Why are crazy people more successful than normal people? Crazy people are tolerant of other crazy people.

Look around and you will notice that many people around cannot be called adequate. Simply put, there are crazy people out there. How to verify this - introduce yourself as a correspondent and ask some simple question to people on the street. Be sure that you will come across several comrades from whom you will simply want to run away. In uncertain times, the number of people who lose their minds increases. The first step on the path to insanity is the atrophy of the ability to think critically.

Where do crazy people come from?

A state of stress provokes a person to believe in everything he hears and sees, and sometimes you look - people who were examples of adequacy, today you can’t call them anything other than crazy: they either climbed into a pyramid, then they tell fortunes from black magicians, then If they fall into a sect, they become drunkards. The hardest thing is when there are unlimited streams of heterogeneous information, propaganda and lies flowing around from all sides. In such an environment of made-up news, implausible quotes and newspaper It is simply unrealistic for ducks to keep track of what is good and what is bad - a person does not even have time to process and comprehend such a barrage of garbage raining down on him.

What to do with crazy streams of data pouring in from everywhere?

It is impossible to fight all this with normal human methods and is simply harmful to the nerves. The mechanics of the process of the influence of fake information on a person, along with them, have been carefully studied by specialists who successfully use them to influence people.

A person reading on the Internet about conspiracy theories, about the invasion of cannibal mushrooms and the war of reptilians, does not see that the same phrase is broadcast on the Internet year after year.

Is the strategy of reducing everything to the point of absurdity correct, which makes it possible to remain in the Internet space, saving nerves? the main problem is that people believe every written letter on the Internet, just as they used to believe Soviet newspapers just as they believe everything they say on TV. Listening and believing all this, it won’t take long to become a real madman.

How to use madness to your advantage

If we consider madness from an esoteric point of view, then you can “go crazy” consciously, in order to develop the skill of mobility of perception. Do not take this advice literally, but try the practice of yoga and precisely “go” “crazy”, that is, move away from generally accepted norms and about any phenomenon and look at the thing more broadly, as if from above, that is, stop thinking exclusively logically and trust the irrational side of reality. Listen to the silence and it will speak. By controlling yourself and taking this experiment seriously, you will be able to open up new facets of the issue and your vision of things.

Have you tried to think like crazy, turning off the conscious mind and trusting the instinctive one - this is an interesting practice, especially when it is carried out by you consciously. Try it and share your impressions with us in the comments to this article!

But why is this happening and where can we now put our mantras about patience and work?

Too crazy to be afraid

Fear and self-doubt are the lot of a reasonable and consistent person who always has a plan B in stock. But in order to make a discovery, you need not to waste time on other plans and reasonable fears for your stability, wealth and even life. At that moment when a person with a crazy head rushes headlong into the pool, great discoveries happen. Not always, of course, because more often psychos break against growing walls.

They don't give labels

Inadequate people do not sort people and phenomena once and for all. Depending on the situation, they look at everything underneath different angles. Therefore, for these people there is no black and white, but there are many shades. Without labeling, they choose a team for themselves solely based on the qualities that are needed in this moment, not by social status or out of friendship.

They don't care about the rules

It is always difficult to look beyond the boundaries of foundations, especially if you have lived by the rules all your life. But if you're crazy, you don't even know the rules exist and you can easily come up with new ones for yourself. In the process, discoveries often occur that make crazy people successful. The ability to question authority provides much more chances to reach new heights.

Crazy people are tolerant of other crazy people.

Inadequate people are able to recognize people exactly like them in the crowd, unite and create together. They see genius in the fact that ordinary people have long been rejected, considering it stupidity and nonsense. And when they see it, they don’t leave and with help brainstorming by the forces of other psychos they make out of brilliant idea brilliant invention.

Crazy people are curious

Hypertrophied curiosity is a quality inherent in children and the blessed. They always ask the same question “Why?”. The process of finding answers is the key to success. An insatiable mind and eternal dissatisfaction with the completeness of knowledge drive crazy people forward to victory.

Crazy people aren't afraid to be different

Those people who are not constrained public opinion, are considered eccentric because they do not behave according to the rules. In fact, they are the only ones who live the way they want. And this frees up a huge amount of creative energy, which in normal people is extinguished by fears that they will be judged or not understood.

They have all the time in the world

Crazy people can hatch a plan for years without doing anything. Normal people at this time they go to work, lack sleep and complain about lack of energy. You cannot become successful in this mode, because success requires energy. If you don't care about the opinions of others and can eat potato peelings for years to hatch an idea, you're crazy, but you have a much better chance of making a breakthrough than everyone else.

They need to invent

The engine of progress is laziness and crazy people. If a crazy person is too lazy to solve a problem in the usual way, it is not difficult for him to come up with a new one, which, as a rule, turns out to be more economical and faster. That is, a great discovery. This confirms the proverb “the mother of all inventions is urgent necessity.”

