Who will start the third world war? Where will the third world war begin? From whom should we expect aggression?

Every day the probability of the outbreak of a third world war increases. Problems such as international terrorism and tensions in international relations are pushing the world towards this terrible process. Some people believe that there will be no Third World War, some that it has already begun, and others that it has already passed. Let's understand and analyze together.

Experts attribute these arguments to a geopolitical war. Despite the fact that there were local wars on the territory of other states, there was no direct military clash between a large number of countries.

Has a world war begun?

Quite often, the Third World War was “started” by the media and some politicians. They announced the beginning of the third world war in 1999, after the NATO operation in Yugoslavia, when the country was subjected to massive bombing. Then after the start of the US military operation in Afghanistan in 2001 and after the US and allied military invasion of Iran in 2003 - in both cases, ostensibly to fight terrorism. Also, two more military conflicts: the intervention in Libya since 2011 by NATO countries, as well as the conflict in Syria, were often considered to be the beginning of the world war. A new reason to talk about the beginning of the next world war in 2014 was given by the events in Ukraine, when after a coup d’etat a civil war began in this country, against the backdrop of attempts to separate two regions from the state.

Is World War III going on? We can definitely say that no. A world war is a global conflict in which a large number of countries are involved, and they must be direct participants in this military conflict. The above wars are local, even though a number of countries indirectly participate in them.

Will it or not?

Probably, in modern realities, many of us are wondering: will there be a new world war or not?

Despite the fact that there are plenty of prerequisites for the outbreak of a world war today, it will not happen.

To start a war, a real and weighty prerequisite is needed, but, despite all the existing disagreements between countries, there is none. Local wars, such as in the Middle East, will not develop into world wars. As for the situation in Ukraine, it will also not lead to a world war: in fact, this conflict is intrastate and only in this plane lies its outcome.

What will this war be like?

In order to finally answer the question of the likelihood of a Third World War, it is enough to imagine the scale of a possible global conflict. This war will not be a guerrilla war, but a missile war; in fact, the army soldiers will not even leave their places of permanent deployment.

Conventional missile strikes will lead to thousands of casualties, but if nuclear missiles are used, the number of casualties will be in the millions. Which country can win in such a war, when it will have catastrophic consequences for itself? Everyone understands this perfectly well, so no one will dare to take such an insane step that could lead to the death of most of humanity.

According to astrologers, until 2018, such a tense situation will remain on our planet: local wars, geopolitical battles and international terrorism. However, no matter how tense the situation, there will be no world war.

Who will be the parties?

Based on history, Russia took part in the past two world military conflicts. Is World War III threatening Russia?

Russia is a peaceful country that advocates an end to all military conflicts and advocates a diplomatic solution to all issues. Russia will certainly not be the first to engage in a military conflict, no matter how much it is provoked. Starting a war against Russia is also illogical, since it not only has nuclear weapons, but also a strong and well-equipped army.

Who can act as other parties in a modern world war? The United States and the European Union will not start a world war. Even if they are in tandem, they will not start a war with Russia for the reasons listed above.

As for China, another significant player in the political arena, this country is close to the ideals of Russia; they also advocate peace and are resolutely against war.

Without the participation of these key players in the military conflict, there will be no world war.

Let's hope that we will be right in our forecasts. Peace to you!

Constant global unrest forces citizens of the country to be aware of forecasts for the near future. This applies to a greater extent to city dwellers, but rural residents also want to know how safe it is to live in the world now. Whether there will be a third world war in 2019 or not depends on humanity, but there are clearly some prerequisites for conflicts. It remains to figure out what the likelihood of military action is and, most importantly, where it might occur.

Three military versions from experts and historians

Every year, everyone predicts, scientifically calculates or analyzes the likelihood of negative world events. In such forecasts, the Third World War is like the end of the world; total conflicts are also predicted almost every year. By 2019, 3 possible versions had matured:

  1. The war will begin between Russia and Europe.
  2. The conflict between Iran and Israel will involve many countries.
  3. Terrorist hacking will lead to a nuclear attack.

