Treatment with sun rays in Latin. Sunlight treatment, or heliotherapy

Without the sun's rays, life on the planet would be impossible. After all, the Sun is the main source of energy for all processes occurring on earth. Since ancient times, people have highly valued the healing properties of the Sun and perceived it as a reliable ally in the fight against disease. Visible part solar spectrum is heterogeneous and consists of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet beams; they are visible after a thunderstorm, when a rainbow appears in the sky. One side of the invisible part is an extension of the red spectrum and is therefore called infrared, the other is beyond the violet end and is therefore called ultraviolet.

Solar radiation is a powerful stream of pure energy in the form of a series electromagnetic vibrations different wavelengths. Infrared rays have the longest wavelength - from 760 to 2300 nm. They make up approximately 70% of the sun's radiation and have a thermal effect. Visible rays have a wavelength from 400 to 760 nm. Ultraviolet rays have the shortest wavelength - from 295 to 400 nm. The ultraviolet part of the solar spectrum at the earth's surface accounts for only about 5% of solar radiation. However, this area has the greatest biological activity. Due to the fact that the spectrum ultraviolet rays heterogeneous, its effect on the body is different. An important factor is a vitamin-forming effect. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, vitamin D is synthesized in the skin; its deficiency in the body causes disturbances in phosphorus-calcium metabolism and leads to rickets in children. Another part of the spectrum of ultraviolet rays promotes the production of pigment (melanin) in the skin, causing it to acquire a golden brown color - tan. And finally, the shortest ultraviolet rays have a bactericidal (disinfecting) effect, killing pathogenic microbes that constantly attack our body.

One more property of ultraviolet rays should be remembered - they are very sensitive to obstacles: for example, one layer of gauze blocks up to 50% of all rays. Gauze, folded in four, like window glass 2 mm thick, completely prevents their penetration.

When exposed to the sun, some of the rays are reflected by the skin, while others penetrate deeper and have a thermal effect. Infrared rays can penetrate the body 5-6 cm; visible rays - by a few millimeters, and ultraviolet rays - by only 0.2-0.4 mm. In natural natural conditions The human body is affected by three types of radiation: direct, emanating directly from the Sun, scattered, emanating from the vault of heaven, and reflected from various earthly objects.

The energy composition of the first two types is different depending on the altitude of the Sun. The effect of sunlight on our body is truly amazing. Ultraviolet rays act on nerve endings and participate in complex chemical transformations that occur in the body. In addition, exposure to sunlight helps to increase the tone of the central nervous system, improve metabolism and blood composition, and activates the activity of the endocrine glands. All this improves a person’s well-being, charging him with vigor and energy. Ultraviolet rays have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microbes.

If you deprive a person sunlight, he may develop light starvation. It is expressed in a decrease in the tone of the central nervous system and the body’s defenses, disruption of metabolic processes, decreased performance, increased tendency to colds, deterioration of well-being and sleep.

The sun, of course, has a truly amazing healing effect, but we must not forget that everything is good in moderation. After all, an overdose of solar radiation can cause irreparable harm - cause serious disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular and other vital systems. important systems organism.

Solar radiation - most powerful source energy. For example: 30 minutes of sun exposure will give you about 264 thousand calories. This amount of heat is enough to bring 3.3 liters of water to a boil. And if you relax in Yalta and sunbathe for 2 hours a day, then during your entire vacation you will acquire so much energy that it would be enough to burn a 50-watt light bulb for a whole year for 5-6 hours a day. The sun is a powerful, potent factor, and therefore some caution should be exercised when using its radiant energy. After just a few minutes of exposure to the sun, the skin will turn pink and then red, you will feel warm, and after 5-6 minutes the redness will disappear and will reappear only after a few hours. All this occurs as a result of the action of ultraviolet rays on the skin. With repeated exposure to the sun, they will contribute to the synthesis of the coloring pigment in the skin - melanin, which gives it a tan. The main reason for an overdose of solar radiation is the desire to tan as quickly and intensely as possible, to acquire beautiful colour skin. Many believe that the darker the tan, the higher the biological effect of taking sunbathing. But not quite like that. After all, darkening of the skin is only one of the body’s responses to exposure to sunlight, and it would be a mistake to judge the overall health benefits from it.

The healing properties of sunbathing begin to appear at lower doses than at doses that cause intense pigmentation. Therefore, to improve your health and improve your performance, you do not need a particularly strong tan, especially since the pursuit of it can bring serious harm instead of benefit. The consequence of inept use of the sun is overheating of the body, and burns appear on the skin. They arise both from direct exposure and from sunlight reflected from ice, snow and water surfaces.

Sunburn is an inflammation of the skin caused by ultraviolet rays. Already 5-7 hours after irradiation, redness and swelling appear on the skin. Then, as a result of the cells formed during the decay toxic substances symptoms of intoxication appear: severe headache, malaise, decreased performance. The affected areas should be wiped with diluted alcohol, clean napkins moistened with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate should be applied to them, and lubricated with petroleum jelly. The most severe consequence of an overdose of solar energy is the so-called heat stroke. Its signs: general weakness, sluggish gait, apathy, heaviness in the legs, dizziness and headache, flickering and darkening in the eyes, thirst, nausea, vomiting. Along with this, profuse sweating, increased body temperature, increased heart rate and breathing are noted. At sunstroke there is a slow increase in body temperature.

If these symptoms are detected, it is necessary to take immediate measures to stop further exposure to sunlight or other heat rays. Move the victim to a cool place, remove his clothes, increase air circulation, if necessary, perform artificial respiration, provide complete rest and call an ambulance.

Dosing of sunbathing is carried out according to the photochemical reactions of the skin caused by the action of ultraviolet rays, or according to the amount of thermal energy absorbed. The minimum time required for the appearance of visible photochemical reactions in the form of skin redness is taken as one biological dose of ultraviolet radiation.

If you need to take baths while lying down, you need to remember the following: the amount of solar energy acting on the body depends on how the body is positioned in relation to the direction of direct sunlight. If its location is parallel (along) to their direction, the body receives less direct sunlight, and if across (perpendicular), then much more. Thus, at a low solstice, the person being tempered should sunbathe while lying on his side. While taking a sunbath, change your body position more often, turn your back, your stomach, or your side toward the sun. Under no circumstances should you sleep, otherwise it will be impossible to take into account the duration of exposure to the sun and as a result of carelessness you can get dangerous burns. It is also not recommended to read, because the sun is harmful to the eyes.

Since wet skin causes burns more quickly, when sweat appears, it must be wiped off thoroughly. Before sunbathing, you should not swim, and also continuously alternate irradiation with swimming. Only very strong, seasoned people can do this. Another detail sunbathing needs to be taken into account. Fabrics made from nylon, nylon and some other synthetic materials are highly permeable to ultraviolet rays. Staying in such clothes does not protect the body from their effects. Therefore, to prevent overdose, sunbathing time should be reduced. After the procedure, rest, take a shower or swim. There is no need to rub the body, because the flow of blood to the skin is already quite sufficient.

Alternative medicine Articles

Heliotherapy, or sun treatment


Heliotherapy- a method involving the use of the radiant energy of the Sun for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in the form of sunbathing, in which the naked body is exposed to direct sunlight.

How it works?

The active factor of heliotherapy is energy electromagnetic radiation The sun, the white spectrum of which is divided into ultraviolet (UV), visible and infrared parts. Infrared rays, penetrating into tissues, cause them to heat up, that is, they mainly cause a thermal effect. Visible (light) rays have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system. UV irradiation causes photochemical and biophysical reactions, which result in melanin in the skin and dark pigmentation (tanning). UV rays, among other things, have a bactericidal effect.

