Physical natural phenomena in English. English lesson "extreme natural phenomena"

Our amazing planet is mysterious and extraordinary. It is full of unique phenomena and mysteries. Every day nature pleases us with beautiful sunsets, autumn cobwebs, and a starry sky. Someone enjoys the morning dew, others breathe the frosty air while admiring the white canvas of hoarfrost. But often nature amazes and makes admire such phenomena that literally fascinate or, conversely, induce terrible fear.

You can observe various natural phenomena in different places on Earth. For example, aurora can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere. For the first time the northern lights saw the Scandinavian peoples, deciding that this is a manifestation of the wrath of the gods. In fact, the aurora has an electrical origin. Millions of charged particles collide in air molecules thereby forming a glow. Thanks to oxygen, light is reflected in yellow, green, red. Blue and purple are formed with nitrogen.

Rainbow is the most joyful and amazing phenomenon of nature. A rainbow can be observed immediately after a rain, in the form of reflection of sunlight in water droplets that remain in the air after a rain. The light is refracted and gives us seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple. Rainbow is also double.

The inhabitants of the earth very often can observe an amazing cosmic phenomenon - star rain or stargazing. If you look at the sky, we will see a lot of luminous points that fly from top to bottom towards our planet. During the flight, these points, like her small stars, leave behind a trail of luminous stripes. They do not reach the earth, and burn in the atmosphere in the form of a bright flash. In fact, as scientists explain, falling bodies are not stars, they are meteors. Meteor rain is formed annually during the collision of the Earth with the cosmic flow of meteor particles.

Our amazing planet is mysterious and extraordinary. It is full of unique phenomena and mysteries. Nature pleases us every day with beautiful sunsets, autumn cobwebs, and starry skies. Some enjoy the morning dew, others breathe in the frosty air admiring the white sheet of frost. But often nature amazes and makes you admire such phenomena that literally fascinate or, on the contrary, instill terrible fear.

You can observe different natural phenomena in different places on Earth. For example, the aurora can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere. The Scandinavian peoples saw the northern lights for the first time, deciding that this was a manifestation of the wrath of the gods. In fact, the aurora is electrical in origin. Millions of charged particles collide with air molecules, thereby forming a glow. Thanks to oxygen, light is reflected in yellow, green, and red colors. Blue and violet colors are produced with the help of nitrogen.

Rainbow is the most joyful and amazing phenomenon of nature. A rainbow can be observed immediately after a rain, in the form of reflection of sunlight in water droplets that remain in the air after the rain. Light is refracted and gives us seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Rainbows can also be double.

Residents of the earth can very often observe an amazing cosmic phenomenon - star rain or starfall. If we look at the sky, we will see many luminous points that fly from top to bottom towards our planet. During their flight, these dots, similar to small stars, leave a trail of luminous streaks behind them. They do not reach the ground and burn up in the atmosphere in the form of a bright flash. In fact, as scientists explain, falling bodies are not stars, they are meteors. A meteor shower is formed annually during the collision of the Earth with a cosmic stream of meteor particles.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

  • repeat the topics studied;
  • develop listening, speaking, reading, translation skills;
  • deepen interdisciplinary connections and knowledge of students in other subjects, in particular geography.

During the classes


The lesson starts with organizational moment, during which the teacher informs students about the topic (slide 2) and talks about the tasks to be solved during the lesson.

“Hello, everybody. Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Today we are going to talk about extreme natural phenomena and we’ll learn a lot of interesting facts.”


“First comes warming-up. Let’s review two rhymes about the weather.”

Rainbow at night
Is the sailor's delight.
Rainbow at morning,
Sailor, take warning!
Evening red and morning gray
Are the signs of a bonny day.
Evening gray and morning red
Bring down rain on the farmer's head.


Next, students become familiar with the names of some extreme natural phenomena in English (slide 4). If students find it difficult to translate a particular word, they, as always in class, can use a dictionary.

“Look at the blackboard /screen/. Let’s read and translate some extreme natural phenomena.”

