Research Institute of Virology, Ivanovo Ramn. Institute of Virology

For the first time I came to the Institute of Virology named after. DI. Ivanovsky somewhere in the fall of 1969. It was the second year of graduate school, but my supervisors were not interested in my dissertation plans. Somehow fate brought Solomon Abramovich Neyfakh together with Viktor Mikhailovich. I worked in the group of young Vladimir Solomonovich Gaitskhoki, and we studied protein biosynthesis in mitochondria. We worked a lot with Moscow. They said about Moscow: “Moscow is not Cambridge, but it is close to it.” The son of the famous pharmacologist and antibiotic specialist G. G. Gause worked in the laboratory of Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences Ilya Borisovich Zbarsky.

This very talented researcher has distinguished himself in the field of studying the structure of mitochondrial DNA. At that distant time, he published a brilliant book “Mitochondrial DNA”. However, in this laboratory we collaborated not only on problems of mitochondria, but also on problems of the cell nucleus and chromatin structure. Despite its small size, the laboratory gave the impression of a real university. Moreover, the very figure of Academician I.B. Zbarsky was the personification of Russian biochemistry. It was very difficult for me to understand why the bosses made such a decisive choice in favor of cooperation with Viktor Mikhailovich. S.A. Neyfakh was very passionate about mitochondrial autonomy. Of course, obtaining evidence of the possibility of viral replication in mitochondria could become a serious sensation. Viktor Mikhailovich at that time, together with my respected co-author then young professor F.I. Ershov worked on cell-free virus reproduction systems—the so-called cell-free “replication factories.” I think that the interests of our bosses were united in an attempt to understand the cell-free replication systems of RNA viruses.

So, together with Vladimir Solomonovich Gaitshoki, we came to the institute. Victor Mikhailovich received us like royalty. Not in the director's office, but in a small guest room behind the office. For the first time in my life, the director of the institute, the famous V.M., prepared and served me a cup of coffee in a Hungarian coffee maker. Zhdanov. The office made a lasting impression. Large black and white electron microscopic images of viruses were hung on the walls. It looked like an art gallery. Viktor Mikhailovich was very proud of his work journals. They truly were an outstanding piece of art. In fact, a block of pages from his experimental journal could easily be taken and compiled into a brilliant article. It should be emphasized that he compiled and filed the experimental data himself, even without the help of a laboratory assistant. The time was such that everyone was actively working with radioactive tags; the institute had an excellent unit for working with radioactivity. The most important tools were ultracentrifuges. Gradient centrifugation formed the basis of preparative and analytical work.

It was possible to disperse RNA, DNA, subcellular structures, viral particles, nucleoproteins, ribosomes, cell membranes and even the Golgi apparatus through the buoyant density. All sedimentation constants and density indicators were known by heart, and already from the distribution of peaks, before the protocols were drawn up, it was clear what and where, what the result of the experiment was. All these approaches made it possible to quickly determine how active the processes of viral RNA replication are, how active the translation of viral proteins is, and which viral proteins are synthesized under given conditions. The main model in the laboratory of F.I. Ershov was the Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus. Nearby and in other laboratories, employees worked with a wide variety of viruses, including the tobacco mosaic virus D.I. Ivanovsky. Later, at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, together with Academician A.A. Totolyan, we began work with the simplest RNA-containing bacteriophages. One of the brilliant experimental achievements was the identification of an additional 4th protein with lytic activity in bacteriophage MS2. The primitive bacteriophage evolved into a 4-cistron genome with an optimal composition of genetic functions: maturation protein, coat protein, RNA polymerase and lytic protein. I carried out these works with my friend and colleague V.I. Golubkov. All virological studies in the laboratory of F.I. Ershov was masterfully performed by Leonid Viktorovich Uryvaev with Olga Vasilievna Zaitseva and Tatyana Sokolova. Our small research group was doing a huge amount of work.

Later, I spoke about this period about my senior colleagues: it was they, Viktor Mikhailovich and his closest students, who created the basis for molecular virological research, without which Russian virology is unthinkable today. This became especially clear to me when I moved from the genetic engineering department of the Main Microbioprom to the position of director of the Influenza Research Institute and was horrified to discover that the specialists who had been working on vaccines for many years had no idea about the nature of mutations, substitutions for 1, 2 and 3 -th codon position, frequency of reversion to wild type, etc. Even the discovery of RNA/RNA recombination was not an event for many of these would-be specialists. Today, understanding the viral genome expression strategy is critical for all practical decisions, from vaccine creation to drug development.

