Hellas is an ancient name. Where did the name "Hellas" come from? Ancient Hellas


Under the general name - Ancient Greece or Hellas - united numerous states that existed in the south of the Balkans, the Aegean Islands, the Thracian coast, the western coastline of Asia in the period from 3-2 millennia to 100 years. BC.

The social system of Greece during this long period underwent various changes - from simple tribal relationships to the formation of vast policies that owned colonies, with developed culture and art, trade relations, science, politics and special religious beliefs. The ethnic composition of countries was constantly changing. So in Hellas in the 3000s. BC. The Leleges and Pelasgians prevailed, but they were gradually supplanted by the proto-Greek tribes of the Ionians and Achaeans. The later developed Achaean and Ionian states collapsed after the Dorian invasion.

The political system of Hellas

By the 6th century BC. Ancient Greece was inhabited by three powerful ethnic groups - the Aeolians in the northern territories, the Dorians in the center, the Ionians in Attica and on numerous Aegean islands. City-states were formed, and it was in them that social principles arose and were improved, which became the basis for the future European civilization .

In just over 200 years - from the 8th to the 6th centuries. BC.- Hellas became the vanguard of culture, science, and arts for the whole world.

The center of Ancient Greece was considered Athens with the predominance of democratic trends in the state structure. Other policies are also known, such as Sparta or Laconica, where the social system was headed by oligarchs, and a paramilitary regime with a cult of a physically perfect body was introduced among the population. In Athens, Corinth, Thebes Slavery became widespread, which was then a sign of the high economic status of city-policies.

Controversies constantly arose between the policies based on competition in trade relations and power. This regularly led to military conflicts, with clashes occurring mainly between Athens and other cities. In addition to internal clashes, the ancient Greek city-states constantly defended themselves from external enemies. 5th-6th centuries BC. characterized by wars with Persia - the ancient Greek states united in Delian League, of which Athens was elected head.

In 400 Macedonia reached high prosperity. The father of the future legendary commander, King Philip II, subjugated the country after the victory at Chaeronea, when the troops of the coalition of Greek city-states were defeated. Alexander the Great subsequently created a huge state, expanded by numerous colonies on the territory of conquered Persia and Egypt, but his power was short-lived. The vast empire quickly disintegrated after the death of the king, but it was then that science, art and advanced political ideas spread from ancient Greece to the developed states of the era.

Ancient Rome, its legislation, culture were based on the ancient Greek principles of social relations, continued and developed the traditions that began in Athens, the main city of Hellas. In the 30s 1st century BC Hellas became a region of the Roman Empire, almost 5 centuries later Greece formed the core of the eastern part of Rome - Byzantium.

Culture of Ancient Greece

Ancient art arose and took shape in the ancient Greek city-states, when the rest of Europe was under the rule of barbarian tribes. Ancient Greek craftsmen had access to various crafts, which gradually developed into the highest forms of art - sculpture, architecture, painting, music, theater and choreography, rhetoric, philosophy and poetry.

The culture of Greece was far from homogeneous throughout the vast territory of Hellas. Crafts and culture, worldview and philosophical movements were formed under the influence of ideas from Egypt, Phenicia and Assyria, and yet the ancient Greeks created a direction unique to them, which cannot be confused with other trends. The artisans and artists of Hellas are characterized by a special outlook on life and the world, a philosophical orientation of creativity. The very technique of ancient Greek architects, sculptors and painters is the subject of imitation and study by modern masters, the basis of many masterpieces that appeared centuries after the collapse of Ancient Hellas.

Religious views the ancient Greeks undoubtedly deserve special attention. It was their beliefs that reflected the worldview of the entire society of that time, a penchant for symbolism, which helped build relationships between man and nature and with the whole world. Ancient Greek symbols, designations, plots, names are deeply rooted in the consciousness of modern people - this knowledge is now considered elementary, and without it it is impossible to penetrate and study new and recent history and culture, read works classical masters, understand the origins of the creativity of many artists, composers, poets.

Historical figures of Hellas

Ancient Greek philosophers, historians, sculptors and artists, as well as generals, strategists and orators laid the foundations of modern sciences, arts, politics, and social relationships. It is difficult to overestimate the activities of historical figures of that time. After all, without their ideas and their implementation, the modern world would undoubtedly look completely different.

Plutarch and Ovid, Demosthenes and Homer, Lycurgus and Solon - their works are still interesting today, arouse admiration and often become the basis for new views. The works of famous philosophers of that time are included in the mandatory list of educational programs of influential universities where future statesmen and politicians study. The legislation of most countries is based on democratic principles that first arose in Hellas.

“Golden Age” of Hellas – the era of an outstanding politician, strategist, orator Pericles- marked the emergence of democracy. It was then that the basis of taxation was established, taking into account the income of various segments of the population, the possibility of providing material assistance to the poor, teaching them the crafts, arts and knowledge of that time. Free citizens participated in the elections of rulers and had the right to control the work of state administration. The society of developed democracy gave impetus to the emergence of such famous personalities as Herodotus, Phidias, Aeschylus.

The greatest commander Alexander the Great contributed to the even greater enrichment of Greek culture through the achievements of the conquered peoples. Being a highly developed personality who went through school Aristotle, Alexander the Great spread the Hellenic worldview over vast territories far beyond the Balkan Peninsula, created new cities with philosophical and art schools, and libraries.

Even roman conqueror and, having subjugated the Greek territories and caused the actual end of Hellas, treated the works of Greek scientists with special awe and respect.

Many outstanding philosophers, artists and scientists enjoyed great honor and worked at the court of the Roman emperors, continuing to preach progressive views and forming famous schools, improving and honing their skills already on the territory of Ancient Rome.

Many Greeks do not call themselves Greeks. They preserve long-standing traditions and call their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes. The very concept of “Greece” comes from a Latin word. A small place in the northeastern part of the country was called Greece several centuries BC. But later this name spread throughout the state. For some reason, they are called Greeks in most countries of the world, and the inhabitants of this country themselves imagined themselves to be Hellenes in Hellas.

Where did the name "Hellas" come from?

In ancient times, not all of Greece was called Hellas. Now cultural scientists associate this name exclusively with Ancient Greece. In journalism, and indeed in scientific literature, the word “Hellenes” is constantly used. Hellas and Greece are identical concepts. Modern Greece did not always have the same borders. Territorial boundaries have changed over the centuries. Now some part of Greece belongs to the Turkish state, another to Italy. The lands occupied in ancient times by Italy passed to Greece. Undoubtedly, the civilization that is part of Europe today began a long time ago. Scientists call the most ancient times - Antiquity. If we translate this word into Russian from Latin, we get the term “antiquity.” Scientists associate both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome with Antiquity. Researchers are accustomed to calling the north of the Mediterranean, along with North Africa, some part of Asia, and all of Europe, Antique. The places where today scientists find imprints of Greek and Hellenic civilization are usually considered to be the heritage of European and Greek culture.

Greece. Where is this, what country is it?

The southern part of the Balkans is Greece. People in this state are accustomed to valuing their wealth. Among them are not only minerals, but also water resources. The country is washed by the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Ionian Seas. The water element of Greece is beautiful. Picturesque seascapes, delightful island part. The lands of this state are fertile, but there is very little land. It is always dry and hot here, which at any time favored livestock rather than crop production.

Ancient myths gave the basis for the cultural traditions of this country. So, Pandora, who gave birth to several children, was married to the Supreme Thunderer Zeus. One of the sons was named Grekos. Two more - Macedon and Magnis. All historians unanimously say that Greece was named after the eldest son of Zeus. Grekos inherited courage, belligerence, and bravery from his father. But at first, only one of the areas in the north-west of Athens was called Greece.

The eldest son of the supreme celestials never sat still. He traveled a lot, not for the sake of conquest, but more for the founding of new cities on empty lands. This is how a number of states appeared in Asia Minor. Grecos formed colonies in Italy. He took control of almost the entire Apennine Peninsula. It is known that the inhabitants of Italy called the townspeople ruled by Grekos Greeks. Other researchers believe that Greece is a Roman term, and the Greeks themselves called themselves Hellenes.