  1. An eclipse.
  2. A tsunami.
  3. A typhoon.
  4. A hurricane.
  5. A tornado.
  6. An eruption.
  7. An earthquake.
  8. A flood.

After the words have been translated and their correct pronunciation has been practiced, students are offered explanations of all these words (slide 4):

“And now you can see the definitions of these extreme natural phenomena. Read and match. Five minutes at your disposal.”

a. a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rains.

b. a process when a volcano explodes inside and flames, rocks and lava come out of the top.

c. a large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before.

d. a short period when all or part of the Sun or Moon becomes dark because of the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth in relation to each other.

e. a tropical storm with strong winds

f. a sudden shaking movement of the ground

g. a very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel

h. a very large wave that causes a lot of damage when it hits the land

Students independently read and translate the definitions of words and match the word with its definition, for example 1-b, 2-g, etc. When the majority of students have completed the task, the teacher invites students to test themselves by showing the correct answer options: 1-d, 2-h, 3-e,4-a,5-g,6-b, 7-f, 8-c(slide 5).

After this, students take turns reading the resulting sentences (slide 5).

“And now let’s read and translate these sentences.”

  1. An eclipse isa short period when all or part of the Sun or Moon becomes dark because of the positions of the Sun, Moon and Earth in relation to each other.
  2. A tsunami isa very large wave that causes a lot of damage when it hits the land.
  3. A typhoon is a tropical storm with strong winds.
  4. A hurricane isa violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rains.
  5. A tornado isa very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle or funnel.
  6. An eruption isa process when a volcano explodes inside and flames, rocks and lava come out of the top.
  7. An earthquake isa sudden shaking movement of the ground.
  8. A flood isa large amount of water that covers an area that was dry before.

“Now let’s read and answer the questions.”

  1. What is...?
  2. Which of these natural phenomena is the most dangerous? Why?
  3. Have you ever seen anything like this yourself?
  4. Where do…often happen on the Earth?
  5. What famous volcanoes do you know? Where are they?
  6. Why do people give names to tornadoes? to typhoons? to hurricanes?

This type of work is carried out in several modes: student - student, class - student, student - class.


The next stage of the lesson is working with text "Volcanoes"(slide 7).

“Next comes the text “Volcanoes”. Your task is to read and translate it. Try to understand as much as possible.”

There are a lot of volcanoes on the Earth. A volcano is a mountain that forces hot gas, rocks, ash and lava into the air through a hole at the top. Some volcanoes are not immediately dangerous because they are not active and have become dormant. Others will never be dangerous again because they are completely extinct. Active volcanoes can erupt. Some of them erupt slowly and quietly. This slow eruption can last for months or even years. Sometimes volcanoes erupt very quickly and noisily.

Under the surface of the earth it is very hot. The rocks are not hard and solid. They are thick and liquid. This liquid rock is called magma. Sometimes there is an opening in the rocks on the surface. Then magma can come up through this opening and the volcano erupts. Dust and pieces of rock are thrown up into the air. Red hot lava pours down the sides of the mountains. Later on, the lava cools and becomes hard rock.

Then students are asked to restore the correct word order in the sentences (slide 8).

“Your next task is to arrange these sentences in a proper way. Do it in written form.”

  1. into the air; a volcano; hot gas, rocks, ash and lava; that; is; forces; a mountain; through a hole at the top
  2. and; active volcanoes; on the Earth; there are; dormant volcanoes; extinct volcanoes
  3. on the surface; there is; an opening in the rocks; sometimes
  4. and; erupts; can come up; the magma; through this opening; the volcano
  5. into the air; are thrown up; hot gas, rocks, ash and lava
  6. down the sides of the mountains; pours; red hot lava
  7. cools; becomes; the lava; hard rock; and
  8. thick and liquid; under the surface of the earth; and; are; the rocks; are called magma; they

When students complete this activity, they test themselves.

“Now look at the screen again and check yourselves.”

