Who is the president in psychic predictions? Famous predictors from different countries


I was always skeptical about astrology, almost agreeing with the opinion of the great German mathematician Gilbert on this matter. As you know, he once said that if you put together the ten most smart people and ask them to come up with the stupidest thing in the world, then they will not be able to come up with anything stupider than astrology. However, I know of at least two cases when events predicted in horoscopes came true.

The first of them is associated with another great mathematician, Leonhard Euler, for a long time living in Russia. Here is the story Pushkin wrote about him: “When Ivan Antonovich was born, Empress Anna Ioannovna sent an order to Euler to draw up a horoscope for the newborn. Euler initially refused, but was forced to obey. He took up horoscopes with another academician. They compiled it according to all the rules of astrology, although they did not believe it.
The conclusion they drew frightened both mathematicians, and the soothsayers sent the empress another horoscope, in which they predicted all sorts of prosperity for the newborn. Euler, however, kept the first one and showed it to Count K.G. Razumovsky, when the fate of the unfortunate Ivan Antonovich was accomplished.”
I will add that the unfortunate Ivan Antonovich was overthrown by the future Tsarina Elizabeth and imprisoned Shlisselburg Fortress, where he was subsequently killed by guards during an attempt to free him.

The second, quite funny, case is connected with mine personal experience. Once I needed to go to a small publishing house to discuss the terms of the contract. Already leaving home, I heard the presenter of some popular radio station, reading astrological forecast for the day, cheerfully said after me: “And today Capricorns will have success in financial affairs! Grinning, I slammed the door and drove off to the meeting... The amount the publisher offered me for the book did not suit me, and I was about to shake the ashes of this publishing house off my feet, when I suddenly remembered the ill-fated forecast.
“You see,” I ingratiatingly addressed the publisher, “my zodiac sign is Capricorn.”
- And what? – surprised unexpected turn That.
- And the fact that today astrologers promise Capricorns clear financial benefits. And so that our faith in the foundations of the universe does not shake and the forecast comes true, it is worth increasing the amount of the fee by 20 percent.
“This is a serious argument,” the publisher laughed and... agreed to my proposal.” (Sergey Fedin).

The most famous predictors in history:

Yoann Bogoslov— in “Revelation of St. John the Evangelist" there are these words: "The third angel sounded, and it fell from heaven big star burning like a lamp, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of this star is Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter.” Wormwood has popular names- Chernobyl, Chernobyl. The predictor “saw” an accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant from time immemorial.

Nostradamus— over the centuries, interpreters have seen in the prophecies of Nostradamus something very surprising, going beyond mere chance. Time passes and new generations discover new understandings of previously explained phrases. Nostradamus believed that the events of world history repeat themselves cyclically, because planetary configurations repeat and the same signs occur. Nostradamus and his predecessors, the predictors, described the events of the past in the hope that they would happen again in the future.

Rasputin— The St. Petersburg archives contain a recording dated 1913, made by a student of the clairvoyant and miracle worker Grigory Rasputin: “Once the teacher became angry with the Germans, shouted in the face of one of them that their insides were rotten, tripe-like. And then he turned to me and said: “I know, I know, they will surround St. Petersburg and starve them to death! Lord, how many people will die, and all because of this nonsense! But they won’t see St. Petersburg! We'll die hungry if we don't let him in!” After which he calmed down and asked for tea, and when asked when everything would happen, he answered: “It’s been the 25th year since my death.” Rasputin died in 1916, and a quarter of a century later fascist Germany invaded the USSR and put Leningrad under siege.

Wolf Messing- in 1937, at a speech in one of the theaters in Warsaw, he said: “If Hitler will go to war to the East, death awaits him.” And in the winter of 1940, in the hall of the NKVD club, when asked what he thought about the Soviet-German Pact, he answered: “I see tanks with red stars on the streets of Berlin.” A year and a half before the invasion of the USSR German troops Messing foresaw victory Soviet people in the bloodiest war in human history.

