Nibiru paul globa. Russians do not believe in prophecies about Nibiru and data from scientists

On May 15 and every day thereafter, a faint reddish object will be visible in the sky. He is mysterious planet Nibiru, which is moving towards the Sun. She more than Earth four times, has a highly elongated elliptical orbit, so it makes one revolution around the Sun in 3600 years. At its farthest point in its orbit, it is three times farther from the Sun than Neptune. The planet rotates retrograde, that is, in reverse direction in relation to other planets.

Newsweek, in an article on June 28, 1982, suggested that Nibiru revolves around two suns, the first is ours, the third is a brown dwarf or neutron star. In addition to Nibiru, this dwarf has six more planets: one earth-sized and five little ones. The closest passage of Nibiru near the Earth, according to the Mayan calendar, should occur on December 21, 2012. Her imminent appearance confirms famous psychic Mehdi: “It is approaching our planet. But many are silent about this so as not to scare them.”

NASA recognized the possibility of the existence of this planet back in 1982, as reported on June 19, 1982 in the New York Times. By publication in The Washington Post, NASA not only knows about this planet, but is also observing it using the S.P.T. telescope. at the South Pole, but in order not to cause panic, he hides the truth from the population of the Earth. London also wrote about the non-disclosure of observation results. Daily newspaper Mail. And really, can they the mighty of the world Why prepare the six billion inhabitants of the Earth for the deadly destruction that Nibiru brings?

The approach of Nibiru and the Earth will lead to the interaction of the electromagnetic fields of both bodies, Earth's crust will begin to slow down. But the whole planet will continue to rotate, due to inertia water shell The Earth will continue to move - such gigantic masses of water form incredible tsunamis. Then the tectonic forces of the subsoil are activated throughout to the globe, which will lead to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

“In many of my visions, I see strong changes on the planet, cataclysms,” says Mehdi.

There are hypotheses that in addition to the above, a change in the earth's poles will occur. They are confirmed by the predictions of the “sleeping prophet” from the United States, Edgar Cayce. He made mistakes extremely rarely, it is estimated that he made only 25% of cases. “There will be a movement of the poles,” he said, “displacements will occur in the Arctic and Antarctica, which will result in eruptions in tropical zone" Case predicted that most of Japan would go under water and be flooded: Northern Europe, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York.

Mayan records say that by December 21, 2012, the Earth will begin to change its face, and there will be cataclysms on it. What's on The earth will come down god Bolon Yokte to take part in creation new era- Fifth Sun.

The discoverers of the planet Nibiru were Sumerian civilization. It seems incredible, but the ancient Sumerians knew what our solar system looked like from space. They described the planets we know in detail, down to the color of each (images are in the Middle East section State Museum in Berlin), but another planet was placed between Jupiter and Mars, which was called Nibiru, which means “crossing planet”. The Akkadians called her Marduk.

According to the Sumerian chronicles, recorded on clay tablets, Nibiru, once passing through the solar system, came so close to a planet called Tiamat and had own moon that one of the moons of Nibiru collided with Tiamat, literally tearing her into two parts. Most of The planet Tiamat, together with its moon, moved from the impact into an orbit between Mars and Venus and became our Earth, and the other part crumbled into millions of pieces, forming the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. The Sumerians called this belt a “forged bracelet.”

Knowing the approximate parameters of Nibiru, you can calculate its brightness. And here is the result - for earthly observers Nibiru may well be brighter than Venus. This means that the planet can be seen during the day, but at night (in the absence of the Moon), objects illuminated by it should cast a shadow. If Nibiru is a self-luminous object (there is an assumption that Nibiru is a star surrounded by planets), then its brightness can significantly exceed the brightness of the full Moon.

Nostradamus mentions two suns in the sky:

“The great star will sparkle for several days,
The cloud will make two suns appear:
The giant dog will howl all night
When the Great Pontiff changes lands."

The words giant dog may have some connection with Ep98 (great dog and Dagan), where there is a parallel with the Book of Ezekiel (Gog and Magog).

