Even smart people make this mistake on the way to their goal. How to attract money luck

This statement talks about a goal and ways to achieve it. It is noted that the wrong means do not lead to desired result, because they themselves turn into a target. The author raises the problem of achieving a goal, as well as transforming means into the goal of activity. This problem quite relevant these days. Every person sets before himself life goals, and each of them faces a choice: by what means and methods to achieve it? In this vein, we divide all methods into right and wrong. But who determines this boundary, because the concept of “correct” is subjective. Next we will consider this assessment from point of view generally accepted norms morality and law. I do not agree with this opinion, because wrong methods do not always become the target of action, these are just exceptions.

To define the problem more clearly, we must distinguish between two basic concepts: goal and result.

So, the goal is something that a person strived for at the very beginning of his journey, something that was in his thoughts and dreams. The result is the final result that completes the activity. By the concept of “means” we mean all the ways to achieve a goal.

Against the background of these considerations, I would like to note the motives of a person who is forced to resort to incorrect methods. All motives will be dictated by a certain factor. Firstly, the issue of education is raised. All people are divided into those who would never use wrong methods, and those who do not disdain them. Secondly, if a person nevertheless used unworthy methods, this means that he assessed all legal possibilities and did not see in them a way to achieve his goal.

Then, as part of his plans, he uses illegal methods. Their use, according to calculations, will lead to the desired result, and not to any other.

Understanding this problem can be taken philosophically, because it implies several eternal questions humanity. One of them is the question: “Are any means good to achieve an end?” The author notes that this is not so, because, in his opinion, if the means are incorrect, then they will lead to a result different from the original plans. But is this always the case? The great Italian philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli, in one of his treatises dedicated to political power, wrote: “Actions, and especially sovereigns, are judged by their results, so let sovereigns try to maintain power and win. Whatever means are used for this, they will always be considered worthy and approved.” Machiavelli believed that the sovereign has the right to use any means to achieve his goals, including the wrong ones. But, in his opinion, they always lead to the result that was intended. Also, to prove my position, I would like to cite the familiar phrase of the English philosopher T. Hobbes: “The end justifies the means.” From it we see that a noble goal can justify the most improper methods of achieving it.

An example is historical events, which, I am sure, occurred in all states with monarchical form board. I mean the question of succession to the throne. Traditionally, the eldest son became ruler after the death of his monarch father. But what should the second son, who received only a small fraction of the family wealth, do? A typical example can be considered Prince Vladimir the Red Sun. He ascended the throne after the murder of his older brother Yaropolk. Vladimir had a goal: to gain the throne. His remedy was murder, which is certainly considered wrong and wrong. However, Vladimir's original goal was achieved. His wrong methods did not lead to wrong results. Moreover, murder did not become his main goal, but remained only a means to achieve one of them.

Thus, incorrect methods do not lead to incorrect results that are different from original goal. This only happens in very in rare cases. Any means are suitable to achieve a goal, because, as we know, the end justifies the means.

The head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, Dmitry Kobylkin, recalled the importance for the regions of applications in national project"Ecology". The admission period is about to expire.

At the situation center of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, the head of the department D. Kobylkin held a video conference with the leadership Sverdlovsk region.

As part of the “regional hour”, a set of additional measures to improve environmental situation and reducing emissions of pollutants in atmospheric air in Nizhny Tagil, the second city in terms of population after the capital of the region - Yekaterinburg.

By Decree of the President of the country Vladimir Putin municipality included in the list of 12 major industrial centers, requiring a significant - at least 20% - reduction harmful emissions in atmosphere.

“The Urals region is industrially loaded. Large enterprises are mainly city-forming enterprises and produce products that are strategic for the country. But. Everyone understands that this is metallurgy and chemical production. And in conditions when we are faced with the task of improving the quality and life expectancy of citizens, environmental issues matter no less economic indicators, - said the Minister. - The comprehensive action plan to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population of the city of Nizhny Tagil for 2016-2018 provides for the participation of enterprises in the implementation of environmental measures. Please let me know what effect the measures already taken have had. And let me know what stage it is at current plan reducing emissions in Nizhny Tagil."

