Ghosts of the Third Reich. paranormal phenomena appeared again in Kaliningrad

The year of birth of Kaliningrad is 1945, when this part East Prussia passed from Germany into the possession of the USSR, but still the city, located on the shores of the Baltic, is much older. The founding date of Königsberg is considered to be 1255, although its history goes back even further: before the arrival of the Teutonic knights, the Prussian settlement of Tvangeste (in other versions - Twangste or Tuvangste) was located on this site. Agree, it’s hard to imagine such Old city without ghost stories - I want to tell you about some of them...

Cathedral considered the main historical symbol cities. It was first mentioned in documents on September 13, 1333 - it was on this day that the master Teutonic Order gave the go-ahead to continue construction of the cathedral. The last Catholic service in the cathedral took place in the 16th century, four years later the first evangelical sermon took place here. German. The first mention of a ghost living in the cathedral dates back to this time.

After the end of World War II, the cathedral stood in ruins, and only in the 90s it was restored. Now its building houses the Evangelical and Orthodox chapels, as well as the Cathedral Museum and the Immanuel Kant Museum.

Several years ago, the head of the State Enterprise “Cathedral” Igor Odintsov, in an interview with the newspaper “Izvestia”, stated that the same ghost that was mentioned four centuries ago had returned to the cathedral. "Several times over recent months night surveillance cameras recorded something incomprehensible optical phenomenon. And the cathedral guards complain that at night they feel someone’s presence behind them.”

In the defensive tower "Wrangel" - popularly better known as the "Wrangel Tower" - there is an antique store that sells a lot of all sorts of things, a significant part of which is related to military history Koenigsberg: Hitler's standards, helmets, uniforms, rings with SS symbols, etc. Is it any wonder that a ghost hangs around among all this splendor?

This is what the Wrangel Tower looks like in old pre-war photographs.

Fort No. 1 "Stein" is considered by many to be perhaps the most mysterious of the 12 large and 5 small forts surrounding Koenigsberg. Still: they claim that during the bombing of World War II, almost not a single (!) shell hit its territory (and the few that did hit did not explode). True, during the assault on Koenigsberg in 1945, the fort was located in a secondary direction of attack Soviet army, but still the condition in which it survived the Second World War, in comparison with the condition of the other forts, can be called almost ideal.

IN Soviet time The fort served as a vegetable base, and now free access to the fort for those who like to look for ghosts is closed due to the fact that a family lives within its walls, who at one time voluntarily took care of the fort. Its members just noticed the presence of a ghost on the fort: “When you sit in the kitchen, it happens that someone is walking heavily along the corridor and speaking quietly in German.” They believe that the ghost may well be the spirit of Major Vogel, the last commandant of the fort, who was shot by his own sergeant for refusing to capitulate in April 1945.

And this is already one of modern stories. On Moskovsky Prospekt, next to the overpass bridge, a young driver hit a woman crossing the road with three children: as a result, the mother and one of the children died immediately, the other child later died in the hospital. The punishment the driver received was 5 years in a penal colony. After some time, rumors spread that a ghost began to appear at the scene of the tragedy in the dark - a luminous cloud similar to the silhouette of a woman.

The May Victory fireworks died down.

All European countries breathed freely - the global brown plague, carried by the hordes of fascists, was defeated. And suddenly, on the peaceful streets of Koenigsberg, a month after the Nazis signed the act of complete and unconditional surrender, an armed column of fascists suddenly appeared. And they behaved as if they did not know about the defeat in the war. The Germans walked through the city in an organized march, singing songs. They then opened fire, killing everyone who got in their way. Military units of the Red Army were alerted. And when it seemed that it was possible to surround the Germans and only a few hours remained before the destruction of the Nazis, the Germans disappeared... Even the dead were not found, although the Nazis were fired upon with heavy fire. It was decided to close not only the city, but the entire region. And the information on these events was classified, and with the stamp “Keep forever”!