According to numerous Sumerian references, Nibiru was inhabited conscious beings. The psychic Mehdi also thinks so, in his words, “she is reasonable.”

The Sumerians called the inhabitants of the planet Anunnaki. Their lifespan was tens of thousands earthly years. The height of women ranged from 3 to 3.7 meters, and that of men from 4 to 5 meters. According to the clay tablets of the Sumerians, the Anunaki arrived on Earth approximately 445,000 years ago due to the fact that Nibiru was faced with the problem of atmospheric thinning.

Their scientists considered the possibility of spraying in ozone layer tiny particles gold, which, like a mirror, would reflect light and heat back to the planet, and at the same time filter Sun rays causing harm. According to the Sumerians, it was to mine gold that the first settlers from the planet Nibiru came to earth. At first they tried to extract it from the waters of the Persian Gulf, but then they began mining it in Southeast Africa.

Every 3600 years, when the planet Nibiru appeared near the earth, gold reserves were sent to it. According to the chronicles, the Anunaki were mining gold for quite a long time: from 100 to 150 thousand years. And then the uprising broke out. The long-lived Anunnaki were tired of working in the mines for hundreds of thousands of years. And then the leaders of the Anunnaki decided unique solution: create "primitive workers" to work in the mines.

The whole process of creating a person or the process of mixing “divine” and earthly components - and, speaking in language modern science, the process of in vitro fertilization, is painted in detail on clay tablets and depicted on cylinder seals of the Sumerian chronicles.

The ancients said that for the emergence of man, the Anunaki crossed an earthly monkey and their “alien specimen.” And among the drawings on clay tablets, this process is depicted in the form of two intertwined snakes. This symbol is one-to-one reminiscent of human DNA.

American scientist Alan Alford cites the findings of genetic scientists, according to which the human genome, consisting of 30-35 thousand genes, is 99% identical to the chimpanzee genome and 70% identical to the mouse genome. Besides this, some human genes identical to the genes of invertebrate animals, plants, yeast and mold. But modern man there are another 223 genes that no longer exist in any living creature on Earth, and which, accordingly, could not have appeared as a result of earthly evolution.

American astronomer from the US Naval Observatory Robert Harrington was a supporter of the existence of Nibiru. According to his research, there is one more, tenth planet - Planet X. The fact that the alleged Planet X and Nibiru are one and the same, Harrington realized after reading the works of historian and linguist Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin, using his deep knowledge ancient languages, translated ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Babylonian texts, thanks to which he proved that the basis of ancient religions is the knowledge of the existence in our solar system twelfth celestial body- the planet Nibiru, whose inhabitants, visiting the Earth from time to time, laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in the cosmogonic mythologies of mankind.

The pieces of Harrington's puzzle fit together. The so-called “Pioneer anomaly” became clear to him, which is briefly described in the following way: “Why do Pioneer ships deviate from course? The devices "Pioneer-10" and "Pioneer-11" are the most famous devices of the series. They were the first to reach the third escape velocity and were the first to explore deep space. At both times, scientists noted strange fact: For some reason the ships deviated from their course. The deviation was small by astronomical standards (about 386 thousand km after a journey of 10 million km). Both the first and second time it was the same. Scientists find it difficult to explain this.

It became clear to Harrington that the reasons for the anomalous deviation of the Pioneers, as well as the later discovered deviations of the Cassini, Rosetta, and Galileo probes, are the same as the reasons for the disturbances in the orbits of Neptune and Uranus: the influence of a very massive celestial body, which is the planet Nibiru.

After a discussion with Sitchin during their first meeting in Harrington's office, the astronomer became clearer about the likely trajectory of the planet Nibiru: it should be looked for in the skies of the Southern Hemisphere below the ecliptic plane. Harrington then applied to use the telescope at Black Birch, New Zealand.

