Scenario flint Kaluga Maria. Script for the play "Flint" educational and methodological material on the topic

Based on the fairy tales of G.Kh. Andersen



WITCH (enters). I just can’t believe how many people there are who are desperate to get me to join them! Those who have done something bad especially want this. “Dear, dear witch,” they say to me, “tell us some fairy tale!” We cannot sleep a wink, we lie awake all night long and see all our bad deeds around us. Drive them away! We will gladly pay you!” What do I care about money! I don't come to anyone for money. (To the audience.) And I won’t take anything from you, don’t even dare offer it to me! I'll be offended! Just choose a fairy tale and I will tell you it and dispel your melancholy. (Takes out tickets, like lottery tickets.) What fairy tale should I tell you today? About five green peas born in one pod, about a rooster's leg that took care of a chicken's leg, or about a darning needle that imagined itself as a sewing needle? (Offers tickets to the audience.) Choose!.. (The chance falls to the fairy tale “Flint.”) “Flint”? I don’t remember such a fairy tale. Oh, by old age my memory has completely disappeared!
At-two! At-two!

WITCH. I remembered! (Starts story.) A soldier was walking along the road. Goal like a falcon. For all his military service, the king paid him a lot of money.

A soldier enters.

At-two! At-two!
It’s okay that there is no money -
The head survived!

WITCH (provocatively). Hello, serviceman!
SOLDIER. And hello to you, if you're not joking.
WITCH. Come on, tell me, brave soldier, what do you want most in this world?
SOLDIER. If I had some money, I would buy you, old witch, a pot full of happiness.
WITCH. What is happiness for you, soldier?
SOLDIER. I have a head on my shoulders, my arms and legs are intact, I’m a good man in spirit, and a good man needs a beautiful wife to be completely happy.
WITCH (chuckling). Am I not coming?
SOLDIER (looking at her). You'll be old. Worn out. And you are without an eye.
. Well as you know! I come to you with all my heart.
SOLDIER. Don't be angry, grandma. Maybe in another life.
WITCH. I wish I could at least kiss you! Suddenly I will turn into a princess, the world's first beauty...
SOLDIER. Well, I won't be gone. (He kisses the witch, she hugs him tightly.) Hey, hey, that's enough! (Pickily.) With the princess, apparently, by...
WITCH. Don't be sad, soldier. I will reward you for your kiss.
SOLDIER. I don't need anything from you.
WITCH. You didn’t disdain to kiss, so take a gift from me. Just a flint to strike a flame. (Seriously.) By evening you will reach the city and stay in a tavern opposite the royal palace. When it gets dark, you’ll strike the flint, and you’ll see for yourself what happens next... Just don’t be scared. I don't wish you harm. I liked you. (Sighing.) Young! (Reached out to kiss him.)
SOLDIER (moving away). You'll have it that time!
WITCH (giving flint). Here's the flint! Go, servant. We'll see you again.
SOLDIER. It is unlikely. Goodbye, grandma. (He wants to go.) And, apparently, you are a big hunter of kisses.
WITCH (twirling in place). No one has ever kissed me so sweetly! (Leaves.)
SOLDIER (marching).
Left-right! Left-right!
At-two! At-two!
It's possible to love a soldier
Once and for all!

(Looking around.) It’s already getting dark. The old woman was right, I made it to the city. Now find a tavern to spend the night...

The innkeeper appears.

Innkeeper. Hey, serviceman! Are you looking for a tavern? So I am his owner. Stand still. Just pay the money in advance. I know your brother... (Sighs.) I've seen enough!
SOLDIER (wrinkles). Money is tight for me. As soon as they return the favor to me, I’ll pay right away...
Innkeeper. Who owes you? And how much?
SOLDIER. For all my military service. And the king himself, who lives in that palace across the square, owes me.
Innkeeper. Are you completely stupid or are you just pretending! So that our king owes you something!...
SOLDIER. I fought honestly for him, let him treat me honorably. Then I’ll pay you back for the stay.
Innkeeper. No, that will not do. Get out quickly, otherwise I'll call the guards!
SOLDIER. Let me at least take a look at the room. Maybe you have mice and cockroaches there... So I myself will refuse such housing.
Innkeeper. Oh, you cheeky one! I have cockroaches! Yes, I haven’t seen them for a long time. Oh, you scoundrel! Mice, he says... Oh, you villain on my soul!..
SOLDIER. Don't swear. Give me the keys to the room!
Innkeeper. Oh, you are so-so!..
SOLDIER. Shut up!.. (Kisses her.)
Innkeeper (going limp). Oh you... The keys are here. The room... the best... upstairs...
SOLDIER. Well, thank you.
Innkeeper. Let's go! I'll accompany you myself.

The witch appears.

WITCH (to the audience). Are you tired of the fairy tale? Shouldn't I change it to something else? Well, listen further. The innkeeper took the soldier to the best room, with windows overlooking the royal palace. Meanwhile, in the palace, the king was counting the money that he had hidden from the soldier.

The king enters with accounts and treasury.

KING (counting). In just three hundred and sixty-five days and three hundred and sixty-five nights... Wow, how much is gained! Am I really going to part with such a treasure! Yes, with this money you can buy yourself a whole box of Kinder surprises and still have two lollipops left over.

The maid of honor enters.

FPEILINA (concerned). Your Majesty, it would be better to buy the princess new shoes, hers are completely falling apart...
KING. How dare you eavesdrop on the royal thoughts, you, pathetic maid of honor to my daughter... (Sternly.) Who, I hope, has already drunk a glass of curdled milk at night and fallen asleep on her soft feather bed!
MAID OF HONOR. The feather bed felt matted a long time ago and is no longer soft. It wouldn't hurt to buy a new one...
KING. Shut up! You should only spend the royal savings.
FRIEND OF MAIL (with tears). I don't care about myself, Your Majesty! All my worries are only about one princess, more beautiful than...
KING (interrupting). Exactly! My daughter is already beautiful and pretty, so she doesn’t need new shoes. As for the feather bed, it’s soft - how long will it take to ruin your posture and turn into a hunchback! Therefore, maid of honor, don’t bother me with your stupid speeches! Go to the princess and protect her peace. I know better what my daughter needs!
FRIEND (sighing). Good night, Your Majesty!
KING. Yes Yes! And be careful not to fall asleep near the princess’s door, lest some villain kidnap her. My daughter is more precious to me than my life!

The maid of honor leaves.

(Puffing.) Phew! All everyone is thinking about is how to empty my treasury! I won’t allow this to anyone, not even my own daughter! (Counts.) So, so. How much did I earn today? For two lollipops and... Ah! But this is revenue from only one soldier, I have a whole army of them! (Satisfied, he leaves and farts.)

WITCH (appearing). When the king rejoices, his digestion improves, and from this happy thoughts come into his head about who else should pay money so that the royal treasury does not become empty. And at this time the soldier was emptying his pockets in the hope of finding at least one coin to pay the kind innkeeper for the night.
SOLDIER (sadly). Nothing! Not a single coin. Only the flint that the old witch gave me with the words... Wait, wait! What was she saying?
VOICE OF THE WITCH. When it gets dark, you strike the flint, and you’ll see for yourself what happens next...
SOLDIER. And what will I see? (Strikes the flint.)

A dog appears.

DOG. Bow-wow!
SOLDIER (surprised). Dog?
DOG. From now on I am your faithful servant. Anything, master?
SOLDIER. Can you make any wish come true?
DOG. I can, woof-woof, something.
SOLDIER. Hey, get me some money!
DOG. Will be done! Woof! (Runs away.)
SOLDIER. What miracles! The old woman did not deceive. For such a gift I would give her one more time...

The dog returns with the royal treasury.

DOG. Take it, master. Is it enough for the first time?
SOLDIER. It's all for me? Yes, I'm rich!
DOG. If you need me, strike the flint. Woof! Bye, master. (Leaves.)
SOLDIER. I will never spend that much in my entire life.

Innkeeper (angrily). He thinks, he kissed me once, and I melted. And you’ve already forgotten that you have to pay for the room, dear friend! (Enters.) Do you think I need your kiss? Let's pay or get out of my tavern!
SOLDIER. Don't make noise, you'll wake up the neighbors. How much does it cost to stay here, at least until the morning?
Innkeeper. One night - one coin. Where are you going in the morning?
SOLDIER. With my capital, I can rent the entire royal palace for myself.
Innkeeper. Balabolka! Drive the coin or get lost! I am tired and want to sleep.
SOLDIER. Please! (Pays.)
Innkeeper (testing the coin to the teeth). It seems real. (Yawning.) Did you think I was such a fool that I would be flattered by your kisses? Yes, I would have gone down the drain a long time ago if I had taken her with kisses. There is a whole army of you, and I am alone.
SOLDIER. Here I am alone. (Gently.) In the morning light we will look at each other, and maybe I will say to you: “Darling! There is no one more beautiful than you in the whole wide world. Be my princess!
Innkeeper (smiling). Heh! Princess! The princess lives in the palace, look for her there.
SOLDIER. She's beautiful?
Innkeeper. First grade! So tender that she can smell a pea under the feather bed. In short, a real princess!
SOLDIER. Is it possible to see her?
Innkeeper. Look what you want! The king protects her more than his eyes! She will marry someone who has as much money as there is in his treasury. And his treasury is enormous, because our king knows how to make money.
SOLDIER. I'm also a good guy. And I can do some things as well as the king.
Innkeeper. Well, yes, you are a master at kissing! Come on, kiss me one more time.
SOLDIER. One kiss - one coin.
Innkeeper. Rogue!
SOLDIER. What did you think? There are many of you, but I am alone.
Innkeeper. Eh! (Leaves.)
SOLDIER (one). It's already night, but I'm dying to see the princess. (Strikes the flint.) I wish I could take a look at her with just one eye!

A dog appears.

DOG. Bow-wow! Anything, master?
SOLDIER. I want to see the princess! At least for one minute!
DOG. Will be done! Woof! (Leaves.)
SOLDIER. Really?

The maid of honor screams from behind the stage.

MAID OF HONOR. Guard! For help! Kidnapped! The princess has been kidnapped!
SOLDIER. Who kidnapped the princess?
DOG (runs in with the princess, her face covered with a veil). I kidnapped! Woof! You have exactly one minute, master, to admire her.
SOLDIER (raising the blanket). Such a beauty! Can I kiss her?
DOG. Come on, just quickly!

The soldier kisses the princess. Behind the scenes shouts: “Guard! The princess has been kidnapped! The king and the maid of honor run by.

KING. Where is my daughter? Who stole my treasure?
MAID OF HONOR. Guard! For help!

DOG. Hey master! I need to get her back. Do you hear the commotion?
SOLDIER. No! I can't part with her. (Kisses the princess again.)
DOG. The fat is in the fire!
SOLDIER. Come what may!
DOG. As you know, master! Only I don't serve you anymore. Give me the flint, woof! And goodbye! (Leaves.)
SOLDIER. Darling, there is no one more beautiful than you in the whole wide world. Be mine, princess!

The innkeeper runs in.

Innkeeper (to the soldier). Hey, you! Heard? The princess was stolen! Whoever finds it gets a thousand coins. Who is that with you?
SOLDIER. My princess! I found her.
Innkeeper. You stole her! (Runs away.)

There are screams behind the stage.

MAID OF HONOR. Guard! The princess has been stolen!
KING. To hell with the princess, my treasury was stolen! Guard! Stop the thief!
Innkeeper. Found the thief! I found the thief!

The king, the maid of honor, and the innkeeper run in.

MAID OF HONOR. Where is he?
KING. Where is he?
INVERNANT (pointing to the soldier). Here! He stole the princess. I found her. I will receive a thousand coins.
KING. To hell with radishes! My treasury was stolen. You won't get anything!
FRIEND OF MAIL (to the soldier). Mister villain! Return the princess immediately, you are violating her regime.
SOLDIER. No, I won't give her back. Because I'm marrying her.
MAID OF HONOR. Oh! (Faints.)
KING. Do you know my condition?
SOLDIER. Of course, Your Majesty. You will give her in marriage to someone who has a treasury the same as yours.
KING. Well…
SOLDIER. Want to make sure? Here. Count it!
KING. Oh! Well, exactly like mine. (Counts money.)
FRIEND OF MAIL (obediently). When will you order the wedding, Your Majesty?
KING (indecisive). Mm…
KING. Yes, yes, why put it off!
MAID OF HONOR. Will be done.
Innkeeper (laughs). Ha ha ha! Great, you made a decision here! Did anyone ask the princess if she would marry such a lout?
KING. What?
Innkeeper. And like this! Now she’s in a dream, and when she wakes up, she’ll find out about your decision and look at her groom...
SOLDIER. Shut up! (Moves aside.)
Innkeeper. I wouldn't lose my mind.
MAID OF HONOR. My poor girl!
KING. She’s not poor at all – she’s marrying such a rich man!
FRIEND OF MAIL (raises the blanket, revealing the princess's face). Princess! Your Highness! Wake up!
PRINCESS (waking up). Oh! I had a dream. A very strange dream. A dog grabbed me and brought me to an unfamiliar place. There was a man there. And he... kissed me... And it was... so amazing! I want to see him!
SOLDIER. Princess!
PRINCESS. It is he! He kissed me.
SOLDIER. Be my wife!
PRINCESS. I agree. (Takes him by the hand, the two of them kneel in front of the king.) Daddy!
KING (embracing them). Daughter! My children! Be happy!

A dog runs in, holding a veil.

DOG. Tili-tili dough, bride and groom! Woof!
Innkeeper. I'll go cook the wedding dinner!
MAID OF HONOR. And I am collecting the dowry.
KING. And I have to count everything.

