Make a New Year's wish about pregnancy. You have to make a wish correctly!!! New Year's "pregnant" table

Well, here I am again with you.

My wish to get pregnant came true after the new year. I went to a healer, wore a stork pendant with a peach, stroked a dolphin, and have had an amulet for the children in my wallet for a long time. In January, doubts crept in, but the doctors said that we would undergo treatment and I couldn’t get pregnant now. And I drove away these thoughts. Although I checked with a pendulum, it showed pregnancy. What crazy ideas don’t come to mind when all your thoughts are about this.

Then I saw fortune telling on TV. You need to write a wish, put it written down on a plate and set it on fire. If everything burns down, it won’t be fate. If there is a blank sheet left, then the wish will come true, but not soon. And if the inscription remains, then soon. I wrote: I want to get pregnant. Everything burned out for me except the word “get pregnant.” Then at the end of January I did an ultrasound and looked at the ovaries, but they didn’t see any pregnancy and, strangely enough, they didn’t see any corpora lutea either. And at the beginning of February it was already 5 weeks.

I lay upside down for days because of the smear and drank duphaston. I tried not to be too nervous, because there was a session.

After the session I went to register (my doctor finally came back from vacation, the other one did not admit me to the hospital). I was admitted to the hospital.

At first everything was fine, the smearing stopped, I heard his heartbeat on the ultrasound, the deadline was set at 9-10 weeks. Then, according to the tests, I was prescribed ampicillin injections and in the evening it began to pour. I was so freaked out! I was afraid for good reason! On March 8th there was severe pain and on March 9th the fetus came out...

The doctor on duty (a very tough woman) cleaned me. Maybe that’s what it should have been like for me at that moment, I was hysterical. They only gave me an injection in the cervix, I felt everything. And she screamed at me to relax...

I didn’t even want to think about planning at first, I just wanted to leave the hospital (I spent 18 painful days there), if it weren’t for the girls...

Some people can’t be around their children after this, but I react normally. Now I am babysitting my niece, she is almost 4 months old.

I'm starting to want children again. Only sometimes at night it hits me again, when I think about what time it would be now. And very often I dream about a hospital: then I end up in it again, then they give me injections...

But most importantly, I still haven’t been to the doctor, I haven’t picked up the histology from the hospital. I knew the result right away, but I need to take it, show it to my G and start treatment, but I can’t bring myself to...

And I came to a conclusion for myself: you need to make a wish correctly. Next time I won’t wish to get pregnant, I will wish to give birth to a healthy baby!!!

I haven’t written here for a very long time and now I’ve decided to! It just turned out very chaotic and whiny! But don’t think, I haven’t lost hope!!!

Each family has its own New Year rituals - decorating the Christmas tree, waiting for Santa Claus and, of course, making wishes. Of course, not only children, but also adults wait with bated breath for miracles on this magical holiday. How to correctly make your deepest wishes in the new year 2017, so that its symbol - the red fiery Rooster - is satisfied and certainly fulfills them, you can learn from our article.

Ashes in champagne

Perhaps the most popular method in our country. It is believed that the magic of fire and water, as well as written words, has the greatest power on New Year's Eve. Therefore, during the chiming clock, you need to have time to write down your wish on a small piece of paper, and then set it on fire over a festive candle. The ashes must be thrown into a glass of champagne (or juice, if you prefer not to drink alcohol), and then drink the drink to the bottom in one gulp. In order for everything to go smoothly, you should prepare for the ritual in advance - put paper and pen close, light a candle, and also think through a brief formulation of your most cherished desire.

New Year's fire magic

Letter to Santa Claus

Remember your childhood - take a piece of paper and a pen and colorfully, in all details, describe your dreams, goals and plans for 2017. And then seal the letter in a beautiful holiday envelope and place it under the tree. During the chiming clock, it is advisable to repeat to yourself several times what you have written so that the Universe hears every last word. After the holidays are over, the letter must be hidden in a secluded place along with Christmas tree decorations and garlands, and the next year it must be opened and checked to see what has come true.

Letter to Santa Claus

Request to the Rooster

You can fold or cut out of red paper a figurine of the symbol of the coming year - the Rooster - and quietly, so that no one else hears, tell the bird about all your dreams. Then you need to place the Rooster on the top of the New Year tree or in the center of the festive table. In order to increase the chances of your wishes coming true, it is advisable to celebrate the New Year in the traditions of the Chinese horoscope - gather in a close family circle, choose a bright red festive outfit and do not put poultry dishes on the table.