Robert Harrington died on January 23, 1993, immediately after filing this application. It is believed that Harrington was killed by the CIA by injecting him with a fast-acting cancer. He died in terrible agony in front of his family, friends and colleagues. This was a signal to all astronomers not to touch on a more taboo topic.

Where is Nibiru now? So far, all that is known for certain is that in 1983, at the time of its discovery by the IRAS telescope, the distance to Nibiru was 50 billion miles, and it was moving towards us. Missile defense specialist Alexander Filatov is calculating the movement of the mysterious planet Nibiru. Now Nibiru is 40 million kilometers from Earth, and this is the same distance as to Venus, that is, very close, says Filatov. - People observed it with the naked eye in the form of a reddish disk!

Having analyzed historical literature, Filatov came to the conclusion that the collision of the Earth with Nibiru is depicted in many religious symbols. In Christianity, it is a cross, indicating the intersection of trajectories. In Eastern philosophy, it is a symbol of intertwined snakes. And the Mayan calendar directly states that human history consists of five suns (periods) and the last one begins in 2012. And according to Filatov’s calculations, it is this year that Nibiru will take place in close proximity from the earth.

NASA recognized the possibility (in 1982) of the existence of another new planet solar system. A year later (1983), NASA launches IRAS (Infrared Artificial Satellite) which caught very large object. The Washington Post summarized an interview with a scientist from the JPL IRAS program. Celestial body possible bigger size than the giant Jupiter and perhaps so close in size to Earth, may be part of this solar system, was discovered in the direction of the constellation Orion orbital telescope. What is Nibiru? Firstly, Nibiru is one of many planets orbiting a dark star or Brown Dwarf. This Dark Star has five minor planets, a sixth Earth-sized planet called Homeland, and a seventh planet or object we call Nibiru.

Homeland is in many ways similar to Earth and the place where the Ennanek Giants or Gods of old live there. Nibiru is largely uninhabitable and primarily acts as a battle station or spaceship. When a dark star is at perihelion (the point of a celestial body's orbit closest to the Sun) at 60 or 70 par., the orbit of Nibiru, which is at 60 par. from his star, has enough large orbit in order to pass through our solar system is usually close to the orbit of Jupiter, but this can change. Nibiru's orbital inclination is about 30 degrees to the plane of motion of our Sun, or the ecliptic.

Since Nibiru passes through our solar system, moving in the opposite direction to other planets, it sometimes shifts the planet's orbit, causing main reason causing destruction. Its passage has a great impact, but is fleeting and takes only a few weeks or months; in most cases it disappears from view. The planet Nibiru is fiery red in color, with a trail of fragments and several satellites flying around it. Nibiru or its moons are responsible for events such as the destruction of Maldek, which is now an asteroid belt. It is also the cause of craters or surface cracks on the Moon and the planets of our solar system, as well as changes in their inclination axis and orbits. She is the culprit behind the disappearance of Atlantis and the endless floods. She connecting link between our solar system and the system of a dark star or star - Brown Dwarf.

Nibiru was known as the winged (or horned) disc in the earthly past of humans. Fact: Once Nibiru entered the solar system, it quickly accelerated below the ecliptic, passing behind and below the sun before returning to pass below the sun at an angle of 33 degrees. NASA is now observing Nibiru using a new S.P.T. (South Pole Telescope Area) telescope on south pole. For the first time, people will be able to see Nibiru every day since May 15, 2009 as a faint reddish object. He will move straight along earth's orbit. This means that until 2009 the only way to see it was while in southern hemisphere Earth. By May 2011 it will be visible to all people on the planet with the naked eye.

On December 21, 2012, Nibiru will pass through the planet's ecliptic as a bright red star and will look like a second sun the size of the sun. There will be earthquakes and it will begin bad weather. But the worst, however, will come on February 14, 2013, the Earth will pass between Nibiru and the Sun. The poles will move and the planet's tilt will change! Great changes on Earth, strongest earthquakes And powerful tsunami will go around the world! After July 1, 2014, Nibiru will no longer terrorize our world and will move away from our part of the galaxy.