SOLDIER. Dear princess, as soon as I saw you, I immediately fell in love with you for the rest of my life.
PRINCESS. And I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you. Only it wasn't here. And I was not a princess.

The dog gives her the flint.

Oh! This is my flint. And I searched him. Thanks for finding it, Jack! (Strokes the dog.)
SOLDIER. Jack? Flint?
PRINCESS. Darling, don’t you think that someone set all this up on purpose? (Kisses the soldier.)

© Yuri Dunaev
/926/ 265-92-77 Other plays by the author on
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New Year's holiday in the preparatory group based on the fairy tale "Flint".
To the music of the song “New Year's Carnival,” children run into the hall and dance.
Presenter: Winter will cover you with white snow
Houses, trees and bushes.
And then the holiday comes next
You and I know this.
The holiday is called New Year,
There is nothing more wonderful in the world,
He has been very dear to all of us since childhood,
He gives people happiness and light!
1 child It happens in the world,
That only once a year
They light up the Christmas tree
A beautiful star.
The star is burning, shining
Ice glistens on the river,
And that means it’s coming
ALL: Happy New Year!
2nd child. New Year is getting closer and closer
You won't notice how it comes
He started skiing today
And he went on a hike.
3 child He's preparing for the carnival
All people, animals and birds,
It will be an unprecedented holiday
Having no boundaries.

4reb. Finally New Year
Our favorite holiday
Let him bring with him
We have different toys.
5reb. Let him give us some sweets,
Joy and fun!
Let this happiness be for everyone
New Year will share!
Presenter: We are at the New Year's tree
Let's celebrate today
The best holiday in the world
ALL: New Year!
Presenter: Let our round dance be wider and more friendly
ALL: Hello, New Year holiday!
Song “Blizzard. Children sit down. 2 readers remain.
Reb 1: We decorated the Christmas tree beautifully,
How many different toys are on it.
But where is the New Year's miracle?
Why are there no lights on the Christmas tree?
Reb 2: Who will help us in trouble,
Who will light our Christmas tree?
We cannot live without a fairy tale.
All: Let the holiday fairy tale come to us soon.
(The ringing of a bell is heard behind the door.)
Ved: Guys, do you hear that someone is coming to our holiday.
Fairy enters.
Fairy: I am the Fairy of Fantasies, I am the Fairy of Visions,
I live in the land of wondrous dreams.
In the land of adventures and dreams
My entire palace is made of roses.
I found out that you need help.
Tell me, how can I help you?
Reb: Fairy, honey, hurry up
You will help us,
Light up the colorful lights on the Christmas tree.
Fairy: Of course, I will help you, where is my student, the little wizard?
Small wizard: I'm here, dear Fairy.
Fairy: This is my most capable student. Well, let's see what you've learned. Light up the lights on our New Year's tree.
Small wizard: I'm not a wizard yet, I'm just learning. But I really believe in miracles.
Everyone is amazed by this Christmas tree
Light the magic flint.
Among the needles and branches
I will find him soon. (Looks for him).
Here's a magic flint
I'll take it off quickly
And the lanterns are beautiful
They will shine for the children.
And you guys say with me:
One-two-three, Christmas tree, burn!
All children: 1-2-3-Christmas tree. Burn!
(The Christmas tree lights up).
Fairy (claps): Well done, little wizard, I give you a 5 for magic.
Reb1: How beautiful it became in the hall
And look at the Christmas tree
Shined brightly, brightly
There are lights on its branches.
Reb 2: Let today be like a fairy tale
The round dance rushes along
And above this round dance
Dancing, songs, loud laughter,
Happy New Year,
All: Happy new happiness to everyone at once.
Round dance:
Fairy: Now let’s sit down and look at the Christmas tree.
(Children sit down).
Fairy: New Year is unusual,
He is magical without a doubt.
And always carries with him
Fairytale adventures.
This evening they expect
You guys are amazing
Hear, they come alive here
Good voices of fairy tales.
(fairy-tale music sounds. The Witch appears.) Witch: Ah, there you are, my dears! Are you having fun? Are you celebrating the New Year? Dressed up, you know, happy. And well-fed, go figure. Why are you silent? Full, I ask? Here, here, and I’m swelling with hunger (sobs).
Song of the Witch. (Oh, bad... bad,
What nonsense is this?
People call her a Witch
I always feel so offended.
2. Oh, bad... bad, how my years fly.
I would love Leshy,
Only I don’t have time for everything.. The Witch draws attention to the Fairy: Oh-oh! And who will this be? Princess perhaps? Queen? Oh, fathers... Fairy! Well, of course, like her, everyone is a Fairy, a Fairy (mocks). And how can I be a Witch right away? Well, I’ll show you - a Witch. (she tricks the Fairy into giving her an apple, she falls asleep, sits down on a chair, the Witch throws a light cloth over the Fairy). Let him sleep. And he will wake up when your fun has passed. But now you will never see him again. Well, it’ll be better this way, let him rest a little.
And it’s warm and light here. But in my hut it is cold, dark, and the stove is not lit. Why is that all? Yes, there is nothing to light it, the stove. The firewood was damp and the matches had run out. So I’m suffering from my heart, I’m starving. And on my menu today
(searches, gets it, reads).
Witches menu.
ABOUT! “Ivashka with curdled milk”, and for dessert - “Green frog cheesecakes with fly agaric jam”. Delicious!
Well, how can I light the stove? Nothing. Do you happen to have any matches? So, baby, don’t you have a light? What about you, madam? (sees flint). Oh, what do I see! What a success! Why, this is a magic flint. Yours? Where did you get it? (on the Christmas tree). Well, it was yours, it’s now ours. And in general, something is too bright here. And we need to save electricity. (Blows on the tree, extinguishes it) That's it. Farewell, dear ones (runs away).
Ved: Wait, dear evil spirits! Oh, what a problem this is! The Witch bewitched the Fairy, extinguished the Christmas tree, and stole the flint! So, is the holiday cancelled?
Guys, we need to find the flint and light the tree again, otherwise Santa Claus will not find his way to us for the holiday.
The Soldier enters singing.
Soldier (singing): At - two left. At - two right,
Along the road to a long journey.
I don’t know where I’m going, the road itself.
It will take me somewhere.
Soldier: Stay where you are. At - two. There are so many kids here, I’ve never seen anything like this in my life. Both girls and boys, where did I end up? Oh, I know, it’s the guys’ New Year’s holiday (sees the Christmas tree). Well, what is this? Even the light bulbs are hanging, it’s just a little dark, they don’t shine, they don’t burn.
Ved: Soldier, you’re in kindergarten for the New Year’s Eve celebration, but the trouble is, our flint is visiting evil spirits today. And without flint, we just can’t light the tree and meet Santa Claus.
Soldier: It's grief, it's not a problem! Hey, my friends, here! (the hussars are running). Together we will go to the Witch and pick up the flint. Detachment, form up! (The hussars are in formation).
Reb: We are great hussars,
Braves and daredevils.
If you need help.
We will always help
Save you from evil spirits
Of course we can.
Dance of the Hussars.
Dance of the young ladies with the hussars. (say goodbye to the young ladies).
Soldier: Squad! In search of the Witch, follow me one step at a time, or two! (go behind the tree).
Scene from the Witch in the forest,
(a tree with a hollow, a cauldron, devils are hiding behind it. The witch lights the cauldron with a flint and stirs it with a ladle)
Dance of the Witches and the devils.
(The witch at the end, out of breath, sits down.)
Witch: Fu-fu-fu! What is this?
I want silence, peace.
Well, to hell with you, devils,
Get out of here faster and faster (the little devils run away).
I was completely dizzy by this evil spirit.
Where is my beloved cat! Kitty - kitty! (the cat runs out).
Kitty (reb): Mur-mur, I’m here, mistress,
Tell me why you called me.
I caught mice in the cellar,
And I walked on the roof with cats,
I was completely exhausted.
Witch: Kitty, my cat, fluffy tummy,
Curved back, soft wool.
You please the hostess, sing a song for the soul.
Kitty: Mr-r-r-! Okay, I'll sing.
Dance of the cat and kitties.
Witch: Oh, and you amused me with your warm little cat. Here's a fish for you! Oh, I completely forgot that a guest is coming to me - a miracle of the forest - Leshenka! When he comes to get married, he needs to get himself in order. (Takes out a mirror and preens himself.) And here he is!
(Leshy enters).
Leshy: I was in a hurry to see you, in a hurry,
I dressed up like a baron
How good I am, you won’t find anything better in the world!
The ears are big, the eyes are small, the legs are crooked!
Handsome! Well, how can you not be proud of yourself!
Where is my young and beautiful bride?
Witch: It's me, me! And young (almost) and at ease with herself!
Leshy: Of course... Maybe... Don’t you have anything better?
(Notices Fairy)
Just for me, like a princess!
(Starts dancing in front of the Fairy, falls to his knees, blows a kiss, puts his hands to his heart).
Witch: Who are you coming to, you rotten stump, to woo? Treason! Go away!
(kicks Leshy out).
What a life! Yearning!
Witch: Come on, little cat, soft tummy, bring me a magic dish and a pouring apple. (The cat gives it) What a saucer, you can see everything, just like an iPad of the latest model. I’ll pump the apple through the dish, I want to know all the news.
(rolls an apple).
Oh! What do I see, soldiers are prowling through the forest, are they looking for me? Exactly! The soldiers are coming here, now they’ll take the flint from me. (He rushes around with the flint, hides it in one place or another). Aha! I’ll hide it here, they’ll never find it here. Here in the hollow sits an evil watchman, he is an old friend of mine (rubs his hands).
(A soldier walks.)
Soldier: Oh, where are you? Well, brothers, let’s knit the Witch. (The hussars help tie the Witch). Thank you, friends, now I can handle her. Well, admit it, did you steal the flint from the children?
Witch: What kind of flint is this? Small, shiny?...No, I didn’t take it! Well, okay, she took it, she took it! That’s why we are nasty, so that there is no joy.
Soldier: Did you leave the children’s Christmas tree without lights?
Witch: What kind of Christmas tree? ...New Year's?.. With toys? ...With balloons, with firecrackers?...No, it's not me. I have never seen any tree like this.
Soldier: Now we’ll ask the guys! (Children answer). See? Well, tell me, the evil spirit is where the flint is.
Witch: Okay, I'll tell you. You will let me go?
Soldiers climb into the hollow,
It's dry and warm there
And cozy and beautiful,
There you will find your flint.
For advice, it’s my reward
I don't need anything.
Not half a penny, not a penny.
I am a kind soul. (dances).
(The soldier approaches the hollow, the Witch waves to him, rubs her hands)
Witch: Climb, climb, dear, so that you are there... (runs away).
(The soldier reaches into the hollow with his hand, and a cockerel flies out.)
Cockerel: I am a magic cockerel,
New Year's scallop.
fire head
Red beard.
I live in this hollow
And I guard the Flint.
Ku-ka-re-ku, co-co-co
New Year is coming!
And who are you? What do you want?
Soldier: I am soldier Ivan, I came for a magic flint, give it here!
Rooster: Look, you are so quick! I won’t let you in, servant, don’t even ask,
And you won’t get Flint, run away!
Soldier: What are you doing, cockerel, we are celebrating your fiery year of the cockerel,
We honor you, we magnify you.
So respect us and show us the flint.
Cockerel: Okay, I’ll give it to you if you guess my riddles.
Soldier: Guys, help me.
Cockerel: Ko-ko-ko, you guessed easily.
Now have some fun
I love music very much
Respect me from the bottom of your heart,
Otherwise I’ll kill you!
Host: Guys, let's help out the soldier and show the Fire Rooster our funny dance!
General dance.
Rooster: So be it, take your Flint!
Congratulations from me to you,
Happiness, laughter and fun!
May this coming year
It will only bring you joy!
(The soldier takes the Flint, goes to the tree, the tree lights up, the Fairy wakes up.)
Host: Look, the witchcraft is over!
Fairy: Oh, how long I slept! I must have missed the whole holiday!
Soldier: Fun is yet to come! Well, it's time for me to go, goodbye, friends!
Host and Fairy: Thank you, soldier!
(Soldier leaves)
Fairy: Well, friends, let's continue the holiday! It's time for us to call Santa Claus!
Fairy: Santa Claus! Go, go! Flint shines on your journey!
Enter D.M. and the Snow Maiden with a song.
Santa Claus: Hello, long-awaited holiday, in the brilliance of the stars!
All: Hello, you are our welcome guest - Santa Claus!
Santa Claus: Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Happy new joy to everyone!
Let it thunder under this vault
Song, music and laughter!
Snow Maiden: Happy New Year,
We wish you happiness and joy!
Santa Claus: I visited you a year ago
I'm very glad to see you!
May this New Year be with you
It will bring health to everyone.
Even on holidays and on weekdays
The New Year will be good!
Kind, generous, sunny,
May all your dreams come true!
(Everyone clap).
Snow Maiden: I want it to be loud and cheerful
Children's laughter could be heard everywhere!
So that the girls are beautiful,
So that the boys are kind!
Santa Claus: Stand up, guys
Hurry up to the round dance.
Song, dance and fun
Let's celebrate the New Year with you!
Reb: Santa Claus, we love you,
Come join us in the round dance.
We know a song about you
Sing along with us!
Round dance with Santa Claus:
Snow Maiden: Grandfather, I wish I could come up with a game,
Amused the kids.
There are many games in the world,
Do you want to play, children?
A game
Presenter: Santa Claus! Most of all, the guys want to get sweets and candies from you!
Father Frost:
For the sake of the holiday for you, I have stored something here. Come on, light the flint!
Show me where the gifts are!
(Flint lights up a box of gifts).
Santa Claus: Get my treat
Have fun all year, don't get bored.

