Oral statement on the topic of war. Statements about the war by Russian writers

In war, lies are called upon to protect the truth, which is why there are always more lies.

Going to heaven, the enemy general will certainly raise the morale of your army to stratospheric heights.

Which battles inspired me the most? Those that didn't happen!

Powerful powers do not seek allies, they only need loyal vassals.

The surest way to get what you need is to declare war, that’s the law.

Any war is declared with one single goal - to finally achieve peace.

All ages are submissive to war: old people declare it, and young people participate.

Anyone who calls war murder is not entirely right. It's more like suicide.

The only reason wars still exist is that their outcome cannot be predicted in advance.

You don't have to be strong to win a war. It is much more important to be fast.

A real general's head eventually takes the shape of a cap, but the most talented ones are born with the correct head shape.

Every time war is started by those who are afraid of the daily difficulties of peaceful life.

Read the continuation of aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

Prologue of the 20th century - gunpowder factory. Epilogue – Red Cross barracks – Vasily Klyuchevsky

This war will end wars. And the next one too - David Lloyd George

Children and generals love to scare others - Wojciech Zukrowski

War is a series of disasters leading to victory - Georges Clemenceau

Quick solutions are unsafe solutions - Sophocles

Wars begin when they want, but end when they can - Niccolo Machiaveli

If the enemy does not threaten, the army is in danger - Arkady Davidovich

Wars start when they want, but end when they can. – Niccolo Machiavelli

A British soldier can stand up to anyone but the British Ministry of Defense - George Bernard Shaw

Our Great War is a spiritual war. Our Great Depression is our life. – Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club

Heavy rains usually come after big battles - Plutarch

Any war is popular during the first thirty days - Arthur Schlesinger

Nobody really needs war, but many need hatred - Max Frisch

You can't be a good soldier without some stupidity - Florence Nightingale

What is required of a soldier, first of all, is endurance and patience; courage is the second thing - Napoleon I

I do not know a single nation that has become rich as a result of victory - Voltaire

Generals are a striking case of arrested development. Who among us at the age of five did not dream of being a general? – Peter Ustinov

War is a way of untying with teeth a political knot that defies language - Ambrose Bierce

There are no winners in war, only losers - Arthur Neville Chamberlain

A soldier must be healthy, brave, firmly resolved, truthful and pious. – Suvorov A.V.

War is the continuation of politics by other means - Carl Clausewitz

There will be no World War III veterans - Walter Mondale

In war everything is simple, but the simplest things are extremely difficult - Carl Clausewitz

If our soldiers understood why we are fighting, no war could be fought - Frederick the Great

You never make a mistake twice in war - Latin proverb

Soldiers do not like to be commanded by an ignoble - Onosander

During actions, remember the price of silence and order - Formio of Athens

In a civil war, every victory is a defeat - Lucan

Misfortunes show the talent of a commander; luck hides him - Horace

A large army is always disorderly - Euripides

A commander who can correctly assess his own strength and that of the enemy is difficult to defeat - Vegetius

During peace, sons bury their fathers. During war, fathers bury their sons - Herodotus

War is mostly a catalog of blunders - Winston Churchill

If a man does not know where he is sailing, there are no favorable winds for him - Seneca

For no cause do men unite so quickly as to kill other men - Susan Glaspell

The fastest way to end a war is to lose it - George Orwell

Of all the wars that peoples waged among themselves with fire and sword, religious ones were the bloodiest. – E. Haeckel

Even the bravest are subject to sudden fear - Tacitus

Ultimately, a soldier's pack is no heavier than a prisoner of war's chains - Dwight Eisenhower

When the gods endowed one of the parties with a good spirit, then their opponents cannot cope with them - Xenophon

How is the world governed and how wars break out? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe their own lies when they read them in newspapers - Karl Kraus

An officer cannot be a good commander unless he is no longer afraid of the corporal - Bruce Marshall

Silent enim leges inter arma (Laws are silent during war) - Cicero

The war does not end, it rests - Urszula Kozel

Few are born brave; many become them after training and discipline - Vegetiy

Military education introduces courage through fear - Tadeusz Kotarbiński

What can a soldier do when he receives an order? - Vegetius

War would be a picnic if it weren't for lice and dysentery - Margaret Mitchell

He serves me best who serves his country best - Homer

Peace must be won by victory, not by agreement. – Cicero

The first casualty of war is truth - Johnson Hiram

War spares not the brave, but the cowards - Anacreon

War is sweet to those who have never tasted it - Pindar

For the brave, the spoils of war are freedom and glory - Lucurgus of Sparta

Winning a war is as impossible as winning an earthquake - Jeannette Rankin

War is a traumatic epidemic - Nikolai Pirogov

A good commander not only sees the way to victory, but also knows when it is impossible - Polybius

Suitable traits for a general are prudence and prudence - Tacitus

Veni, vidi, visi (I came, I saw, I conquered) - Gaius Julius Caesar

Only the dead saw the end of the war - Plato

Monuments should be erected to those who prevented the war, and not to commanders. – Arkady Davidovich