Each version has a certain basis. One might even say that it is likely that all three situations will occur simultaneously. With the same degree of probability, the absence of all three versions is possible, i.e. it will simply be the absence of a war on a global scale. At the same time, it is worth knowing in more detail about the possible types of outbreak of global military action, so as not to panic in the event of any plane crash or unpleasant conversation between the heads of different states.

Alleged war between Russia and NATO

A variant of a military conflict between the Russian Federation and Europe was expressed by a historian from France, Philippe Fabry. For many years, the scientist has been engaged in a retrospective analysis of various wars between states, compiling, based on the data obtained, an unusual treatise called “Atlas of Future Wars.” The researcher suggests that military action is inevitable, and there are even probable time limits. Fabry believes that the conflict will occur between 2019 and 2024, with Russia being the veiled aggressor.

The expected events will develop according to the following scheme:

  1. The Russian Federation will invade the Baltic states.
  2. NATO from Poland will decide to fight back.
  3. Cybergenia from the Kremlin are attacking military bases in Poland and Germany.
  4. Russian troops will go deeper to the west, but will not touch France, forcing it to neutrality.
  5. Next, Russia will get tired of playing the winner, so it will calm down on this.

If no one gives the Russian Federation a full-fledged rebuff at this moment, then by the end of 2024 the conflict will be settled, while the historian from the University of Toulouse does not specify what will happen next with the Baltic countries, as well as with Poland, Germany and other neighboring states.

It is worth noting that despite all the noticeable insolence of Russia, the Americans, according to Farby, remained on the sidelines. Moreover, the United States openly “abandoned” its European allies, although for many reasons it is America that would like to reduce the influence of both Russia and China. In the event of a war between the United States and Russia, through joint efforts with NATO, the chances of winning would be high, but the Frenchman assumes that this confrontation will begin later.

According to his assumptions, America will wait for a more chaotic moment in the global situation, and will also try to clear the Atlantic of submarines belonging to the Russian Federation. After this, the United States can launch nuclear strikes on China and Russia, and Farby does not specify what will trigger such a delayed reaction.

Israel and Iran will start World War III

A number of experts specializing in analyzing the situation in the Middle East suggest a high probability of an international conflict that threatens to result in a world war. The beginning of a “fight” between Iran and Israel is possible; there have already been precedents. According to analysts in 2017 and 2018, Iran is overly involved in third-party affairs, while simultaneously playing some strange political game designed to hide obvious economic problems from the population. Recently, Iran has been involved in 3 not so calm actions.

The first is the participation of Iranian fighters in the war in Syria. The second means support for the Lebanese Hezbollah units. The third concerns Israel directly - after an Iranian drone was intercepted over its territory in February 2018, a warning strike was launched from the “Promised Land”. This act led to a response from Syria - their air defense deliberately shot down an Israeli F-16. If the situation continues to escalate, the likelihood of other countries quickly becoming involved in the conflict may increase.

International terrorist hacking activities

Military conflicts on a global scale can result from the actions of computer viruses deliberately directed by terrorists and professional hackers. First of all, you should be wary of cyber vulnerabilities in defense, missile and other complexes of different countries. The penetration of a virus that provokes the transfer of access and control to other persons can lead to the most unpredictable events.

This option could be the beginning of the third world war in 2019. If we assume that attackers gain access to control any type of missile of any state and launch them to attack another country, then the degree of sudden outbreak of war increases almost to the point of inevitability. Nuclear warheads are especially dangerous in this case, but even conventional missiles can cause serious harm to the world. If we assume that missiles from different countries will gain access, or that they will be directed against several states, then an incredibly powerful and destructive conflict will occur. There is also the possibility of targeted viral distribution of false instructions to senior military personnel through hacker attacks. This can also lead to the outbreak of war with any state planned by terrorists.