(Gives out gifts).
Time moves fast forward
I will come to you next year.
Smile at me goodbye everyone
Goodbye, friends, goodbye!
Ved: So the fairy tale ends,
Santa Claus and the Fairy say goodbye to us.
Final song.

Play for production
fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen
in the puppet theater

Duration of the performance: 1 hour; number of actors: from 4 to 12.


First dog
Second dog
Third dog
Hotel owner
Old maid of honor

In the foreground to the left and right are large, thick, gnarled trees of an ominous appearance. In the background are fields.

A Soldier comes out from behind a tree on the left and walks towards the tree on the right.

Soldier (singing)

A soldier was walking home from service, loudly
I hummed the song.
All beaten up! All full of holes!
Neither a hut nor a woman -
Didn't fight.
At-two left! One-two right!
The poor people carry them in backpacks
Troubles behind.
A brave guy went to war,
And he returned from the war, brothers,
One leg missing.
One-two right! One-two right!
War is fun for the king,
Honor to the general
And for a soldier there is only glory,
But why this glory?
Do we soldiers have any?

An old Witch comes out from behind a tree on the right to meet the Soldier.

Witch (ingratiatingly)

Eat well, soldier,
And he’s good too!
Your satchel is beautiful.
It's a pity you're carrying an empty one.

Soldier (mockingly)

What do you care?
Old hag?
Maybe she wanted a saber
Ali boot?

Yours are good, my dear,
Saber and boot
But I would have bought something better
If only you could help me.

I would only agree
Not for a penny.
Will you give me a lot of money?

And so much
How much can you carry?
Come closer, killer whale.
(lowering his voice)
You will go down into the hollow...

The witch points to the tree behind her. The soldier cranes his neck in the indicated direction.

For some reason I don’t see the hollow.

The time has not come.
In that hollow, at the bottom of the well,
There is an underground passage.
The lamps shine there like the sun,
And there are countless doors.
You will open the last three,
Here are the keys to them.

The Witch hands the Soldier a bunch of keys and a blue checkered apron.

Why do I need your apron?

Listen and be silent.
Guards behind every door
Treasure the ferocious dog -
In a hundred years, no one, believe me,
Didn't take his legs -
Skulls in that dungeon
They lie in piles.
What's with the saber and shrapnel?
Don't scare them.
But if you put those dogs
On my apron,
You will get along with them easily.

Soldier (suspicious)

What about you?
Can't go down to this kennel?

I'm old, my dear!
There is no urine - I have to go to bed
It's time to go to the grave.

Only, witch, without deception -
Money in half!

I won't cheat -
I'll give everything to you.

Well, what do I have to do with this?
Old lady, will you take it?

There's a flint there somewhere.
Here you will bring it.
Since I dropped it
It’s like I’m not me
After all, she gave it to me
My grandmother!

Well, flint, so flint!
The deal is good!

You'll get the job done, servant.
You'll have a great life!

The witch turns to the tree and begins to wave her arms.

Witch (chant)

Olzaver dirtan!
Olzaver chirtan!
Olzapul khirtan!
Olzapur tirtan!

There is a clap of thunder. The tree staggers and a hollow appears in it.

Well, now it's time, soldier,
Here, tie yourself up.

The Witch gives the Soldier the end of the rope, and she herself holds the second. A soldier with a rope climbs a tree and throws the end of the rope into the hollow.

Is there enough to reach the bottom of the rope?
Deep, it seems.

The Witch shows the Soldier a huge coil of rope.

There will be more if necessary
Don't worry!
You'll go down to hell,
And back - at least to heaven!

The soldier sticks his head into the hollow. It's getting completely dark. There is a change of scenery of the first and second plan.

If you have met death,
And I saw it on the battlefield
In the glare of the enemy's eyes,
And I was never afraid
Death will not deal with you
And this time.
In the black sky there is a black raven
It curls and fights with the soldier
Enemy army.
And he alone is still a warrior -
Not him, but she will have to
To die today!
Atty-batty! We soldiers
Without sparing our lives, we climb
To hell with the horns!
And those horns will be taken!
We are separate, we are together
Like a hurricane!

It's getting light. Now in the foreground on the left is a high cave wall with a hollow at the top, a rope hanging from the hollow. On the right in the foreground there is just a sheer wall, in the middle there is a door. In the background are piles of skulls and bones, lamps in niches.

A soldier stands by the rope, holds on to its end and looks around. His backpack lies against the wall.

Eco death feasted -
There's nowhere to step!
She didn’t talk about me in battle
Dull the braid.
And the other poor fellow is only
Will come out of the gate
How the troika will crush him
Or the dog will eat it.

The soldier spreads his apron next to the door, and he goes up to it with the key and opens it. The First Dog appears in the doorway, guarding the chest. The dog growls.

It’s immediately obvious that he grew up without affection.
Wow, nice dog!
You have eyes like saucers
And, like a cup, a nose.

The Soldier takes the Dog and places him on the apron. She stops growling. The soldier takes the backpack and returns to the chest.

And now, my friend, I'll take a look,
What are you guarding?
Maybe I'll become richer
Even for a copper penny.

The soldier opens the chest and looks into it.

So it is, your chest is copper
Full to the brim.
See, the witch didn’t deceive me,
Enough to live on.

The Soldier transfers money from the chest to his backpack and looks at the Dog, the Dog whines. The soldier closes the door.

It's better on the apron
Than on the chest.
And why torture the beast like that?
In a stone bag?

The door disappears and another one appears in its place.

I'll take a look now, I guess.
Through the second door.

The soldier opens it. The Second Dog sits in the doorway, guarding a larger chest. The dog growls.

Yes, I'm not a scary little guy,
Believe me.

The Soldier takes the Second Dog, carries it onto the apron, sits it down and pets it.

Well, now you are two watchdogs!
Wow, nice dog!
And the eyes are like wheels,
And, like a pumpkin, a nose.

The dog stops growling. The soldier approaches the chest and looks into it.

That's a lot of silver, brothers!
What are coppers to me?

The soldier pours copper coins out of his backpack and begins to fill it with silver.

They only go with them in backpacks
The poor and the poor.
I'm with this capital
Guy - anywhere!
I'll buy everything in bulk -
I'll be a gentleman!

The soldier closes the door. The door disappears and a third one appears in its place. The soldier turns to the dogs, they wag their tails.

That's it. I see, we are glad to meet you,
It's more fun together!
I have a trip planned
Through the third of the doors!

The soldier opens the third door. The Third Dog sits in the doorway, guarding a large chest. The dog growls.

Soldier (admiringly)

You really are big and scary!
Very nice dog!
And the eyes! – Two Round Towers!
And the nose of a carriage!

The soldier takes the third dog and carries it to the first two.

I don’t know any dogs that are heavier
I'm telling you exactly!
Just sit here while I
I'll look at your treasure.

The Soldier places the Third Dog on the apron. The dog stops growling. The soldier approaches the chest and looks into it.

Soldier (amazed)

So much gold, probably
Neither is it in the treasury.
With him all my life in any tavern
They will be glad to see me.

The soldier pours silver onto the floor and begins to fill the satchel with gold, then with difficulty pulls it out of the room.

I could live like a king
But, whatever one may say,
There is gold in the knapsack - like glands,
You can't take it all away!

The soldier closes the door. She disappears, and a fourth door appears in its place. The soldier approaches the dogs and pets them.

Well, dear ones, goodbye,
It's time for me to go upstairs!
Don't roll your eyes,
Tea, not a weather vane!
Here's some crusty bread for you
Yes, a lot of bacon.

The soldier gives the dogs a bundle of food, they greedily pounce on it. The soldier shakes his head.

The old lady didn't feed you
About five years old!

The soldier approaches the rope and pulls it. The Witch appears in the hollow.

What did my flint find?

Crap! I almost forgot!

The soldier looks around and finds a flint.

Hurry up! Alive!
Have you closed the dogs?

Be calm, everything is as it should be!
Come on, pull!

The witch tugs lightly on the rope.

Your reward is heavy.
Same backpack.
I'm carrying you with such and such a load
And I won’t raise it
I'll tear my belly apart,
I'll stretch my legs.
You are a flint and an apron
Put it in your backpack.

The Soldier is about to follow the Witch's instructions, but the First Dog runs up to him and, whining, pulls him back by his uniform. And the Soldier only straps on his backpack.

That's right, witch!

Well, tie it on.
I'll pull out my backpack, little soldier,
And then you.

The witch lifts the backpack up and pulls it into the hollow along with the rope.

Soon there?

Witch (gloatingly)

Now, killer whale,
Find out yourself!
Deceived, deceived,
I deceived!
I got everything back,
Oh, and smart!

The witch is hiding in a hollow. After a while it looks out again.

Hey, servant, where's the flint?
Where's my apron?
It's rude to act like that
You know, with me!
Give it back!

I'll give it back when I get out
From your hole.

So that you are eaten by nits,
Midges and mosquitoes!
Look, I found a brainy one!
No, you won't leave!
What, are you sitting? Well, sit there!
It’s all the same – you’ll die!

The witch throws the backpack down and disappears. The soldier begins to climb up the wall. The hollow is closing. The soldier slides down.

What a damn thing!
Beelzebub has had enough!
She led the soldier cleverly,
Needless to say.
Let's play catch,
Grief is not a problem!
And worse than the alterations,
It happened, I got it.
What happened -
It's like being in captivity.
Still, not in the field, but under the roof -
I'll lie down and take a nap.
Let the infantry not drink or eat,
Still alive -
I can sleep through the hunt
A year, maybe two.

The soldier goes to bed, all three dogs sing him a lullaby. Some time passes.

Olzaver dirtan!
Olzaver chirtan!
Olzapul khirtan!
Olzapur tirtan!

The hollow opens and the Witch's head appears in it.

Hey, how are you, lost guy?
Service, respond!

The soldier is silent and does not move. The witch sniffs.

Witch (to herself)

Should have played the game
And he played, it seems.
(To the soldier)
There's no point in fighting me!
That's right, my dear!
There's nothing to do, you have to
Climb there yourself.

The end of a rope falls from the hollow, and a Witch with a bunch of keys descends along it. The Soldier gets up, grabs the Witch and pulls her down.

Why aren’t you sitting at home?
Old hag?

Witch (fake)

Oh, it went into the lower back!
Oh, my leg hurts!
Let me go, servant!
Have pity on old age!

Bite your lying tongue,
Don’t shed tears for nothing -
Will come in handy to cool down
Once again in hell.

The soldier cuts off the Witch's head with a saber and shows it to the audience.

Witch (grinding teeth)

I will dream about you at night!
I'll come for you!
What, my dear, is it scary?
I'll pamper you to my heart's content!

My friends, soldiers,
They won't let you fall.
There are more of them in the next world
Witchcraft old women.
At once they will load salt into the cannon,
Yes, on the backside - Bang!
For each other in a mess
We stand like a mountain.
And the villains are like flies -
Don't gather them into a swarm.

The Soldier throws the Witch's head away and picks up a bunch of keys.

Soldier (thoughtfully)

Well, it looks like the keys
From other doors.
Unlock them, too, or something,
Should I leave quickly?
Although it’s scary, it’s like passion
I'd like to take a look.

The soldier approaches the door and opens it.

Hey, is anyone alive? Come out!

The wind whistles out of the open door. The soldier recoils.

How long can you blow?

Many colorful reflections appear on the walls of the cave. The soldier grabs his saber.

Who are they?


Dreams and spirits!

I'll kill everyone now!


We are all prisoners of the old woman.
You, soldier, saved us!

If so, fly, brothers,
Just be careful in the future
Don't fall for evil witches
Don't sit in a hole!

The glare disappears. In place of the open door, another one appears. The soldier opens it too. Bright spots appear on the walls of the cave again.

Everybody's Free! Everybody fly!
I will reward you all!

The soldier throws gold after the spirits and dreams.

Everyone who is there, come out!
I give you freedom!

The spirits disappear. The soldier approaches the dogs.

Aren't dogs so sick of this?
Guard your money?
And without them in the world it is possible,
You dogs can live!

The dogs are silent. The soldier takes the pack and ties it to the end of the rope.

Well, of course, it's up to you!
No offence, -
There are prettier dogs upstairs
And kinder looking.

The soldier climbs the rope. It's getting completely dark. There is a change of scenery of the first and second plan.

At-two higher! Higher!
The one who should be hanged
It won't break your neck!
At least a hundred times you fall from the roof
And drown in the river two hundred times -
Someone will save you!
It's too early for me to die -
In this world I have
There are so many things to do!
If there is grief for a soldier,
That's right, happiness is somewhere
There is one for the soldier!
That's how this world works,
What chance gives to all people
Happiness in its turn.
Be sure! Stay calm!
Evil will always get its way,
And good will take it!

It's getting light. Now in the foreground on the left is the royal palace, on the right is the inn, and in the background is the city.

The Soldier's head appears in the middle of the scene, and then he himself emerges. The soldier looks around.

That's how the witch's quirks are,
It seems like he was climbing into a hollow,
Well, it came out of nowhere...
Eka skidded!

The soldier pulls out his backpack by the rope. The innkeeper looks out from the window of the inn.

People! Where did I end up?
What kind of country is this?

Hotel owner

It’s morning, and I’m already drunk,
Like Satan!
Get out of here, you ragamuffin!
Trickster! Slick! Thief!

The hotel owner runs out into the square with a stick.

Come on, look into my backpack!

Hotel owner

It's my fault, sir!

The innkeeper falls to his knees in front of the Soldier.

Hotel owner

Turned out to be a sinful deed,
So that I can perish!
Here one soldier tried
Steal my axe!

