Ukrainians dug the Black Sea. Ancient Ukrainians dug up the Black Sea and created the Caucasus Mountains

The commander-in-chief of the great Ukrainian army, Petro Poroshenko, and his protege, the land admiral, complain that the ancient Ukrainians dug up the Black Sea for the Kyiv Navy, and everyone except Square uses it.

The Kyiv authorities are trying to present Ukraine as "". Even a corresponding political mythology has formed - from completely crazy ideas about the “dug out sea” to more or less plausible stories about the sea campaigns of the Zaporozhye Cossacks. True, what relation Galicia, the cradle of “Ukrainianism”, where Ukrainian nationalism as such was formed, has to the sea, is not entirely clear. But Kyiv stubbornly refuses to admit this. Recently, the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Andrei Parubiy publicly stated that the sailors "". I just wonder how? After all, it’s enough just to see what it is Ukrainian fleet today even a person with little knowledge of military problems can appreciate its combat potential.

Sold for scrap

The history of the Ukrainian Naval Forces began after the collapse Soviet Union. Then the presidents of the two countries decided to divide the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR Navy and create on its basis the Russian Black Sea Fleet and Naval forces Ukraine. The Russian Black Sea Fleet accepted ships of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet and continued to develop. Ukrainian leaders failed not only to improve the fleet, but also to preserve those ships that fell into their hands. Thus, in 1995 it was created special commission on the use of the Ukrainian part of the Black Sea Fleet property. Even from the name it is clear for what purpose it was created. At this time it was already going full swing sale of naval property at the disposal of Ukraine. The ships were sold for scrap metal to pay off debts to various companies.

Over the course of more than twenty years of post-Soviet history of Ukraine, the fleet of this country decreased in number every year. In 2012 alone, six warships were excluded from the Navy, and in 2013 – 1 warship, 5 boats and 3 auxiliary vessels. At the same time, the number personnel The Naval Forces of Ukraine in 2013 numbered about 14 thousand people. Most of the military personnel served in coastal defense units.

A new terrible blow befell the Ukrainian Navy in 2014. The "Crimean Spring" led to the fact that most of officers and sailors of the Ukrainian fleet, led by its commander, Rear Admiral Denis Berezovsky, simply went over to the side of Crimea, and then became part of Navy Russian Federation.

Nine ships of the general - admiral

Today the Ukrainian Navy is very weak. Their number is only 6.5 thousand people. After the reunification of Crimea with Russia, Ukraine lost its naval base in Sevastopol and now the remnants of its fleet are based in Odessa. The Ukrainian Navy has only nine warships at its disposal - this is the flagship frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny", a medium landing ship“Yuri Olefirenko”, corvette “Vinnitsa”, one landing boat, minesweeper and missile boat each, two ships “Gyurza”. But there are more than enough admirals. After Euromaidan, the number of admiral positions in the Ukrainian Naval Forces was increased, and the question even arose of where to get so many “naval commanders” in Ukraine. In the end, they allowed four admiral positions to be filled by land generals.

By the way, the Ukrainian fleet has been headed by a “land admiral” since April 2016. Vice Admiral Igor Voronchenko actually has very little to do with the fleet. He is a tanker by military training, and since the early 1990s. served in the National Guard of Ukraine. Before Petro Poroshenko finally confirmed him in office in July 2016, Voronchenko held the rank of lieutenant general. He is considered one of the supporters of the “war party.”

How to attack if the problem is to defend?

Thus, we see that with such a “mighty” fleet composition, Ukrainian sailors will not only not be able to capture Crimea, but also will not defend the maritime borders of Ukraine in the event of an attack on them by a more or less serious enemy - not only Russia or Turkey, but also Romania or Bulgaria. There is no hope for naval aviation either - Ukraine has only 1 aviation and 1 helicopter squadron naval aviation, and, of course, there are no aircraft carriers at all. The only more or less numerous and combat-ready component of the Ukrainian Naval Forces is the Coastal Defense Forces. This is the 36th Marine Brigade named after Konstantin Olshansky, stationed in Nikolaev, as well as the 37th separate battalion Marine Corps in Odessa and the 25th Coastal Defense Division. In addition, there are two special forces units - the 73rd Naval Center special operations Ukrainian Navy and the 801st separate detachment for combating underwater sabotage forces and means. They are also deployed in Nikolaev and the Nikolaev region. But also the Marines Ukrainian command in fact, it can only be used as conventional ground forces. After all, a whole brigade cannot fit on one landing craft.

The dreams of Ukrainian politicians that sailors will seize Crimea and Ukraine will turn into a maritime power will never become a reality. This is best understood by the officers and sailors of the Ukrainian Navy themselves. It is no coincidence that most of the personnel of the Ukrainian Naval Forces went over to the side of Russia immediately after the start of the Crimean Spring, and in modern Ukraine there was not a single admiral or senior officer who could lead the Ukrainian fleet and, as a result, a tanker - a National Guardsman - was hastily retrained as a naval commander.

Human rights activities should not descend to the search for nonsense, be carried out on the lead of base or selfish people, not take “funny stories” on faith, and not reduce everything to common denominator and thus, through words, humiliate and insult entire nations. If this happens, then it is no longer human rights activities, and psychosis.

What a hello and such an answer. I bring up history, but the Russians are constantly trying to turn it into politics. Clever man I won’t repeat nonsense that the Ukrainians dug the Black Sea. I agree with Lepota, this is folklore. But making politics out of this is extremely stupid. Especially Russian TV journalists.

There is nothing like leather. Something like this.

I sincerely support your, Natalya, concerns for your own people, but your conclusions from time to time are nothing more than a fight between propaganda and propaganda. Moreover, forgive me, this time we certainly weren’t the first to start.

And after “Moskalyak for Gilyak” and “100,000 for a Muscovite,” what else do you want there, in Ukraine?

In the understanding of Ukrainians, Muscovites are not the Slavs of Russia, but the rulers of the Kremlin. Find me at least one Russian in your government. It would not hurt you to delve into their pedigree. Ukraine does not hide the fact that Jews are in power, but for some reason Russia bashfully avoids this issue. The strange thing is that the current Ukrainian government is called a fascist junta if there are only Jews there. When were the Jews fascists? Then you need to justify Hitler’s actions in exterminating Jews. Do you understand that you have driven yourself into a dead end?

Well, if you don’t believe that all Nazism came from the Jews, study Zionism, the same Chabad people. You will learn a lot of interesting things.

No one drove themselves into a dead end. Your loud statements here are exactly like those who say that in 5 years the USA will collapse. Completely ignoring problems own country and extolling all the dirt that goes on in it.