I became acquainted with the institute with interest. On the second floor I found Urbach's office. I was surprised that this very famous specialist in medical statistics works on the same floor with an academician

V.M. Zhdanov. I got acquainted with the laboratory of N.V. Kaverin and the biophysics laboratory under the direction of G. Kharitonenko. A.E. made a huge impression on me. Colmanson. We were especially close to him, since he lived in a house next to the AMS dormitory and often invited Vladimir Solomonovich and me to his home. Zaslavsky, Zaides and D. Altstein were notable for their dedicated work and intellect. As a leader, Viktor Mikhailovich possessed that exceptional intellectual charm that attracted people to him. This great quality of a leader made it possible to manage people without administrative levers. Despite the hellish work, the institute was an intellectual freewheeler. Vladimir Vysotsky performed in it during the years of his disgrace. I saw him in F.I.’s office. Ershov before a concert in the very early 70s.

Viktor Mikhailovich's desk was littered with papers and the latest scientific journals. In the evening, leaving home, he often looked into F.I.’s office. Ershova. There, at a large table, the latest results were processed, plans for experiments for the next day were discussed, and friendly tea parties and feasts simply took place there. When leaving home, Viktor Mikhailovich invariably held in his hands a pile of magazines that he had to look through and read in the evening or early in the morning. His work with scientific literature was not abstract. He knew almost all the outstanding virologists of his time by sight, so the next publication of his colleagues or even competitors was a description of already expected results, it was clear where the author would go next. At that time, the wonderful journal Nature New Biology was published. It was prescribed by the library of the Institute of Virology. Now Nature has many specialized issues, including the wonderful journal Nature Medicine. Then the path of molecular biology to molecular medicine was just beginning.

In general, the director’s attitude towards the library shows, in principle, the attitude of a scientist towards science. The library of the institute made a wonderful impression on me: Viktor Mikhailovich himself subscribed to journals, and received many journals for free as a member of the editorial board or simply as a gift. In the library you could borrow 2-3 month issues of journals for the night, for example “Nature New Biology”, and read them from cover to cover in the hostel.

Vladimir Solomonovich and Felix Ivanovich wrote articles easily and quickly based on the materials they received from us, Leonid Uryvaev, Olga Zaitseva and Tanya Sokolova, or prepared them themselves based on the results of experiments. Viktor Mikhailovich almost always took these articles for one day or even overnight and brought them carefully edited. Everything was done easily and simply, in some amazing creative harmony, which was the core of Viktor Mikhailovich’s personality.

The fact is that the Institute of Virology and the colleagues with whom I worked, and first of all Viktor Mikhailovich, are part of my graduate happiness, making my graduate studies between Leningrad and Moscow unforgettable years. Later, fate brought me together with different people, fortunately gifted and close to me in spirit. However, I am sure that Viktor Mikhailovich Zhdanov was a rare phenomenon in the life of that time, during the formation of our science. One must imagine the real range of this personality: from the ability to put RNA fingerprints to systemic knowledge of virology, from brilliant scientific reports to government documents and international legislative acts and recommendations at the level of the USSR Government and WHO. As an experienced director, I understand how many difficulties Viktor Mikhailovich endured, how many of those around him did not want to recognize his outstanding qualities as an intellectual on a state scale, how hard it was for him to realize our real lag behind American science. Specialists such as Viktor Mikhailovich Zhdanov were true patriots of their country, who, at the cost of superhuman efforts, created the dignity of the country, who, with their tireless work, brought our country to the ranks of the most advanced countries, creating and supporting the truth and legend about the originality of the Russian intellect, about the uniqueness of Russian nature.

With this monograph, joint with my Teacher Felix Ivanovich Ershov, dedicated to Viktor Mikhailovich Zhdanov, I return to the memory of him, an unexpected and remarkable personality in my biography, with a pure feeling of having fulfilled my duty to him at one time, with admiration and understanding that acquaintance with him and our joint work at the very beginning of my journey led me to virology.