Soldier (laughing)

Does anyone look like me?

Hotel owner

God forbid!
You are the spitting image of a nobleman,
Even though it's covered in dirt!

Well, get up, my friend, quickly,
I'm not angry.

The Soldier helps the Innkeeper to his feet.

Hotel owner

I have never met kinder gentlemen!
I will be useful to you -
I have the best in my capital

And if you feed, you'll get it
This louis d'or!

The innkeeper grabs the coin and pulls the soldier into the house.

Hotel owner

I will be glad to see you, Your Grace,
Please in everything!

This is for your poverty,
This is for hire!

The soldier gives the Innkeeper two more coins and enters the inn. The innkeeper bows many times. A soldier appears at the first floor window.

Hotel owner

Would you like to taste
Ice coffee?
Or duck pate?

Bring everything!
Yes, send me a tailor -
I'll order an outfit.
I need a smart servant...

Innkeeper (bowing)

I am glad to serve you!

The soldier leaves the hotel and gives the Owner a heavy wallet.

Soldier (with a sigh)

Well, serve, and I’ll do mine
Served with interest!
Until now - close your eyes,
Everything is tempting with battle.

The innkeeper runs to the palace and hides in it. The soldier goes back to the hotel and appears at the window. The innkeeper returns with many elegant boxes and enters the house. The soldier disappears through the window.

Out of sight, patched uniform,
Saber, boots!
The damn bow is not given,
Come on, help!

The soldier leaves the inn already in a new rich dress, with a lush bow around his neck. The innkeeper follows him with bows.

Hotel owner

How amorous! How luxurious!
Don't take your eyes off!
Yes, you can wear this outfit
At least go to the ball!
Today's dinner at the countess's
In honor of her own dog,
Grand reception at the Duchess
Tomorrow at three o'clock,
On Wednesday there is a ball at the Baroness's
In the rose garden
And on Thursday - at the Viscountess's
In the castle on the pond,
Premiere again on Friday
Opera "Sin"
And dinner at the chamberlain's...

That's good!

The soldier and the innkeeper slowly walk to the king's castle and stop in front of it, looking at the facade.

Hotel owner

And on Saturday the “Sunday” ball...

That's enough, I realized.
And when, tell me, my dear,
The King's Ball?

Hotel owner

Sorry, Your Grace,
Already seventeen years old
So that nothing bad happens,
There are no balls in the castle.
I once prophesied
Witch to the king
What will he pass off as a soldier?
My little daughter.
They say she's in that tower
He sits under lock and key.

Both are looking up at the tallest window.

Poor thing, it’s scary to think,
How sad she is.

The Maid of Honor looks out of this window.

Maid of honor

What are you staring at, you fools?
Go away! Away!

Wow princess!
Looks like a witch's daughter!

The soldier and the innkeeper move away from the castle.

Hotel owner

This is the eldest of the maids of honor,
In anger - a real devil!
He knows all the soldiers, I'm sure
It's all over here.
So that!

Soldier (dreamy)

If only for a princess
At least take a peek!

Hotel owner

They watch me so much that I even drive away
You can't slip through the crack.

What, there’s no way to arrange it?
I would give a lot!

The soldier jingles his wallet.

Hotel owner (scared)

This could cost your life!

Well, then off to the ball!

The soldier and the innkeeper are hiding in the house. The King appears in the castle window.

What's happened? What's happened?
What else happened?

Maid of honor

Two people passed by.
Looks like everything worked out!

The King and the Maid of Honor simultaneously hide in the window. It gets dark, the lights come on in the windows. Dreams and Spirits fly around the city.

Dreams (sing)

In the silent skies is wonderful
Pale moonlight.
Night comes and people
Dreams are coming.
In the windows of castles, in the windows of towers,
To every poor home.
The coward dreams of being brave,
A beggar becomes a rich man.

A Soldier looks out from the window of the first floor of the hotel.

Soldier (singing)

I dream that I'm a princess
Head over heels in love...

The soldier disappears. The Princess looks out from the top window of the royal castle.

Princess (singing)

I dream that I am walking through the forest,
And towards us - He.

The princess moves away from the window. The owner of the inn looks out from the window of the inn on the second floor.

Innkeeper (singing)

I dream that I am a nobleman
Received the title.

The innkeeper is hiding. A lady-in-waiting looks out from the window of the royal castle.

Maid of Honor (singing)

I dream that the ladies' order
The king gave it to me.

The maid of honor is hiding. The King looks out from the window of the royal castle.

King (singing)

I dream about what kind of soldier
I'm giving away my daughter...
(screams in horror)
A! Nightmare! Leave me alone, you damned one!

The princess looks out her window.

Princess (capriciously)

Dad, I'm sleeping!

The King and Princess disappear.

Spirits (singing)

People watch dreams, and spirits
Help them.
They will wash the cooks' cauldrons,
Everything will be tailored by a tailor,
The fishermen's nets will be repaired,
Boots for the messenger,
And they will give it to good children
One lollipop in your mouth!
They will be in their cribs
Sweet, sweet sleep
And the moon stealthily hits their foreheads -
Kiss tenderly...

The colorful highlights disappear and it becomes light. The innkeeper runs out of the inn with a cauldron in his hands.

Hotel owner

Robbed! Ruined!
Ate all the broth
They also washed the boiler.
To the crook, crook!
Hey you, your honor,
Maybe stop sleeping?
You promised me today
Give it up for a stay!
I haven't paid for a month, a week
Didn't tip.

A Soldier appears in the window.

Soldier (yawning)

Yes, calm down, really.
Here you go, get it!

The soldier comes to the threshold and gives him a handful of coppers.

Hotel owner (with horror)

There are no others.
There was a ball just now,
And on it I'm a baronet
Lost at cards.
I remember giving it to the marquise
A dozen trellises.
Here, I bought a lorgnette for close proximity,
I'm a gentleman.

The soldier shows the lorgnette to the Innkeeper.

Gave it to the Cardinal. It is impossible not to give to the Temple.
He gave to the poor - to them too
We need to help.
I care about the poor
I was poor myself,
I'll make you rich too,
I'll give you money too!
Now I'll say the word
And I will open the entrance.
There's a lot of good stuff there.

The soldier throws his last pennies on the ground. The innkeeper begins to pick them up.

Let the people take it!

The soldier runs to the hotel and returns with a large ball of rope, stands in the middle of the stage and begins to wave his arms.

Soldier (imitating the Witch)

Fanatic Takhtan!
Damn land surveyor!
Karapuz caftan!
And the skewer is shaitan!

Nothing happens, the Innkeeper looks at the Soldier as if he is crazy.

Soldier (puzzled)

What a shame! Apparently something
That's not what I said.
Eh, infantry, you are infantry,
Memory is a sieve!

Hotel owner

Hey-hey! Looks like he's small
Lost my mind.

How did she say...

Hotel owner

Come inside the house.
Today the former chambers,
Friend, not about you.
But some housing
I'll provide it.
There is a room under the roof,
Just an attic.
If you want, pay half a ruble a day,
Well, if you want, so.
And you can repay your debts by working,
Will you serve me?

Soldier (with a sigh)

Eh, not long without care
I got to live.

The Soldier and the Innkeeper enter the house, after a while the Soldier comes out in his old attire with a broom and begins to sweep the area in front of the inn.

Oh, my fate is a villain!
And it’s always like this with her -
You'll earn a penny
You'll lose a quarter!

It's getting dark. Lights come on in the windows. Only the window on the second floor of the hotel remains dark. The soldier returns to the house, and after a while appears in his dark window.

Today at the marquis
Masquerade ball,
There will be dancing and surprises...
It's a pity I didn't call.
And the cornet swore to come in,
I never came in.
I'm left all alone
Deprived of all hope.
It's sad to sit in the dark.
Crap! I almost forgot!
I have a flint,
There was a cinder in it.
Warms a person's soul
Sun and fire.
Where it's brighter, it's more fun,
If not naked!

The soldier knocks the flint on the flint three times, the light in his window lights up. All three dogs appear in front of the hotel. The soldier looks at them.

Well, where are you from here?
What, the treasure was stolen?
I won't help you look for it,
I'd be glad to find it myself.

First dog

Say what you want
We will complete everything on time!

Life - that soon you yourself will bark -
A little bit of money.

The dogs disappear and immediately appear with purses, one larger than the other. The soldier leaves the tavern and takes the wallets.

What luck! Well, thank you!

The dogs are disappearing.

Hey, where are you going?
Come on, damn flint,
Send everyone here!

The soldier knocks the flint on the flint three times, and three dogs appear again.

First dog

Glad to serve!

You two
You can go.

The second and third dogs disappear.

First dog

Ali, what's the matter?

Can you bring it?
Should I have a princess? Just be quiet
So that no one knows.

The first dog nods, runs to the royal castle and immediately returns back with the Princess wrapped in a blanket.

First dog

To wake?

What if she's a coward?
I wouldn't scare you!

The soldier carefully looks into the package.

Oh, what a beauty!
I can't resist!

The Soldier kisses the Princess. The princess wakes up.

Princess (scared)

Who are you? I do not know you.

Soldier (kindly)

I seem to you!

The princess falls asleep again.

Soldier (whispers)

Take her back.

The dog carries the Princess back to the castle.

Soldier (with a sigh)

What can I say?
After all, the princess is after the soldier
Don't be married!

The soldier goes into the house. It's getting light. The owner of the hotel looks out from the window of the first floor.

Hotel owner

Stop sleeping! Get up, you slacker!
It's time for dawn
And you're still out of bed
Didn't raise his mug!

A Soldier appears in the second floor window.

Soldier (yawning)

I still want to sleep,
Take your throat out.

Hotel owner

I owe a lot, infantry,
Time to give!

The soldier leaves the house with a knapsack in his rich attire. The hotel owner jumps out after him and grabs his clothes.

Hotel owner

Are you planning to run away?
Hey, policeman,
The place is crying for him
In a hole of debt!

The soldier hands the hotel owner a wallet.

I remember all my debts
I'm paying my bills!
All! Goodbye! I'm better than rooms
I want to search!

The innkeeper looks into the wallet and rushes after the Soldier.

Hotel owner

Your Mightiness! Your Grace!
Oh, senor! My lord!
Everything in my head is fuzzy,
The devil sat on his tongue!

The innkeeper runs forward and falls to his knees in front of the Soldier.

Hotel owner

Don't ruin it! Have mercy!
I will atone!
If you want a room,
I'll give you one more!
I can give you the whole hotel
I am at your service again!

We're in awe!
What is redundant is forgotten!
Everything has its turn!
Boil a trough of water -
I'll take a bath!

The soldier and the innkeeper are hiding in the house. The King, Princess and Maid of Honor appear at the windows of the castle.

Princess (dreamy)

Oh, dad, for me this night
I had a wonderful dream.
Everything about him was as if it were real:
Me, and next to me is He.
Beast me to Him huge
Brought it on my back
Maybe it was a black cat
Well, maybe a dog.
And the soldier, his master, -
Oh, so impudent! –
Bent over lips
And kissed...

What? Who allowed him?
What was he doing there?

Maid of honor

Kissed me on the mouth! Captive!

Princess (offended)

It's just a dream!

The princess disappears through the window.

A dream is not a dream, but for us in reality
There would be no trouble.
Here's what: you stand by the bed,
You will be on guard!

The maid of honor nods. Both are hiding in the windows. It's getting dark. Lights come on in the windows. A Soldier looks out from the window of the first floor of the hotel. The owner of the hotel looks out from the second floor.

Innkeeper (yawning)

Can not sleep?

Soldier (with a sigh)

No, I can't sleep.
The night is painfully bright...

Hotel owner

The whole capital is having fun
Today at the ambassador's.
There will be dancing, fireworks,
There is ice cream in vases,
Two Indian Bayadères
And French cheese.
This is where to have fun...

No hunting.

Hotel owner

Didn't you deign to fall in love?

The soldier sighs.

Hotel owner

Hotel owner (with interest)

To the Baroness? Viscountess?

Stop guessing!

The innkeeper disappears through the window. The soldier leaves the house.

I wish I had my princess
See you again.
I'll call the dog.

The soldier strikes the flint on the flint once. The first dog appears in front of the hotel.

First dog

Here I am, sir!

The soldier points to the royal castle.

Bring it!

The dog runs to the castle and immediately runs out of it along with the Princess, wrapped in a blanket. The Maid of Honor appears from behind the castle. The owner of the inn cautiously looks out from the window of the second floor of the inn.

Hotel owner

The innkeeper disappears through the window. The soldier takes the package with the Princess and takes it to the hotel. The dog disappears. After some time, cheerful laughter begins to be heard from the Soldier’s room. The maid of honor sneaks towards the hotel.

Maid of honor (indignantly)

Well, you bastard, wait a minute!
Not enough for such a thing
Die three times!
It's not appropriate for our little one
Watch these dreams!
And the dog, the dog -
The devil incarnate!
I’d rather mark the house with a sign,
To find it later.

The maid of honor, looking around, puts a cross on the wall of the hotel and runs away to the royal castle. Dreams and Spirits fly around the city.

Dreams (sing)

The leaves are sleeping on the trees,
The water is sleeping in the river,
Letters sleep in sleeping lines,
A star sleeps in the sky.
Hopes come true in dreams,
Dreams are dreaming.
Autumn dreams of a spring day,
And in winter - flowers.

The owner of the inn looks out from the window of the inn on the second floor.

Innkeeper (singing)

I dream that I am a guest
I became rich...

The owner of the inn disappears, the Maid of Honor looks out from the window of the castle.

Maid of Honor (singing)

In my dream I'm seventeen again,
And today is the ball...