Sunbathing is a powerful means of hardening and strengthening the body.. During such sessions, the naked body is inevitably exposed to fresh air, the temperature of which is lower than body temperature. As a result of alternating this gentle cold irritation with a powerful surge of solar heat, a strengthening effect is achieved. Meanwhile, such a bath is a powerful procedure, before taking which a person must be properly prepared. For example, for people who are sick or weakened after a recent illness, heliotherapy is recommended after a preliminary air bath. Children cannot be exposed to radiation large plot body immediately, treatment solar energy For them it begins gradually, with a small but systematically increasing area of ​​the body. The course of treatment consists of 20-30 sunbathing, while children receive a radiation dose 2-3 times less than adults.

Therapeutic effects of sunbathing:

  • Vitamin-forming (provitamin D is formed).
  • Metabolic (normalizes metabolism).
  • Bactericidal (kills germs; it’s not for nothing that medical offices and wards, especially infectious diseases rooms, are “quartzed”, that is, treated with UV rays).
  • Immunostimulating (increases immunity).

Sunbathing is quite strictly timed. The duration of the initial procedures for central Russia is 5 minutes. In this case, one half of the time the person lies on his back, the other half on his stomach. Subsequently, the irradiation becomes longer, taking another 5 minutes every day (or every other day) and gradually reaching 1 hour. By the way, many experts are sure that the dosage by the clock is inaccurate, since a different number of rays reach the earth’s surface every day. This depends on the transparency of the atmosphere, and on the time of day, and on geographical location. That is why at special sites equipped for sunbathing, a special device is used - an actinometer or pyranometer. It measures the intensity of the sun's rays in absolute units- calories, beeping for every 5 units. A calorie is the amount of solar radiation per 1 cm 2 of skin surface in 1 minute. Sometimes this indicator is calculated using ready-made dosimetric tables. In general, sunbathing is done in aerosolariums, on beaches and other open areas, on balconies or in special climate pavilions.

It is recommended to take sunbathing 1-1.5 hours after breakfast. Overheating on an empty stomach or immediately after eating can negatively affect your health. One could recommend going sunbathing after lunch, but the most convenient time for sunbathing: from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The fact is that the thicker the layer of air through which the rays pass, the fewer of them reach the surface of the earth. This parameter depends on the angle of the Sun above the horizon, that is, on the time of day. Moreover, life-giving energy is partially absorbed, dissipated and reflected by the air and the particles of dust, gases, smoke and water it contains. B is so high that the effectiveness of heliotherapy is close to zero. And, for example, in mountainous areas you can take sunbathing all year round, and even in the shade. At high altitudes, sunlight reflects off the snow cover, so even if you are not exposed to direct sunlight, you always get your dose of scattered energy. By the way, before going out into the sun, in any case, you need to rest in the shade for 10-15 minutes. Make sure that the skin is dry, as it is easy to keep your head away from direct sunlight during heliotherapy procedures.

The completion of solar procedures must also be correct. After the air bath, you need a “classic” bath: bathing, showering, or simply dousing with water at a temperature of 26-28 0 C. Repeated rest in the shade will again be useful, and it is recommended to make it longer (up to half an hour) than before the heliotherapy session.

Since the end of the 19th century, sunbathing has been prescribed by doctors as an invariable component of therapy for all visitors. However, this was more in the nature of aerotherapy, since aristocratic pallor was in fashion at that time. The habit of returning from the seashore tanned was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century by the famous trendsetter Coco Chanel. Heliotherapy itself as a science dates back to the discovery by English scientists J. Down and R. Blunt in 1877. medicinal properties ultraviolet rays in therapy skin diseases and rickets. An equally significant contribution to the promotion of sun treatment was made by the Danish physiotherapist N. Finsen.

What is sun treatment used for?

  • for general strengthening of the body;
  • to increase resistance to various diseases;
  • for hardening;
  • for the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin, glands, peritoneum, bones;
  • for treatment;
  • for the treatment of pyoderma and;
  • for working with the consequences of various traumatic injuries;
  • for the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers;
  • for the treatment of bone fractures with delayed callus formation;
  • as rehabilitation after serious illnesses;
  • with hypovitaminosis D and;
  • during light starvation.

Some complications can arise from improper use of sunbathing. An unjustified increase in their duration, inattention to increasing the dosage in portions, overheating of the body - all these mistakes can cause a deterioration of the condition instead of improving the health of the body. In this case, heliotherapy must be interrupted for a while by contacting a specialist.

International Journal The World Astrology Review, No 7 (55), July 30, 2006

Astrology and medicine


Beins Duno

Translation from Bulgarian by Tatyana Jordanova (Sofia, Bulgaria


Solar energy descends to the Earth as a vast stream, covering it from the north pole to the south and returns again to the Sun. When plants feel that this energy begins to manifest itself and enter the Earth, they swell, prepare, and when the energy intensifies, they open their leaves, bloom and rush to collect all this energy in order to be fertilized.

We must keep in mind the following law: we are part of the earthly organism and therefore when the earthly organism accepts, the human body accepts, and vice versa. That is why the first rays of the sun are the most powerful. Then the human body is most receptive to solar energy. There is always more prana, or vital energy, in the morning than in the afternoon. Then the body absorbs the most and most powerful positive energies.

As a physical being, man must do exercises - nothing more. He must get up early in the morning, go out into the clean air, meet the first rays of the sun, which contain specific energy useful for all living organisms. Anyone who is lazy to get up early and greet the early rays of the sun, no matter how much they bask in the lunchtime rays of the Sun, will not achieve anything.

The sun's rays do not act in the same way at all times of the year. The earth at the beginning of spring is more negative and therefore more accepting. That is why in the spring the sun's rays have the most healing effect. From March 22, the Earth gradually becomes positive. In summer it is most positive and therefore takes less. And the summer rays act,

but weaker.

In spring and summer there is a surge of energy to the Earth, and in autumn and winter there is an ebb. Therefore, the most favorable influence of the Sun begins on March 22.

In spring and summer, from March 22 of each year, it is recommended to go to bed early so that a person can meet the Sun and receive his part of its energy, just as bees collect nectar from flowers. Everyone must carry out experiments for a number of years to be convinced of this truth.

Solar energy goes through 4 periods every day: from 12 midnight to 12 noon, when there is a high tide of solar energy, and from 12 noon to 12 midnight there is an ebb. The tide reaches its highest point at sunrise. This tide is the most powerful and life-giving. It gradually decreases until midday. After this, the tide begins to ebb, which is strongest at sunset.

The more negative the Earth is, the greater its perceptive capacity for positive solar energy, and vice versa. From midnight to lunch the Earth (for a given place) is negative and therefore receives more; from lunch to midnight it is positive and therefore gives more. From midnight the Earth begins to emit space negative energy, but receives positive from the Sun. After lunch, the Earth emits positive energy into outer space and gradually becomes negative . In the morning at sunrise, the Earth is the most negative, that is, it receives the most.

This fact is especially important for assessing the value of sunrise .

One of the difficult questions is THE ABILITY TO REGULATE YOUR ENERGIES. These energies come from the center of the Earth, pass along the spine and, in the form of a large current, flow into the central system of the brain. Above these currents modern world lost my control. There is also another current that comes from the Sun. It goes to reverse direction- from the brain to the sympathetic nervous system or to the stomach.

Before sunrise, the rays that are refracted in the atmosphere have a major effect on the brain. During sunrise, the rays of the Sun, which travel in a straight line, have an influence on the respiratory system and on our sensitivity.And the closer to noon, the same rays have an influence on our digestive system. Therefore, the healing effect of solar energy is different: before sunrise - to improve nervous system of the brain, and from 9 to 12 o’clock – for strengthen the stomach. After lunch, solar energy generally has little healing effect. The reason for this difference is the different perceptual abilities of the Earth and the human body.

