Coming global cataclysms on Earth. Time to wake up

“...In fact, humanity does not have not only 100 years, but not even 50 years! The maximum we have is a few decades, taking into account upcoming events. Over the past two decades, alarming changes in the geophysical parameters of the planet, the emergence of a variety of observed anomalies, an increase in frequency and scale extreme events, step gain natural disasters on Earth in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere indicate the release of an extremely high level of additional exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) energy. As you know, in 2011 this process began to enter a new active phase, as evidenced by noticeable jumps in the released seismic energy recorded with increasing frequency strong earthquakes, as well as an increase in the number of powerful destructive typhoons, hurricanes, widespread changes in thunderstorm activity and others anomalous phenomena nature..." from the report

No one knows what humanity expects tomorrow. But the fact that our civilization is already on the verge of self-destruction is no longer a secret to anyone. This is evidenced by daily events around the world to which we simply turn a blind eye. A great deal of material has been accumulated that reflects the reality of our lives and future events. As an example, very impressive videos taking place from September 2015 to the present day.

The following photographs are by no means a method of shock therapy, they are the harsh reality of our life, which is not somewhere THERE, but HERE - on our planet. But for some reason we turn away from this, or we prefer not to notice the reality and seriousness of what is happening.

Hanshin, Japan

Tohoku, Japan

Agree, an indisputable fact is that a huge number of people, as well as each individual individually, do not fully understand the complexity and seriousness of the current situation on Earth today. For some reason, we turn a blind eye to this, adhering to the principle: “the less you know, the better you sleep, I have enough worries of my own, my house is on the edge.” But the fact that every day throughout planet Earth, on different continents, floods, volcanic eruptions, and earthquakes occur is reported by scientists, newspapers, television, and the Internet. But, nevertheless, the means mass media, by virtue of certain reasons, do not reveal the whole truth, carefully hiding the true climate situation in the world and the urgent need to take urgent measures. This is one of the main reasons why most people naively believe that these terrible events will not affect them, while all the facts indicate that irreversible global process climate change. And already in our time there is a rapid increase in such a worldwide problem as global disasters.

These graphs clearly demonstrate that over the last decade the world has seen a significant increase in the number of natural disasters, tenfold.

Rice. 1. Quantity schedule natural disasters in the world from 1920 to 2015 Compiled based on the EM-DAT database.

Rice. 2. Cumulative graph showing the number of earthquakes in the United States with a magnitude of 3.0 or higher from 1975 to April 2015. Compiled from USGS database.

The statistics given above clearly show the climate situation on our planet. Most people today, lulled and blinded by illusion, do not even want to think about the future. Many feel that something is happening with the climate throughout the world and understand that natural anomalies This kind of thing indicates the seriousness of everything that is happening. But fear and irresponsibility push people to turn away and plunge back into the usual bustle. IN modern society It is considered quite normal to shift responsibility for everything that happens to us and around us to someone else. We live our lives relying on what government authorities they will do everything for us: they will create good conditions for accommodation in peaceful life, and in case of danger, great scientists will warn us in advance and government authorities will take care of us. The phenomenon is paradoxical, but this is how our consciousness works - we always believe that someone owes us something and forget that we ourselves are responsible for our lives. And here it is important to understand that in order to survive, people themselves need to unite. Only people themselves can initiate the global unification of all humanity; no one else will do this except us. The words of the great poet F. Tyutchev are most appropriate:

“Unity,” proclaimed the oracle of our days, “
Perhaps it is welded together with iron and blood..."
But we will try to solder it with love, -
And then we’ll see what’s stronger...

It would also be appropriate to remind our readers about the current refugee situation in Europe. There are only about three million of them, according to official data, but huge problems of banal survival have already begun. And this is in a civilized, well-fed Europe. Why, it would seem, even rich Europe unable to adequately solve the migrant problem? What will happen if about two billion people are forced to migrate in the coming years?! There is also next question: Where do you think millions and billions of people who manage to survive global cataclysms will go?But the problem of survival will become acute for everyone: housing, food, work, etc. What will happen then if, in peaceful life, given the format of the consumer society, we constantly fight for our piece of material, starting from MY apartment, MY car and ending with MY mug, MY chair and MY favorite, untouchable slippers?

