The myth of the strong leader: political leadership in the modern world. Siddhartha Mukherjee

I read the book for a long time and thoroughly. I discovered a lot of new things that I had never even thought about before. This is a very serious work by Archie Brown, in which he dissects in detail the outstanding leaders of Europe, America, Asia and identifies the main idea of ​​his research that a strong leader is not always a positive phenomenon. Such individuals, as a rule, accumulate a lot of power in their hands and single-handedly make large-scale decisions. However, such decisions can turn into disaster. Therefore, a true effective leader must combine many different qualities that will be useful to both society and the country as a whole. Much depends on the mentality of people living in a particular country. The best option for any state is a leader who has his own close-knit team that has been functioning together for many years. When the solution to problems goes to those people who are responsible for a particular problem area and have extensive experience in working with such situations. Ideal political leadership is a single, well-functioning management system in which each performer has his own place.

The author proves that a strong leader is not a panacea for all ills. A strong person also makes mistakes, and based on his position, his mistakes become more global than those of ordinary people. A leader must be flexible and be able to transform the surrounding reality, expand restrictions, and change political horizons. The strongest leader is the one who has an adequate professional team that can solve any problem. The collective model of leadership is now the most relevant in the modern world. However, not every system recognizes this model as effective. To some extent, our world is developing by leaps and bounds, but sometimes some of its phenomena are quite conservative. There are a lot of interesting and correct ideas in the book. It will be useful to a wide range of readers. I highly recommend reading it.

Leadership is a favorite topic for motivational posters, self-help books, and public speaking. The world of business creates myths about great leaders and compiles guides for those who want to become equally great: from dressing attractively to winning through intimidation, from striving for excellence to mastering the art of dealing.

True leadership is something natural and not precisely defined, it is a necessary quality. From time to time, most people need someone to give them direction, encouragement, help them through tough times, and encouragement. Some people are better at this than others. Leaders are very different. For example, the boss played by Steve Carell from the series “The Office” is distinguished by the absurdity of his actions and arrogance (“Should you be afraid of me or should you love me? The answer is simple: both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me "), and the despot played by Charlie Chaplin in the film The Great Dictator is characterized by inconspicuousness.

In dangerous times (especially during war), strong leaders are required. Winston Churchill was not liked before or after the Second World War, but during the war itself he proved indispensable. There are cases in which a leader makes a revolution in minds and rebuilds society (the struggle for civil rights in the USA, apartheid in South Africa). However, the strength of a leader is overestimated in autocratic and especially democratic regimes. This is according to Oxford University political science professor Archie Brown, who is the author of a recent paper on today's leaders called The Myth of the Strong Leader: Modern Political Leadership.

Brown writes: “Authentic leadership has characteristics that vary depending on time, place and circumstances. Do not mistake unlimited power or the arrogance of individuals for leadership.”

Vladimir Putin is a strong leader. A lot of his colleagues consider themselves the same: among them Rodrigo Duterte from the Philippines, Xi Jinping in China, Narendra Modi in India, Recep Erdogan in Turkey, Viktor Orban in Norway, as well as many still just beginning politicians. What do they have in common? Each strives to restore national pride, flouts political correctness and responds to popular sentiment.

Journalist of The Christian Science Monitor portal Peter Ford, together with his colleagues, studied the consequences of Putin’s 18 years of activity. When Putin came to power in the late 1990s, Russia was in disarray: the empire was gone, the economy was struggling to survive, and discontent was brewing. It took Putin time to restore national pride and, much to the chagrin of Russia's neighbors, return the country to importance in the world. Donald Trump, who built his career on a legend of leadership, has repeatedly admired Putin's performance.

As with other leaders, Putin's success is measured by his achievements to date and the legacy he has created. Without a doubt, Russia has returned in many capacities: a key player in Eurasia, an influential country in the Middle East, a bastion of conservatism for its admirers. However, every leader is tested by history. A strong leader believes that he can restore order alone. A responsive leader helps people cope with getting things in order.

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Logic problems from the looking glass

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Title: Logic problems from Through the Looking Glass

About Archie Brown's book "Logic Problems from Through the Looking Glass"

These are tasks for those who are intimidated by mathematics, but sometimes want to stretch their minds. Or for those who are friends with mathematics and understand that any mathematical solution is based on more general laws, the laws of logic. They are also for those who love quirky puzzles, where causes lead to effects, and effects lead to consequences, and we gain new knowledge simply by analyzing the information that is given to us. The main characters of the work are the boy Archie and Mrs. Alice, who in childhood served Lewis Carroll as a prototype for creating the image of Alice from Through the Looking Glass. The book is written in the genre of literary hoax.