Predictions of the future are always interesting - they tell us about what will happen in the future, and do not always turn out to be lies. Moreover: some of the most incredible predictions of the future, made decades, if not centuries ago, ended up being true!

Back in the 17th century, a certain Robert Boyle predicted that in the future diseases would be treated by transplantation - and indeed, hundreds of years later this prediction came true, and organ transplantation became a common surgical operation.

Dmitry Mendeleev predicted the properties and mass of more than 40 elements in his periodic table– elements that were not yet known to mankind at that time!

More than a hundred years before Apollo 11 landed on the surface of the Moon, famous writer Jules Verne wrote in his book “From the Earth to the Moon” that a rocket will go from Florida to the moon. He predicted the name spaceship(Apollo), the number of astronauts on board and even accurately described the feeling of weightlessness on the surface of a celestial body.

In 1898, a certain Morgan Robertson wrote a short story in which he described how the most big ship in the history of mankind collides with an iceberg and drowns. Just 14 years later, the Titanic set sail - and sank under exactly the same circumstances.

Nikola Tesla back in 1909 in an interview publication The The New York Times predicted the emergence of certain “personal devices” with which people of the future will exchange messages. Today it is impossible to imagine a person without a mobile phone.

In his novel “The World Unchained,” the legendary science fiction writer H.G. Wells predicted the appearance atomic bombs, which will destroy entire cities. 18 years after Wells published his book, the first atomic bombs were tested as part of the Manhattan Project.

At one time, Nostradamus predicted that “fire will burn the blood of all things in London in the year 66.” The prophet's prediction came true on September 5, 1966, when a fire broke out in the British capital, killing thousands of people.

In addition, Nostradamus predicted that in France people would rebel and protest against princes and lords. And so it happened - in 1799, when the French Revolution began, changing the entire face of France.

One of the most incredible predictions made by Nostradamus concerned a certain “pastor” who would be “praised like a demigod.” Centuries after Nostradamus made his prediction, French microbiologist and chemist Louis Pastor made some revolutionary scientific discoveries, which ensured his fame as one of the greatest scientists of all time.

IN short story"Bad Solution" Robert Heinlein describes how the United States was the first to create nuclear weapon and turned into a “superpower”, not allowing other nations to create the same weapons. This is exactly what happened several decades later with the beginning of the Cold War and the arms race. And your story famous science fiction writer wrote back in the forties - before the very idea of ​​​​developing nuclear weapons appeared.

Heinlein is not only a wonderful writer, but also an excellent predictor of the future: for example, he predicted not only Cold War, but also the emergence of water mattresses. In his 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land, he described the waterbed in such detail that its inventor then had to work hard to obtain a patent.

Writer Edward Bellamy predicted the advent of credit cards back in 1887 - exactly 63 years before they were invented.

In Gulliver's Travels, published in 1726, Jonathan Swift claimed that Mars had two moons - exactly 142 years before scientists discovered that this was indeed the case.

Also known as the "sleeping prophet", Edgar Cayce made amazingly accurate, frighteningly realistic predictions of the future - for example, he predicted the start and end dates of the First and Second World Wars, as well as the end Great Depression in USA.

The writer Mark Twain was not a fortune teller, but he managed to accurately predict the date own death. In one of his books, Twain wrote that he was born in 1835, when Halley's Comet flew near the Earth - and predicted that he would die when this comet appeared again. And so it happened: Mark Twain died in 1910, when Halley's Comet reappeared in the night sky.

IN Lately Leading political scientists talk about the long existence of the Russian political regime and claim that Putin will be the head of state. But some well-known astrologers, on the contrary, argue that Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich does not plan to stand as a candidate for the post of head of state in the next elections.

Astrologers make such conclusions based on two facts: firstly, the Kremlin has not yet decided on a candidate, and secondly, they refer to the words of Vladimir Putin himself that he needs to rest a little.

Prophecy of Nostradamus

A renowned visionary says the president elected in 2018 will come from the north. It is this head of state who will achieve success, which began back in 2014. By the way, Ksenia Sobchak from Northern capital- St. Petersburg.