The maid of honor disappears, and the King appears in the next window.

King (singing)

I dream that I predicted
Witch makes me happy
And I told the soldier
Perish in war.

The king disappears through the window.

Dreams (sing)

The moon sleeps, and only for lovers
I won't have dreams -
They, inspired by each other,
No need for dreams.

Dreams and Spirits disappear. A Soldier with a blanket and a Princess emerge from the hotel.


Oh, I haven't had so much fun
Never before.
I must have fallen in love!
I fell in love, right?

It's a pity, but we have to leave.


The night is so short!
I wish I could sleep and not wake up...

The soldier strikes with a flint, the First Dog appears and wraps the Princess in a blanket.

Well, goodbye!


The Soldier kisses the Princess, the First Dog carries her to the castle. The soldier returns to the house, the light in his window goes out. It becomes completely dark, and again Dreams and Spirits fly around the city. The scenery of the foreground is changing.

Spirits (singing)

The good spirits have returned
Into the sleeping world of people,
To soar among the dark streets,
Quiet squares,
Wipe off dust from glass,
Wash the pavements,
Polish the spiers until they shine,
Repair the lanterns.
Let's lubricate the hinges on the walls too
We will renew the painting,
And on old tapestries
Let's bring the colors to life...

It's getting light. The hotel turns out to be decorated with hearts and angels.

The innkeeper runs out of it with a stick.

Hotel owner (shouting)

Ah, worthless boys!
I'll cut off my ears!

A Soldier looks out of a window on the first floor and looks approvingly at the wall.

And it's beautiful!

Hotel owner

Too much!
I live here!
All of me with such a facade
They will laugh to death!

The soldier leaves the hotel and gives the owner a thick wallet.

There's no need to change anything
I'm the boss here!

The innkeeper clutches his wallet to his chest, and both return to the house. The Princess and the King look out from the windows of the castle.

Princess (dreamy)

Oh, dad, for me this night
I dreamed about Him again...

King (suspicious)

What's a soldier again? Well, daughter...

The maid of honor looks out of the window.

Maid of honor

It was not a dream!
I went! I was watching!
Suddenly a dog came running -
Bulldog and crocodile mix -
And he took her away.
That's why I suffered through fear -
I'm still shaking!

I'll give you a medal for your courage!
I'll reward you with a ribbon!
Tell me what happened next!


But dad...

Be silent!
If you forgot your honor,
You will answer!


Is it my fault?
Why do I love him?

Today your soldier
I will order execution!

The princess disappears through the window. The King with the rope and the Maid of Honor leave the castle and head towards the inn.

King (singing)

While they live next door
People and gentlemen,
Won't be in the kingdom
Never in order.
My castle is magnificent
Among their dirty shacks,
They smoke, we breathe,
But I don’t want that!
They have porridge for breakfast
And porridge for lunch,
And I have a lamb
No appetite!
They sing and dance
And I grumble all day
And no one will tell me
What do I want!

The King and the Maid of Honor stop in front of the hotel, rooted to the spot.

King (menacingly)

What else is this?

Maid of honor (scared)

I don't want to know!

Tomorrow I'll double the tax
For housing... times five!
This house?

The maid of honor comes closer and examines the facade, but does not find the cross.

Maid of honor (trembling with fear)

No, your grace,
It seems that he is not.
Apparently I've lost my way
Or is it really a dream...

Well, look, since this night
You won't be able to stop me
I will send my daughter to the monastery,
And you - under the knife!

The King and the dejected Maid of Honor go back to the palace. The owner of the hotel looks out from the attic window.

Hotel owner

Almost lost my mind
Lord save me!
The king himself has come here!

A Soldier appears in the hotel window.

Hey! Bring lunch!

Hotel owner

I can smell death a mile away!
It's time for you to run!

I do as I want!
Punch to my rooms!

The soldier is hiding in the window.

Hotel owner

Now passion leaps up in the damned -
Power is not scary either!
As if you were with a soldier
Together we won't fall apart.

The hotel owner is hiding in the house. It's getting dark. Lights come on in the windows. A soldier with a flint goes out into the street.

The owner says...
(with a sigh)
No, I can’t stand it!

The Owner looks out of the hotel window again.

Hotel owner

Are you tired of living?

I love her!

The hotel owner puts his hands on his head and disappears out the window. The soldier strikes the flint on the flint once. The first dog appears in front of the hotel.

First dog


Bring it quickly!
Don't let me down -
Neither the old woman nor the footman
Don't follow me.

The dog runs to the castle and immediately runs out of it along with the Princess, dressed in a dress. The soldier hugs the Princess. The dog disappears.


Dear friend, this night I
I didn't sleep a wink!
Father wants to separate us
And for the last time
I came to say goodbye to you!
There is time - run!

Let's have fun!


But there are enemies all around!

The soldier draws his saber and threatens invisible opponents with it.

Let the scoundrels come out!
I will fight them!
Cause I don't know any mercy
If I get angry!

The soldier lowers his saber.

You see, there is no one here -
The streets are empty.
We'll be together until dawn
Just me and you!

The Soldier and the Princess enter the house. The Maid of Honor looks out from the castle window.

Maid of honor (in a whisper)

Wake up, your grace!
That impudent soldier...

A sleepy king appears in the next window.

King (yawning)

What's happened! What's happened!

Maid of honor

He stole it!

Well, where were you looking?
Where have you been?

Maid of honor

She was sitting in a chair by the door,
She slept like a dead sleep.

King (angry)

How dare you? How could you?
Guards! Guard!

Nobody shows up.

Maid of honor

I am not to blame for anything!
The whole palace fell asleep!
And when I woke up, I see
Our baby is gone.
The shameless soldier dragged away!

Like in a nightmare!
Everything is lost! Everything is lost!
I am a soldier's father-in-law!
Everything is as the witch predicted -
The way it is!
Under the protection of an evil spirit
And the mosquito is a sandpiper!
Where can I look for her, old woman?
The city is great!

Maid of honor

Believe me, runaways
We'll find the trail.
I poured a handful of semolina
In your torn pouch
And pinned the princess
At the back hem.

Well, you're a scoundrel, really!
The head is a cauldron!

Maid of honor

We need to hurry up
There's no time to wait here.
Otherwise the birds will wake up
And they will peck the cereal.

The Maid of Honor with a lantern and the King with a rope emerge from the castle.

King (singing)

Enemies of my crown
There are countless numbers in the country,
But there are laws on them
And there are gallows!

I regularly pay the guards,
Judge and executioner
And even for the ropes
I'm crying for the gallows!

But I don't understand something
I don't understand something:
Why do they work?
Should I do it myself?

The maid of honor and the King approach the hotel.

Damn it!

Maid of Honor (triumphantly)

I knew it!
The trail leads here!

It was the case, we were naked
They took the cities!

The king bursts into the house with a loud cry. The maid of honor is behind him. The owner of the hotel looks out from the window on the second floor.

Be silent!
And for kissing,
You will answer!

The King emerges from the hotel, pulling behind him a Soldier tied with a rope. The crying Princess follows him, the Maid of Honor with a lantern brings up the rear. The hotel owner watches them from the window.

King (singing)

Fate itself does not dare
Contradict the king!
Prepare your neck, little soldier,
And I will find the noose!

Only by defending with dignity
Desecrated honor
I'm finally at peace
I can sleep and eat!

All four are hiding in the palace.

Hotel owner

Did a lot of business, servant,
Ended up in jail!
That's how a lousy dog ​​works
Served him well!

The innkeeper disappears through the window. It's getting light. The Soldier's head appears in the barred window of the prison. The Executioner comes out of the palace with a gallows and begins to install it in the square.

And luck is jealous -
Once! - and the trace disappeared!
Sorry, magic flint
I forgot at home!

The executioner leaves for the palace. A drum roll is heard. The Princess and the Maid of Honor look out from the windows of the palace. The Executioner comes out of the castle doors, dragging behind him the Soldier, whose hands are tied, and drags him along to the scaffold. The King follows them with a decree. The drumbeat stops.

King (reading)

Before you is the enemy of the crown,
Adversary, villain!
At night he, despising the laws,
Kidnapped people!
Me and the court lady
He was caught like a thief!
I'll give him the most
Death sentence!

Princess (fainting)

Oh! Papa! I'm dying!

The princess disappears through the window.

Maid of honor

Glory to the King!

King (bloodthirsty)

Be gone, executioner! I myself wish
Tighten the noose!

The executioner bows and disappears behind the scaffold. The King tries in vain to throw a noose around the Soldier's neck.

Soldier (grinning)

Your grace,
There's no hurry.
An extra moment, no matter what happens,
Have a good time.
I wish I could finally hang up
Smoke it once
And then at least into a meat grinder,
At least alive in the sand.

The owner comes out of the hotel and runs up to the scaffold, carrying a pipe and a flint.

Hotel owner

You are not right in this request,
Sir, refuse!
Order to greater glory
Free your hands!

King (graciously)

Okay, since the people want it,
So be it!

The King removes the rope from the Soldier's hands. The owner of the Hotel hands him a pipe and a flint. The soldier strikes the flint for the first time. The First Dog appears.

First Dog

The soldier strikes the flint a second time. The Second Dog appears.

Second Dog

The soldier strikes the flint for the third time. The Third Dog appears.

Third Dog

The king backs away in horror.

Go away! Evil!
I will order everyone to be executed!

Come on, doggies, save me!
Friend from the noose!
Grab everyone and throw them away
So as not to be found!

The First Dog rushes at the King and throws him high into the air.

Ay! Save!

The First Dog pulls the Executioner out from behind the scaffold and throws him after the king.


Then the First Dog pulls the Maid of Honor out of the palace and deals with her.

Maid of honor

Send for a doctor!

The first dog attacks the Innkeeper.

Hotel owner

No! Wait! Wait!
I have nothing to do with this!

The dog lets go of the Innkeeper. He falls to his knees in front of the Soldier.


Have mercy on us, servant!
Become our king!
We are yours as long as we live
But we're about to die!

If luck passes by,
Then grab it, don't be afraid!
But first on my beloved
I'm marrying mine!

The Princess runs out of the castle and throws herself on the Soldier’s neck.

We will be the entire capital for a month
Feast in the castle!
And then have fun -
Live and live!

Script for staging a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen in a home puppet theater


First dog
Second dog
Third dog
Hotel owner
Old maid of honor

In the foreground to the left and right are large, thick, gnarled trees of an ominous appearance. In the background are fields. A Soldier comes out from behind a tree on the left and walks towards the tree on the right.

Soldier (singing)

At-two left! One-two right!
A soldier was walking home from service, loudly
I hummed the song.
All beaten up! All full of holes!
Neither a hut nor a woman -
Didn't fight.
At-two left! One-two right!
The poor people carry them in backpacks
Troubles behind.
A brave guy went to war,
And he returned from the war, brothers,
One leg missing.
One-two right! One-two right!
War is fun for the king,
Honor to the general
And for a soldier there is only glory,
But why this glory?
Do we soldiers have any?

An old Witch comes out from behind a tree on the right to meet the Soldier.

Witch (ingratiatingly)

Eat well, soldier,
And he’s good too!
Your satchel is beautiful.
It's a pity you're carrying an empty one.

Soldier (mockingly)

What do you care?
Old hag?
Maybe she wanted a saber
Ali boot?


Yours are good, my dear,
Saber and boot
But I would have bought something better
If only you could help me.


I would only agree
Not for a penny.
Will you give me a lot of money?


And so much
How much can you carry?
Come closer, killer whale.
(lowering his voice)
You will go down into the hollow...

The witch points to the tree behind her. The soldier cranes his neck in the indicated direction.


For some reason I don’t see the hollow.


The time has not come.
In that hollow, at the bottom of the well,
There is an underground passage.
The lamps shine there like the sun,
And there are countless doors.
You will open the last three,
Here are the keys to them.

The Witch hands the Soldier a bunch of keys and a blue checkered apron.


Why do I need your apron?


Listen and be silent.
Guards behind every door
Treasure the ferocious dog -
In a hundred years, no one, believe me,
Didn't take his legs -
Skulls in that dungeon
They lie in piles.
What's with the saber and shrapnel?
Don't scare them.
But if you put those dogs
On my apron,
You will get along with them easily.

Soldier (suspicious)

What about you?
Can't go down to this kennel?


I'm old, my dear!
There is no urine - I have to go to bed
It's time to go to the grave.


Only, witch, without deception -
Money in half!


I won't cheat -
I'll give everything to you.


Well, what do I have to do with this?
Old lady, will you take it?


There's a flint there somewhere.
Here you will bring it.
Since I dropped it
It’s like I’m not me
After all, she gave it to me
My grandmother!


Well, flint, so flint!
The deal is good!


You'll get the job done, servant.
You'll have a great life!

The witch turns to the tree and begins to wave her arms.

Witch (chant)

Olzaver dirtan!
Olzaver chirtan!
Olzapul khirtan!
Olzapur tirtan!

There is a clap of thunder. The tree staggers and a hollow appears in it.


Well, now it's time, soldier,
Here, tie yourself up.

The Witch gives the Soldier the end of the rope, and she herself holds the second. A soldier with a rope climbs a tree and throws the end of the rope into the hollow.


Is there enough to reach the bottom of the rope?
Deep, it seems.

The Witch shows the Soldier a huge coil of rope.


There will be more if necessary
Don't worry!
You'll go down to hell,
And back - at least to heaven!

The soldier sticks his head into the hollow. It's getting completely dark. There is a change of scenery of the first and second plan.