And in general, blaming all your troubles on the Russian Federation, a country that has never done anything bad to you in its entire history, is complete insanity. More precisely, these are the consequences of Western propaganda, which has struck unfortunate Ukraine with an illness. Which, after perestroika, was pumped full of this same anti-Russian propaganda for more than twenty years. In our country, mind you, there was not a word about “bad Ukraine” and “crests screwed everything up” until you started your cattle Maidans, Nazi slogans and taking off your pants in front of America in the hope that Nuland would pour out more cookies.

Giving over an entire floor to the needs of the CIA - that's independence, I see. When Ukrainian generals kneel before US envoys. Massacres Russians - this is defending national interests.

And if anyone is surprised that Russia generally reacts in any way to the fact that neighboring country, the closest to us historically, culturally and genetically, a brown pro-Western coup begins with Russophobic cries, then forgive me - but what were you all hoping for? That you can kill Russian people with impunity, throw mud at your neighbor and expect that we will only give discounts on gas?

Russia hasn't done anything bad.. Really? And thanks to whom did Ukrainian children become orphans? Did America chop off Crimea or does America finance the militants in Donbass and supply them with super-powerful weapons in the form of the beech tree that shot down the Boeing 777? There are already results of an international examination that they were shooting from modern beech, not Soviet. The fighter that allegedly shot down a passenger plane cannot rise to such a height. Ukraine inherited Soviet weapons and Soviet military equipment. And then, excuse me, there were no such high military technologies as there are now in Russia.

I once also submitted similar topics about the Judeo-Masons who form part of the world government. You can delve into my topics, but now I began to doubt that I was right. Recent events in Ukraine show that all these articles were preparatory stage for the invasion of Ukraine and rather the Russian FSB men wrote to intimidate America and the Jews. After all, it’s no secret that a large number of Jews live in Ukraine. There are entire cities mostly populated by Jews, such as Kyiv, Odessa, Uman and Dnepropetrovsk. Do you think we should arrange genocide for them? Why are all these provocative articles being written? Isn’t this a preparation for Jewish pogroms, as was done during Hitler's Germany? I already doubt the veracity of all those articles that I once posted myself. There are too many lies not only on television but also on the Internet. And these articles are monitored by the special services, who throw similar articles at the masses. After all, this status of the Jewish mafia has been formed in our consciousness for many years, starting in 2011, and maybe even earlier. Most likely, the Ukrainians were also prepared for what we see here. But the Maidan was not part of the plans of the special services and ruined everything, which clearly angered the Kremlin gang. That’s why they came up with all these myths about Americans allegedly paying off the Ukrainian elite. But your Goebbels didn’t explain why? A lot of speculation and not a single proof that we have at least one American soldier. There are people in the government who are originally from Ukraine, but who studied and worked in the United States. I didn't think it was a crime.

I see what a difficult state with its corruption schemes Poroshenko has inherited. But the very fact that he is trying to change something gives him the right to respect. He is trying to break the back of the system, and this is not very easy. The system resists and will resist, because it has been formed for many years and cannot be broken in 1 year. But if he manages to break the judicial system, I will give him a standing ovation. Because I know first-hand what Ukrainian courts are like. I will believe him after the courts begin to make fair, and not ordered, decisions. When justice starts working, the rest will start working on its own. I am sure that through the courts you can completely say goodbye to feudal system, in which only the oligarchs are right forever.

Oh-oh-oh, hold me seven! Russia shot down a Boeing Book... Putin personally sat at the controls, dropped everything he was doing, just to more souls destroy the innocent. (Joke).
It’s clear what kind of human rights activist you are. By the way, what rights are you protecting and from whom? I would like to clarify...

No, the Americans were sitting in the bushes and shot them down. And Obama personally pressed the remote control.

Do you even know that the Su 25 does not rise to such a height? Google or Yandex and read the opinions of experts. A military specialist also showed up to me. My husband’s father is a military pilot in Afghanistan and clearly explained the capabilities of this attack aircraft. And the attack aircraft has different tasks - to help the infantrymen, that is, ground tasks.

And now I copied it purely for you.

The general designer of the Su-25, Vladimir Babak, claims: an attack aircraft could attack a Boeing at an altitude of three to four thousand meters, but the Su-25 is not able to shoot down a plane flying at an altitude of 10,500.
President of the research and production concern "Sukhoi Attack Aircraft", general designer Su-25 attack aircraft Vladimir Babak, denied the version that the Malaysian Boeing flying MH-17 was shot down by a Ukrainian attack aircraft. He stated this in an interview with German media companies NDR and WDR, as well as the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper, published on Tuesday, March 10.

According to him, the attack aircraft could attack the Boeing at an altitude of three to four thousand meters. The Su-25 is not able to shoot down a plane flying at an altitude of 10,500. Babak, who said he has been working on the attack aircraft for about 35 years, explained that he and his team “designed this aircraft so that it can only be used at low and medium altitudes.” Yes, the designer confirmed, the attack aircraft can rise to high altitudes for a short time, but in order to destroy the Boeing, which fell apart in the air at the time of the disaster, it is necessary to install heavy missiles on the Su-25. Air-to-air missiles could only cause damage to the Malaysian vehicle, but not lead to what happened.

Vladimir Babak believes that much more facts indicates that the Boeing 777 was the victim of a surface-to-air missile fired by a Buk launcher. “I believe that all allegations about the involvement of the Su-25 in this tragedy are an attempt to cover up their tracks. I cannot explain it otherwise. We do not understand how the Su-25 could shoot down a Boeing,” said the designer, who called attack aircraft as his “favorite brainchild.” The version about the involvement of the Ukrainian Su-25 in the tragedy of flight MH-17, which claimed the lives of 298 passengers, was presented by the Russian General Staff. Russian media during last months returned to her several times.

Show me specifically where it is written that the Boeing was shot down by a Su-25 attack aircraft. You yourself came up with this (as if I said so) and rushed to refute it with all the proletarian hatred. And putting on labels is just your thing. "My husband has a father" - good source, I believe. And for me it’s me. Lieutenant Colonel of the Air Defense Reserve. I know a little about how to shoot down planes. I’m just kidding how easily and quickly Russia is blamed for shooting down a plane over its territory. “Tell me, did I also destroy the chapel?” According to your logic, the answer follows - “who else?!” But with Shurik in " Captive of the Caucasus“They treated me more gently, calmed me down. Even the idiots, oh, sorry, your curators, have long since shut up about Boeing. Because they realized that they had crap themselves with their accusations.

So whose rights are you protecting? Unhappy right-wingers? SBU? I would like to clarify.