The man who runs will fight again - Menander

A dead enemy always smells good - Aliy Vitelii

There is no second prize for the losers in war - Omar Bradley

Rulers of states are the only ones who have the right to lie - Plato

Generals always prepare for the last war - Winston Churchill

Either humanity will end war, or war will end humanity - John Kennedy

Anything can be done three ways: right, wrong and like an army - American proverb

A career officer is a person whom we feed in peacetime, so that in wartime he can send us to the front - Gabriel Laub

Anyone who tries to shirk his duty in battle is not truly crazy - Joseph Heller

Eternal peace will reign if the winner is made to pay all expenses - Evan Esar

Wars are like litigation, where the legal costs exceed the amount in dispute - Luc de Vauvenargues

Don’t offend the average person, he gives us water and food; a soldier is not a robber. – Suvorov A.V.

The flourishing of military sciences is possible only in peacetime. – Don Aminado

Every war between Europeans is a civil war - Victor Hugo

A disorderly crowd is no more an army than a heap of building materials - a house - Socrates

A small state cannot cope with a large one; the small cannot cope with the large; The weak cannot cope with the strong - Mencius

Hannibal knows how to achieve victory, but does not know how to use it - Maharbal

The conquered conquer - Plaut

Before a battle every plan is good, after a battle every plan is bad - Wladyslaw Grzeszczyk

The war is over only when the last soldier is buried - Alexander Suvorov

The cruelty of war is necessary for peace - Publius Statius

An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram. – Napoleon Bonaparte

The world is a mirror that shows each person his own reflection. - Thackeray W.

This is a bad plan that cannot be improved - Publius Syriac

Great empires cannot be held back by timidity - Tacitus

A general is a corporal who has been promoted many times - Gabriel Laub

Why are generals so stupid? Because they are recruited among colonels - Jean Cocteau

People get tired of sleep, love, singing and dancing faster than from war - Homer

Quotes, aphorisms and sayings about the War.

1170. War is the greatest disaster that can cause suffering to humanity; it destroys religion, states, families. Any disaster is preferable to her. M. Luther.
1171. War is the greatest sorrow, especially in the conditions of modern military technology. L. Leonov.
1172. War imposes tribute equally on both men and women, but only takes blood from some, and tears from others. W. Thackeray.
1173. War for the people is tears and blood, it is widows and homeless people, it is a scattered nest, lost youth and insulted old age. I. Ehrenburg.
1174. War is not only a shock, but a spiritual test and spiritual judgment. I. Ilyin.
1175. War is one of the greatest sacrileges against man and nature. V. Mayakovsky.
1176. War is the continuation of politics by other means. K. Clausewitz.
1177. War is murder. And no matter how many people come together to commit murder, and no matter what they call themselves, murder is still the worst sin in the world. L. Tolstoy.
1178. War is a cruel thing; it entails injustice and crime. Plutarch.
1179. War is a crime that cannot be atoned for by victory. A. France.
1180. War is the most absurd invention of mankind, which consumes most of the resources and effort. And yet we fight. A. Schopenhauer.
1181. War is a way of untying a political knot with teeth that defies language. A. Beers.
1182. War is a judgment on nations: victory and defeat are its sentence. A. Rivarol.
1183. War is the same punishment for the one who carries it out as for the one who suffers from it. T. Jefferson.
1184. War is a game in which sometimes the best men fail. M. Kemal.
1185. War is misfortune on an enlarged scale. I. Bentham.
1186. War is a luxury that only small nations can now afford. X. Arendt.
1187. War is too serious a matter to be trusted to generals. D. Kennedy.
1188. War is work. As a matter of fact, feats in war are born precisely in the midst of this labor. Feat is born among soldiers' labor, in the depths of this labor. K. Simonov.
1189. War is a denial of truth and humanity. It’s not just a matter of killing people, for a person must die one way or another, but the conscious and persistent spread of hatred and lies, which are gradually instilled in people. D. Nehru.
1190. War and fighting are purely male inventions; A woman's weapon is her tongue. G. Gingold.
1191. An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram. Napoleon I.

For no other cause do men unite so quickly as to kill other men.

Susan Glaspell
The war would have been a picnic if it weren't for lice and dysentery.

Margaret Mitchell
In war everything is simple, but the simplest things are extremely difficult.

Carl Clausewitz
War consists of unforeseen events.

Napoleon I
Before the battle every plan is good, after the battle every plan is bad.

Vladislav Grzeszczyk
No plan survives an encounter with the enemy.

Helmuth von Moltke
War is a traumatic epidemic.

Nikolay Pirogov
War is the continuation of politics by other means.

Carl Clausewitz
The flourishing of military sciences is possible only in peacetime.

Don Aminado
War is just a cowardly escape from peacetime problems.

Thomas Mann
War is a way of untying a political knot with teeth that defies language.