NASA knows about Nibiru, but in order not to cause panic, they hide the truth from people! NASA's knowledgeable man, D.o.D. - national military intelligence, S.E.T.I., and the CIA admit that 2/3 of the planet's population will die during the pole change from the passage of Nibiru. Another 2/3 of those who survive will initially face hunger and death within 6 months! The most secretive US government agency is well aware of what to expect and prepare for it. The Vatican has the same information.

The population will not be warned and will not be given a chance to prepare! The volume of incoming information from knowledgeable people, observatories and the Vatican is flowing in a wide stream. Most important story on Earth in 3000 years is rapidly freeing itself from the shackles of the rulers of the financial markets.

From questions to Mehdi about 2012:

Many questions were also asked about 2012, which is predicted to be the year of the end of the world.
I wrote a fairy tale a few months ago called “Tears of Happiness Will Save the Earth” (on my blog) and which contains answers to many questions, including those related to the end of the world. I am sure that there was another civilization on earth before our civilization. The discoveries mentioned in many books confirm this.

People lived on it. They were stronger, smarter, taller, they were considered gods. They knew a lot, a lot about the future of the planet. They reflected this in rock art, in addition to books. Some fragments have survived to this day. They had a huge amount scientific works, predictions. The Sumerians knew a lot about them. But, unfortunately, the war destroyed everything. Much of the data and knowledge of our ancestors would be very useful to us today. There was such an Alexander the Great, at his whim the library was burned during the capture of Persia. Works related to many predictions were burned. Persian scientists tried to leave us invaluable knowledge, but not only were their works destroyed in cold blood, but they also paid with their lives. This is a blow to global culture. Our entire future is connected to the past. Ignoring the past will not change the future. I was often asked about the end of the world, about a falling comet. And all your questions provoke me to an appropriate answer. I'll tell you what I see. A planet is approaching Earth. She's smart. Possible collision with Earth. Ancient civilizations such as the Mayans, Sumerians wrote a lot about this and many predictors spoke about the same. Date 2012. It was called the date of the end of the world or the date of coordinated changes on Earth. Many calculations end in 2012. Moreover, the calculations of civilizations that are not interconnected speak about the same thing. It makes you think. In many of my visions, I see strong changes on the planet, cataclysms, attacks of viruses, an increase in various diseases, the beginning of wars, etc. If we don’t love our Earth so much, then what do we expect from the future? Yes, in this way the end of the world cannot be avoided. We ourselves create the conditions for its speedy onset. There is such a planet Nibiru. It is approaching our planet. But many are silent about this so as not to scare them. I repeat the same words every day: Believe in yourself, believe in God and believe in miracles! It is necessary to change people's attitude towards everything around them, it is necessary positive attitude. Finally, fall in love with the Earth on which we ourselves live. Love each other.

I can't afford to talk about the end of the world. I, you, we, can change the course of events. I understand that I may not have answered your questions as you would have liked. But understand one thing, the one who gave us life did not do this in order to take it away by killing us. He also gave us intelligence. We can win if we want it together.
The day will come when money, power, some desires and entertainment will not matter. Everyone will understand then that we are brothers and sisters, everyone! And everyone will have one thought - to save our Earth.

There is no point in fearing for the future; it is better to learn to fear for our actions and deeds. Then the world will never end. The knowledge of our ancestors from generation to generation is fraught with a solution. They knew a way out of the situation. They knew about this day. I'm not saying this day won't happen. I say that such a day will come, but we will win. Everything I write and say is about this. We must believe in good things. That Mother Earth will show us a way out. Learn to be closer to nature and with the help of your mind and faith, both in beautiful fairy tales good will triumph over evil.

Astrology can be viewed with skepticism, but facts are stubborn things.