THE MOST HEALING RAYS OF THE SUN IN THE MORNING FROM 8 TO 9 HOURS. By lunchtime the rays are very strong and do not have a good effect on the human body. Early sun rays work well on anemic people,

You can expose your whole body to the Sun. Take sunbathing in the morning from 8 to 10 o'clock. These baths produce an effect on the spine, brain, lungs. The brain is like a battery . As soon as this batery begins to perceive, if its replenishment with solar energy arrives correctly, it begins to send it to all parts of the body, and this energy begins to heal .

The more sunlight you take into yourself, the more softness and magnetism will develop in you.

When you study the influence of light, note that there are hours of the day when the Sun sends beneficial rays to the Earth, mainly from morning to afternoon. There are daytime hours when the sun's rays do not reflect beneficially on the body. These are the so-called black, negative rays


A person can expose himself to the sun's rays at any time of the day, but his mind must be focused and positive in order to perceive only the positive rays of the Sun. You will concentrate and try not to fall asleep. With the black, negative waves of the Sun come earth waves, which are reflected harmfully on the human body. While you are learning the laws of “blocking”, beware of these waves, it is better to bask in the Sun in the early hours, at the latest - before lunch. Beware of afternoon sun rays. When you want to be treated with sun rays, the best hours are from 8 to 10 o'clock.

The energies that emanate from the Sun conceal within themselves a supply of vitality and healing energies. If a person wants to use the energy of the Sun wisely, he must expose his back to the early rays of the sun, even before the sun rises. The energies that he will receive at this time are equal to the energies that he would receive if he were in the Sun all day. Even in cloudy times, you can go out before dawn and concentrate your thoughts in the direction of the rising Sun. Clouds only prevent you from seeing the Sun, but its vital energy passes through them. No external force can counteract solar energy.

Therefore, I recommend that all anemic and weakened people, in any weather, go outside for half an hour before sunrise in order to perceive the early solar energies. THE DAWN GIVES A MAN SUCH ENERGIES THAT NO OTHER POWER IS ABLE TO GIVE HIM.

Submit your back to the Sun both when you are in good health and when you are not, and observe what results will be in one and in the other case. At the same time, a person must know at what hours of the day to appear in the Sun in order to perceive only its beneficial rays. When a person is forced to appear in the Sun at all times, in order to protect himself from the harmful rays of the Sun, he must wear polygon shaped hat to refract the sun's harmful rays.

If you can stand in the sun from morning until lunch, you are healthy. If you can't stand being in the sun for a long time, you're not healthy.

When you want to be treated, expose your back to the early rays of the sun. When do you want to buy inner world, expose your back to the setting Sun.

I have often said that a person must talk to the light. My back hurts. Turn your back to the Sun, the light, Think about it, about what it contains, and the pain will disappear.

Sunbathing in the mountains is preferable, because... the rhythm of the Sun's rays is not disturbed by the astral thought cloud that covers the city.

Many diseases can be treated with solar energy. It has been proven that every disease has certain time when cured. Some diseases are treated in May, others in June, July, in general the whole year.

Go out into the Sun every morning, turn your back first to the south, then a little to the north, a little to the east and stand like that for one hour from 7 to 8 a.m. Send your mind to the Lord and say: “Lord, enlighten my mind. Give health to all people, and with them to me." After that, start thinking about the best thing you know. Carry out these experiments for a whole year. You will see that 99 percent of your experience will be successful.

When sunbathing, your consciousness should be focused and not think about extraneous things. We can use the following formula, which is often said during sunbathing: “Lord, I thank You for the sacred energy of Divine life that You send to us with the Sun’s rays. I vividly feel how it penetrates all my organs and brings strength, life and health everywhere. This is an expression of God's love for us. Thank you."

To heal neurasthenic, he must go out early in the morning at dawn and turn his back to the east. And those who are healthy and do this strengthen their nervous system.

Tuberculosis is treated with clean air, as well as sunlight. Patients should expose their back and chest to the Sun for at least 1-2, 3-4 months to see what revolution the Sun will make in them. At this time, however, the mind must be concentrated. Say: “Lord, help me to do Your will to serve You.”

If you have eczema, if your hair is falling out, if you have rheumatism in the joints or a swollen belly, make a veranda, a terrace facing the Sun and enclose it with glass, take off your shirt to the waist, lie on the couch with your head to the north and your feet to the south, frame your chest to the Sun, while protecting your head from it, and stand like this for 1/2 hour, after 1/2 hour with your back, 1/2 hour again with your chest, 1/2 hour with your back, etc., until you sweat. If you do 20-3

0 -40 such baths, everything will go away - both eczema and rheumatism.

When sunbathing, it is good to wear white or light green clothes - these colors are good . It's important to sweat. If you are in an open area, wrap yourself in a thin cloak. When being treated in this way, you should focus your thoughts on healing directly by Nature. The blackness caused by the Sun's rays shows that the Sun has removed all toxins, impurities, all thick matter from the human body. If a person does not turn black, this thick matter remains in the body and creates a number of painful conditions. If you turn black in the Sun, it means you have accumulated its energies.

ABSORPTION of energy is carried out by the body constantly without any effort on the part of the person - through food, water, physical exercise and mainly through the air. But energy absorption is carried out in quantities necessary only for the normal functioning of the body, and in unfavorable conditions, the influx of energy may not even replenish its loss.

In this regard, for energy gain V large quantities Various exercises have been developed. With regular performance of these exercises, the body's endurance increases, various diseases disappear, immunity increases significantly, and extrasensory abilities begin to appear. Remember also that:

Energy accumulation occurs best in humans nervous system who is completely calm and balanced.

An irritated person loses a lot of energy. Strong emotions of fear and envy weaken energy. Develop kindness within yourself.

When gaining energy, one of the most important components of any method of storing energy by the body is the figurative representation of the energy gain.

When gaining energy, you need to be able to feel how it flows into the body, into every organ, into every cell. The more imaginative and vivid the idea, the more effective the energy gain.

Exercises to gain energy.

A person stands or sits, without crossing his arms or legs. With your right hand, close your right nostril and take a slow breath through the left, for as long as possible, then hold your breath for 5-10 seconds, and then exhale smoothly and slowly. This exercise helps in gaining energy, especially when more complex exercises are impossible to do and fatigue is quite severe.

This exercise is very good to do in the morning, especially near an open window or vent; it will not only give you a boost of energy for the whole day, but is also one of the exercises to tighten and increase the human biofield. But it is also possible to use this exercise during the day if you feel tired, need energy replenishment, after a difficult patient and a lot of energy consumption when working with him.

Receiving energy from the Sun

First option. This is the easiest way to “recharge”. Raise your hands up, palms facing the Sun, disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, tune in to receiving energy and mentally? ask the Sun for energy once. Feel the whole process of receiving energy, filling the body with it until you feel full. Thank the Sun seven times verbally or mentally, lower your hands.

Second option. It is better to do this under a cloudless sky, but it is quite possible to recharge with the Sun covered by clouds, because its energy passes even through clouds. Stand facing the Sun and extend your arms in front of you, palms forward. Close your eyes. Feel the warmth on your palms, imagining how the rays of the Sun enter your hands, rise up your shoulders, then pass inside your body and gradually fill your entire body with a golden glow from the inside. Do this until a tingling sensation appears in your palms and you feel a pleasant warmth in your body. Mentally thank the Sun for giving you energy and vitality.

Third option. Stand facing the Sun, stretch out your hands towards it. If the sky is not covered with clouds and the Sun is shining brightly, squint your eyes, covering them with your eyelashes, and take a few instant glances at the Sun through squinted eyelids (looking with your eyes wide open and looking for a long time is not recommended, you can get a burn to the cornea). Imagine that the rays of the Sun penetrate the body through the eyes and fingers.