The volume of the commercial drug market in March 2017 amounted to 59.3 billion rubles, which is 23.6% more than in the same period last year. When compared with the indicators of February 2017, a significant increase was also noted – by 11.3%. This is evidenced by data from DSM Group received by the editors of Remedium.

Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova, at a meeting of the Presidential Council for Strategic Development and Priority Projects, asked Vladimir Putin to allocate additional funds for the development of the healthcare system.

The article gives a general idea of ​​respiratory infections in children, characteristic clinical manifestations of ARVI depending on the type of pathogen. The characteristics of cough in various diseases in the form of respiratory infections are described in detail. Much attention is paid to mucolytic therapy, in which the drug Fluditec occupies a special place. Data on the clinical effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of respiratory diseases in children are presented.

First aid for accidents and sudden illnesses

Acute poisoning, emergency care and treatment

Medicines and their use

Modern research methods

Patient care, therapeutic and diagnostic procedures


Medicine. Treatment. Health. Diseases. Infections. Diseases. Clinic. Medical Center. Immunology. Institute of Immunology.

You can learn about the most common causes of immune disorders on the page “CAUSES OF IMMUNOPATHOLOGIES.”

About the role of immunopathologies in the occurrence and development of viral diseases, see the page “IMMUNOPATHOLOGIES AND VIRUSES”.

For information on modern methods of organizing treatment in children and adults for various immunopathologies and related diseases (allergies, immunodeficiencies, diathesis, dysbiosis, bronchitis, dermatitis, various bacterial and viral infections), see the page “DIAGNOSTICS AND TREATMENT”.

You can find a list of diseases associated with impaired immune status on the “LIST OF DISEASES” page.


1. Regional non-profit organization


Diagnosis and treatment in children and adults of complex forms of immunopathologies and related diseases that cannot be permanently cured in other medical institutions.

Address: Moscow, Romanov per. 2, page 1 (metro station "B-ka named after Lenin").

Patients are admitted for treatment only upon requests from the relevant medical institutions.

The Department of Pediatric Immunology receives children from the neonatal period.

Telephone number of the doctor on duty, where you can get comprehensive information on weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.:


Postal address: Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 24, bldg. 2 (metro station "Kashirskaya").

reference: t

115478, Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 24, bldg. 2

Reception department and deputy Ch. doctor:


Postal address: Moscow, Bronnaya M. st., 20, building 1 (Tverskaya metro station).


Postal address: Moscow, Generala Kuznetsova str., 11, bldg. 1 (metro station "Vykhino").



Postal address: Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, 117, bldg. 3

staff room:




Postal address: Moscow, Admiral Makarova st., 10 (metro station "Vodny Stadion").

7. VACCINES AND SERUM Research Institute named after. I.I. MECHNIKOV RAMS (NIIVS)

Postal address: Moscow, Kazenny M. per. 5a (metro station "Kurskaya").


Postal address: Moscow, st. Shchukinskaya, house 1 (metro station “Schukinskaya”, “Oktyabrskoe Pole”).


Postal address: Moscow, st. Gamaleya 16 (metro station "Shchukinskaya").

Director, secretary:


Postal address: Moscow, st. Miklouho-Maclay 16/10


Postal address: Moscow, Voikovsky 5th Ave., 12


Postal address: Moscow, Dolgorukovskaya st., 4

Laboratory of Immunology:



Postal address: Moscow, Pekhotnaya st., 3, bldg. 3 (metro station "Oktyabrskoye Pole")


Postal address: Moscow, Pekhotnaya st., 3, City Clinical Hospital No. 52, bldg. 4


Postal address: Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 34A

Jesus Christ, seeing many people suffering from illness, returned to earth in the form of a doctor.

I got a job as a local therapist at a district clinic and started making appointments.

They roll the first patient to him on a gurney - a non-ambulatory invalid since childhood.

Jesus Christ came up, laid his hands on his head and said: “Get up and walk.”

The patient got up and walked, went out into the corridor, and there those sitting in line asked him:

- “Well, how is the new doctor?”

- “Yes, the same as everyone else - I didn’t even measure my blood pressure!”