Ambrose Bierce
We are told that war is murder. No: it's suicide.

Ramsay MacDonald
War is, for the most part, a catalog of blunders.

Winston Churchill
War is a series of disasters leading to victory.

Georges Clemenceau
In war there is no second prize for the losers.

Omar Bradley
There are no winners in war, only losers.

Arthur Neville Chamberlain
If our soldiers understood why we are fighting, no war would be possible.

Frederick the Great
In a civil war, every victory is a defeat.

Every war between Europeans is a civil war.

Victor Hugo
I do not know a single nation that has become rich as a result of victory.

If the outcome of the war could be foreseen, all wars would cease.

Karol Bunsch
How is the world governed and how wars break out? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe their own lies when they read them in newspapers.

Karl Kraus
Old people declare war, and young people go to die.

Herbert Hoover
It is not the military that starts the war. Politicians start war.

General William Westmoreland
Wars begin in the minds of people.

From the Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO
The war is only over when the last soldier is buried.

Alexander Suvorov
The war does not end, it rests.

Urszula Kozel
A war cannot be fair, because you cannot fight fairly, even if you are fighting for justice.

Tadeusz Kotarbiński
There are just wars, but there are no just troops.

Andre Malraux
Only the victors decide what the war crimes were.

Gary Wills
No one really needs war, but many people need hatred.

Max Frisch
Either wars will go out of fashion, or people will.

Buckminster Faller
Either humanity ends war, or war ends humanity.

John Kennedy
Cold War: uneasy coexistence instead of easy non-existence.

Revised version by Judith Beach
The first casualty of war is truth.

Johnson Hiram
In wartime, truth is so precious that it must be guarded by guards of lies.

Winston Churchill
Ant: “It’s not me who fights. The anthill is at war.”

Karel Capek
Many people go to war only because they don’t want to be heroes.

Tom Stoppard
The worst thing, apart from a lost battle, is a won battle.

Duke of Wellington
If we lose this war, I will start another under my wife's name.

Moshe Dayan during the 1967 Six Day War
It is impossible to win a war, just as it is impossible to win an earthquake.

Jeannette Rankin
War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford.

Hannah Arendt
Wars start when they want, but end when they can.

Niccolo Machiavelli
On the first day of war and the first day of peace, we still do not believe that this is true.

The death of those who fell on the battlefield in their youth is felt the more painfully the longer their peers live.

Vladislav Grzegorczyk
For those who fought, the war never ends.

Curzio Malaparte
This war will end wars. And the next one too.

David Lloyd George
The Falklands War was a fight between two bald men over a comb.

Jorge Luis Borges
Wars are like legal battles where the legal costs exceed the amount in dispute.

Luc de Vauvenargues
Perpetual peace will reign if the winner is forced to pay all expenses.

Evan Esar
Someday they will declare war and no one will come.

Carl Sandburg
Any war is popular during the first thirty days.

Arthur Schlesinger
The goal of war is peace.

The fastest way to end a war is to lose it.

George Orwell
War is too important a matter to be left to the military.

Georges Clemenceau
Prologue of the 20th century - gunpowder factory. Epilogue - Red Cross barracks.

Vasily Klyuchevsky
There will be no World War III veterans.

Walter Mondale

You read online: aphorisms and quotes.

In war, prudence and abundance win for the most part.


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There are no winners in war - only losers.

Arthur Neville Chamberlain

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There will be no World War III veterans.

Walter Mondale

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In peacetime, sons bury their fathers; in wartime, fathers bury their sons.

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At the present historical moment, the prospect of a more fulfilling life and less hardship has opened up for the first time to the broad working masses of all countries. Science stands ready to give millions and tens of millions of people an abundance such as they have never known... Are all these hopes, prospects, all these secrets, wrested from nature by the genius of man, destined to turn to his own destruction at the hands of tyranny, aggression and war? Or are they destined to bring even greater freedom and lasting peace? Never before has the choice between blessing and curse faced humanity in such a simple, obvious, and even crude form. The choice is open. The scales are shaking ominously.

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In a certain country, the sovereign and his advisers were obliged to sleep on a barrel of gunpowder during war. And, moreover, in separate chambers of the castle, where everyone could look to make sure whether the night light was always on there. The barrel was not only sealed with the seal of the people's representatives, but also secured to the floor with straps, also properly sealed. The seals were inspected every morning and evening. They say that since then the wars in this country have completely stopped.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

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The possibility of unleashing another war will persist until the last Ministry of Defense is eliminated.

S. Yankovsky

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A warrior must always remember - day and night, from the very day when he picks up his chopsticks, in anticipation of the New Year's meal, until the last night of the passing year, when he pays off his remaining debts - remember that he must die.

Yuzan Daidoji

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The war will last as long as people are foolish enough to be surprised and help those who kill by the thousands.

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The war will be repeated until the issue of it is decided not by those who die on the battlefields.

