Why do some people appear in our lives? Some people are meant to be temporary in our lives, and that's okay.

Our life, like a ball of multi-colored threads, begins with our birth and ends with the cessation of vital activity. When a person is born, the thread of fate is thin, but strong, thanks to the interweaving of parental love and care. As you grow older, other threads are added - relatives, friends, acquaintances, and so on. And the larger and more diverse our social circle is, the thicker and more colorful our tangle of life is; knowledge, grievances, joy, disappointment, experience, and memories are intertwined in it. There are turning points when most people move away, and only the closest ones remain nearby. Then the life thread becomes thinner, but stronger, thanks to the reliability of those present in it.

So what are these individuals who leave us, and those who remain with us forever? To simplify perception, we will conditionally divide them into two categories: “phantoms” and real ones.

« Phantoms“These are people who come into our lives temporarily. Their thread, intertwined with ours, is very thin, like a cobweb, but can have a very bright color, thereby leaving long and rich memories. They appear as if out of nowhere, sometimes destroying all established foundations and stability of the worldview, and then just as suddenly disappear into the whirlpool of the past. Many “phantoms” disappear without a trace, but some leave a very deep trace in the memory. This . Their presence at one stage or another in life is not meaningless. They teach us life lessons that we must learn. If the knowledge is not consolidated or we try to ignore it in every possible way, then another “phantom” will appear with the same training information, only according to a different scenario. Often these lessons entail disappointments with painful memories, but they are required in order to strengthen and push to the next stage of life. Sometimes “phantoms” act as conductors.

I think that many have had this situation - you meet a person, he introduces you to his circle of friends, then disappears from your life, and you are already in a new society spinning like a fish in water, you don’t even remember who initiated such a turn events. These are the “phantoms” that come with the goal of connecting the disjoint parts of our destiny. It was precisely these missions that each of us carried out, after which they also disappeared from people’s lives, leaving behind a trace of either positive, negative or neutral emotions and feelings.

It is impossible to hold the “phantom” at will: the thread of interaction is too thin. Many people make the mistake of trying to save a relationship, but it will leave anyway. The only thing you can do is to delay the time of separation and thereby prolong your suffering and increase disappointment. Therefore, my advice to you, just let go, don’t hold on to the illusion, give way to the real person, his time has come to appear.

Real have a stronger thread of interconnection and are with us for their entire long or short life, in a word, forever. Only the real ones leave an indelible mark and cherished memories in our hearts. Real ones strengthen our inner foundation through direct support. They come to decorate our lives, fill it with coziness, comfort, warmth and love. Most often, parents and close relatives are real, but, unfortunately, not for everyone. Also in the category of real ones there can be friends, a loved one. But in any case, everyone definitely has such a person in their life.

Often we make a huge mistake, mistaking a “phantom” for a real one, trying in every possible way to keep him in our lives, thus pushing away the people we need. And they are waiting for the situation to be resolved and the light of truth to open our clouded eyes, and thereby clear our minds. There are times when, without waiting, they leave this world. With their departure comes the realization of the magnitude of the loss, that the main support came from the present, and not from the imaginary. Such a situation quite often entails deep disappointment and mental disorders. But what's done is done. Therefore, you need to be more attentive to the people around you in order to avoid irreparable mistakes. Look around, perhaps there is a not very noticeable person next to you, and he has been in your life for a long time, though he appears rarely, often in difficult moments, in moments of sadness and devastation. And if you remember this, then know that this is the very thing that is real. It is he who sincerely and unselfishly loves you and is ready to be with you in any life situations; it doesn’t matter to him what you look like, what status you occupy in society, how much money you have and whether you have any at all. What is important to him is that you are, with all your advantages and disadvantages. Only the present have these qualities, and only with them is a spiritual connection possible - this is the strongest thread in our tangle of life. So, without delay, tell your real little person warm words, words of love. Every minute is precious, appreciate the happy moments spent together, love and thank you for giving you such an opportunity.

Let your life path be covered with a strong and bright carpet made of real threads!

Throughout every person’s life there is a cycle of acquaintances and not so acquaintances.
We communicate with someone, we are friends with someone, we just bump into someone from time to time in transport or on the street..
people come into our life and leave it - either gradually and imperceptibly, or abruptly, in one minute.
and from each person who has passed away, some trace remains in the soul. it may be a fleeting memory, or it may remain an open wound...

