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There are a number of signs that guarantee happiness, luck and success in the new year. You can believe in these signs or not, but the majority still prefers to follow them so as not to spoil their holidays.

So, here is a list of what absolutely NOT to do on December 31 and January 1:
New Year's signs

A week before the New Year, you cannot use things that you just bought.

For example, it is best to save new belts, combs, hairpins and other accessories for December 31, as well as the subsequent New Year.

Seven days before the holiday, you should also not wear new clothes. Leave all this for the beginning of the New Year.

On the eve of the holidays, you should not sew on buttons. It is believed that this way you will get rid of old problems and failures.

You should not send your shoes for repairs. IN otherwise There will be very few pleasant purchases in the new year.

Refuse to purchase various small things, with the exception of gifts, otherwise in the new year you will only have non-essential purchases.

In addition, please note that during the period from December 31 to January 19, it is better not to borrow money.

You cannot celebrate the holiday with empty pockets, otherwise you will live in poverty for the entire next year.

A few hours before the New Year, as well as on January 1, forget about cleaning and generally doing any work.

Washing, cleaning, sewing, and especially sweeping the floors with a broom - all this will wait until next week.

Otherwise, you may spend the next year in losses and debt.

You shouldn't throw out trash on New Year's Eve.

Do not celebrate the holiday in an uncleaned room.

You cannot swear, shout or call someone names on New Year's Eve. And even more so, you can’t swear.

Make sure there is an abundance of dishes on the New Year's table.

Please note the following point: you cannot put crayfish, crab or lobster dishes on the New Year's table. It is believed that these arthropods tend to move backwards. That is, old problems will attack you with renewed vigor in the coming year.

- Broken dishes on New Year's Eve are also a bad omen.

When the chimes strike midnight, you cannot make wishes with the particle “not”. For example, instead of “not to get sick,” think “to be healthy.”

Don't meet New Year exclusively in female company. If it turns out that only women gathered for the holiday, celebrating the New Year, be sure to go and congratulate your male friends, colleagues or neighbors.

You can't break things.

Don't put pins in your clothes.

You shouldn't wear it to New Year's Eve old clothes. Save your new outfit for the holiday. Pay attention to what color animal year it is and dress accordingly.

For example, 2018 is the year of the yellow earthen dog, which means yellow tones in clothes will be very appropriate.

If it is not possible to purchase new things for the New Year celebration, make sure that you at least underwear was new.

- Avoid black in clothes.

It is impossible not to spend the passing year.

“You can’t help but make a wish when the clock strikes midnight.”

You cannot share with someone what you wished for. Your wish must remain secret until it comes true.

You cannot throw away your Christmas tree the day after the New Year.

You cannot put out New Year's candles; they must burn out on their own.

You should also not throw away unburned candles.

- On New Year's Eve you should not cry, remember sad things and be sad.

And the most important rule: you can and should celebrate the New Year as fun and bright as possible.

It is clear that every person has the most desires on the eve of the New Year. Ends old year and together with him I want to leave all problems and hardships in the past. Take only happiness, good luck and health with you into the future. To help your dreams come true and your plans come true, you can make a plan last day old year. Goodbye 2014 year of the blue horse. We will see you off in a special way.

If you draw up and write a plan on December 31, then these will no longer be only assumptions and secret desires of what you want to accomplish. It is a fact real life and he gives a hundred points in advance to any fantasies. So let's connect dreams and reality. How to do it?

You will need very few initial tools: sheets of paper or a pen. You can make a plan on a computer, but you need to be able to print it out right away. Divide the sheet into three columns. In the first we will write exact time day of December 31st, in the second - what needs to be done during this period of time, in the third - what needs to be bought or still prepared. Now we need the whole day from morning to late at night write down almost minute by minute.

