Nostradamus's predictions for the year are verbatim. What's next? Use of solar energy

Michel Nostradamus - famous ancient fortune teller, who told the world about many events that had already come true. All his predictions are hidden and hidden in quatrains, which scientists and specialists from all over the world are working to decipher. There is one very important feature, quatrains are deciphered only after the event occurs. What is this connected with? Yes, first of all, with the complexity of the encryption process itself, that is, allegorical speech, not always fully understandable clear descriptions of many objects and phenomena that simply no longer exist today, sometimes deliberate and gross errors and typos, as well as the presence of exact dates .

Nostradamus' predictions for 2017 also found a small response in his quatrains and visions. If we take the general picture and the situation around the world, then most likely we should expect famine, which will become the main problem in many countries, and a little later the whole world will have enough. It is worth noting that this event, which will affect the whole world, is predicted not only by Nostradamus, but also by many predictors of the past and present. Also, his poems say that people will hide from each other, even from their closest relatives, and these will be forced measures to save their own and the lives of their children. A very dangerous catastrophe and misfortune will occur that will take away more than half humanity on earth, and those who remain alive will also have a hard time, because they need to restore life and adapt to it. Concerning natural disasters, then floods and ecological catastrophy, will become the main reason for population migration to the north of Russia.

Forecast for Russia, Ukraine and the world, main facts and events.

The main predictions of Nostradamus until 2029?

    1.2013-2019 – Significant increase in the influence of African states on world politics and for individual countries.
    2.2017 – Negotiations regarding the accession of certain parts of Moldova to Ukraine.
    3.2015-2015 – New world wave and an uprising involving Muslim immigrants, which will only be prevented and stopped by Chinese intervention.
    4.2017 – Political split European Union and its restoration on the basis of new principles and conventions.
    5.2018 – A revolution in the construction world associated with the invention of a new, heavy-duty and resistant material– metal foams. Construction of bridges across large straits.
    6.2018-2024 – China’s leadership on the world stage.

By the way, these are not all the events that await humanity, and which have been successfully deciphered. As Nostradamus himself argued, you should under no circumstances be afraid of his thoughts and forecast, even though they promise terrible and dangerous disasters. After all, only time will put everything in its place and help you understand what to do correctly in order to avoid all the predicted horror.

Michel Nostradamus is a talented scientist, philosopher and alchemist. But he is better known as a soothsayer. Researchers studying the manuscripts of Nostradamus claim that his book of predictions covers a huge period of time - from 1557 to 3797. However, not all of his prophecies about the future have survived to this day.

To this day, historians are trying to fully decipher his prophecies. In their opinion, the accuracy of Nostradamus' predictions is 70-80%. Although, if you find the right key to his coded prophecies, then, most likely, his manuscripts will turn out to be very valuable. What, according to his predictions, awaits us soon?

What did he say about the third world war?

For the most part, the scientist wrote in his works about future fate European countries. He composed prophecies for the most powerful rulers of Europe and for the Pope himself. His creations represent hundreds of quatrains, which are combined into centuries.

According to modern researchers, most of Nostradamus' quatrains have very vague content. Some of his predictions are not clear in their consistency. When describing future events, the great alchemist almost did not name specific dates, but pointed only to events of an astronomical nature. For example, speaking about the date of an upcoming event, he only named cosmic phenomena that will happen this year.

Many clairvoyants and soothsayers spoke about the beginning of the third world war. According to most prophecies, this war should become the bloodiest and most terrible, and the consequences of military actions will lead to the fact that our planet will become uninhabitable. That is, in the prophecies of all times, this event was equated with the apocalypse.

If we turn to the centuries of Michel Nostradamus, then in his predictions little is clear about what year the third year will be World War and what will serve as its beginning. All his prophecies are encrypted in such a way that it is impossible to understand the essence of their content. Scientists have struggled for a long time to decipher the message about the third world war, and have presented several interpretations to the public.

