Famous personalities in human history. The greatest personality in Russian history

What does it mean to be famous? For example, Chesley Sullenberger got into second position in the ranking of the Top 100 most influential people of 2009 just for the successful emergency landing of a plane, as a result of which no one was injured. But time passes, and all these rating names are erased and dissolved behind millions of the same rating names. But there are ten people who are known in any part globe. They knew about them, they know about them and will continue to know about them. And we invite you to remember these ten people in the Top Greatest People of All Time. The names on the list are arranged in ascending order, from tenth to the most important, first place.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Sir Isaac Newton

If you were to rank people for a query on Google, then Albert Einstein would be in tenth place; in one month, the query “Albert Einstein” gains up to 6.1 million search queries. But much has been written about Isaac Newton more books and Albert Einstein is unlikely to ever be able to defeat him in this sense. Sir Isaac Newton discovered the Law of Attraction, coined the term "gravity", invented the reflecting telescope, won Roman Catholic Church justification of geocentrism and determined that any, even the smallest object in the Universe moves. IN free time Newton explored the principles of optics. Lived long life and died at the age of 84.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Leonardo da Vinci

In the case of one of history's greatest men, Leonardo da Vinci, a Google search can be quite inaccurate. And if you enter only the name “Leonardo,” Google will return a bunch of links to Ninja Turtles and people who drowned on the Titanic. But if you type full name Leonardo da Vinci, it will immediately become clear that he is known throughout the world. A man who could do anything. And all the books about him and his inventions are perhaps the largest and most interesting summary in the world. He was an engineer, inventor, anatomist, architect, mathematician, geologist, musician, cartographer, botanist, writer and sculptor. He invented a rifle, even if it didn’t immediately look like what we used to call a rifle, but Leonardo’s rifle could shoot at a distance of 1000 yards. He invented the parachute, 300 years before it was officially invented. He invented the hang glider, 400 years before its official invention. Leonardo's hang glider was based on the work of bird wings. He could imagine what a helicopter should be like, but he could not understand what kind of force it would have to be to lift such a structure into the air. He invented a tank, which was a structure driven by a crankshaft. The structure could move and shoot at the same time different sides. He invented scissors by connecting two knives with a bolt.

Along with incredible inventions for his time, Leonardo was a magnificent artist and sculptor. The work “Mona Lisa” is a masterpiece of world portraiture, around which controversy continues to this day.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is a man whom we repeat every day, quoting and not even suspecting that it was he who came up with this phrase or expression. This is amazing, remember how often you say something like this: “all that glitters is not gold”, “a pitiful sight”, “food of the gods”, “all’s well that ends well”. It's all Shakespeare. And of course, the most famous phrase maestro: “to be or not to be.” Egil Aarvik, a representative of the Nobel Prize Committee, once said that Shakespeare would have been the only person, who could qualify for the Nobel Prize more than once.

Speaking about Shakespeare's work, we can say almost nothing unambiguously about him himself. About his life, about him as a person. We only know that he was a simple actor, and then suddenly he suddenly became the greatest playwright. This gives rise to an incredible amount of rumors about whether Shakespeare was Shakespeare.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Adolf Gitler

Everyone knows who Adolf Hitler is. We all know that this man is the root cause of World War II. He provoked the war for two main reasons, so to speak. First: become the most powerful man on Earth and in history, and rule the world. The second reason: to create as much pain as possible against all those whom he personally considered responsible for putting Germany into an insulting and humiliating position after the First World War.

Hitler was an excellent speaker, and he knew what his compatriots wanted to hear and knew that they felt the same feelings towards the offenders of Germany as he did himself. Consequently, it was not difficult at all to raise people to “great” achievements and conquests.

Second World War became the heaviest, the most bloody war in the history of mankind. It led to the biggest human losses. The estimated number of victims of World War II is 71 million. And Hitler is to blame for this. And during the war, he knew about it. He knew that all these victims were his victims, and he was glad about it. He was proud of it. Today, Hitler is on the same list as the “Devil” and “Satan” in the hearts and minds of people.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Apostle Paul of Tarsus

In sixth place in our ranking Greatest people of all times. The top 10 is the Apostle Paul of Tarsus. The Apostle Paul is considered the most important person on the issue of the spread of Christianity, its ideology and principles. The Apostle Paul is considered the most important Christian apologist.

