Folder of the GPD teacher at the FGOS elementary school. GPD teacher's work folder

The materials are intended for GPA teachers.

Planning classes in an extended day group. What documentation does a GPA teacher need to keep? You will find answers to all these questions in this article.

Purpose, objectives and content of the activities of the after-school group

Target: extended day groups are organized for the social protection of students and provide conditions for carrying out extracurricular activities with them.

Objectives of the extended day group:

Ensure the safe and comfortable stay of students at school outside of school hours;

Organize the harmonious development of the student’s personality, taking into account the age characteristics of the primary school student, the intelligence and interests of each child;

Create conditions for achieving an optimal level of student education.

Main activities of the GPD:

Physical education and health work;

Moral and legal education;

Civic and patriotic education;

Aesthetic and environmental education;

Cultural and educational work;

Development of national and cultural traditions;

Excursion and tourism work;

Prevention of delinquency and crime among minors;

Interaction with institutions of additional education and culture;

Sociological and psychological-pedagogical research on the issues of education of students, identification and assessment of the level of their education, etc.

1. The procedure for recruiting and organizing the activities of an extended day group

1.1. An educational institution opens a GPA at the request of parents (legal representatives).

1.2. Enrollment in the GPD and expulsion is carried out by order of the director of the institution at the request of parents (legal representatives).

1.3. The educational institution organizes GPD for students in grades I-IV with a maximum capacity for students of the 1st stage of at least 25 people.

1.4. The activities of the GPA are regulated by the work plan of teachers and the daily routine, which are approved by the deputy director for educational work.

1.5. The weekly maximum permissible load in the GPD is no more than 30 hours.

1.6. The work of the GPA is built in accordance with the current requirements of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for the organization and operating hours of extended day groups.

1.7. In the GPA, the duration of the walk for students of the 1st stage is at least 2 hours. The duration of self-study is determined by the class of study. In first grade from the second half of the year - up to 1 hour; in grade II - up to 1.5 hours; in III-IV - up to 2 hours.

1.8. The GPA combines the physical activity of pupils in the air before the start of self-preparation (walking, outdoor and sports games, socially useful work in the school area) with their participation in events of an emotional nature after self-preparation.

1.9. The educational institution provides 2 hot meals a day for GPA pupils.

2. Management of after-school groups

2.1. The GPD teacher is appointed and dismissed from his position by the director of the educational institution. The teacher plans and organizes the activities of students in the GPA, and is responsible for preserving their life and health.

2.2. For educational purposes, a pedagogical psychologist, a social pedagogue, a librarian, a speech therapist teacher, additional education teachers, and other teaching staff are involved in working in the GPD.

2.3. The general management of extended day groups is carried out by the deputy director for educational work in accordance with the job description and order of the director of the educational institution.

3. Approximate planning of classes in an extended day group

4. Approximate schedule of an extended day group for primary school students

5. Documentation of the after-school teacher

5.1. Regulations on the extended day group of a general education institution.

"Developmental environment in primary school"- Natural forest communities. Beads. Mathematical pyramid. Natural communities of the field. Birds in winter. Goals and objectives. Legoteka. Natural communities of the reservoir. Water filtration. Weight measurements. Sound and tone. Magnetic posters. Teaching aids "Spectra" Palette. Weather observation. Mathematical boats.

"Organization of the educational process"- General education. Typical position. Implementation of general education programs. Law of the Russian Federation “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” Filmstrips, transparencies. The educational process is a purposeful holistic process. Regulatory documents used in the formation of the curriculum. Teaching 1st grade students.

"Children's group"- Walk. Learning to play the synthesizer. School uniform. Traditional program. Five-day work week. Program "School 2100". Program School "XXI Century". Advantage. Educational and methodological set "School 2100". School of Russia. Set “Russian School”. Set. School of the 21st century. Additional education.

"Primary School Graduate Model"- Model of a primary school graduate. Elementary school graduate. Orientation in moral content. Opinions. The correctness of the action. Communication skills. Regulatory qualities. Personal qualities. Portrait of an elementary school graduate. Build reasoning. Construct statements that are understandable to your partner.

"GPD teacher"- Occasional duties. Rules for creating a weekly class schedule. Responsibilities of the teacher when conducting classes indoors. Responsibilities of a GPD teacher. Requirements for an after-school group office. School employee. Planning in the GPD. Documentation of the after-school teacher.

"ICT in primary school"- Enlarged didactic units. Personal technology. Helps enrich and consolidate vocabulary. Orders and medals. Ending. Root. Technology of activation and intensification of cognitive activity. Pedagogical technology. Units of length. Independence of thinking. Control share.