And they say that the forecasts of our most famous astrologer Pavel Globa are coming true! He predicted Chernobyl accident, earthquake in Armenia, collapse of the USSR, 9/11 terrorist attack in America, wars in Iraq and Libya... Things are long overdue days gone by? But Globa still keeps his finger on the pulse of the stars. So what's ahead? What should we prepare for? And most importantly - what to fear?..

Pavel, I was re-reading our old interviews and came across a forecast for 2014. You talk there about the fall in oil prices, about economic crisis, about the collapse of Ukraine... Tell me, are you glad that the forecast came true?

Yes and no. As a professional, of course, I’m happy. After all, why do predictions come true? Because there is a certain pattern. It worked again, and it once again convinced me that astrology is a science, that its methods work.

Well, on the other hand, I cannot rejoice in people’s misfortune. Just like I can’t influence the state of affairs in our country. The authorities do not listen much to the opinions of astrologers.

- Previously, as far as I know, the Prime Minister personally listened to you. I mean Viktor Chernomyrdin.

Yes, now we can already talk about this, I have talked with him more than once. Both here and then in Ukraine, when he was ambassador. Indeed, I was quite familiar with Viktor Stepanovich. He didn’t talk about it, the man was secretive, but apparently he listened, since he invited me to a meeting more than once or twice.

- Today's powers that be do not turn to astrologers, and do you think it’s in vain?

No, I don’t think it’s in vain. But I still hope that drops wear away the stone and someday astrology will still be in demand. Necessarily will! For now I'm just doing my thing. Working...


And yet people turn to an astrologer in the hope of hearing something good. What can you make us happy about the coming 2018?

At least it won't get worse. We shouldn’t expect very big changes either. Changes will occur in 2020-2021, when Jupiter and Saturn are the two most major planets Solar system - will connect. With this configuration, the largest and most serious events in world politics and economics have always occurred.

- Already intrigued. Moreover, considering that the presidential term in Russia is six years.

So by 2021 year will pass only half term. But such events will happen in the world that we will have to either amend the Constitution or change the structure of power. I don’t think this will be connected with the departure of the first person. But in these years there must be a change in trends, and if nothing is changed at the top, it will be very tragic.

- Let's clarify right away: a change in economic or political trends?

More economic. But it's all interconnected. First economics, then politics...

- Now it’s just the opposite...

This is bad. And what does this all lead to? The economy should be a priority. When everything is adjusted to fit ideology, you don’t expect anything good.

In the Soviet Union, for example, there was ideology full order, and the economic foundation sank. Were distracted by foreign policy, they helped all the communist parties in the world. And, excuse me, we were left almost without pants. And the result? Deplorable! In 1991 great country fell apart.

“And you think that up there they will understand that they can’t live like this any longer?”

I think yes. It will simply be a matter of survival; policy will have to be changed. And in this regard, I believe in our president. He is not only sane, but also very pragmatic and tough.

I think that there, at the top, the priority will be not just focus on the first person and devotion, but business qualities, the ability to steer under new realities. There is nothing else left.


- In this regard, the issues of Syria and Ukraine are very important. What will happen to this?

As for Ukraine, that was my forecast in 2011; I predicted everything back then. And in the coming year, these two knots are unlikely to be untied. Now they say that everything in Syria has already been completed, but, excuse me, the organization is banned in our country - it will rise again. This organization may have had its head cut off, but it will grow back.

- And Russia will go to chop off this head again?

Unfortunately yes. There was Syria, there will be Iraq... So don’t think that they were all destroyed there. Nothing like this. And Russia will again participate in the destruction of these groups...

In general, I don’t see any changes in the first half of 2018. In September-October, very clear ideological conflicts will begin, and signs of the nucleus of a future real opposition will emerge. Both here and in the West.

The Year of the Dog is almost always a long-term ideological trend, the emergence of a certain project. 1946 - beginning cold war, Churchill's Fulton speech. 1958 - the beginning of Khrushchev's policy, the one that ended Cuban missile crisis... By the way, Cuba, led by Fidel Castro, also won in the Year of the Dog.

