What will happen on May 9th. How will the celebrations take place?

The May holidays always, every year, after the defeat of the Nazis, begin with a bright and joyful holiday for everyone - Victory Day. The country is triumphant, remembering how many years ago it freed itself from the fascist yoke, stopping the flow of blood and endless grief from the loss of loved ones. Only younger generation, which is far from those terrible times, asks - May 9, 2017, what is the anniversary of the victory? The older population, especially those who went through the war, of course, knows every date with accuracy, because for them this is a huge part of their life. 5 years of war can be counted for people who lived through all the horror of war in decades of life.

How will the celebrations take place?

What is the anniversary of the victory in 2017, we found out, let's find out how the celebrations will be held this year, what we can watch, and how different cities And countries will take place this holiday of peace and goodness. Of course, it will be most magnificent and festive, as usual, in the capital. Moscow will be decorated with military symbols, Red Square will be filled with people and military equipment. It is interesting that this year for the first time representatives of the fairer sex will participate in the parade (although during the war they showed themselves to be oh so strong and brave) - women's battalion will appear at a military parade for the first time.

This time on May 9 (how many years have passed!!) - the work of the metro will be adjusted, because many people will flock to the capital, watch the parade, remember with all our heroes, watch festive concert, lush fireworks. In many parks in Moscow, preparations are already in full swing for the celebration, screens are being installed, and instead of shawarma stalls, military personnel will greet guests. field kitchen. In general, people will be able to immerse themselves in those joyful moments when the whole world learned about the defeat of the Nazis and rejoiced with us.

In 2017, at 10.00 am, as usual, the parade will begin, and everyone present on Red Square will plunge into the celebration of the event. Others will be able to watch the unfolding events online on TV or on large screens around the city. This year the standard bearer of the same flag that proudly spread over Reistag 72 years ago will be a soldier of the Preobrazhensky Regiment, whose name is Kirill Vasiliev.

« Immortal Regiment»

This campaign, which appeared in 2012, has already gained momentum and is taking place in many countries. People come out with photographs of their loved ones who took part in the approach of Victory, and this time many people will again gather on Tverskaya and under the walls of the Kremlin. Last year the event took place in many countries.

On Poklonnaya Hill Young and old will gather, and the parade will be broadcast on large screens. Then everyone will enjoy a concert, which will end with grandiose fireworks.

We have already clarified what anniversary is May 9 in 2017 - the 72nd. It will be solemnly celebrated in St. Petersburg, and the parade of warships will be especially colorful. Russians who will have 3 days off on May 7-9 will be able to relax and enjoy Once again victory, and pay attention to loved ones. The center of attention will be Palace Square.

A solemn wreath-laying ceremony will take place in Ukraine; in many other countries, people will also honor their heroes who died in battle by laying flowers. Eternal glory to them!!

Arrange for your loved ones to watch

The central event of Victory Day was the large military parade on Red Square in Moscow. Vladimir Putin attended the military parade to commemorate the 72nd anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. As the president stated, there is not and will not be a force that could enslave our people, and veterans will never be ashamed of a Russian soldier.

From year to year, the Parade surprises guests not only with the number of participants (this year there were about 10 thousand), but also with the variety of military equipment. And also - the obligatory display of some army news. The current solemn march was no exception. In the foot columns, the unusual uniforms of some cadets and officers attracted attention. Their ceremonial tunics resembled the uniforms in which the victorious front-line soldiers marched along the Kremlin paving stones 72 years ago. The same stand-up collar with gold embroidery for generals and buttonholes in the form of the Roman numeral II for other military personnel. By the way, it was in these uniforms that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Parade Commander-in-Chief toured the troops yesterday Ground Forces Oleg Salyukov.