They say that the whole world is a theater, and we are all actors in it..
it’s the same in life - every person, be it a friend or an enemy, comes at the appointed time, plays his role, teaches something in the course of the play, and leaves..
someone returns, someone watches from the side, and someone stays with you forever... and all this is not accidental. people come into our lives for a reason, but in order to play some role in it.

You meet people on your way, some appear in life and disappear from it like ghosts, and when they leave, you realize that a part of them remains in you.
They say that all the people who appear in your life are just mirrors. they appear, reflecting you, and disappear the same way, although you don’t even always notice their disappearance, because at that moment you are already looking into another mirror...
funny, isn't it?

And everyone brings something of their own, something personal: sometimes even offensive and sad, but each of these someone is very important.
and all these pieces that they leave for us, bringing with them - are they capable of changing us, are they capable of making us re-evaluate?

Our life becomes like a sketchbook for other people, those who come in and out of our lives.
after all, over time, we leaf through this album, and we call all this a memory, we look through each page, and we find pressed words, not written, but pressed, and we already perceive them differently, and those actions, and we think how we could have acted differently. .and so each person has his own album, his own people there, his own happiness and his own pain.

and every person we meet in our lives is not without reason, he comes to fulfill his mission in relation to us, to teach something or help.
and as soon as his mission is completed, he leaves to the side, as if he had exhausted the resource, and went to refuel, so that he could come again, but to other people, or to you, but already improved...

and who are the people who are constantly with us? perhaps permanent missionaries in our lives...

every person is a teacher. someone teaches us to be stronger, someone teaches us to be wiser, someone teaches us to forgive, someone teaches us to enjoy every day.
and someone doesn’t teach us at all - but simply breaks us, but from this we also gain experience.
and if this person is yours, then he will appear in your life again and again.
after all, some are given happiness, and some are given for experience..
if someone suddenly left, let him go, he was there for the experience, and whoever needs it will be there...
Not everything is so simple - we teach someone, and someone teaches us.

Or maybe people appear in our lives because we call them? or just everything is pre-programmed.

*** All people appear in your life, and all events happen only because you attracted them there.
And what will you do with them next?
you choose. - Richard Davis Bach

It is believed that every person who comes into our lives appears in it for a reason.
Each meeting is a piggy bank for our personal life experience; we are all both teachers and students for each other.

There is a concept that all accidents in our lives are not accidental.
When something unpleasant happens in life, we ask ourselves: “Why am I doing this?” If we meet unpleasant people, we also ask ourselves “Why did this person appear in my life.”

Find out the answer to this question, what kind of people come into our lives and why.

1. Breathe life into you, warm your soul, give you strength to live

Such people appear at especially difficult moments in life, when the soul is heavy, when material, spiritual, psychological help is needed. They, like Guardian Angels, appear at the right moment and support us with their confident shoulder, warm our hearts, and allow our souls to recover. And yet they don’t ask for anything in return. We receive the necessary help at the right time completely unselfishly. Such a helper person may appear to do a good deed for you and disappear forever; you may never see him again, but you will never forget him, remembering him with gratitude and warmth.

2. Unlock your potential, awaken your soul

This is a human teacher who will give you knowledge without which you can no longer live. This person will awaken your spirit, give an impetus to understanding what interests you most in this life, what you would like to do, what to devote your life to. He will awaken your curiosity, open a chest with your questions, which will pour out like peas. After meeting such a teacher, your life will no longer be the same; there will be room in it for a passionate desire for self-development and self-knowledge.

3. Become a loved one for life

Such people come into your life to stay in it forever, to share your joys and sorrows, to walk through life hand in hand, overcoming “fire, water and copper pipes.” These are close friends, husband (wife). This is your environment, a close circle of like-minded people who appear in your life and become an integral part of it.

4. People are punishment, a mirror image of your shortcomings.

Agree, it can be very difficult to admit that we ourselves have shortcomings. For ourselves, we are good, kind, honest. And there are people who are rude for no reason, or will answer unfriendly, or behave pompously, as if you are not a person, but a nonentity... But it turns out that this person was sent specifically to show you your behavior, to reflect, as if in a mirror, the way you are in relation to people. How, perhaps, you are often rude, harsh, proud when communicating with relatives, subordinates, work colleagues, or just strangers. Such people are sent to give us a valuable lesson, help us become better, get rid of shortcomings, and sometimes punish us for some of our “sins”.