It becomes clear that we can survive the period of global cataclysms only by combining our efforts. It will be possible to pass the upcoming tests with honor and the smallest number human sacrifices, only if we are one family, united by friendship, humanity and mutual assistance. If we prefer to be a herd of animals, then the animal world has its own laws of survival - the strongest survive. But are we animals?

“Yes, if society does not change, then humanity simply will not survive. During global changes people, due to the aggressive activation of the Animal nature (subject to the general Animal mind), like any other intelligent matter, will simply fight single-handedly for survival, that is, peoples will exterminate each other, and those who remain alive will be destroyed by nature itself. It will be possible to survive the coming cataclysms only with the unification of all humanity and the qualitative transformation of society into spiritual sense. If people, through joint efforts, can still change the direction of movement of the world community from the consumer channel towards the true spiritual development, with the dominance of the Spiritual principle in it, then humanity will have a chance to survive this period. Moreover, both society and future generations will be able to achieve high-quality new round of its development. But only at the present time it depends on the real choice and actions of everyone! And most importantly, many smart people the planets understand this, they see an impending catastrophe, the collapse of society, but they do not know how to resist all this and what to do.” Anastasia Novykh "AllatRa"

Why don’t people notice, or pretend not to notice, or simply don’t want to notice those numerous threats of planetary global cataclysms and all other acute problems facing all of humanity today. The reason for this behavior of the inhabitants of our planet is the lack of real Knowledge about man and the world. U modern man The concept of the true value of life has been replaced and therefore today few people can confidently answer questions such as: “Why is a person born into this world? What awaits us after the death of our body? Where did all this come from and why? material world, which brings not only happiness, but also a lot of suffering to a person? Surely there must be some meaning to this? Or maybe the Great Divine Plan?

Today you and I have books by Anastasia Novykh that answer all these questions. Moreover, having become acquainted with the Primordial Knowledge about the world and man, set out in these books, most of us accepted them as a guide to action for the internal transformation of ourselves into better side. Now we know the purpose of our life and we know what we need to do in order to achieve it. We gratefully face obstacles on our path and rejoice in victories. And that's great! In fact, this Knowledge is a great gift for humanity. But having come into contact with them and accepting them, we are responsible for our actions and for what happens around us. But why do we forget about this? Why do we constantly forget about what is happening now on other continents, in other cities and countries?

"The personal contribution of each person to the common cause of spiritual and moral transformation of society is very important"- book “AllatRa” "Now"- this is precisely the time to ask yourself the question: What contribution can I personally make to creating the conditions necessary for the unification of all people to survive the impending disasters?

“It is important to raise the level of public awareness about the problems of the near future. Everyone socially active people Today we need to take an active part in the unification and cohesion of world society, ignoring all egoistic, social, political, religious and other barriers with which the system artificially divides people. Only by uniting our efforts in the global community, not on paper, but in practice, can we manage to prepare the majority of the planet’s inhabitants for the planetary climate, global economic shocks and changes that are coming. Each of us can do a lot of useful things in this direction! By uniting, people will increase their capabilities tenfold” (From the Report).

To unite all humanity into a Single Family, a universal mobilization of our strengths and capabilities is necessary. The fate of all humanity today hangs in the balance, and a lot really depends on our actions.

On this moment ALLATRA IPM participants from all over the world jointly implement projects aimed at uniting all people and building a creative society. Anyone who remains concerned about the future of all humanity and feels a spiritual need to sincerely help people not in words, but in deeds, and is ready to lend a helping hand right now, can join this project to inform the inhabitants of the planet about upcoming cataclysms and ways out of existing ones. circumstances through the unification of all people on the planet into a single and friendly family.

It's no secret that there is less and less time left. Therefore it is very important Now understand that only together we can survive the coming cataclysms. Uniting people is the key to the survival of humanity.