At that time, two versions were put forward: it was the result of Hitler’s secret project to create an invisible man, or the unresolved souls of fascists came to the city. After all, now everyone knows that the mystical fascist organization Ahnenerbe was working on creating invisible warriors. In addition, the archives contain interesting information"about things for a long time days gone by" They indicate that back in the 18th century, cases of disappearances of military personnel were recorded in the Königsberg area.

Note that, based on surviving documents, during the time of Chancellor Bismarck, a huge underground city. And there is no need to look for evidence of this, since it is known that underground tunnels under the city are the most branched and extensive in Europe. Their construction began in the 13th century. Each ruler of the city considered it necessary to replenish the underground city with new halls, galleries and, of course, hiding places. Under the city center there are huge basements and an inclined shaft that goes deep into the underground.

The royal palace itself rests on huge boulders filled with mortar. Under the castle itself there are numerous narrow passages. Even inside castle walls they wriggle spiral staircases, which lead to underground small and large galleries and spacious halls. By the way, from the underground premises of the castle you can easily get to any area of ​​the city.

The layout of the complex underground labyrinth was discovered completely by accident. Ancient builders, while laying tunnels, also drew up a plan of dungeons using specially “embedded” bricks, which were found.

After Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, in Königsberg underground catacombs one of the most secret research laboratories Third Reich - "Konigsberg-13". Erich Koch himself supervised the work of this secret facility. I knew very much about its existence narrow circle close associates of the Fuhrer. The new laboratory had two main tasks. First, study occult sciences, including magic, astrology, hypnosis and numerous mystical cults. Secondly, the development of psychotronic weapons, based on knowledge of the methods of metaphysics.

Particular attention in the laboratory was paid to the study of Eastern mystical teachings. In connection with this, Buddhist monks in white robes and followers of the most sinister Tibetan order in red clothes appeared in the city.

After the war, the archives of Laboratory No. 13 disappeared without a trace. According to one version, the Soviet government made an exchange - an archive for American and captured German industrial machines. According to the second, the archive was destroyed by employees Soviet intelligence services. According to the third, the employees of Laboratory No. 13, before leaving, flooded the archive in the basements of the castle.

In April 1945 Soviet troops We approached Koenigsberg. The city was a fortress and could withstand a months-long siege. But under the attack of Soviet troops, the fortress fell four days later! What was surprising was that no resistance was offered to the Red Army soldiers who entered the city, although explosions were heard in different parts of the city. As it turned out later, the retreating Germans did not blow up strategic objects, but the entrances to tunnels and dungeons.

It is known that immediately after the liberation of the city from the Nazis, Soviet intelligence officers arrived in Koenigberg to investigate the activities of the occult fascist organization Ahnenerbe.

During the ten years of its operation, Ahnenerbe carried out more than 3 thousand secret expeditions across all regions of the world. To date, only a few of their developments are known. So, Ahnenerbe employees came very close to nuclear fusion, participated in the creation rocket technology, mastered the methods genetic engineering. But still, the main part of the information remained unknown, since the archives of this organization were never found. What the allies managed to get anti-Hitler coalition- crumbs of what actually happened.

"Ahnenerbe" was under the auspices of the most high ranks Reich - Hitler, Himmler, Wirth (“ godfather"), Richard Walter Dare (racologist). The main goal of the Ahnenerbe was to search for such knowledge that could provide Germany world domination. And one of the means of achievement was the creation of a superman with super knowledge and super strength. There were world-famous scientists in the service of Ahnenerbe.

During the war, the Nazis were able to conduct their sadistic physiological and genetic experiments to create a superman on captured soldiers, women and children. Experiments were conducted on prisoners to study various poisons, pain thresholds and the effects of high and low temperatures. Special place occupied " science programs» on the study of the organization of mass psychosis, the impact psychotropic substances, the creation of new weapons of mass destruction, as well as the possibility of communication with alien civilizations.