Italian way

Emotional residents of Italy came up with a very extravagant New Year's ritual. Shortly before the holiday, they collect all the old or tired dishes with chips and cracks, and as the chimes strike, the whole family goes out into the yard and cheerfully beats them, making a wish for each broken plate, cup or bowl. It is believed that getting rid of old things in the house not only helps wishes come true, but also promotes wealth and good mood.

All your dreams will come true in the New Year!

To create miracles

You can become Santa Claus yourself and perform a small miracle for friends, family, neighbors or even strangers. To do this, you need to take a large basket, fill it with sweets, apples and tangerines, take fireworks and sparklers, and after the chimes go to the yard - congratulate and treat everyone you meet, accompanying the gifts with pleasant, sincere wishes. The Universe always responds with gratitude to selfless good deeds and will certainly give you some pleasant surprise in return in the coming year.

Now you know how you can make wishes in the New Year. When following our recommendations, remember that what is much more important is not impeccable adherence to the traditions and rules of magical rituals, but sincere belief in a miracle and a cheerful festive mood. And we wish you good health, great happiness and ardent love in the new year 2017.

Video: “How to make a wish for the New Year”

I remember how I stood at the window, watched fireworks soar into the New Year’s sky, and prayed that this year would be prosperous for all my family and friends, and also prayed for a child. To tears…

On Christmas night I had a very detailed dream that I was giving birth to a baby. Boy. The dream was both joyful and scary at the same time. However, for some reason I didn’t believe in a miracle. And on Christmas evening I cried bitterly on the sofa. But then, on New Year and Christmas, my baby was already inside me...

January 17 – 10 days delay. I wasn’t particularly worried, because in the previous month my previously regular cycle was disrupted: there was an 18-day delay. And all the nerve cells were spent just last month: an analysis for hCG and many tests were taken that did not want to “strip.” But the delay was false, so this time I wasn’t too worried, I didn’t buy tests and I wasn’t in a hurry to donate blood. However, on the 10th day I decided to buy a test - just in case, being practically sure that it would not be streaky. The second stripe appeared almost immediately. My legs gave way from fear, and my heart beat wildly with joy. The second test was immediately used - and again immediately the second strip. A thought flashed through my head: “Boy!”

I went into the bath to my future dad, quietly told the news and immediately left. I was afraid that he would be scared. He was surprised, but after a day or two he said: “You know, I was wrong that I didn’t agree to have a child earlier.” These were the main words for me.

The feelings of those first days were chaotic: fear of the unknown, and great joy, and again the fear that nothing would work out, and again the joy that I succeeded!

First weeks of pregnancy

The pregnancy needed to be confirmed, and I went to the diagnostic center. I was sent to a wonderful doctor who was very kind and attentive to my confusion. I was immediately prescribed a vaginal ultrasound, the necessity and safety of which I very much doubted at such an early stage. However, everything went smoothly.

The doctor told me that the fertilized egg was already visible and an ectopic pregnancy was ruled out. I set a deadline of 3-4 weeks. A stupid and happy smile walked across my face for a day then. There I also passed hCG, tests for infections and something else...

The day was very cold. I remember: I stood at the bus stop, but the tram still didn’t come. I mentally began to encourage the baby: “Little one, be patient, now the tram will come, and we will go home in the warmth, mom is also cold, but she will warm you up.”

I was faced with a painful question: how to tell my mother? Mom had been dreaming about grandchildren for a long time and hinted to me in every possible way that it was time. But for some reason it turned out to be very difficult to say the magic words. I picked up the phone, dialed the number, and came up with the right words. It’s even funny to remember now. In the end, on the tenth attempt, I managed to squeeze out the stupid words: “You seem to really want to become a grandmother - well, get ready.” Mom cried into the phone with happiness, and I cried with her.

At 10 weeks I developed a high fever, a runny nose, and a sore throat. Plus, I was scared because my lower back was aching: this is one of the main signs of a threatened miscarriage. I defeated the disease in three days, mercilessly drinking tea with currants, raspberries, cranberries, honey, brewing herbs (eucalyptus, chamomile), drinking hot milk, doing inhalations, and, of course, observing bed rest.