Report “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems" by an international group of scientists of the International social movement ALLATRA, November 26, 2014

J.L. Rubinstein, A.B. Mahani, Myths and Facts on Wastewater Injection, Hydraulic Fracturing, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and Induced Seismicity, Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 86, Num. 4, July/August 2015 link

Anastasia Novykh “AllatRa”, K.: AllatRa, 2013

Prepared by: Jamal Magomedov

Luke, 87, 17, 26-37

And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man: they ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Just as it was in the days of Lot: they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but on the day that Lot came out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from the sky and destroyed everyone; so it will be on the day when the Son of Man appears. On that day, whoever is on the housetop and his belongings are in the house, do not go down to take them; and whoever is on the field, also do not turn back. Remember Lot's wife. Whoever saves his soul will destroy it; and whoever destroys her will bring her to life. I tell you: on that night there will be two in one bed: one will be taken, and the other will be left; two will grind together: one will be taken, and the other will be left; two will be on the field: one will be taken, and the other will be left. To this they said to Him: Where, Lord? He said to them, “Where the corpse is, there the eagles will also gather.”

Today's Gospel is about the disasters coming to the world. What was it like, for example, with the people of Sodom, who were evil and sinned greatly against the Lord? Please note that these people have been warned multiple times. Noah was a preacher of righteousness to the antediluvian world, and Lot was to the Sodomites. They listened to God's warning, they heeded it. They loved to have fun, and at the same time they were very business people. If, like the inhabitants of Nineveh, they repented through prayer and fasting, they could eat and drink in safety, because in this alone there is no sin for a person. But they continued to sin, enjoying peace and security, until judgment came upon them. And we see how God cares about preserving His own. Noah entered the ark and was saved. Lot came out of Sodom and was delivered from death. Death, which they were not at all afraid of, came suddenly. The flood came and destroyed all the sinners of the earth. Fire and brimstone rained down from the sky and destroyed all the sinners of Sodom. The Lord shows how unexpected the death will be for those who shamelessly sin today and laugh at repentance.

“So it will be on that day,” says Christ, “when the Son of Man appears.” Humanity is warned by Christ Himself. The apostles, martyrs, saints, reverends and righteous people repeated this in all centuries after Him. Is it all in vain? It would seem that the word of the Savior, spoken by Him in front of everyone, would awaken many, if not all. But what do we see?

On the eve of God's last visit, Christ's disciples and their followers must separate themselves from the unbelieving Jews and go where the Lord will show them. Their flight from Jerusalem must be quick. There should be no delay due to worries about worldly affairs. “On that day, whoever is on the housetop and his goods are in the house, do not go down to take them.” It would be better for them to leave all their property than to guard it and perish with those who do not believe in the Lord. Their concern will be to act like Lot and his family. “Save yourselves from this corrupt generation.” And when there is an exodus, they should not think about returning. “Remember Lot’s wife,” and don’t look back like she did. Do not regret leaving a place destined for destruction.

There is no need to look back, so as not to be tempted to go back. The Lord says that there will be no other opportunity to be saved. “Whoever guards his soul (his life) will destroy it.” But whoever risks his life will save it, because it will be given to him to know eternal life.

All who try to live according to the truth of God will undoubtedly be saved, but many of them will be saved with difficulty. When God's judgments They all open with a scorching flame, the Lord protects His own: “That night there will be two on the bed: one will be taken, and the other will be left.” Sooner or later it will be revealed that the Lord knows who is His and who is not. This division will take place in all places, everywhere where the Kingdom of God will spread. “Where, Lord?” - they said. The Savior’s answer sounds like a proverb: “Where there is a corpse, there the eagles will gather.” The Holy Fathers give a double interpretation of these words. Wherever the wicked hide, the judgments of God will find them. Just as eagles rush to prey, so the truth of God will overtake all evil.

Wherever the faithful are, guarded by the Lord, they will joyfully meet Christ face to face. Where Christ is, there those who believe in Him will gather - at the Cross, which will shine eternal glory His. All who are sealed with the name of Christ will stand next to Him and receive from Him the blessing of endless love.
Archpriest Alexander Shargunov

“For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be earthquakes in places, and there will be famines and turmoil. This is the beginning of disease."(Mark 13:8). One must be so alienated and dependent on one's lewd lusts and virtual world so that, seeing what is happening, we do not anticipate future disasters (Luke 21:26).

