Make a New Year's wish to get pregnant. New Year rituals to help you get pregnant

For proper development, growth, formation of its own immunity, the baby should receive weight along with food useful substances, vitamins and microelements. Despite the possibility of buying in any supermarket baby food in jars, many modern mothers prefer to cook for their baby themselves. This makes sense - a caring mother tries to use only “clean” products grown and produced in proper conditions without the use of harmful substances. Our article provides recommendations for the proper processing of foods for infants, as well as recipes for dishes that are suitable for feeding them.

Start of complementary feeding

Pediatricians believe that it is better to start complementary feeding with vegetable puree or cereals. To choose the option that suits your child, there are several factors to consider:

  • Large babies from 6 months of age whose body weight is upper limit norm or completely excessive, it is better to start complementary feeding with vegetable purees (we recommend reading:). Porridge, on the contrary, is suitable for those who are underweight.
  • Vegetable puree slightly thins the stool due to the presence of fiber. This property makes it possible to offer purees to children prone to constipation.
  • If you decide to start complementary feeding with cereals, it is advisable to choose gluten-free cereals - buckwheat, rice. At normal reaction body, after 2 months you can introduce gluten-containing porridges - oatmeal, wheat.
  • Vegetable purees should initially contain only one component, usually starting with potatoes, cauliflower, zucchini, and broccoli.
  • Fruits are not used as first complementary foods. Their turn will come a little later, when the child has already become familiar with vegetables and cereals. The fact is that puree from sweet fruits can “kill the appetite” of a child - he will appreciate delicious dishes and refuse to eat vegetables and cereals.
  • In the table of first complementary foods, meat occupies only third place. Pediatricians advise introducing it to the baby's menu no earlier than 7-8 months and always after vegetables and cereals (we recommend reading:). This product is hard on the stomach. To facilitate the digestion of meat, first choose rabbit, turkey fillet, and a little later beef.

6 months – vegetables

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By 6 months, vegetables begin to be introduced into the baby’s diet. The baby should make puree from them, following the technology.

Any vegetables, even those that will be peeled, must be washed thoroughly - this can be done with a brush. After cleaning, fruits or roots should be washed again, preferably hot water, then pour boiling water over it.

After this, the vegetables are chopped, poured with boiling water and cooked until soft. Also, almost any vegetables can be steamed. We will give two simple recipes for their preparation that the baby will like.

Pumpkin puree

You will need 100 g of pumpkin, pre-chopped into cubes, which must be filled with just boiled water. Cook, covered, for about half an hour. Mash the finished pumpkin with a potato masher or rub through a sieve, mix with a quarter cup of the milk mixture that the child is used to. You can also use the decoction in which the pumpkin was cooked. This puree can be stored at a temperature of +4˚C for no more than 2 days.

Broccoli for baby

150 g of broccoli must be thoroughly rinsed in heated water. After this, do not add to the inflorescences a large number of boiling water and cook covered for a quarter of an hour. Then drain the broth and rub the green mass through a sieve. Mix with a quarter cup of mixture or decoction. Place back on the stove, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Add 1/2 teaspoon butter, cool.

7 months – cereals

Cereals can be boiled in water, and you can also use vegetable broth. We will present two methods of preparing porridge for children of the first year of life, each of which has its admirers:

  1. First option. The grains are sorted, washed, and then dried. Then grind it in a coffee grinder to a powder state. Then this flour is poured into boiling water or broth, stirring with a spoon to avoid the appearance of lumps. The porridge turns out homogeneous and cooks in 5-10 minutes. This method is applicable to any cereal.
  2. Second option. If the household does not have a coffee grinder, the cereal can be cooked differently. First, it is washed, then poured into boiling water and cooked until the porridge is boiled. After which the dish is removed from the heat, the mass is rubbed through a sieve, or ground using a blender. Dilute with water or broth, put back on the fire and cook, stirring, for a few more minutes.