D. Kobylkin emphasized that the main polluting enterprises should follow the path of modernizing production and equipping sources negative impact automated control means, in parallel it is important to develop a monitoring network.

First Deputy Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Vladimir Tungusov informed about the environmental situation and the regional plan. Thus, according to Sverdlovskstat, in 2017, harmful emissions from stationary sources in Nizhny Tagil amounted to 15% of the total volume in the Sverdlovsk region. At the same time, emissions decreased by 0.9% compared to 2016. At the same time, a representative of the Sverdlovsk region noted, last year no cases of “high” and “extremely high” air pollution were recorded at the posts of the State Observation Network of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “Ural UGMS”. To fulfill the tasks of reducing air pollution levels, a meeting was held with management large companies, working in Nizhny Tagil.

3 agreements were signed to support environmental programs carried out by industrialists, under which the companies assumed increased obligations.

Today at the meeting, the analyzed consolidated plan of Nizhny Tagil factories to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere by 7-8% by 2024 was criticized. The Minister reminded about paragraph 7 May Decree The President of the country to improve the level of environmental well-being and strongly recommended short time review action plans and provide highly effective activities.

In addition, representatives of the Sverdlovsk region need to send to the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia in a short time comprehensive plan to improve the environmental situation for inclusion in the Unified priority project"Ecology".

As D. Kobylkin noted: “I ask you to approach the issue as responsibly as possible, focus on what is most necessary and propose effective measures that give the maximum environmental effect, for justified financial investments. Be rational." He noted that the department will not approve far-fetched proposals. “A formal approach will delay the deadlines and will not lead to the desired result. I’m sure you will treat it with understanding,” summed up the head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.

The Minister recommended paying special attention to the situation and control in the field of waste management in his regional environmental policy. The main thing is to carry out all procedures openly for residents, explain them and involve public experts in the implementation of projects.

The next “regional hour” of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources is planned with representatives of the Irkutsk region.

How can we say that people have all the resources they need, if there are so many unfortunate people around? When things don't work out, most people continue to do the same thing they did before that didn't bring the desired results - and most often with even more persistence and strength. But remember that what limits us is not in the territory, but in our maps of this territory. If you want to see the same landscape, take the same road. But if you want something new, your actions must change too. And neither analysis of the reasons that led you to where you wanted to go, nor reflection on why you still managed to achieve what you were striving for will help you. And the number of “whys” and “becauses” with which you can explain your behavior does not matter, because you are still walking the same road you walked before.

Instead of looking for reasons, it is better to think about how exactly you manage to achieve or not achieve your desired goals. WITH using NLP you will be able to adjust and refine your mental maps and find those essential elements that distinguish failure from success, good from excellent, simple performance from creative performance.

Short story nlp

The history of NLP is a story of extraordinary collaboration between people that has produced unexpected joint effectiveness and productivity in the creation of new theory personal changes. In the early 70s, one of the future creators NLP Richard Bandler studied mathematics at the University of California, Santa Cruz. At the beginning of his studies, he devoted almost all his time to studying computer technology. But, influenced by conversations with a family friend who was familiar with many outstanding psychotherapists of that time, he decided to devote himself to the study of psychology.

After carefully familiarizing yourself with the operation of one of these famous psychotherapists Richard realized that by completely repeating the behavior of this master, he could achieve similar results in working with patients. positive results. This discovery became the basis for a revolutionary technique known in NLP as mastery modeling. Later he met another future creator of NLP, Dr. John Grinder, a professor of linguistics. Professional path John Grinder's is as unusual as Bandler's. His ability to quickly master foreign languages, master pronunciation and grasp behavioral characteristics characteristic of another culture, honed during military service special purpose in Europe in the 60s, and later - in the ranks of those working in Europe at that time intelligence units. John's interests in the field of psychology lay in line with the main tasks of linguistics - to reveal the internal grammar of thinking and behavior.