“War will begin when a camel drinks water from the Rhine and Danube and does not repent of it. And then Rona and Laura will shudder. But the Rooster in the Alps will destroy him.” This quatrain says that the war will begin when the camel drinks water from the Rhine and Danube. According to scientists, the camel in this quatrain symbolizes the Arab countries. According to one interpretation, the Arab coalition will strike Europe.

There is another version according to which camels are Arab migrants living in European countries. They drink water from the Danube and Rhine. If the interpretation is correct, then this prophecy has already come true. Speaking about in his prophecy, Nostradamus had in mind the “Gallic rooster,” that is, France.

According to the third version, the Arab wars will drink the blood of Europeans, or rather Germans, since at first they talk about the Rhine and Danube. The Rhone is a river in France, which means that this state will also suffer. Laura is a mountain in Guinea. It follows from this that the war will affect all continents. Near the Alps, the Rooster will destroy him - this prophecy can be interpreted as the coming of a savior born in the year of the Rooster according to the eastern calendar.

According to the manuscripts of the French scientist, next war, which will take over the whole world, will be terrible and bloody. In the end there will only be two left powerful countries– Indian state and China.

There are several other important predictions regarding the war. Nostradamus spoke about the seven: “Seven will come from the east, and they will bring death with their deadly retinue. Hail, rage, evil, plague. The whole West will take flight because of the king of the East.” This prophecy again talks about the confrontation between the West and the East.

“Seven” - perhaps Nostradamus meant seven by this word Arab countries who united to take over Europe. The “deadly retinue,” according to the interpretation of researchers, is nothing more than allies of the invading countries. “Hail, rage, evil, plague” - this is probably how the soothsayer wanted to characterize it difficult time. “The West has taken flight” - a prediction of victory for the Arab countries.

According to historians, Nostradamus encrypted the date of the start of the third world war in the following message: “it will begin in the year in which the day of the crucifixion of Christ coincides with the day of St. George. The day of the Holy Resurrection of the Lord will fall on the feast of St. Mark, and Christmas will be on the day of St. John.”

It should be noted that there have already been such days in history - in 1886 and 1943. Next year, on which all the listed holidays coincide, will be 2038. It is interesting that, despite the difference in calendars, this year coincides for Catholics and Christians.

Predictions for the 21st century

The 21st century in the alchemist’s prophecies is presented as a very complex and unstable time, when the old will collapse and the new will be built. This is the era of Aquarius, a time of change and transformation.

The great scientist predicted global disasters which could lead to the end of the world. Tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, fires and hurricanes - all this, according to prophecy, will be one of the problems of the 21st century.

Nostradamus' predictions about the 21st century began to come true back in 2001. Historians claim that the events of September 11, 2001 were described in one of the quatrains.

According to historians and scientists who interpreted the quatrains of Nostradamus, the next global war will begin in 2038. The use of nuclear and other weapons will make life unbearable in many countries. West and East will confront each other.

The year 2017 in the prediction calendar is associated with the rise of power of the four rulers. They are the ones who will influence the politics and economy of all countries. However, their collision will lead to a serious conflict between the countries of Europe and the states of America.

The middle of the 21st century will be marked by the weakening of the power and economy of many Western countries . USA and some European states will be at odds. This confrontation will weaken them completely. World domination countries of Asia and the East will receive.

Nostradamus also predicted the emergence of new diseases that could cover the whole world. The search for a cure will take a long time, and millions of lives will be taken by the terrible disease. Incurable diseases will result from the use of bacteriological and chemical weapons. The prophet also wrote about an outbreak of a serious virus that would take over almost the entire planet. The source of the virus will be the countries of the East.

The main essence of Nostradamus’ predictions about the 21st century is this is a change in world dominance and big changes in geopolitics.

List by year

If you study the interpretation of Nostradamus’s predictions about the future, you can conclude that the coming decades will be filled with a series of important events, discoveries and changes.

Prophecies for Russia

The future, according to the predictions of Nostradamus, is a staircase leading upward. The state will become economically strong and raise its authority. The most important thing is that Russia will become the dominant country.