Vanga's predictions

This soothsayer always predicted a good future for the current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. She said that only with this head will Russia become powerful country. Despite all the difficulties and hardships, the current president will be able to maintain the country’s position and make it even more influential. But it’s a pity that Vanga did not name the head of Russia after Putin’s reign.

Prediction by Vasily Nemchin

This astrologer, who lived a very long time ago, indicated that the president after Putin would be a “potter”, and it would be he who would open up a magnificent future for the country. He will be very different from previous leaders of the state. This president will be 55 years old and he will give everything back former republics USSR into the country.

But still, predictions are like castles in the air, more reliable way look into tomorrow - get acquainted with the current

The American fortuneteller of the 20th century Jean Dixon became famous for her gift of foresight during her lifetime.

Already at the age of 5, she frightened her mother with her visions, because, as a rule, she saw the death of friends or relatives in her dreams. Jean Dixon accurately predicted everything that happened on the fronts of World War II. Moreover, American politicians began to turn to the fortuneteller for help and advice.

Thus, Jean Dixon predicted in 1948 that the President of the United States would become Harry Truman, although New York Governor Thomas Dewey was the favorite at the time.

Even President Roosevelt himself turned to the fortuneteller Jean Dixon for advice. Self-fulfilling prophecies allowed her to become Reagan’s personal astrologer. What exactly the famous fortuneteller advised the first persons of America is not clear, but what is certain is that despite strained relationship between the USSR and the USA, she constantly insisted: Russia will become a source of freedom and strength. She argued that Russia would bring to the world absolutely new system world order, which will help reveal creative potential humanity.

"The hope of the world, its revival will come from Russia. It is in Russia that the most genuine and great source of freedom will arise. Then every person will live for the sake of his ideas... and these ideas will save humanity", she said.

Monk Abel is a famous soothsayer who also made many predictions about Russia. Catherine the Second herself was afraid of him, because he predicted her death to the minute. As if fleeing from an evil prophecy, the Empress put him in prison, but she could not escape her fate; on November 17, 1796, Catherine died, and Paul the First ascended the throne.

After serving in prison for more than 20 years, just before his death the monk wrote a letter that everyone dreamed of seeing Russian emperors. There were legends that it was in it that Abel described in detail what awaited Russia and each of its rulers in the coming centuries. But no one could read the letter - according to the will of the author himself, it was kept classified as "secret" in secret rooms Holy Synod. And the king himself could not gain access there. Abel bequeathed to open the letter exactly 100 years after his death. As it turns out later, the secret letter contained the following lines:

"Moscow will be taken by the French in the fall of 1812 and will be burned".

At Soviet power practically nothing was known not only about Abel’s revelations, but also about the monk himself. They say that Mikhail Gorbachev was the first to see his prophecies in many decades after the revolution. Unlike the 20th century, the 21st soothsayer paid little attention. But everything about this time begins with another terrible mystery. Russia must understand and accept its savior. Abel explained how to recognize it.

"His name is destined three times over in Russian history. There have already been two, the heroes served one, the second will be born on one day, and they will honor him on another. On the third is the mark of fate. In it lies the salvation and happiness of the state", the prediction said.

What name do the records refer to? Many names Russian monarchs were repeated twice. Alexander, Nikolai. But only one name fits the description of Abel - Vladimir. The first one whom the heroes served was Vladimir Red Sun.

The second is Vladimir Ulyanov - Lenin. He was born on April 10 according to the old style, and during the transition to new calendar the whole country celebrated his birthday not on the 23rd, as it should have been, but on the 22nd.

The famous fortune teller Vanga also spoke about the fateful name Vladimir for Russia.

She predicted the greatness of Russia several times. She even claimed that in the future Bulgaria would become part of the revived Union. And her most famous forecast was recorded back in 1979.

“Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir, the glory of Russia. Too much has been sacrificed. No one can stop Russia. She will sweep everything out of her way and not only survive, but will also become the ruler of the world,” she said she.