The lieutenant colonel apparently doesn’t need brains anymore. Here in Kyiv they say not to get involved with the military, because you won’t find a dumber and more aggressive partner. The higher the rank, the less brains. I don’t want to say that everyone is like this, but for the most part it is. This is not my opinion, I am retelling what I heard. Who I defend is written on my author page. It's strange that you haven't read it yet. Although why am I surprised, you are a military man, you need to be especially cleared up if you still don’t understand why I gave you the example of the Su25 attack aircraft. Think about why I answered you like that. Why were you given brains?

That’s it, the armor is on, the “white fluff” is hidden under it, the visor is down, forward! I didn’t forget to put on the label, since a lieutenant colonel means he’s definitely stupid and out of his mind. Nothing else. By the way, I have no military education. Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, right now it’s called something differently, though. On the one hand, I’m laughing at you, on the other, I’m afraid for your health. It is very harmful to rush into battle with such malice and anger. If they don't kill you, then own anger will kill you. Drink some Uzbek drink.

Up to a certain point, I still answered softly, trying not to offend anyone, until people like you began to be sarcastic to me and make a fool out of me. It’s their own fault for awakening the spirit of a human rights activist in me, which I hid very deeply. When this side awakens in me, I turn from white and fluffy to a miguera. And I absolutely don’t care who says what about me. It’s as if I’m wearing armor and it’s already useless to fight me. Neither causticism, nor threats, nor insults, nor collective pressure can break through me. And I can be sarcastic no worse than you and others like you. So don't try too hard.

“The air-to-air missiles could have only damaged the Malaysian vehicle, but not caused what happened.”

It’s funny, you can hit a plane with a rocket, and it will only give you a bruise, and nothing more! That plane that was shot down was a flying tank!

Dear Natalya, I sincerely sympathize with you. You look ambiguous - your head is overheated from propaganda, or you are simply being paid well for depicting anti-Russian hysteria. I sincerely hope that you are rolling all this out to Russia simply out of an excess of emotions.

The slogan “for all the good against all the bad” is very convenient for pseudo-liberals, who push people to the barricades and death under healthy ideas. Which, in fact, are the consequences of your Maidan, paid entirely from the USA, because They have had big plans to divide Ukraine and Russia since World War II. Here you are, with your slogans and propaganda from your own media, only throwing more fuel into already flaming relations.

My advice to you, excuse me, is to not listen to any news for at least a month and try to abstract yourself. Maybe at least then my head will regain the ability to analyze and think not in the language of someone else’s propaganda.

Have you noticed that for the umpteenth time you completely ignore the entire NIGHTMARE that UKRAINE is creating, and throw absolutely all your problems only onto Russia, although you openly have the European Union and the USA warming their vile hands there, only kicking each other, who should now deal with your entire garden?

And about the Black Sea, and about dill, and about everything else - we are openly laughing at you, mocking you, yes. Over your pathetic attempts to turn the world upside down and prove the primitiveness of your geographical conglomerate, which historically is one of the edges of our Motherland Rus'-Russia. Over your pathetic attempts to present yourself as representatives of a separate people, repeating the rhetoric of Hitler’s pro-panagdists for Bandera and Vlasovites, that Ukrainians are true Aryans, and Russians are actually some kind of Tatars :) What Putin personally started with you civil war, organized the Maidan and trained Black Hundreds and other organized paramilitary gangs in Poland to incite unrest and organize a Nazi coup.

Yes, we're laughing. Because, as they say, there is a crest, and there is a KHOKHOL, who, like a rooster from a henhouse, puffs up his forelock year after year in an attempt to prove his superiority over his “big brother” - Russia.

And we’ll stop laughing when you stop puffing up and start living with us in peace and friendship, as befits a brotherly people who share the same history.

Belarusians, for example, make much less noise; they live on their own and for some reason none of the “Muscovites” bothers them.

Ha ha, isn’t it true that sometimes the sulfur in your brain convolutions starts working? And really, why don’t the Americans have a particular need to make a revolution there? Why shouldn’t they take on Russia itself? Why was it so stupid to start with Ukraine if, according to your words, they need Russia?

Sooooo, I see you've reached extreme point, already getting personal and insulting.

You know, go like you, a “human rights activist,” to where you came from and come back an adequate person. Well, or with a certificate, then at least everything will be clear.

The teachers are good, and I'm just a diligent student. Don't be sarcastic and I'll stop. As they say, don’t blame the mirror if your face is crooked. Or don't spit against the wind. What a hello such an answer. Learn how to smile at your reflection in the Soviet cartoon, and not be rude. You see, your relationship with Ukraine will change. And while you laugh, you will come across a sharp tongue.

White Rus' means White Russians. If the current Dill, Ukria, Ukraine were not even Little Russia, so that the arrogant gentlemen and ladies would not be offended by the word “small”, but for example Red Rus'. if they were “red Russians” - beautiful and not offensive, there is something to show off. And now what to boast about - your outlying position and dill, dependent on Nuland’s cookies?! Like: we are great ukra and our dill is the most ancient in the world!..))))))

It's actually strange that you perceive history this way. Kievan Rus that someone is allegedly boasting. No matter how much you try to change history, you still can’t change it. Kyiv was the most ancient city and will remain so, no matter how much they abuse Ukraine.

Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians are all one people, both in blood and in spirit. What has historically torn us apart so much for different boundaries and flags don't mean anything. Until people openly go into mutual betrayal - as the Bulgarians, Moldovans, Albanians did, East Slavs, which fell under NATO. And they live by no means the same as in Germany, England or France. Now they are lifeless and dependent, up to their ears in loans and practically without their own production.

And they want Ukraine there, yeah.

You have come up with everything and continue to come up with it. And here, like an echo, different Kiselyovs respond. Here is another idea, but for you, in the form of an anecdote: An anecdote about Yarosh. The correspondent asks Yarosh a question - Why doesn’t Ukraine shell Crimea? Yar.: - That’s how it stands there Russian army Corr.: - But you say that the Russian army is stationed in Donbass and you are shelling Donetsk?! Yar.: - So we are only saying that the Russian army is stationed there.

Wow, I heard that some singers, I won’t say who, took off their pants in front of the Russian public in the hope that the owner of the Kremlin will generously fuck them off. So who's lying?