They are painfully persistent

A crazy person will never act rationally by letting go of an idea that is supposedly not worth the effort. Where normal person retreats and admits failure, the psycho flares up with great excitement and finally finds a way out.

Psychos create a new normal

Only truly crazy people can go beyond the normal and not even notice it. And it is precisely outside this framework that you can create something fundamentally new and bring success and profit. This was the case with Steve Jobs, who simply never thought like a normal person and was a peculiar child with the capabilities of an adult.

There are many people with a Messiah complex. Below are ten crazy people with huge delusions of grandeur, all of whom claimed to be gods, with pretty devastating results.

We know the word "crazy" is a bit redundant in the title, but you get the idea...

1. A Florida man told police he was God and asked them to cut off his penis.

Of course, there are people in the world who called themselves Gods and terrible things followed these statements, but when it comes to cutting off the penis, it becomes clear that human madness has reached a whole new level!

Police were called to the Campus Club Apartments in Gainesville, Florida after residents of the complex witnessed 19-year-old Michael Joseph Silecchia running through the building's hallways. According to police, the suspect stated that he was “heterosexual” and that he was “God.” Silecchia then undressed and began begging the police to “don’t cut off my penis.” However, Silecchia's last shred of sanity disappeared when he changed his mind and asked the police to cut off his penis after all. The situation took a nasty turn when Silecchia hit a female police officer on the head while the police tried to subdue him. Ultimately, police had to use a stun gun to subdue the potentially penisless "God."

As might be expected, Silecchia later admitted to police that he had taken LSD. He was later taken into custody and underwent medical examination.

2The Self-Proclaimed Messiah Responsible for the Deaths of 911 Followers

Besides David Koresh, Jim Jones was perhaps the most notorious crazy person who claimed to be God. He was responsible for the absolutely horrific Jonestown Massacre, which took place in Jonestown, Guyana in 1978.

Jones, a paranoid drug addict blinded by power, claimed to be the reincarnation of Jesus, Buddha and Gandhi. This untrained Christian preacher from Indiana founded the People's Temple Full Gospel Church and moved his congregation from the United States to Guyana due to exposure in New West magazine. Allegations of abuse and human rights violations led to the congressional investigation into Jim Jones in Guyana, led by Congressman Leo Ryan. Ryan and an NBC film crew discovered that people were being held in Jonestown against their will. When the congressman said he was willing to take in anyone who wanted to go back in the US, Jones launched an offensive against Ryan and his circle and used this to force his followers to commit mass suicide. total 918 people died. Jim Jones died from a single self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.

3The Florida Woman Who Claimed to Be God and Set a Car on Fire with Her Dogs Inside

On April 24, 2013, Alexandra Barnes of Daytona Beach, Florida, walked into a BP gas station, squeezed behind the counter and grabbed a lighter. As she ran out, a store employee ran after her and struggled with her, attempting to stop her by throwing her to the ground. Barnes broke free, grabbed another lighter and set fire to the car, which had been doused in gasoline.

A witness named Larry Romero came to her aid when she screamed that her children were in the car. The babies turned out to be Barnes dogs. Romero pulled the dogs out of the car and grabbed Barnes, who was sitting in oncoming traffic in the middle of I-92, claiming that she was God.

Barnes was taken to a local hospital for observation. The only damage on gas station there was a melted pump hose, and probably also a certain psychological trauma in dogs.

4. The cult leader caused the death of 75 people in a confrontation with the FBI

Vernon Howell, also known as David Koresh, was a self-proclaimed prophet and the last leader of the Branch Davidian sect.

In the 1930s, Lois & Ben Roden, founders of the Branch Davidian sect, believed that a new Messiah would arrive, ushering in the “last days.” After joining the church in 1981, Howell became close to Louis Roden and after her death gained control of the sect. Howell changed his name to David Koresh, and became the new church leader and Messiah.

Under Koresh's leadership, rumors arose of child abuse and illegal possession of weapons in the Branch Davidian sect's building. As a result of this, on February 28, 1993, the Department for Control of Production and Turnover alcoholic drinks The United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, in cooperation with the FBI, issued an arrest warrant for Koresh. The ensuing shootout killed four Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives officers, as well as six cult members.

Negotiations with Koresh lasted more than 51 days. He stalled for time by bombarding the negotiators with biblical fantasy and claimed that he was writing religious documents that he needed to finish before he gave up.

The siege finally ended with the FBI making a final assault to capture the cult members by force. " Last days The Roddens' bickering finally came to a head when the sect's apartment complex caught fire and 76 members of the Branch Davidians, including David Koresh, died inside.

5. The Messianic Family Cult Leader Is Responsible for the Tate and LaBianca Murders

Let's move from one bloody, disillusioned musician with a Messiah complex to another. Would this list be complete without a story about Charles Manson?

