Scenario of the line on the Chernobyl disaster 30 years. Scenario for a series dedicated to the victims of the Chernobyl accident

Literary – musical composition"Bells of Memory"

Stage decoration: the inscription on the stage “Bells of Memory” and the poster “Bell of Memory”. Equipment: videos: presentations


April 1986. There are no signs of trouble. Gardens are blooming wildly on the fertile Ukrainian soil, adults and children are enjoying the warmth and sun, people are preparing for the celebration of May 1st. ( slide 1 )

Ved.2 People meet, people fall in love, get married...

    (On the stage there is a group of participants in Ukrainian folk costumes: the Ukrainian song “Bring Galya Voda” is played and a dance composition is performed).

    Projection without sound

    The sound of an explosion and siren sounds. People are worried...

    On the screen is a projection of the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Soldiers in protective suits and gas masks run in.

    The ringing of a bell.

1 reader

Chernobyl! What a word

The sound of thunder in the distance...

An irreparable misfortune

For many you have become on Earth.

Who would have thought?

Peaceful atom

It can do so much harm...

A fountain of violent radiation

Rush up and into the fields...

There are gardens and arable fields for hundreds of miles,

And small towns

A stain of deadly radiation

Now covered forever.

Ved. 2 Let's remember how it was ...(Slides are projected on the screen )

Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant located on the territory of Ukraine, which was part of the USSR on the banks of the Pripyat River, which flows into the Dnieper.

2 reader

By the beginning of the 90s, there were 417 nuclear reactors and 120 were still under construction. Nuclear power plants give people the right energy. The reactors are installed on icebreakers, satellites, submarines. Nuclear power has firmly entered our lives with its “pros” and “cons”.

3 reader

« April 26, 1986 at 1:24 a.m. Moscow time, humanity has entered into new era of its development. At these moments, history was divided into two eras: “before Chernobyl” and “after».

4 reader

As a result of a scientific production experiment, the fourth power unit exploded Chernobyl nuclear power plant which led to complete destruction nuclear reactor, cooling systems and the reactor hall building itself.

5 reader

The fourth reactor - it shook devilishly with a roar.

Freeze peoples. Goodbye friends and family.

Who stepped into the inferno like a pillbox, leaning on an atom,

He really wanted the Earth to breathe freely.

Whoever stepped into the inferno did not think about death and glory

He thought about life, about life and only about it.

Therefore, cherries bloom in the inspired State

And the children play under the sunny canopy of days.

You bitterly covered your head with a black scarf,

But you survived this monstrous battle.

I am your blood brother, Ukraine lean on me.

I give you everything I have at this hour.

The silence is oppressive, the springs look forlornly,

Deserted fields - this is all in reality, not a dream.

Fourth reactor, holy fearless faces

We bow to them who protected us, living and dead!

6 reader Reinforced concrete and metal structures, graphite blocks and their pieces were thrown onto the roof of the turbine hall and onto the territory of the nuclear power plant. A column of combustion products rose from the mouth of the reactor. From 190 tons nuclear fuel 90% entered the Earth's atmosphere. The largest catastrophe in the world in terms of its scale and consequences occurred.

Ved. 2 The Chernobyl bell struck. He was heard by residents of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, people all over the planet . (Song “Stork on the Roof”)

7 reader

Before the morning,

The silence is split,

To that ominous explosion

I ran into myself in the dark.

And she went to destroy everything,

Hot porridge

Great judgment to be carried out

Above our carelessness.

Everything flew up:

Floors, blocks.

And the fire danced

On a destroyed block.

Sirens are already wailing along the roads.

They fly right into their forehead

Invisible - X-rays . (Dance with scarves, "")

Ved. 1

A significant part of the territory was subjected to radiation exposure. In the area of ​​the fourth block, the instruments showed lethal dose radiation.

The firemen of the city of Pripyat took the first, most terrible blow. They extinguished the fire in the area of ​​​​heaviest radiation - above the reactor.


And 30 years later, the Chernobyl tragedy claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people. (Slides). There would have been fewer victims of the Chernobyl tragedy if people in those days had been told the bitter but truth. USSR Government for a long time hid information about the accident. People did not know that it was forbidden to be in an infected area, on outdoors, and even more so sunbathing, swimming, fishing. And only 36 hours later the residents began to be evacuated. Cities and villages remained empty. Cities are ghosts.