The whole world has already seen how Russia reacted to its neighboring country. best evidence You can’t imagine how to chop off Crimea. But they stumbled in Donbass. They shouted that Novorossiya would hold a referendum and come under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, now Putin denies it, saying that he will never recognize the LPR and DPR, that this is part of Ukraine. Like a weather vane, he changes his mind which way the wind blows. He said that there was no trace of Russian wax in Crimea, just some little green men. A year later he admitted that yes, he did send his troops to defend Crimea. I'm just blown away by his manipulation of words. He said that Donetsk grandmothers wrested weapons from the Ukrainian army and allegedly handed them over to the militia. Now he doesn’t even hide the fact that he does finance it. As for gas, I would say so. You have such an opportunity not to give gas. Don't give it up! We will get out of gas dependence faster. What does the population get from Russian gas? Just headaches in the form of increased utility bills. To be honest, your gas is already in our throats. We don't consume as much as we are supposed to. We pay the oligarchs sitting on the gas pipe and rowing their millions. As for me, let it be blocked altogether. We can live without gas. Well, how did you live without gas before? Let's go back to the old days good times. So the oligarchy will collapse on its own, since no one will feed it.

YOU are truly a FOOL for throwing mud at RUSSIA. You were torn away from the Russian tit, so you are furious, when you lived at the expense of RUSSIA, for some reason they didn’t write various lampoons very well, and now let gay Europe feed you. So SHUT UP!!! .

Natalia!! - judging by who comments on your article and how, it becomes clearly clear who is smart and who is a fool. Many are already accustomed to living according to the SCENARIO (someone else's script). Because Russia - good country where there is adequate people! But government propaganda has long been different methods he either destroys the adequate ones (Nemtsov) or crushes them under himself (there are so many examples here)!
Therefore, let those who have nothing else in their souls pour dirt!

And I would like to draw attention to those in Russia who do not think that thinking is a big and overwhelming work - stop not understanding what is happening in Ukraine, because this simply distracts you from what is happening in Russia!
Your soldiers are dying in Donbass, people are dying of hunger, explosions, murders, the same rallies (and how many of them would there be if they weren’t banned??), destruction of dams and flooding... learn to take care of yourself and don’t be lazy to turn on your brain!

Question everything you previously accepted without question, trusting that someone in power knows better what you need. Start learning to trust your internal management, no longer acting like rats, blindly following the leader towards the cliff. The time has come for the people of all countries to stop waving flags and shouting: “Right or wrong, my country is my country!”
I don’t know why everyone thinks that Russia is a mother nurse and that Ukraine, torn from its breast, was left to starve to death??

Having been in Moscow several times, I can say that the number of Ukrainians working in Moscow and the number of products that are imported from Ukraine indicate the opposite! If all Ukrainians leave Moscow, for example, for Europe, then there will simply be no one to serve you! So again - think and question everything that your “zombie box” tells you!!

I understood something else: when someone feels exceptional and criticizes everyone around him, he cannot come to terms with such criticism of himself. It is not surprising that they began to snap back. Especially the one who started this dispute. As the Russian proverb says - DON'T SPIT AGAINST THE WIND? Otherwise the spit will come back to you. Russians are too arrogant about their exclusivity, which is why they try to take it out on anyone. First they come up with stupid myths, then they themselves believe in them

I didn’t think I’d be so offended by telling the truth. I was born in Ukraine in Kharkov, lived in different places and I know first-hand how Ukraine and Russia lived. Your supply was in the first category, gas was supplied to all the farms under the Soviets, but in Russia gas just started appearing, and even then the price was immediately increased, God forbid. All factories are located in Russia. You steal gas all the time, it’s you who rob us, Kuchma said - why, they stole 3 billion. If you write about everything, there will be a whole opus. And there is no need to pin all the bad things on us, you are good too, you have provocateurs and we have them too. I don’t listen to these nightingales and others, I understand some things myself, I’m 74 years old, so I have my own opinion, and with attacks you only incite hostility. This is NOT GOOD!

Does this mean I'm attacking? Super easy. I am giving a topic about the history of the Slavs, and how you perceive this information is your problem. Well, what does digging in the Black Sea have to do with my topics? This is something I just don’t understand. Who wants to constantly humiliate Ukrainians? I’m trying to steer the group away from politics, but you’re still playing the fool and acting like a fool. You know what a hello and this is the answer.

Natalya, I warned you: give my comments in full, without cuts. IN otherwise promised to troll. Where is my comment that Ukrainians, Belarusians and Russians are one people, and this has been proven by genetic analysis? You have untied my hands. As they say - very sorry! What are you defending, are you our human rights activist? The right to divide and pit fraternal peoples against each other? I think you ate too many cookies. You hang labels about stupidity - get backlash! I repeat - I warned you.

Oh, there were a lot of smart people here who prophesied to me that the group would collapse. An is not bent, it is growing. Because many people are interested in my group and in particular my topics. But your attacks don’t bother me, I’m used to them in real life. This is my job - to repel the attacks of my opponents in the courts, the prosecutor's office, and the police. How can you scare me?

Natalia, the topics of the group are interesting when they are not related to politics. You, as a “human rights activist,” apparently cannot live without politics. According to you, there are no militias in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Okay, let's skip this opinion of yours. But when you write that Donetsk, Gorlovka, Lugansk are shelled and fired to kill, the destruction of the population is not by the Ukrainian Armed Forces but by the opposing side, like killing themselves, this is complete nonsense. I would have written a harsher word, but why continue the unnecessary political squabble.

If you leave, I won't cry. There are many of my supporters here, for their sake I will give topical topics. And it is useless to convince you. Yes, this is not my task. Personally, I'm not interested in you. So, dear one from my group, leave. I don’t dare keep you here any longer.

Do you know what scared you? In Ukraine this is called transparency. There is no need to write comments behind the scenes. Write so that everyone can see, not just the author. And learn to respect others. Otherwise it turns out that you are all white and fluffy, but you are making me into a demon. So, have the courage to answer for your words, and not hide behind a woman’s back like a coward, you are our truthful one.

Then, so that they learn to respect another nation. There is no need to write caustic remarks regarding another nationality under my topics. If you remember that mostly Russian blood flows in my veins. I don’t need to defend Russians, because many of you already behave rudely. They are used to being rude to everyone and boasting of their belonging to the Russians.

I have an ESC moderator, but I have never read a single boorish word from him, even when he disagreed with me. That's where high culture. I can call him a real Russian. Russians don’t get in the way, they just try not to participate in such discussions. And even more so, they don’t humiliate others.

It's not Natalya's fault! Ukr Television broadcasts through it! When the Pro-Russian government takes power in Ukraine, something else will start singing in their box, and Natalya’s opinion will also change! Where can she get other information? That’s why she thinks that her country is pursuing a policy independent of America, when Russia itself is a colony of America, and this even in the presence nuclear weapons! And here next to you is a poor but free Ukraine! Well done Ukrainians! Keep it up!