Scientists' assumptions
Many scientists suggest and claim that climate change and natural disasters have a human factor of origin. It is no coincidence that the activity of natural disasters began to increase from the middle of the 20th century during testing nuclear weapons, as evidenced by noticeable jumps in the released seismic energy recorded during the increasing frequency of strong earthquakes, as well as an increase in the number of powerful destructive typhoons, hurricanes, widespread changes in thunderstorm activity and other anomalous natural phenomena. With the development of geophysical (meteorological, environmental), tectonic, electromagnetic weapons mass destruction this process began to enter a new active phase. Analysis of the increase in the number of natural disasters, extreme weather phenomena around the world, as well as statistical indicators of space and geophysical parameters for last years showed an alarming trend towards their significant increase in a short period of time. Rob Wos, Director of the UN Analytical Department said: “Today, natural disasters occur 4 times more often than 40 years ago, and cause 7 times more damage. Over the past 50 years, more than 7,000 natural disasters have been recorded, claiming more than 2.5 million lives. lives." Many scientists attribute this to global warming caused by human factor- chemical waste from enterprises. But many scientists don't think so: “The made-up version of global warming does not stand up to criticism. Recent observations and analysis show catastrophic global climate change. Now every day we will see more and more abnormal weather records. All countries of the world will be exposed to the global impacts of weather and climate change due to the onset of the Small Ice Age. Everything will shift and break. The infrastructure of all countries will begin to collapse due to their unpreparedness. Many countries are facing famine.". Natural disasters, intensifying as "the onset of illnesses - contractions", have engulfed various regions of the world, as is abundantly reported last news. The news block “Climate Change” writes: “Between 2030 and 2050, climate change will cause 250,000 deaths per year and associated direct health costs will amount to $2–4 billion per year by 2030.”

Natural disasters
- In Romania, October snow fell for the first time in history.
- In Germany there was the most harsh winter for 200 years.
- There are abnormal colds and snowfalls in America.
- Syria is covered with snow.
- In Sweden, after a persistent summer heat, snow suddenly fell.
- VITALY, in one day of the swimming season the entire coast was covered with snow up to 15 cm.
- Heavy hail and precipitation fell in Turkey, flooding a number of cities.
- Russia, in Chelyabinsk region, Magadan, Urals snow fell in the middle of summer.
- In Antarctica, a temperature of minus 62 degrees was recorded for the first time; this has never happened before. The Gulf Stream is now much colder than before.
- In certain areas of Spain, France, Greece, Macedonia and Bulgaria, the thermometer exceeded 40 degrees this summer, in south asia up to 60.
- The most powerful hurricanes in the last 100 years hit the United States, causing losses worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Russia, USA, England and central Europe struck whole line extremely heavy rainfall and hail. Extremely high heat in summer in Russia and South Asia, river floods, floods and flooding of dozens of cities and settlements. As the climatologist notes, scientists have not yet been able to prove that global warming provokes larger and longer-lasting floods, since this requires a more serious set of data. These observations, scientists hope, will help authorities understand how reservoirs can be adapted to new river regimes and avoid major destruction associated with floods. The example of Russia shows that tornadoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, summer snowfalls and frosts threaten global crop failure. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, from 1990 to 2010 the number of natural disasters, such as floods, mudflows and hurricanes, increased almost fourfold and continues to increase by approximately 6-7% per year. Environmentalists predict that their number could double over the next ten years. According to the World Bank, the annual damage from the impact of hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena in Russia amounts to 30-60 billion rubles. All this is just the BEGINNING and now global changes in the worst side ALL countries, the WHOLE world will be exposed.