8 reader.

Near Pripyat there stands a dead tree - a cross,

The red forest was buried from dawn to dusk,

Only the cross was preserved for the descendants of the Earth.

From the eye sockets of dead windows the city looks at us,

Distant Hiroshima, by the sea crying eyes.

How many thousands - I don’t know - left their homes,

Life without a homeland and childhood is torment without words.

Near mass grave and the exploding Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Near Pripyat there stands a dead tree - a cross.

Bow down to those who died and disappeared,

The tree asks for a memory, the tree asks for a cross.

Ved. 1

Bottom line Chernobyl tragedy sad: radioactive contamination 11 regions of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, which are home to 17 million people, of which two and a half million are children under five years of age, were affected to one degree or another.

9 reader

Half the sky at night the cloud swirled

And emitted its cruel light,

Lord forbid that this happens again

And even after a hundred thousand years.

Don't let the evil, terrible forces break in

To our cities, and on our way

Through the lands, through the forests and dear rivers

Pass through an insidious fiery death!

It’s as if the ancient lands had opened up,

To interrupt life not for hours - forever.

Forests burned, birds and animals died

And the man ran away from hell.

The entire planet was at risk

Become dead - black, not blue!..

Lord forbid that this happens again.

Save the world you created! (Song "2")

Ved. 2 The events at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant worried everyone. The first liquidators - soldiers - were sent to the scene of the accident. conscript service civil defense and volunteers. People of different ages, different specialties.

10 – 11 readers. Poem. "Knowing no fear"

Watch the video “Minute of Silence.” A minute of silence is announced.

Ved. 2

We want to light candles for every year.

To pass on the memory as a baton.

We all know that time heals.

We have no right to forget about Chernobyl victims...

(30 candles are brought onto the stage, the music “Ave Maria” plays)

12 reader

Many years have passed

And many are not with us...

They were kind, alive...

They left, burning like spring flowers,

Remained young forever.

The living need to laugh and love,

Working on yourself, suppressing the disease is a pain!

And not to live out your life, but to live.

And life is not easy, but by and large.


30 years have passed since the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The memory of those events continues to live in songs, poems and anthems created by the Chernobyl liquidators.

(The video “Anthem of the Chernobyl victims” is projected onto the screen)

Ved.2 Children grew up without fathers, grandchildren are growing up, knowing their grandfathers only from photographs, widows cried tears.

13 reader

When death is on the parade ground of defeat

The last parade will welcome the fallen -

Even after victorious battles

The pain of loss always remains.

The hard times will pass away harshly, and in the mournful silence of all

A heavy word - a bitter widow -

It will go echoing around the country.

Times are difficult. Dashing is enough

Everyone. But it’s a hundred times harder for you,

For in sleepless nights it never stops

There is an April alarm in our souls.

Once again the heart hurts with black pain.

Loneliness of thought aches.

And about him, alone, forever with love

The memory keeps bright fidelity. (Love song)

Group of readers

While the planet is still alive,

While the spring dreams of the sun,

Let's claim our rights to life,

The earth is like a heart in our chest,

Here is our sky and our nests...

It's not too late to save her,

It's not too late, it's not too late!

The atom is getting angrier and more terrible,

The horror of terrible explosions is getting closer,

There are not many nights and days yet -

And it will be too late before it’s too late! ...

Will the seas really freeze tomorrow?

Will the birds fall silent, will the pines fall asleep?

The dawn will no longer be able to rise,

And the sky will ask: “Is it too late?”

So let's swear that we will save

And this sky is filled with starry hopes,

Let's save the planet - ours good home,

Before it's too late, before it's too late! (Song "4")


We, now living on this Earth, clearly understand how fragile the peace on the planet is.

The Chernobyl disaster will forever remain in our memory as a warning to humanity.

Open event dedicated to the 30th anniversary

Chernobyl accident

Chernobyl. Tragedy of the century

Prepared GPA teacher Novikova A.B.