Now close your eyes and try to feel the rays of the Sun moving inside your body. You will feel how the rays from the eyes go to the center of the head, and then change the horizontal direction to the vertical and go down, reaching the pelvis, descending to the legs. At the same time, the rays entering through the palms rise along the hands and forearms to the elbow joints, then go along the shoulders towards each other, meeting at the center of the neck, after which one stream goes to the head and fills it with light, and the second goes down to the feet, and also fills the entire body, right down to the toes, with light.

Fourth option. In this embodiment, not only the body, but also the energy shell itself is actively saturated with the energy of sunlight. To perform this exercise, it is desirable that the sky is clear and the Sun is not hidden behind clouds. Stand in a sunlit place so that your entire body is exposed to the sun's rays. Imagine that sunlight permeates your entire body. When a feeling of warmth arises in your body, imagine that a hot, iridescent column of light is passing through the very middle of your body.

This column emits energy that fills your entire body, comes out and forms a spherical bright yellow shell around the body, which increases in size, becomes larger and larger. When you feel that your entire body is filled with glow, and the energy shell around it has become large, saturated with an even bright golden glow and has acquired an ideal spherical shape, without dents or foreign implants, thank the Sun for your help and stop the exercise.

Energy recharging from Fire.

First stage. Light a fire (at worst, light a candle). Watch the flame, mentally immerse yourself, enter it. Let it embrace you completely, feel how its energy envelops you and penetrates your body. The heat fills your whole body, it grows and grows more and more. Every cell of your body is filled with the energy of the flame. You are filled with flame, it goes beyond your body, you are completely one with it. Heat emanates from your body, all your diseases are burned away in flames, and you are completely purified. Then you step out of the flames and your body continues to radiate heat. Now the body absorbs the energy of the flame, you feel a surge of strength, you want to run, you want to do at least something. You are simply burning with the desire to do something.
P.S. After performing this and other energy-gaining exercises, it is important that the energy received is not wasted!

Second stage.At the second stage, it is allowed to perform the exercise without lighting a fire or candles, by imagining the latter, or by recalling past energy-gaining practices in memory. You can begin the second stage no sooner than after 12 daily exercises performed by the fire, repeated with a candle, in the evening. (12 days, 2 times a day, morning and evening).

The rules of the second stage apply to all exercises to gain energy from the elements (fire, earth, water, air).

A set of energy from the Earth.

First option. Sit on the ground and imagine that you have grown into it, merged with it into one whole, you are its continuation. You are the whole earth at once. You are calm and balanced, stubborn, no one and nothing can shake your calm. Your monolithic body suppresses all manifestations of diseases, displacing them with its energy. Your body is filled with unshakable calm and self-confident energy.

Second option. This is one of the ancient methods used by yogis.
You need to sit cross-legged. Place your hands on your knees, connecting the thumb and index fingers together on both hands, and extend the remaining fingers so that they touch the Earth. Install deep breathing and focus on the idea that when you inhale, the energy of the Earth enters the body through the fingertips, and when you exhale, it is converted into human bioenergy.

A set of energy from Water.

First option. Sit in a comfortable position on the bank of a river, stream or stagnant pond. If desired, you can be partially immersed in water. Focus on the sound of the water, the way the waves hit the shore. Mentally dissolve in the water. Get into a place with water in bowels of the earth, contain oceans and seas. Completely cover all kinds of rivers. Cover yourself in ice and freeze to death with icebergs. Be everywhere and in everything at the same time. You move, penetrating the entire earth and enveloping its surface. You evaporate and fall as rain. You spread into huge bodies of water, give water to animals and birds, and give shelter to fish. Returning to your body, you feel how the energy of water is contained within you. You are fluid and smooth, your strength is in the eternity of the world, the ever-moving oceans.

Second option. While in the water, establish rhythmic breathing and imagine that when you inhale, the energy of the water enters the body through the pores, and when you exhale it turns into bioenergy.

A set of energy from Air.

Sitting on fresh air in a comfortable position. Feel the wind blowing over your body. Close your eyes and hear the wind rustling the leaves. Open your eyes and see how he shakes the treetops. With every breath it penetrates through the pores of your skin into your body until you become one with it. As the wind blows over your body, you become lighter and lighter. Air nourishes your body with energy.

Having merged with the air into one whole, you will be able to predict in advance in which direction the wind direction will change.

Receiving combined energy from the Sun and Earth

It is advisable to do this early in the morning at sunrise in a secluded place.
Rub your palms, imagining that the entrance holes of the channels for the passage of energy are opening on your palms. Having rubbed and warmed up your palms, you now need to massage the entrance holes with “mental hands”, imagining how they increase in size to the size of the palm; “With mental hands” you need to stroke and massage the walls of the imaginary channels of both hands. Feel how the channels expand in diameter and begin to respond to the influence of “mental hands”. Mentally create a small luminous ball, crush it with your “mental hands”. It must “swell” to the diameter of the channel, after which this ball “with mental hands,” like a piston, moves up and down the channels, cleaning them.

Then feel how the entrance holes of the channels open on the soles, massage them with “mental hands” until you get an opening the size of the entire foot. Then cleaning with a ball is similar to what was said above for the hands. Stand facing the sunrise, concentrate in the channels of your hands, and at some point you will feel that your hands have become light, as if weightless. Then concentrate in the channels of your legs and feel how they “wake up” to receive the energy of the Earth.

The sun comes out and its energy begins to flow into the channels of the hands in powerful streams. The right feeling- this is a feeling of being filled with light and warmth, a feeling of pulsation at the entrance holes of the arms and legs and a feeling of soft and dark energy Earth, a feeling of harmony and purity. After a few minutes, fatigue goes away, a feeling of vigor and a surge of strength arises.

Charging with the energy of the Cosmos

First option. Raise your hands, imagine channels with holes in your palms for the energy ball. Start slowly inhaling through the channels of your hands and inflating these energy balls. Feel how the balls stretch into a long narrow beam and rush upward, to the sky, to the boundaries of the atmosphere, and then further into space and open there like flowers. And instantly, through energy rays, the energy of the cosmos is drawn through the channels of the hands, filling the body with the energy of the world space. This method is especially good for situations where you need to instantly replenish your energy reserves.

Second option. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine the stars blue sky. Imagine how a beam of snow-white luminous energy penetrates into you from the depths of space, and waves of spreading heat pass throughout your body. Energy penetrates your body in waves, and you begin to glow from within, brighter and brighter, with a pleasant warm light. The beam suddenly breaks off, you continue to look at the sky, the stars have become brighter, and the sky has become bottomless black. You continue to glow with a soft, pleasant warmth, brighter and brighter. Then your inner light collapses into your body, and you absorb all the energy given by nature. A slight tremor or goosebumps may run through the body.

Receiving combined energy from Space and Earth

When doing this exercise, you imagine how the energy of the earth and space passes through you in order to give you the energy necessary to perform any actions that you wanted to perform.
To begin, sit with your back straight, feet on the floor, palms facing up to absorb energy, and close your eyes. Now imagine that the earth's energy is moving up through the earth and into your body.

Feel it rise through your feet, through your legs, into the base of your spine, through your torso, into your arms and into your head. Feel its strength in your hands and head. Feel its strength and power. While the energy of the earth passes through you, imagine the energy of the cosmos entering you through top part head into the spine, into the arms and down your torso.

Notice that this energy is light, light and fills all space. Then focus on the two energies meeting at the base of your spine and imagine them connecting and intertwining, moving up and down your spine and filling you with strength. You can balance the two energies if you wish by absorbing additional energy from the earth (heavy) or from space (light) as you wish.

