some countries could completely disappear from the face of the earth.

Similar forecasts were made by former manager NATO A. Shirreff. As proof, he even published a book detailing the course of the battle. The military confrontation will begin in the Baltic states, which Russia will decide to “take control of.”

But this state of affairs will cause discontent among the residents, NATO will support the Baltic states and the Third World War will begin. On the one hand, the plot of this book seems fabulous and frivolous, but if you take into account the fact that the story was written by a retired general, the chances of its implementation increase.

In addition to war outside the state, Russia also faces internal strife. Tense economic situation will provoke discontent among the population, mass rallies and robberies will begin. However, this situation will not last long and by the end of 2018, experts say, the state will begin its gradual recovery and get out of the crisis hole.

There is active discussion on the Internet about recent world events that could hypothetically provoke the outbreak of World War III. On the conspiracy theorists forum, users collected everything possible facts and guesses which, in their opinion, prove the fact that the world is in danger.

According to the discussion participants, the Third World War could begin with nuclear strike North Korea. For clarity, interlocutors use the notation "4/26", meaning April 26, 2017. Observant forum users noticed several significant events, suggesting that the world is one step away from the apocalypse.

In the largest American cities– New York and New Jersey – recently large-scale exercises took place in case nuclear attack. True, representative federal agency on management in emergency situations The United States said that the guesses of online conspiracy theorists should not be taken seriously, and the exercise plan was approved last year.

In mid-April it became known that the number search queries Google about World War III has reached a record high high level. The reasons for the increased attention to this topic were the US missile attack on an airbase in Syria, growing tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, Russian strategic bombers overflight of Alaska, frequent flights of the so-called “doomsday” plane to the US and active movements of Chinese and Russian troops near the border with North Korea.

A few days ago Portuguese clairvoyant Horatio Villegas gave the date for the start of World War III. He told British media that he had a prophetic dream. In it, “balls of fire fell from the sky to the ground, and people ran and tried to hide from the destruction.” According to the psychic, these balls symbolized nuclear missiles that are attacking cities around the world.

The clairvoyant is sure: World War III will begin on May 13, 2017, the 100th anniversary latest phenomenon Virgin Mary in the Portuguese city of Fatima. And they will end fighting October 13, but “will be too late for many.” Villegas warned that entire nations were threatened with destruction.

According to the psychic, all his predictions are correct. In 2015, he said that Donald Trump would become the US president who would bring war to the world. Villegas also predicted that American leader will attack Syria and ultimately ruin relations with Russia, North Korea and China.

Other forecasts have previously been made regarding the Third World War. Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga said that the war would begin after Syria fell. Matrona of Moscow also left her prophecy about a possible world war, but, according to her, a catastrophe will not happen - Russia will act as a peacemaker, which will not allow a big war to start.

No one can yet name the exact date of this event. Various predictors They give completely different forecasts about when the Third World War will begin, the date and what will cause it. And in general, many clairvoyants are concerned about a completely different question: will there be a Third World War at all? Here are just a few that are being discussed on the Internet today.


The seer did not give specific predictions about what the war would be like or whether there would be one at all. She only mentioned in her predictions that this would be a war for spiritual values ​​and Russia would survive it. Moreover, this country will become the savior of the world, salvation for many people and souls, it will become the spiritual center of the world.

However, Vanga's predictions can also be falsified. The fact is that after the death of the prophetess, many tried to write predictions themselves, hiding behind her name, in order to earn money or gain their own benefit. Therefore, even when reading predictions on the Internet, you should be skeptical about them. Since her famous name often used by charlatans to attract attention or cause some kind of scandal on the Internet. That is why you should not thoroughly believe Vanga’s words: whether there will be a Third World War or not. After all, it is difficult to trace the original source of information on the Internet.

Nostradamus and others

His predictions say that there will be a Third World War. However, some sources say that some countries will take part in it, and others - others. Accurate translation this prediction does not yet exist, since all the author’s prophecies are encrypted. Therefore, no one can call his predictions accurate either. Yes, and there are a lot on the Internet various sources, which on behalf of Nostradamus indicate various of these events, as well as the onset of war. Therefore, you should not trust such unoriginal sources either. It is best to turn to modern clairvoyants who have the gift of prophecy and can tell truthful information.

For example, the Orthodox clairvoyant Matrona of Moscow had such a gift. Not only was she able to survive in an atheistic time, when a person could easily be sent to prison for going to church and praying, but she also predicted many things for people in their lives. They turned to her and, if a girl wanted to know whether she should marry some person or not, how her life would turn out. Matrona also made predictions about Russia. Many asked after the war, will there be another military invasion? The seer said: “even without war, people will die.” However, what exactly she meant is completely unclear. It is likely that it will be a virus, bacteria or something else that is unknown to science today or does not yet pose a danger to humanity.

Modern clairvoyants also share a similar opinion. Many of them are in live they said that the point of no return had already been passed in 2014. War does not yet threaten the world, but a different kind of danger is brewing in America. There will be a volcanic eruption, from which many people will die, as it will release poisonous gases And hazardous substances. This will be the punishment of the United States for all the atrocities that this power has sown among different countries. A similar opinion was expressed by other psychics.