The Apostle Paul is the most famous and revered apostle of all the disciples of Christ.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha)

It may surprise you, but most people who Google Buddha's name are not Buddhists. IN Western Hemisphere and throughout Europe Buddhism is not as widespread as in the Eastern part - Nepal and India. It is known that Buddha was a mortal man who achieved nirvana and spiritual awakening at the age of 35. To achieve nirvana and spiritual knowledge, the Buddha sat in meditation for 49 days under a tree until he achieved knowledge of what needed to be done in order to stop human suffering. Having learned the truth, the Buddha carried his teachings to people so that all those who do could be freed from torment in their lives. This path is called the Noble Eightfold Path, which consists of: right view, right intention, right concentration, correct speech, right actions, the right image life, right effort and right mindfulness. According to the teachings of Buddha, if you adhere to these simple rules, you can truly become happy man, independent of anything.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Moses

Moses is revered by all major modern religions peace, and Judaism, and Christianity, and Islam. He is greatest prophet Supreme Testament, liberator Jewish people from Egyptian slavery. Moses was a legislator, a judge, a man through whom the Lord conveyed his main 10 commandments.

According to legend, Moses was found as a baby in a basket floating on the Nile and was raised as the son of Pharaoh. There is no generally accurate information about Moses, except that he grew up in a noble Egyptian family, and one fine day he saw an Egyptian mocking his Jewish slave, killed the Egyptian and fled into the desert. Here, in the desert, God first appeared to Moses as a burning bush. This crucial moment inspired Moses, and he, inspired, went to Pharaoh, asking him to let all the Jews go, otherwise the Lord would send such torment to the Egyptians that they would not be able to stand it. And so it happened. Pharaoh resisted, but the Lord showed his strength and sent unimaginable torment to the Egyptian people. Ultimately, Pharaoh was forced to release Moses along with all the Jews.

Moses led the Jews through the deserts for 40 years so that they would all be reborn from slavery, and here the Lord passed on his basic laws through Moses.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Abraham

Bronze in our ranking of The Greatest People of All Time. The top 10 is occupied by the Biblical Abraham. And this is no coincidence. Abraham is considered one of the first prophets of the Middle East, the first to preach one God. According to legend, God makes a covenant with Abraham because he was very pious and unshakable in his faith in God. This covenant is marked by circumcision. Before this, the Lord tested Abraham's faith, demanding that he kill his son Isaac, and Abraham had already raised a knife over his son when the Lord said that this was a test.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Mahomet

For non-Muslims, Mohammed founded Islam. For Muslims, Islam already existed, but Mohammed revived it in the hearts of people. Muslims believe that God transmitted through Mohammed the main philosophical principles and the revelations that he wrote down in the main religious book of Muslims - the Koran.

Mohammed was born in Saudi Arabia, he had 13 wives. Not a single accurate image of Mohammed has survived because he is considered the last prophet sent by Allah to teach people the basic path of peace and righteousness, and that he is too holy for all of us to see his face. During his life, Mohammed managed to unite the entire Middle East under the name of one God - Allah.

The greatest people of all time. Top 10. Jesus of Nazareth

It would be incomprehensible if the first place in the Greatest People of All Time Top 10 were taken by some other person. Naturally, this is Jesus of Nazareth or Jesus Christ.

We all know the life story of Jesus, who was born to a virgin, died at the age of 33, that he was crucified on the cross, that he died and was resurrected three days later, ascended into heaven, into the abode of His Father, and now sits right hand from God.

Jesus Christ is accepted by all religions of the world; both believers and atheists know about him and his life. Perhaps some of the most primitive peoples and tribes living in the Amazon delta or in the impenetrable forests of Brazil do not know the name of Christ. The main book telling about the life and deeds of Christ is the Bible New Testament, we note that 25 million copies of the Bible are sold annually around the world.

So, even if you are not a believer, you will have to accept the fact that the most famous person around the world is Jesus of Nazareth.

There is one psychological test: a person is asked to quickly and without thinking to name a poet, a fruit and a bird. It’s interesting that 90% of people immediately name Pushkin, apple and chicken. Pushkin is undoubtedly a literary genius. Who else can be counted among extraordinary personalities past, what outstanding personalities of our time are known?

The key to fame

Those who left a noticeable mark on history will be remembered for centuries, and it does not matter in what area they “inherited” - politics, art or science.