It is possible that Ahnenerbe scientists have achieved significant results in all their intended goals. No wonder the Soviet and American intelligence agencies made titanic efforts to search for the secret archives of this organization, any materials and equipment of the Ahnenerbe laboratories. Everything that they managed to find was secretly taken away. And most importantly, now the victorious countries continued the work begun by fascist scientists. This is confirmed by the huge and simultaneous post-war breakthrough of the USA and the USSR in the field of electronic and atomic fields, in the fields of mechanical engineering and aerospace technologies.

Memoirs of eyewitnesses of one of Ahnenerbe’s most secret projects have been preserved. During the war years on the territory of the present Kaliningrad region there was a secret object, which was described in Ahnenerbe documents as Paradies (paradise). The facility was led by one of the founders of the organization, Zeltser, which confirmed the importance of the research conducted there. It is now known that scientists on Paradies were developing methods for time travel. Such a topic is still considered absurd, since the accepted modern science Einstein's theory of relativity states that time warping is not possible on Earth. But the Nazis carried out research in this direction. In the underground premises of Königsberg, the Germans built unique installation, capable of deforming the space-time continuum. The only obstacle was that the Nazis did not have powerful source power supply with the necessary characteristics. German scientists counted on nuclear reactor, which was also developed at Ahnenerbe. But they had no time to praise - the war was already lost. Despite this, the “time machine” was tested by the Germans, several times! There is information that in 1942 soviet soldiers met a group near Leningrad French soldiers since Napoleon's invasion. In May 1944 on the territory of Belarus local residents shocked by the unexpected appearance of the detachment German knights. There were many similar events, but all this information was completely classified.

60 years after the Victory, frightening and very strange events began to occur in Kaliningrad. They immediately remembered Hitler's secret laboratories. So, recently a group of young people decided to take a photo near the grave of the famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant. When the pictures were printed, the guys were amazed to notice a mysterious stranger in them. He was dressed in an SS uniform and had a helmet with holes on his head. He was behind the group taking pictures. The soldier held a machine gun in his left hand, and his right hand was raised in the traditional fascist salute. This could only be explained by the fact that the soldier was a ghost. Almost at the same time next to Royal castle saw the ghost of the Nazi art scientist Alfred Rohd. They say that he was the custodian of the famous Amber Room, stolen by the Nazis in Russia.

It's unlikely that the ghosts were pranks. It is possible that they are the result of experiments to create “memory fields” carried out in secret fascist laboratories. Research into isolating the astral body could lead to the materialization of information about events that took place here earlier.

Perhaps the nature of these phenomena is associated with the occurrence of visual effects when exposed to human psyche. We must not forget that the Germans created psychotronic weapons in their laboratories!

Since no one knows what results Nazi scientists achieved in their research and where the archive of secret laboratories disappeared, unexpected events may await us.

The May Victory fireworks died down. All European countries breathed freely - the global brown plague, carried by the hordes of fascists, was defeated. And suddenly, on the peaceful streets of Koenigsberg, a month after the Nazis signed the act of complete and unconditional surrender, an armed column of fascists unexpectedly appeared. And they behaved as if they did not know about the defeat in the war. The Germans walked through the city in an organized march, singing songs. They then opened fire, killing everyone who got in their way. Military units of the Red Army were alerted. And when it seemed that it was possible to surround the Germans and only a few hours remained before the destruction of the Nazis, the Germans disappeared... Even the dead were not found, although the Nazis were fired upon with heavy fire. It was decided to close not only the city, but the entire region. And the information on these events was classified, and with the stamp “Keep forever”!

At that time, two versions were put forward: it was the result of Hitler’s secret project to create an invisible man, or the unresolved souls of fascists came to the city. After all, now everyone knows that the mystical fascist organization Ahnenerbe was working on creating invisible warriors. In addition, the archives contain interesting information “about the affairs of bygone days.” They indicate that back in the 18th century, cases of disappearances of military personnel were recorded in the Königsberg area.

Note that, based on surviving documents, during the time of Chancellor Bismarck, a huge underground city was built near Koenigsberg. And there is no need to look for evidence of this, since it is known that the underground tunnels under the city are the most extensive and extensive in Europe. Their construction began in the 13th century. Each ruler of the city considered it necessary to replenish the underground city with new halls, galleries and, of course, hiding places. Under the city center there are huge basements and an inclined shaft that goes deep into the underground.