Volcanic activity
There are about 1,500 active volcanoes on Earth, 50 of which erupt annually, throwing steam, ash, poisonous gases and lava. In the 20th century, a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions occurred on the planet. Dividing this number by 100 gives an average of 35 eruptions per year. The number of volcanic eruptions in the first half of 2016 has already exceeded the average annual norm of the 20th century. Movement tectonic plates provoke seismic activity, which awakens volcanic emissions of hot magmas from the bowels of the earth. They bring plasma of fiery masses and huge volumes of glass ash, which destroys infrastructure, climate, they carry chemical and bacteriological components that destroy life. There are about 20 supervolcanoes on Earth, whose eruption could provoke at least climate changes throughout the Earth.
In the ongoing research, one extremely alarming fact was revealed - the processes occurring in the subsoil are in a certain way interconnected and often interdependent.
Particularly alarming is the activity in recent years of the largest supervolcano on the North American continent - the Yellowstone caldera, the dimensions of which, according to experts, are about 55 km by 72 km. Since 2002, scientists began to observe national park Yellowstone the following phenomena: the formation of new geysers, deformation earth's surface, an increase in soil temperature to the boiling point, the appearance of new cracks and crevices through which volcanic gases contained in the magma are released, etc. All this indicates that the magma of the Yellowstone supervolcano is beginning to approach the surface with a speed that has increased several times. In early April 2014, an earthquake occurred in Yellowstone National Park, which until recently was classified by experts as the strongest in history. this place over the past 30 years. US authorities have limited information about the caldera by removing it from the Internet. The migration of animals is noticeable - bison and deer hastily leave the park, fleeing. Because animals feel a sharp, abrupt increase in the voltage of the earth’s septonic field, and move away from a natural disaster even before the event itself.
With the most conservative predictions from scientists, a super eruption of the Yellowstone caldera could lead to sudden change climate throughout the planet. But the worst thing is that it is capable of instantly destroying life on almost an entire continent. Scientists have modeled this situation and came to the conclusion that already in the first minutes after the eruption, all life within a radius of 1200 km will be destroyed, since the area adjacent to the volcano will suffer from pyroclastic flows consisting of hot gas and ash. They will spread at a speed close to the speed of sound, destroying everything in their path. The second zone, which covers the entire United States and part of Canada, will be covered in ash, which will lead to the death of people currently in this zone from suffocation and the collapse of buildings. And these are not all the deadly and destructive consequences.

Consequences on human health

Global climate change is already affecting the health, living conditions and livelihoods of people on all continents of the Earth. The observed increase in the dynamics of global natural disasters indicates that in the coming decades they will lead to catastrophic consequences on a global scale for civilization as a whole, victims and destruction unprecedented in the history of mankind. Humanity is inevitably approaching the peak of this phase. Even the public information about global climate change that is now available to the world community indicates the development of extremely negative situation for humanity. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report dated March 31, 2014 states that all continents and oceans are already experiencing the impacts of climate change due to high levels global warming, and the world is ill-prepared for the risks posed by climate change. It is noted that the already observed consequences of climate change have affected land and ocean ecosystems, some sources of people’s livelihoods, water supply systems, Agriculture, human health. There are already tens of millions of people around the world forced to flee their homes due to natural disasters. The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies reported that more than 300 natural disasters affected more than 100 million people in 2013. In the near future there will be billions of climate refugees! Living on huge devastated, flooded by the elements, infected (due to man-made disasters) territories will be impossible.
The twenty-seventh annual State of the Climate report (more than 450 scientists from nearly 60 countries) stated that 2016 surpassed 2015 and became the warmest year in 137 years of records, it said in a message dated August 10, 2017. Report topic: 2017 threats to the existence of humanity. The scientists who prepared this report ask the UN to consider 2017 as a year of threat to the continued existence of humanity, and for the governments of the world to take their warning seriously, prepare their armies, rescue services, populations, and take a number of emergency measures to avoid mass death of people. The ERI report is based on a study of the latest data received from scientists from all countries and from all research groups observing the movement of tectonic plates and volcanoes around the world. The collation of data and the results of the study left ERI employees in shock.