12 weeks pregnant

Laziness and February frosts did not allow me to get to the recommended doctor, and her phone did not answer. At 12 weeks I finally registered. It was time for the first real ultrasound. This was the most exciting of all pregnancy ultrasounds, I had to wait a long time in line, although I was second: it seemed to me that the girl with a belly who entered the office had already fluttered out of it, but I didn’t notice and would sit there for a long time. I was shaking with small tremors. The doctor, whom I had taken a liking to even before pregnancy, was stern and calm this time. She moved a sensor over my stomach and was silent... The silence was painful, I already wanted to shout to her: “Well, what’s there?” Then a smile bloomed on her face, she turned the monitor towards me, and I saw my baby. “Two arms, two legs, the baby is moving them, his head, all indicators are normal,” and a stupid happy smile floated on my face again, which did not go away for a week. After this ultrasound, I fluttered on the wings of happiness, sent a message to my husband: “There is happiness, it moves its arms and legs.”

14 weeks pregnant

At about 14 weeks I was attacked by insomnia, which I overcame with the help of a psychologist from the center. Sweet young girl - I went to see her out of pure curiosity. With youthful zeal, she taught me various breathing techniques, taught me to immerse myself in my feelings and sensations - a very important skill, in my opinion, while carrying a baby, and, indeed, in everyday life. In just a few sessions I got rid of insomnia and gained confidence in my own abilities.

First movements

I was really looking forward to the baby’s first movements, especially because my “pregnant women the same age” were already bragging about the “bubbles and fish” in their bellies. It seemed to me then that the whole pregnancy was divided into two parts: before and after the movements. These were unknown new sensations, but they did not look like fish or bubbles. It was tickling, and sometimes soft, some kind of “round” pushes. Full feedback has begun with the tummy.

At its own pace

A series of tests followed, doctor visits every two weeks, three-hour walks in the forest every weekend and just a feeling of happiness. It was slightly disturbed by the triple test for Down syndrome. Well, I didn’t think that this would somehow affect me, and I was already used to receiving perfect tests from the doctor, but here you are – screening positive 1/200. No, I didn’t tear my hair out, didn’t cry, and didn’t even think for a second that there was something wrong with my child. I was just uneasy at heart. The ultrasound said that no defects were visible, and I decided to refuse cordocentesis, which I did not regret at all throughout my pregnancy.

Boy or girl?

For some reason, by that time I had the confidence in my soul that it would be a girl, the same confidence that my mother and mother-in-law had. Therefore, when I heard on the ultrasound: “It’s a boy!”, I was surprised and even shocked. Then I cried all evening: I was ashamed in front of my baby for this shock. I had to change the words “sleep, my Svetlana” to “sleep, my glorious boy” in the daily lullaby that I sang to my tummy.

Maternity leave

And then the sweet time began - maternity leave. As soon as I was given sick leave, it was as if I had received official permission to buy a dowry for the baby - I had never dared before.

I walked, rested, ate plenty of vegetables and fruits. I slept for days and intensively prepared the house for the arrival of the child, attended several lectures and met with girls from the forum for pregnant women.

The “nesting syndrome” was not long in coming. Anyone who knows me would be surprised: I washed the floors three or four times a week, washed the windows, went through the cabinets, wiped the dust all the time - in general, I made everything shine and shine. And it’s strange: all these tasks (even washing the floor in the knee-elbow position) gave me great pleasure.

Then there was a Doppler test, which showed that the umbilical cord was entangled, an ultrasound, where the entanglement was removed, CTG, and the last batch of tests.

I can’t say that the tests and examinations were burdensome for me; on the contrary, I would call all this “pleasant troubles” for the birth of my child. Moreover, almost all the results were good. At the last appointment, the doctor said that “it’s time to give birth,” and scheduled an appointment for September 9, just in case, noting, however, that she wasn’t expecting me anymore. As a farewell, she told me to give birth to a “glorious baby.”

Before birth

On September 3, I went for a check-up at the maternity hospital, for some reason I was very sad and thought that today they would “take me away”. But no, it worked out. The doctor, after examining me, confirmed that I would most likely give birth within a week, and sent me home to wait. Throughout my pregnancy I enjoyed my condition, nothing particularly bothered me, I walked a lot, led an active lifestyle, slept well and a lot. But, of course, the last couple of weeks before giving birth were more difficult: I couldn’t walk for a long time, and it was uncomfortable to sit, and my legs were resting at night. My husband urged me: let’s give birth.