In our case, new trends will emerge, but nothing will change fundamentally; the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine will not be resolved. At the end of 2020, when the presidential elections are held in the United States, changes will begin.

- Will they somehow change our relations with America?

Ultimately yes. Because an enemy will appear that will force us to unite. The West, as always, will raise its own monster. And this is not about North Korea, but about these banned organizations. It will all be around Iran. And everyone will unite against one enemy. There will simply be nowhere to go.

- If everything is cyclical, then when will this cycle end?

In 2040, with a new conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. It will be similar to 1960 and associated either with space or with some new technologies.

- Pavel, but earlier you said that prosperity awaits Russia in 2021.

Certainly. We will just need to fit into new realities. Something similar happened in China under Deng Xiaoping. At one time he decided to take a big swing. And it will be the same here. Something that no one expects will happen - a revolution from above. I'm waiting for her.

I’m waiting for the pragmatic component of the minds of those in power to awaken. Now there is an illusion that something can be solved in a different way, but by 2021 it will become clear that you can’t solve it in a different way. And so prosperity is very likely.

Russia and America will become friends when Trump leaves


- You probably keep statistics of your forecasts. What is the success rate?

Those who closely follow them claim that it is about 80. That is, out of five forecasts, only one of mine does not come true.

- But you, for example, predicted that the dollar would fall sharply and would cost 10 rubles.

in autumn next year Something close to this may well happen. If the US doesn't take action now. But I think they will accept it good analysts who are able to learn from their mistakes. There was a similar situation in 2008, but we got out of it.

- You also predicted the collapse of Europe...

It exists - this is the Brexit movement. It will continue to progress, but at a sluggish pace until 2020. May go from 2021 chain reaction, from one European Union several will begin to form.

- And you have been talking for a long time about the appearance of a successor. But he’s still not there.

Well, yes. It will not appear until the current president begins to think about it.

In the 16th century there was Vasily Nemchin, a monk and astrologer, I often quote him. Putin, according to Vasily Nemchin, is a Bridge Builder. A transitional ruler, whom, by the way, he characterizes very positively. And the successor is the Rider on a White Horse, or the White Horseman.

Now it is premature to talk about who he is, I think that before 2020 he will not identify himself in any way, until then he must remain in the shadows. But military people have always been called horsemen...


- Let's move on from global problems to more mundane ones. What should ordinary people prepare for in 2018?

The Year of the Dog is about packing, survival. That is, you need to choose your team, a leader. If you find it strong leader and adapt to it - everything will be fine. And this applies to all levels.

The Year of the Dog is not a time for loners. You will have to take the blow, stand back to back... It will be very bad for those who say one thing and do another. Like this two-faced people and those who try to sit on two chairs will even be thrown out of power. This is the time of direct people, not intriguers. However, keep in mind: direct, but corporate, which act together...

You also need to understand that in the year of the Yellow Dog there will be a lot of barking. Here's an example: in our political establishment, Vladimir Volfovich Zhirinovsky was born in the Year of the Dog. And Donald Trump too. They bark, scream, but don't bite. That is, on the one hand, harmless, but at the same time strictly businesslike, they look after their interests. In business, in affairs, they understand very well.

That is, people this year need to keep their nose to the wind, react to the new, and bet on it. And prepare for real change. By the way, according to Persian calendar This is the year of the Hedgehog. That is, you need to release the needles, curl up into a ball, and defend yourself. The one who reacts more quickly to threats will win.

- What about epidemics, disasters?

Well, as always. There will be more of this in September-October. But such shocks as World War or an explosion in Fukushima, unlikely. I see two periods as difficult in this sense: immediately after the elections and in the fall. Until then there will be more chatter and shouting.

By the way, if the opposition is not built in, it can greatly shake the state. I would compare this with what we had in 1917, on the eve of 1953 and in 1985. This occurs approximately once every 33 years and is associated with solar activity cycles.