Rice porrige

The first porridge on a baby's menu can be rice, although sometimes they start with buckwheat (more details in the article:). Rinse 1 tablespoon of rice, add a glass of water and cook for 50-60 minutes. You should get a viscous, boiled porridge. If the water evaporates during the boiling process, add boiling water from time to time. Remove from heat and, without cooling, rub through a sieve. Dilute 100 ml of hot milk or mixture, then return to the heat. Boil for 5 minutes, season with butter (3 g).


Buckwheat porridge is most often the starting point for feeding cereals to children under one year of age. 1 tbsp. Rinse the cereals, changing the water several times. Then pour boiling water over it for a few minutes. Drain the water, add 1 cup of boiling water again, and cook until tender. After this, tightly close the container with the porridge with a lid, cover the top with a towel, and wrap it on all sides. After half an hour, rub the porridge through a sieve, add 1 teaspoon of butter.

8 months - meat dishes

It is best to introduce meat into a baby’s menu no earlier than he is 8 months old (more details in the article:). In this case, it is advisable to immediately pour boiling water over the meat, and then cook it for quite a long time (depending on the quality of the product). This will allow you to achieve a more delicate structure of the dish and avoid possible hardness. Note that stewed meat dishes are more juicy than boiled or steamed ones. You can cook baby purees, cutlets, meatballs and meat puddings. We offer you simple recipes for meat dishes for children.

Meat puree

You will need 100 g of meat fillet, which needs to be cut into small pieces. After which it must be filled with water (0.5 cup) and simmered under the lid until the meat becomes soft. Remove the meat from the broth, cool slightly and grind twice in a meat grinder. After this, add a quarter cup of the broth in which the meat was cooked, put on the fire, and bring to a boil. You can add a little salt and butter.


You will need 200 g of boiled meat - you can take beef, rabbit, turkey. Turn the meat through a meat grinder 2 times, along with a piece of white bread. Add 1 yolk, a little salt to the prepared minced meat, mix well. Roll into small balls, the size of a quail egg, or a little smaller. Throw the meatballs into the boiling broth and cook for at least 10 minutes.

9 months – fruit purees

Pediatricians recommend offering fruit to babies no earlier than 8-9 months. At first it could be apples, pears, prunes. At the same time, you should carefully ensure that new dishes do not cause allergies. In this regard, it is recommended to give preference to green apples and pears. It is also advisable to prepare fruit dishes immediately before feeding in order to preserve maximum vitamins.

Prune puree

This puree should not be prepared for infants prone to diarrhea. You need to take 50 g of prunes, rinse in warm water repeatedly. Then pour cold water. Leave for 4 hours, waiting for the prunes to swell. Boil the fruits in the same water in which they were infused until soft. Rub through a sieve, dilute with broth until the desired consistency is obtained. If after such puree the child’s stool becomes too loose, it is better not to give it the next day.

Prune puree is good for constipation in babies

2-component puree – apple and pumpkin

If the child has already become familiar with at least one of the ingredients of this puree, you can safely offer the baby a two-component dish. Cut 50 g of pumpkin into cubes, add water, cook covered for 10 minutes. Add one apple, sliced ​​without peel, and cook for another 10 minutes. Rub the finished ingredients through a sieve, you can add a little sugar and butter.

10 months – fish dishes

Before offering fish to your baby, you should know a few rules for preparing it:

  • Firstly, fish is boiled several times faster than meat.
  • Secondly, to preserve microelements and vitamins in the finished dish, it is worth filling the fish with water so that it covers the pieces by no more than 5 centimeters.
  • Thirdly, this product should be immediately poured with boiling water so that the fish does not overcook. Pediatricians advise choosing low-fat varieties - hake, pollock, pike, perch are suitable.

Fish meatballs

Wash 60 g of fish, remove skin and bones. Pass the resulting fillet through a meat grinder, and grind 10 g of white bread with it. Add 1/2 teaspoon of sunflower oil, ¼ part of the yolk to the minced meat, mix well, beat. Roll small balls the size of a walnut, throw them into boiling water and cook over very low heat for about half an hour.

Fish pudding

Grind 100 g of prepared fish fillet twice in a meat grinder along with 50 g of wheat bread. Then rub the finished mass through a sieve, add the yolk, salt, and beat. Prepare a mold with sides or a saucepan - grease vegetable oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Place the mold in a pan of water so that the water reaches the middle of the sides. Cover with a lid, bring to a boil, cook for 40 minutes.