In recent weeks, I've been feeling afraid. No, not the fear of childbirth, but the fear that when everything starts, I will lose control over myself...

I began to play out the scenario of future childbirth in my head somewhere back in school, when my friend and I read a shocking story about childbirth, it seems, in the magazine “Rabotnitsa”. During pregnancy, I read a whole mountain of stories and tuned myself to this plot: I’m sitting at home, a languid pregnant lady, knitting socks for my child, suddenly contractions begin, then my water breaks, then the contractions become more frequent. I say: “Oh, it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.”

A romantic farewell to my husband - and I set off on a medical carriage, accompanied by charming medical workers in green coats, to the maternity hospital. The doctors meet me there, put me in a white delivery room, where I steadfastly endure the contractions, without making a word, I even joke, talk and encourage the child. I climb onto the delivery table, the doctors shout: “Push, push!”, I push and hurray - I’m giving birth. In reality, everything turned out to be completely different...

How I gave birth

The waters began to recede at night, at 3 in the morning, slowly. I immediately realized that it was them, but I went back to sleep, deciding to save my energy. I dozed until 6 - I couldn’t sleep any longer: the water was leaking... The ambulance took 40 minutes. My dad came running and caught an ambulance under the windows, and I looked from the balcony, and I was quietly shaking with anticipation.

After some paperwork and blood pressure measurements, the nurse said that I was still giving birth, and we left for the maternity hospital. The enema ritual did not bypass me, but the nurse was nice, and soon I was taken by elevator with my huge trunks to the maternity ward. I went into the doctors’ examination room with my luggage. Three guys. One asks: “What, are you going to Sakhalin and packing so many things?” We laugh. I look: there is a pregnancy test lying on the floor, I ask: “Why do you need this?” They: “Well, now let’s check whether you’re pregnant or just pretending.” I climb onto the chair... Then they released my water and asked:

-Does your stomach hurt?

- No, it doesn’t hurt. (By this time I wasn't even having contractions.)

The doctors were puzzled and sent me to the labor room, where a girl was already screaming.

The midwife came, encouraged me, and did a CTG. I was still having fun, and I sent my husband a message: they say, I’m lying there, someone is screaming, but I’m doing great.

And the contractions never started. The midwife started giving me injections. The stomach began to stretch, then several more injections were given, after which the contractions accelerated very quickly. Consciousness gradually became clouded. I began to remember stories about childbirth: I walked around the ward, breathed as hard as I could, but periodically broke into a quiet groan.

And then the real process began: IVs were injected into both arms to speed up labor - and away we go... The contractions went on one minute at a time. The contraction seemed to be divided into 6 parts: the first three I was breathing correctly, the second three I was quietly moaning: “Mom, mom.” I don’t remember how long it lasted.

Then it started to hurt. It was not at all as it seemed: I didn’t want to go to the toilet at all - it just seemed like there was something very big inside, and it was bursting and burning you from the inside.

I began to ask: “Let’s go give birth, please.” “No,” they said, “it’s too early.” And again and again the contraction came. Then they finally let me sit on the chair. Give birth to.

I will probably never forget the moment when the head appeared. This was the culmination... After a couple of pushes, my whole boy came out, but he was immediately taken to the next room, and I was left alone. A nurse came and I asked: “Well, how is it there, why don’t they show it? Is he breathing? She laughs: “It’s breathing, it’s breathing, it’s good, it’s pink, but it didn’t scream right away.”

I called and sent SMS. There was fatigue, there was also joy, but somehow not like that... For a long, long time I lay there and ate millet porridge. I’ll say something banal, but back then this porridge was the most delicious. Then, finally, I was transported to the ward, where my baby was waiting for me in a crib.

It was difficult and difficult to get up. But I stood up and, bending over, approached the baby. I looked for a long, long time, it hurt to stand, but I didn’t have the strength to move away from this tiny little thing.

Hello, my baby, hello, little one, here we are together...