Create a flow of this energy up and down your spine until you feel full of energy. Now, if you have a plan or task that you want to accomplish, channel that energy into executing that plan. If you did not feel the urge to do it, notice that you now feel the urge and interest to begin working on this project.

If you have felt reluctant to do something because there is so much to do, realize that you now have the energy to take on the task with vigor and you feel confident that you can get it done. If you've felt like your creative energy is low, realize that you're now experiencing a surge. creative forces, and know that you are capable of completing this task.

As you channel this energy, imagine it coming out of you as you need it, and you can carry out this plan. For example, if you want to write something, imagine that the energy is coming out through your hands. If you intend to lift any weights, mentally imagine that the energy is coming out through your legs, body and arms. Whatever you set out to do, imagine that the energy is moving through your body as you need it to, and you can do whatever you want.

After completing this exercise, immediately begin implementing your plan. Suddenly you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

Replenishing energy with rhythmic breathing

Place your feet together, clasp your fingers. Begin yoga rhythmic breathing. To do this, establish a breathing rhythm with the rhythm of your heartbeat. Depending on training, inhalation can be stretched from 6 to 15 pulse beats, exhalation is made equal in duration to inhalation, the breath-hold after inhalation should be equal in duration to half the duration of inhalation or exhalation, the pause after exhalation is also equal to the breath-hold. That is, if inhalation is 6 beats, then exhalation is b, pause after inhalation is 3, pause after breath is 3.

Under no circumstances should you overwork yourself with this breathing; everything should happen freely with figurative representation incoming energy when inhaling from the surrounding air, merging with the entire Cosmos.
During inhalation, energy is absorbed into the chest area; when exhaling, energy is exhaled into the solar plexus.

Recharging from donor trees.

In addition to the above indications, this energy set is recommended in the following cases:

A). Useful when faced with difficult life circumstances.
b). When carrying out a planned event. (Fruit trees: cherry,

apple, pear, plum and others)

V). When separating the “wheat from the chaff.” (walnut and other self-cleaning trees).
G). To cleanse from large quantity negative energy. (Aspen).

Plants, like humans, are energetic beings by nature. Moreover, most plants willingly make contact with a person and let their aura into him. Therefore, recharging from trees is a great way to fill your energy. You just need to know that not all trees are donors - there are also vampires among them, but not because they are so evil and bad, but because they have the property, for example, of drawing away painful, unhealthy energy from us, but at the same time they are capable of replenish us with fresh healthy energy. Therefore, to replenish energy, it is necessary to choose donor trees. Some of the most energetically powerful trees from which you can get recharge include oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch, and rowan.

The stronger the tree, the fewer other trees there are near it. If a tree stands alone and there are no other trees closer than ten meters from it, then it is very strong. If trees grow next to each other, it means that their energy is not very strong. Also, keep in mind that city trees are generally not nearly as energetically strong as trees in the forest.

Therefore, it is best to go to the forest or at least to a park, away from noisy streets and traffic flows. Choose a tree that you like. It is very important to check your feelings: do you want to come into contact with this particular tree? If you want, go to him and trust your body: let it find the most suitable and pleasant pose for itself. You can hug a tree and press your whole body against it, you can lean your back against it, you can sit under it, leaning on it, you can simply put your palms against the trunk.

First option. Mentally ask the tree for help and listen to your feelings: how does it seem to you that it is answering you? Does it help you or not? If it does not arise discomfort, indicating the failure of the tree, then the desire for contact will intensify. Communicate with the tree as much as you want, but no more than an hour, so as not to get an “overdose” of energy. And don't forget to thank him for his help. If you feel joy, elation vitality, it means that contact has taken place and your energy has been replenished. You definitely need to mentally say goodbye to the tree - this is necessary in order to separate the energy fields, yours and the tree’s, which temporarily became one.

After 3-4 days you can repeat the procedure, the effect will be stronger than the first time. You can, if you wish, establish constant contact with the tree of your choice and be nourished from it constantly. Best time for this kind of recharge - in the morning, 1 - 2 hours after sunrise, or in the evening, 1 - 2 hours before sunset.

Second option. Approaching the tree, ask it for help, out loud or mentally, in any way convenient for you. verbal form. Hug it and feel how energy penetrates into you from the tree and you are filled with its power, merging with it into one whole. Its juices flow in your veins, cleansing your body of everything negative, and the vanity of care goes away. You become even stronger and stronger, you have acquired age-old wisdom, if you need it. Feel how the energy completely captures you, merge into one with it, try to feel the same sensations that a tree feels, merge into one with all the trees in this forest (planet), into one.

Third option. Choose the most vigorous tree with healthy, shiny leaves. Walk around the tree, evoke in yourself a feeling of sympathy and goodwill towards the tree, listen carefully to your feelings, catch the tree’s friendly attitude towards you. If such sensations do not arise, then this tree is not suitable.

Having found a tree that “harmonizes” with you, approach it at a distance at which the influence of the tree is “felt” most strongly,

Standing near a tree, feel the roots of the tree, the movement of the Earth’s energy from the roots along the trunk up to the crown of the tree. Then feel how cosmic energy enters through the leaves and moves down the trunk, reaching the roots. Identify yourself with the tree, mentally merge with it, feel the movement of energy from bottom to top and vice versa. Figuratively imagine how this energy washes you. Rinse yourself in this way until you feel internally clean. After this, mentally ask the tree for energy. Absorb the energy accumulated by the tree through your palms in sync with your inhalation.

The energy that is contained in the surrounding space and which we are able to perceive through breathing has 4 vibration states, corresponds to 4 colors and 4 chakras.

Red color- energy necessary for the life of the physical organism, vital energy.

Yellow energy- necessary for thinking, mental processes.

Blue energy- necessary for the development of higher chakras, develops super consciousness.

White energy- necessary for higher education mental activity: clairvoyance, perception of thoughts.

The following parts of the body need to be saturated with red energy: bottom part abdomen, genitals and back of the head.

Yellow energy should be saturated in the upper chest, throat chakra and forehead.

Blue energy - solar plexus, heart chakra and crown of the head.

White energy should be filled into the arms, legs, feet, hands and face.

Sit on a chair. Keep your spine straight. Relax. The legs are a short distance apart, they should not be connected. First of all, exhale all the air that is in the chest. Then within 7 seconds. inhale slowly, closing your eyes, imagining that you are inhaling red energy in the form of red mist, 1 sec. hold your breath, then on a count of 7, exhale into the lower abdomen, genitals, filling them with red energy and into the back of the head. You can imagine 2 streams, one flowing down and the other up.

Then also inhale the yellow energy, directing it as you exhale to the upper chest and forehead.

Then you inhale blue energy, directing it as you exhale to the solar plexus, heart chakra and lotus.

After this, you inhale white energy, filling your arms, legs, and face with it.

All these exercises will take 3 minutes. 12 sec.

Exercises increase energy reserves, develop clairvoyance, and the ability to sense more subtle vibrations.


This exercise increases the body’s bioenergy several times, and, as many years of research experience shows, the body’s internal reserves are activated and its self-healing occurs at the cellular level.

The exercise is performed standing in the priest's pose or sitting in the coachman's pose (see figure).
As you inhale: mentally imagine that billions of particles of cosmic energy - the energy of vigor, life, health and longevity - arrive at your fingertips, opening bioenergetic gateways (biologically active points) on them. At the same time, you feel a slight tingling sensation, a weak current, creeping goosebumps, etc.

As you exhale: send energy inward, filling your hands.

As you inhale: send even more energy to your fingertips.

As you exhale: send energy inward, filling your arms to the elbows.