5. Those that get rid of attachments, illusions and stereotypes

The world is multifaceted, you can’t argue with that, as they say, some people love herring, and others love watermelon. Everyone has different tastes and different styles of behavior. Just as there is room for diversity in the world, there must be room in your head for the possibility that other people may be radically different from you. You don't have to love them, but just accept them as they are. You may not like the way people dress, how they behave, what values ​​they profess, etc., but you should not scold or be angry with them, lecture or get irritated. The more you focus on how the world around you should be, the more you will meet people who irritate you and do not live up to your principles.
Live the way you want, and let others live the way they want.

6. People-students, those who came to learn something from you

Each of us can become an example and source of knowledge or skills for someone. Just as someone at one time was a teacher for you in life, so you can pass on your personal experience to another person. Do not refuse help or advice if you are asked for it; it is not in vain that the Universe sends people who need your knowledge and your help, reasonable advice and support at a certain period of life.

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Nothing is by chance.

In this world where we are lucky enough to live, every meeting and chance acquaintance serves a specific purpose.

Sometimes we need people to awaken us and help change the direction of our lives; sometimes - to cheer us up and remind us who we are on this earth. And sometimes these are the ones that we meet only for a moment.

Ironically, we don't have to know the purpose of every person we meet, but we do have to remain open to whatever each new encounter brings.

Sometimes it is worth looking at the whole world as an interweaving of threads - silver or red, each of which reflects a meeting with a specific person, which may not even have happened yet.

Our whole life is interaction with each other. And although modern technologies, the Internet, and social networks are trying to convince us that this interaction can be minimized, something changes in our minds when we understand that everything in life happens for a reason.

Not all meetings need to be long; sometimes they can only last a moment. Maybe to detain you so you don't get into an accident, or to meet potential love. Sometimes the Universe sends us people to help us in our lives, even if they don't become something important to us.

And although we cannot predict it, we can prepare ourselves for these life surprises.

People who need to wake us up.

These are the ones who come for a long time. Sometimes these are our partners, kindred spirits. These are the ones who completely change our lives.

People who help remind us who we are.

Sometimes along the path of life we ​​begin to lose ourselves. In the daily bustle and worries, we forget about who we wanted to become, what we dreamed of (and still dream of), who we really are. We simply sell ourselves to adulthood and responsibility, forgetting who we really are. And it’s not even about the place of work or the city to live in, it’s about the soul and inner worldview.

And then there are people who come into our lives to help us understand who we are, so that we can begin to be ourselves.

People who matter for a moment.

When we start a conversation with a random fellow traveler and just can’t stop. Or when we simply exchange smiles with the person passing on the next escalator. And it really seems like some kind of unearthly connection that just has to exist.

Just because someone doesn't stay in our lives for long doesn't mean there's no meaning or purpose in meeting them. Everything has a meaning. And it is these invisible threads that connect us to each other that make life in this world so incredibly unpredictable, because we never know when we will meet someone who will force us to change our lives.

Our Universe has unique and inimitable ways of connecting human destinies. In search of happiness, people change cities and countries, people and circumstances. But in parallel with our plans, invisible work is carried out by the most important Cosmic Coincidence Control Center.

There are no coincidences! What we think of as coincidences is God's hand guiding us to the right place at the right time. Nothing is impossible for God. Everything that happens to you is nothing else, but the fruit of your innermost desires and plans.

If your desires come from your heart, then know that the Universe will definitely respond to them with a chain of coincidences and circumstances that will give you what you want. God knows everything about you, all your secret, innermost desires and motives. All dates and times, residential addresses and your plans are subject to him.

God has his own plan for your life, and you do everything in your power and don’t panic in vain, leave writing the story of your life to the main author of the universe. Develop, study, live, plan, dream, do everything possible and dependent on you as a person, leave the rest for higher powers. Your ability to ask and set goals is just as important as your ability to let go, believe and trust the Universe.

Everyone you meet along the way is a character in the script you wrote. Your only concern is to constantly improve the script to make the film better. The responsibility for directing your film lies with you.

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