Henri Barbusse

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The war would have been a picnic if it weren't for lice and dysentery.

Margaret Mitchell

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War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when defending the homeland.

Guy de Maupassant

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War is the greatest disaster that can cause suffering to humanity; it destroys religion, states, families. Any disaster is preferable to her.

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War imposes tribute equally on both men and women, but only takes blood from some, and tears from others.

William Thackeray

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War has always been a direct means for external and indirect means for internal unification of humanity. Reason forbids throwing away this weapon while it is needed, but conscience obliges us to try so that it ceases to be needed.

V. Soloviev

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War is just a cowardly escape from peacetime problems.

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War is a general forced surrender of blood and the spirit of hatred.

V. Kanivets

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A war, even the longest, only aggravates the problems that caused it, and their solution remains temporary, coming after the conclusion of peace.

Ivo Andric

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War is such a crazy thing that poets rightly consider it the product of furies.

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War is a discussion with weapons in hand.

Yu. Rybnikov

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War for peoples means tears and blood, it means widows and homeless people, it means a scattered nest, lost youth and insulted old age...

I. Ehrenburg

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War is a test of all the economic and organizational forces of every nation.

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War is one of the greatest sacrileges against man and nature.

V. Mayakovsky

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War is the continuation of politics by other means.

Carl Clausewitz

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War is not only a shock, but also a spiritual test and spiritual judgment.

I. Ilyin

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A war ends only when it leaves no one alive.


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War is evil; it is carried out with the help of great injustices and violence, but for honest people there are some laws in war. You cannot pursue victory if the benefits it gives will be acquired through baseness and crime. A great commander must wage war relying on his own courage, and not on betrayal of duty on the part of others.

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War is rooted in hostility, originates in family and neighborly feuds - those who are not given the opportunity to live and work from the heart do not like the work and peace of others.

Juan Ramon Jimenez

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War, which has always been a crime against humanity, is now also madness.

John Desmond Bernal

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War can have good consequences among savages, helping to select the strongest and most resilient, but on civilized peoples its influence is usually the most pernicious: it leads to the mutual extermination of the best and bravest.

Alfred Foulier

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The war is so monstrous that over time, everyone who managed to survive it becomes heroes.

G. Alexandrov

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War brings death to millions in order to improve the lives of millionaires.

Leonid S. Sukhorukoe

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A war cannot be fair, because you cannot fight fairly, even if you are fighting for justice.

Tadeusz Kotarbiński

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War is not an adventure. War is a disease. Like typhus.

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War... I consider it disgusting, but even more disgusting to me are those who glorify it without participating in it.

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There will definitely be war. Always. It doesn't happen that she doesn't exist. Even if it seems that she is not there, she is still there. People at heart love to kill each other. And they kill while they have enough strength. Their strength is running out - they rest for a while. And then they continue to kill again. That's how it works. You can't trust anyone. And that will never change. And there's nothing you can do about it. If you don’t like it, all you can do is run away to another world.

Haruki Murakami

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War is the exercise of natural law, which the strongest uses to dominate the weakest.

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War feeds on money, war rejoices in blood - this is how it was before us.

Danilo Tuptalo

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War turns people born to live as brothers into wild beasts.

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War is, above all, a simple art, and it's all about execution.

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War is a crime against humanity, where there are perpetrators and customers of the crime.

K. Kushner

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War is always criminal. Always, at all times, there will be a place in it not only for heroism and self-sacrifice, but also for betrayal, meanness, and stabs in the back. Otherwise, you simply cannot fight. Otherwise, you lost in advance.

S. Lukyanenko

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War is too serious a matter to be left to the military.

Charles Maurice Talleyrand

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War with its misfortunes is better than peace with nothing to be seen but usurpation and injustice.

William Pitt Amherst

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War is a complete atrocity... in war, people who are innocent of each other exterminate each other, being forcibly put into a state of self-defense.

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War has become a luxury that only small nations can afford.

Jeannette Rankin

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The war, so glorified by everyone, is waged by parasites, pimps, thieves, murderers, stupid louts, unpaid debtors and similar scum of society, but by no means by enlightened philosophers.

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War is as much a punishment for those who carry it out as for those who suffer from it.

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War is better the more evil it causes.

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War is a wolf, and it can come to your door.

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War is a kind of action, thanks to which people who do not know each other kill for the sake of glory and profit of people who know each other and do not kill each other.

Paul Valéry

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War is the fruit of the weakness and stupidity of peoples.

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War is, for the most part, a catalog of blunders.

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War is a psychosis generated by someone’s inability to see the relationships between things. Our relationships with our neighbors. With economics, history. But above all - with nothing. With death.

John Fowles

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War is a series of disasters leading to victory.

Georges Clemenceau

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War is a way of untying a political knot with teeth that defies language.

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War is a traumatic epidemic.

N. Pirogov

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War is misfortune on an enlarged scale.