MBOU Boarding School of Mozdok


The goal is to show the significance of an environmental tragedy using the example of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident;

Develop a sense of responsibility towards surrounding nature and patriotism;

- To cultivate a sense of compassion, the ability to empathize with other people and appreciate their contribution to the life of the country.

Educator: Today we have gathered here to remember the events of 30 years ago. ABOUT terrible tragedy, which occurred in 1986 in Chernobyl. But first I want to introduce you to our guests(I introduce the guests - the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident)

"The third angel sounded his trumpet,

And fell from heaven big star


Speaking like a lamp.

And fell on a third of the rivers

And to the springs of water, the name of that star


And many of the people died from the waters

Because they became bitter...

A terrible prediction Saint John the Theologian has come true!

Zarina: There is still an event on earth that completely turned people’s lives upside down. It is among such terrible tragedies thatChernobyl disaster– an accident equal to last years impossible to find. April 26, 30 years of the Chernobyl tragedy. A date that is not celebrated, but must be remembered. So what happened on that day, April 26, 1986?

The Chernobyl nuclear power plant is located in Ukraine near the city of Pripyat, 18 kilometers from the city of Chernobyl, 16 kilometers from the border with Belarus and 110 kilometers from Kyiv.

All the people slept peacefully and did not think about

what will happen tomorrow, what can happen to tomorrow!

Reactor 4 was unbalanced

and the engineers noticed that it was now unstable!

The release of radiation is like fireworks.

Ahmed: At approximately 1:23:50, an explosion occurred at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which completely destroyed the reactor. The black poisonous cloud that escaped from the sarcophagus brought with it death and disease. Man found himself powerless before the atom, which no longer wanted to remain peaceful. The building of the power unit partially collapsed, and one person is believed to have died - Valery Khodemchuk. the body was not found, buried under the rubble of two 130-ton separator drums.

Zarina: IN various rooms and a fire started on the roof. Subsequently, the remains of the core melted. A mixture of molten metal, sand, concrete and fuel particles spread throughout the sub-reactor rooms. As a result of the accident, a release occurred radioactive substances, With different periods half-life from 8 days to 30 years. The explosion caused dozens of fires on the territory of the station. Within a few minutes, fire brigades led by lieutenants Pravik and Kibenok arrived to extinguish them. Soon they were joined by the fire department commander, Major Telyatnikov. The major was on vacation and was not obliged to report for duty. But the officer immediately rushed to the aid of his subordinates. Leonid Telyatnikov, Viktor Kibenok, Vladimir Pravik and their fighters began to fight the fire. In five hours, the men extinguished thirty-seven fires - more than one fire for each. They were burned by the invisible radiation exposure. Their bodies turned brown - a so-called nuclear tan appeared. My arms, legs, and head, affected by radiation, ached terribly. But for now they still had at least the slightest strength, they went into the fire again and again to stop death. Only in the morning the firefighters were taken to the hospital with a fatal diagnosis: acute radiation sickness. Lieutenants internal service Kibenok and Pravik, their subordinates: Ignatenko, Vashchuk, Tishura, Titenok - died in the hospital. Others, including Major Telyatnikov, survived.

Aslan: Firefighters were on standby as always.

but no one could imagine what work lay ahead of them!

One by one, the firefighters are breaking down,

and no one believes what is happening around!

headache, vomiting, nausea!

This is just a small list of all that evil!

someone will not return home after this night,

Someone is crying loudly for their young brother!

Amina: If firefighters had not extinguished the fire, it would have spread to other reactors at the power plant. Half of Europe would be exposed to radioactive contamination. In this terrible night Chernobyl firefighters didn't just stop the fire - they saved thousands human lives. Lieutenants Kibenko, Pravik (posthumously) and Major Telyatnikov were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the first hours after the accident, many apparently did not realize how badly damaged the reactor was, so the mistaken decision was made to supply water to the reactor core to cool it. This required work in areas with high radiation. While performing these works, many station employees received large doses of radiation, and some even fatal. It was possible to stop the active eruption of radioactive substances from the destroyed reactor only by the end of May 1986. The accident is regarded as the largest of its kind in history nuclear power, both in terms of the estimated number of people killed and affected by its consequences, and in terms of economic damage.