The royal palace itself rests on huge boulders filled with mortar. Under the castle itself there are numerous narrow passages. Even inside the castle walls, spiral staircases wind and lead to underground small and large galleries and spacious halls. By the way, from the underground premises of the castle you can easily get to any area of ​​the city.

The layout of the complex underground labyrinth was discovered completely by accident. Ancient builders, while laying tunnels, also drew up a plan of dungeons using specially “embedded” bricks, which were found.

After Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, one of the most secret research laboratories of the Third Reich, Königsberg-13, was organized in the Königsberg underground catacombs. Erich Koch himself supervised the work of this secret facility. A very narrow circle of those close to the Fuhrer knew about its existence. The new laboratory had two main tasks. First, the study of the occult sciences, including magic, astrology, hypnosis and numerous mystical cults. Secondly, the development of psychotronic weapons, based on knowledge of the methods of metaphysics.

Particular attention in the laboratory was paid to the study of Eastern mystical teachings. In connection with this, Buddhist monks in white robes and followers of the most sinister Tibetan order in red clothes appeared in the city.

After the war, the archives of Laboratory No. 13 disappeared without a trace. According to one version, the Soviet government made an exchange - an archive for American and captured German industrial machines. According to the second, the archive was destroyed by members of the Soviet secret services. According to the third, the employees of Laboratory No. 13, before leaving, flooded the archive in the basements of the castle.

In April 1945, Soviet troops approached Konigsberg. The city was a fortress and could withstand a months-long siege. But under the attack of Soviet troops, the fortress fell four days later! What was surprising was that no resistance was offered to the Red Army soldiers who entered the city, although explosions were heard in different parts of the city. As it turned out later, the retreating Germans did not blow up strategic objects, but the entrances to tunnels and dungeons.

It is known that immediately after the liberation of the city from the Nazis, Soviet intelligence officers arrived in Koenigberg to investigate the activities of the occult fascist organization Ahnenerbe.

Over the ten years of its operation, Ahnenerbe carried out more than 3 thousand secret expeditions to all regions of the world. To date, only a few of their developments are known. Thus, Ahnenerbe employees came very close to nuclear fusion, participated in the creation of rocket technology, and mastered the methods of genetic engineering. But still, the main part of the information remained unknown, since the archives of this organization were never found. What the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition managed to get are crumbs of what actually happened.

"Ahnenerbe" was under the patronage of the highest ranks of the Reich - Hitler, Himmler, Wirth ("godfather"), Richard Walter Dare (racologist). The main goal of the Ahnenerbe was the search for such knowledge that could provide Germany with world domination. And one of the means of achievement was the creation of a superman with super knowledge and super strength. There were world-famous scientists in the service of Ahnenerbe.

During the war, the Nazis were able to conduct their sadistic physiological and genetic experiments to create a superman on captured soldiers, women and children. Experiments were conducted on prisoners to study various poisons, pain thresholds and the effects of high and low temperatures were studied. A special place was occupied by “scientific programs” to study the organization of mass psychosis, the effects of psychotropic substances, the creation of new weapons of mass destruction, as well as the possibility of communication with alien civilizations.

It is possible that Ahnenerbe scientists have achieved significant results in all their intended goals. It is not without reason that the Soviet and American intelligence services made titanic efforts to search for the secret archives of this organization, any materials and equipment from the Ahnenerbe laboratories. Everything that they managed to find was secretly taken away. And most importantly, now the victorious countries continued the work begun by fascist scientists. This is confirmed by the huge and simultaneous post-war breakthrough of the USA and the USSR in the field of electronic and atomic fields, in the fields of mechanical engineering and aerospace technologies.