As you inhale: again send energy to the gateways at your fingertips.

As you exhale: the energy goes inward, filling the palms, arms to the elbows, to the shoulders.

As you inhale: take even more energy and send it to your fingertips.

As you exhale: the energy goes inward, passes through the arms, filling the shoulders and neck.

As you inhale: take even more energy and send it to the open gateways.

As you exhale: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck and face from top to bottom. At the same time, perform self-hypnosis according to the formula: “The face is smoothed, rejuvenated and begins to glow with a pleasant matte light.”
On inhalation: an even stronger flow of energy flows to the fingertips.

As you exhale: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck, through the face, filling the Ajna chakra (from the base of the cone to the top), filling the frontal lobes.
As you inhale: a powerful flow of energy flows to your fingertips.

As you exhale: energy passes through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, (Ajna chakra, Sahasrara chakra) filling the back of the head (the hollow - the memory center). At the same time, perform self-hypnosis using the formula: “My memory is strong, capacious, I remember everything I need, and I can remember everything without difficulty.”

On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face fills the brain (two upper chakras) and descends down the spinal cord to the tailbone, touching the tops of the cones of all chakras (Ajna, Vishuddhi, Anahata, central, Manipura, Svadhisthana, Muladhara) , strengthening them.

On inhalation: again a powerful flow of energy flows to the fingertips.

On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital region, neck enters the base of the cone of the Vishuddhi chakra and descends down the bases of all chakras, simultaneously filling all internal and genital organs, toning the functioning of organs and chakras.

On inhalation: an even more powerful flow of energy flows to the fingertips.

As you exhale: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, back of the head, through the bases of the chakra cones, all internal and genital organs fills the legs to the feet with a soft wave.

And finally, having collected energy as you inhale, send it as you exhale throughout the entire circuit, filling the soles of your feet (they contain biologically active points corresponding to various internal organs).

After the exercise, bring your hands together for 5-6 seconds.


A person has seven energy centers (chakras). Each center is a prana condenser (of which the most powerful energy condenser is Manipurachakra). In each chakra, in addition to accumulation, the transformation of prana into its certain type, differing from each other in wavelength. The frequency of vibration in the chakras increases from the lower chakra (Mulad-harachakra) to the upper chakra (Sahasrarachakra), which is also expressed in the colors of the chakras (from red to purple). The first five types of energy, corresponding to the first five chakras, many years ago were designated conventionally by the names of the elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether.

The energy corresponding to the lower chakra (and earth elements), the coarsest (with the longest wavelength). The color of this energy (and the color of the chakra) is red. On this energy a person commits gross physical work, monotonous, monotonous, not requiring brain work. IN Svadhisthanachakra energy with a shorter wavelength than in the Muladhara chakra. Svadhishthanachakra- sexual energy, the color of energy is orange. The Manipurachakra produces the type of energy necessary to control the involuntary functions of the body. The color of energy is yellow. Anahatachakra is the creative energy on which people of art work: musicians, artists, writers. The frequency of this energy (and accordingly the vibration frequency of the chakra) is at the lower limit of the frequencies of the invisible plane of existence, the so-called astral plane. The color of energy is green. If the three lower chakras work in the material plane (at the level of the physical and etheric body), then the upper chakras, starting with the Vishud-khachakra, work in the immaterial plane (at the level of the astral body and the corresponding energy field). Anahatachakra (heart chakra) is the center of connection between two planes. And this is reflected in the position of the chakra: in the main energy flow moving along the path in the form of a figure eight, the chakra is located at the intersection of streams, on the border of two halves of the figure eight, one of which is in the material, and the other in the astral plane. Working on the energy of Anahatachakra, a person, as it were, draws ideas and images from the flow of information in the astral plane and brings them down to the material (physical) world. (Inspiration, during which the artist ceases to notice the surrounding physical world, is the cognition of information in the astral plane. Any talented work of art differs from the work of a craftsman in that it is created in the presence of inspiration.) It should be noted that the astral plane is the space of the fourth dimension . Living in three-dimensional space, a person perceives volumes or shapes, he has a present and a future, he can predict events (if he does not know what awaits him, a stressful situation arises). Four-dimensional space can be represented as a fixed point where time and space merge, in it you can see both the shape of an object and what is inside this object, that is, the unity of form and content occurs (in humans, the point of the fourth dimension, according to yogis , is located in the Sahasrarachakra; upon reaching Kunda-lini-Shakti From this chakra, a person enters the state of Samadhi and, having learned the essence of things, acquires unlimited knowledge). The energy corresponding to Vishudhachakra creates sensually colored images. When communicating, people release energy clots from their biofield in the form of certain images, colored with love, fear, goodwill, and envy (such images begin to live independently of people; each image has a certain lifespan, after which it disintegrates). The color of energy is blue. The energy of Ajnachakra is the energy of images without sensual coloring. Architects and sculptors can work on this energy. The color of energy is blue. Energy of Sahasrarachakra white. This is the energy of abstract thinking of the highest level (in which forms disappear, only content remains). Philosophers can work on this energy.

Exercise “VESSEL WITH LIQUID”. Energy set

Take a comfortable position for relaxation - standing, sitting or lying down.

Close your eyes and begin to imagine that a stream of heavy, warm and viscous liquid of golden or silver color begins to flow into your heels through your feet. Your body is an empty vessel into which this liquid is poured from the outside with pleasant sensations of warmth and heaviness. (Some people may do this exercise better if this same liquid is poured into you from the top of your head. It is recommended to try both options and choose the best one.)

These ideas should be accompanied by the appearance of real sensations of warmth and heaviness in those places of your body where warm liquid has already flowed. The muscles in these places become sluggish, relaxed, literally sagging under their own weight.

To make this exercise better, you need to be able to manage well the so-called “inner gaze” or “inner ray of attention.”

And in order to learn how to manage the “inner gaze” well, it is recommended to first perform the following preparatory exercise “RAY OF ATTENTION”

Preparatory exercise “RAY OF ATTENTION”

Place your palms on the table so that your fingertips touch the surface of the table. Now close your eyes and try to feel the tip “from within” index finger right hand. Feel how it touches the surface of the table, how the skin is pressed inward by the surface of the table, how the nail feels, etc. To make the sensations more clear, you can lightly press your finger on the table and release.

Having caught the sensation in the finger of your right hand, after 20-30 seconds switch your attention to the tip of the index finger of your left hand.

Catch the same set of sensations in your fingertip. Switch your attention again to the finger of your right hand, then to the finger of your left, and so on 10-15 times.

Then, fixing your “mind's eye” on the tip of the index finger of your right hand, try to feel the tip of the middle finger, then the ring finger, then the little finger. Switch the inner beam of attention alternately over all the fingers of your right hand until you learn to accurately concentrate on the consciously chosen finger.

Then switch the beam of attention to the fingers of your left hand and learn to distinguish the set of sensations of one finger from the sensations of the other finger.

Then turn your attention to thumb right foot - it can remain in shoes or in a stocking (sock). Move this toe slightly, feel all its features, what presses on it, is it comfortable, etc. Switch the beam of attention to the big toe of your left foot, then again to your right, and so on several times.

Pay attention to the sensations that will appear in the place (finger) where you concentrate your attention. A variety of sensations can arise there - warmth, “jingling”, tingling, pulsation, tingling, etc. - for each person in their own way.

Try to remember and record the feeling that you get when switching your “mind's eye” from one finger to another.

It is very important to catch and record this feeling. It is the very “inner gaze” that you must learn to control as a result of this exercise.

Try to stop your “mind's eye” on your knee, navel, tip of your nose, elbow and any other point on your body.