  • From 2017 to 2018 Russia will be able to emerge from the crisis and take the first steps towards global influence. The economy will strengthen. Will begin to develop Agriculture. These years are also characterized in the prophecy as troubled - many of the influential people will reveal their true face. There will be either a change of power, or the government will change the state development strategy.
  • 2019- a time of social unrest and discontent. There is a risk of Russians splitting into several groups.
  • In 2020 our state will take on the role of a world arbiter, which will have to resolve most conflicts in Europe, Asia and the East.
  • In 2023 New horizons will open up for Russia, but the ruler of the state will have to make a difficult choice.
  • In 2025 Russia will expand its borders. Relations with the United States and some European countries will deteriorate. This could lead to armed conflict. The President will initiate the creation of a powerful union of several countries. This alliance will include Russia, China, Great Britain and India. Subsequently, a number of other countries will join it. It will be new step for Russia, which will bring it closer to global influence.
  • From 2029 Russia will begin to fight a new enemy. A person will appear on the political arena whose influence and power will threaten all of humanity.
  • 2035, according to prophecy, will mark the beginning of a golden age for Russian Federation. The state will have a strong economy and developed trade. Russians will be among those who will make new discoveries in science and astronomy.
  • 2039– Russia, despite its rise, will be in crisis due to armed conflicts around the world.
  • 2045– a new danger for Russia is coming. The country will begin to unite states into a strong union to combat new disasters and wars.

According to these prophecies, Russia will become a world power. She is destined to become a world arbiter, to decide interstate conflicts and create new world and new foundations.

What are Nostradamus tables?

The book of predictions by Nostradamus was first published in 1555. On title page the soothsayer left an encrypted message - a key, which, having solved it, anyone could find out the future from this book. This code remains unsolved to this day.

In the 19th century, scientists Raphael and Tzadkiel tried to decipher the code and got a little closer to solving it. Based on this code, they compiled tables that help to find out the future.

These tables received the name of Nostradamus, despite the fact that he did not invent them. It is not known for certain whether scientists deciphered its code correctly; this will most likely remain a mystery forever. Now, based on the table of Nostradamus, fortune-telling is made for the future.

Whether you believe the predictions of Nostradamus or not is up to you. His prophecies are difficult to understand and unravel. Perhaps because of this, most people believe that his prophecies are unlikely to come true.

Russian media reported on the alleged deciphering of another prediction of the philosopher Michel Nostradamus - it reports that a special child will be born in 2017. According to the prediction, he will allegedly become omniscient, and as he grows up, he will “gain strength and power” - so much so that “the kings of the world will submit to him.”

Experts even began to argue in which country he would be born - after all, the prediction allegedly says that this will happen in a state where “there are cold forests, and near the place of his birth there will be a mountain full of malachite.” Some believe that this country is France, but a number of experts are sure that we are talking about the Urals.

Previously, the world press had already shared news about a clairvoyant from Hong Kong who predicted Donald Trump’s victory in the US elections. CNN journalists turned to the famous soothsayer and asked about the fate of Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. In response, the Chinese woman said that Trump “will have success in the warm season - spring and summer, since he was born “in the year of Fire,” but in the meantime he will face difficulties: the country will face protests.”

The fortune teller promised Putin good year. "The dragon is strong and can go anywhere: it can swim in the water or fly in the air, it is filled with enthusiasm, the location of the stars makes Vladimir Putin strong leader and a bright thinker."

In 2016, the media also reported the discovery of a new, previously unknown prophecy of the blind seer Vanga - it talks about Syria, the fall of Damascus and a “man from Russia.” However, about the period 2016-2018, she allegedly said, “The world has never known a worse time.

If we talk about Russia, there are predictions Italian clairvoyant Mavis. She wrote that “Russia has a very interesting future, which absolutely no one in the world expects from Russia.”