Memoirs of eyewitnesses of one of Ahnenerbe’s most secret projects have been preserved. During the war, on the territory of what is now the Kaliningrad region, there was a secret facility, which, according to Ahnenerbe documents, was called Paradies (paradise). The facility was led by one of the founders of the organization, Zeltser, which confirmed the importance of the research conducted there. It is now known that scientists on Paradies were developing methods for time travel. This topic is still considered absurd, since Einstein’s theory of relativity, accepted by modern science, states that time deformation is not possible on Earth. But the Nazis carried out research in this direction. In the underground premises of Konigsberg, the Germans built a unique installation capable of deforming the space-time continuum. The only obstacle was that the Nazis did not have a powerful power source with the necessary characteristics. German scientists were counting on a nuclear reactor, which was also being developed at Ahnenerbe. But they had no time to praise - the war was already lost. Despite this, the “time machine” was tested by the Germans, several times! There is information that in 1942, Soviet soldiers met a group of French soldiers from the time of Napoleon's invasion near Leningrad. In May 1944, on the territory of Belarus, local residents were shocked by the unexpected appearance of a detachment of German knights. There were many similar events, but all this information was completely classified.

60 years after the Victory, frightening and very strange events began to occur in Kaliningrad. They immediately remembered Hitler's secret laboratories. So, recently a group of young people decided to take a photo near the grave of the famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant. When the pictures were printed, the guys were amazed to notice a mysterious stranger in them. He was dressed in an SS uniform and had a helmet with holes on his head. He was behind the group taking pictures. The soldier held a machine gun in his left hand, and his right hand was raised in the traditional fascist salute. This could only be explained by the fact that the soldier was a ghost. Almost at the same time, the ghost of the Nazi art scientist Alfred Rohd was seen near the Royal Castle. They say that he was the custodian of the famous Amber Room, stolen by the Nazis in Russia.

It's unlikely that the ghosts were pranks. It is possible that they are the result of experiments to create “memory fields” carried out in secret fascist laboratories. Research into isolating the astral body could lead to the materialization of information about events that took place here earlier.

Perhaps the nature of these phenomena is associated with the occurrence of visual effects when exposed to the human psyche. We must not forget that the Germans created psychotronic weapons in their laboratories!

Since no one knows what results Nazi scientists achieved in their research and where the archive of secret laboratories disappeared, unexpected events may await us.

Its history began in the 17th century, and since then each ruler of the city has added his own hiding places, galleries and halls to it. In the center of the underground city there are large cellars and a very deep mine located under the Royal Palace...

Researchers say that huge castle was built on a cushion of concrete-filled boulders, between which stretched narrow passages, starting in the walls of one of the central towers of the castle, which became the last refuge of its defenders. Through the tunnels that lead from the castle, one could penetrate into any part of the city, and in some places even go beyond its borders.

Few people know that immediately after Soviet troops captured Königsberg, a delegation consisting of NKVD employees arrived there, which was studying the activities of a secret fascist organization called the “Heritage of the Ancestors” - Ahnenerbe. Its main task was to study everything unidentified, that could be attributed to the occult.

In ten years, until 1945, Ahnenerbe employees accomplished about three thousand secret operations worldwide. So, literally a month after the war ended, a strange story happened in Königsberg, which could possibly have been carried out by this organization. From nowhere, a column of Germans emerged and began to march through the city, shooting everyone who got in their way along the way.

The Germans behaved as if they were not losing the war. And when soviet soldiers surrounded them, they disappeared just as they had appeared. The materials on this incident are classified and today with the very rare stamp “keep forever”. No one ever figured out what it was? Ghosts, some secret plan or activity of the Ahnenerbe to create invisible people.

In the archives you can find more than one similar case of disappearance of military personnel. Many versions have been put forward, and one of them speaks of Bismarck’s order to build an entire underground town near Königsberg.
The fact that the Nazis managed to achieve nuclear fusion in their experiments, create rocket technology, and master the secrets of genetic engineering is no secret today. The Allies were able to find only a small part of the documents indicating what really happened.

