Who is the greatest commander of all time? Great commanders of the world and Russia.

Soviet propaganda did its job, and every schoolchild knew the names of these military leaders. And the phrase of Mikhail Ulyanov in the role of Zhukov: “To fight to the death... made me shiver.” However, recently there have been a lot of alternative points of view that cast doubt on the abilities of the commanders of that war, pointing to obvious tactical miscalculations and unjustified sacrifices. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know, but I’m sure that, sitting at a computer with a cup of coffee, it’s very easy to evaluate people’s actions, find mistakes and move entire armies, everything is different in life and understand the motives for actions without having all the data very not easy.
Let's remember the names of these people.

1 . Zhukov (1896-1974)

Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov is a three-time hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union, who has the Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, and two Orders of Victory. Participated in the Leningrad and Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk battles. In 1944 he was appointed commander of the First Belorussian Front.

2 Voroshilov (1881-1969)

Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor, since 1935 - Marshal of the Soviet Union. In 1942-43 he was the commander-in-chief of the partisan movement, and in 1943 he was the coordinator of troops in breaking the siege of Leningrad.

3 Rokossovsky (1896-1968)

Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky is one of the most titled military leaders of the Great Patriotic War. It was he who was entrusted with commanding the Victory Parade in 1945. Marshal of the Soviet Union and Marshal of Poland, Rokossovsky was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of Victory, the Order of Suvorov and Kutuzov, 1st degree. Known for his participation in many military operations, including Operation Bagration for the liberation of Belarus. He commanded troops in the Battles of Stalingrad and Leningrad, participated in the Vistula-Oder and Berlin operations.

4 Tolbukhin (1894-1949)

Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin is a man who went through the war from chief of staff (1941) to Marshal of the Soviet Union (1944). His troops took part in the Crimean, Belgrade, Budapest, Vienna and other operations. The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Tolbukhin posthumously in 1965.

5 Chernyakhovsky (1906-1945)

Ivan Danilovich Chernyakhovsky is the commander of dozens of successful military operations. At the age of 35, he became the commander of a tank division, and from 1944, the commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union, awarded many orders and medals. He died in 1945 from a fatal wound.

6 Govorov (1897-1955)

Leonid Aleksandrovich Govorov - Hero and Marshal of the Soviet Union, commander at different times of the Leningrad and Baltic fronts. He led the defense of Leningrad for 670 of the 900 days of the siege. Participated in the liberation of Borodino. He led the encirclement of the Kurland group of Germans, who capitulated on May 8, 1945.

7 Malinovsky (1898-1967)

Rodion Yakovlevich Malinovsky - twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union, holder of the highest Soviet Order of Victory. Participated in the liberation of Rostov and Donbass, led the Zaporozhye and Odessa operations.

8 Konev (1897-1973)

Ivan Stepanovich Konev - commander of the army and fronts, and since 1950 - deputy. Minister of Defense During the Great Patriotic War, he participated in the Battle of Kursk and the Battle of Moscow, in the Berlin, Vistula-Oder and Paris operations.

9 Vasilevsky (1885-1977)

Alexander Mikhailovich Vasilevsky - Hero and Marshal of the Soviet Union, Chief of the General Staff, Commander of the 3rd Belorussian and 1st Baltic Fronts. Participated in operations to liberate Donbass, Crimea, Belarus, Latvia and Lithuania. He led troops in the Far East in the Russo-Japanese War.

10 Tymoshenko (1895-1970)

Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko is a holder of the Order of Victory, awarded a personalized saber with the coat of arms of the USSR. He took part in the Leningrad and Moscow battles; in the Iasi-Kishinev and Budapest operations, and also took part in the liberation of Vienna.

As long as human civilization has existed, there have been wars. And wars, in turn, gave birth to great warriors.

10. Richard I the Lionheart (1157-1199)

He earned this nickname for his outstanding military talents and personal courage. Together with King Philip II of France, he led the crusade. He turned out to be a victim of betrayal by an ally, so the Holy Sepulcher was never freed from the army of the “Knight of the East” Saladin. After a dramatic return to England, he waged a grueling struggle with his brother John for the English crown. Many knightly legends and ballads are associated with King Richard I the Lionheart.

9. Spartacus (110-71 BC)

Source: toptenz.net

The most famous gladiator in history, who led a slave revolt against ancient Rome. According to one version, before falling into slavery and becoming a gladiator, he served in the Roman army, deserted and became a thief. With his army of runaway slaves, he walked the length and breadth of Roman possessions. In 71 BC. In the battle near the Silari River in the south of the Apennine Peninsula, the gladiators were defeated and Spartacus died. According to legend, a legionnaire named Felix, who killed Spartacus, laid out a mosaic picture of that battle on the wall of his house in Pompeii.