But the word “Greece” was well entrenched in the minds of foreigners, so much so that to this day few foreigners do not think of officially calling the Greeks Hellenes. This concept is typical only for the scientific world of cultural scientists, historians and Greek scholars. Even Aristotle wrote that the Hellenes did not always call themselves that. There is evidence that in ancient times they were called Greeks. Here, apparently, Ancient Greek mythology makes itself felt. Later the Greeks had a ruler named Hellenes. Allegedly, after the name of the king, they called themselves Hellenes. But this is just another theory that has the right to life.

Let's take a look at Homer's poem Iliad. In the part where the Greeks’ campaign against Troy is described, there is a mention that among the alien warriors from almost the same region, there were those who called themselves residents of the city of Gray (Greeks) and Hellenes (from a place in Thessaly). All of them, without exception, were strong and courageous. There is another speculation about the origin of the concept of “Hellenes”. There is evidence that there were once several policies and cities in the possessions of Achilles. One of them was called Hellas. And the Hellenes could have come from there. The writer Pausanias mentioned in his works that Greya was a fairly large city. And Thucydides spoke about Farrow as about Gray. That's what they called him before. Aristotle says that even before the inhabitants of present-day Greece began to be called Greeks, they called themselves that in the pre-Hellenic period.

As a result of simple conclusions, we can say that the Greeks and Hellenes are 2 tribes that existed in the neighborhood or practically on the same territory, and arose in approximately the same period of time. Perhaps they fought among themselves, and someone became stronger. As a result, culture and traditions were borrowed. Or perhaps they lived in peace and subsequently united. Scientists say that both the Hellenes and the Greeks existed until the adoption of Christianity. Later, people who did not want to become followers of the new religion were still called Hellenes (they were more “friends” with the gods of Olympus and the thunderer Zeus), and adherents of Christianity were called Greeks. Researchers believe that the term “Hellene” means “idolater.”

Modern painting

Outside of Greece, it is still called differently. The inhabitants themselves now call themselves Greeks, the country - Hellas with the Hellenic language, sometimes Greece. However, all Europeans are accustomed to alternating names. In the Russian understanding, Hellas is Ancient Greece. Residents are Greeks. Language – Greek. In almost all European and Russian languages, Greece and Hellas have similar sounds and pronunciations. The East calls the inhabitants of this country differently. In some cases, the names change dramatically. Among them:

  • Jonan.
  • Yavana (in Sanskrit).
  • Yavanim (Hebrew).

These names come from the concept of “Ionians” - residents and migrants from the coast of the Ionian Sea. According to another theory, Ion was the ruler of the Greek islands. This is what the Persians, Turks, Jordanians, and Iranians called the inhabitants of Hellas and the coastal islands. According to another version, “ionan” are rounded headdresses that Greeks still wear to this day to protect themselves from the sun’s rays. The inhabitants of the East were the first to notice this, and now they call the Greeks Ionans. The practice of Georgians regarding the perception of Greeks is interesting. Georgians call the Hellenes “berdzeni”. In their language, this concept means “wisdom.” There are nationalities that call the Greeks “Romios”, since a large period of the life of this state is associated with the history of the Roman Empire.

The experience of the Russians is noteworthy. The ancient Rosichi people never forgot the phrase “The path from the Varangians to the Greeks...”. The foundations of the Greek culture of that period, when the main trade routes intersected with Russia, will never be forgotten, since they are reflected in the folk epic of the Slavs. At that time they were called Hellenes in Europe, but in Russia they are Greeks. However, scientists believe that the Greeks were the traders. The goods arrived in Russia from Byzantium, which was populated by people from Greece. They were Christians and brought the foundations of their faith and culture to the Rosichi people.

And today in Russian schools they study the legends and myths of Ancient Greece, the history and culture of Greece and Rome. In Russia it is customary to refer to the inhabitants of this country as “Greeks”. This country has always been proud of its talented poets, historians, architects, sculptors, athletes, sailors, and philosophers. All figures left an indelible mark on the minds of researchers and scientists around the world. Greece influenced the development of the culture of Europe and even the countries of Asia and the East.

Modern researchers have found evidence that the Greeks called certain “graiks”. This is the Illyrian people. According to mythology, the progenitor of this nation was named “Greek”. The concept of “Hellenism” began to revive by the beginning of the 19th century among the Greek intelligentsia. Over time, the assertion that the Greeks are not Greeks spread to the broad masses.

As soon as the Greeks did not call themselves and heard different addresses addressed to them. The reason for everything is the origin of nationalities, linguistic dogmas, customs, and traditions. Achaeans, Dorians, Ionians, Hellenes or Greeks? Nowadays, the inhabitants of this country have quite diverse roots and have the right to name themselves, according to the legends and myths that have developed in some areas.