In 1943, in today's Kaliningrad region, a secret facility was operating, which had the code designation Paradies. The laboratories were managed by Zeltser himself, the founder of the Ahnenerbe, which was already a significant sign indicating the importance of the research carried out there. The reason for this interest was indeed significant - the Nazis were researching methods for moving in time space. Despite the fact that the prerequisites for research of this kind until recently, according to the theory of relativity of the great Einstein, were considered absurd, the research was still carried out by the Germans.

There are many reasons to believe that in the catacombs near the city of Königsberg, the Nazis set up some kind of installation that was capable of causing deformation of the space and time continuum. The only problem that stood in the way of the developers was that they did not have a sufficiently powerful power source. And although it could well have been a nuclear reactor, its development was already significantly late, and by that time the war was already completely lost. However, nevertheless, this hellish “time machine” was still tested, more than once!

It's hard to believe, but back in January 1942, under besieged Leningrad Soviet soldiers met a group of French soldiers from the time of Napoleon, and then, already in 1944, on the territory of what is now Belarus, local residents were scared to death by a small detachment of German knights. At that time, eyewitness testimony was classified as “Top Secret,” and those who were too talkative were sent straight to Kolyma.

Legends about the “underground Koenigsberg” are perhaps the oldest and still the most persistent features of the specific flavor of the city. They arose almost immediately after the war, when the first Soviet settlers moved here, and successfully existed all this time, from time to time being reinforced by new stories from “eyewitnesses.” Even today, many believe that somewhere out there, under the littered and spit-stained sidewalks, gray-bearded Germans with rusty machine guns are wandering.

So many years have passed since the end of the war. And it would seem that one could forget this strange story about an underground city, about a secret laboratory, but...
IN Lately Strange and inexplicable things began to happen again in Kaliningrad. For example, on Victory Day, a group of students took a photo at the monument to the philosopher Immanuel Kant. And what was the surprise of the guys when, in the developed photograph, behind them stood the figure of a man in the uniform of an Esser. The soldier held a machine gun with one hand and saluted in a Nazi manner with the other.

After some time, another ghost appeared near the Royal Castle - the Nazi art doctor Alfred Roy, who was the keeper of the Amber Room, taken from Tsarskoe Selo. Isn't it strange? And if it turns out that it is there, in the catacombs near Kaliningrad, that the famous Amber Room is hidden, guarded by certain dark forces, ghosts from the war?

This may sound like the ravings of a madman, but it is a fact that Hitler had a genuine interest in the occult sciences. And there is no need to be surprised at this: after all, a person who sought to concentrate power over the whole world in his hands could not, by definition, be a “complete materialist,” just as he could not believe in God, otherwise he would not have made an idol of himself. This means that only one thing remains - “dark forces”.

Paranormal phenomena associated with the activities of the Third Reich are also observed in other places.

Underground bomb shelters of Königsberg.

This happens especially often in places where there were once war graves. For example, in Latvia there is a place called Lestene, where fierce battles with the Nazis took place during the war. And today this place enjoys a very bad reputation. For example, luminous paths into the sky, pillars are sometimes observed here...

Near the old local church, which was once Lutheran, there is a burial place for SS men. From time to time someone in in a certain order lights candles on these graves, places bowls and other ritual objects. According to researchers, during the war years, groups of specialists from the Nazi occult institute also conducted their secret research here.

The huge oak tree located there, near which there was once a pagan altar that was the guardian of this area, also enjoys a bad reputation. Eyewitnesses claim that in 1944, several German cars drove up to the oak tree, literally riddled the oak tree with machine gun fire, and then buried some boxes in the ground and left. It is obvious that the Germans tried to destroy this altar, but it is not clear what kind of boxes they buried.

According to local esotericists, these were occult artifacts that the Nazis collected throughout the territory of occupied Latvia. What for? The answer to this question is also obvious - the Nazis tried to build a “pyramid of power” that would become a powerful concentrate of energy that would allow the Fuhrer and his entourage to rule the whole world.

Another interesting fact: many houses in Lestene have marks from shells and bullets that cannot be covered up or repaired. All the owners’ attempts come to naught; the plaster falls off, no matter how good it is. As if someone unknown does not want to destroy these traces...