Len didn’t try to compete with Kisilev? I'm sure you could do it. You wouldn’t only tell us about the Black Sea. I think your imagination was enough for more, for example, to tell how the spirit of your dad runs among the Americans and collects information for intelligence. Why would you have been provided with a ward in the madhouse? Although no, people like you are needed for television

It’s time to end all the squabbles and accusations against each other that we started here by following the provocateurs. Don’t you understand that someone is artificially pitting Russians and Ukrainians against each other, inciting them against each other? Not all, not all Russians are seething with anger towards the Ukrainians, on the contrary, we are worried about the bloody events that are happening in your country. And of course, we are not indifferent to the threats from the far-right Ukrainian nationalist warriors - to kill Russians, go to the Russian Federation, take Taganrog, Rostov, Voronezh, etc. I am not indifferent to the shelling of cities and villages in Donbass by regular UA and national battalions. Moscow, no matter how new it may be to you, did not accept the Donetsk republics. But it supports them in their desire to have autonomous status within Ukraine. The same will not be left to the mercy of fate. This is a reality that it is time to come to terms with and implement the Minsk agreements. Poroshenko; sometimes in favor of giving Donbass a special status, sometimes categorically against it. It was as if someone had specifically given him instructions to prolong the war to destroy his people.

Remember, dear, Yarosh and the Right Sector are not all of Ukraine. Let him blurt out whatever he wants. It will be strong only if it negative hero they will do and devote so much time to the fact that he blurted out something somewhere. You don't pay attention to Zhirinovsky, do you? Why are you reacting this way to the words of some Yarosh? Who is he? For us he has no authority. The elections have already proven this; he didn’t even get 1 percent. Although you already had the media trumpeting that he came out on top in the presidential race. If you don’t pay attention, the words will remain just words. How timid you are, you were scared of some Yarosh. Even funny.

Regarding autonomy. And who doesn’t give it to them? Well, let them create their own autonomy but without the participation of Kyiv. What problems? But they don’t want it that way. Putin once wanted to take his wings, why is he now denying it? He no longer wants to recognize the LPR and DPR. Why does he need a broken Donbass? Breaking is not building. First, he finances everything so that his thugs will ruin it, and now Kyiv deals with them, restores them. So let Putin restore these territories. We did not ask him to enter our territories.

Natalia. Why do you refuse Donbass in your words? This is the territory of Ukraine, not the Russian Federation?! What kind of collapse of Ukraine are you? In order for Donbass to create autonomy, there is no need to fight EVERYTHING with it and multiply insane casualties, destroy Ukrainian cities. As soon as the ALL troops leave Donbass, the war will stop immediately. The Russian Federation and its leadership will not need to provide military assistance militia, according to your separatists. I have never read anywhere that the residents of Donbass declared secession from Ukraine, they only asked for autonomy. Poroshenko either promised or refused them this. If you don’t want to restore your own cities destroyed by the war, the residents of Donbass will restore them with the help of Russia. It is not Ukraine, but Russia, to its own detriment, that time after time sends caravans of cars with food and medicine to Donetsk and Lugansk. Accepts orphaned, sick, war-weary children into health and rehabilitation rest homes and health resorts. But then Donbass, following the example of Crimea, can hold its own referendum on secession from Ukraine, which abandoned it. This natural process. The war will end anyway, and its residents themselves will decide who Donbass will be with. But it seems that you have already abandoned these territories, refusing to help them, but only destroying and killing.

In my comment to you there is not a word about Yarosha. You brought this up about the “thugs” of the Donbass militias. Donetsk cities every day they are fired upon by the Ukrainian army and PS battalions. Dies daily civilian population at the hands of punitive "pacifiers". From the very beginning, the Don republics were in favor of remaining in Ukraine, but only to have autonomy in it. For this, the population of Donbass is being killed and cities are being destroyed. In your opinion, Putin is destroying them. The militias themselves are shelling their cities with hail. The war will stop immediately and Dobass will remain part of Ukraine if your government stops jumping under the American dupe, withdraws its troops, and signs an agreement on autonomy. The Donetsk people themselves will rebuild the cities. If you don’t want to restore what you destroyed, don’t. About Russia. Russia has helped and will continue to help without any self-interest or pretension to anything. If only there was peace. But NATO and US bases near our Russian borders are not needed. Ukraine must be an independent, non-aligned, friendly country to the Russian Federation. Then all broken economic and cultural ties will be restored.

You mentioned ultra-right Ukrainian warriors nationalists. And in this moment We have only one nationalist party - Right Sector. Tyagnbok has not been heard for a long time. That's why I wrote about Yarosh. And regarding the DPR and LPR, I’m used to calling a spade a spade. There are no militias there, oh wake up, there is a hired Chechen army there. A friend who hates Kyiv told me that Lugansk is full of blacks and they dance lezginka. And blacks, in their understanding, are people of Caucasian nationality. When did the Donetsk Lezginka dance? Is this their national dance? There are no militias there and never have been. There is a group of bandits who work for Russia and abuse the locals. Our own people wouldn’t mock the locals. They are pouring hail on the locals so that there is no living space in those neighborhoods. This is a gang of criminals and there is no need to turn them into militias. These are the killers who killed children at school on September 1 in Russia, and they are also in Donetsk. By acquitting murderers, you become on the same level as them. How then are you better than them?

And I don’t need to prove otherwise, I believe my friend, not you. She's there in their lair. Even at one time I had a fight because of the Maidan, but after the events that happened in Lugansk, I looked for her and thought that I had died. I was glad that she survived in this cauldron, that she at least responded. She told me terrible things, how she screamed and prayed to God when shells exploded in front of the house, how her children were already saying goodbye to mom and dad and kept asking: “Are we going to die?” How her husband covered her and the children with his body. Do you think I get this information from TV? There is no need to sit here and mock what you don’t know, I mean Lepota’s comment. After talking with her, I realized that there were no so-called militias there. There are mercenaries, whom they simply know exist, and there are ordinary locals who come under fire. Now the shelling has stopped, I asked her why? She replied that the mercenaries allegedly protect them very much.

All this is nonsense, it just proves that Ukrainian army I never shot at them. If, as you say, the Ukrainian army is shooting at Donetsk, then why did it stop shelling these regions, what difference does it make where the shells are sent? Why fire at those cities that are controlled by Kyiv? If you prove to me otherwise, it’s the same as proving to me that the Ukrainians dug the Black Sea. Abusrd of pure water.