Having discovered that they have common interests, Richard and John decided to combine their knowledge of computer science and linguistics and the ability to copy nonverbal behavior people to develop a new “language of change.”

At the very beginning of their activity, Richard Bandler taught classes in Gestalt therapy on Tuesdays with groups of students and local residents. He tried in everything to copy the founder of this type of therapy, German psychiatrist Fritz Perls. Richard went so far in imitating Dr. Perls that he even grew a beard just like him, never took a cigarette out of his mouth, and began speaking English with a German accent. Grinder, in turn, began teaching another group on Thursdays, using the verbal and nonverbal techniques of Perls, which he observed in Richard's behavior in his Tuesday seminars. Together with Richard, they began to gradually discard those elements of behavior (German accent, smoking) that, in their opinion, were not significant, and did this until they got to the very essence of Perls's technique - those deep features that distinguished Perls from others less effective psychotherapists. They launched a course they called “simulating human excellence.”

Inspired by their success, they decided to go further and began to study the works of the outstanding female founder family psychotherapy Virginia Satir and Gregory Bateson, who made revolutionary discoveries in the field of philosophy and systems thinking. Richard included a description of these early discoveries in his PhD thesis, which formed the basis of the book The Structure of Magic. By this time, Bandler and Grinder decided to jointly conduct research in such an amazing and little-known area.

What really set them apart from most of the alternative psychology that could be found in California at the time was their inextinguishable desire to get to the bottom of what we call personality change. Having begun to study people burdened various problems, Bandler and Grinder noticed that all people suffering from a phobia think about the event that frightens them as if it were happening in currently. When they began to figure out what happened to those people who managed to get rid of the phobia on their own, they discovered that all these people remembered their scary experience as if it all happened to someone else, and they see a mental image corresponding to this event at a fair distance from themselves - it’s like watching from afar a dizzying roller coaster race in the park. Having made such a simple yet profound discovery, Bandler and Grinder decided to teach people suffering from phobias to perceive their fears in a new way, as if the situations that frightened them had happened in the past to someone else, and at the same time place the image of the memory in their internal space as far as possible. The feeling of fear disappeared instantly. This is how it was done in NLP fundamental discovery. The way people think about certain things decisively determines how they will perceive these things.

Learning the art of personality transformation from the best masters At that time, Bandler and Grinder tried to find out from them what should be changed first, what element was most important to change, and where was the place to start. Their skills and growing reputation allowed them to quickly establish contacts with the most prominent representatives that galaxy of people who are called masters of their craft, and among them was Milton Erickson, MD, founder of the American Society of Medical Hypnosis and recognized by the world medical community as one of the best in this field.

Dr. Erickson was as extraordinary a person as Bandler and Grinder. A tough kid who grew up on a farm in Wisconsin, he contracted polio at the age of 18 in the 1920s. Unable to breathe on his own, he lay for more than a year in an “oxygen tent” in the kitchen of a small rural house where his family lived. Perhaps someone else - if he were in Milton's place - would have perceived this situation as a catastrophe, and could have compared his situation to that of a prisoner in a cage. But even then, Erickson took particular pleasure in observing people’s behavior, and now he had a lot of time that he could devote to his favorite pastime - watching how the relatives and friends around him behaved, how they communicate with each other, watching their conscious and unconscious reactions. He mentally constructed phrases that could have double meanings or cause a delayed reaction from the interlocutor, tirelessly training his observation and speech skills.