Mother's milk is the most natural way to feed the baby, but it is not always possible to successfully establish lactation, and then artificial formulas come to the aid of the mother.

One of the most significant differences is the composition of the nutrition that a newborn on IV will receive and a newborn on breastfeeding. Breast milk contains a complex of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. There is no such thing in the formula, despite the proximity of its composition to breast milk.

As the baby grows and develops, the composition of mother's milk will change to in full provide for a growing organism nutrients. A child on IV will need to purchase formula at the next stage (at six months and a year).

Due to the different composition of the mixture and breast milk, there will be differences in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: in a baby with IV, the stool will be denser, rarer and with a more pronounced odor. With breastfeeding, the stool is more frequent, softer, and has a cottage cheese smell. In addition, with hepatitis B there will be a dependence of the frequency of bowel movements and stool consistency on the mother's diet. With IV, changes in the character of the stool are possible only by changing the mixture.

With IV, any family member can feed the baby. But it’s still better if the mother does this so that there is skin-to-skin contact. You should not deprive your baby of such emotional closeness, which during hepatitis B is integral part. This kind of communication between mother and child has a beneficial effect on general development and the emotional background of the baby.

An important point will be the choice of mixture. If the child does not choose mother’s milk, then for a formula-fed child, the formula must be selected by the parents. With the right mixture, the child will eat with pleasure, gain weight well, and have bowel movements regularly.

The fundamental difference is supplementing with water when feeding with formula. A breastfeeding baby does not need supplemental feeding; he gets everything he needs with milk.. When breastfeeding, feeding on demand is practiced, while when feeding with formula, it is advisable to maintain the recommended time intervals to avoid excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract and overeating.

Feeding table by month from birth to one year

To determine the volume of formula for a newborn in the first 10 days of life, you can use the Finkelstein formula as modified by Tour:

V = n * 70 (if m 3.2kg), Where

  • V is the volume of the mixture;
  • n – age in days;
  • m – body weight at birth.

To calculate the daily norm of the mixture, you can use the following formula, where V is the required amount of formula, m is the child’s body weight:

Please note that the amount of water in daily norm mixtures are not taken into account.

We offer a scheme for feeding your baby with ready-made formula milk:

Additional products:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Juice, ml. By purpose 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80
Fruit puree, By purpose 5-30 40-50 50-60 60 70 80
Cottage cheese, city 40 40 40 40
Yolk, Mr. 0,25 0,5 0,5
Vegetable puree, 10-150 150 150 170 180
Kasha, Mr. 50-150 150 150 180
Meat puree, 5-30 50 50
Kefir, ml. 200 200 200
Bread psh. V.S., g. 5 5
Crackers, cookies, Mr. 3-5 5 5 10
Grows. oil, g. 3 3 3 5 5
Drain. oil, g. 4 4 5 5

With IV, you should maintain a 3-hour gap between feedings during the day and be sure to take a 6-hour break at night.

What must be included in the diet of a child on IV in the first year of life:


During the first year of life, many changes occur in the baby’s life, and a large number of discoveries are made. Including in gastronomic terms. Getting to know various products nutrition, the child is already forming his taste preferences. Therefore, from the very early age Mom should carefully monitor her baby’s diet, teaching him to eat properly and in a balanced manner.

For many girls nowadays it is very difficult to get pregnant. We are looking for ways out of this difficult situation, we rush from side to side and don’t know what to do. It would seem that all plans have collapsed and are no longer destined to come true. Desperate, and having already tried both IVF and medications, and time-tested folk remedies, we understand that nothing is working out. What to do in this case?

Surprisingly, there is still a solution! Magic will help - a supernatural and exciting phenomenon.
An unusual ritual for conceiving a child.

If you are with for a long time If you dream of becoming a happy mother, then some creative ritual will suit you perfectly. To perform this ritual you will need:

A drawing depicting a baby (it can be downloaded from the Internet or found in a magazine);
Open area to send a message to fairy world;
Balloon red or of blue color, it is better if it is pumped with helium;
A brutal desire to get pregnant.