8.00-9.00 – rise. We do everything we usually need to do in the morning.
9.00-10.00 – have breakfast with the family. This is the last breakfast of 2014, so you might want to prepare something special. Be sure to get together for breakfast. Can you remember some interesting morning stories that happened to you and your family members throughout the year.
10.00-11.00 – you need to make a list of all friends and relatives who need to be congratulated on the holiday. After that, start calling and congratulate them, thereby lifting your mood. After all, in response you will also hear kind and pleasant congratulations.
11.00-12.00 – the whole family goes to visit people who must be congratulated on the last day of the year. If the gifts have not yet been wrapped, then this must be done.
12.00-14.00 – you can continue visiting guests, as well as take a walk with the whole family. You will be especially lucky if the weather is good and a nice snowfall will fall. Do minimal winter sports and devote this time exclusively to yourself.
14.00-14.30 – it’s time to return home from a walk. It is imperative to put the children to bed, because it will be a long night, and the usual bedtime in the evening will be delayed.
14.30-17.30 – we advise you to also relax at this time and devote time to yourself. While the children are sleeping, you can prepare outfits, pull out the festive table and make a festive table setting. At this time, you can watch a Christmas movie with your husband and just spend time in pleasant solitude.
17.30-18.30 – the whole family wakes up, we need to do something light. For example, heat milk or make cocoa, eat ginger cookies or other baked goods. It is hearty and, at the same time, festive.
18.20-20.00 – we invite the whole family to go for a walk again and spend the old year properly. You can first write on a piece of paper everything bad and negative that bothers you in 2014, and burn these pieces of paper. In this way you can make room for good and good events.
20.00-21.00 – while your husband and children are writing letters to Santa Claus, you can already begin preparing dishes for the festive table. Of course, a lot has already been prepared in advance. Moreover, for the New Year, a family without guests does not need much.
21.00-22.00 – we communicate with children and husband, watch New Year's programs. We actively recall the events of the previous year. You can look through all the photos from 2014 and remember once again how bright and interesting it was. If you want to have a snack, you can make quick ones.
22.00-23.00 – we set the festive table and begin to have a snack and drink a little champagne. You can now place gifts under the Christmas tree without your children noticing. After all, the letter to Santa Claus was written a couple of hours ago and sent to the addressee.
23.00 - ... we meet the festive midnight, share gifts and celebrate the onset of 2015. Afterwards you need to put the children to bed, and then the program for the evening depends entirely on you.

If you see all the events of the day of December 31 in front of you, then you will definitely have time for everything and will be able to find time for each planned event. It's just rough plan, which you can adjust depending on the current situation. Happy New Year!

On the eve of the holidays, each of us sincerely believes that life in the New Year will be better, more joyful and happier.

There are a number of signs that guarantee happiness, luck and success in the new year. You can believe in these signs or not, but the majority still prefers to follow them so as not to spoil their holidays.

  • A week before the New Year, you cannot use things that you just bought. For example, it is best to save new belts, combs, hairpins and other accessories for December 31, as well as the subsequent New Year. Seven days before the holiday, you should also not wear new clothes. Leave all this for the beginning of the New Year.
  • On the eve of the holidays, you should not sew on buttons. It is believed that this way you will get rid of old problems and failures.
  • You should not send your shoes for repairs. Otherwise, there will be very few pleasant purchases in the new year.
  • Refuse to purchase various small things, with the exception of gifts, otherwise in the new year you will only have non-essential purchases.
  • It is not recommended to celebrate the New Year with financial debts. If you owe someone, try to pay off your debts. The same goes for situations where someone owes you money. In addition, please note that during the period from December 31 to January 19, it is better not to borrow money.
  • You cannot celebrate the holiday with empty pockets, otherwise you will live in poverty for the entire next year.
  • On the eve of the New Year, as well as on January 1, forget about cleaning and generally doing any work. Washing, cleaning, sewing, and especially sweeping the floors with a broom - all this will wait until next week. Otherwise, you may spend the next year in losses and debt.
  • You shouldn't throw out trash on New Year's Eve.
  • Do not celebrate the holiday in an uncleaned room.
  • Don't get rid of old clothes and shoes on December 31st. Take care of this in advance.
  • On December 31 and January 1, do not repair or buy shoes.
  • It is not recommended to celebrate the holiday alone. Otherwise, you will spend the entire next year completely alone.
  • You cannot swear, shout or call someone names on New Year's Eve. And even more so, you can’t swear.
  • Make sure there is an abundance of dishes on the New Year's table.
  • Please note the following point: you cannot put crayfish, crab or lobster dishes on the New Year's table. It is believed that these arthropods tend to move backwards. That is, old problems will attack you with renewed vigor in the coming year.
  • Broken dishes on New Year's Eve are also a bad omen.
  • When the chimes strike midnight, you cannot make wishes with the particle “not”. For example, instead of “not to get sick,” think “to be healthy.”
  • Do not celebrate the New Year exclusively in the company of women. If it turns out that only women gathered for the holiday, celebrating the New Year, be sure to go and congratulate your male friends, colleagues or neighbors.
  • You can't break things.
  • It is not recommended to cut hair and nails on the night from December 31 to January 1. You should also not wash your hair.
  • Don't put pins in your clothes.
  • You shouldn’t wear old clothes to New Year’s Eve. Save your new outfit for the holiday. Pay attention to what color animal year it is and dress accordingly. For example, 2018 is the year of the yellow earthen dog, which means yellow tones in clothes will be very appropriate. If it is not possible to purchase new things for the New Year's celebration, make sure that at least your underwear is new.
  • Avoid black in clothes.
  • You cannot put out New Year's candles; they must burn out on their own.
  • You should also not throw away unburned candles.
  • On New Year's Eve you should not cry, remember sad things and be sad.
  • You cannot sing songs loudly after sunset on December 31st.