When his condition improved enough that the oxygen tent was no longer necessary, he began to learn to walk, carefully watching how his little sister did it. Although he still needed crutches, he went on a canoe trip before going to college. In college he eventually got his pre-med and then psychological education. The experiences and adversities he endured in his youth made him very sensitive to the subtlest nuances of speech and behavior. While studying medicine, he became interested in hypnosis, advancing his research much further than observing shiny balls in the hypnotist's hand and monotonous suggestions inducing sleep. What caught his attention was the fact that when his patients think or become immersed in their sensations, they briefly enter a trance-like state that can be used to induce hypnotic state. In more mature age Erickson became known as a master of nondirective hypnosis, as someone who had the ability to induce deep trances by telling everyday stories.

By the early 70s, Dr. Erickson was already well known in medical circles and even wrote several books, but only a few of his students could boast that they were able to achieve the same results that Erickson himself achieved. He was often called the “wounded healer,” as many of his colleagues attributed his genius for psychotherapeutic abilities to the personal trials he suffered in his youth.

When Richard Bandler called to make an appointment, Dr. Erickson himself answered the phone. And although Bandler and Grinder had previously been introduced to Erickson by Gregory Bateson, Erickson replied that he was very busy. Then Bandler said, “Some people, Dr. Erickson, know how to find time,” emphasizing the words “Dr. Erickson” and “find time.” The answer came immediately: “Come any time,” also with emphasis on last words. And although their lack of psychology degrees made Bandler and Grinder rather inferior in Erickson's eyes, he was intrigued by the fact that these two young men seemed to be able to notice things that most people don't pay any attention to. After all, one of them used in his speech the technique that Erickson discovered himself and used as a hypnotic speech pattern, currently known as the “built-in command.” By emphasizing the words “Dr. Erickson, find time,” he embedded a separate sentence within a larger phrase, and this sentence acted as a hypnotic command.

Bandler and Grinder traveled to Phoenix, Arizona, where Dr. Erickson lived and worked. They were about to test the modeling techniques they had just developed with a talented hypnotist. The combination of Erickson's talents as a hypnotist and the modeling techniques of Bandler and Grinder created the basis for rapid development new therapeutic techniques. Collaboration with Milton Erickson further strengthened their belief that they had found a method to explore and reproduce human excellence.

Meanwhile, the classes that Bandler and Grinder taught in college and at evening seminars attracted more and more students eager to master new methods of personality transformation. Later, many of them, such as Leslie Cameron-Bandler, Judith Delozier, Robert Dilts and David Gordon, made significant contributions to the development of NLP ideas. Information about the emergence of a new approach to the study of the processes of communication and change began to spread throughout the country. Steve Andreas - at that time already a fairly well-known gesthalt therapist - decided to put aside what he was doing then and immerse himself in the study of new technologies. He quickly realized that NLP was such an important breakthrough in psychology that, together with his wife and colleague Konira, Andreas decided to audiotape Bandler and Grinder's seminars in order to later publish them in book form. The first of these books, From Frogs to Princes, immediately became a bestseller. In 1979, a large article on NLP appeared in the journal Psychology Today under the title “People for whom a person is an open book.” This was the beginning of the development of NLP.

Nowadays NLP methods form the basis of many approaches to the study of communication processes and personality transformation. Thanks to the efforts of such popularizers as Anthony Robbins, John Bradshaw and others, NLP elements have become part of sales seminars, communication trainings, training courses and gradually enter our daily life. When they talk about modeling mastery, entering a particular state, building rapport, or how “visual” people are, they use NLP terms. We are glad that NLP ideas are becoming known to an increasingly wider circle of people. But the fact is that superficial knowledge can become dangerous weapon in the hands of an ignoramus or turn out to be just a disguise for an absolute misunderstanding of the essence. Knowing about skill modeling is nothing compared to being able to do what lies behind the name. Knowledge of individual elements of NLP is nothing compared to perfect possession ideas and NLP technologies. And in an effort to give you such a chance, we wrote this book.

