X Clark incurable diseases no read. Book: “There are no incurable diseases”


There are no incurable diseases (Hilda (Gilda) Clark)

Ajhvfn: DjVu, scanned pages
Hilda (Gilda) Clark
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Medicine
Publisher: Future of the Earth" St. Petersburg
Russian language
Number of pages: 333

Description: Foreword by Hilda Clarke:
"My most amazing discovery is the ability of electricity to kill harmful microbes. But do not cancel your visit to the doctor. Killing all the "invaders" does not mean immediately
feel good. but during subsequent visits the doctor will stop the medications rather than increase the dose!
It is important not just to be cured, but to find out the true causes of the disease. We must and can bring the good news of a new era of disease-free living. Let's say no to diabetes, hypertension,
cancer, AIDS, migraines, lupus, etc.!
No disease will remain unconquered thanks to this new worldview."

In your hands is a book that can truly change your whole life. It is certainly the most outstanding and revolutionary among books of this kind.
More than 20 years of scientific work of Dr. Clark culminated in a discovery in 1990, which became a real sensation in the field of treatment of cancer, peptic ulcers, diseases
female organs, hypertension and other diseases. Dr. Clark is a practicing physician-scientist who specializes in difficult-to-treat diseases such as cancer and AIDS.
Dr. Clark's method is not only highly effective, but also easy to implement and accessible to everyone. Dr. Clark's discovery created a real sensation in the world. Tens of thousands
people have experienced its effectiveness.

In 1988, the American naturopathic doctor Hilda (or Hulda, or Khalda - in different sources) Clark made a discovery that gave a new direction in diagnosis and treatment.
Its discovery was a direct continuation of the work of Royal Raymond Rife, who back in the 30s of the twentieth century successfully treated CANCER with a 100% cure.

She made a synchrometer - a device that measures the frequency electromagnetic resonance of any natural objects that emit a strictly specific spectrum of electromagnetic radiation: toxins, microbes, drugs, tumor cells, and so on. This is how frequency resonance diagnostics and therapy appeared.


There are no incurable diseases. 30 Day Intensive Cleanse and Detoxification Program (Richard Schulze)

Format: PDF, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Richard Schulze
Year of manufacture: 2002
Genre: Alternative medicine, herbology, vegan diet
Publisher: Natural Healing Publications
Russian language
Number of pages: 55
Description: We bring to your attention a book by one of the best herbalists in the world - Dr. Richard Schulze, a student of the famous herbalist, Dr. Raymond Christopher. The book describes in a bright, accessible and fascinating form procedures, the use of which will forever change life, bringing health of the highest quality to it. In today's world, a person's body, mind, psyche and soul...


Mary Higgins Clark - Collected Works

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Mary Higgins Clark
Year of manufacture: 2005-2016
Genre: Detective, Thriller
Publisher: Eksmo, AST
Russian language
Number of books: 39
Description: Mary Higgins Clark (born Marу Higgins Clark; December 24, 1927) is an American writer, author of more than forty best-selling thriller books and books for children. Real name - Mary Teresa Elenor Higgins Clark Conheeney. She worked for several years as an assistant editor and secretary, and later as a flight attendant at Pan American Airlines. After getting married, she devoted herself to family and literature...


Arthur Clarke. City and stars

Format: audiobook, MP3, 64kbps
Year of manufacture: 1999
Author: Arthur Clarke
Performer: E. Lebedeva
Genre: fantasy, dystopia
Publisher: Eksma Press
Duration: 14:43:00
Description: The novel “The City and the Stars” (1956) describes the measured life of a city that is hundreds of thousands of years old. People live in it, entangled in fear, afraid to go beyond its boundaries. But, having taken the first step, they find themselves on the path of confrontation with the Wild Mind, which is breaking out of its imprisonment somewhere on the outskirts of the Universe. "The City and the Stars" was completed in its final form in 1956. It is based on another...


Mary Higgins Clark - Collected Works

Format: FB2, OCR without errors
Author: Mary Higgins Clark
Year of manufacture: 2005-2013
Genre: Detective, Thriller
Publisher: Eksmo, AST
Russian language
Number of books: 32
Description: Mary Higgins Clark (born December 24, 1927) is an American writer, author of more than forty best-selling thriller books and books for children. Real name: Mary Theresa Eleanor Higgins Clark Conheeney. She worked for several years as an assistant editor and secretary, and later as a flight attendant at Pan American Airlines. After getting married, she devoted herself to family and literature...


Shield from all diseases (Umanskaya Alla)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96 kbps
Author: Umanskaya Alla
Year of manufacture: 2014
Genre: Alternative, traditional medicine and popular books about health
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Tretyakova Larisa
Duration: 14:03:52
Description: This book presents conversations between journalist Larisa Nasonova and Alla Alekseevna Umanskaya, the author of an effective and accessible health system that helps strengthen the immune system and get rid of diseases.
Contents: - Book 1. System for enhancing immunity and managing the body. The first part of the book deals with ways to combat flu viruses...