Suvorovites proudly walked in the “parade” updated for May 9th with a stand-up collar and stripes on their trousers. The female soldiers looked very elegant in their white and white-blue uniforms. Wearing sky-colored jackets, they appeared on Red Square for the first time. By the way, compared to last year, the representation of the fairer sex at the Victory Parade has almost doubled - from 106 to 210 people. But the guys from “Yunarmia” can participate in solemn march across the main square of the country has never been done before. This All-Russian military-patriotic movement was born just a year and a half ago, and today it unites about 90 thousand boys and girls. Other “debutants” of the Parade were the 61st Marines separate brigade coastal troops Northern Fleet.

The spectators were especially delighted by the passage of mechanized columns across Red Square. As usual, the military did not skimp on formidable armor and brought main square the country has more than a hundred rare, modern and promising combat vehicles. In addition to the best tank of the Second World War T-34 and the unique T-14 "Armata", the famous S-400 air defense system, operational-tactical missile systems"Iskander-M" and the formidable strategic "Yars" were shown to Muscovites and guests of the capital for the first time the Arctic equipment of the Ministry of Defense. The Pantsir-SA anti-aircraft missile and gun systems and the Tor-M2DT air defense systems on the DT-30 Vityaz two-link tracked transporters even looked different from the other ceremonial arsenal. The Arctic cars were painted white and gray, and an image of a polar bear was placed on their sides and doors. All this looked not just beautiful, but also impressive.

Unfortunately, due to bad weather, the organizers of the Parade in Moscow had to cancel the aviation part of the holiday. In principle, 72 planes and helicopters could pass over Red Square even in rain and low clouds. But this would make the air show lose its spectacle. And from a flight safety point of view, such a flight looked unsafe. “The cloud cover was almost 150 meters, and aviation should not fly below 500 meters of cloud cover, according to safety conditions,” Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov later explained the situation. By the way, in the victorious 1945, the Parade on Red Square also took place without aviation; its flight was then prevented by heavy rain.

Vladimir Putin began his speech at the Victory Parade by congratulating veterans and all military personnel. The triumphant victory over the terrible totalitarian force became the pinnacle of the triumph of life and reason over death and barbarism. But the war claimed millions of lives. “This monstrous tragedy could not be prevented primarily because of the connivance of the criminal ideology of racial superiority, because of the disunity of the leading countries of the world. This allowed the Nazis to arrogate to themselves the right to decide the fate of other peoples, to unleash the most cruel, bloody war, enslave, put almost everyone at the service of their deadly goals European countries", said the President. The most powerful blows the Nazis attacked Soviet Union. “But no, there was not and will not be a force that could conquer our people,” the head of state emphasized. “He stood to the death, defending his native land, and accomplished the seemingly impossible, turned back the bloody wheel of the Second World War, drove the enemy where he dared to come to our land, he crushed Nazism, putting an end to its atrocities." “And we will never forget that it was our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers who won the freedom of Europe and the long-awaited peace on the planet,” he continued.

Current ceremonial jacket Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu (left) resembled the uniform in which the victorious front-line soldiers marched along the Kremlin paving stones 72 years ago. Photo: Konstantin Zavrazhin

72 planes and helicopters could pass over Red Square even in rain and low clouds. But...

After the Minute of Silence, Vladimir Putin promised the veterans: “You will never be ashamed of us. Russian, Russian soldier and today, as at all times, showing courage and heroism, I am ready for any feat, for any sacrifice for the sake of my Motherland, for the sake of my people." "Such warriors, soldiers and officers, are here today, in the ceremonial units on Moscow's Red Square. The country is proud of you!" he said.

“We will always take care of Russia, as you, soldiers of Victory, did, and strengthen the traditions of patriotism and dedicated service to the Fatherland,” he emphasized Supreme Commander. The lessons of war call for vigilance. And the Russian Armed Forces are capable of repelling any potential aggression. For effective fight With terrorism, extremism, neo-Nazism and other threats, the consolidation of the entire international community is necessary, the president is convinced. “We are open to such cooperation. Russia will always be on the side of the forces of peace, with those who choose the path of equal partnership, who deny wars as contrary to the very essence of life and human nature,” he said.