“The great day of the Lord is near, it is near, and it hastens greatly: the voice of the day of the Lord is already heard; Then even the bravest will cry out bitterly! The day of wrath is this day, the day of sorrow and distress, the day of desolation and ruin, the day of darkness and gloom, the day of clouds and darkness, the day of trumpets and shouts of abuse against fortified cities and tall towers» (Zeph.1:14-16). “I will destroy everything from the face of the earth, says the Lord: I will destroy people and livestock, I will destroy the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, and the temptations along with the wicked; I will destroy people from the face of the earth, says the Lord. And I will stretch out My hand against Judah and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem: I will destroy from this place the remnant of Baal, the name of the priests and the priests, and those who on the housetops worship the host of heaven, and those worshipers who swear by the Lord and swear by their king, and those who They departed from the Lord, did not seek the Lord and did not inquire about Him. Be silent before the face of the Lord God! for the day of the Lord is near: the Lord has already prepared the sacrificial slaughter, and has appointed whom to call. And it will come to pass on the day of the Lord’s sacrifice: I will visit the princes and the king’s sons and all those who dress in the clothing of foreigners.”(Zeph.1:2-8). “Behold, is it not from the Lord of hosts that nations labor for fire and nations torment themselves in vain? For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”(Hab.2:13,14). “For when Your judgments [are carried out] on earth, then those who dwell in the world will learn righteousness.”(Isa.26:9).

Disasters Coming to Those Who Reject the Good Shepherd

Open your gates haughty Lebanon, –

let the fire consume the cedars, which I was proud of You!

2 Howl, O cypress trees, for the cedars have already fallen,

the mighty died trees!

Weep, oak trees of Bashan, -

the thicket of the forest has disappeared!

3 The shepherds are heard crying -

At once they lost their pastures;

a lion's roar is heard -

the thickets of the Jordan have been destroyed!

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2. Natural disasters. In recent years, natural disasters have become increasingly destructive. Recent earth and weather disasters, one after another, cast doubt on the constancy of nature - if the world is experiencing such profound changes in climate and its

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The Great Commission of Christ and His Care as the Good Shepherd Before ascending into heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ gave a commission to His disciples: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. ; and behold, I am with you in everything

From the book On the Imitation of Christ author Thomas Kempis

From the book Canons of Christianity in Parables author author unknown

Arrival of the Good Samaritan at the inn (Luke, ch. 10) ... 34 and, coming up, bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine; and, setting him on his donkey, brought him to the inn and took care of him; 35And the next day, as he was leaving, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him:

From the book of 200 spells of a Siberian healer for successful housekeeping author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For a good harvest Knowing this curse and reading it in your garden, you will have a good harvest and full bins. As I approach the gates of heaven, I marvel. I will worship the Lord. Would you, Lord, give me the same thing that you have in the Garden of Eden. So everything would bloom and grow, expand and

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 1 author Lopukhin Alexander

1. And Jacob called his sons and said: Gather yourselves together, and I will tell you what will happen to you in the days to come; 2. Come together and listen, sons of Jacob, listen to Israel your father In a highly poetic, divinely inspired speech, Jacob, bypassing the life ahead of his descendants in Egypt,

From the book The Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

16. Because a wise man will not be remembered forever, just like a fool; in the days to come everything will be forgotten, and alas! the wise man dies equally with the foolish man. The wise cannot console himself with so-called historical immortality. Over time, he, like the fool, will be forgotten. Death

From the book of the Bible. Modern translation(BTI, lane Kulakova) author's Bible

6. In the days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will bear fruit and flourish; and the world will be filled with fruits. Jacob and Israel - often used by the prophet to designate everything Jewish people(2,3,5,b and other chapters), partly mean only the northern, ten-tribe kingdom (9:7). Here,

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9. Phenomenon strong God and together the good Shepherd 9. Ascend to high mountain, O preacher of Zion! lift up your voice with might, O preacher of good news to Jerusalem! exalt yourself, do not be afraid; say to the cities of Judah, Behold your God! Climb the high mountain... lift up your voice with might... tell the cities

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The light of a good heart The light of a good heart will dispel the darkness of sadness And will not allow those who suffer to perish in sin, Emitting photons of eternal life, Passion will heal destructive passion. The light of a good heart is invisible with bodily eyes. It contains grace from God! And by God kind hearts candles in the earth

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The deceived will lose everything that he has done good. Why don’t we learn from the example of those who were already deceived and returned back, why don’t we understand the devil’s deception and avoid the creep? After all, this leads to nothing but the fact that the deceived will lose everything that