Carol Higgins Clark / Carol Higgins Clark - Collected Works (6 books)

ISBN: Regan Reilly
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Carol Higgins Clark / Carol Higgins Clark
Year of manufacture: 1999-2010
Genre: Detective, thriller
Publisher: News, Inostranka
Russian language
Number of books: 6
Description: Carol Higgins Clark was born in 1956 in New York, graduated from Mt. Holyoke College (one of the oldest women's colleges in the United States) in 1978, then studied acting at the Beverly Hills Playhouse. The daughter of the famous writer Mary Higgins Clark, she co-authored some of her mother's thrillers. In addition, she starred in television films based on the books of Mayor...


Carrots against cancer and 65 other diseases (Mazur Oleg)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 96kbps
Author: Mazur Oleg
Year of manufacture: 2015
Genre: Help yourself
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Derkach Leonid
Duration: 06:07:53
Description: Carrots are an ancient forgotten secret of youth, beauty, health and longevity. A favorite since childhood, carrots cleanse the blood, remove harmful substances from the body, strengthen the stomach, normalize metabolism, and increase the activity of internal organs. O.A. Mazur, a famous natural therapist, offers us many unique medicinal recipes based on carrots and carrot juice. Are you sick with something? N...


Illustrated atlas on protecting indoor plants from diseases and pests (Berndt Böhmer, Walter Wohanka)

ISBN: 978-5-98150-177-7
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Authors: Berndt Böhmer, Walter Wohanka
Translator: O. Stepanova
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Garden
Publisher: Content
Russian language
Number of pages: 240
Description: This colorful atlas will allow you to quickly determine the causes of diseases of plants grown in your apartment, winter garden and garden plot. A unique collection of color illustrations will help with this, which shows a picture of damage to various diseases of the main groups of plants: indoor plants, garden annuals and perennials, ornamental trees and...


Healing night. A cure for failures and illnesses (Andrey Levshinov)

Author: Levshinov Andrey
Format: 96 kb/s, MP3
Year of manufacture: 2011
Genre: Popular science and educational literature
Publisher: Can't buy it anywhere
Performer: Galina Shumskaya
Duration: 5:59:20
Description: Before you is the central book of the famous healer. astrologer, bioenergetics, Andrey Levshinov. The master of numerous healing systems will reveal to the reader his main secrets, which will tell him how to use night time to make fate happy, the spirit strong, and the body healthy. A night's sleep can be a cure for failure and illness. Sleep can not only help you find...


There is no death (Andrey Platonov)

Format: audiobook, MP3, 128kbps
Author: Andrey Platonov
Year of manufacture: 2010
Genre: Military prose
Publisher: Radio Russia
Performer: Anatoly Kuznetsov
Duration: 01:57:05
Description: Andrei Platonov wrote about the front on the front line, and therefore his war stories are documents of war. Spiritualizing the Motherland and poeticizing the feat of the Soviet soldier in the fight against the enemy who was trying to “wean people off life,” the author stuns the reader with the authenticity of patriotism and the power of empathy. Faced with death every day, the soldier from Platonov’s stories, who has an ineradicable desire to live, must win, because behind him...

Unscrupulous doctors have been holding patients hostage for money since time immemorial. Doctors, healers and primitive healers surround themselves with mystery, using herbs, medicines, mumbling and witchcraft to help the sick. Today, the medical industry (doctors, pharmacists and insurance companies) occupy a significant place in the labor market. Wouldn't it be great if they all suddenly took up gardening or other useful work, and the sick could join them?

My most amazing discovery is the ability of electricity to kill harmful germs. But don't cancel your visit to the doctor. Killing all the "invaders" does not immediately make you feel good. But during your next visit, the doctor will stop the medications, rather than increase the dose!

It is important not just to be cured, but to find out the true causes of infections and diseases. We must and can bring the good news of a new era of disease-free living. Let's say no to diabetes, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, migraines, lupus, etc.!

No disease will remain unconquered by this new worldview.


If you are chronically ill, you must have asked yourself more than once: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Is it really impossible to cope with this?”

You may know the causes of your illness or your child's illness. The Coxsackie virus enters the brain, causing inflammation (encephalitis). You pray that the child's immune system will cope with the disease. You know how it happens, but you are powerless against the microscopic invader.

What if you could flip a switch and kill the Coxsackie virus in a child's body within three minutes, without causing side effects and providing lifelong protection against the disease?

My book will teach you how to do this.

Learn gradually, step by step. First, familiarize yourself with the nature of radio waves inherent in all living things. Second, find the frequency the virus emits. Third, learn how to silence it completely. It will take a few minutes!