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Communication with the administration

An oncologist is a doctor involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of malignant and benign neoplasms (tumors) - oncological (cancerous) diseases

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Vascular surgery is a field of surgery that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of blood and lymphatic vessels

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a specialist who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the symptoms of which relate to both skin and venereal diseases

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The doctor provides planning and management of the period of bearing a child, preparation for childbirth

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Microbiology, virology and immunology

Microbiology, virology and immunology are three areas of medicine that are inextricably linked. Research in these areas is one of the leading areas of modern medical science, since viral and infectious diseases have been rapidly progressing in recent decades. Almost every year, new strains of viruses appear that infect the human body, destroying the protective barrier and immune system. The goal of research in the field of virology and microbiology is to study pathogenic bacteria and viruses and develop vaccines and medications that will allow the body to produce antibodies to various types of viruses and infections and successfully fight them.


Microbiology is a science that studies the types and properties of various microorganisms, their impact on the environment and human health. The study includes structure, chemical organization, patterns of vital activity, heredity and variability, methods and mechanisms of interaction, including the human body. Medical microbiology conducts research into the study of pathogenic microorganisms, develops treatment methods and ways to combat them. Sections of microbiology also include:

Bacteriology studies bacteria, and mycology studies classes of protozoan fungi. The study of pathogenic microorganisms in practice makes it possible to develop effective methods to combat them and control their quantitative factor in the microflora of humans and the surrounding area.



Immunology is a field of research and clinical medicine devoted to the study of the mechanisms of defense of the human body against attacks by pathogenic microorganisms - bacteria, microbes, fungal and viral infections. A dysfunction of the immune system can lead to the development of many different diseases, from various types of allergic reactions to serious immunodeficiency conditions.

Diseases that cause a malfunction of the immune system

If we talk about diseases of the immune system, then, first of all, it is necessary to focus on immunodeficiency states of the body. There are three types of immunodeficiency.

  • 1. Primary immunodeficiency is a congenital deficiency of immune cells caused by genetic disorders of the immune system. This type of immunodeficiency is quite rare and makes itself felt at a child’s early age. As a rule, the symptoms of such a disease can be very frequent colds and viral diseases of a child from infancy, which occur in a protracted and often severe form with complications and relapses. In cases of immunodeficiency, diseases are very difficult to treat with conventional medications, since here it is necessary to act directly on the immune system, and not just on the causative agent of the disease.
  • 2. Secondary immunodeficiency is divided into three types - induced, spontaneous and acquired. Induced immunodeficiency is caused by exposure to medications, such as antibiotics or hormones, that suppress the immune system, disrupting the balance of beneficial microflora, stressful situations, severe nervous shock, negative external influences, radiation and harmful chemical influences. Spontaneous immunodeficiency occurs without obvious visible causes and manifests itself in the form of protracted chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system and others. Acquired immunodeficiency is an HIV infection that enters the body through blood or sexual contact.
  • 3. The third type of immunodeficiency is autoimmune diseases, which are characterized by a strong immune reaction to the cells of one’s own body. The mechanism of autoimmune conditions is complex and not fully understood; it can be triggered by stress, trauma and infections. The influence of pathogenic microorganisms, as a rule, leads to disruption of the immune system and is the most common culprit of malfunctions in its functioning. The research and clinical practice of microbiology, virology and immunology work together to restore the health and defenses of the human body.

Division Institute of Virology named after D.I. Ivanovsky

FSBI "N.F. Gamaleya Research Center for Epidemiology and Medicine" of the Russian Ministry of Health

Along with the study of fundamental aspects of virology, the institute develops and improves modern diagnostic methods, tests new preventive and therapeutic drugs against particularly dangerous and socially significant viral infections. The Institute carries out experimental production of test systems and regular large-scale monitoring of viral infections on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Particular attention is paid to the study of viruses with a high degree of genome variability that can cause emergency epidemic situations, which include, first of all, influenza viruses, arboviruses, HIV, and parenteral hepatitis viruses. To predict the occurrence of epidemic situations and analyze them, the ecology of pathogens is studied using an extensive arsenal of interdisciplinary approaches to assessing population interactions in the virus-host system.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated November 18, 2016 No. 1477/nk on the basis of the federal state budgetary institution “Federal Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology named after Honorary Academician N.F. Gamaleya” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation allowed the creation of council D 208.130 .03 for the defense of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences and for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science in scientific specialties 03.01.03 – Molecular biology (biological sciences) and 03.02.02 – Virology (biological sciences, medical sciences). The composition of the Dissertation Council D 208.130.03 has been determined.