Jeremy Bentham

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War is an epidemic of deadly infection. The fallen strike their loved ones with inescapable grief of loss, widowhood and orphanhood. The survivors are infected by the war with incurable diseases: cruelty, cynicism, contempt for the value of human life.

E. Sevrus

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War is a denial of truth and humanity. It’s not just a matter of killing people, for a person must die one way or another, but the conscious and persistent spread of hatred and lies, which are gradually instilled in people.

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War is distinguished not by the fact that a person is killed, but by the fact that he is killed, robbed, suppressed by cruelty, injustice, betrayal, by the deadly hand of man.

William Ellery Channing

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There will be wars as long as at least one person can make money from them.

Bertolt Brecht

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Wars are always sacred to those who have to fight them. If those who incite wars did not declare them sacred, what fool would go to war? But no matter what slogans the orators shout, driving fools to the slaughter, no matter how noble the goals set for them, the cause of wars is always the same. Money. All wars, in essence, are fights over money. Only few people understand this. Everyone is too deafened by the fanfares, drums and speeches of the stands sitting in the rear.

Margaret Mitchell

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Wars and disasters take away in various ways the best, the noblest, the bravest, the kindest, the most honest; it is they who sacrifice their lives and everything that is included in this concept - their property, spiritual or material. For the honest go to the front and live by death, when everything is rejected or taken away. Then they are calm.

Juan Ramon Jimenez

Wars start when they want, but end when they can.

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Wars begin in the minds of people.

From the Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO

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War cannot be avoided, it can only be postponed to the benefit of your enemy.

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Wars are like legal battles where the legal costs exceed the amount in dispute.

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An army of rams led by a lion will always win over an army of lions led by a ram.

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All people are guilty before the mother who lost her son in the war, and have tried in vain to justify themselves to her throughout the history of mankind.

V. Grossman

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All mistakes in other areas can be corrected somehow, but mistakes in war are irreparable, because they are punished immediately.

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The whole world needs to go against every war!

Leonid S. Sukhorukoe

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Every war is an abyss, because behind it there is always an abyss.

Leonid S. Sukhorukoe

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All diplomacy is a continuation of war by other means.

Zhou Enlai

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Anyone in government power is obliged to avoid war, just as the captain of a ship avoids shipwreck.

Guy de Maupassant

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Any uprising against foreign invaders is a legitimate matter and is the first duty of every people.


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In the course of every arms race, there eventually comes a psychological moment when war seems to be the only means of liberation from the unbearable expectation of catastrophe.

A. Kerensky

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It is just as impossible to win a war as it is impossible to win an earthquake.

Jeannette Rankin

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Generals are always preparing for the last war.

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It is much easier to win a war than peace.

Georges Clemenceau

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Woe to the statesman who does not take the trouble to find a basis for war that will still retain its significance even after the war.

Otto von Bismarck

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Even the happiest wars do not lead to peace.

Paul Henri Holbach

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Two riders, sitting on the same horse, fight with each other - a wonderful allegory of government!

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

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Money is the nerve of war.

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For most people, war means the end of loneliness. For me she is the ultimate loneliness.

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As long as a foreigner rules on at least one piece of Ukrainian territory, Ukrainians will go to war.

N. Mikhnovsky

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If our soldiers understood why we are fighting, no war would be possible.

Frederick the Great

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If war is a game for politicians, then voters are the chips in it.

Leonid S. Sukhorukoe

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If we lose this war, I will start another under my wife's name.

Moshe Dayan

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There are just wars, but there are no just troops.

Andre Maltz

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Not a single war has ever begun without hysterical cries for peace.

S. Yankovsky

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Sometimes one ruler attacks another out of fear that he will not attack him. Sometimes we start a war because the enemy is too strong, and sometimes because he is too weak, sometimes our neighbors want what we have, or have what we lack. Then the war begins and continues until they capture what they need or give what we need.

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The art of war is a science in which nothing succeeds except what has been calculated and thought out.

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History proves, unfortunately, that war is in some sense the normal condition of mankind; that human blood must be shed everywhere on earth and that peace for any nation is only a respite.

Joseph de Maistre

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No matter how terrible war is, it still reveals the spiritual greatness of a person who challenges his strongest hereditary enemy - death.

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As soon as people unite in society, they lose consciousness of their weakness - equality disappears, and war begins. Each individual society begins to realize its strength - hence the state of war between nations... Individuals in each society begin to feel their strength - hence the war between citizens.

Charles Louis de Montesquieu

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How is the world governed and how wars break out? Diplomats lie to journalists and believe their own lies when they read them in newspapers.

Karl Kraus

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When peoples fight among themselves, it is called war.

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When arrogance comes to states and peoples, then war comes on its heels.

Valery Babriy

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Anyone who has not been to the war has no right to talk about it.

Marlene Dietrich

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Whoever wants to live in peace must prepare for war.