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Ancient Greece (Hellas, Greek Ἑλλάς) is the historical name of the first of two ancient civilizations (the second is Ancient), as well as the region in which this civilization was formed. G.D. made a colossal contribution to the historical development of mankind and became, in fact, the foundation of all subsequent Western civilizations. The main territory of G.D. was the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula (Balkan Greece), washed from the south by the Mediterranean, from the west by the Ionian and from the east by the Aegean seas, and limited in the north by mountain ranges. Geographically, Balkan Greece is divided into three large regions: Northern. Greece, Central Greece and South. Greece (Peloponnese). An integral part of the G.D. were, in addition, numerous islands of the Aegean Sea (Archipelago), as well as the western coast of Asia Minor. The following periodization of the history of G.D. seems to be the most acceptable: 1) (not considered here, since it belongs to the period before the emergence of civilizations); 2) Aegean cultures of the 3rd millennium BC. e.; 3) Cretan-Mycenaean civilization of the 2nd millennium BC. e.; 4) the beginning of the Iron Age (“Dark Ages”, “Homeric period”, XI-IX centuries BC); 5) archaic era (VIII-VII centuries BC); 6) classical era (V-IV centuries BC); 7) Hellenistic era (late IV - I centuries BC); 8) Greece under Roman rule (1st century BC - 5th century AD). Natural conditions and. The uniqueness of the geographical location of G.D. is due to the enormous role of the sea. The heavily indented coastline, the abundance of peninsulas, bays, convenient harbors (especially on the eastern coast), the chains of islands stretching across the Aegean Sea, which served as convenient landmarks and intermediate stopover sites, were factors in the highest development of navigation and the early exploration of new lands by the Greeks. Greece is a very mountainous country. The mountains, occupying about 80% of its territory, are mostly low (the highest peak is Olympus, 2918 m), but steep and difficult to pass; they defended the country well from external invasions, but at the same time, throughout its history, they contributed to the political fragmentation of the Greeks. From minerals and other natural resources, iron (Laconica), copper (Euboea), silver (Attica), marble (Paros, Attica), timber (Northern Greece), valuable varieties of clay (almost everywhere); practically absent. Greece is poor in fresh water: the rivers, with minor exceptions (Aheloy, Pentheus), are low-water, often dry up in summer, and there are few lakes (the largest is Lake Copaides in Boeotia). The climate is dry Mediterranean subtropics, the soils are rocky, infertile and difficult to cultivate. Cereal cultivation gave sufficient results only in certain regions (Boeotia, Laconia, Messinia); Viticulture and olive growing were more effective. The presence of humans was recorded on the territory of Greece already during the Paleolithic period, then the Neolithic period. However, the situation in the region becomes more or less clear only in the 3rd millennium BC. e. From the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e. Greeks (Hellenes) - of Indo-European origin, who previously lived in the Danube lowland - begin to invade Greece. In the 2nd millennium BC. e. the division of the Greeks into several tribal groups (sub-ethnic groups) that spoke different dialects of the ancient Greek language was recorded. During this period, the leading role among them was played by the tribal group of the Achaeans, who settled mainly in the Peloponnese. Therefore, in Homer’s poems the name “Achaeans” (as well as “Danaans”) is often used to refer to all Greeks. Other important tribal groups of this time were the Aeolians. In the 2nd millennium BC. e. The Greeks conquered the islands of the Aegean Sea and the western coast of Asia Minor. End of the 2nd millennium BC e. became the time of resettlement to Greece of the last wave of Greek tribes: it was invaded from the north of the Balkan Peninsula. As a result of these events, the ethnic map of Greece was formed, which remained virtually unchanged throughout the ancient era. inhabited most of the Peloponnese, Crete, the islands of the southern Aegean Sea and the extreme southeastern tip of Asia Minor. The habitats of the Ionians were Attica, the islands of the central Aegean Sea and Ionia on the Asia Minor coast. The tribes of the Aeolian group lived in Boeotia, Thessaly, on the northern islands of the Aegean Sea and in the Asia Minor Aeolis. The remnants of the Achaean population were pushed into the mountainous regions of the central Peloponnese (Arcadia), as well as into Cyprus. The western regions of the Peloponnese, Central and Northern Greece were occupied by smaller tribal groups that stood closest to the Dorians. Already by the time of Homer, despite the political fragmentation, the ethnic and cultural community of all Greeks had emerged. Gradually, the common self-name “Hellenes” came into use, initially applied to only one northern Greek tribe. Aegean cultures of the 3rd millennium BC. e. “Aegean cultures” is the general name used in science for the complex of pre-Greek civilizations (more precisely, proto-civilizations) that existed in the 3rd millennium BC. e. in the Aegean Sea basin. The most important of them: the Cycladic culture (on the Cyclades islands in the central part of the Aegean Sea), the early culture of Troy (Troy II), the culture of the islands of the northeastern part of the Aegean Sea (Lemnos, Lesbos, Chios), the early Helladic culture of Balkan Greece (Lerna and etc.) and the early Minoan culture of Crete. This entire circle of cultures was created by the pre-Greek population of the Aegean (the exact ethnicity in most cases is impossible to determine, but it is undoubtedly, in particular, that the Pelasgians took part in the formation of the cultural centers of Balkan Greece). For the development of Aegean cultures in the 3rd millennium BC. e. Characterized by the emergence of important skills and techniques of craft production (making ceramics on a potter's wheel, building houses and fortress walls from raw brick and stone, shipbuilding, metalworking), the transition from monocultural to polycultural agriculture, rapid population growth, the emergence of property differentiation of society, the activation trade contacts both within the region and beyond, the emergence of proto-cities, the high level of certain types of art. The Cycladic culture (c. 2700 - 2200 BC) is particularly expressive. Although they did not achieve major successes in monumental construction (small unfortified settlements with modest stone buildings of rectangular or rounded shape), the Cycladians at the same time were ahead of other cultures of the then Aegean in many other respects. They had a highly developed handicraft industry (jewelry, stone processing, shipbuilding), and sailed throughout the Aegean Sea, and possibly beyond its borders. Cycladic art is extremely original, the most famous works of which are marble statues and figurines of various sizes (Cycladic idols), as well as ornamented ceramic vessels. The Cycladic civilization ceased to exist under unclear circumstances (due to internal rather than external reasons); she influenced the formation of the Cretan-Mycenaean. By the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. Almost all the cultures of the Aegean basin ceased to exist under insufficiently clear circumstances (as far as one can judge, both internal and external in nature; a certain role, in particular, was to be played by the first wave of Greeks in Greece), without having a significant impact on the further historical destinies of the region and leaving virtually no traces in the ancient tradition. Only the Early Minoan culture of Crete survived and formed the basis of the Bronze Age, which developed in the Aegean Sea basin in the 2nd millennium BC. e. Cretan-Mycenaean civilization of the 2nd millennium BC. e. This civilization, immediately preceding the Greek I millennium BC. e. and in a number of respects influenced the formation of the latter (although it did not yet have an ancient character in the proper sense of the word, that is, a polis character), is clearly divided into two stages. In essence, it makes more sense to even talk about two civilizations, although related to each other: Cretan (pre-Greek) and Mycenaean, or Achaean (Greek). The Cretan (or Minoan, after the legendary Cretan king Minos) civilization was created by the pre-Greek population of the island. Crete, the so-called Minoans. The memory of this was reflected in the cycle of Greek myths about Minos, the Labyrinth and the Minotaur, and it itself was discovered at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. A. Evans, who carried out excavations of the palace in Knossos, the largest center of Crete. Subsequently, archaeologists discovered a number of palaces in other parts of the island (in Phaistos, Mallia, Kato Zakro). The convenient position of Crete at the intersection of sea routes connecting Greece with Asia Minor, Syria and the North. Africa, was one of the reasons that it formed a full-fledged country earlier than in mainland Greece, which was strongly influenced by the civilizations of the ancient Near East and Aegean cultures. Already in the 3rd millennium BC. e. the production of copper and then bronze was mastered, the “Mediterranean triad” (cereals, grapes, olives) became the basis of agriculture, the potter’s wheel, the art of shipbuilding and navigation appeared; at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e. the first states arose. These were the so-called palace kingdoms: administrative and religious centers, as well as food warehouses, were palaces - colossal complexes with tens and hundreds of chaotically located rooms, possibly accommodating thousands of inhabitants. The private lived in a rural district; it supplied the products of its labor to the palaces, and also performed various duties. Little is known about the state structure of the Cretan kingdoms. According to many scientists, they were theocracies: he was both a secular and spiritual ruler, a high priest, and perhaps he was even deified. From the XVII-XVI centuries. BC e. Crete became a single state with its capital at Knossos. The “thalassocracy” (maritime dominion) of Crete dates back to this time: having created a powerful fleet, the Cretans dominated the coasts and islands of the Aegean Sea, exacting tribute from their inhabitants. Complete safety from external invasions determined the unique fact for antiquity that Cretan palaces did not have fortifications. Cretan culture reached a very high level. There was - at the beginning hieroglyphic, and then syllabic (linear A). Art achieved outstanding success: (palace complexes), sculpture (graceful faience figurines of gods and goddesses) and especially (frescoes on the walls of the interior chambers of palaces, paintings of vessels). In the 15th century BC e. the Cretan civilization suddenly and under not entirely clear circumstances ceased to exist. According to the most probable hypothesis, the main role in this was played by a grandiose natural disaster - the eruption of a giant volcano on the island. Fera (modern Santorini). The Mycenaean (Achaean) civilization is the first civilization created by the Greeks. It arose as a result of the arrival of the first wave of Greek tribes to the Balkan Peninsula from the north (at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC), the leading role among which was played by the Achaean tribal group. The local pre-Greek was assimilated. After several centuries of stagnation caused by invasion and wars, from the 16th century. BC e. An economic and cultural upswing began in G. D. (the appearance of the potter's wheel; in military affairs - the introduction of war chariots; the emergence of an aristocratic stratum - leaders and priests). A number of state formations emerged that took the form of palace kingdoms (which was an administrative and cultural center, as well as a food warehouse, and a rural district). The largest Greek states of this era were Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos and others in the Peloponnese, Athens, Thebes, Orkhomenos in Central Greece, Iolkos in Northern. Greece. At its peak, the Mycenaean civilization covered most of the territory of Balkan Greece and many islands of the Aegean Sea. At the beginning of its history, it experienced a strong influence from developed Crete, from where many cultural elements were borrowed (a number of religious cults, frescoes, clothing styles, etc.). In the 15th century BC e., after the decline of Crete, the Achaean Greeks captured and settled Crete, and then founded a number of cities on the western coast of Asia Minor. They reigned supreme in the Aegean Sea, sailed throughout the Mediterranean Sea (Mycenaean settlements existed in Cyprus, Syria, Southern Italy, and Sicily), and maintained contacts with major centers of the Ancient East (most notably with the Hittite Empire). The peak of the Achaean expansion was the Trojan War (beginning of the 12th century BC). The palace kingdoms of Mycenaean Greece led an independent existence, often going to war with each other, and only occasionally, for large joint military enterprises, united into alliances, usually under the leadership of Mycenae. Each state was headed by (anakt); The military and priestly nobility played an important role. The Achaean kingdoms were characterized by the presence of an extensive bureaucratic apparatus (governors of districts, lower local officials - basilei, etc.), which was in charge of the functioning of the palace economy. Peasants and artisans, under the control of officials, paid taxes and performed various duties for the benefit of the palace. In the economy of the palaces, the labor of slaves (mainly women and children) was used on a fairly significant scale. The presence of centralized palace households makes Mycenaean civilization similar to the societies of the Ancient East. The culture of Mycenaean Greece reached a high level. Based on the Cretan script (Linear A), the Greek language (Linear B) was created. Examples of the skill of Achaean architects and engineers are the palaces in Greek cities of the 2nd millennium BC. e., more orderly in layout than the Cretan ones (they usually