Aslan: Near Pripyat there is a dead tree-cross,

The red forest was buried from dawn to dusk,

Only the “cross” was preserved for the descendants of the earth.

From the eye sockets of dead windows the city looks at us,

Distant Hiroshima, a sea of ​​crying eyes.

How many thousands - I don’t know - left their homes,

Life without a childhood homeland is agony without words.

Next to the mass grave and the exploding Chernobyl nuclear power plant

A tree-cross stands dead near Pripyat.

Bow down to those who died and disappeared,

He asks for a tree-memory, he asks for a tree-cross.

Sasha: “Account 904” was opened in all savings banks in the country for donations from citizens, which received 520 million rubles in six months. Well, the artists were called upon to provide moral support to the residents of the affected region. Of course, this was completely voluntary. Joseph Kobzon, Valery Leontiev, Alla Pugacheva, Irina Ponarovskaya, Alexander Barykin were among the first to go to the contaminated zone.

Amina: Every day humanity moves away from these sad events. Every year there are fewer and fewer of those who eliminated the consequences in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus man-made disaster. It is impossible to forget about this event.

Decades have passed. A “dead zone” still stretches for thirty kilometers around the station - the land, water, and air in it are contaminated. People are prohibited from living there. The population was taken to other cities and villages. Radioactive contamination Some regions of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia were affected; after the explosion, rains fell, carrying deadly Chernobyl dust.

Turpal: To coordinate the work, republican commissions were also created in Belarus, Ukraine and our country, various departmental commissions and headquarters. Specialists sent to carry out work on and around the emergency unit, as well as military units, both regular and made up of urgently called up reservists, began to arrive in the 30-kilometer zone around the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They all later began to be called “liquidators.” The liquidators worked in danger zone in shifts: those who received the maximum permissible dose of radiation left, and others came to take their place.

Denis: (sad melody sounds)

Now it's time for us to say goodbye
Say “goodbye” to colleagues and friends
To whom - for good, and to whom to return
To these important Chernobyl matters.
The country's grief has brought us closer together
Pain resonated in our hearts
Chernobyl, we gave all our strength to you,
Having fulfilled your military duty to the end.
In the close cohesion of a special circle
IN difficult conditions like in a war
We understood here once again that without a friend
Without military friendship it is doubly hard
Lived together and did not lose heart
Sorrow and joy – in half for everyone
We didn’t notice the difficulties of everyday life
Thanks to my friends for their help and support.
To you, who remain as our continuation
At this moment we want to say
Always strive not to be afraid of decisions
Always act honestly and openly.
Life doesn't end when we leave
And there is still a lot to do
We tried to be worthy of pioneers
Find yourself in deeds, not in words.
So that both Chernobyl and Pripyat flourish.

Amina: 31 people died within the first three months after the accident; long-term consequences exposures identified over the next 15 years caused the death of 60 to 80 people. 134 people suffered radiation sickness of varying severity, more than 115 thousand people were evacuated from the 30-kilometer zone. More than 600 thousand people were mobilized to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. They gave their health and lives to save many people around the world, protecting humanity from the consequences of its terrible mistake. Among them were our fellow countrymen. 221 people from the Mozdok region were sent to eliminate the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. 99 people are no longer alive. A monument was erected to them in Victory Park, their names are engraved on the memorial plaque.

Edik: When loved ones leave us,

It's very hard to put up with this.

We think with pain every time

About the evil injustice in the world...

But why, tell me why,

Is this world so stupid?

And neither the heart nor the mind can understand,

What did the outbreak of Chernobyl do to us?

Neither marble nor granite will relieve the pain,

And no obelisks in the world...

So let the memory remain forever

We receive images of our loved ones who have passed away.

minute of silence

Leila: The liquidators... these heroic people, who were so close to death, performing different duties, were united by one thing - the desire to help the Motherland, protect the country and prevent an even greater catastrophe.

They did their duty. They didn’t think then that 30 years later, here at school, young people, boys and girls would be calling their names. They themselves were young, they wanted to live and enjoy life. But they walked towards death. For our sake.