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The fist law of our ancestors was far from such a terrible thing as the idle mind strives to imagine: without examining the matter, he takes the word of his predecessor and copies from him... In their opinion, the war was God's judgment or the highest decision for opponents who did not want to obey to no other judge... And it seemed to them more reasonable, fair and Christian for individual knights to seek God’s verdict with a sword or spear, rather than for a hundred thousand people to pray to the Creator to take the side of the one who will kill the greatest number of enemies.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

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Either humanity ends war, or war ends humanity.

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Only those whose vile well-being depends on the people's grief make wars.

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The best wars in human history are those that humanity managed to avoid.

Baurzhan Toyshibekov

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People all wanted to understand where the war was and what was vile about it... It was in the terrible loneliness of those who fight and those who remain in the rear, in the shameful despair that gripped everyone, and in the moral decline that appears on their faces over time. The kingdom of beasts has arrived.

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People think that if they call the crime of murder “war,” then murder will cease to be murder, a crime.

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Many of the world's disasters have resulted from wars. And then, when the war ended, no one, in essence, could really explain what it all was about.

Margaret Mitchell

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Many people go to war only because they don’t want to be heroes.

Tom Stoppard

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Ant: “It’s not me who fights. The anthill is at war.”

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We are deprived of leisure in order to have leisure, and we wage war in order to live in peace.

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We find in human nature three main causes of war: first, rivalry; secondly, mistrust; thirdly, a thirst for fame.

Thomas Hobbes

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In war everything is simple, but the simplest things are extremely difficult.

Carl von Clausewitz

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In war, everyone is equal in the likelihood of death.

G. Alexandrov

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In war it is necessary to kill as many people as possible - this is the cynical logic of war.

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People exist only during war. In peacetime, this is a crowd of consumers.

R. Koval

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It is just as useful for a people to fear war as it is for an individual to fear death.

Jules Renard

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Violence is the essence of war. Moderation in war is unforgivable stupidity.

Thomas Babington Macaulay

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The day will come when science will give birth to a machine or force so terrible, so infinitely terrifying, that even man - a warlike creature who brings down torment and death on others at the risk of suffering torment and death himself - will tremble with fear and forever renounce war.

Thomas Alva Edison

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Preventing war is more difficult than winning a war.

K. Kushner

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It is not true that war is a continuation of politics. She is her appendage, pathetic and helpless.

S. Lukyanenko

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The injustice inherent in the first people is where the origins of war and the need to place bosses over themselves who would determine the rights of everyone and resolve all disputes.

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There is no great merit in taking a person's life. War is a vile business.

Nora Roberts

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There is no vileness that war would not allow, there is no crime that would not be justified by it.

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Never fight one enemy for too long, otherwise he will adapt to your tactics.

Carl von Clausewitz

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No one fights in war with such zeal as in the war for his native country.


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The same can be said about war as about a big game, which is preferred to a small game, even at the risk of going broke, because the big game arouses in us the hope of getting rich and promises to do this in an instant.

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The difference between war and the Olympic Games is that in war medals are most often awarded posthumously.

B. Krieger

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Before the Battle of Thermopylae: “Have a heartier breakfast, Spartans, today we will have dinner in the next world.”

Tsar Leonidas

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Just as the greatest physical evil is death, so the greatest moral evil is, of course, war.

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As long as war is considered immoral, it will always have fascination. When it is looked upon as vulgar, it will cease to be popular.

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A political leader who does not hesitate to plunge his people into war has no right to be a leader.

Golda Meir

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After the massacre - victory; after victory - division; and then there are more winners than there were combatants. This is the custom of any war.

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After wars, as a rule, there is a surge of energy - among the victors because they won, among the vanquished - because they survived.

Peter Esterhazy

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Sending people to war untrained means betraying them.

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Why not try governments for every declaration of war? If the peoples understood this, if they did not allow themselves to be killed without any reason, if they used weapons to turn them against those who gave them them to beat, the war would die on that day.

Guy de Maupassant

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Before fighting distant, abstract injustice, it is necessary to fight injustice that is happening nearby - that which surrounds us and for which we are more or less responsible.

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Acceptance of war is acceptance of the tragic horror of life. And if in war there is brutality and loss of humanity, then there is also great love, refracted in the darkness.

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The nature of war, as material violence, is purely reflective, symbolic, symptomatic, not independent. War is not a source of evil, but only a reflex to evil, a sign of the existence of internal evil and illness.

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Prologue of the 20th century - gunpowder factory. Epilogue - Red Cross barracks.

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Away with the singing of wars - they do not bring any benefit to the soul.


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A cannon is a mechanism used to clarify state borders.

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Starting a world war is not the best way to improve the economy. We are not trying to remove garbage from the house by burning the house.

B. Krieger

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The average person wants neither war nor robbery - these are attributes of the unfit elements of humanity, an expression of their never-quenchable greed and thirst to profit at the expense of others.

Martin Andersen Nexo

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The most terrifying dangers that threaten humanity now and will continue to threaten for centuries to come are the great suicidal war and absolute worldwide tyranny.