  1. A volcano is a mountain that forces hot gas, rocks, ash and lava into the air through a hole at the top.
  2. There are active volcanoes, dormant volcanoes and extinct volcanoes on the Earth.
  3. Sometimes there is an opening in the rocks on the surface.
  4. The magma can come up through this opening and the volcano erupts.
  5. Hot gas, rocks, ash and lava are thrown up into the air.
  6. Red hot lava pours down the sides of the mountains.
  7. The lava cools and becomes hard rock.
  8. Under the surface of the earth the rocks are thick and liquid and they are called magma.


An animated picture of a volcanic eruption appears on the screen. Students look at it and their task is to comment on what is happening on the screen by filling out the callouts (slide 10).

“Look at the screen please. The volcano is erupting. Please comment what is happening.”

After this task, if time permits, you can invite students to watch a short video fragment (though in Russian) about a volcanic eruption (the video fragment is taken from the electronic version of the Cyril and Methodius Encyclopedia).

After the video fragment, one of the students tells in English how a volcanic eruption occurs (slide 12).


The next stage of the lesson is dedicated to the city of Pompeii. For five to seven minutes, students read the text independently (slide 13), and then complete several tasks for this text.

“Your next task is to read the text about the Italian town of Pompeii. While reading choose the best title for the text from your point of view.”

North of Pompeii there is a mountain called Mount Vesuvius. It is a volcano. The people who lived in Pompeii two thousand years ago were not afraid of the volcano. It had been quiet for eight hundred years.

Then in August one year strange things started to happen. People heard noises under the ground. The water in their wells disappeared. Birds flew away from the town. Animals were frightened. On August 24th Mount Vesuvius erupted. Hot dust and rock was thrown 20 kilometers into the air. Red-hot lava and rock poured down the sides of the mountain. The wind was blowing towards Pompeii and the hot dust fell on the town. It made breathing difficult for people. Many people ran away but many people stayed there. They did not know that a wall of lava was coming towards the town at more than 1000 kilometers an hour. The next day the town of Pompeii was buried under four meters of lava. Everyone who had stayed in the town died. The town remained buried until 1860. in that year archaeologists started to move the rock which covered the town. They found temples, theaters, shops and houses, paintings, jewelry and coins. They found the town just as it was nearly two thousand years ago when it disappeared under the lava from Mount Vesuvius.

Students are given four text titles, they choose the best from their point of view (slide 13).

The next task that students perform on the text is to determine whether the sentence corresponds to the text or not (slide 14).

“Read these sentences and say whether they are true or false.”

  1. The people of Pompeii were frightened of Mount Vesuvius.
  2. Nothing unusual happened before the volcano erupted.
  3. It was a very big eruption.
  4. The lava moved slowly.
  5. When the volcano erupted, everyone left the town.
  6. The town was buried for nearly 2,000 years.

The next task for the text is working with numerals, of which there are quite a lot in the text (slide 15). First, students remember how to read quantitative two-digit, three-digit, four-digit and ordinal numbers in English, then they create mini-dialogues (slide 15):

Give me a number, please.

- (a sentence from the text)

Another version of the same mini-dialogue:

Give me a number, please.


The next task offered to students is as follows. Students are given information about two famous volcanoes - Vesuvius and Krakatoa (slide 17). Many facts are mixed up. The students' task is to correctly distribute the information into two groups.

“Now look at the screen again, please. You see some information about the two famous volcanoes. Some of these facts are mixed up. Please divide all this information into two groups correctly.”

  1. 2,000 years ago Pompeii was a busy town.
  2. There was a volcano on this island.
  3. The volcano had been quiet for 800 years.
  4. The volcano erupted on the 26th of August, 1883.
  5. The waves in the sea were 15 meters high.
  6. Hot dust and rock was thrown 20 kilometers into the air.
  7. About 36,000 people died.
  8. People heard the noise of the eruption 4,300 kilometers away from the island.
  9. The ash from the volcano covered the area of ​​800,000 km2.
  10. They found the town just as it was nearly two thousand years ago.
  1. It was a small beautiful island in Indonesia.
  2. North of the town there was a volcano.
  3. The volcano erupted on the 24th of August, 73.
  4. A wall of lava was coming towards the town at more than 100 kilometers an hour.
  5. The waves traveled 13,000 kilometers and destroyed houses and villages.
  6. The town was buried under 4 meters of lava.
  7. About 20,000 people died.
  8. In 1860 archeologists started to move the rock which covered the town.
  9. For three years people all over the world saw beautiful bright sunsets because of the dust from Krakatoa.
  10. The volcano erupted again in 1927 and in 1950.