If you believe your friend who lives in Lugansk, then why don’t you believe these words of hers: “Now the shelling has stopped,” I asked her why? She replied that supposedly “the mercenaries protect them very much.” The word “mercenaries” offends you. Yes, there are mercenaries fighting on both sides of the front. And on the Ukrainian side there are mercenaries from Sweden, Poland, Chechnya and Georgia. And on the side of two Donetsk republics There are internationalist volunteers whom you call “mercenaries.” The difference is not in the name, but in who does what. Mercenaries fight using fascist methods on the side of Ukraine not for the lives of the people they kill, but for money. Internationalist volunteers fight against the fascists and protect the population of the cities and villages of Donbass from complete destruction. Your friend from Luga told you about this. But you changed everything and didn’t believe her words about protection. Who then protects her and all the Lugansk residents: the Ukrainian army firing at them with all types of weapons, right sector battalions, foreign mercenaries?

I am a peaceful person, my father, a Siberian miner, fought from 41 to 45. He fought through part of Ukraine, through all White Rus' to Köniksberg. I myself served in Kamchatka in missile forces. We are peaceful people, but it is useless to fight with Russia...Listen to the words of your friend from Lugansk - she told you the real truth, which you did not believe.

I'm not proving anything to you. You have your own head on your shoulders. Recently, everyone in Ukraine blamed Russia and the militias for the death of the Malaysian Boeing. Today Ukraine admitted that it was a tragic accident that it shot down the Boeing. Maybe the Armed Forces of Ukraine that entered Slavyans, Kramatorsk, Severodvinsk also by tragic accident, shooting at militia checkpoints, ended up in residential buildings, schools, kindergartens in Donetsk, Gorlovka, Lugansk... Someday the time will come to confess and answer not only for actions, but also for words. I repeat once again: I am not proving anything to you. The facts speak for themselves, and also the residents of Donbass. In particular, your friend from Lkgansk. She speaks the truth because she and her family are in mortal danger every day. At least listen to her truthful words.

How did the Ukrainian army fire at residential areas with Buk? You've already completely messed up. I accidentally shot down a Boeing because they were shelling residential areas. Bullshit. This can only be said from a drinking binge. I doubt that experts could convey such nonsense.

Did I write something about Buk? No, it's you. So you knew in advance that the Malaysian Boeing was shot down by the APU from a Buk. “A tragic accident has now been dragged in to justify the crime. And just recently they tirelessly slandered Russia. Now you are making jokes about the shelling of Donbass cities by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In Lugansk, Donetsk, Gorlovka, people, women, children are dying... Your Luhansk friend almost died under fire of all types of weapons from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I, as an example to you, believe her words. And I, for your information, am a teetotaler. Maybe you are drunk from the war, from the blood flowing there - what gets you so excited. Russia will restore the destroyed houses in the Donbass and without your hysterical “ultimatums” he will restore all of “Ukraine” together with the Ukrainian working people, after your corrupt power in the person of Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Turchyna flees to their American masters or to their blood brothers in Israel, leaving the “heroes” with broken trough.

Natalia, your articles give impetus to people who want to know the truth - to receive it. After all, knowing all the growth of the surveillance service, it is already difficult to obtain reliable sources of truth. Everything has been rewritten and twisted. Therefore, write, express your opinion and give people something to think about and act on! After all, being in your own right is already a great step towards true independence.

Len, why do you then live in the heart of the colonizers? Poor thing, I need to feel sorry for you. Or are you engaged in subversive activities for the benefit of the Motherland? How english food Isn't it already across your throat? Take it proudly and refuse the benefits of Great Britain, start starving in protest that your rights are being violated. What's weak? Give up the UK banks, stop feeding the colonizers. You’re sitting here all contentedly eating English cookies. Divorce your collaborator husband, set an example for others, including Ukraine. Why did you run away from Russia, are you right?

In our family, I am a colonizer, and my husband is a slave! The guy works like Putin, that is, like a galley slave, so that I have time to do nothing here! We lived in Russia for a whole year, and then the contract was not renewed! How to live without work? And I’ve already forgotten how to go to work!

Why didn’t you marry a Ukrainian? Didn't you take it? So the Russian didn’t take me.....I mean - a cool, awesome, handsome Russian, but I never needed a bully! Because of Russia, I had to marry a drunk and be beaten by him? I admit, the drunks were not interested in me, well, they didn’t pester me or even offer me a drink! But foreigners met on the street, grabbed hands, and I even got tired of going on dates! But it didn’t end with anything after they offered to fuck me right away, that day! And I am a proud girl, I need to be looked after for a long time and beautifully! And my husband asked me to marry him after a month of our acquaintance. I wanted to live in Russia, and therefore I didn’t agree immediately, but only after a year!

Russia was under the control of the United States until the United States got involved in its interests in Ukraine and the Caucasus. Now the Russian Federation is pursuing an independent policy and it is difficult for it, but it succeeds. Sanctions have only opened our eyes Russian elite. The export of capital abroad has slowed down. A complete return of capital to the Russian Federation requires time, and most importantly, the will of the Russian authorities. Perhaps for this it is necessary to change the Constitution of the Russian Federation, written under American dictation, to revise the Laws on privatization and the banking system. Ukraine, which finds itself in the tight claws of the United States, the EU, and NATO, is far from this.

Everyone knows that history is being rewritten in Ukraine today. They create new heroes and new villains. At the same time, a whole mythology of historical greatness has been created for schoolchildren Ukrainian nation. There are many finds in this mythology, for example, the Ukrainian nation, it turns out, has existed for 140 thousand years and is the oldest on Earth.

It is also reported that the Roman Empire, it turns out, captured southern Ukrainian cities. From this, apparently, it follows that Ukraine was a contemporary of Ancient Rome.

Thank God that even more exotic discoveries of Ukrainian professors, such as the fact that Jesus Christ was also born in Ukraine, have not yet appeared in textbooks, or maybe we are simply not aware of it, and now these historical revelations are being urgently introduced into textbooks.

These are not myths, no fantasy stories and not alternative history, and the story is the most ordinary - the one that children read about in school textbooks.

“Today’s so-called Ukrainian history, i.e. science, it has nothing in common not only with science, but it reaches the point of absurdity that the first nation on Earth were the Ukrainians, that they dug up the Black Sea, and used the land to create the Caucasus Mountains"(Vladimir Rogov

And Noah also spoke Ukrainian, the Gauls came from Ukrainian Galicia, the legendary Spartak was Ukrainian, and the Aryans ancient name the same Ukrainians who tamed the horse, invented the wheel and the plow.

And also Kyiv historians claim that Ukrainians are the descendants of the god Ra, and also that Buddha himself had Ukrainian roots.