D. Andreev

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The fastest way to end a war is to be defeated.

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Today it is more difficult to officially sentence one single person to death at the stake than to start a world war.

Elias Canetti

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Among all the causes of war, the desire to overthrow tyranny, under the yoke of which an exhausted and exhausted people suffers, deserves the greatest approval.

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Old people declare war, and young people go to die.

Herbert Hoover

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As soon as good, honest, selfless people unite and start a war in the name of a good cause, soon the worst of the villains inevitably turns out to be their commander in chief. This is such a thing - war, don’t expect anything good from it.

B. Akunin

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It is strange to imagine that war, the wildest thing there is, was the passion of heroic souls. However, in war, people mutually support each other and find themselves faced with common dangers; here mutual affection is stronger.

Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

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There are only two types of just wars: when people fight to repel an enemy, or when they go to the aid of an ally in danger.

Charles Louis de Montesquieu

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It was so before, and it will be so after you - a real war is terrible, and only during it do you understand how monstrous it is.

K G. Tsemelinin

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The so-called ruling classes cannot remain without war for long. Without war they are bored, idleness tires them, irritates them, they don’t know what they live for, they eat each other, try to say more troubles to each other, with impunity if possible, and the best of them try their best not to bore each other and themselves . But war comes, takes possession of everyone, captures them, and a common misfortune binds everyone.

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This was and is now the only reason for wars: the power, honors, and wealth of a small number of people to the detriment of the masses, whose natural gullibility and the prejudices caused and supported by this minority make wars possible.

Gaston Moch

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Patience and humility are necessary for both peace and war.

John of Damascus

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Anyone who has not lived through a single war will never know what a wonderful pre-war time he lived in.

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The tragedy of war is that all the best in a person is used to commit the worst crimes.

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War has the look of Medusa the Gorgon - whoever once looked into her face is no longer able to look away.

D. Aslamova

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The most surprising thing is that the very word “war” does not cause an uprising of the entire society as a whole.

Guy de Maupassant

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Each misconception has its own school, its own audience. But none has been heaped with so much rubbish as the concept of war.

Theodor Gottlieb Hippel

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If you want peace, prepare for war.

Flavius ​​Renatus Vegetius

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To wage a war you need three things: money, money and more money.

Louis XII

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What kind of madness is this war? A futile action, which, with the passage of time, completely loses all meaning and must be fueled by reckless rage, which lives much longer than the incident that gave rise to it; the action is completely illogical, as if one person, through his death or his suffering, can prove some rights or establish some principles. Somewhere along its long historical path, humanity stumbled, elevated this madness to the norm and existed like this until the present time, when madness, which has become the norm, threatens to destroy, if not the human race itself, then at least all those material and spiritual values , which have been symbols of humanity for many difficult centuries.

Clifford Simak

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As for war, which is the art of destroying and killing each other, destroying and tormenting our own race, then those animals that do not know it should not, it seems, especially regret it.

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Feelings of justice, decency, fidelity, based on the recognition of equality of rights, lose their strength in civil wars, when each side looks at the other as a criminal and arrogates to itself the right to judge him.

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You can do anything with bayonets; You just can’t sit on them.

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This war will end wars. And the next one too.

David Lloyd George

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I don’t know with what weapons they will fight in the 3rd World War, but in the 4th World War they will fight with sticks and stones.

Source - N. E. Fomina. Aphorisms. War and Peace.

The most famous and popular quotes about war, aphorisms from smart thinkers about peace on earth

To those who attracts people to conquer the world; neither justice nor mercy is needed.

J. Venda

War- a way of untying a political knot with teeth that defies the tongue.

L. Kire

Even victorious war is an evil that must be prevented by the wisdom of nations.

O. Bismarck

Threats- the weapon of those who are themselves under threat.

D. Voccaccio

From the war You can't expect any good things.


Like that Just as the greatest physical evil is death, so the greatest moral evil is, of course, war.

F Voltaire

For some reason many They think that unjust conquests dishonor states less than thefts dishonor individuals.

K. Helvetius

What would it be like Whatever our today, the world is our tomorrow.

V. Hugo

World- the virtue of civilization, war is its crime.

V. Hugo

Can't be allowed so that people direct towards their own destruction those forces of nature that they were able to discover and conquer.

F. Joliot-Curie

Capitalism carries war within itself like a storm cloud.

J. Jaurès

If war is the reason evil, then peace will be their healing.


Visibility peace makes war even more dangerous.


“I began to understand what people are capable of. Anyone who has gone through a war and does not understand that people create evil, just as a bee produces honey, is either blind or out of his mind.”

(William Golding. Quoted from the book: Golding, William // Nobel Prize Laureates: Encyclopedia)

“If everyone fought only according to their convictions, there would be no war.”

(Leo Tolstoy. War and Peace)

“- Is there no God? - No, my friend. Of course not. If he had, would he have allowed what I saw with my own eyes?