So, take a marker and write yours on the ball cherished wish about the child. We perform all manipulations carefully so that the ball does not burst. It is advisable to describe it in short form, for example, “I want a child!”, “daughter”, etc.

Then we take a separate thin piece of paper and embody the image of the future baby. To do this, do not forget to indicate gender, height, weight, hair and eye color, who he will look like, you can include some aspects as you wish.

We connect the sheet with the description with the baby’s drawing. And then the most exciting thing: we indicate the address anywhere, for example: “Heavenly Office”. Please note that you must include the date of dispatch and your signature. We carefully attach all the blanks at the base of the ball. Beautiful, original, and most importantly effective!
We send the spell into the sky, in space world, then forget about it. To make your wish come true as quickly as possible, it is recommended to make it at Christmas - a magical and bewitching holiday when radiance and fun reign all around.

Exactly at midnight, launch the ball up into space, and under no circumstances should the Universe be limited in time and method of execution.

To obtain good attitude The Universe to you, you need to be grateful. At the end of the ritual, be sure to thank the Universe.

New Year's Eve ritual

The essence of this ritual is extremely simple: it is necessary to magically New Year's Eve go outside and make a wish for a child. It must be affirmative and understandable. Remember that fate is a lady with a great sense of humor and she will not miss a chance to make fun of you.

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New year's night - special time! And even those who are skeptical about signs and rituals still believe in the New Year's miracle. There are quite a few ways to make a wish for the New Year. We have chosen the most unusual ones. By the way, do you have any proven ways to whisper a wish during the chimes? Share them in the comments!

1 Numismatic method

Collect a handful of gold-colored coins (the denomination and country of issue are not important - only the shade of the metal matters!) and place them under each plate on festive table. If you celebrate the New Year in clothes that have pockets (for example, jeans), then under no circumstances should they be empty. Before the chimes, fill your pockets with coins. Now you can safely drink champagne and wish each other financial well-beingit will come true!

2 Fashionable way

Another way to attract financial luck! According to esoteric practices To attract money on New Year's Eve you need to change clothes at least twice. But let us remember that the thrifty Dog - the symbol of the coming year - does not like wastefulness, so outfits should not cost exorbitant amounts of money. For example, at midnight you can be in a beautiful new dress, and then, if you are not going to sleep, change into everyday clothes a couple more times - the main thing is to follow the ritual.

3 Love method

How to make a love wish for the New Year? Keep in mind, the New Year's love spell has special power! Take a piece of paper, on one side write the name of the man you like, and on the other - yours. Roll it into a tube and put it in a jar. On New Year's Eve, after the chimes strike, start pouring liquid honey into the jar and at the same time say a “spell”: “Let my name be sweet not only on the tongue, let it sigh for me.” Then hide this jar in a secluded place until Christmas. On Christmas Eve you need to eat all the honey, and put the piece of paper with the names back into the empty jar and hide it. May you live happily ever after!

4 Astrological method

Astrologers never tire of repeating that different zodiac signs have their own helpers in making wishes. ABOUTven, Leo, Sagittarius, your chief assistant-fire. The best way to make a wish is to look at the flame of a candle. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, your assistant is water. You can make a wish while looking at the water. On New Year's Eve, make a paper boat, make your cherished wish and let the boat sail - at least in the bathroom. Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, your helpers are... money. Make wishes (one per coin) and carry them with you until the wish is fulfilled. Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, your main assistants are clouds. Making wishes while looking at bizarrely shaped clouds is a pleasure!

5 The generous way

Do you want to make a wish aimed at material wealth? Pamper your destiny: prepare small symbolic gifts in a beautiful wrapper in accordance with the last two digits of the coming year! That is, in the coming 2018 there should be gifts exactly 18. You can put nuts, sweets, tangerines in the packages. As the chimes strike, mentally say your wish, and then go out into the street and distribute gifts to anyone you meet with wishes for monetary abundance in the coming year.