“Before the 20th century ends, the collapse of communism will occur in the USSR, but Russia, freed from communism, will face not progress, but a very difficult crisis. However, after 2010, the former USSR will be revived, but it will be revived in a new form,” - convinced clairvoyant Edgar Casey.

"Hyperborea in its stormy future history will experience a lot - and a terrible decline with a great variety of all kinds of disasters and a powerful great flourishing with a great variety of all kinds of benefits, which will come at the beginning of the 21st century, i.e. even before 2040,” sounds like the predictions of Paracelsus.

“Russia will rise from the dead and the whole world will be surprised...The Orthodoxy that was in Russia before will no longer exist, but the true faith will not only be reborn, but will also triumph,” this is precisely the prophecy of St. Theophan of Poltava from 1930.

Let us recall that it is with the clash in Syria that “the beginning of the Third World War is coming.” Also many worldwide famous predictors fate of Russia in the 21st century.

Also in 2016, journalists published another prediction of Nostradamus about fate Russian President. In one of the works of the world famous soothsayer Michel Nostradamus, the term northern king is mentioned, we're talking about about the ruler from Aquilon, which decipherers correlate with the Russian Federation.

“The northern king from Aquilon will help set everything right,” the Russian Dialogue publication quotes the text of the prediction. In addition, experts associated this saying with the events that are about to happen in Syria. Will intervene in resolving unrest in Syria Russian leader, who will restore order there.

Michel Nostradamus is a seer, prophet and philosopher. He was always distinguished by the accuracy of his predictions. It was because of this that people trusted him, and still continue to look for answers in the words of the prophet. What predictions of Nostradamus for 2017 should people know? You will read about this further in our article.

There will be a third world war!

Nostradamus's predictions for 2017 literally say that between the countries of the world there will be new war. It should affect everyone the most large countries world, including the Russian Federation. However, the end to this terrible confrontation between states should come in 2017.

The weapons will be of a chemical nature

Naturally, if Nostradamus’s predictions for 2016-2017 speak of an upcoming war, no one expects to see people with bladed weapons on horseback. Moreover, technical weapons are also losing their relevance. Therefore, it is quite logical that it will be involved chemical weapon. The Prophet did not say how it would affect the resolution of hostilities, but he said that such weapons would cause new severe skin ailments.

Europe will have the worst of it

In the quatrains of Nostradamus’s predictions for 2017, you can also read that those who will suffer the most from the consequences of the war are: The population will decrease, and the continent itself will become very empty.

Russia will be in an advantageous position

It’s a pity that there is no video of Nostradamus’ predictions for 2017, and we cannot verify what the prophet said about the fate of the Russian Federation. However, if you believe his records, then this country will become one of the most strong countries peace. Also in 2018, the leading position will be taken by China, which will manage to become a completely independent state.

Religious conflict

A prediction from 1916 by Nostradamus for 2017 also suggests that a kind of war will also begin between religions. The main opponents will be Christianity and adherents of Islam. China will be able to resolve the resulting conflict.

The economy will prosper

And now about the good stuff - the prophet promises that in 2017 the economy will develop. Improving the use of solar energy will make electricity cheaper.

The disadvantage of Nostradamus' prophecies is that they are not very detailed. However, it's better than nothing. Moreover, which countries will be the most influential in the coming years is extremely clear even based on not very clear predictions.

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Since ancient times, man has studied the starry sky in order to predict what joys and sorrows await him in the future. The most famous of the astrologers is Nostradamus, or Michel de Nostredame (1503 - 1566). The name of this French scientist, poet and physician remains well known even five centuries after his death. Back in the 16th century, an astrologer studied the movement celestial bodies and his influence on, for which he won the unspoken title of “king of the prophets.” According to legend, the scientist was able to predict fate specific person, the whole country and even peace. It is believed that he predicted the date of his own death.