contain), having a powerful fortification system, as well as monumental domed tombs of the kings. The wall frescoes of the Mycenaean Greeks are drier, stricter, static-monumental than the Cretan ones. During the Mycenaean era, many Greek myths arose, and an epic began to take shape. The prototypes of many Greek mythological characters were the real rulers of the Achaean kingdoms. By the end of the 12th century. BC e. Mycenaean civilization fell into decline, which led to the loss of statehood, basic production skills and technical devices. The collapse of the Mycenaean Empire is usually associated with the invasion of the Dorians, who destroyed the Achaean kingdoms; however, in reality, we should talk about a complex set of reasons of a different nature (mass movements of peoples in the Eastern Mediterranean, conflicts between the Mycenaean states, which led to their exhaustion, natural disasters, internal fragility of the palace kingdoms, which gave rise to a systemic crisis). Beginning of the Iron Age. XI-IX centuries BC e. in ancient Greek history, Western history is often defined as the “dark ages” (due to the general regression characteristic of this time, as well as due to the lack of contemporary written sources); in Russian antiquity, it more often appears as the “Homeric period” (due to the fact that the main information about it has to be drawn from Homer’s poems, although they acquired their final form later). However, judging by the research data of recent decades, the decline was by no means unconditional and total. In particular, it was at this time that iron mining and processing technology penetrated into G.D., which gradually raised the development of the economy (agriculture, crafts) and military affairs to a fundamentally new level. Iron did not replace bronze immediately; it was a long, gradual process. At first they began to make tools from the new metal, and later - tools. Strictly speaking, bronze did not completely go out of use until the end of Antiquity. In particular, statues were made from it. And in military affairs, although offensive equipment (swords, spearheads) eventually became iron, (helmets, armor, leggings) remained bronze. And yet, the development of iron significantly changed the economic situation in G.D. There were several reasons for this. First, iron is a common metal; There are much more iron ore deposits in the world than copper ore. This was the case in G.D. Therefore, with the development of iron, the metal penetrated much more widely than before into all aspects of life. Secondly, good bronze requires tin, but it was not mined in G.D.; it had to be imported through intermediaries from distant countries (even from Britain). There were no such problems with iron. Its production was cheaper than the production of bronze. Thirdly (and this is most important), iron is a much harder and more durable metal than bronze. Both iron and iron plow parts served longer, more reliably and more efficiently than bronze ones. This made it possible, among other things, to make the plowing of fields deeper and more efficient. Labor productivity in agriculture began to grow, yields increased, food became better, and this led to rapid demographic growth, the emergence of surplus food, resources of free time appeared, which previously had to be spent on the struggle for existence, but now could be devoted, for example, political life or cultural leisure. Thus, the development of iron production and processing became one of the important material prerequisites for the “Greek miracle,” although, of course, it is impossible to reduce everything only to this factor. The country’s isolation from the main world did not become complete, as previously thought; so, sailors o. The Euboians continued to maintain ties with the civilizations of the Middle East. In the most developed regions of G.D. (Eubea, Ionia, etc.), the first steps towards the formation of a polis system are being outlined, and protopolises are appearing. Important data on this are provided by archaeological excavations in Attica and Euboea; In the latter, the village of Levkandi (modern name), unusually rich by the standards of the “dark ages,” is especially indicative. The syllabary ending in Achaean (Mycenaean) has disappeared almost everywhere (with the exception of Cyprus). However, apparently, already at the end of the 9th century. BC e. the Greeks again found, this time alphabetical. Greek, which formed the basis of all European alphabets that still exist today, was formed under the influence of the Phoenician proto-alphabetic letter. Due to the lack of writing during this period of ancient Greek history, there was no literature. However, folklore became increasingly rich; the formation of the epic continued in it, later culminating in the appearance of the Homeric poems in their final form. and sculpture in general were in decline; at the same time, the art of vase painting is characterized by dynamics: the Submycenaean style was replaced by protogeometric, and this latter by geometric, the first of the great ancient vase painting styles. This period would most legitimately be designated as transitional. It was at this time that the “vector” of historical development in G.D. radically changed: a society that was typologically homogeneous with the ancient Eastern ones began to be replaced by a civilization of a completely different appearance, which became the first civilization of the Western type. The Archaic era (VIII-VI centuries BC) became one of the most important periods in the history of Greece, the time of the most intensive development of ancient Greek. The set of large-scale and radical changes in all areas of life of this era is often called the “archaic revolution.” Among the new phenomena characteristic of the archaic period is a sharp increase in population, which led in some areas (Isthmus, Euboea, Ionia) to overpopulation and land famine. The latter became one of the most important reasons for the unique phenomenon of the Great Greek colonization, during which the Greeks covered most of the Mediterranean and the entire Black Sea coast with a network of their cities and settlements, dramatically expanding the scope of their ethnic and cultural area. In the economic field, decisive changes occurred in the development of crafts (significant improvement in the quality of metalworking, the discovery of welding and brazing of iron, steel production; an exceptionally high level of construction and shipbuilding) and trade, including foreign trade. These innovations led to overcoming the isolation of Greek communities, to fully restoring ties with the civilizations of the Ancient East, and to the emergence of Greece from the cultural isolation of the 11th-9th centuries. BC e. The development of trade and commodity relations also led to the emergence of money in the form of minted coins. Crafts and trade separated from agriculture, and a special layer of professional artisans and merchants emerged. In G. D. of the archaic period, cities of the ancient type first appeared, performing simultaneously the functions of an administrative, religious and trade and craft center of the adjacent rural district and possessing two of the most significant points - the acropolis and the agora. Important changes occurred in military and naval affairs (the invention of hoplite armor and weapons, the creation of the phalanx, the construction of the first triremes). The crowning achievements of the 8th-6th centuries in G.D. BC e. The change was the repeated (after the Cretan-Mycenaean era) formation of the state, but this time not in the form of palace kingdoms, but in the form of poleis. It was the archaic era that became the time of birth of the polis, which determined the specificity and unique appearance of ancient Greek history. At the beginning of the archaic era, the leading role in Greek society was played undividedly, to which all levers of power belonged. Ordinary citizens of the policies () were in varying degrees of dependence on the aristocrats. However, gradually the nobility began to lose its position. After the abolition of debt bondage in most policies, a system of classical ancient slavery began to form. The archaic era was a time of brutal internal conflicts, often resulting in long civil wars. To end the unrest, many policies were forced to elect mediators-conciliators, who assumed power for a certain period of time and carried out reforms, leading all segments of the population to a compromise, restoring stability in the civil community. The most important result of the activities of the conciliators was the appearance in a number of advanced policies of the first sets of written laws, replacing the previously existing oral ones. At the same time, civil conflicts led in many cities to the establishment of regimes of individual power - tyrannies, which, however, by the end of the archaic era were almost universally eliminated. Some of the most highly developed policies (in particular, Athens) naturally came to radical political reforms at the very end of the archaic era, which marked the emergence of democracy. During the same period, the militarized, somewhat totalitarian state structure of Sparta took its final form. Very complex processes that had major consequences took place during the archaic period in the sphere of culture. In the Greek mentality of these centuries, a polis system of values ​​took shape with its collectivism and local patriotism, but at the same time individualistic tendencies grew and the importance of the individual increased. The archaic religion was characterized, on the one hand, by the enormous authority of the sanctuary of Apollo in Delphi, which preached the ideals of moderation and self-restraint, on the other, by the emergence of a number of mystical cults and movements (the veneration of Dionysus, the Eleusinians, the activities of Orphic and Pythagorean circles). The archaic era dates back to the emergence in G.D. - for the first time in the history of mankind - of philosophy as an independent cultural phenomenon, independent of religion. Alphabetic writing became widespread; in the field of literature, the epic (, Hesiod) was replaced by lyric poetry (a number of outstanding poets worked in this genre - Archilochus, Solon, Alcaeus, Sappho, etc.), and the first works in prose appeared. Art developed rapidly: an order system developed in architecture, the Doric and Ionic orders were formed, the main type of temple was adopted, religious buildings were created throughout the Greek world, including huge ones (some temples of Ionia and Magna Graecia exceeded 100 m in length) ; in round sculpture, two main types of statues were practiced (and), the sculptural decoration of temples (mainly reliefs) was more varied; in vase painting at the beginning of the archaic era dominated, in the 7th century. BC e. it was replaced by orientalizing styles in the 6th century. BC e. became the time of birth of the black-figure style, and then the red-figure style, which became the highest achievement of ancient vase painting. In the archaic era, Greece caught up and overtook the countries of the Ancient East in its development and found itself in first place among the civilizations of the world of that time. The classical era (V-IV centuries BC) is the time of the highest flowering of the ancient Greek, the maximum development of the polis system. The beginning of this era is marked by the Greco-Persian wars, which lasted about half a century (500-449 BC) and ended with the victory of the Greek city-states over the power of the Achaemenid power. This was the beginning of the grandiose political and cultural rise of G.D., and created the largest city states (primarily Athens and Sparta) a well-deserved reputation as powers of world importance. During the Greco-Persian Wars, the First was created (in 478 BC), which was reborn around 454 BC. e. into the Athenian Arche - a military-political association of a new type for G.D. Mid-5th century BC e. passed under the sign of intensifying rivalry between the Athenian arche and the Peloponnesian League, and in fact, between their leaders - Athens and Sparta - for hegemony in Germany. The political development of this time was characterized by the formation and development of a democratic form of government in a number of the most advanced policies; the most striking example of which is classical Athens in the era of Pericles. Economic growth was expressed in the progressive intensification of handicraft production and trade, including foreign trade, and in the increasing role of classical slavery. The mentality of the Greeks of the 5th century. BC e. distinguished by historical optimism, polis collectivism and patriotism, simple and strong religiosity. In the field of culture, a number of masterpieces of world significance were created: the Greek theater reached its highest development (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides), sculpture (Myron, Polykleitos, Phidias), (Polygnotus,) . Philosophy, as in the archaic era, dealt primarily with the problems of the origin of the world and the laws governing it (Anaxagoras, Democritus, etc.); Of the individual sciences, medicine (Hippocrates and his school) reached a high level (Herodotus). In general, Greek culture of the 5th century. BC e. was distinguished by its desire for integrity, synthesis, and the creation of grandiose image systems using various means of expression, which was embodied with maximum force in the tragedy of this time. The Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC), which became a natural result of the Athenian-Spartan confrontation, proceeded with varying degrees of success, but ultimately ended with the victory of Sparta and the defeat of Athens, marked the beginning of the general crisis of the classical Greek polis and the system of interpolis relations, which continued in throughout the 4th century. BC e. and who prepared the preconditions for the Hellenistic era. At the foreign policy level, the crisis was expressed in the general weakening of most policies, accompanied by frequent diplomatic interventions of Persia in Greek affairs (Corinthian War 395-387 BC, Antalcids 387 BC), almost constant internecine wars, the unsuccessful struggle of Sparta, Athens , Thebes for hegemony (until 371 BC, G. D. was the hegemon, after the Battle of Leuctra, Thebes took over this status, but after the death "