Diana:( minus song by V.Kavunv sounds. Scream of Chernobyl)

The doom bell rings over the world,

Disturbing the memory, remembering the grief,

The face of the gray war is cruel and terrible,

Like a raging sea in a storm.

Japan has been mourning for many years now

Known to people are Hiroshima, Nagasaki,

But there is no ban on tragedy,

There are nuclear chopping blocks everywhere.

Humanity doesn't want to understand

That life is the most sacred thing in the world,

It can be cut off instantly

In the crucible of an explosion or in the thick of battle.

We cannot count all the sacrifices and trials,

But the arsenals and training grounds are intact,

Chernobyl devastating news

A warning to new generations.

The millennium has begun to count down,

The twenty-first century walks across the earth,

May his children have better luck

And a ray of sun greets them every day.

Zarina Our boarding school employs teachers, fathers who were liquidators of the consequences Chernobyl accident.

This is Irina Mikhailovna Dementieva’s dad - Mikhail Grigorievich Goncharenko. Was at the Ch Nuclear Power Plant in 1987. He died in 2003 as a result of radiation sickness.

A word to the guests...

Educator: More will pass not even a dozen years, but the Chernobyl accident will remain a sore point for us, an unhealed wound in the soul and a never-ending anxiety... Because even after a century it will be impossible to say about the Chernobyl disaster that it is already in the past, but now everything is fine. Let the memory of those tragic days be preserved so that Chernobyl never happens again on our land! Low bow to everyone who saved the world from nuclear disaster! Eternal memory to those who are not with us and good health alive! Thank you for your feat and heroism!

Presentation of memorable gifts to guests.

Resources: The script used material taken from extracurricular activity“Chernobyl is pain, Chernobyl is death” by Yulia Alexandrovna Kocherova;›news;›School›Classroom Guide›…-v-7-klasse-chernobyl›

April 26 marks the 30th anniversary of the worst nuclear disaster in history at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Photographer Jadwiga Brontë traveled to Belarus to meet the invisible people still feeling the effects of the disaster.

The disaster occurred about 30 years ago, but its consequences are still felt to this day. When the reactor in Pripyat in northern Ukraine began to collapse, it became the worst nuclear accident in history – both in terms of the number of victims and the amount of financial expenses. But this was not the end.

Photographer Jadwiga Bronte was born in Poland, just a week before the terrible tragedy. The proximity of the place and time of her birth to Chernobyl still determines the importance of this event for her.

Her latest project, “Invisible People of Belarus,” documentsthe lives of crippled victims of Chernobyl living in Belarusian government buildingsinstitutions – “boarding schools” – that act as “shelters, orphanages and almshouses rolled into one.” Although the disaster occurred in Ukraine, it was Belarus that bore the brunt of the blow.

The living faces of boarding school residents give us a rare opportunity to see how Chernobyl survivors live. Decades later, they were too easily forgotten.

– Why did you decide to photograph these people?

– I was one of more than 18 million Poles who were given"Lugol" – iodine solution for protection against radioactive fallout after the Chernobyl accident. Unfortunately, not all affected countries did the same. Belarus is closest to Chernobyl and people here suffered more than others. The consequences of the accident affect public health to this day.

However, my project is not only about the victims of the Chernobyl accident. It's about all the disabled people that society doesn't notice. Unfortunately, the topic of disability is still taboo in Belarus. Perhaps this is due to the post-Soviet mentality, religion, or simply a lack of information and general knowledge about disability.

– 30 years have passed since the disaster - what is life like for those people you met?

– When I say “victims of the Chernobyl disaster,” I do not mean people who were direct victims, such as power plant workers or liquidators of the accident. I mean people who were born after April 1986 with physical or mental disabilities. Some of the Chernobyl children are now 30 years old, others were born recently, and many more will be born in the future. A mutated gene - a direct consequence of radiation - can be passed on through generations.

Most Chernobyl victims and disabled people live in Belarusian boarding schools These are government institutions - something between orphanages, shelters and hospices. To be honest, the people living in them are simply eking out an existence - they are not provided with any education, and their activity is minimal. They simply support their existence by cooking, cleaning and working in the fields.Very often they make strong friendships with each other and live for each other.

– What difficulties did you encounter while filming?