8. Saladin (1138-1193)

Source: usu.edu

Sultan of Egypt and Syria, brilliant Muslim commander of the 12th century. “Anti-hero” of the Third Crusade (for the Western world) and defender of Islamic shrines from the hordes of “infidels” (for the Eastern world). He captured King Richard the Lionheart, but then nobly let him go home in exchange for a promise not to try to liberate Muslim Jerusalem. Developed advanced tactics for rapid cavalry attack.

7. Napoleon I Bonaparte (1769-1821)

Source: liveinternet.ru

Emperor of France, an outstanding commander and statesman. He began his military career with the rank of lieutenant. In 1788, he almost became an officer in the Russian army, which was staffed partly by foreigners for the war with Turkey. Taking part in wars, from the very beginning of his career he established himself as a skillful and brave commander. Having become emperor, he unleashed the so-called Napoleonic Wars (1796-1815), which radically changed the face of Europe.

6. Alexander Nevsky (1221-1263)

Source: heruvim.com.ua

He studied military affairs from an early age. Already being a prince, he led his squads and personally fought in the front ranks. He received his nickname in honor of the victory on the banks of the Neva River over the Swedes in 1240. However, his most famous victory is the Battle of the Ice on Lake Peipus in 1242. Then the warriors of Alexander Nevsky completely defeated the knights of the Livonian Order and stopped the ruthless Catholic expansion of the West into Russian lands.

5. Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC)

Source: teammarcopolo.com

This Roman dictator, commander and statesman, the first emperor of the Roman Empire, became famous for his victorious wars far beyond the borders of his country. At the head of the famous Roman legions he conquered Gaul, Germany and Britain. He was considered the most powerful figure of his time, but fell victim to a relatively small group of conspirators.

4. Hannibal Barca (247-183 BC)

Source: talismancoins.com

Outstanding Carthaginian commander and strategist. In his battles, he successfully used the tactics of enveloping enemy troops from the flanks and then encircling them. Fiercely he hated Rome and everything Roman. He fought the famous Punic Wars with the Romans with varying degrees of success. His unprecedented crossing of the Pyrenees and the snow-capped Alps at the head of a 46,000-strong army, which included 37 war elephants, is known.

3. Genghis Khan (1155 (or 1162) - 1227)

As you know, during the entire existence of man, thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of battles, both small and large, took place, in which a lot of people died. Perhaps in the entire history of man there will be only a few years that passed without war at all - imagine, only a few years out of several thousand... Of course, wars are sometimes a necessity, sad truth, but a necessity - and almost always there are winners, and there are defeated. The side that usually wins is the one that has a leader, a military leader capable of extraordinary actions and decisions. Such people are capable of leading their army to victory, even if the enemy’s technical equipment is much better and the number of soldiers is greater. Let's see which of the military leaders of different times and different nations we could call military geniuses.

10. Georgy Zhukov

As you know, Zhukov led the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War. He was a man whose ability to conduct military operations can be called super-outstanding. In fact, this man was a genius in his field, one of those people who ultimately led the USSR to victory. After the fall of Germany, Zhukov led the military forces of the USSR that occupied this country. Thanks to the genius of Zhukov, perhaps you and I have the opportunity to live and rejoice now.

9. Attila

This man led the Hun Empire, which at first was not an empire at all. He was able to conquer a vast territory stretching from Central Asia to modern Germany. Attila was an enemy of both the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. He is known for his brutality and ability to conduct military operations. Few emperors, kings and leaders could boast of capturing such a vast territory in such a short time.

8. Wilgelm the conqueror

Duke of Normandy, who invaded England in 1066 and conquered that country. As you know, the main military event of that time was the Battle of Hastings, which led to the coronation of William himself, who became the sovereign ruler of England. Anglia was conquered by the Normans by 1075, thanks to which feudalism and the military-feudal system appeared in this country. In fact, the state of England itself in its current form is indebted to this man.

7. Adolf Gitler

Actually, this man cannot be called a military genius. Now there is a lot of debate about how a failed artist and corporal could become, albeit for a short time, the ruler of all of Europe. The military claims that the “blitzkrieg” form of warfare was invented by Hitler. Needless to say, the evil genius Adolf Hitler, through whose fault tens of millions of people died, was indeed a very capable military leader (at least until the start of the war with the USSR, when a worthy opponent was found).

6. Genghis Khan

Temujin, or Genghis Khan, was a brilliant military leader who was able to create the enormous Mongol Empire. It is amazing how capable nomads, leading an almost prehistoric lifestyle, were capable of warfare. Genghis Khan first united all the tribes, and then led them to victory - until the end of his life he conquered a huge number of countries and peoples. His empire occupied most of Eurasia.