And attention is the most interesting thing. “The Ukrainian people are the most ancient people in the world. It is already 140 thousand years old,”- they write about this in the very first lines of a history textbook for 7th grade.

The Ukrainians even gave the Egyptians with their pyramid 120 thousand points ahead.

“The general educational process in Ukraine is in a chaotic state. When I tried to understand whether it was fake or not, I became convinced that, as a rule, what we can find on the Internet - copied or filmed pages of textbooks - are real."(Sergey Shargunov, writer, journalist).

Millions of people are growing up who don’t know any other story. This is how a sense of the greatness of the Ukrainian nation is formed from the very beginning. Facts have nothing to do with it. The main thing is propaganda.

Here's a history lesson in western Ukraine. They explain to sixth-graders: Kievan Rus begins with Kyiv and Ukraine, which means that the history of Russia has nothing to do with their Kievan Rus, and Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians never constituted a single ancient Russian nationality.

"Glory To Ukraine! Glory to the heroes! Glory to the nation – death to enemies!” the children shout after the teacher.

And it could be funny if funny stories about the creation of the world by Ukrainians did not have a dangerous continuation.

Here are history textbooks for older schoolchildren:

"The UPA was people's army. Thousands of Ukrainians who were in the ranks of the UPA gave their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.”

“Both Shukhevych, and Bandera, and more than a hundred thousand of these heroes died for the independence of Ukraine. They were heroes, they will remain heroes for us. I think that we historians should show these heroes in the most favorable light." (Vladimir Tkachuk, a history teacher).

About the Great Patriotic War it is said that it was a German-Soviet war - between Germany and Russia for the lands of Ukraine.

« First in the textbooks Great Patriotic War changed its name to World War II, then World War II became the Soviet-German war, the Soviet-German war was renamed the Communist-Nazi war. At the same time, they talked about terrible sins, about all kinds of repressions and everything else that the communists carried out, but not a single one about the Nazis bad word did not have; accordingly, at younger generation there was a feeling that, in fact, the Nazis were not so bad, and they fought with the main enemies of the Ukrainian people" (Vladimir Rogov, Advisor to the Minister of Education of Ukraine in 2010 – 2013).

And this enemy, of course, is Russia, the Russian people. And it is spelled out in Ukrainian textbooks not in separate strokes, but in bright colors.

Here is a phrase from the text of the textbook Ukrainian language 11th grade, page 6:

“In principle, there is no shame in being Russian...”

“Don’t cry in prison, wait, the Ukrainophobes will come to you, and not for a visit, but forever.”

“Only in form do these beings, creatures, creatures, individuals (underline as appropriate) belong to the human community. But in fact, to monsters and semi-humans.”

This dictation was written in September in an ordinary Odessa school by ordinary 11th grade students. We studied synonyms. The task is to “underline what is necessary”: creatures, creatures, creatures or individuals. However, note that with all the diversity of these synonyms, their meaning almost does not change. The main thing in the text for Ukrainian schoolchildren has already been emphasized by adults.

“Yushchenko gave Bandera and Shukhevych the title of Hero of Ukraine. Now imagine: children who were under Yushchenko, in grades 10-11, they were told that Bandera and Shukhevych are heroes of Ukraine... And now how old are they? These are already quite mature people who are approaching the 30-year-old mark. Where are they now? In the National Guard, in punitive battalions" (Konstantin Dolgov, co-chairman popular front Novorossiya).

However, the events of recent months: the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the war in Donbass - in school books haven't hit yet.

Now in Kyiv they are discussing the need for such changes. But what is not written in textbooks, teachers talk about. From their words, the children have a great idea of ​​what is happening in the country, and most importantly, who is to blame for it...

This is how in our age of electronic communications, in front of everyone, one composes incredible story the whole country. And all the openly invented, manipulated, distorted facts serve one purpose: inciting hatred between the peoples, Russian and Ukrainian.


Valery Bebik, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Chairman of the All-Ukrainian Association of Political Sciences (UAPS)
Professor Bebik. Ethnic Ukraine lies from the Vistula to Sochi.
21.09.2011:: 00:24:55
IN Lately we have received a colossal amount of facts indicating thousand years of history Ukrainian civilization, from which at least three thousand years of history were simply stolen.

Take a look at Soviet (and current Russian) school curriculums ancient history. Take a look and see how scanty and “trimmed” it was served to the average Soviet person.

Until the 9th century we had nothing. Of course, some pagan barbarians lived on the Ukrainian lands, but it was only with the arrival of the Varangians that the state of Rus' was created here.

What Rus'? – Yes, of course, Kyiv. After all, if you remove this epithet, it turns out that the Moscow Mongol-Tatar ulus seems to have nothing to do with it. And so - continuity, the Third Rome and so on (although the first Rome is the city of Romen, in the Sumy region) ...

And it’s okay that on the territory of modern Ukraine back in the 12th millennium BC. There was already an ancient Mezin civilization (the prototype of Sumer/Samara/Sumer), which gave the world the symbol of the Sun God - the swastika, the encrypted name of God - the meander, the world's first musical ensemble from the bones of the ancient Chernigov mammoth.

You should not pay attention to the oldest temple on the planet, the Stone Tomb (XII-III thousand BC), whose priests on the ancient Zaporizhian soil created the myth of the creation of the world and developed the foundations of religious thinking, which formed the basis of all currently existing world religions.

Scythian-Trypillian civilization (VI-III millennium BC) with its cities of thousands of people, two-story houses, unique ceramics, a tamed horse, an invented plow, polygrain wheat, symbols of the cross and crescent (3 thousand years before Christianity and 3.6 thousand years before Islam) also seems to have nothing to do with us. Evaporated, or what?..

And in general, these ancestors of ours were kind of stupid. To live on 40% of the world's black soil volumes, and then take it and “wind up the fishing rods” to God knows where.

Exactly, people were out of their minds... There was wheat in the field. There is game in the forests. There are fish in the rivers. Stick a cherry stick into the ground and enjoy the berries of paradise. Named, by the way, in honor of the Almighty. In India, the Scythian-Aryans who emigrated from Ukraine still call him Vishnu...

However, there is one “but”... For the last 40 thousand years, there has been no global flood(only in the Black Sea region). There was no total drought. There was no total glacier (as in Northern Europe and Russia).

There were no invaders who would have completely slaughtered all the ancestors of Ukrainians and settled in their place.

There was, however, an attempt by the Bolshevik Masons in the 30s of the 20th century (who, according to various sources, destroyed from 6 to 10 million Ukrainians), which significantly undermined the potential of the Ukrainians.