Whether there will be a third world war in 2019 is not known for certain, although from the above information we can say for sure that the probability of its outbreak is quite high. No matter how events develop in the future, ordinary people should hope for the best, and not live in fear of the potential outbreak of hostilities.

Video about the third world war

Humanity is on the threshold of the Third World War. The Doomsday Clock shows two minutes to midnight. Never before in history have people been so close to using weapons of mass destruction.

North Korea once again successfully launches a missile. President of Russia Vladimir Putin talks about a new weapon that can turn the world into radioactive ash. And on the website of the Russia 24 channel there is an article about what to take with you to a bomb shelter. Coincidence? We don't think so! If not today, then tomorrow the butterfly will flap its wings, and the world will plunge into the chaos of the Third World War.

What do intellectuals think about the prospects of World War III? Will it happen? What will lead to it? What fate awaits Belarus?

Writer Viktor Martinovich: There will be no place left for Belarus in the new world

What worries me is the concentration of hatred that is in the air. I just don't understand this global rage and hatred.

The world is successfully sliding towards World War III. The presence of Donald Trump as US President and Vladimir Putin as Russian President is just a wonderful situation that leads to war. It doesn’t matter where it “bombs”: in Syria, North Korea or somewhere else. With the accumulation of weapons that is now happening on both sides, sooner or later this will happen.

I just returned from Istanbul. The city, which has always been a relaxed, secular, cultural capital, is now blocked off by patrols, with police vans with water cannons stationed every 500 meters. And this is a completely new situation for Istanbul, which I don’t remember.

When the “rubilovo” begins, which is what is going on, the regions, continents, and land will be divided into pieces. What kind of Belarus is this? As a result of each world war, the world was redivided. And this is what I fear most. I am afraid that in this new world there will be no place for Belarus. But this, unfortunately, will be the smallest problem that will bother me and you at that moment.

Political scientist Evgeny Preygerman: Nuclear weapons are holding the world back from World War III

I don't have the feeling that we are on the verge of World War III. But there is a feeling that the world is going a little crazy. This is a typical phenomenon for conflicts that are just beginning. For the last twenty years we have had a stable system of international relations, and now we see that those rules and systemic things that gave us a sense of stability and predictability no longer work.

The factor of nuclear weapons is the guaranteed murder of all humanity. This is what kept the world from turning hot during the Cold War.

Man has a habit of getting out of the habit of certain things. Previously, the memory of a world war gave us reason to say: “Never again,” and historical processes were fundamentally changed because of this. But time passes, and some things begin to be forgotten.

I would like to hope that the evolution of humanity also affects some of our humanistic ideas. And, at least, a feeling of points or lines is formed that you cannot pass through.

Philosopher Maxim Goryunov: Russians do not rule out war, they take it into account. Russian culture is ready for war

We all live in the illusion that “this won’t happen again.” The report by Steven Pinker, the books of Douglas North and other sociological authors say that the level of violence in the world is decreasing. And we believe in it. We believe that global war is something of the past. This is a beautiful, kind and pleasant illusion that we are interested in believing. But man is an aggressive creature. I think war might happen.

It seems to me that Russian culture is absolutely military. The rallies in Volokolamsk are very indicative in this sense. Speeches at these rallies by ordinary people, tribunes, and people. The metaphors they used were entirely based on war cinema. They have no other metaphors in their heads. These people were in a critical, stressful situation; this could be the first or second rally in their entire lives. They are worried. And when a person is worried, he speaks the language of “basic education”, a vision of the world. And in this situation, most of them used the metaphor of war. They came to the rally, and they regarded it as a war.

The metaphor of war is part of the modern Russian worldview. Outside St. Petersburg and Moscow, Soviet and imperial inertia regarding the war are still at work. In all of Russia, except for these two cities, they are ready for war. This manifests itself at the level of life planning. People do not rule out war, they take it into account, they are ready for it. War would be close to the hearts of the Russian people. Russian culture is ready for war.