– These were difficulties of a personal nature rather than technical ones. Working in such places it is impossible not to experience powerful emotions- not only while filming, but spending time with the residents of boarding schools, listening to their stories and trying to understand how the system in which they live works.What you see is depressing.

– What do you hope to show or achieve with your photographs?

- I want these invisible people became visible. I want people to know more about their lives and hear their stories that no one else knows. I want to Belarusian people took better care of them, because the future of these people is truly in the hands of the Belarusian people.

There are places like these in many other countries throughout Europe and beyond. People must understand that it is wrong to separate those who have mental or physical disabilities,from the rest of society.

I hope that parents will become stronger when deciding to care for disabled children and see how beautiful they really are. Government agencies- Not the best place for them. I saw this with my own eyes.

Daria Dubinina
Scenario open class V preparatory group dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl tragedy

Target classes: to instill in children a sense of patriotism and pride in the people who showed courage and bravery in eliminating the disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant, careful attitude to the environment.


1. Generalize and expand children’s concepts of nature and ecology in general.

2. Introduce children to the concept of disaster and tell them what they are like.

3. Talk about the disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Preliminary work:

1. Working with parents: conversation about Chernobyl tragedy.

2. Working with children:

Conversation about natural disasters and disasters;

- drawings on the topic: “What disasters do you know?”;

Reading poems and stories about Chernobyl;

Making invitations and thank you letters.

Event participants: Pupils preparatory school group No. 7, teachers, music director.

Invited guests: liquidators Chernobyl disaster: Kurnosov Nikolay Petrovich and Porokhnyavyy Petr Andreevich, teacher primary classes Secondary school No. 107, parents of students.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the hall to the music and take their seats. (slide No. 1)

Children performing a dance "Awakening"

An explosion sounds (slide No. 2)

Children go out into a semicircle (slide No. 3)

1st child:

We are talking about

That the whole Earth is our common home -

Our good home, spacious home,

We all live in it from birth.

2nd child:

We are also talking about this,

That we must take care of our home.

Let's prove that it's not in vain

The Earth hopes for us.

3rd child:

On our globe on the earth,

Where we were born and live,

Where is the summer dew in the grass,

And blue skies

Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -

Full of mysterious miracles.

Don't destroy this world

Girls and boys

Otherwise these miracles

They will remain only in the book.

A song is being performed "Request" 1 verse

Presenter 1: (slide 3) How beautiful our planet is and how fragile. Today we will talk about what threatens our planet and how to help it?

Presenter 2: All our dreams are about a good future, a beautiful Earth, about friendship between man and nature. It is this desire for a bright, kind, wonderful future that unites us here.

What is nature guys?

Children answer

Presenter 1: And now the guys will tell us about nature. Come out...


1st child:

Not what you think nature:

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has language.

2nd child: So you can talk to nature, and she will answer?

1st child: He will answer if he can... So we will observe nature.

2nd child: What to observe?

1st child: How a person treats nature. There is such a science - ecology.

2nd child: What kind of science is this?

1st child: Ecology is a science that examines the relationship between man and the environment.

Presenter 1: So let's talk about this today... Our planet is in danger. We are not yet aware of this danger and we live on this planet, but will future generations be able to live on it?

Presenter 2: How can we save our land and prevent disasters? What is a disaster?

Children answer

Presenter 1: Now the children will tell us about various disasters, cataclysms and the unfavorable attitude of man towards nature.

Child: A disaster is an event with the unfortunate, tragic consequences. Ecological catastrophy– the destructive impact of humans on nature.

Child: (slide No. 4) All life on earth cannot live without air. Every day there is less and less oxygen on Earth, and there are more and more emissions from chemical factories, factories, and exhaust gases from transport.

Child: (slide No. 5) We need water as much as we need air. Pollution of seas and oceans. Occurs in various industrial and household waste that get into the water and make it dirty. A lot of oil enters the world's oceans; a large surface of the oceans is covered with an oily film

Child: (slide No. 6) The earth also suffers from human actions. Spill and leak fuels and lubricants, household and industrial waste, all this pollutes the earth leads to disasters

Child: (slide No. 7) The forest is also in danger. Deforestation is intensifying. So, over the past 20 years, man has cut down as much forest as was destroyed during his entire previous existence.