5. Hannibal

This commander was able to take the Roman Empire by surprise by crossing the Alps. No one expected that such a huge army would actually be able to overcome the mountain range and actually find itself at the gates of the greatest state of that time, considered invincible.

4. Napoleon Bonaparte

Bonaparte's genius manifested itself very early - and therefore it is not surprising that such a purposeful man, with pronounced abilities for conducting military campaigns, became a great conqueror. Luck did not leave him until Bonaparte decided to go to war against Russia. This ended the series of victories, and almost for the first time in his entire military career, Napoleon had to experience the full bitterness of defeat. Despite this, he was and remains one of the most famous military leaders of all times.

3. Gaius Julius Caesar

This man defeated everyone and everything until he himself was defeated. True, not during a battle, not during a fight, but simply stabbed to death in the Senate. The man Caesar considered a friend, Brutus, was the one who inflicted one of the first fatal wounds.

2. Alexander the Great

The ruler of a very small country was able to conquer most of the then known world in a short time. Moreover, he did this before his thirtieth birthday, destroying the armies of the Persians, which significantly outnumbered his troops. Alexander's conquests became one of the main factors that influenced the further history of our civilization. One of the main military discoveries of this military genius was the specific formation of regiments.

1. Cyrus the Great

The reign of Cyrus the Second, or the Great, lasted 29 years - at the beginning of his reign, this outstanding man was able to become the leader of the Persian settled tribes, and formed the basis of the Persian state. In a short time, Cyrus the Great, who had previously been the leader of a small, little-known tribe, was able to found a powerful empire that stretched from the Indus and Jaxartes to the Aegean Sea and the borders of Egypt. The Persian leader was able to found an empire that remained so even after his death, and did not disintegrate, as was the case with most “bubbles” founded by other conquerors (the same Genghis Khan).

Wars march shoulder to shoulder with the civilization of mankind. And wars, as we know, give rise to great warriors. Great commanders can decide the course of a war with their victories. Today we will talk about such commanders. So we present to your attention the 10 greatest commanders of all times.

1 Alexander the Great

We gave the first place among the greatest commanders to Alexander the Great. Since childhood, Alexander dreamed of conquering the world and, although he did not have a heroic physique, he preferred to participate in military battles. Thanks to his leadership qualities, he became one of the great commanders of his time. The victories of the army of Alexander the Great are at the pinnacle of the military art of Ancient Greece. Alexander's army did not have numerical superiority, but was still able to win all the battles, spreading his gigantic empire from Greece to India. He trusted his soldiers, and they did not let him down, but faithfully followed him, reciprocating.

2 Great Mongol Khan

In 1206, on the Onon River, the leaders of the nomadic tribes proclaimed the mighty Mongol warrior as the great khan of all Mongol tribes. And his name is Genghis Khan. The shamans predicted Genghis Khan power over the whole world, and he did not disappoint. Having become the great Mongol emperor, he founded one of the greatest empires and united the scattered Mongol tribes. The Shah's state and some Russian principalities conquered China, all of Central Asia, as well as the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, Baghdad, Khorezm.

3 "Timur is lame"

He received the nickname “Timur the lame” for a physical disability that he received during skirmishes with the khans, but despite this he became famous as a Central Asian conqueror who played a fairly significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Rus'. Founded the Timurid empire and dynasty, with its capital in Samarkand. He had no equal in saber and archery skills. However, after his death, the territory under his control, which stretched from Samarkand to the Volga, very quickly disintegrated.

4 "Father of Strategy"

Hannibal is the greatest military strategist of the Ancient world, a Carthaginian commander. This is the "Father of Strategy". He hated Rome and everything connected with it, and was a sworn enemy of the Roman Republic. He fought the well-known Punic Wars with the Romans. He successfully used the tactics of enveloping enemy troops from the flanks, followed by encirclement. Standing at the head of a 46,000-strong army, which included 37 war elephants, he crossed the Pyrenees and the snow-capped Alps.

Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich

National Hero of Russia

Suvorov can safely be called a national hero of Russia, a great Russian commander, because he did not suffer a single defeat in his entire military career, which included more than 60 battles. He is the founder of Russian military art, a military thinker who had no equal. Participant in the Russian-Turkish wars, Italian and Swiss campaigns.

6 Brilliant commander

Napoleon Bonaparte French emperor in 1804-1815, a great commander and statesman. It was Napoleon who laid the foundations of the modern French state. While still a lieutenant, he began his military career. And from the very beginning, participating in wars, he was able to establish himself as an intelligent and fearless commander. Having taken the place of the emperor, he unleashed the Napoleonic Wars, but he failed to conquer the whole world. He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and spent the rest of his life on the island of St. Helena.