Prominent figures- celebrities who excite the minds of hundreds of thousands of people. How did they manage to reach the top? What is this, natural talent and genius, work on oneself or just a finger of fate? It seems that on the path to world fame all 3 factors are required:

  1. Talent. He must be present. Yashin is a magnificent goalkeeper, Einstein is a gifted physicist, Richelieu is a talented politician, and Leonardo da Vinci is simply a genius. Each of them is an outstanding personality of his time.
  2. Hard work. Without it, talent will simply be buried in the ground.
  3. Fate. A certain set of circumstances often plays decisive role in the life of a genius and brings him onto the path of public recognition.

The most famous personalities in the world

You can conduct an experiment: sit down at the table and write offhand all the most famous personalities peace. Everyone will have their own list. Who can enter there? Among the writers - Pushkin, Lermontov, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Exupery, Shakespeare, Byron. Outstanding personalities of our time in literature are JK Rowling and Stephen King, and maybe Astrid Lindgren.

Among the artists are the immortal da Vinci, Picasso, Van Gogh, the unsurpassed marine painter Aivazovsky, Levitan and Shishkin.

Among the women - Cleopatra, the beautiful Roksolana, the legendary Mata Hari and the inimitable Coco Chanel. And also Monica Bellucci, Greta Garbo, Sophia Loren - outstanding personalities of our time. All of them became famous due to their bright appearance and acting talent.

Louis XIV, Cardinal Richelieu, Peter I, Catherine II, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Fidel Castro, Roosevelt.

Among the scientists one cannot help but recall Lomonosov, Newton, Archimedes, Tsialkovsky, Mendeleev. Perelman Grigory Yakovlevich is an outstanding personality of Russia of our time, a world-famous mathematician who proved the Poincaré conjecture.

The list goes on

Maya Plisetskaya is an icon of Soviet ballet. She set a record - she danced on stage until she was 65; it is unlikely that anyone will be able to repeat her achievement. But besides her there were also Marie Ramberg, Anna Pavlova, Ulanova.

Our country has given the world many famous people in the past and present. Outstanding people of our time in Russia have shown themselves in a variety of fields:

  • sports - Alina Kabaeva; Elena Isinbaeva, who set 27 world records and pole vaults to a height of 5.06 m; Alexander Karelin, whom no one could defeat for 13 years Greco-Roman wrestling; Vladislav Tretyak; undefeated figure skater Irina Rodnina;
  • art - the whole world admires the works of artists Sergei Marshennikov, Dmitry Annenkov, Nikolai Blokhin, Stanislav Plutenko, Konstantin Lupanov, Alexey Chernigin;
  • fashion - Natalia Vodianova and Sasha Pivovarova are among the highest paid models in the world;
  • scientists - Sergey Brin (immigrated to America, together with mathematician Larry Page created the well-known Google), Zhores Alferov, Yuri Oganesyan, Alexey Starobinsky.

All of them are outstanding personalities of modern times, standing out for their talents and incredible hard work.

No one should be forgotten

World history is like a huge picture of puzzles, and each puzzle in it is in its place, otherwise we would not know our world as we see it today. Our past is firmly connected with our modernity through billions of invisible threads, and every outstanding personality of his time played a certain role on the stage of life.

Each field had its own outstanding personalities, and to list them all would require a multi-volume encyclopedia.

Can literature erase Jules Verne, Defoe, Nosov, Tsvetaeva, Akhmatova, Zhukovsky, Chukovsky, Bulgakov, Agatha Christie, Arthur Conan Doyle or Jane Austen? Also significant are the works of great philosophers - Confucius, Diogenes, Aristotle, Luther, Machiavelli.

Mahatma Gandhi, Lincoln, Churchill, Mao Zedong, de Gaulle - politicians who were able to change the face of countries, charismatic personalities, captivating hundreds of thousands of ordinary people.

Caesar, Macedonian, Napoleon, Nevsky, Dornsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov - greatest commanders of its time. The list goes on: Tamerlane, Genghis Khan, Hannibal Barca, Saladin and others.

In the century of the great geographical discoveries China, Portugal, Spain, Italy gave the world greatest travelers, fearless romantics, people of duty who discovered new page era.