If this works, then try holding the beam of attention, for example, on the palm of your right hand until you begin to clearly feel the pulsation of blood in your palm. Switch to the other palm and feel the pulse there. Switch to the tip of your nose, feel the pulse there, etc.

The description of the auxiliary exercise took quite a lot of space, but it only takes most people 5-10 minutes to complete it. It is recommended to start performing the “Vessel with Liquid” exercise and others only after you have learned to clearly control your “inner gaze”.

Continue doing the “Vessel with Liquid” exercise until you are “filled” with liquid to the top of your head. The body will become weak, lethargic, and inactive. Stay in this state for 5-10 minutes - this will be intense rest and cleansing of the body. Then take a sharp breath and exhale even more sharply, open your eyes and feel cheerful and rested.

To learn how to perform this exercise correctly and with the required effect, you need to do it every day for 15-20 minutes for 10-15 days.

Gaining energy using mental images

There are many exercises during which we imagine how a stream of pure luminous energy comes to us from some external source (Sun, Space, mountains, tree, etc.) and fills our body. A similar exercise called “Crystal Vessel” is given in the Event Formation Methodology. But, in principle, similar exercises can be found from any author writing on a similar topic.
The principle of constructing such exercises is very simple: you close your eyes and imagine how a stream of luminous energy flows into you from some source through a pipe (funnel, ray, etc.), which fills your entire body. You can safely come up with such an exercise for yourself, and it will perfectly charge you with vitality.

Gymnastics of Hermes

The proposed set of exercises is aimed at charging the body with energy and in this regard has the same purpose as the exercises given in “Hatha Yoga” on the absorption of prana. The complex consists of a series of exercises to prepare the body to receive energy, gain energy, and distribute it throughout the body. Before starting the complex, it is necessary to bring the body out of sleep, wake it up and prepare it to absorb energy. The minimum load is 5 minutes. running in place. Jogging is best done barefoot, bare to the waist. Hermes gymnastics is performed with the body as naked as possible, since energy enters through the open surface of the skin. When performing exercises, you must fully concentrate on their execution and on absorbing energy. In this regard, it is best to perform exercises with eyes closed, and before starting the exercises, vibrate the mantra “A-O-UM” several times - this quickly helps you concentrate and disconnect from all problems. You can use any other method of concentration or not use anything at all, the main thing is to start doing the exercises with the absence of any other thoughts and emotions except the thought of doing the exercises. Exercises to evenly distribute energy in the body are performed smoothly, breathing is deep and rhythmic. To stabilize the energy in the body, it is useful to take alternately cold and hot showers lasting 2 minutes each. The contrast of the shower gradually increases and after the 3rd month of classes, having reached its maximum, remains constant, total duration time doubles. The procedure always starts with a cold shower and ends with a hot one. A set of exercises to gain energy is performed 2 times a day: in the morning and before bed, but in the evening without warming up. Performing a set of exercises is equivalent to one month practical exercises according to the Hatha Yoga system. An increase in the body’s energy potential in some cases, after just six months of systematic exercise, allows one to create a powerful energy “coat” around the body, which sharply increases the body’s resistance to factors such as increased activity sun, pressure changes, low temperatures, etc. Health improves significantly, the nervous system is strengthened, sleep becomes sound, many diseases are cured, such as asthma, hypertension, sclerosis and much more, the recovery period for patients is reduced by 3-4 times compared to usual treatment methods, resistance to diseases increases and physical endurance increases. In addition, as a result of a large supply of energy, the body will be able to completely burn and eliminate all toxic substances that come with food and drink. In principle, those who perform the Hermes exercise system should not get sick at all, or even in rare cases. Life expectancy increases significantly. Mastering the complex opens up wide opportunities for self-improvement. Some people, after just 6-7 months of training, begin to see the human energy field, master magnetism treatment, and acquire the ability to predict people’s actions. You can do Hermes Gymnastics at the age of 23 to 70 years. A modern city dweller can maintain the rhythm of exercises with breathing impulses lasting 4 seconds. Some of the most gifted people, after just a year of systematic training, can increase the impulse to 6 seconds. Increasing the impulse to 8-12 sec. can lead to serious negative consequences, since the body will not be able to absorb and control this level of energy. Strength exercises are based on rhythmic instantaneous transitions from extreme tension to subsequent complete relaxation of the entire muscular system. Before tensing the entire muscular system, a short sharp breath is taken, delivering a strong blow to the nasopharynx with an air stream, but with minimal passage into the lungs themselves. As a result of such an inhalation, followed by tension of the muscular system, a vacuum of etheric energy is created in the body and it begins to quickly flow through the surface of the skin. The exercises must be performed exactly with the breathing rhythm.

Gymnastics consists of two stages. On the 1st, 3 strength exercises are performed to receive energy. At the 2nd stage, 4 elastic exercises are performed to evenly distribute the perceived energy across the chakras, throughout the body and organs. During runtime strength exercises there should be ease in movements (the meaning of all poses is to ensure the greatest tension and maximum relaxation certain groups muscles). You need to start practicing with small tensions in the muscular system, so that the time spent on the transition of the muscles from a state of tension to a state of relaxation is as short as possible. As you get used to it, muscle tension must be increased, but you must not forget that the transition to a state of relaxation should be instantaneous. Do all exercises 4 times.


Exercise "Cross" Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body and as relaxed as possible, like the whole body, breathing freely.

An instant sharp inhalation - a “clap” of the nose, at the same time the fingers are clenched into fists, the arms are thrown out to the sides at shoulder level and retracted behind the back, the head is thrown back, the body bends as much as possible, all muscles tense to the limit.

Exhale - instant, noisy, with the whole chest through the mouth in the form of the letter “O”. At this time, the body bends forward with a throw so that the outstretched arms almost reach the floor. Swing your arms crosswise (for the correct direction of the flow of energy) and return to the starting position. By this point, the muscles should be completely relaxed.

Breathing is free. Delay in pose - 4 seconds.

Exercise "Axe" Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, torso half-bent, arms hanging, almost touching the floor. The body is relaxed, breathing is free.

Instant sharp breath - “clap” your nose, at the same time your back straightens, and your hands, clasped in a lock, forcefully rise up in a circle through right side, Per head. The torso bends backward as much as possible, the head is thrown back. Full tension of the whole body.

Hold your breath in the pose - 4 seconds.

Exhalation is immediate, noisy, through the mouth, with relief (reset). Rapidly lowering the arms in a circle - with a turn through left side to the starting position.
Delay in pose - 4 seconds. Breathing is free.

Perform the exercise 2 times by raising your arms through the right side, 2 times - through the left.

Exercise “Disco thrower” Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging. The body is relaxed, breathing is free.

An instant sharp breath - “clap” the nose, at the same time the fingers are clenched into fists, the right hand is slightly bent and thrown forward to the level of the forehead, the left hand is pulled down - back, behind the back, the body turns in the direction of the imaginary throw. The pose of a person frozen at the moment of throwing the disc is assumed. All muscles are maximally tense. Feet do not leave the floor.

The exhalation is immediate, noisy, through the mouth, with a simultaneous return to the starting position, with a turn along a helical line to the right. The body is relaxed, breathing is free.

Delay in pose - 4 seconds.

2 times throw right hand, 2 times - left.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, torso slightly tilted, palms extended forward and closed together.

Inhale for 4 seconds, through the nose, energetically but smoothly, as if pumping air, at the same time spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level, the cornus bends back. By the end of the inhalation, reach maximum tension.

Hold your breath in the pose - 4 seconds.

Exhale through your mouth for 4 seconds, smoothly, with the sound “Ho” with pleasure, moving your torso forward a little and at the same time returning your arms to their original position.
The body is relaxed, breathing is free. Delay in pose - 4 seconds.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, torso tilted, fingers touching toes, knees straight, whole body relaxed. Inhale for 4 seconds. nose, energetically, as if pumping air. At the same time, the body straightens, the arms are extended forward at chest level, then raised above the head with the torso bending back. The whole body is tense.
Hold your breath in the pose - 4 seconds.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, body relaxed.