Center for Virology and Immunology in Moscow

By contacting our Medical Center, you entrust your health to the highly qualified doctors of the institute, including 6 academicians, 23 professors, 42 doctors and 50 candidates of medical sciences, 7 Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation, 6 laureates of State Prizes and 17 laureates of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Doctor consultations

Our multidisciplinary medical center has introduced the latest methods of diagnostics and therapy, ultrasound diagnostics (US), ECG, Doppler vascular examination, as well as laboratory tests across the entire spectrum of medical specialties that meet the highest modern quality standards.

Institute of Immunology on Kashirka

Address: Moscow, Kashirskoe highway, 24, bldg. 2

Opening hours: Mon-Fri: 9.00-18.00

Days off: Saturday, Sunday

Contact phone: Multi-line phone

Didn't get through? We will help you find a doctor in Moscow:

Appointment soon, discounts up to 30%

Additional Description

The Institute of Immunology on Kashirka is the country's leading scientific and medical institution in the field of immunology and allergology and one of the leading centers for the prevention and control of AIDS. Research conducted at the Institute is aimed at creating innovative products aimed at achieving Russia's strategic national priorities: developing fundamental science, education, improving the quality of life of the population, ensuring immune biosafety of the country's population, achieving economic growth. The Institute includes scientific and clinical departments. This allows us to carry out the entire range of research work - from fundamental research to the implementation of developments in practical healthcare.

The Institute of Immunology is the initiator of organizing an immunological service in the country. By the decision of the Board of the USSR Ministry of Health in 1990, the standard regulations on the regional center and the clinical immunology laboratory developed by the Institute of Immunology, the regulations on the All-Union Immunological Center, the program for organizing work on dynamic monitoring of the immune status of the population of the region, the main directions of research on the problem of “Clinical Immunology” were approved. " The creation of the immunological service was completed in the mid-90s with the introduction of the specialty “Allergology and Immunology” into the range of medical and pharmacist specialties in Russia and the approval of the Regulations on the Allergist-Immunologist.

Clinical departments of the Federal State Budgetary Institution State Scientific Center of the Institute of Immunology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia:

  • Outpatient department No. 1 (Shartanova N.V.)
  • Department of Immunopathology No. 2 (35 beds) (Latysheva T.V.)
  • Department of Immunopathology of Children No. 3 (20 beds) (Yartsev M.N.)
  • Department of Allergology and Skin Immunopathology No. 4 (20 beds) (Fedenko E.S.)
  • Bronchial asthma department No. 5 (45 beds) (Kurbacheva O.M.)
  • Allergology Department No. 6 (30 beds) (Shulzhenko A.E.)
  • Resuscitation and intensive care unit No. 7 (6 beds) with efferent treatment methods
  • Clinical diagnostic laboratory (Mukhteremova G.A.)
  • Department of Radiation Diagnostics (Aminova G.E.)
  • Department of Functional Diagnostics No. 63 (Kondratenkova E.R.)
  • Endoscopic department No. 64 (Dykhanov I.I.)
  • Laboratory of Immune System Infections No. 66
  • Hospitalization department No. 89 (Nazarova E.V.)
  • Department of Physiotherapy
  • Pharmacy (Mironova I.G.)
  • Central sterilization
  • Information and technical department (Feoktistov V.V.)

Contact numbers of the Institute of Immunology of the FMBA of Russia:






Secretary of Chief doctor AMELCHUK ELENA YURIEVNA












X-ray diagnostic department AMINOVA GULYUMKHAN ELVIROVNA

Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics GAYDAMAKO TATIANA NIKOLAEVNA

Department of Endoscopy DYKHANOV IGOR IVANOVICH

Department of Functional Diagnostics EKATERINA RAISOVNA KONDRATENKOVA

Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics KOROBOVA VERA VITALIEVNA

X-ray diagnostic department MILOCHKINA GALINA NIKOLAEVNA



Institute of Immunology FMBA on Kashirka

Doctors (46)

Markovskaya N. G.