Review what you've learned

NLP explores human excellence. This is a technology for modeling patterns of thinking, behavior and sensations real people who have achieved valuable results in their lives. The founders of NLP learned to transform inner experience people so easily and elegantly precisely because they relied on certain fundamental principles on which NLP is built.

NLP Background

· The map is not the territory.

· Subjective experience has a certain structure.

· What one person can do, anyone else can learn.

· The brain and body are part of the same system.

· People already have all the resources they need.

· You cannot NOT convey messages.

· The meaning of our messages lies in the response we receive.

· Positive intentions underlie all behavior.

· People always do best choice of all available to them in this moment opportunities.

· If what you are doing is not producing the results you want, do something new. Do whatever you want, but be sure to do something new.

By understanding how we create and handle our inner thoughts and feelings, it costs us nothing to teach this to others, or if we discover more advanced methods, we can just as easily replace our thoughts with more useful ones. In this chapter you learned how to:

· dissociate from negative ones and associate with pleasant experiences;

weaken or strengthen the impact of internal mental image;

· direct your thoughts in the direction in which you yourself would like to move, and not in the one from which you are diligently holding them back;

weaken discomfort in relation to past events by methods using the creation of “musical accompaniment” and “picture frame”;

· create resource states using the “Circle of Perfection”, attaching them to those events of your future in which you will most likely have a desire or need to take advantage of these states.

Somewhere inside each of us lives a dreamer. We cannot completely abandon desires and flights of imagination. All this happens by itself. Our desires and dreams are integral part our life, part of our essence - after all, it was thanks to the ability to dream that humanity at one time came out of the caves, and several centuries later flew to the moon. We dream and want our dreams to come true. And we want to understand what mechanisms underlie the formation of our desires and our dreams aimed at the future.

T. E. Lawrence, who once lived in Arabia, wrote in his memoirs: “All people dream, but everyone dreams differently. Those who dream at night, wandering into the dark corners of their mind, wake up in the morning and find that it was all just a dream, while those who dream during the day are dangerous because they can act out their dreams in reality and thereby make them come true.” .

You may not have thought about it before, but the telephone, television, CD player, dishwasher, refrigerator, microwave, not to mention toilet and shower, all started as someone's dream. Someone's dreams have transformed the world around us, and many of these changes have occurred in our lifetime. When you want to achieve even the most basic of dreams, you have to change some things and at the same time face the already existing state of affairs and that state of mind that tells you: “Everything is fine the way it is.” When you bring something new into your world, you can disrupt the established order and deceive someone else's expectations. And you have to ask yourself and other people to change at least a little.

One way to help you bring the people around you closer to what you dream of is to invite them to collaborate. Your loved ones, co-workers and family members will see what you do and may want to join. Perhaps they were simply embarrassed to ask you about it earlier. And if they start moving forward with you, then most likely they will not want to stop. Those who themselves have known what freedom of choice is are more willing to accept this freedom for other people. NLP is something you can do research on. together with others people, not other people.

NLP creates the conditions for effective and comfortable personal change. It starts working when you start using it, and it will change your life. You can start with the problems that led you to study NLP, and then you can start creating new opportunities for yourself and preparing new ones amazing adventures in your life in the future. If you don't limit yourself individual techniques, NLP will help you build your life purposefully and gradually create the world that you truly strive for.



Everything that is in front of us and everything that is behind us is nothing compared to what is inside us.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The importance of motivation

Motivational consultant and bestselling author Anthony Robbins says, “The motivation for success comes from two things: inspiration and desperation.” In terms of inspiration, an example is Dr. Edwin Land, inventor of instant photography and founder of the Polaroid Corporation. His little daughter always wanted to see her image immediately after the camera shutter clicked, and she impatiently asked her father why the process of getting a photograph took so long. This gave Land the idea of ​​combining the shooting and developing processes. Something similar happened when the future founders of Microsoft saw the advertisement. personal computer in the magazine “Popular Mechanics” and began to fantasize about how it would develop Computer Engineering. Bill even called his mother to tell her not to expect calls from him for the next six months, because during that time he was going to write a program for IBM. This is the same program that we now know as MS-DOS.