Child: (slide No. 8) Forest fires- this is a disaster for the entire planet, most of fires occur due to human fault. For many animals the forest is native home. And there are fewer and fewer forests on Earth. This means that the animals lose their home and are doomed to death.

Presenter 1: (slide No. 10) Guys, look at what a terrible fire caused by man occurred in the Petropavlovsky and Mikhailovsky districts. In this fire, many trees, bushes, and even some buildings were damaged.

Child: (slide No. 11) People disturb river beds, which leads to disasters such as flooding.

Presenter 2: (slide No. 12) Here, guys, pay attention to the slide. This flood occurred that year in the Biysk region. Many homes were damaged, many people were left homeless. But people who cared about this helped each other, rescue operations were organized to save people from this terrible disaster.

Presenter 1: (slide No. 13) Another very terrible disaster due to human fault occurred more than 30 years ago in Chernobyl, in the city of Pripyat. There was a terrible accident on Nuclear power plant, explosion and fire, and a lot got into the air harmful substances which the wind carried over a wide area (slide No. 14).

Presenter 2: (slide No. 15) The 22 firefighters who responded to the fire that night completed real feat- averted trouble, saved thousands of human lives. Six of them - at the cost of their lives (slide No. 16). Thousands of people took part in eliminating the consequences of the accident; a monument was erected in their honor in this city (slide No. 17).

Presenter 1: (slide No. 18) The city of Pripyat was fenced with barbed wire and given the name "ghost town" (slide No. 19). The houses here are almost intact; children's toys and some furniture can be found in the grass. wide open apartments. You can't just find people here.

Presenter 1: (slide number 20) More long years the world will hear echoes Chernobyl tragedy. Now Chernobyl represents, the so-called abandoned zone. The scary thing is that people are still suffering from the consequences of the disaster.

Presenter 2: And now I want to give the floor to a participant in these events, one of the many liquidators of the accident in this country (full name of liquidator participant).

Children go out and read poetry:

(slide No. 21)


Nobody lives in this city anymore.

There are no birds or animals in this city.

Only the wind sings through the broken windows,

Under the creaking and knocking ajar doors.


He is abandoned by the residents to certain death.

But he won’t understand why he was punished.

He managed to survive in the smoke and fires.

But why? Nobody lives in it anyway...


The rain swings on broken swings,

And the skeleton of the Wheel soared over the park.

Presenter 2: Not even a dozen years will pass, but the accident will remain a sore point for us, an unhealed wound in the soul and a never-ending anxiety... Because, after a century, it will be impossible to say about Chernobyl disaster that this is already in the past, and now everything is fine.

Presenter 1: Let the memory of those tragic days so that it never happens again on our land Chernobyl! Low bow and everlasting memory to the heroes of the liquidators Chernobyl accident... To everyone who saved the world from a nuclear disaster. I ask you to honor the memory of the victims Chernobyl Minute of Silence(slide No. 22).

Presenter 2: (slide No. 23) This photo was taken from space. On it is a piece of our beautiful planet Earth. Once upon a time, travelers spent years and years to cross the ocean, discover new lands, explore unknown islands. The world seemed huge, and the planet almost endless.

Presenter 1: Today in a matter of hours spaceship makes a revolution around it. The speed and technology of the 21st century have compressed space. The world has become so small, and our shared planet The earth is so fragile. “Our generation understands that it is not Earth belongs to us, and we belong to him, and we need to pass it on to future generations clean planet" So that this conclusion is forever learned by everyone, a lesson should serve Chernobyl.

Children go out into a semicircle

1st child:

Take care of the earth. Take care

Lark at the blue zenith,

Butterfly on dodder leaves,

There are sun glares on the paths.

2nd child:

A crab playing on the stones,

There is a shadow from a baobab tree over the desert,

A hawk soaring over a field

A clear month over the river calm.

A swallow flickering in life,

Take care of the earth! Take care!

Song "Sunny Circle"

(slide No. 24)

Presenter 2: Let's take care of our Earth! Everywhere, at every step, all together and each individual. We will not have another planet!

Earth - greatest miracle, we have one!