(Ernest Hemingway. For whom the bell tolls)

“Everyone in government power is obliged to avoid war, just as the captain of a ship avoids shipwreck.”

“War is barbaric when a peaceful neighbor is attacked, but it is a sacred duty when one defends the homeland.”

(Guy De Maupassant. Complete Works)

“Franco bombs Barcelona because, according to him, monks were brutally exterminated in Barcelona. Consequently, Franco defends Christian values. But a Christian, in the name of Christian values, stands in bombed Barcelona near a fire in which women and children are burning. And he refuses to understand. Meaning of life".

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Who are you, soldier)

“Of all the monstrously insane phenomena of the past, the war was, without a doubt, the craziest. Perhaps, in reality, it caused less harm than such a less noticeable evil as the universal recognition of private property in land, but the disastrous consequences of the war were so obvious that they were indignant at it even in those dark and troubled times. The wars of that time were completely meaningless. Apart from the mass of killed and crippled people, apart from the destruction of enormous material wealth and the waste of countless units of energy, the wars did not bring any results. The ancient wars of savage, barbarian tribes at least changed humanity; some tribe considered itself physically stronger and more organized, proved this to its neighbors and, if successful, took away their lands and women and thus consolidated and spread its power. The new war did not change anything except the colors on geographical maps, the designs of postage stamps and the relationships between a few random individuals.”

(H.G. Wells. In the Days of the Comet)

“Permanent peace would be the same as constant war. War is peace."

(George Orwell. 1984)

“War is not just about who will shoot whom. War is about who will change someone’s mind.”

(Boris Lvovich Vasiliev. And the dawns here are quiet...)

“I quickly began to become disillusioned with military affairs. My brothers in arms zealously polished their boots and participated in the exercises with great enthusiasm. I didn't see any point in this. They just turned us into fresh cannon fodder.”

(Charles Bukowski. Bread and Ham)

"When a war breaks out, people usually say, 'Well, this can't last, it's too stupid.' And indeed, war is indeed too stupid, which, however, does not prevent it from lasting a long time.”

(Albert Camus. Plague)

“As long as the earth revolves around the sun, as long as there is cold and heat, storm and sunlight, so long will there be struggle. Including among people and nations. If people stayed in paradise, they would rot. Humanity became what it is thanks to struggle. War is a natural and commonplace thing. War is going on always and everywhere. It has no beginning, no end. War is life itself. War is the starting point."

(Adolf Hitler. My struggle)

“Oh, human shame! Consent reigns

Among the damned demons, but a man -

A creature possessing consciousness creates discord with its own kind; Although he has the right to rely on the mercy of Heaven and knows the covenant of the Lord: to preserve eternal peace, he lives in hatred and enmity, Tribes devastate the Earth with merciless wars, bringing destruction to each other.”

(John Milton. Paradise Lost)

“War is a psychosis generated by someone’s inability to see the relationships between things. Our relationships with our neighbors. With economics, history. But above all - with nothing. With death."

(John Fowles. Magus)

“War and love, on Earth, are the two main items of trade. Since time immemorial, we have been releasing them in huge quantities.”

(Robert Sheckley. Pilgrimage to Earth)

“Anyone who has ever looked into the glassy eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think twice before starting a war.”

(Otto von Bismarck, speech, August 1867, Berlin)

“War is a disaster and a crime that contains all disasters and all crimes.”

(Voltaire. Quoted from the book: Kuznetsov V.N. Francois Marie Voltaire)

“We justify everything we do as a necessity. When we bomb cities, it is a strategic necessity, and when our cities are bombed, it is a heinous crime.”

(Erich Maria Remarque. A time to live and a time to die)

(Nikolai Alekseevich Ostrovsky. How steel was hardened)

“War, Your Grace, is an empty game.

Today - success, and tomorrow - a hole...”

(Joseph Alexandrovich Brodsky. Letter to General Z)

“History teaches that wars begin when governments believe that the cost of aggression is small.”

(Ronald Reagan)

“Perhaps the only reason wars arise again and again is that one can never fully feel how the other suffers.”

(Erich Maria Remarque. Return)

“Wars are never won, Charlie. Everyone does nothing but lose, and whoever loses last asks for peace.”

(Ray Bradbury. Dandelion Wine)

“Only a few, whose vile well-being depends on the people’s grief, make war.”

(Erasmus of Rotterdam. Quoted from the book: Aphorisms. Golden Fund of Wisdom. Eremishin O.)

“War is not a real feat, war is a surrogate for a feat. The basis of a feat is the wealth of connections it creates, the tasks it sets, the accomplishments it encourages. A simple game of heads or tails will not turn into a feat, even if the stake in it is life or death. War is not a heroic deed. War is a disease. Like typhus."

(Antoine Saint-Exupéry. Military pilot)

“The old men declare war, but the young go to die.”

(Herbert Hoover)

“War is a test of all the economic and organizational forces of every nation.”

(Vladimir Lenin)