Ancient Hellas. What is the "beginning of European civilization"? Hellas what is it

Hellas is Ancient Greece. History, culture and heroes of Hellas

Hellas is the ancient name of Greece. This state had a significant influence on the further development of Europe. It was here that such a concept as “democracy” first appeared, the foundation of world culture was laid, the main features of theoretical philosophy were formed, and the most beautiful monuments of art were created. Hellas is an amazing country, and its history is full of secrets and mysteries. In this publication you will find the most interesting facts from the past of Greece.

From the history of Hellas

In the history of Ancient Greece, it is customary to distinguish 5 periods: Crete-Mycenaean, Dark Ages, Archaic, Classical and Hellenistic. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

The Creto-Mycenaean period is associated with the emergence of the first state formations on the islands of the Aegean Sea. Chronologically it covers 3000-1000 years. BC e. At this stage, the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations appeared.

The Dark Ages period is called the “Homeric” period. This stage is characterized by the final decline of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilizations, as well as the formation of the first pre-polis structures. Sources practically do not mention this period. In addition, the Dark Ages are characterized by the decline of culture, economy and the loss of writing.

The Archaic period is the time of the formation of the main cities and the expansion of the Hellenic world. In the 8th century BC e. The Great Greek Colonization begins. During this period, the Greeks settled along the shores of the Mediterranean and Black Seas. During the Archaic period, the early forms of Hellenic art took shape.

The classical period is the heyday of the Greek city-states, their economy and culture. In the V-IV centuries. BC e. the concept of “democracy” appears. During the classical period, the most significant military events in the history of Hellas took place - the Greco-Persian and Peloponnesian wars.

The Hellenistic period is characterized by close interaction between Greek and Eastern cultures. At this time, there was a flourishing of art in the state of Alexander the Great. The Hellenistic period in Greek history lasted until the establishment of Roman rule in the Mediterranean.

The most famous cities of Hellas

It is worth noting that in Greece during the period of antiquity there was no single state. Hellas is a country that consisted of many policies. In antiquity, a city-state was called a polis. Its territory included an urban center and a chora (agricultural settlement). The political administration of the polis was in the hands of the People's Assembly and the Council. All city-states were different in both population and territory size.

The most famous policies of ancient Greece are Athens and Sparta (Lacedaemon).

  • Athens is the cradle of Greek democracy. Famous philosophers and orators, heroes of Hellas, as well as famous cultural figures lived in this polis.
  • Sparta is a shining example of an aristocratic state. The main occupation of the population of the polis was war. It was here that the foundations of discipline and military tactics were laid, which were later used by Alexander the Great.

Culture of Ancient Greece

The myths and legends of Ancient Greece played a unifying role for the culture of the state. Every sphere of Hellenic life was subordinated to general ideas about deities. It is worth noting that the foundations of the ancient Greek religion were formed back in the Cretan-Mycenaean period. In parallel with mythology, cult practice arose - sacrifices and religious festivals, accompanied by agons.

The ancient Greek literary tradition, theatrical art and music are also closely connected with mythology.

In Hellas, urban planning actively developed and beautiful architectural ensembles were created.

The most famous figures and heroes of Hellas

  • Hippocrates is the father of Western medicine. He is the creator of a medical school that had a huge influence on all ancient medicine.
  • Phidias is one of the most famous sculptors of the classical era. He is the author of one of the seven wonders of the world - the statue of Olympian Zeus.
  • Democritus is the father of modern science, the famous ancient Greek philosopher. He is considered the founder of atomism, the theory that material things are made of atoms.
  • Herodotus is the father of history. He studied the origins and events of the Greco-Persian wars. The result of this research was the famous work “History”.
  • Archimedes was a Greek mathematician, physicist and astronomer.
  • Pericles is an outstanding statesman. He made a significant contribution to the development of the Athenian polis.
  • Plato is a famous philosopher and orator. He is the founder of the first educational institution in Western Europe - the Plato Academy in Athens.
  • Aristotle is one of the fathers of Western philosophy. His works covered almost all spheres of social life.

The importance of ancient Greek civilization for the development of world culture

Hellas is a country that has had a huge influence on the development of world culture. Here such concepts as “philosophy” and “democracy” were born, and the foundations of world science were laid. Greek ideas about the world, medicine, civil society and man also influenced the destinies of many Western European states. Any field of art is connected with this great state, be it theater, sculpture or literature.


Hellas is what Hellas is: definition - History.NES


Acts 20.2) is the ancient name (Hellas) of one of the regions on the territory of present-day Greece, which extended to all of Greece and everything Greek (from it came both the term “Hellenism” and the name of the Greeks, “Hellenes”).

Source: Bible Dictionary (historical-religious)


(Greek Hellas). Greek, names of E. - Greece itself - and Hellenes - self-name. Greeks - previously, according to Homer’s Iliad, they were applied to the region in the south. parts of Thessaly. How is this sowing. - Greek the name has become universal, unknown. Initially, the general name for all Greeks was the term “panhellenic” (“all Greeks”).