Belarusians, as far as I understand them, have a different perception of the war. First of all, for them it is a punitive action. First Soviet, then Nazi, then Soviet again. The Belarusian idea of ​​war is not so much about the front line and battles, but about how to escape from punitive forces, how to hide from them so that you don’t get caught, some kind of unobtrusive collaboration is possible, just to save the family. Unlike Russia, where people talk about war as a victory, for Belarus war is grief. It's like a plague, cruel and terrible. And what to do when the Black Death comes? We need to save ourselves.

Science fiction writer Alexey Shein: We are not New Zealand or Switzerland, we are on the divide between two civilizations

I see two main lines along which the world can split. This is a line of political confrontation and new technologies. And as for politics, it seems to me that there are three clear points: the issue of the Middle East, around Israel and the countries around it; the situation around North Korea; the situation around Russia and its closest neighbors, Russia's desire to return parts of the former Soviet Union or the Russian Empire. As for technology, the issue of artificial intelligence is very ambiguous. We don't know what its development may lead to. I agree with those futurists and researchers who say this technology can be dangerous.

Could World War III break out in 2018?

If so, here are five risk areas where this could happen, as identified by Aftonbladet.

“There is an increased risk,” says Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies at Uppsala University.

Republican Senator Bob Corker has warned that Donald Trump could lead the US "on the path to World War III."
There is a risk that he is not entirely wrong.

According to Isak Svensson, professor of peace and conflict studies, three factors are more likely to prevent war than others.

All of them are now collapsing, largely due to Trump and growing nationalism.

1. International organizations

“One of the goals of the UN, OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the EU and similar organizations is to reduce the risk of armed conflict. But with Trump continually trying to dismantle international cooperation, these organizations may be weakened. This will affect the risk of war,” says Isak Svensson.

2. International trade

During his election campaign, Trump accused China of “raping” the American economy. Therefore, many experts expected that he would introduce customs duties on Chinese goods, which would result in a full-fledged trade war.

“That hasn't happened yet, but at least he has signaled that he is not particularly interested in promoting free trade,” said Isak Svensson.

3. Democracy

The two democracies have never fought each other. But the wave of nationalism that is sweeping the world could rock democracies.

“Populist nationalism targets democratic institutions: universities, courts, media, electoral bodies and so on. This is noticeable in the US under Trump, in Hungary, Poland and Russia, for example,” says Isak Svensson.

The threat from nationalism

Svensson sees how nationalism threatens all three factors that prevent war.

India has a policy of not being the first to use nuclear weapons. Instead, an attempt was made to increase the ability to respond to provocations by rapidly sending armored columns deep into Pakistani territory.


Russians are going to the “West”

Reuters 09/19/2017

"Death to American bastards!"

The Guardian 08/22/2017

Five main fleets in the Indian and Pacific Oceans

The Diplomat 01/24/2013 Militarily weaker Pakistan responded by introducing short-range Nasr missiles, which can be equipped with nuclear warheads.

Many experts fear that such a development, in which Pakistan feels forced to use tactical nuclear weapons to defend itself, could quickly turn a small conflict into a full-scale nuclear war.

Niklas Svanström, however, believes that the likelihood of a world war is low.

“Other countries there have no interests related to security policy. Pakistan has close relations with China, and India has close relations with Russia. But neither Russia nor China will risk starting a large-scale military confrontation. I also find it difficult to imagine that the United States would intervene in such a conflict.”

India - China

Indian Army General Bipin Rawat said in early September that the country must prepare for a two-front war against Pakistan and China.

Shortly before this, a ten-week confrontation between China and India over the definition of the border ended in the Himalayas. Chinese road construction workers, accompanied by military personnel, were stopped by Indian troops. The Chinese claimed that they were in China, the Indians claimed that they were in Bhutan, an ally of India.

According to Bipin Rawat, such a situation could easily escalate into a conflict, and Pakistan could then take advantage of this situation to its advantage.