Expert opinion

The need and safety of a vaginal ultrasound (an ultrasound sensor is inserted into the vagina) in the early stages is a question that confuses many expectant parents just like Irina. This concern is probably related specifically to the “access zone” for early examination – the insertion of an ultrasound probe into the vagina. There is a common misconception that this technique is more dangerous than “conventional” ultrasound examination of the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall, since local ultrasound radiation can provoke an increase in uterine tone and detachment of the ovum. However, in reality this is nothing more than a myth.

Firstly, there is no difference between the doses of ultrasound waves when using a vaginal and transabdominal (regular) sensor.

Secondly, even if we assume that inserting a sensor into the vagina of a pregnant woman can provoke a local increase in the tone of the lower segment of the uterus, this will not lead to detachment of the ovum: after all, the embryo is implanted (attached to the wall of the uterus) in the upper parts of the uterus.

Thirdly, mechanical irritation by the sensor of the walls of the vagina and cervix during transvaginal ultrasound is much less than during sexual intercourse.

In a healthy woman, none of the ultrasound diagnostic options, be it transvaginal or transabdominal access, Doppler (ultrasound of the fetal-placental blood flow), 3D (three-dimensional image) or CTG (ultrasound monitoring of the fetal heartbeat), can provoke any complications, regardless of the stage of pregnancy . And the reason why doctors prefer transvaginal access for ultrasound in the early stages is very simple.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus, which has slightly increased in size, does not yet protrude beyond the bony pelvis. Bone tissue, too dense and poorly permeable to ultrasound rays, prevents the diagnosis of pregnancy and a full examination of the uterine cavity from the anterior abdominal wall. The use of vaginal access completely solves the problem of early ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy, since there are no bone structures between the vagina and the body of the uterus. It is transvaginal ultrasound that makes it possible to detect the onset of pregnancy in the first days after implantation of the embryo (attachment to the wall of the uterus), to exclude the fact of ectopic pregnancy and the threat of early termination.

Irina behaved correctly during a cold in the 10th week of pregnancy. Usually we do not pay attention to the discomfort of ARVI, take medications that lower the temperature and alleviate other symptoms of the disease, and continue to lead an active lifestyle. During pregnancy, such a fighting spirit is unacceptable: against the background of a general decrease in immunity (this prevents rejection of the fetus, since it is half foreign to the mother’s body), a common viral infection can be more severe and is often accompanied by complications. In addition, any inflammatory process in the body leads to a decrease in microcirculation - blood flow in small vessels; It is these vessels that make up the circulatory system of the placenta, which forms from the 9th week of pregnancy. During pregnancy, even a mild cold can cause a deterioration in placental blood flow, which affects the breathing and nutrition of the fetus. Finally, viruses, which most often cause colds, have the ability to overcome the placental barrier - the border that protects the baby from infection. In the first trimester, viral infection is especially dangerous, because it is during this period that the formation of fetal organs and systems occurs. If during illness you do not reduce the physical stress on the body and do not start treatment in a timely manner, the risk of infection of the fetus, placenta and membranes increases significantly.

To treat colds during pregnancy, they use abundant sour drinks (tea, fruit drinks, juices), anti-inflammatory herbs (eucalyptus, chamomile, calendula) and herbal remedies - these are the methods Irina used. And it is especially important that during the illness our heroine strictly observed bed rest; physical rest and timely treatment helped to quickly overcome the disease and avoid complications.

IN 12 weeks pregnant the expectant mother registered at the antenatal clinic and had her “first real ultrasound.” At this stage, an ultrasound examination makes it possible to assess the development of the fetus according to the gestational age, the correct formation of the baby’s organs and systems, the laying of the placenta, and to exclude malformations of the fetus and membranes. To fully monitor the development of the fetus, it is better to begin systematic medical monitoring from the moment pregnancy is established.

IN 14 weeks pregnant Irina was worried about sleep disturbances; A perinatal psychologist helped me cope with this problem. The state of the nervous system plays a vital role in the well-being of the expectant mother and the course of pregnancy: stress, excessive emotional arousal and depression can negatively affect the health of the pregnant woman. Often the root cause of various ailments and complications during pregnancy is unconscious stress caused by constant worry for oneself and for the child. Symptoms of nervous system exhaustion as a result of hidden stress include unmotivated anxiety, headaches, mood swings and sleep disturbances. In order to get rid of internal stress and gain self-confidence, the specialist conducted psychotherapy sessions for Irina using breathing techniques, mastering relaxation skills and auto-training. Classes with a psychologist helped the expectant mother improve her sleep, overcome fears and self-doubt, and taught her to listen to her feelings and enjoy them.