Any mention of this prediction was then prohibited - they were afraid that the word Russia instead of “Soviet Union” would prophesy the collapse of the Union. And one more mysterious phrase - Glory to Vladimir...

Some researchers are sure that both monk Abel and Vanga, speaking about Vladimir, had in mind the current president of Russia. Today, despite all the political games and propaganda, he is respected all over the world. His rating is growing, and not only in Russia, today he is one of the most influential people on the planet.

Some researchers believe that Putin's popularity is exactly what is described in the predictions about Vladimir, and about the greatness of Russia. And indeed, Russia today is an important player in the international arena, without which almost nothing can be decided today... Moreover, it is Russia today that really saves, if not all of humanity, then very many people from military conflicts: from Syria to Donbass.

Therefore, many people look at Russia as a savior and as a power capable of giving humanity some kind of new, more just world order... After all, the West, in the opinion of many, has exhausted itself, we live in the era of the decline of Western civilization..

Experts even believe: European civilization under the threat of destruction, because a long time ago in the European Union everything was turned upside down, and very often under the slogans of the struggle for human rights and democracy, wild things happen there.

This is a fragment of German documentary film"A man who loves a dog." In the footage, zoophiles openly talk about their feelings for their four-legged pets.

And this was filmed in Berlin, in February of this year. Crowd with placards and banners on central square cities. True, these people are not protesting for the sake of raising wages or other social benefits. It's hard to believe, but they all came to fight for the rights of zoophiles. Activists are protesting against a law passed in Germany last year that classifies bestiality as animal cruelty. Another thing is terrifying, in some European countries there are even brothels for zoophiles.

Researchers claim that the great prophets were not mistaken when they predicted a great future for Russia. It is coming today. Throughout its history, our state has had to endure more than one test of strength. And despite everything, we managed to survive. Today Russia is one of the world leaders, and, as some scientists point out, perhaps this already happened, only thousands of years ago.

The American predictor Edgar Cayce, the medieval alchemist Paracelsus, and even Nostradamus himself spoke about this - everyone said that it was Russia that would become the salvation of all mankind.

At the same time, Michel Nostradamus, according to experts, in one of his predictions was able to even foresee the war in Ukraine.

The predictions of Michel Nostradamus are very difficult to understand - he did this on purpose: he carefully encrypted his prophecies in order to protect himself from the Inquisition.

During his life he wrote more than a thousand predictions. As a child, walking around the city, Michel fell on his knees in front of a monk and called him Pope. It later turned out that the monk's name was Felici Peretti. Several decades passed, and he really became the Pope. This is how Nostradamus’s first prediction came true. In the book "Centuries" published in 1555, the prophet described the Great French revolution, attempt to escape Louis XVI and the execution of the king and Marie Antoinette, the Second world war and even the collapse of the USSR in 1991.

Some experts note that most The French soothsayer dedicated his predictions to Russia. Especially - XXI century. Nostradamus, in one of the quatrains, encrypted the information that the most important year will be 2025. After him, the country will be the strongest. But in beginning of XXI century, according to the deciphered quatrains, an open confrontation between Russia and two brother countries is possible.

"Of the three brothers there will be differences, then union and harmony. And it will be arranged greatest world between feuding and separated children", says the prophecy.

Experts are sure that we're talking about about the very war that is now going on in Ukraine and its disagreements with Russia on this issue. Who the second “brother” will turn out to be, with whom he will soon have to seek agreement, remains to be seen.

No one knows yet how these confrontations will turn out for us; the ancient texts have not been fully deciphered. The only reassuring thing is that, according to the great prophet, peace will be concluded between the countries, and this will be done thanks to Russia.

Edgar Cayce made 26 thousand predictions throughout his life, but the most amazing thing is that a significant part of them are also about Russia. True, unlike Nostradamus, he saw his heyday precisely in Western Siberia, and the mission of the Russian people is to change the world.

"Mission Slavic peoples is to change the essence of human relationships, free them from selfishness and gross material passions, restore them to new basis- on love, trust and wisdom. Hope will come from Russia to the world", Casey said.