6 American method

Every year, on December 31, more than a million people gather in New York in the vicinity of Times Square and wait for a crystal ball to descend from the 23-meter height of the spire of one of the skyscrapers. It touches the ground exactly in the first second of the new year. And special confetti is poured onto the heads of those gathered - Wishfetti! Of course, wishes are written in advance - by hand on a piece of paper, which are mixed with millions of messages from other people. If you don’t have plans to visit New York yet, you still have a chance to become part of this magical night! Write about your dream on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #confettiwish- and it will also fall into this waterfall of wishes.

7 Christmas tree method

So, we found out the most interesting ways Make the right wish for the New Year. But what to do if in the holiday bustle you didn’t have time to make a wish? Don't despair! You still have a great chance for magic on the day when it's time to take the decorations off the tree. Don't rush to put the last one in the box Christmas tree toy. Slowly removing it, make your deepest wish! Surprisingly, this is the method that works almost perfectly! Checked!

If you are planning to celebrate the next New Year with your baby, you can do a little magic under the Christmas tree right now! Yes, yes, there is whole line New Year's signs and rituals that are rumored to help get pregnant. Try it - it might really help!

Decorating a “pregnant” Christmas tree

We have already published how to decorate a New Year tree to make your wishes come true; if you dream of a baby, dress up the forest beauty with tiny caps, booties, storks - in a word, with what you associate newborns with.

Write a letter to Santa Claus. It is known that the more clearly you formulate your desires, the faster and more accurately they are fulfilled. The letter can be sent to Veliky Ustyug, or placed in the most elegant balloon and hung as close to the top of the tree as possible, or burned - any option will work!

“By the way, psychologists advise not to make requests to Santa Claus, but to describe your desire as accurately and in detail as possible, but only in the present tense.

For example: “In September 2016, I gave birth to a wonderful, healthy baby girl. She eats well, sleeps soundly, I look after her with pleasure...” Put a letter under the tree: a little psychotherapy and a little household magic - it will definitely work!

We create a “pregnant” apartment

Ficus! It is not known why, but it is the ficus that is considered a plant that “lures” children into the house. Ask to be given this plant for the New Year, and if you already have it, dress it up with the Christmas tree.

A figurine of an elephant (or maybe seven figurines) with its trunk down helps to find family happiness. Just don’t get it wrong - a raised trunk promotes career growth!

According to the principles of Feng Shui, it is associated with children and childbirth. West Side Houses. Determine where the west is in your apartment and try to make this part a little “childish” - hang a beautiful picture with children on the wall or leave soft toys there.

"Pregnant" company

"Touch a pregnant woman's belly, sit on a pregnant woman's chair, try on her clothes, drink from her cup - or better yet, do it all at once on December 31. Who knows which sign will work?

If your friend already has a baby, then take an empty stroller for a walk while the mother is busy with the baby. People are sure that this is how you can “roll” a child for yourself.

"Pregnant" creativity

New Year is best time to draw . Approach this activity responsibly, find beautiful pictures, try to achieve a state of meditative concentration... And then don’t show the map to anyone!

Note to needlewomen: the cross stitch pattern “Almost Perfect” is an almost one hundred percent guarantee of a successful pregnancy! The embroidery should be framed in a beautiful frame and hung on the western wall.

If you are more inclined to poetry, then write an acrostic - a poem where the first line begins with the letter “b”, the second with the letter “e”, and so on the entire word “pregnancy”, with the exception of the soft sign.

New Year's "pregnant" table

It is best if there are products on the New Year's table that contain the symbolic beginnings of a new life: eggs, caviar, nuts, seeds.

Serve New Year's table wooden dishes, and it is important that they are made from fruit trees: apple, pear, cherry... It is not necessary to look for a wooden set - one dish will be enough.

"Pregnant" jewelry

Jewelers also have their own signs: they help you get pregnant with diamonds, amethysts, emeralds, malachites or topaz.

“Of course, such decorations are especially helpful if it is a New Year’s gift from a loved one.

If for some reason your husband did not give you a diamond necklace, wooden jewelry - bracelets, pendants, earrings - will also help. Here the rule is the same as with dishes - they must be carved from fruit trees.

Happy pregnant year to you!

Have you used " magical rituals"to speed up pregnancy?