After completing the task, students again have the opportunity to test themselves (slides 18 and 19).

And the last task for students is to choose any of the two volcanoes and talk about it. As an introduction to their story, students can use information they already know (slides 4,7, 9).

“Now choose any volcano you like more and make a story about it. You can use all the information about volcanoes you know. You can begin with the definition of a volcano, how it erupts, etc.”


Students' homework is creative and includes several options:

– prepare a presentation about volcanoes
- write an essay about the eruption of Vesuvius or Krakatoa from the point of view of a reporter - an eyewitness or a resident of this city/island
- find information about some other famous volcano


Summing up the lesson, grading.

“Our lesson is over. I hope you learned a lot of new and interesting information. Your marks are…Thank you for your work. Good bye.”

KARST (German Karst) (karst phenomena), phenomena associated with the dissolution of rocks by natural waters (gypsum (see GYPSUM), rock salt (see ROCK SALT)). Karst is characterized by a complex of underground (caves (see CAVES), cavities, passages,... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

PHENOMENON- see art. Essence and phenomenon. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. Ch. editor: L. F. Ilyichev, P. N. Fedoseev, S. M. Kovalev, V. G. Panov. 1983. PHENOMENON... Philosophical Encyclopedia

phenomenon- I'm with. 1) outdated, book. Arrival, arrival of someone; advent. The phenomenon of genius. Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance at the Larins’ house made a great impression on everyone (Pushkin). Synonyms: appearance Antonyms: disappearance... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

Phenomenon (philosophy)- This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

phenomenon- ▲ change, discontinuous phenomenon, qualitative change in state; change of states. phenomenon unusual phenomenon (# of nature). phantom is a bizarre phenomenon. effect (physical #). happening. cases of what (# theft). fact (# violations). ▼ event, action... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

phenomenon- phenomena, cf. 1. units only Action according to verb. appear in 1 value and appear at 2 digits. (book obsolete, church). The appearance of Christ to the disciples. The appearance of relics (discovery). 2. Part of an act or action, in which the composition of the characters does not change (lit., theater.) ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

“APPENANCE AND MEANING”- “APPENANCE AND MEANING. Phenomenology as a basic science and its problems” work by G. G. Shpet, published in Moscow in 1914 by the Hermes publishing house (reprint: Tomsk, 1996). It represents the first detailed consideration of phenomenology in Russia... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

PHENOMENON- PHENOMENON, I, cf. 1. see appear. 2. In philosophy: manifestation, expression of essence, that in which it is revealed. Self and essence. 3. In general, any detectable manifestation of anything. Physical self. Natural phenomena. Social phenomena. 4. Event, incident... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

"APPENANCE AND MEANING- Phenomenology as a basic science and its problems" - the work of G.G. Shpet, published in Moscow in 1914 by the Hermes publishing house (reprint: Tomsk, 1996). This is the first in Russia detailed consideration of Husserl’s phenomenology based on the material of 1... Philosophical Encyclopedia

phenomenon- APPEARANCE, APPEARANCE, I; Wed 1. to Appear. I am a popular genius. Ya to the scene of the main character. * Meanwhile, Onegin’s appearance at the Larins made a great impression on everyone (Pushkin). // Advent. I. Christ. 2. Part of an act, action (in a play), in which... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Phenomenon- 1) in common use. meaning this word means an event perceived by a person. But sometimes by “I” we mean such processes that are accessible only to internal vision, such as, for example, see Dreams or see Visions (1 Samuel 3:5; Dan 8:1; Acts ... ... Brockhaus Biblical Encyclopedia


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