Dramatic medicine

Few people know that many doctors conducted deadly experiments on themselves, some of which ended tragically. The purpose of the experiments was to save humanity, find cures for unknown diseases, and study viruses and bacteria. This is Max Pettenkofer, Rudolf Emmerich, Ilya Mechnikov, English doctor White, the French doctor Bulard, Antoine Clot, the Austrian doctor Rosenfeld, Dr. Finlay, Lacear, the Englishman Ross and the Italian Grassi and other heroes who sacrificed themselves for the sake of science. Their motto: “By shining on others, I burn.”

Hippocrates and Avicena, Sklifasovsky, Botkin, Amosov, Bekhterev, cardiologist Bakeria, Leila Denmark, Freud, Louis Pasteur and many more talented doctors- surgeons, virologists, pediatricians, oncologists, ophthalmologists, gynecologists - all of them are outstanding personalities whose activities save the lives of millions.

Unknown heroes

We know, remember and honor those famous people who are captured in history, who have become the main actors outstanding events in one area or another. But in Everyday life Next to us live those who risk themselves every day for the sake of our safety and well-being.

April 1986 - terrible accident in Chernobyl. Dozens of engineers, soldiers, firefighters and ordinary public figures gave their lives, extinguishing the raging atomic deadly flame.

March 2007 - a fire broke out in a nursing home in the city of Yeysk. Of the entire staff, only one nurse rushed to save the patients. She saved the lives of more than 30 elderly people, but she herself heroically died from suffocation.

September 2004 - Lieutenant Turkin died when he covered a grenade with his body. Terrorists threw her into a group of children.

Fifth-grader Sergei Krivov saved the child by pulling him out of the river. His feat became known by chance; he didn’t even tell anyone about it, showing not only the courage of a real man, but also the modesty of a spiritually rich man.

During the fire, 12-year-old Stas Slynko carried his 5-year-old sister out of the fire, saving the child’s life. His heroism was awarded the medal "For Courage in a Fire." Professionals noted that in critical situation the boy acted surprisingly accurately, maintaining the composure and restraint of an adult man in the face of danger.

All of them and many more are outstanding personalities of our time.

Many people call Bruce Willis, Schwarzenegger and Jackie Chan heroes. But it should be remembered that their life is a game. They transform into heroes in front of the camera. In life, these are the most ordinary people, and how they will behave in moments of danger is unknown.

Top famous personalities

In every country in every era there were outstanding personalities. Who can determine with certainty whether Hegel or Copernicus made a greater contribution to science, or maybe Pierre or Academician Sakharov?

There is no doubt that cosmonauts Gagarin, Leonov, Tereshkova, and Anatoly Solovyov are outstanding people of all times and peoples in Russian society. But no less courageous were Bering, Columbus, Magellan and Amundsen, the significance of whose discoveries can hardly be overestimated.

If we return to the world of art, then on what scale can we measure the talents of artists Diego Velazquez or Caravaggio, Claude Monet or Filippo Brunelleschi? Or how can you compare the talents of Tchaikovsky, Chopin, Mozart and Bach?

Mother Teresa is a nun who dedicated her life to helping the poor and infirm. Through her activities, she saved thousands of lives and restored hope to millions.

Isn't Bill Gates - the founder of Microsoft and the richest man in the world - worthy of being called an outstanding personality? And Walt Disney, whose cartoons have long become classics of children's cinemas? Or Olivier, who created the famous salad that is included in the menu of every housewife in Russia? Therefore it is impossible to designate 10 outstanding people of all times, this is too narrow a framework.

The most famous person in the world

Despite the fact that there are many people who deserve all respect and admiration, there is still a person who has been the most significant and influential in history for many centuries. This is Jesus Christ. Scientific research confirmed his existence, but no one can comprehend his charisma and unprecedented influence on the entire christian world for more than 2000 years. This can only be explained divine essence Christ.

There has long been debate about who should be recognized as the greatest personality in Russian history. Of course, there are plenty of worthy personalities in the centuries-old history of the country. These are great writers and poets, politicians and reformers, athletes and representatives of the clergy. The Russian land generously gave and continues to give to the world talented people, brilliant scientists, wise politicians and brave experimenters. But who should be recognized as the most outstanding? Opinions vary here.

Peter the Great

In accordance with the research carried out, this figure ranks first in the list of the most famous people in Russia. Peter I undoubtedly made a real breakthrough, which forever changed the face of the country and gave the starting point to a completely new path of development. The reformer king became the creator regular army and fleet, founded St. Petersburg. Thanks to Peter it was founded strong power, called Russian Empire. Another undoubted merit of Peter the Great was his desire to transform Russia into a civilized secular state.