Inhale for 4 seconds. nose, energetically, as if pumping air. At the same time, turn as far as possible with your arms outstretched to the right so that you can see the objects behind you. Do not lift your feet off the floor. The body is tense.

Hold your breath in the pose - 4 seconds.

Exhale for 4 seconds, through the mouth, smoothly, with the sound “Ho” when returning to the starting position.

Delay in the pose - 4 seconds, the body is free, relaxed.

Lying on the floor on your back, legs together, palms folded behind the back of your head.

Inhale for 4 seconds. nose, energetically but smoothly, while simultaneously raising both legs up at right angles to the floor. The whole body is tense.

Hold your breath in the pose - 4 seconds, do 2 at the same time rotational movements feet clockwise.

Exhale for 4 seconds, through the mouth, smoothly, with the sound “Ho”. At the same time, the legs return to their original position.

Hold in the pose for 4 seconds, the body is relaxed, breathing is free.

2 times with leg rotation clockwise, 2 times counterclockwise.

REMINDER: Increase the tension when inhaling and holding your breath, as well as the temperature difference during a contrast shower gradually. Exercise shouldn't make you tired. If, after some time after doing the exercises, it becomes difficult for you, then you need to reduce the load. Naturally, the complex cannot be performed on a full stomach. At the beginning, after the first classes, you may experience strong arousal and a very high tone, as a result of which you absolutely do not want to sleep and at the same time you do not feel tired - do not worry, as soon as the body gets used to the constantly increasing level of energy, your sleep will become sound and healthy. If you have not been concentrating before and have poor control over your emotional state, then you urgently need to fill this gap, since from the moment you start classes, your words and thoughts will acquire real strength and when you are angry, you will cause enormous harm to people.

Heliotherapy is a treatment various diseases, promoting health by exposing the body to sunlight, which is absorbed by the skin. Sunlight has a beneficial effect on a person's overall health, hormonal balance, psyche, and energy levels. A lack of sunlight causes various problems, for example, lack of vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of calcium (), decreased immunity.

What is heliotherapy? This is the treatment of physical ailments using sunlight. Today it is used in resorts, as well as in combination with balneotherapy and air baths ().

Exposure to sunlight on the human body has many health benefits, not only strengthening the body's defenses and immune stimulation, but also forming vitamin D, superficially cleansing the skin of bacteria, treating acne, and improving mood.

Sunlight has a positive effect on the psyche, and this is explained by the fact that it affects the production of various hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. In addition, sunlight is necessary for the production of vitamin D. If there is no sun, then a deficiency of this vitamin occurs, then not only the immune system suffers, but also the bones. Because vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestines. And this mineral has crucial for bone hardness and stability.

In heliotherapy, care is always taken to ensure that the sun has a gentle effect on the body. Therefore, therapy should not be used without proper protection ().

You should tan slowly and gradually increase your time in the sun. On the first and second days of heliotherapy, exposure to sunlight should not exceed 15 minutes. On the third and fourth days, the time can be increased to 20 minutes, then every two days add 3 minutes. In this case, it is necessary to use sunscreens in accordance with the phototype; drink up to 3 liters of water per day to avoid dehydration (). You should not overuse tanning sessions, the optimal rate is 2 - 3 times a week.

Treatment of diseases with the help of sun rays

Heliotherapy, or otherwise treatment using sunlight, comes from Greek word Helios sun. In ancient times, this therapy was common as many studies show that ancient patients were treated with direct exposure to sunlight. Modern heliotherapy is slightly different, because... Light, sometimes artificial, sun components are used. Special meaning has heliotherapy, which is widely used by naturopaths.

This therapy is recommended for use in various pathologies. The effect of solar heat is often used to treat inflammation and relieve tension. In medicine, artificial infrared light is often used to treat depression.

In ancient times, people used the light of the sun as a means to restore strength, energy, and health. In addition, the Aztec, Mayan and Inca civilizations paid honor to the Sun God.

There is an opinion that "sunny countries" are more full of vitality than areas with a temperate or cold climate, where most things appear gray.

Most people living in “hot countries” have healthier, whiter teeth than those who live in “northern countries.” One reason for this is that sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, which helps keep bones and teeth healthy.

Heliotherapy rules - diet

The sun is the main source of life on Earth. Nature “rejoices”, develops and lives thanks to sunlight. If a person is knowledgeable enough, he can use the power of nature to regenerate, restore, maintain health, psyche and even mind.

Heliotherapy is a method of holistic treatment, i.e. This is an effective natural method that is based on healing using solar energy. Natural free sunlight gives a person the healing power of nature.

Before solar therapy (12 days in advance) to achieve the best results, you must switch to healthy eating, do not smoke, do not use nutritional supplements, chemical substances.

The diet before therapeutic tanning should consist of grain crops, which may include wheat, rice, and millet. You can also include low-fat milk in the menu.

Meat, coffee, sugar should be excluded from the menu, toxic substances(medicines, supplements). It is also not recommended to eat beans and lentils.

Drink several glasses of clean water daily, preferably spring water. Take a walk in the fresh air; walking barefoot is also useful ().

This diet should be applied 12 to 15 days before tanning.

Basic Rules

  • You should not sunbathe during high temperatures solar activity, i.e. between 12:00 and 16:00, especially in summer months. Heliotherapy requires a gradual increase in sun exposure. Maximum time is 50 minutes per day for an adult.
  • Use protective equipment: sunscreen, and also be sure to wear a Panama hat, a hat, and sunglasses.

Contraindications to heliotherapy:

  • lack of vitamin B12 (pernicious anemia);
  • nephritis (kidney inflammation);
  • pleurisy;
  • Addison's disease;
  • sun allergy;
  • serious heart disease;
  • photosensitivity;
  • hyperthyroidism.

Heliotherapy: systemic healing with the help of the sun

To achieve healing effects, heliotherapy is often combined with other therapies. For example, to get the best results I use extracts various plants, but under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Heliotherapy is a branch of medicine that uses sunlight to produce beneficial and healing effects.

Although the topic of solar radiation forces the use of precautions, there are still undeniable positive health effects.

The traditional use of heliotherapy is the gentle exposure of the body to sunlight over several time-controlled sessions. In addition, heliotherapy is usually applied and adjusted according to the climate of the coast.

This is the best way to treat skin related diseases. For example, psoriasis, eczema or atopic dermatitis, as well as itching, flaking, pigmentation. In the presence of wounds, scars, acne, rapid skin regeneration occurs, germs are destroyed, and the immune system is activated.

The sun helps reduce lactic acid, which accumulates in the blood, especially after physical activity. Exercising in the sun can reduce the accumulation of this acid in the body.

The sun can also reduce the amount of uric acid in the blood, which is beneficial for people with gout.

Sunlight may be beneficial in cases of tachycardia because it reduces the heart rate. In addition, they help reduce the breathing rate, which is very useful for various respiratory diseases. This allows you to breathe more slowly, deeply and easily.

Research by Dr. A. Rollier of the 20th century: the sun promotes the development of muscle strength, reduces arterial pressure and may help reduce abnormally high cholesterol levels. The sun strengthens the immune system and is therefore favorable for the treatment of infectious diseases (viral, bacterial or fungal). Exposure to the sun increases the presence of lymphocytes in the blood and stimulates the production of interferon.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the sun's rays help eliminate mental and behavioral disorders such as neuroses, depression, anxiety and insomnia. The sun is useful for regulating the autonomic nervous system.