“The further into history the events of the Great Patriotic War go, the higher our responsibility to future generations. We are obliged to convey to them stability and peace on the planet. To convey the harsh, heroic truth and memory of the Patriotic War. Spirit and meaning Great Victory. So that our descendants love Russia just as much, and that the generation that selflessly fought for the Motherland and honorably defended its freedom and independence remains in the people’s memory forever. Glory to the victorious people!” Putin concluded.

Moldovan leader Igor Dodon also came to Red Square. Together with his family, he decided to celebrate Victory Day in Moscow. After laying wreaths at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the presidents of the two countries honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

“This sacred holiday is celebrated by all of Russia. And it’s clear why,” Putin said at the gala reception. “It’s not just about the multimillion-dollar sacrifices that were made by our people on the sacred altar of Victory. The point is that if our country suffered terrible tragedy, and we, like many European countries, would have been defeated, then a completely different fate would have awaited us than the enslaved countries of the European continent. It was not only about the existence of our country, it was about the existence of our very people as an ethnic group." "This is what we must always remember when we talk about the truth regarding the Second World War, the Great Patriotic War, when we talk about the sacrifices that our people made on the altar of Victory,” the head of state emphasized. “Our gratitude to the generation of winners is immeasurable. We will always remain faithful to your covenants and your heroic legacy and pass this heritage on to our grandchildren and great-grandchildren,” he promised.

After the gala reception, Vladimir Putin met with a group of war veterans from Slovenia. The President of Russia congratulated the veterans on the “common Victory Day.” "We are grateful to you for what you are doing at home, in your country, to care for the monuments of our soldiers who died during Great War, for the fact that you take care of their memory," Putin said. "I hope that during your stay in Moscow, you liked our capital," he added.

Former Slovenian President Milan Kucan, who was part of the delegation of veterans from Slovenia, emphasized: “It is a great honor that Slovenian veterans were invited to this great holiday, and we are especially grateful to the President of Russia for this invitation.” He noted that “in Slovenia they honor and will continue to honor the memory Soviet soldiers who died in the fight against fascism."

The most holy and happy holiday in Russia there has always been and remains Victory Day. Other countries of the former Soviet Union also honor this date, paying tribute to those who died for liberating the world from fascist scourge. Victory Day on May 9, 2017, as always, will take place through the streets and squares of all cities in Russia and many other countries that suffered from the German invaders. This year, for the convenience of workers and students, Monday will be added to the holiday falling on Tuesday, and the previous Saturday, May 6, will become a shortened working day. Thus, we will rest on the 7th, 8th, 9th.

Victory Day celebration

The significant day of spring will begin the procession with eastern outskirts– Vladivostok traditionally celebrates it with a parade on central square Fighters of the revolution. Residents of all major cities countries will become spectators at military marches dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory over fascism.

On Victory Day 2017, events on Red Square, as always, will be spectacular and touching. The few survivors of the war will take the most honorable places on the podium, with children and grandchildren next to them. The connection between generations in the country clearly demonstrates the unity of the people and traditions, which are the basis for the education of youth. The President will congratulate the veterans and everyone present on Victory Day and will open the parade. Military school cadets and representatives will walk along the paving stones various genera troops, Combat vehicles latest generation, military planes will rise into the sky, as if on a ruler, maintaining their distance - this spectacle makes a great impression.

On a fine May day, thousands of Muscovites and city guests gather on Poklonnaya Hill. The architectural and sculptural complex, opened in 1995, consists of:

  • Victory Monument;
  • stelae 141;
  • 8 m high with bronze bas-reliefs and the figure of the goddess Nike;
  • Museum of the Great Patriotic War;
  • Church of St. George the Victorious;
  • Holocaust Museum;
  • Memorial synagogues and mosques;
  • sculptural compositions.

The architectural ensemble is a place where parents bring their children to feel the bitterness of the war years and the cost of the Great Victory. 1418 fountains in memory of everyone harsh day, authentic equipment, the Victory Banner, which fluttered over the Reichstag in 1945 - all these elements and attributes leave an indelible mark on our hearts. On Poklonnaya Hill in live The 2017 Victory Day Parade is broadcast, and after it ends, a festive concert begins in an open area, where songs of the war years are performed by famous singers. And in the evening, at exactly 22 o'clock, it begins festive fireworks, Poklonnaya Mountainthe best place, where from a height of 365 m you can watch how the sky is illuminated with multi-colored lights in different areas of the capital.