“We must be prepared. In the context of our situation, war is very real,” Rawat said, as reported by the Press Trust of India.

The border between China and India has long been a point of contention, but the atmosphere is now quite relaxed. But even as China and Pakistan have moved closer economically, aggressive nationalism suggests that may be changing.

“It is difficult to see any hints as to why conflict might break out there, but there is an increased risk of this happening. Both countries' economies are growing rapidly, and both countries are fueled by rather aggressive nationalism. The unresolved territorial issue is of course a clear risk factor,” says Isak Svensson.

Niklas Svanström does not think that China will gain much from this conflict, and India simply cannot win a war against China. Conflicts will continue, but on a limited scale.

“The only situation that could lead to a full-scale war is if India recognizes Tibet as an independent country and starts supporting the Tibetan military movement that is fighting against China. I regard this as extremely unlikely,” says Niklas Svanström.


States: Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, NATO military alliance.

One of the biggest risks that could now lead to conflict is Russia's growing ambitions against Europe, believes Niklas Granholm, director of research at the Total Defense Institute, FOI.

“Russia has thrown out the rulebook that has been in place since the early 1990s to define European security,” says Niklas Granholm. — The main milestone in this matter was the war against Ukraine, when in 2014 there was an invasion of this country and Crimea was annexed, which marked the beginning of the conflict in eastern Ukraine. Russia has demonstrated great faith in military means. The Baltic region once again found itself on the line of confrontation between East and West, which seemed completely implausible to many just a few years ago.”

The cause of the conflict may be ethnic Russian minorities in the Baltic countries, says Isak Svensson.

“In Ukraine, Russia has shown that it is willing to use military force to, in its view, protect Russian-speaking minorities. Thus, there is a hidden risk of Russian intervention in the Baltics if an internal crisis begins in any of the countries. Such a scenario is quite imaginable. It’s quite unlikely today, but possible in the future.”

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial staff.

On the morning of April 11, 2018, a “doomsday plane” took off into the skies over America. This is a special E-4B airliner, which has the second name “Aircraft of the End of the World”.

Members of the US command center must be saved on it: President Donald Trump, as well as the country's top military leadership.

The aircraft is protected from a nuclear explosion and is alerted only in the event of the outbreak of a nuclear war, when there is a risk of damage or destruction of control structures on the ground.

When will the war with America begin?

A new round of tension between Russia and the United States began after the American leader threatened to retaliate against the use of chemical weapons in Syria (Douma province). The fact of a chemical attack on April 7, 2018 is denied by the Syrian authorities, as well as the Russian Ministry of Defense.

However, the American President threatened to make a decision on the further actions of the US Air Force within 24-48 hours. Washington promised to find out which states are involved in the latest events in Syria, and Donald Trump openly threatened that they “will all pay the price.”

The world is on the verge of World War III, when the arms race has reached its peak, and the economies of Russia and the United States are cracking under the pressure of overproduction of the latest murder weapons. Michel Nostradamus also agrees with this opinion, who in his predictions directly indicated that the Great War between the countries would begin in 2018.

The famous clairvoyant wrote that his forecast for 2018 assumes the beginning of a big war in France, after which most of the countries of Europe will be attacked. The notes of Nostradamus also indicate that peace will come soon after this, “but only a few will be happy with it.”

The eminent prophet indicated that the war between “the two great world powers will last 27 years.” The Nostradamus notes also hint that Russia, North Korea and China will join forces to jointly attack the United States.

Will there be a nuclear war in 2018?

The seer Vanga also said that the Third World War was inevitable, foreshadowing the fatal End of the World immediately after the fall of Syria. The great clairvoyant directly indicated that China's power will reach its apogee by 2018. But the Russian economy could suffer significantly due to the cessation of oil production.

Military experts and forecasters agree that the fall of the ruble and the explosive situation in the world are closely related. America is preparing an unpleasant surprise for Vladimir Putin on May 7, 2018, since his next inauguration is scheduled for this day. But at a meeting at the Central Intelligence Agency, they named the exact date for the start of the Third World War, which falls at the end of April.