Kashirskoe highway, 24, building 2

Kasperovich L. L.

Kashirskoe highway, 24, building 2

State institution Research Institute of Virology named after. D. I. Ivanovsky Russian Academy of Medical Sciences
Director Lvov Dmitry Konstantinovich
Postgraduate studies postgraduate and doctoral studies
Location Moscow
Legal address Moscow, st. Gamaleyi, house 16

State institution Research Institute of Virology named after. D. I. Ivanovsky Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is a research institution in the field of studying the ecology, epidemiology and molecular biology of human and animal viruses.


The Institute is located at the address: Moscow. st. Gamaleyi, house 16.

The team of scientists of the institute includes 2 academicians, 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 43 doctors (25 of them have the academic title of professor), 112 candidates of sciences. There is a Dissertation Council and graduate school in the following specialties: molecular biology, virology, infectious diseases.

Area of ​​activity

The main activities of the Research Institute of Virology named after. D.I. Ivanovsky conducts research on the problems of viral diseases: influenza, HIV-AIDS, hepatitis, arboviruses, rabies, herpesvirus diseases, secondary immune deficiency that develops against the background of a long-term illness caused by a virus, etc.

The Institute replenishes the State collection of viruses, collections of cell cultures and plasmids.

In its work, the institute collects field material in the epidemiological center of diseases, molecular genetic, high-tech methods, peptide synthesis, methods of biotechnology, cellular and genetic engineering.


The institute includes: laboratory of herpesvirus infections, centers of the World Health Organization, All-Russian Ecology of Viruses, State Collection of Viruses of the Russian Federation, Expert Council on Virology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Ethics Committee, Dissertation Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations, Department of Virology at MMA named after. I.M. Sechenov, Consultative and Diagnostic Centers, Clinical Department at Infectious Diseases Hospital No. 1 in Moscow, Experimental Production Department for the production and quality control of test systems and antiviral vaccines.

The center is base organization countries within Scientific Council on the complex problem of "Microbiology", coordinates the scientific activities of institutes and institutions of the relevant profile and carries out research programs on the epidemiology of infectious diseases and nosocomial infections, natural focal human diseases, medical microbiology, genetics and molecular biology of bacteria, theoretical and applied infectious immunology, biotechnology, nanotechnology.

Centers of the Russian Ministry of Health

Based on the center's laboratories, there are 9 Centers of the Russian Ministry of Health on bacterial infections (rickettsiosis, leptospirosis, brucellosis, tularemia, legionellosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, clostridiosis, borreliosis), most of which are the only specialized medical laboratories of the relevant profile in Russia.

The international cooperation

The center conducts fruitful international scientific cooperation. Three research programs are carried out jointly with foreign scientists and major scientific centers abroad. Joint developments are carried out within the framework of current issues in biomedical science.

WHO centers

Until recently, the WHO Collaborating Centers for Rickettsial Diseases and Legionellosis operated on the basis of the center's laboratories.

Target programs

Over the past years, the center has been involved in the following federal, regional and departmental target programs scientific research: "Health of Russia", "Viral infections", "National priorities in medicine and healthcare", "New drugs", "Infectological aspects of early childhood mortality" (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), "Vaccine prevention" (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), "Prevention and the fight against diseases of a social nature" (Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation), "Antihepatitis", "AIDS" (RAMS), "Molpolydiagnostic (international)" (Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation), "New generation vaccines and medical diagnostic systems of the future" (Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation), " Research and development in priority areas of development of science and technology of the Russian Federation" (Ministry of Industry and Science of the Russian Federation), "Security of Moscow" (MGTs GSEN), "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013" (Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia for 2009-2013” ​​(Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation), “Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and beyond” (Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation). Basic research is supported by 6 grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and 4 grants from state support from the President of the Russian Federation. Some developments are financed by central and regional bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Actively functioning Academic Council center, which includes 79 leading specialists in specialized areas of activity. At meetings of the Academic Council, scientific reports on topical problems of modern medical and biological science are heard, the most important research results are discussed, issues of long-term planning, structure and staffing are considered, and priority areas of scientific research are determined.


Training of scientific personnel

Center leads preparation highly qualified scientific personnel for Russia, near and far abroad countries.

Postgraduate and doctoral studies