I would just like to immediately address those who make serious decisions. There is no need to treat this the same way as they treated the Bolsheviks in 1917. If someone appears with similar slogans, he will simply need to be entered into the system - repressive measures are fraught here. And the main thing is not to miss the moment.

Let's return to the symbol of the year once again. The dog always needs specifics, the dog sees its piece of meat. People will ask questions: when and what will I get from this? That is, the dog needs predictability and certainty. And it will be good time to throw in opposition ideology. But it needs to be made constructive and integrated into the state structure.

- You probably studied your horoscope carefully. What awaits you personally in 2018?

I have big plans for this year, but more creative ones. I continue to write a series of astrological detective stories. The action takes place both in our time and in the distant past. Main character- an astrologer who deciphers the most complicated crimes...

Yes, in the books I also encrypted the events that will happen in the near future. For the reader this is a certain entertaining puzzle about what will happen next. Moreover, in the second volume I have a solution to Lermontov’s cycles of our history.

Why two terrible wars that took place in the 20th century - 1914 and 1941, the most dramatic revolutions - are they all connected with Lermontov's anniversaries? Last round date occurred in 2014. That's why the Lermontov cycle works for us? And what should we expect next? In my book “Anniversary of the Demon”, and it will be in three volumes, there are answers to these questions...

Dmitry Melman.

Photo: RIA Novosti/R. Sitdikov,

TASS/M. Metzel,

Have you not noticed that interest in the mythical planet Nibiru, which had been dormant since 2012, is beginning to rise again? IN Lately All more people begin to observe strange optical phenomena in the sky, which they directly associate with the approach of this planet, which was mentioned by the ancient Sumerians.

But what do we know about it from ancient Sumerian tablets? Its orbit is elliptical, but is at an angle with respect to all other orbits of the planets in our solar system. Its period of revolution around the Sun is about 3600 years. It is during its approach that strong natural disasters and the “creator gods” of some hybrid races and peoples appear - the Anunnaki race.

It is known about the Anunnaki from the same myths that they mined gold on our planet, which they supposedly needed to retain heat and maintain the atmosphere of their planet at a time when it moved away from the Sun by long distances. But then some of the Anunnaki, unable to bear it harsh conditions labor, started a riot. And then they decided with the help genetic experiments create a race of slaves for yourself.

However, long before these aliens arrived on our planet, there already existed a civilization of “white gods” - the ancestors of the people of the white race. That is why the Anunnaki used not only the genes of archanthropes, but also the genes of people of the white race to create hybrids. And, of course, for the people of the white race, the Anunnaki were never “creator gods,” but only for the hybrids they created. Some of these hybrids also contain genes from the Anunnaki themselves. And it is from them that the richest families and ruling dynasties of the Earth, the so-called, consist. world "elite".

It is this “elite” that controls the media, science and monotheistic religions that is doing everything possible so that we do not suspect for as long as possible about the next approach of the planet of their “creator gods” to the Earth. And this, despite the fact that more and more scientists are declaring that strong climate changes on our planet, occurring in last years and decades are directly related to the increasing impact gravitational field Nibiru, since its size exceeds the size of the planet Jupiter.

They are trying to convince us that all climate changes are associated with the impact of the technosphere, or, in extreme cases, with increased solar activity. But why has our star been so active lately? It is quite logical to assume that this is all due to the same growing influence of the gravity of the planet Nibiru.

Don't believe me? Well then, explain why the interiors of almost all the planets of the solar system, and not just ours, became active? Or is our human technosphere to blame for this too? Of course, it also has its influence, but not so strong as to lead to a sharp intensification of the volcanic and tectonic activity of our planet. Activation of the interior is also occurring on other planets

And now another interesting detail. Look closely at the 10 Swiss francs bill. What do you see there? Personally, I see not only the planets of the solar system known to us, but also the same planet Nibiru, which, according to official science, allegedly “does not exist” and is an invention of the ancient Sumerians. It turns out that every resident of Switzerland is quite “in the know” about not only the existence, but also the approach of this giant planet to us.