Soldier's Voice (singing)

If you have met death,
And I saw it on the battlefield
In the glare of the enemy's eyes,
And I was never afraid
Death will not deal with you
And this time.
In the black sky there is a black raven
It curls and fights with the soldier
Enemy army.
And he alone is still a warrior -
Not him, but she will have to
To die today!
Atty-batty! We soldiers
Without sparing our lives, we climb
To hell with the horns!
And those horns will be taken!
We are separate, we are together
Like a hurricane!

It's getting light. Now in the foreground on the left is a high cave wall with a hollow at the top, a rope hanging from the hollow. On the right in the foreground there is just a sheer wall, in the middle there is a door. In the background are piles of skulls and bones, lamps in niches. A soldier stands by the rope, holds on to its end and looks around. His backpack lies against the wall.


Eco death feasted -
There's nowhere to step!
She didn’t talk about me in battle
Dull the braid.
And the other poor fellow is only
Will come out of the gate
How the troika will crush him
Or the dog will eat it.

The soldier spreads his apron next to the door, and he goes up to it with the key and opens it. The First Dog appears in the doorway, guarding the chest. The dog growls.


It’s immediately obvious that he grew up without affection.
Wow, nice dog!
You have eyes like saucers
And, like a cup, a nose.

The Soldier takes the Dog and places him on the apron. She stops growling. The soldier takes the backpack and returns to the chest.


And now, my friend, I'll take a look,
What are you guarding?
Maybe I'll become richer
Even for a copper penny.

The soldier opens the chest and looks into it.


So it is, your chest is copper
Full to the brim.
See, the witch didn’t deceive me,
Enough to live on.

The Soldier transfers money from the chest to his backpack and looks at the Dog, the Dog whines. The soldier closes the door.


It's better on the apron
Than on the chest.
And why torture the beast like that?
In a stone bag?

The door disappears and another one appears in its place.


I'll take a look now, I guess.
Through the second door.

The soldier opens it. The Second Dog sits in the doorway, guarding a larger chest. The dog growls.


Yes, I'm not a scary little guy,
Believe me.

The Soldier takes the Second Dog, carries it onto the apron, sits it down and pets it.


Well, now you are two watchdogs!
Wow, nice dog!
And the eyes are like wheels,
And, like a pumpkin, a nose.

The dog stops growling. The soldier approaches the chest and looks into it.


That's a lot of silver, brothers!
What are coppers to me?

The soldier pours copper coins out of his backpack and begins to fill it with silver.


They only go with them in backpacks
The poor and the poor.
I'm with this capital
Guy - anywhere!
I'll buy everything in bulk -
I'll be a gentleman!

The soldier closes the door. The door disappears and a third one appears in its place. The soldier turns to the dogs, they wag their tails.


I see, we’re glad to meet you,
It's more fun together!
I have a trip planned
Through the third of the doors!

The soldier opens the third door. The Third Dog sits in the doorway, guarding a large chest. The dog growls.

Soldier (admiringly)

You really are big and scary!
Very nice dog!
And the eyes! – Two Round Towers!
And the nose of a carriage!

The soldier takes the third dog and carries it to the first two.


I don’t know any dogs that are heavier
I'm telling you exactly!
Just sit here while I
I'll look at your treasure.

The Soldier places the Third Dog on the apron. The dog stops growling. The soldier approaches the chest and looks into it.

Soldier (amazed)

So much gold, probably
Neither is it in the treasury.
With him all my life in any tavern
They will be glad to see me.

The soldier pours silver onto the floor and begins to fill the satchel with gold, then with difficulty pulls it out of the room.


I could live like a king
But, whatever one may say,
There is gold in the knapsack - like glands,
You can't take it all away!

The soldier closes the door. She disappears, and a fourth door appears in its place. The soldier approaches the dogs and pets them.


Well, dear ones, goodbye,
It's time for me to go upstairs!
Don't roll your eyes,
Tea, not a weather vane!
Here's some crusty bread for you
Yes, a lot of bacon.

The soldier gives the dogs a bundle of food, they greedily pounce on it. The soldier shakes his head.


The old lady didn't feed you
About five years old!

The soldier approaches the rope and pulls it. The Witch appears in the hollow.


What did my flint find?


Crap! I almost forgot!

The soldier looks around and finds a flint.


Hurry up! Alive!
Have you closed the dogs?


Be calm, everything is as it should be!
Come on, pull!

The witch tugs lightly on the rope.


Your reward is heavy.
Same backpack.
I'm carrying you with such and such a load
And I won’t raise it
I'll tear my belly apart,
I'll stretch my legs.
You are a flint and an apron
Put it in your backpack.

The Soldier is about to follow the Witch's instructions, but the First Dog runs up to him and, whining, pulls him back by his uniform. And the Soldier only straps on his backpack.



That's right, witch!


Well, tie it on.
I'll pull out my backpack, little soldier,
And then you.

The witch lifts the backpack up and pulls it into the hollow along with the rope.


Soon there?

Witch (gloatingly)

Now, killer whale,
Find out yourself!
Deceived, deceived,
I deceived!
I got everything back,
Oh, and smart!

The witch is hiding in a hollow. After a while it looks out again.


Hey, servant, where's the flint?
Where's my apron?
It's rude to act like that
You know, with me!
Give it back!


I'll give it back when I get out
From your hole.


So that you are eaten by nits,
Midges and mosquitoes!
Look, I found a brainy one!
No, you won't leave!
Why are you sitting? Well, sit there!
It’s all the same – you’ll die!

The witch throws the backpack down and disappears. The soldier begins to climb up the wall. The hollow is closing. The soldier slides down.


What a damn thing!
Beelzebub has had enough!
She led the soldier cleverly,
Needless to say.
Let's play catch,
Grief is not a problem!
And worse than the alterations,
It happened, I got it.
What happened -
It's like being in captivity.
Still, not in the field, but under the roof -
I'll lie down and take a nap.
Let the infantry not drink or eat,
Still alive -
I can sleep through the hunt
A year, maybe two.

The soldier goes to bed, all three dogs sing him a lullaby. Some time passes.

Voice of the Witch (chanting)

Olzaver dirtan!
Olzaver chirtan!
Olzapul khirtan!
Olzapur tirtan!

The hollow opens and the Witch's head appears in it.


Hey, how are you, lost guy?
Service, respond!

The soldier is silent and does not move. The witch sniffs.

Witch (to herself)

Should have played the game
And he played, it seems.
(To the soldier)
There's no point in fighting me!
That's right, my dear!
There's nothing to do, you have to
Climb there yourself.

The end of a rope falls from the hollow, and a Witch with a bunch of keys descends along it. The Soldier gets up, grabs the Witch and pulls her down.


Why aren’t you sitting at home?
Old hag?

Witch (fake)

Oh, it went into the lower back!
Oh, my leg hurts!
Let me go, servant!
Have pity on old age!


Bite your lying tongue,
Don’t shed tears for nothing -
Will come in handy to cool down
Once again in hell.

The soldier cuts off the Witch's head with a saber and shows it to the audience.

Witch (grinding teeth)

I will dream about you at night!
I'll come for you!
What, my dear, is it scary?
I'll pamper you to my heart's content!


My friends, soldiers,
They won't let you fall.
There are more of them in the next world
Witchcraft old women.
At once they will load salt into the cannon,
Yes, on the backside - Bang!
For each other in a mess
We stand like a mountain.
And the villains are like flies -
Don't gather them into a swarm.

The Soldier throws the Witch's head away and picks up a bunch of keys.

Soldier (thoughtfully)

Well, it looks like the keys
From other doors.
Unlock them, too, or something,
Should I leave quickly?
Although it’s scary, it’s like passion
I'd like to take a look.

The soldier approaches the door and opens it.


Hey, is anyone alive? Come out!

The wind whistles out of the open door. The soldier recoils.


How long can you blow?

Many colorful reflections appear on the walls of the cave. The soldier grabs his saber.


Who are they?


Dreams and spirits!


I'll kill everyone now!


We are all prisoners of the old woman.
You, soldier, saved us!


If so, fly, brothers,
Just be careful in the future
Don't fall for evil witches
Don't sit in a hole!

The glare disappears. In place of the open door, another one appears. The soldier opens it too. Bright spots appear on the walls of the cave again.


Everybody's Free! Everybody fly!
I will reward you all!

The soldier throws gold after the spirits and dreams.


Everyone who is there, come out!
I give you freedom!

The spirits disappear. The soldier approaches the dogs.


Aren't dogs so sick of this?
Guard your money?
And without them in the world it is possible,
You dogs can live!

The dogs are silent. The soldier takes the pack and ties it to the end of the rope.


Well, of course, it's up to you!
No offence, -
There are prettier dogs upstairs
And kinder looking.

The soldier climbs the rope. It's getting completely dark. There is a change of scenery of the first and second plan.

Soldier's Voice (singing)

At-two higher! Higher!
The one who should be hanged
It won't break your neck!
At least a hundred times you fall from the roof
And drown in the river two hundred times -
Someone will save you!
It's too early for me to die -
In this world I have
There are so many things to do!
If there is grief for a soldier,
That's right, happiness is somewhere
There is one for the soldier!
That's how this world works,
What chance gives to all people
Happiness in its turn.
Be sure! Stay calm!
Evil will always get its way,
And good will take it!

It's getting light. Now in the foreground on the left is the royal palace, on the right is the inn, and in the background is the city. The Soldier's head appears in the middle of the scene, and then he himself emerges. The soldier looks around.


That's how the witch's quirks are,
It seems like he was climbing into a hollow,
Well, it came out of nowhere...
Eka skidded!

The soldier pulls out his backpack by the rope. The innkeeper looks out from the window of the inn.


People! Where did I end up?
What kind of country is this?

Hotel owner

It’s morning, and I’m already drunk,
Like Satan!
Get out of here, you ragamuffin!
Trickster! Slick! Thief!

The hotel owner runs out into the square with a stick.


Come on, look into my backpack!

Hotel owner

It's my fault, sir!

The innkeeper falls to his knees in front of the Soldier.

Hotel owner

Turned out to be a sinful deed,
So that I can perish!
Here one soldier tried
Steal my axe!

God forbid!
You are the spitting image of a nobleman,
Even though it's covered in dirt!


Well, get up, my friend, quickly,
I'm not angry.

The Soldier helps the Innkeeper to his feet.

Hotel owner

I have never met kinder gentlemen!
I will be useful to you -
I have the best in my capital


And if you feed, you'll get it
This louis d'or!

The innkeeper grabs the coin and pulls the soldier into the house.

Hotel owner

I will be glad to see you, Your Grace,
Please in everything!


This is for your poverty,
This is for hire!

The soldier gives the Innkeeper two more coins and enters the inn. The innkeeper bows many times. A soldier appears at the first floor window.

Hotel owner

Would you like to taste
Ice coffee?
Or duck pate?


Bring everything!
Yes, send me a tailor -
I'll order an outfit.
I need a smart servant...

Innkeeper (bowing)

I am glad to serve you!

The soldier leaves the hotel and gives the Owner a heavy wallet.

Soldier (with a sigh)

Well, serve, and I’ll do mine
Served with interest!
Until now - close your eyes,
Everything is tempting with battle.

The innkeeper runs to the palace and hides in it. The soldier goes back to the hotel and appears at the window. The innkeeper returns with many elegant boxes and enters the house. The soldier disappears through the window.

Soldier's Voice

Out of sight, patched uniform,
Saber, boots!
The damn bow is not given,
Come on, help!

The soldier leaves the inn already in a new rich dress, with a lush bow around his neck. The innkeeper follows him with bows.

Hotel owner

How amorous! How luxurious!
Don't take your eyes off!
Yes, you can wear this outfit
At least go to the ball!
Today's dinner at the countess's
In honor of her own dog,
Grand reception at the Duchess
Tomorrow at three o'clock,
On Wednesday there is a ball at the Baroness's
In the rose garden
And on Thursday - at the Viscountess's
In the castle on the pond,
Premiere again on Friday
Opera "Sin"
And dinner at the chamberlain's...


That's good!

The soldier and the innkeeper slowly walk to the king's castle and stop in front of it, looking at the facade.

Hotel owner

And on Saturday the “Sunday” ball...


That's enough, I realized.
And when, tell me, my dear,
The King's Ball?

Hotel owner

Sorry, Your Grace,
Already seventeen years old
So that nothing bad happens,
There are no balls in the castle.
I once prophesied
Witch to the king
What will he pass off as a soldier?
My little daughter.
They say she's in that tower
He sits under lock and key.

Both are looking up at the tallest window.


Poor thing, it’s scary to think,
How sad she is.

The Maid of Honor looks out of this window.

Maid of honor

What are you staring at, you fools?
Go away! Away!


Wow princess!
Looks like a witch's daughter!

The soldier and the innkeeper move away from the castle.

Hotel owner

This is the eldest of the maids of honor,
In anger - a real devil!
He knows all the soldiers, I'm sure
It's all over here.
So that!

Soldier (dreamy)

If only for a princess
At least take a peek!

Hotel owner

They watch me so much that I even drive away
You can't slip through the crack.


What, there’s no way to arrange it?
I would give a lot!

The soldier jingles his wallet.

Hotel owner (scared)

This could cost your life!


Well, then off to the ball!

The soldier and the innkeeper are hiding in the house. The King appears in the castle window.


What's happened? What's happened?
What else happened?

Maid of honor

Two people passed by.
Looks like everything worked out!

The King and the Maid of Honor simultaneously hide in the window. It gets dark, the lights come on in the windows. Dreams and Spirits fly around the city.

Dreams (sing)

In the silent skies is wonderful
Pale moonlight.
Night comes and people
Dreams are coming.
In the windows of castles, in the windows of towers,
To every poor home.
The coward dreams of being brave,
A beggar becomes a rich man.

A Soldier looks out from the window of the first floor of the hotel.