Or maybe the reason for these mysterious phenomena is the “memory field” that arises locally high concentration all sorts of occult energies, because the Nazis sought to master precisely these energies. Of course, you can try to forget these years as horrible dream, however, the “magical” heritage, as if itself, constantly reminds itself.

Will its secrets ever be unraveled? Or maybe the truth is somewhere in the middle?

The May Victory fireworks died down. All European countries breathed freely - the global brown plague, carried by the hordes of fascists, was defeated. And suddenly, on the peaceful streets of Koenigsberg, a month after the Nazis signed the act of complete and unconditional surrender, an armed column of fascists unexpectedly appeared. And they behaved as if they did not know about the defeat in the war. The Germans walked through the city in an organized march, singing songs. They then opened fire, killing everyone who got in their way. Military units of the Red Army were alerted. And when it seemed that it was possible to surround the Germans and only a few hours remained before the destruction of the Nazis, the Germans disappeared... Even the dead were not found, although the Nazis were fired upon with heavy fire. It was decided to close not only the city, but the entire region. And the information on these events was classified, and with the stamp “Keep forever”!

At that time, two versions were put forward: it was the result of Hitler’s secret project to create an invisible man, or the unresolved souls of fascists came to the city. After all, now everyone knows that the mystical fascist organization Ahnenerbe was working on creating invisible warriors. In addition, the archives contain interesting information “about the affairs of bygone days.” They indicate that back in the 18th century, cases of disappearances of military personnel were recorded in the Königsberg area.

Note that, based on surviving documents, during the time of Chancellor Bismarck, a huge underground city was built near Koenigsberg. And there is no need to look for evidence of this, since it is known that the underground tunnels under the city are the most extensive and extensive in Europe. Their construction began in the 13th century. Each ruler of the city considered it necessary to replenish the underground city with new halls, galleries and, of course, hiding places. Under the city center there are huge basements and an inclined shaft that goes deep into the underground.

The royal palace itself rests on huge boulders filled with mortar. Under the castle itself there are numerous narrow passages. Even inside the castle walls, spiral staircases wind and lead to underground small and large galleries and spacious halls. By the way, from the underground premises of the castle you can easily get to any area of ​​the city.

The layout of the complex underground labyrinth was discovered completely by accident. Ancient builders, while laying tunnels, also drew up a plan of dungeons using specially “embedded” bricks, which were found.

After Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, one of the most secret research laboratories of the Third Reich, Königsberg-13, was organized in the Königsberg underground catacombs. Erich Koch himself supervised the work of this secret facility. A very narrow circle of those close to the Fuhrer knew about its existence. The new laboratory had two main tasks. First, the study of the occult sciences, including magic, astrology, hypnosis and numerous mystical cults. Secondly, the development of psychotronic weapons, based on knowledge of the methods of metaphysics.

Particular attention in the laboratory was paid to the study of Eastern mystical teachings. In connection with this, Buddhist monks in white robes and followers of the most sinister Tibetan order in red clothes appeared in the city.

After the war, the archives of Laboratory No. 13 disappeared without a trace. According to one version, the Soviet government made an exchange - an archive for American and captured German industrial machines. According to the second, the archive was destroyed by members of the Soviet secret services. According to the third, the employees of Laboratory No. 13, before leaving, flooded the archive in the basements of the castle.

In April 1945, Soviet troops approached Konigsberg. The city was a fortress and could withstand a months-long siege. But under the attack of Soviet troops, the fortress fell four days later! What was surprising was that no resistance was offered to the Red Army soldiers who entered the city, although explosions were heard in different parts of the city. As it turned out later, the retreating Germans did not blow up strategic objects, but the entrances to tunnels and dungeons.

It is known that immediately after the liberation of the city from the Nazis, Soviet intelligence officers arrived in Koenigberg to investigate the activities of the occult fascist organization Ahnenerbe.