And, frankly, this fact does not surprise me at all. After all, it is known that Switzerland itself is an artificial formation and the mystery of its neutrality and non-susceptibility to world wars and conflicts lies in the fact that it is a “banking country”, the so-called. "world government", consisting of those very hybrid richest families And ruling dynasties Earth. And, of course, they warned the “employees” of their “bank” in advance about the approach of the planet of their “gods” to us.

The question arises, are they so “kind” that they worry about their “servants”? No, this is not a matter of kindness. They just remember that their “gods” came to Earth for gold. Therefore, soon all the gold stored in Swiss banks and in the banks of countries controlled by the hybrid “elite” will pass to their new owners, whose next coming “ world government" wants to frame it as "the return of the gods."

And it’s no secret that gold was always brought to the “gods” as gifts. So be prepared for all this. And if your gold and jewelry are kept in a Swiss bank, don’t say later that you weren’t warned. Or will you argue with the Anunnaki about its ownership?

According to some scientists from the United States, the Earth will soon be destroyed and the culprit of this disaster will be the planet Nibiru. Astrologers and various kinds predictors say that it is already visible in the sky, starting on August 7, 2018, others say that it will become visible in September, and will lead to the apocalypse in October.

Scientists-astronomers deny not only the end of the world that the approach of Nibiru will bring to the Earth, but in general its very existence and instill in the population calm and complete absence any threat from space.

Planet Nibiru 2018 with its approach provokes cataclysms on Earth

Astrologers continue to insist that Nibiru is already at a very dangerous distance from the Earth, and this is fraught with the impact of its huge gravitational field on the Earth. It is precisely because of this, space researchers believe, that incredible things have been happening on earth lately. a large number of disasters associated with natural phenomena.

According to Eaton Trowbridge, formerly of the United States Geological Survey, the recent Japanese earthquake, as well as volcanic eruptions in Hawaii and Bali, are directly related to the movement of such a huge space object, like the planet Nibiru. After all, its dimensions, according to various estimates, are 10, or even 30 times larger than those on Earth.

The most dangerous, according to astrologers, may be the activity of the Yellowstone supervolcano, located in the park of the same name in North America. If it starts to erupt, not only will it die North America, the threat of death hangs over the entire planet.

The planet Nibiru destroyed life on Mars during its last visit

At the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, scientists conducted a series of studies, as a result of which they came to the conclusion that Nibiru makes one revolution around the Sun in 3600 years, and when it last time was approximately in the same place where it is approaching now, it changed the shape of the solar system, destroying one of the planets. The reason for this is the enormous gravity of this cosmic body.

According to some scientists, due to the approach of Nibiru, the angle of inclination of the Sun changes. Negative consequences the approach of this celestial guest will affect all planets of the solar system. But what scientists announced quite recently is truly shocking - in the solar system, after the close passage of Nibiru, the arrangement of planets became different.

Astrophysics researchers from the Max Planck Institute consider, for example, the position of the planet Neptune to be anomalous today. It is more massive than Uranus, and is located in an orbit farther from the Sun than it. The orbits of other planets in the solar system, for which the laws of gravity do not work, are also unpredictable.

It is the mysterious Nibiru that is blamed for all these oddities taking place in our solar system. Or rather, not the celestial body itself, but its powerful gravity, which has a detrimental effect on everything around.

Experts created a probable mathematical model those events that can take place when a celestial body of such size approaches. The conclusion was stunning - similar scenario could indeed, with a high degree of probability, have taken place thousands of years ago.

According to some experts, it turns out that on its last visit (about 3,600 Earth years ago), Nibiru’s path ran in close proximity to the planet Mars, after which its surface became a lifeless desert.

Experts believe that this year the same fate awaits our planet. They also say that NASA specialists must know this fact, but they are in no hurry to publish this news, considering it unnecessary to sow panic among the population if absolutely nothing can be done about it anyway.

According to some scientists, the disaster may occur as early as this month, according to others - in October 2018.