And finally, learn how to correctly diagnose and choose treatment options.

I never considered a lack of exercise, vitamins, or hormone levels to be the primary factor of the disease. Therefore, the path to good health is obvious to me:

The purpose of the search is health

Killing germs is only the first step, but it is vital. After all, feeling good means more than just living. The next task is more difficult - to find sources of danger. Where did the microbes come from? Why are they attacking you so persistently? Why you?

In addition to microbes, your body also has to fight poor diet and bad habits.

243 / 08/30/2018 Guys, don’t lose heart, no matter what you have. At our current level of knowledge, we have very little understanding of the biology of our own body, but this is not a reason to deny it the opportunity to recover from any conditions. We simply do not have knowledge of how we end up in illness and along what trajectories to achieve a return to a state of health. But who said that this is the true state of affairs? Today we don’t know, but tomorrow we will know.

The fact that someone was attributed “incurability” - so you understand, now the intraspecific war has moved precisely to this plane, to the so-called medicine. It’s much calmer to destroy millions without shooting or bombing, simply intimidating them and demoralizing them with diagnoses. You can get a lot out of a frightened person by playing on his basic instincts. Medicine has long abandoned the idea of ​​curing anything, but has focused on chronicity and simply treating. But this, again, is not a reason to treat yourself the way they treat you. It is possible that regarding some diagnoses, doctors are now deliberately simply lying about their “incurability.”

Svetlana/ 08/30/2018 ALS - we need to look into the embryonic period and into the habitat. But it’s true that brain “problems” cannot be cured. No, I'm lying. . They are healed by time in every sense.

Svetlana/ 07/05/2018 With this in mind, I’m going to Rostec one of these days. And it will be until the bitter end!!!

Dmitriy/ 02/07/2016 "Ivan But cure a stroke with damage to the temporal lobe of the brain..." Yes, it’s easy: Take pine cones, preferably those without seeds - blossoming, wash and put in a liter jar until it stops - 15-20 pieces will come out, fill pour some good vodka into the neck so that all the cones are in the vodka, close it and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks, shake it every day. After 2 weeks, strain the buds and throw them away. The resulting medicine will have the color of good cognac. For stroke, take a teaspoon 3 times a day and add to tea. It is stored for a long time, so that you can make stocks.
PS To prevent stroke, drink a teaspoon in your tea, add a month, then a break for six months and then again. And this is a medicine, not alcohol, if you drink in glasses, there will be problems. My aunt had a mini-stroke, her leg and arm didn’t obey her, and after 2 months she forgot what happened to her.

Ivan/ 10/30/2015 But to cure a stroke with damage to the temporal lobe of the brain - which causes loss of consciousness from time to time - you can, of course, block it with finlepsin (carbamazepine) - but this is not a solution - the load on the liver is constant...
So there are much worse diseases than cancer...

Victor/ 06/13/2015 Guys! And in the pyramid... the meat does not spoil :)

Alyona/ 12/20/2013 Come on, cure my amyotrophic lateral sclerosis...
An incurable disease is an incurable disease.
Because we are used to considering cancer incurable... but it is still being treated... there is a worse infection

Alexander/ 01/10/2013 You are behind the times, gentlemen! This book is already 30 years old. During this time, devices such as drug replicators, quantum regenerators, tunnel resonators, etc. appeared. They treat incurable diseases, and you can do them yourself, at home, there are diagrams on the internet. Specifically, I saw Lynx on Alexey’s website

Evgeniy S./ 09/2/2012 Don’t be crazy, Mikhail. Life is a joy, remember this. Joy and faith are the strength before which any illness succumbs. Just don't believe this Clark Hilda's nonsense. Believe the Higher Powers, trust them and remember: the Higher Powers can do anything! And you shouldn’t forget about doctors (of which there are many:)). This is also help (I sent you a helicopter three times, my son, why didn’t you use it?). Be healthy!

Michael/ 08/30/2012 It’s good to shit on the author when you’re healthy, but I don’t care about the opinion of women, you are everywhere(

Tatiana/ 05/24/2011 May it be done to you according to your faith! believe! act! and it will happen to you, but you don’t believe it, you don’t want to do anything out of laziness, it’s easier to bullshit than to go any way, this is an excuse for yourself and your laziness, so it would be smarter to remain silent in a rag and go lie on the sofa and suffer from all sorts of ailments. there is another good saying

There are two types of people. Some are rolling the world, while others are running alongside and shouting:
"Where is this world coming to!?" Good luck to everyone in everything!

Evgeniy S./ 05/24/2011 Does it work, Dmitry? Congratulations. The main thing is not to stick it anywhere in the hope of the notorious help of the “positive frequency”, Yeti is her mother, in case of failure. There is no skin resistance (from the book), understand)!