Catherine II

Another one significant figure V Russian history. Catherine II is rightfully recognized as the “gatherer of lands.” During her reign Russian soil the territories of Belarus were annexed and western Ukraine, Lithuania, Courland and Crimean peninsula. The Empress carried out many important reforms in the trade, social and educational sectors. During the time of Catherine, the Hermitage and the monument to Peter I were built, which to this day is a symbol of St. Petersburg.

Alexander Suvorov

The greatest commander passed long haul from to Generalissimo. Amazing feats, bold military decisions and, of course, worthy victories that brought glory to the Russian land - all these are the merits of Alexander Suvorov. During the war with Napoleon, under the leadership of the great commander, the best French troops and the famous crossing of the Alps was made.

Mikhail Lomonosov

The brightest Russian scientist, founder of the university in Moscow, which bears his name. His participation is of undeniable importance in many fields of science. Great achievements in molecular chemistry, physics, astronomy and other fields of knowledge. In addition, Lomonosov is the author of works on philology, history and grammar.

There are indeed many worthy personalities for the title of the greatest representative of Russia. Numerous studies are conducted every year and opinion polls, the purpose of which is

In Russian history there were many smart people. Brilliant mathematicians, chemists, physicists, geologists, philosophers - they made a contribution to both Russian and world science.

1 Mikhail Lomonosov

The first Russian natural scientist of world significance, encyclopedist, chemist, physicist, astronomer, instrument maker, geographer, metallurgist, geologist, poet, artist, historian. A man under two meters, possessing enormous strength, not shy about using it, and ready to punch him in the eye - if justice demanded it. Mikhail Lomonosov is practically a superman.

2 Dmitry Mendeleev

Russian Da Vinci, genius father periodic table elements, Mendeleev was a versatile scientist and public figure. Thus, he made a significant and invaluable contribution to oil activities.

Mendeleev said: “Oil is not fuel! You can also drown with banknotes!” At his instigation, the barbaric four-year ransom for oil fields. Then Mendeleev proposed transporting oil through pipes and developed oils based on oil refining waste, which were several times cheaper than kerosene. Thus, Russia was able not only to refuse to export kerosene from America, but also to import petroleum products to Europe.

Mendeleev was nominated three times Nobel Prize, but he never received it. Which is not surprising.

3 Nikolai Lobachevsky

Six-time rector of Kazan University, professor, the first textbooks he published were condemned for using and promoting metric system measures Lobachevsky refuted Euclid's fifth postulate, calling the axiom of parallelism an “arbitrary restriction.”

Lobachevsky developed completely new trigonometry of non-Euclidean space and differential geometry with the calculation of lengths, volumes, and areas.

Recognition came to the scientist after his death; his ideas were continued in the works of such mathematicians as Klein, Beltrami and Poincaré. The realization that Lobachevsky's geometry is not an antagonism, but an alternative to Euclid's geometry gave impetus to new powerful discoveries and research in mathematics and physics.

4 Sofya Kovalevskaya

"Professor Sonya" - the first female professor in the world and the first female corresponding member in Russia St. Petersburg Academy Sci. Kovalevskaya was not only a brilliant mathematician and mechanic, but also distinguished herself in the literary field. Kovalevskaya’s path in science was not easy, which was associated, first of all, with gender prejudices.

5 Vladimir Vernadsky

Famous mineralogist, researcher earth's crust, "father" of the Soviet nuclear program. Vernadsky was one of the first people who paid attention to eugenics; he studied geology, biochemistry, geochemistry, and meteorology. and many others. But, perhaps, his main contribution is the description of the laws of the Earth's biosphere and the noosphere as its integral part. Here the scientific insight of the Russian scientist is simply unique.

6 Zhores Alferov

Today, everyone benefits from the discoveries of Zhores Alferov, the Russian Nobel Prize laureate in 2000. In all mobile phones There are heterostructure semiconductors created by Alferov. All fiber optic communications operate on its semiconductors and the Alferov laser.

Without the Alferov laser, CD players and disk drives of modern computers would not be possible. Zhores Ivanovich's discoveries are used in car headlights, traffic lights, and supermarket equipment - product label decoders. At the same time, the scientist’s insights, which led to qualitative changes Alferov made progress in the development of all electronic technology back in 1962-1974.