The United States is aggravating the situation in Syria more and more, but America is afraid of a real war with Russia. “In relations with the United States, everything is heading towards direct confrontation. They are afraid of this because they have never fought with a powerful power anywhere, only with small countries. And we have new weapons that we can test during such a conflict,” Zhirinovsky wrote.

If a war breaks out between Russia and the United States, military operations will be carried out on foreign territory. “Not a single bomb will fall either on Russian soil or on US soil. All actions will unfold in Syria or Ukraine, all misfortunes will fall on the heads of the long-suffering Ukrainians, Arabs, Persians, and Turks. We, of course, feel very sorry for these peoples,” Zhirinovsky wrote.

What will happen to the ruble exchange rate in the near future?

After the introduction of new sanctions against Russia, the stock market collapsed, with some shares losing more than 30% of their value. Trump’s statements about a possible US missile attack on Syria also created a little panic. The fall of the ruble against the dollar and euro accelerated.

Already on April 11, 2018, the price for the euro was 80 rubles, and for the dollar - 64.5 rubles, which is comparable only to the rush of 2015

Large Russian businessmen literally lost about fifteen billion dollars in just a couple of days due to a sharp jump in the foreign exchange market.

The US Treasury has tightened sanctions against 38 oligarchs from Russia. The most famous among them: Oleg Deripaska (the main shareholder of the Rusal company), Igor Rotenberg, Kirill Shamalov and Viktor Vekselberg.

The collapse of the Russian national currency reduced the demand for foreign tours by almost 30 percent during the May holidays of 2018

The trend of strengthening the national currency in countries that are controlled by the US government speaks in favor of a deliberate collapse of the ruble exchange rate in Russia. Most likely, the American government used sanctions as its main trump card. Such pressure should not only reduce Putin’s political rating, but also force him to refuse to invest additional funds in the development of the Russian defense complex.

If a war breaks out between Russia and the United States, who will win?

Relations between Russia and the United States today remain very tense, and in the event of the outbreak of the Third World War, the chances of victory are approximately 50 to 50. The technical superiority of the United States is undeniable, but Russia also has something to answer in the event of unification with other countries

Both Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin are unlikely to decide to arrange a nuclear Armageddon, since this could lead to mutual self-destruction. Clairvoyants predict the End of the World precisely if one of the parties decides to openly use the atomic bomb. According to the soothsayers, in this case, all life on Earth will die...

When will NATO start a war with Russia?

The arms race is fueled by the efforts of strategists of the North Atlantic Alliance, who have already paraded along the Ukrainian Maidan and are eager to do the same on Red Square in Moscow.

However, leading politicians in Russia and America do not want bombs to fall on the cities of their countries. Great states are quite capable of protecting their population from the horrors of war, which cannot be said about the countries of the Middle East and the former USSR.

The countries that are most likely to come under attack are Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, as well as Arab states. It is there that they will practice strikes, test the strength of enemy equipment, make provocations and demonstrate their military power.

According to the leader of the LDPR, Vladimir Zhirinovsky, it is beneficial for the Russian Federation to maintain a military confrontation with the United States, since one can clearly see what their army is capable of.

Dangerous events that are bringing our planet closer to the End of the World will continue, starting in 2018, for more than one decade in a row. And in the coming year of the Yellow Earth Dog, people all over the world will see special signs of the Higher Powers, indicating the approach of the Apocalypse.

For example, three solar eclipses and two lunar eclipses during the year, which is more than what happens in quiet years. And according to the prophecy of the Hopi Indians, in the second half of 2018 the Blue Star will collide with our planet, which will completely destroy all life on Earth.

Also, Easter 2018 fell on April 8 and almost coincided with the Annunciation, which is always celebrated on April 7. Clairvoyants say that these special signs are a direct warning from the Subtle World about future disasters and wars.

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