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American entrepreneur and former largest shareholder of Microsoft Bill Gates named the five best, in his opinion, books of 2016, writes Korrespondent.

"They are all very well written and took me down like a rabbit hole full of unexpected pleasures and insightful thoughts.", noted the billionaire.

His list included “String Theory” by the American writer and essayist David Foster Wallace.

"The author wields a pen as skillfully as Roger Federer wields a tennis racket. And in this book, as in his other brilliant works, Wallace bends linguistic forms like Neo - a metal spoon", noted Bill Gates.

He also noted the book “Shoe Dog” by American businessman and Nike founder Phil Knight. It is the memoirs of an entrepreneur.

"In his book, Knight reveals himself in a way that few CEOs are willing to reveal. I don't think Knight is trying to teach the reader anything. He pursues a more interesting goal. He tells the story as honestly as possible. This is an amazing story", says the businessman.

He also included Pulitzer Prize winner Siddhartha Mukherjee in his Genes list.

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"In his latest book, Mukherjee takes us through the past, present and future of genetics, with particular focus on the ethical question of great importance that recent advances in genomic technologies have provoked. Mukherjee wrote his book for non-experts on the subject because he understands that new genomic technologies are about to impact everyone greatly"," Gates emphasized.

"The Myth of the Strong Leader" by Archie Brown, a professor at Oxford University, released in 2014, talks about the personalities of leaders. This work turned out to be, according to the billionaire, very relevant against the backdrop of the election race in the United States.

"Brown shows that the leaders who make the most significant contributions to history and humanity as a whole are not those we consider "strong leaders." And those who collaborate, delegate and negotiate - and understand that not a single person on Earth can or should know all the answers.", - noted the entrepreneur.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates reads about 50 books a year. Billionaire Mark Cuban reads three hours every day. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg announced a resolution to read 24 books every year, and investor Warren Buffett spends up to 80% of his time reading. The BookAuthority recommendation service highlights the favorite books of hundreds of recognized leaders such as Gates, Branson, Buffett, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Cook and others. Choose something for yourself from this list.

Bill Gates

one of the founders of Microsoft

“Shoe salesman. The story of Nike as told by its founder." Phil Knight

This memoir instantly and for a long time hit the New York Times bestseller list. The book "offers a rare insight into the life of the famously shy creator of the Nike Swoosh" and how his company grew from an ambitious start-up to one of the most iconic, revolutionary and profitable brands in the world.

"Stress Test: Memoirs of the Financial Crisis" Timothy Geithner

Geithner, former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and then Treasury Secretary under Barack Obama, takes readers behind the scenes of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, explaining the sometimes difficult decisions he had to make to fix the financial system and prevent the collapse of the economy.

"The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political Leadership in the Modern World", Archie Brown

This book by one of the world's foremost political historians is a true exploration of the institution of political leadership around the world, from the advent of parliamentary democracy to the Obama era.

Jeff Bezos

head and founder of the Internet company

“The Innovator’s Dilemma: How Strong Companies Perish Because of New Technologies,” Clayton M. Christensen.

Amazon's editorial team named The Innovator's Dilemma one of the "100 Success and Leadership Books You Must Read At Least Once." Christensen's work has been cited numerous times by world-famous leaders, from Steve Jobs to Malcolm Gladwell.

"Made in America: How I Created Wal-Mart" Sam Walton

The author, one of the most brilliant salesmen of the late 20th century, who turned Wal-Mart into the largest retail chain in the world, talks about the inspiration, faith and optimism that helped him lasso the “American Dream”.

“Data-driven marketing. 15 indicators that everyone should know" Mark Jeffrey

Named a Best Marketing Book of 2011 by the American Marketing Association. Jeffrey offers clear, compelling guidance on how to use a rigorous, strategic, data-driven approach to dramatically improve your marketing effectiveness.

Warren Buffett


“Rules of the best CEOs. The history and principles of work of eight leaders of successful companies", William Thorndike

This book ranks first on Buffett's list of recommendations. It chronicles the extraordinary success of eight leaders who radically changed the approach to corporate governance. You may not know some of them by name, but you probably know their companies: General Cinema, Ralston Purina, The Washington Post Company, Berkshire Hathaway, General Dynamics, Broadcasting Capital Cities, TCI and Teledyne.