The triple test that Irina talks about is carried out at 16–18 weeks of pregnancy to exclude fetal malformations. For this study, blood is drawn from a vein from the expectant mother and the levels of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and E3 (estriol) are determined. By the amount of these substances secreted by the fetus into the maternal bloodstream, it is possible to identify some pregnancy pathologies, congenital diseases or fetal malformations, including Down syndrome. However, a positive result of one or even all three components of this study does not always indicate the presence of pathology in the baby.

The triple test only helps to identify a risk group among pregnant women - women who need to undergo a more thorough medical examination to exclude fetal malformations.

In addition to the laboratory test, expectant mothers undergo an in-depth ultrasound examination; If the formation of fetal malformations is suspected based on ultrasound and triple test data, a woman is recommended to consult a geneticist. Genetic diagnostics includes much more accurate research methods for pathology of fetal development; One of these methods is cordocentesis, which Irina mentions - taking umbilical cord blood for genetic testing. However, since this and other methods of genetic diagnosis are invasive (that is, they are accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the fetal membranes and are associated with the risk of infection of the fetus and termination of pregnancy), these studies are possible only with the consent of the patient and with strict indications. In the case of our heroine, the results of the triple test showed a high risk of developing fetal anomalies; however, an ultrasound examination did not reveal any characteristic changes in the baby, so Irina did not need a more serious examination.

An expectant mother talks about the “nesting syndrome” that gave her great pleasure during pregnancy. Psychologists use this term to describe a woman’s desire to change and arrange her life in a special way in connection with the upcoming birth of a baby. The concept of “nesting” includes purchasing clothes, toys and care items for the child, changing the interior, renovating and even buying a home, as well as a special passion for cleaning your “nest”. Irina even went a little overboard with the last aspect of nesting syndrome: washing the floor in a knee-elbow position cannot be considered a suitable activity for an expectant mother. During pregnancy, it is better to use a mop or a vacuum cleaner to clean the floor; Washing the floor with your hands on all fours can provoke an increase in the tone of the uterus and the threat of premature birth.

Often, during one of the ultrasound examinations, the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the neck or other part of the fetal body is diagnosed, but at the next control examination the entanglement is no longer detected. This is exactly what happened in Irina’s case: Doppler (a type of ultrasound that examines blood flow in the vessels of the placenta and umbilical cord) diagnosed entanglement, but the next ultrasound did not confirm the diagnosis. There is no diagnostic error in this case: a single entanglement is most often a temporary feature of the location of the umbilical cord loop and does not in any way affect the condition of the fetus and the prognosis of childbirth. The umbilical cord normally reaches a length of up to 70 cm; in the uterine cavity it forms many large and small loops into which the fetus, while moving, can stick its head or limbs. For the baby, these turns of the umbilical cord do not pose any danger; in the future, they easily straighten out with the movements of the fetus, do not interfere with the breathing and nutrition of the fetus, and when entwined once, do not interfere with its movement along the birth canal during childbirth.

In the last weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother began to worry about fear. Irina prepared for childbirth and had a good idea of ​​the upcoming process, so she did not experience uncontrollable fear of childbirth. It would be more correct to call our heroine’s state of anxiety and self-doubt. This type of anxiety is familiar to any pregnant woman on the eve of childbirth; There's nothing wrong with that. In order to cope with emotions and regain self-confidence, it is very important to monitor the state of the nervous system in the last week. In the fight against fear and anxiety, oddly enough, daily walks in the fresh air, swimming and good sleep, as well as relaxation exercises, help.

At night, the expectant mother’s water began to break, but she did not immediately go to the maternity hospital; Irina decided to get some sleep and “save energy.” This decision cannot be considered correct: after the water breaks, the risk of infection of the fetus increases significantly, and the umbilical cord loops may fall out, therefore, in such a scenario, you should find yourself in the sterile conditions of the birth block as soon as possible. The risk of infection with premature rupture of water is explained simply: from the moment the membranes rupture, the last barrier between the sterile uterus and the non-sterile vagina disappears, and the infection can enter the uterus in an ascending way - through the vagina and the dilating cervix. In addition, premature water breaking can affect the duration of labor by speeding up or slowing down the process of cervical dilatation. This is exactly what happened in the case described by Irina: despite the outpouring of water, contractions did not begin for a long time, and when they did begin, they were not strong enough. In case of timely hospitalization due to rupture of water, drug prevention of weak labor forces is carried out - intravenous administration of glucose and vitamins, which help to increase the overall tone of the body and normalize uteroplacental blood flow. This measure promotes the natural start of full labor without the use of labor-inducing drugs, and also protects the baby from hypoxia (lack of oxygen) during childbirth.