Source: Dictionary of Antiquity. Translation from German Progress 1989


The city in Phthiotis (Thessaly), according to legend, built by Hellen, belonged to the region of Achilleus; the entire region of this city, between the rivers Epineus and Asopus, bore this name. Nom. Il. 2, 683. 9, 395. Nom. Od. 11, 496. Hellas and Argos (Peloponnese) together, ???´ ?????? ???? ????? ´???o? (Hom. Od. 1, 344, 15, 80), designated, as it were, the boundaries of the country inhabited by the same tribe of Achaeans from the north to the Peloponnese. For the later distribution of the name, see Graecia, Greece, 8.

Source: Real Dictionary of Classical Antiquities


Homer speaks of the Greeks as Achaeans or Pan-Hellenes, but the Greeks of the classical period called their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes - an eponym going back to Hellenus, according to legend, the son of Deucalion. In modern terminology, Hellenic Greece refers to the historical period between the first Olympiad 776 BC. e., from which the chronology began, until the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC. e. Hellenistics refers to the influence of Greek power and culture in the East that accompanied Alexander's conquests for the next two centuries until Greece was absorbed into the Roman Empire. Only the Epirus Dorians from Illyria called themselves Greeks; the Romans transferred this word to all Hellenes.

(Modern dictionary-reference book: Ancient world. Compiled by M.I. Umnov. M.: Olimp, AST, 2000)

Source: The ancient world in terms, names and titles: Dictionary-reference book on the history and culture of Ancient Greece and Rome


The meaning of the name Hellas. What does the name Hellas mean: origin, characteristics, interpretation.

What does the name Hellas mean: This name can mean Greece, but sometimes it is translated as morning dawn.

Origin of the name Hellas: This beautiful name is of ancient Greek origin, and initially Greece itself was called Hellas, and this is probably where the fashion later came from to call little girls that way. And as many interpreters of names often claim, Hellas in Greek means morning dawn.

Character conveyed by the name Ellada: Ellada is always a very emotional, incredibly charming and extremely sociable woman. From very early childhood she is just a good girl. She is always obedient and efficient, and does not bother everyone around her with ridiculous whims. She always studies diligently and very diligently at school, always plays sports and even often visits the art studio.

As a rule, she doesn’t irritate anyone and almost never gets irritated herself. I must say that communicating with her always gives many people around her the greatest pleasure. And she, in turn, can become very attached to those people who are ready to form her social circle, these are, of course, relatives, close friends, acquaintances, some work colleagues, and various like-minded hobbies In addition, Hellas simply dreams of connecting her entire life with a man who will be worthy of her in almost all respects, as they say with a man who knows how to achieve a lot in this life. It should be noted that his appearance does not have any special meaning for her. Hellas is always a wonderful housewife, she cooks incredibly skillfully and with great pleasure. Her cozy home is full of order and comfort.


Greece or Hellas. Greeks or Hellenes

Why do the people of Greece call their country differently?

Many Greeks do not call themselves Greeks. They preserve long-standing traditions and call their country Hellas, and themselves Hellenes. The very concept of “Greece” comes from a Latin word. A small place in the northeastern part of the country was called Greece several centuries BC. But later this name spread throughout the state. For some reason, they are called Greeks in most countries of the world, and the inhabitants of this country themselves imagined themselves to be Hellenes in Hellas.

Where did the name "Hellas" come from?

In ancient times, not all of Greece was called Hellas. Now cultural scientists associate this name exclusively with Ancient Greece. In journalism, and indeed in scientific literature, the word “Hellenes” is constantly used. Hellas and Greece are identical concepts. Modern Greece did not always have the same borders. Territorial boundaries have changed over the centuries. Now some part of Greece belongs to the Turkish state, another to Italy. The lands occupied in ancient times by Italy passed to Greece. Undoubtedly, the civilization that is part of Europe today began a long time ago. Scientists call the most ancient times - Antiquity. If we translate this word into Russian from Latin, we get the term “antiquity.” Scientists associate both Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome with Antiquity. Researchers are accustomed to calling the north of the Mediterranean, along with North Africa, some part of Asia, and all of Europe, Antique. The places where today scientists find imprints of Greek and Hellenic civilization are usually considered to be the heritage of European and Greek culture.

Greece. Where is this, what country is it?

The southern part of the Balkans is Greece. People in this state are accustomed to valuing their wealth. Among them are not only minerals, but also water resources. The country is washed by the Mediterranean, Aegean, and Ionian Seas. The water element of Greece is beautiful. Picturesque seascapes, delightful island part. The lands of this state are fertile, but there is very little land. It is always dry and hot here, which at any time favored livestock rather than crop production.

Ancient myths gave the basis for the cultural traditions of this country. So, Pandora, who gave birth to several children, was married to the Supreme Thunderer Zeus. One of the sons was named Grekos. Two more - Macedon and Magnis. All historians unanimously say that Greece was named after the eldest son of Zeus. Grekos inherited courage, belligerence, and bravery from his father. But at first, only one of the areas in the north-west of Athens was called Greece.

The eldest son of the supreme celestials never sat still. He traveled a lot, not for the sake of conquest, but more for the founding of new cities on empty lands. This is how a number of states appeared in Asia Minor. Grecos formed colonies in Italy. He took control of almost the entire Apennine Peninsula. It is known that the inhabitants of Italy called the townspeople ruled by Grekos Greeks. Other researchers believe that Greece is a Roman term, and the Greeks themselves called themselves Hellenes.

But the word “Greece” was well entrenched in the minds of foreigners, so much so that to this day few foreigners do not think of officially calling the Greeks Hellenes. This concept is typical only for the scientific world of cultural scientists, historians and Greek scholars. Even Aristotle wrote that the Hellenes did not always call themselves that. There is evidence that in ancient times they were called Greeks. Here, apparently, Ancient Greek mythology makes itself felt. Later the Greeks had a ruler named Hellenes. Allegedly, after the name of the king, they called themselves Hellenes. But this is just another theory that has the right to life.

Let's take a look at Homer's poem Iliad. In the part where the Greeks’ campaign against Troy is described, there is a mention that among the alien warriors from almost the same region, there were those who called themselves residents of the city of Gray (Greeks) and Hellenes (from a place in Thessaly). All of them, without exception, were strong and courageous. There is another speculation about the origin of the concept of “Hellenes”. There is evidence that there were once several policies and cities in the possessions of Achilles. One of them was called Hellas. And the Hellenes could have come from there. The writer Pausanias mentioned in his works that Greya was a fairly large city. And Thucydides spoke about Farrow as about Gray. That's what they called him before. Aristotle says that even before the inhabitants of present-day Greece began to be called Greeks, they called themselves that in the pre-Hellenic period.

As a result of simple conclusions, we can say that the Greeks and Hellenes are 2 tribes that existed in the neighborhood or practically on the same territory, and arose in approximately the same period of time. Perhaps they fought among themselves, and someone became stronger. As a result, culture and traditions were borrowed. Or perhaps they lived in peace and subsequently united. Scientists say that both the Hellenes and the Greeks existed until the adoption of Christianity. Later, people who did not want to become followers of the new religion were still called Hellenes (they were more “friends” with the gods of Olympus and the thunderer Zeus), and adherents of Christianity were called Greeks. Researchers believe that the term “Hellene” means “idolater.”

Modern painting

Outside of Greece, it is still called differently. The inhabitants themselves now call themselves Greeks, the country - Hellas with the Hellenic language, sometimes Greece. However, all Europeans are accustomed to alternating names. In the Russian understanding, Hellas is Ancient Greece. Residents are Greeks. Language – Greek. In almost all European and Russian languages, Greece and Hellas have similar sounds and pronunciations. The East calls the inhabitants of this country differently. In some cases, the names change dramatically. Among them:

  • Jonan.
  • Yavana (in Sanskrit).
  • Yavanim (Hebrew).