The American-Danish astrologer and predictor Max Handel argued that in the era of Aquarius the Russian people will reach high degree spiritual development. According to astrologers, the beginning of the era of Aquarius is December 30, 2003, the day when Neptune crossed the Aquarius-Pisces border. And it will finally come on December 21, 2020, when Saturn and Jupiter will be in conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius. Some already call Russia the Power of Aquarius.

"People who thought about space exploration, for example, Tsiolkovsky, Academician Vernadsky, are prophets of the Age of Aquarius. The ancients believed that the zodiac constellation Aquarius was projected precisely into this hyperbalian country from the point of view of the Greeks, that is, into a country whose territory is now associated specifically with our state", says astrologer, rector of the Astrological Institute Pavel Globa.

According to Max Handel's predictions, New Era and the dawn of humanity will begin in Russia. He was confident that the Russian world, which, according to him, although it would endure terrible suffering, would eventually become the center of the world order.

"Throughout their existence, the Russian people and the Slavic race will be great and joyful, for they will be reborn from deep grief and unspeakable suffering, and the law of compensation will in due time lead to the opposite", he asserted.

Not a single predictor or astrologer doubts that Russia has a great future. Vanga, even before her death, seriously ill, did her the last prophecy– and it was specifically about Russia. Outlining with hands big circle, She said:

"Russia will again become great empire, first of all, the empire of the spirit".

Forecasters or clairvoyants are people endowed with a special gift, having incredible brain abilities to see the past and future.


When you hear the word “fortune teller,” an association immediately arises – Nostradamus, because he is considered the most famous clairvoyant. His predictions were very veiled to everyone, because he had to hide them from a negative environment. He saw images of the future while looking at the fire or sitting in the semi-darkness. Even without exact dates, he predicted strange death King of France, then his eldest son. He described the reign of the Romanovs, the era of Stalinism and much more.


The most powerful clairvoyant of our era. The woman was blind, but she said that pictures and voices appeared in her head that told her future events or the fate of the person who came to her. She accurately identified people's illnesses, so there were always endless lines of visitors to see her. The person had to bring a piece of sugar, from which the Bulgarian fortuneteller read information. She predicted World War 2, the collapse Soviet Union and when Stalin dies.

Edgar Cayce

Another powerful seer of the 20th century. He was called the sleeping prophet, because he predicted while in a dream into which he introduced himself. He is credited huge variety predictions, for work with which they created in America scientific institute. Casey's most famous predictions that came true were the collapse of communism in the USSR, the invention of the laser and the Great Depression.

Maria Lenormand

She was strong in all methods of prediction:

fortune telling on cards;
fortune telling by hand;
prediction using a magic ball;
drawing up horoscopes.

Lenormand could predict the future simply by looking at the surrounding nature.


She became legendary for predicting the fall of Troy. People refused to believe in a terrible future, despite Cassandra's numerous attempts to save everyone.

Sheikh Sharif

A boy who was discovered in 1999. When he was born, he shouted that there is no God except Allah. His mother heard this, fainted and died. He lived in poor family and never attended school. But it is noteworthy that Sheikh Sharif knew a lot foreign languages. Preaching for Muslims, he always had something to eat and live on, because people often helped him. on his last performance In front of a crowd of thousands, he healed people from wounds they had received while trying to get closer to the boy. After that day, no one ever saw him. There were rumors that he ascended to heaven.

Grigory Rasputin

Being the personal physician of Romanov Alexei, he predicted the death of the dynasty and that the Bolsheviks would come to power.

Vasily Nemchin

Another Russian predictor. I saw that soon a strong ruler would be in power, who would turn the country into a strong power. And this happened during the time of Prince Vladimir.


The monk accurately predicted when Catherine the Second, Paul the First would die and when the Russian-French war would begin.


Ancient Greek clairvoyant. He said that the nymphs tell him about future events. He is the first seer to compile a collection of his visions.

All people have the ability to predict, but it is much more developed among a few. But even to an ordinary person You should listen to your inner voice more often.