And the most important rule: you can and should celebrate the New Year as fun and bright as possible.

A holiday that children and adults look forward to, because it couldn’t be more fun and magical. In Europe and America, on all continents of the Earth and in many countries and cities since ancient times, namely since the time ancient Rome, there are traditions that are symbols of the New Year, according to which the coming year is celebrated in a certain way.

About signs and traditions

New Year's signs and superstitions are what envelop this holiday in romance. Everyone, even very adults and serious man, on the eve of the celebration he becomes a little child who believes in all the signs. He begins to notice the most incredible of them, which will tell him how the next year will go. Those who strictly followed all the traditions can count on the fact that success will soon begin to accompany their affairs.

Our country has its own rules. New Year's traditions in Russia are very rich and varied, even though this holiday was borrowed. Today it is celebrated all over the world, so there are signs different countries. Considering that people have been celebrating the New Year for many centuries in a row, they have accumulated considerable experience in its celebration. Ancient New Year traditions have penetrated into every family and are carefully passed on from generation to generation. It is useful to join the experience different cultures and peoples, so that this time really all the bad things are left behind, and only pleasant surprises await ahead.

New Year's signs for December 31 and January 1

    breaking dishes - to a quarrel;

    quarreling at the table - to bad luck in all endeavors;

    to be inhospitable - there will be no money;

    leaving the table meager means poverty;

    throwing away food from the New Year's table - there will be no luck.

New Year's signs will tell you what you must do on December 31 to attract good luck for the whole year:

    buy a new broom, place it with a whisk up in the corner of the kitchen, decorate with a red ribbon;

    hang a wreath above the front door;

    put a glass of wine and salad for the brownie;

    before guests arrive, light candles in the rooms;

    ask everyone for forgiveness and forget your grievances.

Choose what you like

We look at the most common New Year's signs and traditions. Therefore, before choosing what is interesting to you, you need to familiarize yourself with each ritual and master it - to become a little wizard yourself. And only what will be to your liking, and there are those future New Year traditions that will suit to a specific person or family. So, let's begin to attract good luck and happiness into our home.

Many New Year's traditions from different countries prescribe that on the festive night there must be a banknote. And the greater dignity she has, the more she will attract next year. After all, what is money? In the material plane it is just paper with watermarks, but in the metaphysical plane it is energy. And the higher the denomination of the bill, the more energy it has. And, as with any energy, the law of attraction works. Money reaches for money! The larger the bill you keep in your pocket, the more likely financial luck in the coming year. Well, when correct positioning issue, a banknote saved in this way on New Year’s Day will also be a serious help in celebrating Christmas.