Events for Victory Day 2017

After the end of the Parade, folk festivities begin in the parks and squares of the capital with a concert program and a field kitchen. People who lived through terrible war days in their childhood sing old forgotten songs to the sound of an accordion and rejoice. peaceful life. The celebration of Victory Day is a tribute to the memory of those who have passed away and gratitude to living veterans, not one of whom will be ignored by the administration of cities and towns. Children of the war also receive gifts, flowers and congratulations; the city authorities organize days of remembrance for them, set tables, organize a Victory Day concert with performances by children's groups, which is especially touching for older people.

Many other events take place in Russian cities, but none of them can be compared in scale to the “Immortal Regiment”. Brilliant idea, which covered the entire country and stepped beyond its borders, was first held in the city of Tomsk in 2012 on the initiative of journalist Sergei Lapenkov. Every year the action is gaining momentum; Victory Day in Moscow 2017 will undoubtedly attract a procession of thousands and stretch across half the capital. Residents of other cities come to the heart of the country to walk along Red Square with photographs of their warring relatives; this is an indicator of cohesion, the unity of living generations and a demonstration of the memory of departed liberators. Great-great-grandchildren are already proudly talking about the feat of those who fought; children, sitting on the shoulders of their fathers, try to hold up photographs of young soldiers, carefully stored in family albums.

For the past two years, Russian President V.V. has been in the front row. Putin with a photo of his father, a front-line soldier. Cities abroad picked up the idea, and now our compatriots living in other countries are organizing a procession in memory of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. In 2016, 50 countries around the world held the “Immortal Regiment” campaign, in which they took part in total about 25 million people. In the CIS countries, Israel, the Baltic states, Europe, America, Canada, Australia, China, local residents marched in ranks next to our compatriots.

The motor rally for Victory Day 2017 will be held in Yelnya, the city military glory. For several years now, motorists have been driving through places marked by battle monuments and obelisks, and ending their journey at Ushakovo Field. At every stop they sing songs to the accordion military themes, laying flowers.

Veterans and disabled people of the Patriotic War will receive payments for Victory Day, which should be higher than in previous years.

In 2016 maximum amount for the holiday for this category of persons was 51 thousand rubles, due to inflation, some increase is planned, veterans can also count on an increase in pensions, the corresponding amounts have already been included in the country's budget.

Victory Day in Ukraine

Unfortunately, not all countries of the former Soviet Union honor the traditions of the holy holiday. Victory Day in Kyiv in 2017 will show whether Ukrainians’ views on this day have changed compared to 2016, which took place in literally words with tears in my eyes. Elderly veterans and nationalist youths had their St. George ribbons torn off and burned in front of the police; the weak resistance of the elderly was brutally suppressed by young, healthy guys - we are not talking about any respect for the feat of the liberators or respect for old age. But, nevertheless, the “Immortal Regiment” marched through the city, its participants managed to reach memorial monument To the unknown soldier and lay flowers.

Processions also took place in other cities of Ukraine, although they were not crowded. Fireworks on Victory Day in 2017, children's favorite entertainment, will be in major cities countries. Despite economic difficulties, the authorities are still trying to arrange a holiday for the townspeople - they tidy up the parks, plant flowers on the streets, and turn on fountains. Victory Day in Ukraine will always be celebrated with the hope of a peaceful sky and the restoration of justice, because those for whom this holiday is truly associated with the liberation of the country from Nazism and cruelty, those who preserve the memory of the feat of the Soviet soldier, are still alive.

Holiday traditions

Many older people who have not mastered modern technology, traditionally congratulate friends and relatives by sending postcards on Victory Day in 2017, communications workers talk about an increasing flow of correspondence for the holiday. Veterans who have a home telephone are provided with free minutes so that they can call other cities and congratulate their friends on a wonderful bright day. And those who have mastered the wisdom of the Internet exchange virtual audio letters and animated greeting cards.