Saladin (Salah ad-Din)

Expelled the Crusaders

Great talented Muslim commander and outstanding organizer, Sultan of Egypt and Syria. Translated from Arabic, Salah ad-Din means “Defender of the Faith.” He received this honorary nickname for his fight against the crusaders. He led the fight against the crusaders. Saladin's troops captured Beirut, Acre, Caesarea, Ascalon and Jerusalem. Thanks to Saladin, Muslim lands were liberated from foreign troops and foreign faith.

8 Emperor of the Roman Empire

A special place among the rulers of the Ancient World is occupied by the well-known ancient Roman statesman and political figure, dictator, commander, and writer Gaius Julius Caesar. Conqueror of Gaul, Germany, Britain. He has outstanding abilities as a military tactician and strategist, as well as a great orator who managed to influence the people by promising them gladiatorial games and spectacles. The most powerful figure of his time. But this did not stop a small group of conspirators from killing the great commander. This caused civil wars to break out again, leading to the decline of the Roman Empire.

9 Nevsky

Grand Duke, wise statesman, famous commander. He is called the fearless knight. Alexander devoted his entire life to defending his homeland. Together with his small squad, he defeated the Swedes at the Battle of the Neva in 1240. That's why he got his nickname. He recaptured his hometowns from the Livonian Order at the Battle of the Ice, which took place on Lake Peipsi, thereby stopping the ruthless Catholic expansion in Russian lands coming from the West.

Wars march shoulder to shoulder with the civilization of mankind. And wars, as we know, give rise to great warriors. Great commanders can decide the course of a war with their victories.

So we present to your attention the 7 greatest commanders of all times.

1) Alexander the Great - Alexander the Great
We gave the first place among the greatest commanders to Alexander the Great. Since childhood, Alexander dreamed of conquering the world and, although he did not have a heroic physique, he preferred to participate in military battles. Thanks to his leadership qualities, he became one of the great commanders of his time. The victories of the army of Alexander the Great are at the pinnacle of the military art of Ancient Greece. Alexander's army did not have numerical superiority, but was still able to win all the battles, spreading his gigantic empire from Greece to India. He trusted his soldiers, and they did not let him down, but faithfully followed him, reciprocating.

2) Genghis Khan - the great Mongol Khan
In 1206, on the Onon River, the leaders of the nomadic tribes proclaimed the mighty Mongol warrior as the great khan of all Mongol tribes. And his name is Genghis Khan. The shamans predicted Genghis Khan power over the whole world, and he did not disappoint. Having become the great Mongol emperor, he founded one of the greatest empires and united the scattered Mongol tribes. The Shah's state conquered China, all of Central Asia, as well as the Caucasus and Eastern Europe, Baghdad, Khorezm, as well as some Russian principalities.

3) Tamerlane – “Timur the lame”
He received the nickname “Timur the lame” for a physical disability that he received during skirmishes with the khans, but despite this he became famous as a Central Asian conqueror who played a fairly significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, Volga region and Rus'. Founded the Timurid empire and dynasty, with its capital in Samarkand. He had no equal in saber and archery skills. However, after his death, the territory under his control, which stretched from Samarkand to the Volga, very quickly disintegrated.

4) Hannibal Barca – “Father of Strategy”
Hannibal is the greatest military strategist of the Ancient world, a Carthaginian commander. This is the "father of strategy". He hated Rome and everything connected with it, and was a sworn enemy of the Roman Republic. He fought the well-known Punic Wars with the Romans. He successfully used the tactics of enveloping enemy troops from the flanks, followed by encirclement. Standing at the head of a 46,000-strong army, which included 37 war elephants, he crossed the Pyrenees and the snow-capped Alps.

5) Suvorov Alexander Vasilievich - national hero of Russia
Suvorov can safely be called a national hero of Russia, a great Russian commander, because he did not suffer a single defeat during his entire military career, which included more than 60 battles. He is the founder of Russian military art, a military thinker who had no equal. Participant in the Russian-Turkish wars, Italian and Swiss campaigns.

6) Napoleon Bonaparte - a brilliant commander
Napoleon Bonaparte French emperor in 1804-1815, a great commander and statesman. It was Napoleon who laid the foundations of the modern French state. While still a lieutenant, he began his military career. And from the very beginning, participating in wars, he was able to establish himself as an intelligent and fearless commander. Having taken the place of the emperor, he unleashed the Napoleonic Wars, but he failed to conquer the whole world. He was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo and spent the rest of his life on the island of St. Helena.

7) Alexander Nevsky
Grand Duke, wise statesman, famous commander. He is called the fearless knight. Alexander devoted his entire life to defending his homeland. Together with his small squad, he defeated the Swedes at the Battle of the Neva in 1240. That's why he got his nickname. He recaptured his hometowns from the Livonian Order at the Battle of the Ice, which took place on Lake Peipsi, thereby stopping the ruthless Catholic expansion in Russian lands coming from the West.

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