But, thank God, we are still alive - to spite our neighbors and the authorities. And we will always be!

Hence the conclusion: the core of the pro-Ukrainian ethnic group, despite active settlement, starting from the 6th millennium BC. , remained and continues to live on this land blessed by God!

And we are the historical and genetic successors of these ancient civilizations(XII-II millennium BC), looking at the achievements of which civilizations simply “rest” Ancient Egypt(III millennium BC), China (II millennium BC), Rome and Persia (I millennium BC).

And until now, almost 40% of the territory of Poland is ethnic Ukrainian lands. Kursk, Voronezh, Rostov regions, Kuban and Stavropol territories (from the word “kraina” - “country”) are also ethnic Ukrainian lands, where even now, during the census, the local people sing Ukrainian songs and are recorded not as Russians, but as Cossacks.

And how can one not recall the writer Anton Chekhov: “I was born in the picturesque Ukrainian city of Taganrog...” Let’s just remind you: now this is the territory Rostov region Russian Federation, however, as well as the ethnically Ukrainian city of Sochi...

"Kievan Rus - ancient Russian state, during whose existence East Slavic tribes formed into an ancient Russian nationality, which later became the basis for the formation of three fraternal nationalities - Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian,” says Bolshaya Soviet encyclopedia.

They didn't understand what they wrote.
Years later, specialists were found who were able to correct them.
In the history books of Ukraine for the 7th grade, it is directly stated: no fraternal peoples existed:
“The Kiev state, law, culture were created by one nationality, Ukrainian-Russian. Vladimir-Moskovskoe - another, Great Russian. The Vladimir-Moscow state was neither the heir nor the successor of the Kyiv state, it grew on its roots and the Kyiv state’s attitude towards it could be equated, for example, to the relationship of the Roman state to its Gallic provinces.”

“Rus” is an anachronism, “Introduction to the history of Ukraine”, 5th grade:
“The name Ukraine was first used in the chronicle in 1187 in relation to the Kiev region, Pereyaslav region and Chernigov region. It comes from the word kraina, which meant motherland, native side, land. Subsequently, the name Ukraine spread to our entire land and gave its name to our people, displacing the former one - Rus' - from use.”

“Ukraine has always been one of the components European civilization" As an example, the scope of the achievements of the Cossacks is given: they expelled the Turks, beat down the Poles, and besieged Moscow.
“One of the advantages of the Cossack army was its impeccable mastery of sapper art. The Cossacks knew how to quickly and efficiently build strong fortifications during the battle. Polish and European engineers admired fortifications Cossacks."

The fundamental point: everywhere we are talking about the Ukrainian state within modern borders, as if it had always been this way. If it’s Crimea, then it’s Crimea occupied by the Tatars; if it’s Lvov, then it’s dishonestly occupied by the Poles. Almost all textbooks are written in reverse. On maps in textbooks it is written in the notations: “States that divided Ukrainian lands.” And the main enemy, naturally, is Russia:
“Since the middle of the 14th century, the position of the Moscow Principality has been strengthened. The Muscovites also encroached on foreign territories. However, the population offered fierce resistance to the Muscovites, for which the governors put many people to death with fire and sword.”

“The Avenue of Peter I for 1703 was found in the archives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was planned to wait for the death of Ivan Mazepa or to kill him, to liquidate the Cossack class, to destroy all those who disagreed or to evict them from Ukraine, and to populate the liberated lands with Russians and Germans. Sources have been preserved indicating the existence of plans to transfer Ukrainian lands to Prince Menshikov and the English Duke of Marlborough.”
Well, how can a Ukrainian schoolboy treat well a country whose king wanted to give his land to the English Duke?! How, tell me, could the progressive Hetman Mazepa remain loyal to such a king? This is what Strukevich writes in the chapter “Reasons for Ivan Mazepa’s switch to the side of Charles XII”:
"Promotion Swedish army towards Ukraine prompted the hetman to turn to Peter I for help to allocate 10 thousand regular troops to repel the offensive. The tsar’s answer confirmed his complete indifference to the problems of the Ukrainian allies: “I can’t give not only 10,000, but also 10 people.” This is how he thanked for the sacrifices made by Ukrainians during Northern War. Peter I's refusal to fulfill his duty as the defender of Ukraine freed Mazepa from his obligations to the Moscow state. In the face of a powerful enemy capable of destroying Ukraine, what decision should Hetman Mazepa make? He decided to unite with the Swedes in the war against Muscovy.”

“Peter I began and successfully implemented the policy of colonization of Ukraine. Cut off from Europe, it became a market for Russian goods and a supplier of raw materials for its industry. Having subjected Ukraine to its industrialists and merchants, the Russian government sought to leave gold and silver money with the Russian population. In Ukrainian money turnover official St. Petersburg launched as much copper money as possible.”

“The revival of Ukrainian sovereignty in the period 1917-20 was accompanied by a continuous struggle with Russia, both Red and White. From the Ukrainian side people's republic the war was of a defensive, just nature. Russia acted as the aggressor in this conflict.”
I don’t want to retell what this textbook says about “de-curvulsion” and “liquidation of kurkulstvo Yak Klasu”, but it, for example, describes in detail the “exploits” of the heroes of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army and the SS division “Galicia”. And the conclusion is drawn:
“The UPA was the people's army. Thousands of Ukrainians who were in the ranks of the UPA gave their lives for the freedom of Ukraine.”
In the history textbook of Ukraine, the concept of “Great Patriotic War” is replaced by “ Soviet-German war" And it is said: “Many Ukrainians were in partisan detachments. However, many of these detachments were controlled by representatives of the NKVD, and these detachments acted on their orders."

“The Black Sea appeared artificially thanks to the talent and work of the ancient Ukrainians... As a result of the heroic work of more than one generation of your ancestors, a huge lake was dug.”
“Aryans (Orii) is the oldest name of Ukrainians. The first plowmen of the world. They tamed the horse, invented the wheel and the plow.”
“The Ukrainian language is antediluvian, the language of Noah, the most ancient language in the world".
“There is reason to believe that Ovid wrote poetry in the ancient Ukrainian language.”
“The glorious commander Spartacus can be counted among the brightest representatives Scythian-Aryan ethnos, which gave the world modern Ukrainians.”
"Ukrainians - great people, which once inhabited almost all of Europe. The Gauls are the inhabitants of Galicia (Galicians are Western Ukrainians), Galicia (in Spain), Gauls - in France and Northern Italy, and the Gaels - the Scots, as well as the Irish - are one and the same people. Some Galicians also inhabited Thrace. So Spartak and Bandera - national heroes our homeland...