Soldier (singing)

I dream that I'm a princess
Head over heels in love...

The soldier disappears. The Princess looks out from the top window of the royal castle.

Princess (singing)

I dream that I am walking through the forest,
And towards us - He.

The princess moves away from the window. The owner of the inn looks out from the window of the inn on the second floor.

Innkeeper (singing)

I dream that I am a nobleman
Received the title.

The innkeeper is hiding. A lady-in-waiting looks out from the window of the royal castle.

Maid of Honor (singing)

I dream that the ladies' order
The king gave it to me.

The maid of honor is hiding. The King looks out from the window of the royal castle.

King (singing)

I dream about what kind of soldier
I'm giving away my daughter...
(screams in horror)
A! Nightmare! Leave me alone, you damned one!

The princess looks out her window.

Princess (capriciously)

Dad, I'm sleeping!

The King and Princess disappear.

Spirits (singing)

People watch dreams, and spirits
Help them.
They will wash the cooks' cauldrons,
Everything will be tailored by a tailor,
The fishermen's nets will be repaired,
Boots for the messenger,
And they will give it to good children
One lollipop in your mouth!
They will be in their cribs
Sweet, sweet sleep
And the moon stealthily hits their foreheads -
Kiss tenderly...

The colorful highlights disappear and it becomes light. The innkeeper runs out of the inn with a cauldron in his hands.

Hotel owner

Robbed! Ruined!
Ate all the broth
They also washed the boiler.
To the crook, crook!
Hey you, your honor,
Maybe stop sleeping?
You promised me today
Give it up for a stay!
I haven't paid for a month, a week
Didn't tip.

A Soldier appears in the window.

Soldier (yawning)

Yes, calm down, really.
Here you go, get it!

The soldier comes to the threshold and gives him a handful of coppers.

Hotel owner (with horror)


There are no others.
There was a ball just now,
And on it I'm a baronet
Lost at cards.
I remember giving it to the marquise
A dozen trellises.
Here, I bought a lorgnette for close proximity,
I'm a gentleman.

The soldier shows the lorgnette to the Innkeeper.


Gave it to the Cardinal. For God's sake
The temple cannot be given away.
He gave to the poor - to them too
We need to help.
I care about the poor
I was poor myself,
I'll make you rich too,
I'll give you money too!
Now I'll say the word
And I will open the entrance.
There's a lot of good stuff there.

The soldier throws his last pennies on the ground. The innkeeper begins to pick them up.


Let the people take it!

The soldier runs to the hotel and returns with a large ball of rope, stands in the middle of the stage and begins to wave his arms.

Soldier (imitating the Witch)

Fanatic Takhtan!
Damn land surveyor!
Karapuz caftan!
And the skewer is shaitan!

Nothing happens, the Innkeeper looks at the Soldier as if he is crazy.

Soldier (puzzled)

What a shame! Apparently something
That's not what I said.
Eh, infantry, you are infantry,
Memory is a sieve!

How did she say...

Hotel owner

Come inside the house.
Today the former chambers,
Friend, not about you.
But some housing
I'll provide it.
There is a room under the roof,
Just an attic.
If you want, pay half a ruble a day,
Well, if you want, so.
And you can repay your debts by working,
Will you serve me?

Soldier (with a sigh)

Eh, not long without care
I got to live.

The Soldier and the Innkeeper enter the house, after a while the Soldier comes out in his old attire with a broom and begins to sweep the area in front of the inn.


Oh, my fate is a villain!
And it’s always like this with her -
You'll earn a penny
You'll lose a quarter!

It's getting dark. Lights come on in the windows. Only the window on the second floor of the hotel remains dark. The soldier returns to the house, and after a while appears in his dark window.


Today at the marquis
Masquerade ball,
There will be dancing and surprises...
It's a pity I didn't call.
And the cornet swore to come in,
I never came in.
I'm left all alone
Deprived of all hope.
It's sad to sit in the dark.
Crap! I almost forgot!
I have a flint,
There was a cinder in it.
Warms a person's soul
Sun and fire.
Where it's brighter, it's more fun,
If not naked!

The soldier knocks the flint on the flint three times, the light in his window lights up. All three dogs appear in front of the hotel. The soldier looks at them.


Well, where are you from here?
What, the treasure was stolen?
I won't help you look for it,
I'd be glad to find it myself.

First dog

Say what you want
We will complete everything on time!


Life - that soon you yourself will bark -
A little bit of money.

The dogs disappear and immediately appear with purses, one larger than the other. The soldier leaves the tavern and takes the wallets.


What luck! Well, thank you!

The dogs are disappearing.


Hey, where are you going?
Come on, damn flint,
Send everyone here!

The soldier knocks the flint on the flint three times, and three dogs appear again.

First dog

Glad to serve!


You two
You can go.

The second and third dogs disappear.

First dog

Ali, what's the matter?


Can you bring it?
Should I have a princess? Just be quiet
So that no one knows.

The first dog nods, runs to the royal castle and immediately returns back with the Princess wrapped in a blanket.

First dog

To wake?


What if she's a coward?
I wouldn't scare you!

The soldier carefully looks into the package.


Oh, what a beauty!
I can't resist!

The Soldier kisses the Princess. The princess wakes up.

Princess (scared)

Who are you? I do not know you.

Soldier (kindly)

I seem to you!

The princess falls asleep again.

Soldier (whispers)

Take her back.

The dog carries the Princess back to the castle.

Soldier (with a sigh)

What can I say?
After all, the princess is after the soldier
Don't be married!

The soldier goes into the house. It's getting light. The owner of the hotel looks out from the window of the first floor.

Hotel owner

Stop sleeping! Get up, you slacker!
It's time for dawn
And you're still out of bed
Didn't raise his mug!

A Soldier appears in the second floor window.

Soldier (yawning)

I still want to sleep,
Take your throat out.

Hotel owner

I owe a lot, infantry,
Time to give!

The soldier leaves the house with a knapsack in his rich attire. The hotel owner jumps out after him and grabs his clothes.

Hotel owner

Are you planning to run away?
Hey, policeman,
The place is crying for him
In a hole of debt!

The soldier hands the hotel owner a wallet.


I remember all my debts
I'm paying my bills!
All! Goodbye! I'm better than rooms
I want to search!

The innkeeper looks into the wallet and rushes after the Soldier.

Hotel owner

Your Mightiness! Your Grace!
Oh, senor! My lord!
Everything in my head is fuzzy,
The devil sat on his tongue!

The innkeeper runs forward and falls to his knees in front of the Soldier.

Hotel owner

Don't ruin it! Have mercy!
I will atone!
If you want a room,
I'll give you one more!
I can give you the whole hotel
I am at your service again!


We're in awe!
What is redundant is forgotten!
Everything has its turn!
Boil a trough of water -
I'll take a bath!

The soldier and the innkeeper are hiding in the house. The King, Princess and Maid of Honor appear at the windows of the castle.

Princess (dreamy)

Oh, dad, for me this night
I had a wonderful dream.
Everything about him was as if it were real:
Me, and next to me is He.
Beast me to Him huge
Brought it on my back
Maybe it was a black cat
Well, maybe a dog.
And the soldier, his master, -
Oh, so impudent! –
Bent over lips
And kissed...


What? Who allowed him?
What was he doing there?

Maid of honor

Kissed me on the mouth! Captive!

Princess (offended)

It's just a dream!

The princess disappears through the window.


A dream is not a dream, but for us in reality
There would be no trouble.
Here's what: you stand by the bed,
You will be on guard!

The maid of honor nods. Both are hiding in the windows. It's getting dark. Lights come on in the windows. A Soldier looks out from the window of the first floor of the hotel. The owner of the hotel looks out from the second floor.

Innkeeper (yawning)

Can not sleep?

Soldier (with a sigh)

No, I can't sleep.
The night is painfully bright...

Hotel owner

The whole capital is having fun
Today at the ambassador's.
There will be dancing, fireworks,
There is ice cream in vases,
Two Indian Bayadères
And French cheese.
This is where to have fun...


No hunting.

Hotel owner

Didn't you deign to fall in love?

The soldier sighs.

Hotel owner


Hotel owner (with interest)

To the Baroness? Viscountess?


Stop guessing!

The innkeeper disappears through the window. The soldier leaves the house.


I wish I had my princess
See you again.
I'll call the dog.

The soldier strikes the flint on the flint once. The first dog appears in front of the hotel.

First dog

Here I am, sir!

The soldier points to the royal castle.


Bring it!

The dog runs to the castle and immediately runs out of it along with the Princess, wrapped in a blanket. The Maid of Honor appears from behind the castle. The owner of the inn cautiously looks out from the window of the second floor of the inn.

Hotel owner

The innkeeper disappears through the window. The soldier takes the package with the Princess and takes it to the hotel. The dog disappears. After some time, cheerful laughter begins to be heard from the Soldier’s room. The maid of honor sneaks towards the hotel.

Maid of honor (indignantly)

Well, you bastard, wait a minute!
Not enough for such a thing
Die three times!
It's not appropriate for our little one
Watch these dreams!
And the dog, the dog -
The devil incarnate!
I’d rather mark the house with a sign,
To find it later.

The maid of honor, looking around, puts a cross on the wall of the hotel and runs away to the royal castle. Dreams and Spirits fly around the city.

Dreams (sing)

The leaves are sleeping on the trees,
The water is sleeping in the river,
Letters sleep in sleeping lines,
A star sleeps in the sky.
Hopes come true in dreams,
Dreams are dreaming.
Autumn dreams of a spring day,
And in winter - flowers.

The owner of the inn looks out from the window of the inn on the second floor.

Innkeeper (singing)

I dream that I am a guest
I became rich...

The owner of the inn disappears, the Maid of Honor looks out from the window of the castle.

Maid of Honor (singing)

In my dream I'm seventeen again,
And today is the ball...

The maid of honor disappears, and the King appears in the next window.

King (singing)

I dream that I predicted
Witch makes me happy
And I told the soldier
Perish in war.

The king disappears through the window.

Dreams (sing)

The moon sleeps, and only for lovers
I won't have dreams -
They, inspired by each other,
No need for dreams.

Dreams and Spirits disappear. A Soldier with a blanket and a Princess emerge from the hotel.


Oh, I haven't had so much fun
Never before.
I must have fallen in love!
I fell in love, right?


It's a pity, but we have to leave.


The night is so short!
I wish I could sleep and not wake up...

The soldier strikes with a flint, the First Dog appears and wraps the Princess in a blanket.


Well, goodbye!


The Soldier kisses the Princess, the First Dog carries her to the castle. The soldier returns to the house, the light in his window goes out. It becomes completely dark, and again Dreams and Spirits fly around the city. The scenery of the foreground is changing.

Spirits (singing)

The good spirits have returned
Into the sleeping world of people,
To soar among the dark streets,
Quiet squares,
Wipe off dust from glass,
Wash the pavements,
Polish the spiers until they shine,
Repair the lanterns.
Let's lubricate the hinges on the walls too
We will renew the painting,
And on old tapestries
Let's bring the colors to life...

It's getting light. The hotel turns out to be decorated with hearts and angels. The innkeeper runs out of it with a stick.

Hotel owner (shouting)

Ah, worthless boys!
I'll cut off my ears!

A Soldier looks out of a window on the first floor and looks approvingly at the wall.


And it's beautiful!

Hotel owner

Too much!
I live here!
All of me with such a facade
They will laugh to death!

The soldier leaves the hotel and gives the owner a thick wallet.


There's no need to change anything
I'm the boss here!

The innkeeper clutches his wallet to his chest, and both return to the house. The Princess and the King look out from the windows of the castle.

Princess (dreamy)

Oh, dad, for me this night
I dreamed about Him again...

King (suspicious)

What's a soldier again? Well, daughter...

The maid of honor looks out of the window.

Maid of honor

It was not a dream!
I went! I was watching!
Suddenly a dog came running -
Bulldog and crocodile mix -
And he took her away.
That's why I suffered through fear -
I'm still shaking!


I'll give you a medal for your courage!
I'll reward you with a ribbon!
Tell me what happened next!



Be silent!
If you forgot your honor,
You will answer!


Is it my fault?
Why do I love him?


Today your soldier
I will order execution!

The princess disappears through the window. The King with the rope and the Maid of Honor leave the castle and head towards the inn.

King (singing)

While they live next door
People and gentlemen,
Won't be in the kingdom
Never in order.
My castle is magnificent
Among their dirty shacks,
They smoke, we breathe,
But I don’t want that!
They have porridge for breakfast
And porridge for lunch,
And I have a lamb
No appetite!
They sing and dance
And I grumble all day
And no one will tell me
What do I want!

The King and the Maid of Honor stop in front of the hotel, rooted to the spot.

King (menacingly)

What else is this?

Maid of honor (scared)

I don't want to know!


Tomorrow I'll double the tax
For housing... times five!
This house?

The maid of honor comes closer and examines the facade, but does not find the cross.

Maid of honor (trembling with fear)

No, your grace,
It seems that he is not.
Apparently I've lost my way
Or is it really a dream...


Well, look, since this night
You won't be able to stop me
I will send my daughter to the monastery,
And you - under the knife!

The King and the dejected Maid of Honor go back to the palace. The owner of the hotel looks out from the attic window.

Hotel owner

Almost lost my mind
Lord save me!
The king himself has come here!

A Soldier appears in the hotel window.


Hey! Bring lunch!

Hotel owner

I can smell death a mile away!
It's time for you to run!


I do as I want!
Punch to my rooms!

The soldier is hiding in the window.

Hotel owner

Now passion leaps up in the damned -
Power is not scary either!
As if you were with a soldier
Together we won't fall apart.