These names come from the concept of “Ionians” - residents and migrants from the coast of the Ionian Sea. According to another theory, Ion was the ruler of the Greek islands. This is what the Persians, Turks, Jordanians, and Iranians called the inhabitants of Hellas and the coastal islands. According to another version, “ionan” are rounded headdresses that Greeks still wear to this day to protect themselves from the sun’s rays. The inhabitants of the East were the first to notice this, and now they call the Greeks Ionans. The practice of Georgians regarding the perception of Greeks is interesting. Georgians call the Hellenes “berdzeni”. In their language, this concept means “wisdom.” There are nationalities that call the Greeks “Romios”, since a large period of the life of this state is associated with the history of the Roman Empire.

The experience of the Russians is noteworthy. The ancient Rosichi people never forgot the phrase “The path from the Varangians to the Greeks...”. The foundations of the Greek culture of that period, when the main trade routes intersected with Russia, will never be forgotten, since they are reflected in the folk epic of the Slavs. At that time they were called Hellenes in Europe, but in Russia they are Greeks. However, scientists believe that the Greeks were the traders. The goods arrived in Russia from Byzantium, which was populated by people from Greece. They were Christians and brought the foundations of their faith and culture to the Rosichi people.

And today in Russian schools they study the legends and myths of Ancient Greece, the history and culture of Greece and Rome. In Russia it is customary to refer to the inhabitants of this country as “Greeks”. This country has always been proud of its talented poets, historians, architects, sculptors, athletes, sailors, and philosophers. All figures left an indelible mark on the minds of researchers and scientists around the world. Greece influenced the development of the culture of Europe and even the countries of Asia and the East.

Modern researchers have found evidence that the Greeks called certain “graiks”. This is the Illyrian people. According to mythology, the progenitor of this nation was named “Greek”. The concept of “Hellenism” began to revive by the beginning of the 19th century among the Greek intelligentsia. Over time, the assertion that the Greeks are not Greeks spread to the broad masses.

As soon as the Greeks did not call themselves and heard different addresses addressed to them. The reason for everything is the origin of nationalities, linguistic dogmas, customs, and traditions. Achaeans, Dorians, Ionians, Hellenes or Greeks? Nowadays, the inhabitants of this country have quite diverse roots and have the right to name themselves, according to the legends and myths that have developed in some areas.


What does Hellas mean - Word meanings

Examples of the use of the word Hellas in literature.

To the wife and daughter of Nikos Beloyannis, executed in an Athens prison There is a beautiful land - Hellas, An ancient and glorious country.

According to you, the Greeks here are from Hellas, according to Veresaev, these are young people from universities.

The image of the Sphinx, the terrible strangler from the myths of Hellas, here in Egypt, taking on a male form, became a favorite symbol of power and strength.

I bless my destiny And all the gods of Hellas, who among the monstrous gils You were my Virgil With living laurels on your white forehead, Who, having forbidden rejoicing, and even shooting Until the time for the sounds of all gils, Revealed the charm of vigils for me - Above the fiction of sticking out your lip , What in a light peplos or in a hood, Or even just in fawn colors - Kharita, a nymph, a woman in years - You were nearby, despite the stupidity, To be nearby, you ran in chebots.

Barbarians also lived on its banks, including Hellenes who moved here from Hellas, Lydians, Carians, Ionians, and Aeolians.

Is there not a noble Macedonian, or an Athenian, or any woman in all of Hellas for you?

Mardonius wants to make Hellas his slave, not him, Xerxes.

“I have no doubt that you will enslave Hellas, Mardonius,” Alevad continued, “you will do what King Darius could not do and King Xerxes could not do.

But you cannot return to Hellas in one leap, as various naturists and nudeists in the West demand.

Didn’t Lycurgus, finally, destroy the evil of private property and with it discord and strife, so that all of Sparta became, as it were, a single military camp, and is it not, thanks to this, still the happiest country, freed from those tormenting all of Hellas?


Ancient Hellas. What is the "beginning of European civilization"?

Ancient Greece is not without reason called the cradle of European civilization. This relatively small country has had a huge influence on the development of a wide variety of areas of human life. For example, the myths of Ancient Greece have not lost their relevance today. As in those days, they quite clearly reflect the inner world of man, the relationships of people among themselves and with the forces of nature.

What does "Hellas" mean?

Another name that the Greeks called their homeland was Hellas. What is “Hellas”, what meaning was given to this word? The fact is that this is what the Hellenes called their homeland. The ancient Romans called the Hellenes Greeks. Translated from their language, “Greek” meant “croaking.” Apparently, this happened because the ancient Romans did not like the sound of the Hellenic language. Translated from ancient Greek, the word “Hellas” means “Morning Dawn”.

Cradle of European spiritual values

Many disciplines, such as medicine, politics, art and literature, originated in Ancient Greece. Scientists agree that human civilization could not have achieved modern development without the knowledge that Ancient Hellas possessed. It was on its territory that the first philosophical concepts with which all modern science operates were formed. The spiritual values ​​of European civilization were also laid down here. Athletes of Ancient Greece were the first Olympic champions. The first ideas about the surrounding world - both material and immaterial - were proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle.

Ancient Greece - the birthplace of science and art

If you take any branch of science or art, then it will one way or another be rooted in the knowledge obtained during the times of Ancient Greece. A great contribution to the development of historical knowledge was made by the scientist Herodotus. His works were devoted to the study of the Greco-Persian wars. The scientists Pythagoras and Archimedes also made a huge contribution to the development of mathematics. The ancient Greeks invented a huge number of devices, which they used primarily in military campaigns.

Of interest to modern scientists is also the way of life of the Greeks, whose homeland was Hellas. What it is like to live during the dawn of civilization is very vividly described in a work called “The Iliad.” This literary monument, which has survived to this day, describes the historical events of those times and the everyday life of the Hellenes. The most valuable thing in the work “Iliad” is the reality of the events described in it.

Modern progress and Hellas. What is the “cradle of European civilization”?

The early period of the development of ancient Greek civilization is officially called the Dark Age. It falls on 1050-750 BC. e. This is the time when the Mycenaean culture, one of the most majestic civilizations that was already known for writing, had already collapsed. However, the term "Dark Age" refers more to the lack of information about the era than to specific events. Despite the fact that writing had already been lost, it was at this time that the political and aesthetic properties that Ancient Hellas possessed began to appear. During this period of the beginning of the Iron Age, prototypes of modern cities already appeared. In Greece, leaders begin to rule small communities. A new era is dawning in the processing and painting of ceramics.

The epics of Homer, which date back to 776 BC, are considered to be the beginning of the steady development of ancient Greek culture. e. They were written using the alphabet that Hellas borrowed from the Phoenicians. The meaning of the word translated as “morning dawn” is justified in this case: the beginning of the development of the culture of Ancient Greece completely coincides with the birth of European culture.

Hellas experienced its greatest prosperity in the era commonly called classical. It dates back to 480-323 BC. e. It was at this time that philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, and Aristophanes lived. Sculptural works are becoming more and more complex. They begin to reflect the position of the human body not in statics, but in dynamics. The Greeks of that time loved to do gymnastics, use cosmetics, and do their hair.

The emergence of the genres of tragedy and comedy, which also occurs in the classical era in the history of Ancient Greece, deserves special consideration. The tragedy reaches its peak in the 5th century BC. e. The most famous tragedies of this era are represented by the works of Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides. The genre arose from the ceremonies of the veneration of Dionysus, during which scenes from the life of the god were played out. At first, only one actor performed in the tragedy. Thus, Hellas is also the birthplace of modern cinema. This (which every historian knows) is another proof of the fact that the origins of European culture should be sought in the territory of Ancient Greece.

Aeschylus introduced a second actor into the theater, thus becoming the creator of dialogue and dramatic action. In Sophocles, the number of actors has already reached three. The tragedies revealed the conflict between man and inexorable fate. Faced with the impersonal force that reigned in nature and society, the main character recognized the will of the gods and obeyed it. The Hellenes believed that the main goal of tragedy is catharsis, or purification, which occurs in the viewer when empathizing with its heroes.


Hellas. The meaning of the name Hellas. Interpretation of the name Hellas

What does the name Hellas mean: This name can mean Greece, but sometimes it is translated as morning dawn.

Origin of the name Hellas: This beautiful name is of ancient Greek origin, and initially Greece itself was called Hellas, and this is probably where the fashion later came from to call little girls that way. And as many interpreters of names often claim, Hellas in Greek means morning dawn.