Therefore, since it is not known exactly when the Third World War will begin, the date, and whether it will happen at all, then both the time and place of military operations are also hidden from humanity. Not worth attaching of great importance dates on the Internet, since many people who claim to be prophets are not. Therefore, you should not guess when thunder will strike, but you need to live for today and rejoice simple joys life.

The prophecy about the coming Third World War is thought-provoking. What the oracles and soothsayers wrote and said about the beginning of the Third World War is in our time very important topic. The situation that is this moment created in the world is, to put it mildly, alarming.

Untied on Ukraine Civil War, gives the EU and the USA a reason to blame Russia for what is happening, and at the same time introduce sanctions under this pretext, accusing them of all sins. Moreover, things are not calm in the Middle East. Nostradamus about the Third World War In the works of the Great Foreteller, there is a reminder of the Third World War. They say that three Antichrists will appear on earth, and each of them will bring a world war. This must happen before the Age of Aquarius takes over and the Second Coming of Christ occurs. The first Antichrist must revive the era of Babylon, and introduce sinfulness into humanity, making arrogance and pride the norm. The Antichrist, who will come next, in the descriptions of Nostradamus is similar to Hitler, since he comes from the Rhine from the land of Attila. Having waited for the third Antichrist, the world will howl from his cruelty, because he will surpass Emperor Nero in his ruthlessness. His cunning and cruelty, torture and torture will be applied to everyone indiscriminately. Perhaps he will be the instigator of the third world war.

What did Vanga say about World War III? An important thing in Vanga’s prophecy about the beginning of the third world war is that it talks about the fall of Syria, as a harbinger of the outbreak terrible war. An assassination attempt on the leaders of four countries will begin the spread of the conflict, and this will happen in a small country. The war will bring devastation to almost all of Europe. People will have to starve and beg. A terrible disaster will come to almost every European home. Nowadays, we are watching how Syria is already a large number of time is experiencing a civil military conflict, which means we are living in an alarming period of time. Astrologer Pavel Globa Predictions Pavel Globa, fortunately, is not associated with the beginning of the Third World War in the near future. Russian visionary, staged an important condition that a war should not break out in Iran, because if it does, a third world war cannot be avoided. Participants in the “Battle of Psychics” also talked about the Third World War. Project participant Alipiyana predicted the beginning of the Third World War in Russia. The first marker of the beginning of the war will be the removal dead person who died a long time ago. The war will overwhelm all of Europe and plunge it into chaos, destruction and poverty. At the end of the war, Europeans will suffer the consequences of the war. In Russia, thanks to tough laws, the people will be able to get out of the crisis, but at the same time in order to have material goods, population will undergo the procedure chipping. Some participants predicted the outbreak of war in 2014. So Alexey Pokhabov predicted the outbreak of war in Russia, and the consequence would be the Third World War, which would cover all of humanity and bring a terrible outcome for the entire earth. But you shouldn’t always believe all the predictions, because mistakes are human. It is always necessary to believe in the best, and with the help of your will bring the best to life.

According to the discussion participants, the Third World War could begin with a nuclear strike from North Korea. For clarity, interlocutors use the notation "4/26", meaning April 26, 2017. Observant forum users have noticed several significant events that suggest that the world is one step away from the apocalypse.


The largest American cities - New York and New Jersey - recently held large-scale exercises in case of a nuclear attack. True, a representative of the US Federal Emergency Management Agency said that the guesses of online conspiracy theorists should not be taken seriously, and the exercise plan was approved last year.

In mid-April, it was reported that Google searches for World War III had reached an all-time high. The reasons for the increased attention to this topic were the US missile attack on an air base in Syria, growing tensions between Washington and Pyongyang, Russian strategic bombers overflight of Alaska, frequent flights of the so-called “doomsday” plane to the US and active movements of Chinese and Russian troops near the border. with North Korea.

A few days ago, the Portuguese clairvoyant Horacio Villegas announced the date of the beginning of the Third World War. He told British media that he had a prophetic dream. In it, “balls of fire fell from the sky to the ground, and people ran and tried to hide from the destruction.” According to the psychic, these balls symbolized nuclear missiles that are attacking cities around the world.

The clairvoyant is sure: World War III will begin on May 13, 2017, on the 100th anniversary of the last apparition of the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese city of Fatima. And the fighting will end on October 13, but “it will be too late for many.” Villegas warned that entire nations were threatened with destruction.

According to the psychic, all his predictions are correct. In 2015, he said that Donald Trump would become the US president who would bring war to the world. Villegas also predicted that the American leader would attack Syria and ultimately ruin relations with Russia, North Korea and China.

Other forecasts have previously been made regarding the Third World War. The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga said that the war would begin after Syria fell. Matrona of Moscow also left her prophecy about a possible world war, but, according to her, a catastrophe will not happen - Russia will act as a peacemaker, which will not allow a big war to start.