Elderly people need attention like no one else, so payments for Victory Day 2017 not only make it a little easier for them financial position, but also remind us that they are not forgotten.

The days of May are full of pleasant events. Nature, awakened after winter, beckons you to go outside, you want to be with your family, and please your children with walks together. To get more emotions and be in the most interesting places your city, you should look on the Internet, look at the Victory Day 2017 schedule and family council decide where to go for a walk. Perhaps residents of a small town or village will want to go to some iconic city for impressions; the memories from such a trip will remain with children for a lifetime.

Victory Day in St. Petersburg will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. The city, fabulous in its beauty, is also the most famous for its heroic past. The siege of Leningrad will never be forgotten by the people who managed to survive it; all of them, to this day, take care of every crumb of bread. Therefore, the events taking place in this legendary place are imbued with deepest sorrow and gratitude to the liberators. Elegant parks, squares, streets are decorated with flags, and monuments to heroes are buried in flowers. Piskarevskoe memorial cemetery- a special mournful place to which residents go and go, bowing their heads northern capital. Victory Day, how many years in 2017 do they remember those tragic events surviving Leningraders... 872 days terrible trials will never be forgotten.

Once again, beautiful May with its flowering trees and sunny warm days brings us to big holiday. On May 9, 2017, the 72nd anniversary of the Victory is celebrated - the whole country rejoices again, once again experiencing the joy of liberation from the aggressor.

Many who caught those terrible years, with tears in their eyes, they tell how it all happened. It seems like so many years have passed - how do you still remember all this?

The terrible years of that war are etched so firmly into the consciousness - this only happens with strong emotional stress, when the memory holds on so tenaciously and does not want to part with the memories of those terrible events.

Don’t forget to remember those who died on other days, especially if it’s a global day, find out what you need to do on this day.

If anyone doesn’t remember exactly what anniversary of the victory in 2017, it’s clearly not those who fought, endured all the hardships of the military rear, suffered under oppression in cities and villages captured by the fascists. They will never, until their death, forget the terrible times. And thank God that all this is far behind, and only memories sometimes excite the soul, and at night I dream of terrible pictures of the past.

Several years ago, an action was organized called “Immortal Regiment”, which does not let us forget about those scary times and about the heroes of those times, and our people, who covered their friends with their breasts in battle, at the cost of their lives they won every meter native land. People who have relatives who died in the war come out on May 9 in the squares of different cities and countries, carrying photographs with them. fallen heroes. This is right. Such times should not be covered with the dust of centuries and consigned to oblivion. Especially the younger generation should know how hard we achieved victory, how our ancestors fought for it, how many died good people How many widows and orphans are left? And that this should not happen again, and we must always stand up for the defense of our native land that nurtured us.

May 9, 2017.. How many years have passed, but how alive for many are those events that never leave consciousness. And on this day in all cities former Union veterans come out, beautifully dressed, proudly carrying their orders and awards, which they received at the cost of incredible perseverance, fearlessness, thirst for victory and pain for their loved ones, the desire to liberate the country and expel the fascists. In honor of their memory, people bring flowers to the graves of the dead, honor the surviving veterans, and listen carefully to their stories.

In Moscow on this day, as always, there is a military parade. Many people come from everywhere to see with their own eyes the power of our country, its military equipment, the alignment of the soldiers, and make sure that we are strong, the enemy will not defeat us! An interesting detail is that this year for the first time a women’s battalion will participate in the parade. And it’s true - after all, our women, valiant nurses, orderlies, riflemen, pilots fought on an equal basis with men, and many of them also have many awards and distinctions.

A parade of ships will take place in St. Petersburg - a bright spectacle; huge screens have already been erected in many parks across the country so that people who cannot get to Red Square can watch the parade. There will be concerts and fireworks, the field kitchen will treat people to porridge and soup, as our soldiers once ate on the battlefields.