From the author's book

From the author's book

The Power of a Kind Heart Applying even one technique from the Mahayana teachings on transforming the mind is better protection. For example, you can apply the lines from the text Offering to the Teacher (Lama chopa): “O holy guru, full of compassion, I pray you bless me so that


Larry Lewis from California broke the world record in the 100-yard dash. His time is 17.8 seconds. His age is 101 years old. In this traditional competition, records are counted only for those athletes who are one hundred years old or older. It is worth saying that Lewis did not have any worthy competitors during the race: the other five competitors suffered a heart attack as soon as they heard the starting shot of the pistol.


Everyone knows the history of rabbits in Australia. Having encountered no enemies, they multiplied in such numbers that they became a real scourge for Australian farmers. Now, it seems, the inhabitants of this country are facing another disaster: the aha toad. She was brought from South America in 1934 to destroy insect pests of sugar cane. The toad coped well with its direct responsibilities. But along the way, it multiplied with such force that it literally does not allow passage or passage on those roads where its food flies. Aga reach a respectable size at maturity - up to 25 centimeters in length.


American actor Charles Heston, who was filming a film in Tokyo, went into a store to buy a zipper. Not knowing the language, he naturally resorted to sign language. The seller carefully followed the client's movements, smiled kindly and... brought him a bamboo set for hara-kiri.


No, just two giraffes, two jealous rivals stood side by side and, swinging their long necks, prepared for single combat. Spring has come, and with spring it's time to start a family. You have to fight for happiness.


England is famous for the inviolability of its traditions. Thus, the British Admiralty - according to tradition - maintains a special staff of cats to combat mice. The Parliament does not keep cats, but - again according to tradition - annually enters into a contract with the same company involved in the extermination of mice. This tradition dates back more than two centuries. The company continues to poison mice. And mice - to multiply. Everything is traditional.

Drawings by G. KOVANOV


The evening ambulance from Milan was rushing at a speed of one hundred and twenty per hour. Suddenly, passengers and suitcases fell mixed together on the floor - the electric locomotive suddenly braked, sparks fell from under the wheels, the poor driver was squeezing the stop valve handle: ahead, ten meters from the buffer, a man was lying between the rails. Seeing the stopped train, he reluctantly got up and, muttering: “It didn’t work out again!”, tried to leave. However, the train crew delivered the repeat offender to the nearest police station, where he told his story.

After working as a switchman all his life and retiring. Luigi Massa began to suffer from insomnia - apparently, he missed the familiar roar of passing locomotives. Finally, unable to bear the torment of insomnia, Luigi decided to lie down on the rail and end this hateful life. But as soon as the train approached, Luigi rushed onto the sleepers and pressed himself into them the way he had been taught in his time at the switchmen’s course. The train rumbled over the veteran's head. And - lo and behold! - For four months after that, Luigi slept like a baby. Then he went back to the tracks...

A sincere story former colleague touched the hearts of railway workers. They even offered to give Luigi Massa a special place between the rails, and hang a poster next to him: “Pass through! The man is sleeping!


We will again talk about street noise. However, we did not remember him in order to once again lament this disaster big city. The fact is that noise formed the basis of the original invention of Japanese engineers. They designed a device that regulates the duration of red, yellow and green lights in a traffic light. A sensitive microphone detects which side of the intersection has the loudest noise, and the device switches the lights accordingly to allow the accumulated traffic to pass through.


Recently, a competition was held in Singapore to find the best costume for a newspaper reporter. The jury awarded the first prize to clothing that included: a plastic helmet, “capable of withstanding a blow with a fist or other blunt object,” and special armor, “not restricting movement and easily worn under a jacket.” Well, the bread of a local reporter is not easy. Especially if he wants to outrun his colleague.


Herluf Bidstrup wrote about his country: “Denmark is a small country densely populated by bicycles.” Indeed, the number of bicycles in Denmark is already equal to the number of inhabitants. So finding your crew, say, when leaving a movie or a stadium, is almost the same as trying to find the ant that bit you among its fellow heaps. And the most amazing thing is that the Danes manage to understand this bicycle anthill.