Celebrating the holiday in new decoration is also a New Year's sign. Buying yourself a dazzling outfit, having received great pleasure from purchasing it, is a kind of let down financial result years: “Yes, I was so successful (successful) that I can afford it!” The results of the New Year are summed up not only by people, but also by the Universe. She calculates her income and prepares to distribute bonuses according to her merits. A new outfit for everyone is a symbol of success in the past year and a message for achievements in the coming year. Therefore, do not spare money on outfits! The positive that comes with it will multiply hundreds of times next year. And this is worth a lot. And make, make wishes - they will certainly come true!

Purely about money

And these are money New Year's signs - to pay off all debts before dark on December 31st. Pay off your debts and sleep peacefully. Although in modern world, perhaps this should not sound so clear. Needs to be analyzed financial condition at the end of the year. Summarize, remember all the debts that were not paid on time, and get rid of them. If we are talking about a long-term loan, and interest is regularly paid on it, then you don’t have to worry about it at all. This is not a debt that necessarily needs to be paid off on New Year's Eve. Just need to align family budget, and let this become an annual tradition for someone.

In order for the money to come into the house, you need to take something out of the door on December 31st. Let it stand there for a day - it’s like paying tribute to the old year, and with the onset of a new year, you need to bring it back.

Something that always comes true

There are signs that can be considered a guide to action, and their logic is quite understandable and acceptable. Many of them are in different interpretations used as New Year traditions in different countries. They help change your life for the better in the new year, improve your financial condition, and attract good luck. Here they are, all six, in order:

    clean the house, throw away all old trash and garbage;

    set a rich table;

    use a white tablecloth;

    put coins under it;

    light seven green candles;

    make wishes as the chimes strike.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

Over the past year, any home has accumulated huge variety any unnecessary rubbish and garbage, no matter how diligently they removed it. This trash attracts negative, destructive energy of stagnation. Makes people apathetic, deprives vitality and the ability to create. New Year's signs prescribe to get rid of it, so that a fresh breath of air in the form vital energy Qi burst into life and made it complete. Therefore, a few days before the holiday, you need to start clearing out the rubble, cleaning your house, that is, putting it in order.

Promising happiness to the family hearth

A white tablecloth on the table is a symbol of purity and readiness for change, the arrival of good luck in the house. Coins under the tablecloth - cash flows during a year. Seven green candles - hearth: green - color money luck, and fire is the activator of its energy.

Well, the most important thing is to make wishes during the chimes! They need to be made differently. Real and incredible - it's the New Year! Whatever you wish will always happen! After all, at the same time as you, a great many people make wishes and send them into the Universe, and this is a very powerful energy of collective desire. Everything always comes true!

For family, happiness and love

And yet, not by bread alone... Many New Year traditions in Russia are not associated with material well-being and money. This is not the only thing Russians dream about on New Year's Eve. Family happiness, love, health and well-being of relatives and friends are important for people.

And in this regard, there are New Year's signs and superstitions regarding celebrating the holiday in the family circle. Only close and dear people. Under no circumstances should ill-wishers or enemies be invited. Only those who will wish happiness. Then you can continue hanging out with whoever you want and wherever you want. But when the chimes strike - only with people dear to your heart. And here, as signs of the New Year, couples in love give each other the first kiss, while spouses kiss last. If a child wakes up on New Year's Day, let him stay there festive table. This way you will maintain mutual understanding with him.

If a girl has a desire to get married in the New Year, a good New Year's omen for her is to give gifts to seven children. This activates the energy of the family.

Particularly good for health

There are also those New Year's signs and traditions that are paid tribute in the old fashioned way. If you want to be healthy whole year, it is imperative and simply necessary to take a bath or shower just before the celebration in order to wash away the energetic dirt of the past year and prepare the body and energy for the perception of something new in life.

It is very correct to observe the Nativity fast if a person is a believer and Orthodox Christian. This is not only a spiritual need - the lack noisy companies, contrary to the very spirit of fasting, overstimulating nervous system during this period, but also benefits for physical health person - the absence of excessive alcoholic libations and overeating.