Character conveyed by the name Ellada: Ellada is always a very emotional, incredibly charming and extremely sociable woman. From very early childhood she is just a good girl. She is always obedient and efficient, and does not bother everyone around her with ridiculous whims. She always studies diligently and very diligently at school, always plays sports and even often visits the art studio.

Later, having matured, Hellas still does not lose her diligence and in almost everything she undertakes, she still invariably achieves quite tangible success. She easily adapts to almost any unfamiliar environment. Hellas does not like gossip at all, and at the same time tries not to meddle in any other people's affairs. Her unusually flexible and completely non-conflict character always allows her to get along well in any team.

As a rule, she doesn’t irritate anyone and almost never gets irritated herself. I must say that communicating with her always gives many people around her the greatest pleasure. And she, in turn, can become very attached to those people who are ready to form her social circle, these are, of course, relatives, close friends, acquaintances, some work colleagues, and various like-minded hobbies . In addition, Hellas simply dreams of connecting her entire life with a man who will be worthy of her in almost all respects, as they say with a man who knows how to achieve a lot in this life. It should be noted that his appearance does not have any special meaning for her. Hellas is always a wonderful housewife, she cooks incredibly skillfully and with great pleasure. Her cozy home is full of order and comfort.

But as a small drawback of Hellas (it must be said that it does not at all spoil the overall picture of her description), one could note that she herself is not at all averse to arguing a little and clearly stating her own point of view, although in such cases she is often even wrong. And, of course, with such an abundance of positive qualities and virtues, this rather minor sin, as a rule, is forgiven with extraordinary ease.

From birth, Hellas is endowed with well-developed intuition, but still she is completely devoid of certain qualities of a real fighter. She is completely unable to withstand too serious circumstances; she cannot at all show a sufficient amount of perseverance or perseverance in order to be able to overcome absolutely all difficulties. She still knows how to be content with exactly what she already has, without demanding anything too much from this life. And it should be noted that a strange thing is that it is she who always manages to achieve that very true happiness and complete harmony.


Ancient Greek civilization in its development went through several periods that were extremely important for the characteristics of ancient Greek culture as a whole - proto-Greek (the Aegean world and the “Homeric” period), Greek archaic, Greek classics, as well as the Hellenistic period.

    Proto-Greek culture – at the turn of 3 – 3 thousand BC. the ancestors of the later Greeks populated the space adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, where 3 centers of culture were formed - Minoan, Crete-Mycenaean and Cyclatic (center = Cycladic archipelago) cultures (City of the Aegean world) 14. The later Greeks considered themselves the autochthonous population of Greece, however, they also retained the idea of ​​​​the existence of a certain ancient people who originally inhabited Hellas and the adjacent islands. Very little information has been preserved about this period: generally, the culture of this period is an intermediate stage between the cultures of the Ancient East (with their staticism, conservatism, strict canonicity) and the culture of Ancient Greece (freedom, democracy, beauty and “liberty”) State build, apparently, resembled eastern despotism; at the head is the king-priest, here the palace is the concentration of the political, economic, social and religious life of the state. The Cretan-Mycenaean culture is a weak consolidation of the Achaean world (large centers in Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos). Deciphering ancient Cretan writing - probably the entire household was documented. life of the state: information about the economy (probably was at a higher level than the economy of the Greek archaic), high level of specialization of craft activities. Art more cheerful (than in eastern cultures), less constrained by canons: (examples of art from excavations – frescoes on the walls of the palace at Knossos 15 – images of Cretan women, the so-called “Parisian women”, fresco “King-Priest”, etc.; distinguishes a feature of architectural structures is monumentality - for example, the famous lion gate in Mycenae, decorated with a relief depicting 2 lionesses surrounded by huge stone blocks piled one on top of the other - the Greeks themselves believed that these walls were erected by the Cyclopes (one-eyed giants)). Predominance in the proto-Greek world – Achaeans(echoes of their power are in Homer’s famous poem “The Iliad” about the history of the Trojan War - it was probably a major aggressive campaign of the Achaeans to an important trade and strategic point on the Asia Minor coast) 16. But the predominance of the Achaeans in the Aegean world was put to an end by the arrival at the turn of the 12th - 11th centuries. BC. new proto-Greek tribes (Dorians), who contrasted the bronze swords of the Achaeans with more effective iron weapons (but in general, the culture was more primitive).

By 15 o'clock BC. almost all civilizations of the Aegean world ceased to exist - perhaps they were beset by natural disasters, while the remaining ones fell into complete dependence on the Achaeans.

    Period Doric culture (sometimes called Homeric) – 12 – 8 centuries BC. With t.zr. economy a step back was taken compared to the cultures of the Aegean world: cattle breeding flourished, trade and crafts were undeveloped, but, at the same time, the development of iron smelting and processing techniques, iron tools (axe, chisel) was developed. Political system– 12 – 8 centuries BC. transition from a tribal system to a polis-type organization. The main social unit is the phratry (a type of brotherhood). The origin of slavery - however, slaves are not separated by an impassable line from the rest of society (for example, in Homer, slave maids wash clothes together with the basileus’ daughter Nausicaa) Art- Dorian art is primitive (we can mainly judge it by the decoration of household items - vessels - with geometric patterns - for this reason the period is sometimes called the era of geometric style). The famous creativity also dates back to this period. Homer - "Iliad" and "Odyssey" 17 (approximately the time of Homer’s life can be attributed to the 9th – 8th centuries BC) . The author glorifies distant times (tentatively related to the civilizations of the Aegean world), admires the life structure and exploits of the Achaeans, trying to convey to the audience enchanting visions of a long-vanished world.


I hear the silent sound of the divine Hellenic speech

I feel the shadow of the great old man with my troubled soul.

(According to legend, the Homeric epic began to take shape in the first century. third of the 1st millennium BC, when poor and devastated Greece experienced a “dark” time after the migration of the Dorian tribes from the Balkans - as a memory of past greatness, of the times when gods and people accomplished great feats. The Homeric epic absorbed ancient songs, myths and historical legends, transformed by the imagination and fiction of the poet.

Causes of the Trojan War (reality) - campaigns of one of the Greeks. tribes - the Achaeans - to the coast of Asia Minor to conquer the rich Trojan lands. Mythologically, it is the revenge of the Achaeans for the abduction of Helen, the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, by the son of the Trojan king Priam, Prince Paris. “Heavenly” reasons - the decision of the supreme god Zeus and Gaia-Earth to destroy the human race for wickedness; according to this plan, the most beautiful woman on Earth, Helen (daughter of Zeus and the goddess of revenge Nemesis), is born. The cyclical poems (the foundations of Homer's poems) tell about the causes of the war, about the campaign against Troy, about its ten-year siege, about the destruction of Troy with the help of a wooden horse, about the rivalry of heroes and, finally, about the return of heroes to their homeland. The Iliad itself tells about the events of the last 51 days of the siege of Troy (the heroes are Achilles, Agamemnon, the leader of the entire Achaean army and their quarrel over the treacherous act of Agamemnon, who took away Achilles’ beautiful concubine). Odyssey - has no through-line plot, tells about the return of the heroes to their homeland (Odysseus with the nymph Calypso, at a feast among the Phaeacians, talks about visiting Hades, how he avoided the tricks of the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, the subsequent plot - Odysseus in Ithaca deals with the arrogant suitors of his wife Penelope) Homer's heroes are often cruel, cunning, vengeful, and at the same time they are not gods, but simply people with their weaknesses, hopes, they cry and suffer, love... The drama of Odysseus's personality is in the epithet long-suffering, which Homer gives him. Homer's heroes are always accompanied by gods (for example, Odysseus - the wise Athena), but this direct connection with the deity does not prevent Homeric man from acting independently and creating his life with his own hands (sometimes human independence even causes fear among the gods) Antiquity perceived Homer as an ideal and role model; Roman heroic poetry (for example, Virgil) also developed under the sign of Homer.

Subsequent periods – archaic and classical can be considered the actual culture of Ancient Greece. Archaic culture of Ancient Greece (7th – 5th century BC) – formation of Greek. mythology, social systems, art; Greek classics (5-4 centuries BC_ - the highest flowering of ancient Greek culture.