To prove that despair can also be a powerful motivator, we might start with Anthony Robbins himself. A former vacuum cleaner salesman and wellness coach, Tony tasted financial success and then lost it all. And when one day, while washing dirty dishes in his kitchen, he suddenly realized that his life had narrowed to the size of a miserable apartment of forty square meters on Venice Beach in California, it was not the taste of success that pushed him to action, but dissatisfaction with the conditions in which he found himself. This made him go NLP training and turn your whole life around. Another example of the motivating effect of despair is Academy Award-winning actress Cher. When she turned forty, she looked back at her life to see what she had achieved, and was very upset, not finding anything worthy of attention from her point of view. But Cher did not lose heart. She began to work hard on herself and soon built a completely different future for herself. Motivation, whether it comes from inspiration or desperation, plays a hugely transformative role in anyone's life—whether you are a scientist, an actor, an athlete, or a businessman.

Why then is it so difficult for some people to create motivation to perform some action or achieve a result? Shouldn't the desire for success or the fulfillment of one's deepest desires in itself be a sufficient incentive? Nevertheless, for most of us, just getting started with this or that task often turns out to be the most big problem. People who have achieved a lot in their lives usually say that motivation helped them achieve their goals - but the question is, what do they mean by this word? From our point of view, the truth is that motivation is not some secret formula known only to some outstanding athletes and speakers who know how to inspire the public. Not at all, it is an intelligent strategy that you can learn and use to your advantage whenever you need it.

The situations in life when we really need motivation are fundamentally different from those moments when we we do not want be motivated. It is possible that at first glance this statement does not make sense, but think about those things that are very attractive to you, which in fact have no benefit. Remember some cases when, for example, you really wanted to eat a little more chocolate, or that obviously extra third piece of pizza, or buy some completely unnecessary thing. These are precisely the cases when you would need to use not motivation, but a deferment strategy. In other words, motivation is required only when we don’t feel like doing something, but want it to be done. We want to get results, but the process of getting it may not arouse our enthusiasm. For example, if you think about doing laundry, paying bills, or taking out the trash can, you probably won't feel very happy about the task, but you really want to get it done.

When your boss wants a report on his desk by noon sharp, but just the mention of it makes you sleepy, then you don’t have the desire to prepare this report, but you really want it to be done. When we are constantly haunted by the thought of the need to do physical exercises, but at the same time you know that just doing these exercises brings nothing but fatigue, sweat, physical pain and loss of time, then although we don’t want to do them, we need so that they are done. We do not always want to participate in a particular process; rather, we are attracted to what will happen at the end of this process. It is in these cases that we need the ability to create motivation, and this is exactly what is done with the help of NLP.

The subconscious mind processes information not in the form of words and numbers, but in the form of images and images. The creation of mental images is directly related to nervous system, which regulates basic body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure and digestion.

Mental image processing mechanisms intelligently control our lives, ensuring consistency of actions. In other words, they connect our inner world with external. Two techniques that will help you organize your thoughts and make the right decision.


Often we are faced with a choice. At this point, it is necessary to soberly evaluate the pros and cons of alternative options. Here are a few steps to help you make the right choice.

1. Stop talking and try to even out your breathing

Narrow your options as much as possible. There should be no more than four. Choose the most reliable paths that are most likely to lead to the desired result.

Use your imagination and imagine all the risks, obstacles, chances and conditions. This is a long process that requires attention and effort, but the quality of the solution depends on it.

3. Make the best decision

Explain to yourself why this particular decision seems to you the most reasonable. Even if this choice does not lead to the desired result, if the decision turns out to be wrong, at the moment you made it, it was the most reasonable one.

This is the only way to live important choice and gain respect. Our choices reveal who we really are. This technique increases self-confidence and teaches us to notice and evaluate the relationships that arise in our lives.