Over the ten years of its operation, Ahnenerbe carried out more than 3 thousand secret expeditions to all regions of the world. To date, only a few of their developments are known. Thus, Ahnenerbe employees came very close to nuclear fusion, participated in the creation of rocket technology, and mastered the methods of genetic engineering. But still, the main part of the information remained unknown, since the archives of this organization were never found. What the allies in the anti-Hitler coalition managed to get are crumbs of what actually happened.

"Ahnenerbe" was under the patronage of the highest ranks of the Reich - Hitler, Himmler, Wirth ("godfather"), Richard Walter Dare (racologist). The main goal of the Ahnenerbe was the search for such knowledge that could provide Germany with world domination. And one of the means of achievement was the creation of a superman with super knowledge and super strength. There were world-famous scientists in the service of Ahnenerbe.

During the war, the Nazis were able to conduct their sadistic physiological and genetic experiments to create a superman on captured soldiers, women and children. Experiments were conducted on prisoners to study various poisons, pain thresholds and the effects of high and low temperatures were studied. A special place was occupied by “scientific programs” to study the organization of mass psychosis, the effects of psychotropic substances, the creation of new weapons of mass destruction, as well as the possibility of communication with alien civilizations.

It is possible that Ahnenerbe scientists have achieved significant results in all their intended goals. It is not without reason that the Soviet and American intelligence services made titanic efforts to search for the secret archives of this organization, any materials and equipment from the Ahnenerbe laboratories. Everything that they managed to find was secretly taken away. And most importantly, now the victorious countries continued the work begun by fascist scientists. This is confirmed by the huge and simultaneous post-war breakthrough of the USA and the USSR in the field of electronic and atomic fields, in the fields of mechanical engineering and aerospace technologies.

Memoirs of eyewitnesses of one of Ahnenerbe’s most secret projects have been preserved. During the war, on the territory of what is now the Kaliningrad region, there was a secret facility, which, according to Ahnenerbe documents, was called Paradies (paradise). The facility was led by one of the founders of the organization, Zeltser, which confirmed the importance of the research conducted there. It is now known that scientists on Paradies were developing methods for time travel. This topic is still considered absurd, since Einstein’s theory of relativity, accepted by modern science, states that time deformation is not possible on Earth. But the Nazis carried out research in this direction. In the underground premises of Konigsberg, the Germans built a unique installation capable of deforming the space-time continuum. The only obstacle was that the Nazis did not have a powerful power source with the necessary characteristics. German scientists were counting on a nuclear reactor, which was also being developed at Ahnenerbe. But they had no time to praise - the war was already lost. Despite this, the “time machine” was tested by the Germans, several times! There is information that in 1942, Soviet soldiers met a group of French soldiers from the time of Napoleon's invasion near Leningrad. In May 1944, on the territory of Belarus, local residents were shocked by the unexpected appearance of a detachment of German knights. There were many similar events, but all this information was completely classified.

60 years after the Victory, frightening and very strange events began to occur in Kaliningrad. They immediately remembered Hitler's secret laboratories. So, recently a group of young people decided to take a photo near the grave of the famous German philosopher Immanuel Kant. When the pictures were printed, the guys were amazed to notice a mysterious stranger in them. He was dressed in an SS uniform and had a helmet with holes on his head. He was behind the group taking pictures. The soldier held a machine gun in his left hand, and his right hand was raised in the traditional fascist salute. This could only be explained by the fact that the soldier was a ghost. Almost at the same time, the ghost of the Nazi art scientist Alfred Rohd was seen near the Royal Castle. They say that he was the custodian of the famous Amber Room, stolen by the Nazis in Russia.

It's unlikely that the ghosts were pranks. It is possible that they are the result of experiments to create “memory fields” carried out in secret fascist laboratories. Research into isolating the astral body could lead to the materialization of information about events that took place here earlier.

Perhaps the nature of these phenomena is associated with the occurrence of visual effects when exposed to the human psyche. We must not forget that the Germans created psychotronic weapons in their laboratories!

Since no one knows what results Nazi scientists achieved in their research and where the archive of secret laboratories disappeared, unexpected events may await us.