Perhaps it was the premature rupture of water (normally, the amniotic fluid leaves no earlier than the middle of the first stage of labor, when the cervix is ​​dilated by 5–6 cm) and the delayed visit to the maternity hospital that led to the fact that Irina was not able to receive vitamin prophylaxis in a timely manner.

As a result, contractions began later and were weaker than necessary to dilate the cervix, so doctors had to use medication to induce labor. Irina was given an intravenous drip of OXYTOCIN, a hormone that is normally released in the body of a woman in labor and is responsible for intensifying contractions. After the use of labor stimulation, the contractions intensified and the period of dilatation successfully ended.

After full dilatation during contractions, Irina felt distension associated with the baby’s movement through the birth canal. The woman in labor decided that it was time to push - strain her abdominals, pushing the baby towards the exit; however, the doctors explained that it was too early to push. Premature attempts can lead to ruptures of the tissues of the birth canal (cervix, vaginal walls and perineum) and increased intracranial pressure in the fetus. In order not to force attempts and to allow the fetus to move smoothly due to contractions of the uterus, during contractions the woman in labor is asked to use frequent shallow breathing through the mouth ("dog breathing"). This behavior at the beginning of the pushing period helps to relieve pain from contractions, relax the pelvic floor muscles and avoid most complications of the second stage of labor.

If you are planning to celebrate the next New Year with your baby, you can do a little magic under the Christmas tree right now! Yes, yes, there are a number of New Year's signs and rituals that are rumored to help you get pregnant. Try it - it might really help!

Decorating a “pregnant” Christmas tree

We have already published how to decorate a New Year tree to make your wishes come true; if you dream of a baby, dress up the forest beauty with tiny caps, booties, storks - in a word, with what you associate newborns with.

Write a letter to Santa Claus. It is known that the more clearly you formulate your desires, the faster and more accurately they are fulfilled. The letter can be sent to Veliky Ustyug, or placed in the most elegant balloon and hung as close to the top of the tree as possible, or burned - any option will work!

“By the way, psychologists advise not to make requests to Santa Claus, but to describe your desire as accurately and in detail as possible, but only in the present tense.

For example: “In September 2016, I gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby girl. She eats well, sleeps soundly, I look after her with pleasure...” Put a letter under the tree: a little psychotherapy and a little household magic - it will definitely work!

We create a “pregnant” apartment

Ficus! It is not known why, but it is the ficus that is considered a plant that “lures” children into the house. Ask to be given this plant for the New Year, and if you already have it, dress it up with the Christmas tree.

A figurine of an elephant (or maybe seven figurines) with its trunk down helps to find family happiness. Just don’t get it wrong - a raised trunk promotes career growth!

According to Feng Shui principles, the western part of the house is associated with children and childbirth. Determine where the west is in your apartment and try to make this part a little “childish” - hang a beautiful picture with children on the wall or leave soft toys there.

"Pregnant" company

"Touch a pregnant woman's belly, sit on a pregnant woman's chair, try on her clothes, drink from her cup - or better yet, do it all at once on December 31. Who knows which sign will work?

If your friend already has a baby, then take an empty stroller for a walk while the mother is busy with the baby. People are sure that this is how you can “roll” a child for yourself.

"Pregnant" creativity

New Year is the best time to draw . Approach this activity responsibly, find beautiful pictures, try to achieve a state of meditative concentration... And then don’t show the map to anyone!

Note to needlewomen: the cross stitch pattern “Almost Perfect” is an almost one hundred percent guarantee of a successful pregnancy! The embroidery should be framed in a beautiful frame and hung on the western wall.

If you are more inclined to poetry, then write an acrostic - a poem where the first line begins with the letter “b”, the second with the letter “e”, and so on the entire word “pregnancy”, with the exception of the soft sign.