Perhaps the most notorious, murderous, messianic cult leader of not just the '60s but of all time, Charlie was born "No Name Maddox" to 16-year-old prostitute Kathleen Maddox. He spent most of his youth in various correctional institutions, prisons and similar institutions.

When Manson was released from prison in time for the 1967 Summer of Love, he moved to the Flower Power epicenter of San Francisco and amassed a following. Followers eventually became a hippie cult known as The Family.

Manson moved his "Family" to an abandoned ranch near Los Angeles, and began to manipulate his followers with his own religious philosophy. “I am God to my friends. I am the devil to my enemies. When I look to the future, I am a prophet. When I must establish a law for our land, I am the son of man.”

Manson predicted the coming race war, in which black people kill white people. To ignite a race war, Manson ordered several members of the Family to commit a series of murders, leading to the deaths of actress Sharon Tate and several others. It caused terror in Los Angeles for months and, for many, ended the spirit of peace and love of the 1960s.

6Colorado Guy Claimed He Was God And Beat 70-Year-Old Man To Death

In 2013, Zachary Joseph Cooper, 25, of Denver, Colorado, had recently been discharged from the military and was suffering from mental illness. He was in the care of his mother, Janet Seguras, and their neighbor, 70-year-old Tony Morales.

While his mother was out shopping, Cooper beat Morales to death with a baseball bat and slit his throat. Returning home, Segura found her son naked and "making comments about being in heaven and talking about himself as God." Cooper also told her that he had "killed the devil" after the alleged incident.

Cooper was charged with first-degree murder and is currently being held without bail.

7. A man from Brazil claims that he is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

Inri Cristo, a 66-year-old man from Brazil, believes himself to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and takes his name as an acronym for the cross of Jesus Christ, "Inri" and his last name as the word "Christ".

Cristo, who had heard voices in his head since childhood, received his first revelation that he was Christ while fasting in Santiago, Chile, in 1979. On this occasion the voice said: “I am your father: the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” His website states that it is his face that is depicted on the Shroud of Turin.

As the leader of his own church, the Supreme Universal Order of the Holy Trinity, he has many female followers, many of whom live within the church grounds and have even been his followers for decades. The eldest of them is 86 years old, and the youngest is only 24 years old. His provocative views on capitalism, abortion, atheism, birth control and even Christmas caused so much controversy that he was expelled from a number of countries, including the US and UK.

Cristo remains in the public eye, appearing on his tours and in the Brazilian media. The vegetarian and self-proclaimed messiah broadcasts his teachings every week on live on its website to this day.

8Cult Leader and Self-Proclaimed “Supreme Being” Convinced His Followers to Commit Suicide to Reach “Beyond Human Level”

Marshall Applewhite and ex-partner Bonnie Nettles, founders of the Heaven's Gate cult, considered themselves "aliens" - higher beings who took control of two human bodies middle age, intended for their use to teach humanity. Their followers believed this too, and gave their lives and belongings in the belief that the Earth was about to be "recycled." The only way to survive was to leave her immediately.

In March 1997, that time came. Applewhite told his followers about spaceship, which flew behind comet Hale-Bopp. The church leader stated that " the only way evacuate from this Earth" was committed mass suicide so that their souls can board the ship. In his recorded speech, he said that after their death, UFOs would take them to "another level of existence that is higher than human."

38 cult members, including Applewhite, left Earth to move to this "next level" in a rented mansion in suburban San Diego. They all had $5.75 in their pockets to pay the interplanetary toll.

9. The self-proclaimed messiah is a transvestite and former spy British intelligence

David Shayler former member MI5 (Security Service) - proclaimed himself the son of God, saying: "I am the messiah and I keep a secret eternal life" He also has a transvestite alter ego, Delores Kane, who lives in a vacant house in Surrey.

Schuyler initially gained fame in 1997 when he showed secret documents British newspaper Mail on Sunday. Believing that intelligence services deliberately printed false stories in newspapers and media mass media Schuyler later joined the 9/11 Truth Movement, whose followers believe the 9/11 attacks were faked.

In addition to having a conspiracy theory for every major terrorist attack in the past few decades, he also claims to have divine power, which allows him to influence the weather, prevent terrorist attacks and predict the results of football matches.

10. Cult leader and pedophile who claims to be God is arrested for a sex crime.

Michael Travesser, also known as Wayne Bent, leader of the Lord Our Righteousness Church in New Mexico, declared himself the Messiah in 2000.

He predicted that the world would end in 2007, but stated that God ordered "to stay with him for one more year." A year later, Bent was arrested as a sex offender on three counts of sexual conduct with a minor. The church leader admitted that he had sexual relations with his followers in the past.

Comparing himself to Jesus Christ, Bent told the media: “The current militia and persecution is coming towards me full swing. It was the same with Jesus. Jesus did not commit any crimes, so the authorities had to invent some crimes to crucify him. The same thing happens to me. I have not committed any crimes, but many crimes are now being invented and planted in people’s heads so that they will try to kill me again.”

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