There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

Work folder




    Instructional and methodological materials:

    • Daily regime

      Temporary guidelines for the work of the GPA

      GPA work planning

      Cyclogram of GPA operation

    Organization and content of work

    Daily work plan (cyclogram)

    Event schedule

    Vacation Schedule

    Calendar for 2006/07 academic year.

    Daily regime

    Bed linen change schedule

    List of GPD students

    Food accounting study

    Daily planning

    Money box

Daily regime - the most important factor in the health and upbringing of children, the rational, scientifically based organization of learning, work and rest of students creates conditions for their psychophysical, physiological and personal development: it forms regulatory processes, consolidates organizational skills, promotes the development of effective communication skills, and forms self-awareness.

The group works 5 days for 6 hours.

Type of occupation

Time spending

I -II classes

Reception of children, individual conversations with them


Outdoor sports hour




Rest (possibly sleep)



Interest classes, work groups

Afternoon snack




Sports hour, club hour


Children going home


Time of stay of the child in the GPA

Number of hours

in Week

1. Outdoor activities:



Sports hour

Labor activity

Total hours of outdoor activities:



2. Indoor activities:

Organizational time

Reading time

Classes in circles, sections, clubs

Rest (sleep)

Free time (games and hobbies)

3. Self-preparation

Total indoor activities:



4. Eating:

Total time of the child’s stay in the GPD:


Planning the work of an extended day group is the process of modeling the educational environment of the group as a complex of socially valuable circumstances surrounding the child and contributing to his personal growth.

The teacher-educator lays the following priority positions as the basis for planning work:

    creating conditions for the personal development of students;

    creating conditions for the implementation of the main forms of activity of students in an extended day group: household, educational, leisure, physical education and recreation:

    creating conditions for the formation of a system of relationships towards oneself, other people, and the world around us.


The daily work plan can cover a short period of time (week, month, quarter) and contains information reflecting the content of current affairs and events. This type of teacher-educator plan is called a working plan and is designed graphically in the form of a grid plan.

Calendar-thematic planning is a unique technological chain of sequential actions of planning participants with the determination of a possible result.

Calendar and thematic planning

1. Analysis of the work of the GPD over the past year

4. Individual work with students

2. Goals and objectives for the new academic year. year

5. Working with parents

3. Main activities and key cases of the GPA

6. Study of work efficiency

GPA work

Day of the week

Outdoor classes 12.00-13.00

Indoor activities



Food and rest



Reading hour






Afternoon snack:


Rest (sleep):



Sports hour




Club hour


Outdoor games

Reading hour


Labor activity

Interest classes

The organization of life planning in the GPD is based on the principle of collective creative activities, where each day of the week passes under its own motto:

    Monday– “With love for nature”

    Tuesday– “My land is a corner of Belarus”

    Wednesday– “Long-liver”

    Thursday- "My family"

    Friday– “Skillful hands”

Organization of self-training

in an extended day group

One of the leading types of cognitive activity in the working conditions of the GPD is self-training.

Self-training is one of the forms of organizing the educational process in an extended day group. These are compulsory daily classes in which schoolchildren independently complete educational tasks in a strictly allotted time under the guidance of a teacher-educator.

The purpose of self-training is to instill in students the skills of self-educational work, which are of great importance in everyday life. This takes into account the age of schoolchildren, their self-educational capabilities, the effectiveness of consolidating knowledge acquired in lessons, and exercises in their practical application.

A number of specific tasks are set before self-training in the group:

    Expanding the boundaries of educational work;

    Deepening the content of educational subjects;

    Obtaining knowledge, skills and abilities acceptable for independent acquisition;

    Consolidation and repetition of material learned in lessons;

    Exercise in the application of knowledge, skills and abilities for their durable assimilation;

    Developing interest in learning;

    Acquisition of independent work skills by schoolchildren;

    Formation of performing skills.

Self-study is not a lesson. Unlike a lesson, this form of education, despite the fact that it is organized not at home, but in schools, contains self-educational principles and is characterized by independent educational actions of students.

In addition to the lesson in the GPD, it becomes the second main form of education. How does academic self-study work? educational And educational functions.

Main stages of self-preparation:


Deputy Director for SD at a meeting of the Moscow Region

protocol No.-_____

From "____"___________ 200___g.

Calendar and thematic planning

on 2006/2007 uch. Year

Teacher-educator ____________________________

Number of weekly hours: 30

Additional literature _______________________________________________





Daily work plan ________

Day of the week

Outdoor activities


Indoor activities



Food and rest







Afternoon snack:

16.15- 16.30

Rest (sleep):








holding events

FOR _______________ SCHOOL YEAR




I quarter

II quarter

III quarter

IV quarter











List of GPA students

Teacher __________________________________

F.I. student

House. address /telephone/