Nostradamus is an astrologer and prophet whose predictions remain relevant

Nostradamus prophecy for 2017

Nostradamus outlined his predictions regarding the fate of the world in books of prophecies called “Centuries,” the first of which was published in 1555. The collections contain 100 quatrain poems. Each of them sheds light on the events of a particular year. So, let's see what the predictor says in his quatrain dedicated to 2017:

“Out of rage, someone will wait for water,
The army was in great rage.
Nobles loaded onto 17 ships
Along the Rhone; the messenger arrived late.”

It is worth noting that the messages of a great astrologer rarely contain specific data. They can be understood in different ways, because the poems of Nostradamus are full of colorful metaphors and references to the past. How to interpret the mysterious words about troops and ships? According to the compilers of the book “Predictions of Nostradamus”:

  • 1-2 terms refer to environmental problem pollution of water bodies, which will make the water unfit for drinking. For this reason, protests and discontent among the military are possible.
  • 3-4 lines may indicate the departure of government officials to areas least affected tectonic catastrophe. Rona – large river, occurring in Switzerland and France. It can be assumed that the events described will take place on the border of two states.

Some of the writings of the great prophet have already been confirmed

Are Nostradamus' prophecies coming true?

Most modern people The accuracy of the French seer raises some doubts. However, much of what was written in “Centuries” has already become a reality. For example, a prophecy about a child from a poor Western European family who will captivate many with his speeches and become famous even in the far east is reminiscent of Adolf Hitler. The parents of the future dictator were indeed not rich, and he gained power over Germany largely thanks to his talent as an orator.

It was the conclusion of an alliance with Japan that brought the Fuhrer fame Far East. And the words “fierce hungry beasts will cross the rivers” are a clear reference to the events of World War II. Researchers of the works of Nostradamus have proven that the scientist foresaw such epoch-making events as the fall of the Twin Towers in the USA, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the test atomic bomb. But to trust the famous seer or not, everyone decides for himself.


3 Reviews

    On July 1, on REN-TV in the “Documentary Project” it was said that supposedly in 1989 a prophet was born in Chelyabinsk! Yes, he was born in Southern Urals, but in another city; and much earlier! And, undoubtedly, he is now in great danger from the worldly and spiritual authorities; after all, with his sermons he is able to overthrow the Antichrist and his minions from the Russian Orthodox Church; and therefore, he has to hide his real name and place of residence! He has many pseudonyms; and the last one is Lexicon! “In the year 1999 and 7 months, From the sky will come great king intimidation, To resurrect the great King of Angolmois, To rule happily before and after Mars.” Nostradamus


    What if I told you that that same lady my sign is Aquarius date of birth 02/05/1979. I had 3 names as a child primary classes Anya then Marina as a pseudonym and according to the passport Marina. So look here scientific researchers Will I save the whole world or not? What if I give you a hint? Yes, that’s right, I know very little about the Internet. And my information is really role-playing. I was born in Russia in the city of Krasnodar. And I am not across the ocean, but beyond the sea that illuminates the light. I'm in Turkey in the city of Trabzon. And this is the hint. What if I tell you that schizophrenia is not a disease, but people who are victims are scum from society. Since science confirms that through various technologies and also with the help of sensors it is possible to point the cursor at an object, that is, a future-future schizophrenic guinea pig. Enter into his dreams thoughts and even the theft of ideas and brutal torment and violence produce games forming the image and voices of illusion.. No one can punish them for this. Because in the law, hearing voices and seeing all sorts of images is a mental illness. Yes, I showed up late, but there’s a reason for that. I have proof that you can remotely control a huge number of people, even outside your own country. So this is what I want to give you for a hint: find me and I will find you all the rest if they provide me with people and bring prize-winners from several countries. I will tell you where and how the mistakes were made and why global catastrophe or war cannot be avoided. If you believe in the predictions of Nastrodamus Da Vinci, etc. Do everything as I say and what will be necessary for me in order to save our human race from huge mistakes and incorrect calculations due to which the world could very soon collapse. To correct mistakes, I know what needs to be done and what kind of people I need for this, I will tell you. Look for the kindest ones.