Happy New Year with a smile

Eat new year rituals, which must be done immediately before the chiming clock, and since there are several of them, the desire to do everything in time to attract good luck and money will turn into a very fun marathon. It might even be worth practicing the day before. So, the funniest New Year's signs:

    have time to peel a tangerine or orange before the clock strikes and put it under the tree;

    have time to drink a glass before the chimes strike, and if you are the last to do so, your luck this year;

    wish for a lot of money over a coin, throw it into a glass of champagne, drink it, and make a pendant out of the penny and wear it around your neck all year;

    write a wish on a piece of paper, burn it, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne, drink it all while the chimes strike;

    if something unusual happens on New Year's Eve, it will happen to you all year;

    and under no circumstances should you throw a Christmas tree out of a window or balcony, especially on New Year’s Eve - family happiness will be destroyed.

If you approach the issue wisely and tell your guests in advance about such “100%” effective methods, then by 12 at night you can witness funny puns.

And finally

This is why the New Year is valuable because with a smile and slight sadness you can look back at the passing year, emerge from the whirlpool of bustle and, before crossing the threshold of the coming one, look back. Thank the Universe for what you have experienced, ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself, take stock and outline plans, and most importantly, do not forget to ask for blessings for the coming year. The expectation of a miracle and magic must appear on the threshold of the house with last fight chimes.

It will start with the New Year new stage life, but whether the changes in your life will be positive depends only on you. There are many prohibitions associated with the last day of the outgoing year, but still few people know about them.

One of the main days of the year is December 31st. Despite the fact that the New Year begins only on January 1, on the last day of the outgoing year it is important not to make mistakes or break prohibitions. The site team presents you with a list of New Year's signs and superstitions that you need to consider when preparing to celebrate the New Year.

What is prohibited to do on December 31

On the last day of the expiring year, it is strictly forbidden to borrow money or lend money. With bills and coins you can give away your happiness. It is not recommended to start the New Year by paying off debts, otherwise you will find yourself on the verge of poverty.

Broken dishes on December 31 are a bad sign, foreshadowing serious conflicts between family members. To avoid this, pick up the pieces and bury them away from your home.

Don't quarrel with anyone, especially over New Year's table. Otherwise, next year you will have many new enemies.

Even if you are very angry with someone, do not scold that person. New Year is a good holiday, and negative thoughts and emotions on this day will be inappropriate.

Before the New Year's feast, it is advisable not to take out the trash, but if there is such a need, then do it before 6 pm. By violating this ban, you risk losing your luck next year.

On December 31, it is not recommended to remember your problems that occurred in the past year. On the contrary, the topics for conversation should be positive and festive, so that next year there will be even more pleasant moments and positive memories.

On this day, it is advisable not to remember the dead, and if the topic of the deceased was nevertheless raised, then say only good things about them. If someone scolds the deceased on December 31, then next year he will have to face troubles.

On the last day of the outgoing year, you cannot do general cleaning - it must be done before December 31st. Celebrate the New Year at dirty house- attract chaos and failure into your life.

Oddly enough, many people love solitude, because it is a great opportunity to be alone with themselves and think about the future. However, try to celebrate the New Year in the company of family or friends, otherwise next year you will constantly feel lonely.

Pretty haircut - an important part New Year's look, but cutting your hair on December 31 is not recommended, otherwise in the New Year your hair will be dull and sparse.

For many people, New Year is not only a fun, but also a sad holiday. Can you remember pleasant moments that happened in the old year, and regret that they are leaving. Learn to let go of the past and on December 31st do not regret the past year, otherwise there will be much less in the future bright events and impressions.

Some can't wait New Year's Eve and begin to drink alcohol even before the holiday. Alcohol lovers should be careful, as the New Year is in a state of strong alcohol intoxication threatens serious troubles in the coming year.

In addition to prohibitions, there are many wonderful traditions associated with the New Year. Spend the last day of the outgoing year correctly, and most importantly, don’t forget to wish for your cherished wish. The website experts wish you a Happy New Year and Christmas. May all your dreams come true, and don't forget to press the buttons and

28.12.2017 05:50

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