Dmitriy/ 05.23.2011 It works

Sannyasin/ 04/01/2011 Doubt is the essence of all scientific progress of man. If it weren’t for it, we would still be sitting in a cave. Although doubt allows you to see your sacred nonsense. Therefore, you invent that Satan is doubt. Only by trusting your doubt the real life of a researcher is possible. Life just doesn’t give you anything, including doubt.

XXX/ 04/01/2011 Anna: Why are we all going to die soon? Is it 2012 again?

Anna Bessmertnova/ 03/30/2011 Hmm... Funny. Personally, I don't need such a book. If you die from a disease, then die, what’s the point in getting treatment? We'll all die soon anyway.

xristoev/ 07/31/2010 Dear Vladima!
DOUBT is the main brake in human thinking. As soon as you take your foot off the brake, you will immediately understand how to defeat the disease and not get sick.

Vladima/ 07/31/2010 Let the author try to cure at least one incurable disease, but you can write anything, as you know, paper is a very patient thing.

Zoya/ 10.18.2009 At first it seemed to me just a new interesting theory. Now I know that in many ways it is confirmed...


In your hands is a book that can truly change your whole life. It is certainly the most outstanding and revolutionary among books of this kind. More than 20 years of scientific work of Dr. Clark culminated in a discovery in 1990, which became a real sensation in the field of treatment of cancer, peptic ulcers, diseases of the female organs, hypertension and other diseases. Dr. Clark is a practicing physician-scientist who specializes in difficult-to-treat diseases such as cancer and AIDS. Dr. Clark's method is not only highly effective, but also easy to implement and accessible to everyone. Dr. Clark's discovery created a real sensation in the world. Tens of thousands of people have experienced its effectiveness.

Publisher: " " (2011)

ISBN: 978-5-94432-116-9, 5-94432-044-3

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Unscrupulous doctors have been holding patients hostage for money since time immemorial. Doctors, healers and primitive healers surround themselves with mystery, using herbs, medicines, mumbling and witchcraft to help the sick. Today, the medical industry (doctors, pharmacists and insurance companies) occupy a significant place in the labor market. Wouldn't it be great if they all suddenly took up gardening or other useful work, and the sick could join them?

My most amazing discovery is the ability of electricity to kill harmful germs. But don't cancel your visit to the doctor. Killing all the “invaders” does not immediately make you feel good. But during your next visit, the doctor will stop the medications, rather than increase the dose!

It is important not just to be cured, but to find out the true causes of infections and diseases. We must and can bring good news abouta new era of disease-free living. Let's say no to diabetes, hypertension, cancer, AIDS, migraines, lupus, etc.!

No disease will remain unconquered by this new worldview.


If you are chronically ill, you must have asked yourself more than once: “Why did this happen to me?”, “Is it really impossible to cope with this?”

You may know the causes of your illness or your child's illness. VirusCoxsackie penetrates the brain, causing inflammation (encephalitis).

You pray that the child's immune system will cope with the disease. You know how it happens, but you are powerless against the microscopic invader.

What if you could flip a switch and kill a virus in three minutes? Coxsackie in the child’s body, without causing side effects and providing lifelong protection against this disease?

My book will teach you how to do this.

Learn gradually, step by step. First, familiarize yourself with the nature of radio waves inherent in all living things. Second, find the frequency the virus emits. Third, learn how to silence it completely. It will take a few minutes!

And finally, learn how to correctly diagnose and choose treatment options.

I never considered a lack of exercise, vitamins, or hormone levels to be the primary factor of the disease. Therefore, the path to good health is obvious to me:

ProblemThe simplest solution

Pollution Prevention

Number of materials: 2

  • Pain

    Fortunately for us, painkillers are always at hand, which helps us buy time to take action.

    But the pills are addictive. If we turn to electronic painkillers for help, the addiction to conventional medications will be significantly weakened. There are other very effective pain relievers: acupuncture, massage, music, meditation, hypnosis and prayer.

    But we'll focus on causes of pain and on healing a painful organ, so for now we do not need these methods.

    Let's talk about long-term pain that wears us down for years. These are arthritis, migraines, pain in the feet, elbows, hips and chest. All these diseases have their own names: fibromyalgia, bursitis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., but the cause of their occurrence is the same.

    The goal is not to extinguish the outbreak with drugs, and not to reduce the swelling or temperature. Our task is to kill bacteria. But that is not all. We are obliged to destroy the source of bacteria, to make our body impenetrable And invulnerable to their penetration.

    So, first step- detection of bacteria that have settled in affected areas and their identification. Second step- extermination by electronic means. Within a few minutes we will expel them from our cells.

    But remember that another source of pain is pollutants. Third step- is to find and identify pollutants. Fourth step- remove them from the body. The work is done - the pain is gone.

    When you run tests, you notice that your body is excellent at killing bacteria and viruses. But he needs help.