7 Kirik Novgorodets

Kirik Novgorodian - mathematician, writer, chronicler and musician of the 12th century; author of the first Russian mathematical and astronomical treatise “The Doctrine of Numbers”; calculated the smallest perceptible period of time. Kirik was a deacon and domestic of the Anthony Monastery in Novgorod. He is also considered the alleged author of “Kirikov’s Questioning”.

8 Kliment Smolyatich

Kliment Smolyatich was one of the most prominent Russian medieval thinkers. Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus' (1147-1155), church writer, first Russian theologian, second metropolitan of Russian origin.
Smolyatich was considered the most highly educated person of his time. In the chronicle he is mentioned as such a “scribe and philosopher, the likes of which have never happened in the Russian land.”

9 Lev Landau

Lev Landau is a completely unique phenomenon. He was a child prodigy who had not lost his talent in mature age. At the age of 13 he graduated from 10 classes, and at 14 he entered two faculties at once: chemistry and physics and mathematics.

For special merits, Landau was transferred from Baku to Leningrad University. Landau received 3 USSR State Prizes, the title of Hero Socialist Labor and was elected a member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Denmark, the Netherlands and the USA.

In 1962 the Swedish royal academy awarded Landau the Nobel Prize "for his fundamental theories of condensed matter, especially liquid helium."
For the first time in history, the award took place in a Moscow hospital, since shortly before the presentation, Landau was involved in a car accident.

10 Ivan Pavlov

The brilliant Russian scientist, Ivan Pavlov received his well-deserved Nobel Prize in 1904 “for his work on the physiology of digestion.” Pavlov is a unique scientist on a global scale, who managed to form his own school in the difficult conditions of a state under construction, to which the scientist made considerable claims. In addition, Pavlov collected paintings, plants, butterflies, stamps, and books. Scientific research led him to abandon meat food.

11 Andrey Kolmogorov

Andrei Kolmogorov was one of greatest mathematicians XX century, founder of the great scientific school. Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of Lenin and Stalin Prize, member of many scientific academies all over the world, honorary doctorate from universities from Paris to Calcutta. Kolmogorov - author of the axioms of probability theory and many theorems, author of the equation, inequality, mean, space and complexity of Kolmogorov

12 Nikolai Danilevsky

A global thinker who laid the foundations civilizational approach to history. Without his works there would have been neither Spengler nor Toynbee. Nikolai Danilevsky saw “Europeanism,” looking at the world through “European glasses,” as one of the main diseases of Russia.

He believed that Russia has a special path, which should be rooted in Orthodox culture and monarchy, dreamed of creating an All-Slavic Union and was sure that Russia should under no circumstances follow the path of America.

13 Georgy Gamov

The father of the “hot Universe” theory, at the age of 24 Gamow completed the work Nobel level, having developed the theory of alpha decay, at 28 he became the youngest corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences in the entire history of its existence. He was also a half-speaker - he spoke six languages ​​fluently.

Gamow became one of the most bright stars in astrophysics and cosmology. He was the first to calculate star models with thermonuclear reactions, proposed a model of the shell of a red giant, studied the role of neutrinos in outbursts of novae and supernovae.

In 1954, Gamow was the first to pose the problem genetic code. After Gamow's death, the Americans received the Nobel for deciphering it.

14 Sergey Averintsev

Sergei Averintsev, a student of Alexei Losev, was one of the most prominent philologists, cultural scholars, biblical scholars and translators of the twentieth century. He explored various layers of European, including Christian, culture - from antiquity to modernity.
Literary critic, philosopher and cultural critic Nikita Struve wrote about Averintsev: “A great scientist, biblical scholar, patrolologist, subtle literary critic, poet who revived the tradition of spiritual poetry, Averintsev stands before my eyes no less than a humble disciple and a bright witness of Christ. The rays of faith illuminated all his work.”

15 Mikhail Bakhtin

One of the few Russian thinkers and literary scholars canonized in the West. His books about the works of Dostoevsky and Rabelais “blew up” the literary establishment, his work “Towards the Philosophy of Action” became reference book intellectuals all over the world.