At the epicenter of events

This technique is effective in stressful situations that happen in everyone’s life – in the family, at work, at sporting competitions. It will help you stay calm and overcome the crisis.

1. Remember that you are faced with an event that you have little or no control over.

Some events happen against our will, and we should not waste energy worrying about this. The goal is to cope with the situation as quickly as possible with the least losses.

2. Stop talking and try to even out your breathing

Shift your focus from the storm that is raging around you to the calm place that is within you. Your inner world is a lifeline that gives support.

3. Shift your thoughts away from negative events

Focus on positive actions that you can regulate—inhaling and exhaling. Through calm, even breathing, you will gradually gain control over the situation and feel powerful.

Many people are familiar with situations when the efforts put into work do not lead to the desired result. This happens because hard work alone is not enough to achieve the goal: in financial matters, luck plays a decisive role.

Surely every person has wondered why some people get everything, while others have to be content with little. Every day we see how one of the famous personalities. It would seem, what is the difference between them and us and why does financial Fortune show more favor to them? After all, many people show no less diligence and activity, but wealth remains at the same level, and strength gradually dries up.

This riddle has troubled the minds of people since ancient times. The world has long been filled with rumors about secret societies that were able to concentrate power in their hands and material goods by using secret knowledge, available only to a select few. The version that the richest people in the world own a special one is still very common today.

Fortunately, now it is possible to get an answer to almost any question, and the secret of attracting monetary luck ceases to be a secret. This happened largely thanks to people who came into contact with the teachings of secret orders, but decided in time to abandon the destructive doctrine and use the acquired knowledge for good.

One of these people is our compatriot, who was involved in the secret order of the Illuminati. Also in Soviet years his family emigrated to the States, where he graduated from university and showed brilliant abilities. His talents brought him to the attention of the Illuminati society, and after a while he began working for them. He was entrusted with an extremely important assignment: he compiled a project that opens up any opportunities for the owner. The owner of the Pentacle is able not only to attract financial success, but also to change circumstances, making them more favorable for achieving his own goal.

It was thanks to the Pentacle that many gained fame and influence famous people. The newly minted Illuminati adherent soon realized that secret society aimed at gaining unlimited power. This is what forced our compatriot to refuse further participation in this process, return to his homeland and confront the destructive doctrine of the order with the help of its own weapons - to give ordinary people.

How to attract money luck

The history of the Pentacle goes back several thousand years. It is believed that the secret of its creation was received from extraterrestrial civilizations. This knowledge has survived to this day. It is on their basis that a special formula is compiled that helps to attract financial luck in right moment and opens up a lot of possibilities for the owner. How exactly does the Illuminati Pentacle work?

First of all, it strengthens the owner’s energy, drawing streams of opportunities towards it. This is what is called “luck”. Secondly, it has the most favorable effect on a person’s subconscious, helping him choose from a variety of possible ways exactly the one that will lead to desired goal. After all, it is the subconscious that ultimately determines our actions, and therefore our success.

What does the Illuminati Pentacle give?

  • The Pentacle expands the horizon of possibilities. Its owner discovers chances for achieving material well-being that he had not noticed before;
  • The Pentacle influences circumstances, changing them in the most favorable way;
  • The Pentacle relieves fears, doubts and uncertainty in own strength;
  • The Pentacle helps to overcome financial difficulties of any nature - solutions to problems are found easily and quickly;
  • The Pentacle helps to correctly direct energy to achieve what you want, thanks to which dreams begin to come true.

The pentacle is created individually for each person. To receive it, you must describe your life situation, and you will receive your key to success and detailed instructions on working with him.

You can start right now. May every new day bring new opportunities, and may luck not leave you. We wish you success and don't forget to click on the buttons and

02.02.2017 02:30

It is no secret that wealth is distributed very unevenly on earth. But getting a financial one into your life...