The hotel owner is hiding in the house. It's getting dark. Lights come on in the windows. A soldier with a flint goes out into the street.


The owner says...
(with a sigh)
No, I can’t stand it!

The Owner looks out of the hotel window again.

Hotel owner

Are you tired of living?


I love her!

The hotel owner puts his hands on his head and disappears out the window. The soldier strikes the flint on the flint once. The first dog appears in front of the hotel.

First dog



Bring it quickly!
Don't let me down -
Neither the old woman nor the footman
Don't follow me.

The dog runs to the castle and immediately runs out of it along with the Princess, dressed in a dress. The soldier hugs the Princess. The dog disappears.


Dear friend, this night I
I didn't sleep a wink!
Father wants to separate us
And for the last time
I came to say goodbye to you!
There is time - run!


Let's have fun!


But there are enemies all around!

The soldier draws his saber and threatens invisible opponents with it.


Let the scoundrels come out!
I will fight them!
Cause I don't know any mercy
If I get angry!

The soldier lowers his saber.


You see, there is no one here -
The streets are empty.
We'll be together until dawn
Just me and you!

The Soldier and the Princess enter the house. The Maid of Honor looks out from the castle window.

Maid of honor (in a whisper)

Wake up, your grace!
That impudent soldier...

A sleepy king appears in the next window.

King (yawning)

What's happened! What's happened!

Maid of honor

He stole it!


Well, where were you looking?
Where have you been?

Maid of honor

She was sitting in a chair by the door,
She slept like a dead sleep.

King (angry)

How dare you? How could you?
Guards! Guard!

Nobody shows up.

Maid of honor

I am not to blame for anything!
The whole palace fell asleep!
And when I woke up, I see
Our baby is gone.
The shameless soldier dragged away!


Like in a nightmare!
Everything is lost! Everything is lost!
I am a soldier's father-in-law!
Everything is as the witch predicted -
The way it is!
Under the protection of an evil spirit
And the mosquito is a sandpiper!
Where can I look for her, old woman?
The city is great!

Maid of honor

Believe me, runaways
We'll find the trail.
I poured a handful of semolina
In your torn pouch
And pinned the princess
At the back hem.


Well, you're a scoundrel, really!
The head is a cauldron!

Maid of honor

We need to hurry up
There's no time to wait here.
Otherwise the birds will wake up
And they will peck the cereal.

The Maid of Honor with a lantern and the King with a rope emerge from the castle.

King (singing)

Enemies of my crown
There are countless numbers in the country,
But there are laws on them
And there are gallows!
I regularly pay the guards,
Judge and executioner
And even for the ropes
I'm crying for the gallows!
But I don't understand something
I don't understand something:
Why do they work?
Should I do it myself?

The maid of honor and the King approach the hotel.


Damn it!

Maid of Honor (triumphantly)

I knew it!
The trail leads here!


It was the case, we were naked
They took the cities!

The king bursts into the house with a loud cry. The maid of honor is behind him. The owner of the hotel looks out from the window on the second floor.

Voice of the King

The King emerges from the hotel, pulling behind him a Soldier tied with a rope. The crying Princess follows him, the Maid of Honor with a lantern brings up the rear. The hotel owner watches them from the window.

King (singing)

Fate itself does not dare
Contradict the king!
Prepare your neck, little soldier,
And I will find the noose!
Only by defending with dignity
Desecrated honor
I'm finally at peace
I can sleep and eat!

All four are hiding in the palace.

Hotel owner

Did a lot of business, servant,
Ended up in jail!
That's how a lousy dog ​​works
Served him well!

The innkeeper disappears through the window. It's getting light. The Soldier's head appears in the barred window of the prison. The Executioner comes out of the palace with a gallows and begins to install it in the square.


And luck is jealous -
Once! - and the trace disappeared!
Sorry, magic flint
I forgot at home!

The executioner leaves for the palace. A drum roll is heard. The Princess and the Maid of Honor look out from the windows of the palace. The Executioner comes out of the castle doors, dragging behind him the Soldier, whose hands are tied, and drags him along to the scaffold. The King follows them with a decree. The drumbeat stops.

King (reading)

Before you is the enemy of the crown,
Adversary, villain!
At night he, despising the laws,
Kidnapped people!
Me and the court lady
He was caught like a thief!
I'll give him the most
Death sentence!

Princess (fainting)

Oh! Dad! I'm dying!

The princess disappears through the window.

Maid of honor

Glory to the King!

King (bloodthirsty)

Be gone, executioner! I myself wish
Tighten the noose!

The executioner bows and disappears behind the scaffold. The King tries in vain to throw a noose around the Soldier's neck.


Soldier (grinning)

Your grace,
There's no hurry.
An extra moment, no matter what happens,
Have a good time.
I wish I could finally hang up
Smoke it once
And then at least into a meat grinder,
At least alive in the sand.

The owner comes out of the hotel and runs up to the scaffold, carrying a pipe and a flint.

Hotel owner

You are not right in this request,
Sir, refuse!
Order to greater glory
Free your hands!

King (graciously)

Okay, since the people want it,
So be it!

The King removes the rope from the Soldier's hands. The owner of the Hotel hands him a pipe and a flint. The soldier strikes the flint for the first time. The First Dog appears.

First Dog

The soldier strikes the flint a second time. The Second Dog appears.

Second Dog

The soldier strikes the flint for the third time. The Third Dog appears.

Third Dog

The king backs away in horror.


Go away! Evil!
I will order everyone to be executed!


Come on, doggies, save me!
Friend from the noose!
Grab everyone and throw them away
So as not to be found!

The First Dog rushes at the King and throws him high into the air.


Ay! Save!

The First Dog pulls the Executioner out from behind the scaffold and throws him after the king.



Then the First Dog pulls the Maid of Honor out of the palace and deals with her.

Maid of honor

Send for a doctor!

The first dog attacks the Innkeeper.

Hotel owner

No! Wait! Wait!
I have nothing to do with this!

The dog lets go of the Innkeeper. He falls to his knees in front of the Soldier.


Have mercy on us, servant!
Become our king!
We are yours as long as we live
But we're about to die!


If luck passes by,
Then grab it, don't be afraid!
But first on my beloved
I'm marrying mine!

The Princess runs out of the castle and throws herself on the Soldier’s neck.


We will be the entire capital for a month
Feast in the castle!
And then have fun -
Live and live!


Fragment of a play based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Characters: Soldiers - 5 people, Witch, First Dog, Second Dog - 2 people, Third Dog - 3 people, Dreams and Spirits - 10 or more people.

Duration about 15 minutes.

In the foreground to the left and right are large, thick, gnarled trees of an ominous appearance.

On the right, a company of soldiers emerges from the auditorium. They walk towards the stage, pass through the center of the hall and back, then one soldier remains.

The soldier approaches the tree. A Witch comes out from behind a tree on the right to meet the Soldier.

Witch (ingratiatingly)

Eat well, soldier,

And he’s good too!

Your satchel is beautiful.

It's a pity you're carrying an empty one.

Soldier (mockingly)

What do you care?

Maybe she wanted a saber

Ali boot?


They are good, my dear,

But I would have bought something better

If only you could help me.


I would agree,

Just what are you giving?


How much can you carry?

Come closer, killer whale.

You will go down into the hollow...

The witch points to the tree behind her.

In that hollow, at the bottom of the well,

There is an underground passage.

The lamps shine there like the sun,

And there are countless doors.

You will open the last three,

Here are the keys to them.

The Witch hands the Soldier a bunch of keys and a blue checkered apron.


Why do I need your apron?


Listen and be silent.

Guards behind every door

Treasure the ferocious dog -

In a hundred years, no one, believe me,

I didn't lose my legs.

But if you put those dogs

On my apron,

You will get along with them easily.

Soldier (suspicious)

What about you?

Can't go down to this kennel?


I'm old, my dear!


Only, you, without deception -

Money in half!


I won't cheat -

I'll give everything to you.


Well, what do I have to do with this?

Old lady, will you take it?


There's a flint there somewhere.

Here you will bring it.


Well, flint, so flint!

The deal is good!

View of a scene with a hollow in a tree.


Well, now it's time, soldier,

The soldier sticks his head into the hollow. The scenery is changing.

View of the scene in the dungeon: sheer walls, a door, lamps in niches.

A soldier stands by the rope, holds on to its end and looks around. The backpack lies nearby.

The soldier spreads his apron next to the door, and he goes up to it with the key and opens it. First Dog appears in the doorway. The dog is guarding the chest. When a soldier approaches, the dog growls.


Don't spoil the soldier,

And don't bother me.

Let the brave fellow through life,

Light with the saber.


It’s immediately obvious that he grew up without affection.

Wow, nice dog!

You have eyes like saucers

And, like a cup, a nose.

The Soldier takes the Dog and places him on the apron. She stops growling. The soldier takes the backpack and returns to the chest. The soldier then opens the chest and looks into it.


So it is, your chest is copper

Full to the brim.

See, the witch didn’t deceive me,

Enough to live on.

The Soldier transfers money from the chest to his backpack and looks at the Dog, the Dog whines. The soldier closes the door.

The door disappears and another one appears in its place.


I'll take a look now, I guess.

Through the second door.

The soldier opens it. The Second Dog sits in the doorway, guarding another chest. The dog growls.


I won't let you in, servant

Do not even ask.

And you won't get riches -

Get off your feet!

We guard the oak doors

Three hundred long years

If you fall into the clutches

We'll have lunch.


Yes, I'm not a scary little guy,

Believe me.

The Soldier takes the Second Dog by the hand, leads him onto the apron, sits him down and pets him.


Well, now you are two watchdogs!

Wow, nice dog!

And the eyes are like wheels,

And, like a pumpkin, a nose.

The dog stops growling. The soldier approaches the chest and looks into it, pours copper coins out of the backpack and begins to fill it with silver. The soldier then closes the door. The door disappears and a third one appears in its place. The soldier turns to the dogs, they wag their tails.

The soldier opens the third door. The Third Dog sits in the doorway, guarding a large chest. The dog growls.


Out of sight, patched uniform

Saber, boots.

Hurry, of your own free will,

Get off your feet!

And if you hesitate even a minute,

So don't be angry

My service is like this

Here you go.

Soldier (admiringly)

You really are big and scary!

Very nice dog!

And the eyes! – Two Round Towers!

And the nose of a carriage!

The soldier takes the Third Dog by the hand and leads him to the first two, placing the Third Dog on the apron. The dog stops growling. The soldier approaches the chest and looks into it. Seeing the gold, he pours silver onto the floor and begins to fill the satchel with gold, then with difficulty pulls it out of the room.

Then the soldier closes the door. She disappears. The soldier approaches the dogs and pets them.


Well, dear ones, goodbye,

It's time for me to go upstairs!

Don't roll your eyes,

Tea, not a weather vane!

Here's some crusty bread for you

Yes, a lot of bacon.

The soldier gives the dogs a bundle of food, they greedily pounce on it. The soldier shakes his head.


The old lady didn't feed you

About five years old!

The soldier approaches the rope and pulls it. The Witch appears.


What did my flint find?


Crap! I almost forgot!

The soldier looks around and finds a flint.

Hurry up! Alive!

Have you closed the dogs?

Be calm, everything is as it should be!

Come on, pull!

The witch tugs lightly on the rope.


Your reward is heavy.

Same backpack.

You are a flint and an apron

Put it in your backpack.

The Soldier is about to follow the Witch's instructions, but the First Dog runs up to him and, whining, pulls him back by his uniform. And the Soldier only straps on his backpack.



That's right, witch!


Well, tie it on.

I'll pull out my backpack, little soldier,

Just wait!

The witch picks up the backpack and pulls it into the hollow along with the rope.


Soon there?

Witch (sings gloatingly)

Deceived, deceived,

I deceived!

I got everything back,

Oh, and smart!

The witch is hiding. After a while it looks out again.


Hey, servant, where's the flint?

Where's my apron?

It's rude to act like that

You know, with me!


I'll give it back when I get out

From your hole.

So that you are eaten by nits,

Midges and mosquitoes!

The witch throws down her backpack and disappears. The soldier begins to climb towards the hollow. The hollow is closing. The soldier falls down.


What a damn thing!

She led the soldier cleverly,

The soldier sits down, then goes to bed, all three dogs singing a lullaby to him. Some time passes. After some time, the Witch’s head appears in the hollow.


Hey, how are you, lost guy?

Service, respond!

The soldier is silent and does not move. The witch sniffs.

Witch (to herself)

Should have played the game

And he played, it seems.

(To the soldier)

There's no point in fighting me!

That's right, my dear!


There's nothing to do, you have to

Climb there yourself.

The end of a rope falls from the hollow, and a Witch with a bunch of keys descends along it. The Soldier gets up, grabs the Witch and drags her towards him.


Bite your lying tongue,

Don't shed tears for nothing.

The soldier kills the witch and picks up a bunch of keys.

Soldier (thoughtfully)

Well, it looks like the keys

From other doors.

The soldier approaches the fourth door and opens it.


Hey, is anyone alive? Come out!

The wind whistles out of the open door. The soldier recoils.

Many colorful reflections appear on the walls of the cave. The soldier grabs his saber.


Who are they?


Dreams and spirits!


I'll kill everyone now!


We are all prisoners of the old woman.

You, soldier, saved us!


Everybody's Free! Everybody fly!

I will reward you all!

The soldier throws gold after the spirits and dreams. Dogs appear after the spirits. The soldier gives gold to them too.


Everyone who is there, come out!

I give you freedom!

Everyone leaves. The soldier puts on his knapsack, takes the flint and apron and, singing, leaves too. The soldier's song from the movie "An Old Old Tale" is being deleted