Bakhtin was brought from exile in Kazakhstan to Moscow in 1969 by Andropov. He also provided the “great lame man” with protection. Bakhtin was published and translated en masse. In England, at the University of Sheffield, there is the Bakhtin Center, leading scientific and academic work. Bakhtin's work gained particular popularity in France and Japan, where the world's first collected works were published, and big number monographs and works about him.

16 Vladimir Bekhterev

The great Russian psychiatrist and neuropathologist, Vladimir Bekhterev, was nominated for the Nobel Prize several times, treated drunkards en masse with hypnosis, studied parapsychology and crowd psychology, child psychology and telepathy. Bekhterev paved the way for the creation of so-called “brain atlases.” One of the creators of such atlases, the German professor Kopsch, said: “Only two people know perfectly the structure of the brain - God and Bekhterev.”

17 Konstantin Tsiolkovsky

Tsiolkovsky was a genius. He made many of his discoveries intuitively. A theorist of cosmism, he worked a lot and fruitfully on applied things, on the creation of the theory of flight of jet aircraft, and invented his own gas turbine engine design. Tsiolkovsky’s merits were highly appreciated not only by domestic scientists, but also by the creator of the first rockets, Wernher Von Braun.
Tsiolkovsky was quirky. Thus, he defended eugenics, believed in the catastrophic structure of society and believed that criminals should be split into atoms.

Lev Vygotsky is an outstanding Russian psychologist, creator of cultural-historical theory. Vygotsky made a real revolution in defectology, gave hope for full life people with disabilities. When Western society got tired of “life according to Freud,” it switched to “life according to Vygodsky.”

After translating Vygotsky’s work “Thinking and Speech” into English and Japanese languages, the Russian psychologist has become a truly cult figure. Stephen Toulmin of the University of Chicago even titled his article on Vygotsky, published in the New York Review, “Mozart in Psychology.”

20 Peter Kropotkin

“Father of anarchism” and eternal rebel Peter Kropotkin, who on his deathbed refused the special ration offered by Lenin and special conditions treatment, was one of the most enlightened people of his time.

Kropotkin considered his main contribution to science to be his work on the study of the mountain ranges of Asia. For them he was awarded the Russian Gold Medal Geographical Society. Kropotkin also contributed a great treasure to the study of the Ice Age.

    People often argue about who was the most influential person in history, and everyone has their own opinion on this matter, because measuring the influence of a person in history is a rather subjective indicator. There are many people who influenced in different ways - these are religious figures, scientists and politicians. Today we will look at just 10 people who were among the most influential people in history.

    1. Jesus Christ

    Christianity is still the largest religion in the world, and approximately a third of the world's population classifies itself as Christian. Therefore, Jesus Christ truly deserves first place in our list of the most influential people in human history.

    2. Sir Isaac Newton

    One of the most influential scientists in history was undoubtedly Sir Isaac Newton, who shaped the face modern science. He was a teacher, scientist and inventor. He also created the famous laws of motion, and invented the reflecting microscope.

    3. Aristotle

    He is considered one of the three greatest philosophers of all times, the other two being Plato and Socrates, and his teachings spread throughout the world. One of his most famous students was Alexander the Great.

    4. Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein's theory of relativity shaped the entire understanding of the universe and theories of physics.

    5. Buddha

    The Buddha's teachings have influenced billions of people with the eight principles of ethical living that he developed. He spent his life traveling around the Indian subcontinent.

    6. Confucius

    Confucius was a Chinese philosopher whose thinking influenced many people in the East. Many people still follow his teachings. He is extremely important part Chinese history, and he has been described as a teacher, politician and philosopher.

    7. Archimedes

    Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes is considered one of the most brilliant minds of all time. Archimedes' principle, which explains why a boat floats, is still taught to schoolchildren.

    8. Alexander the Great

    It is believed that he was one of the greatest military leaders who was responsible for the spread of Greek culture to most the world of that time. He also founded more than twenty great cities, including Alexandria in Egypt.

    9. Appius Claudius Caecus

    Appius Claudius Caecus was the man who established the foundations for the Roman Republic, which eventually became the Roman Empire.

    10. William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare is a man whom we repeat every day, quoting and not even suspecting that it was he who came up with this phrase or expression. This is amazing, remember how often you say something like this: “all that glitters is not gold”, “a pitiful sight”, “food of the gods”, “all’s well that ends well”. It's all Shakespeare. And of course, the maestro’s most famous phrase: “to be or not to be.”