New Year's "pregnant" table

It is best if there are products on the New Year's table that contain the symbolic beginnings of a new life: eggs, caviar, nuts, seeds.

Set the New Year's table with wooden dishes, and it is important that they are made from fruit trees: apple, pear, cherry... You don't have to look for a wooden set - one dish will be enough.

"Pregnant" jewelry

Jewelers also have their own signs: they help you get pregnant with diamonds, amethysts, emeralds, malachites or topaz.

“Of course, such decorations are especially helpful if it is a New Year’s gift from a loved one.

If for some reason your husband did not give you a diamond necklace, wooden jewelry - bracelets, pendants, earrings - will also help. Here the rule is the same as with dishes - they must be carved from fruit trees.

Happy pregnant year to you!

Have you used “magic rituals” to speed up pregnancy?

New Year's Eve is a special time! And even those who are skeptical about signs and rituals still believe in the New Year's miracle. There are quite a few ways to make a wish for the New Year. We have chosen the most unusual ones. By the way, do you have any proven ways to whisper a wish during the chimes? Share them in the comments!

1 Numismatic method

Collect a handful of gold-colored coins (the denomination and country of issue are not important - only the shade of the metal matters!) and place them under each plate on the holiday table. If you celebrate the New Year in clothes that have pockets (for example, jeans), then under no circumstances should they be empty. Before the chimes, fill your pockets with coins. Now you can safely drink champagne and wish each other financial well-being - it will come true!

2 Fashionable way

Another way to attract financial luck! According to esoteric practices, to attract money on New Year's Eve, you need to change clothes at least twice. But let us remember that the thrifty Dog - the symbol of the coming year - does not like wastefulness, so outfits should not cost exorbitant amounts of money. For example, at midnight you can be in a beautiful new dress, and then, if you are not going to sleep, change into everyday clothes a couple more times - the main thing is to follow the ritual.

3 Love method

How to make a love wish for the New Year? Keep in mind, the New Year's love spell has special power! Take a piece of paper, on one side write the name of the man you like, and on the other - yours. Roll it into a tube and put it in a jar. On New Year's Eve, after the chimes strike, start pouring liquid honey into the jar and at the same time say a “spell”: “Let my name be sweet not only on the tongue, let it sigh for me.” Then hide this jar in a secluded place until Christmas. On Christmas Eve you need to eat all the honey, and put the piece of paper with the names back into the empty jar and hide it. May you live happily ever after!

4 Astrological method

Astrologers never tire of repeating that different zodiac signs have their own helpers in making wishes. ABOUTven, Leo, Sagittarius, your main assistant is fire. The best way to make a wish is to look at the flame of a candle. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, your assistant is water. You can make a wish while looking at the water. On New Year's Eve, make a paper boat, make your cherished wish and let the boat sail - at least in the bathroom. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, your helpers are... money. Make wishes (one per coin) and carry them with you until the wish is fulfilled. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, your main assistants are clouds. Making wishes while looking at bizarrely shaped clouds is a pleasure!

5 The generous way

Do you want to make a wish aimed at material wealth? Pamper your destiny: prepare small symbolic gifts in a beautiful wrapper in accordance with the last two digits of the coming year! That is, in the coming 2018 there should be gifts exactly 18. You can put nuts, sweets, tangerines in the packages. As the chimes strike, mentally say your wish, and then go out into the street and distribute gifts to anyone you meet with wishes for monetary abundance in the coming year.

6 American method

Every year, on December 31, more than a million people gather in New York in the vicinity of Times Square and wait for a crystal ball to descend from the 23-meter height of the spire of one of the skyscrapers. It touches the ground exactly in the first second of the new year. And special confetti is poured onto the heads of those gathered - Wishfetti! Of course, wishes are written in advance - by hand on a piece of paper, which are mixed with millions of messages from other people. If you don’t have plans to visit New York yet, you still have a chance to become part of this magical night! Write about your dream on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #confettiwish- and it will also fall into this waterfall of wishes.

7 Christmas tree method

So, we have found out the most interesting ways to make a wish correctly in the New Year. But what to do if in the holiday bustle you didn’t have time to make a wish? Don't despair! You still have a great chance for magic on the day when it's time to take the decorations off the tree. Don’t rush to put the last Christmas tree decoration in the box. Slowly removing it, make your deepest wish! Surprisingly, this is the method that works almost perfectly! Checked!