The most interesting predictions. The most famous fortune tellers in history

An important event for the country is about to take place in Russia - presidential elections. The future development of the country for the next six years and the prosperity of every citizen depends on who becomes the president of Russia. That is why many Russians ask a similar question, which prompts famous modern soothsayers, astrologers, and psychics to make predictions about the future. The cherished date greatly increases interest in the works of all-knowing soothsayers about who will be the president of Russia in 2018. We will consider the most popular and most reliable of them in this article.

Recent decades have made international politics more complex; it is undergoing a transformation associated with a change in the balance of power. Various financial and political world crises allow countries to rise in the emerging world order. The Russian Federation is no exception: over the last decade it has significantly strengthened its position and become an active force in the international arena. Modern astrologers and soothsayers are confident: in Russia in 2018, it is possible that a leader will come to power who will solve the country’s important issues, lead it out of the crisis, and make it great again.

Political analysts often claim the long existence of the Russian political regime and They believe that President Vladimir Putin will remain in office until at least 2024. However, prominent astrologers say the opposite: the current president will not nominate his candidate in the next election. This is evidenced by a significant number of facts, ranging from the Kremlin’s continued uncertainty regarding the announcement of a candidate from the party in power to the words of Vladimir Putin himself about the need to rest.

The question of who will be president after Putin in 2018 worries not only citizens, but also astrologers who are trying to look into the future and make an accurate prediction about the president. We will turn to the opinions of the following famous psychics, prophets, each of whom made a forecast about the future of Russia:

  • Mikhail Levin;
  • Maria Duval;
  • Pavel Globa;
  • Edgar Cayce;
  • Nostradamus;
  • Vanga;
  • Vasily Nemchin.

Modern experts can answer the question of who will be the president of Russia in 2018. However, it is surprising that long-lived predictors also made accurate guesses about who the future president of Russia will be after Putin.

Mikhail Levin's forecast

The popular modern astrologer is confident that in Russia in 2018, the elected president will take an important step and completely rebuild the existing model of government, significantly changing the structure and powers of the security forces and the military. The next president will not be associated with well-known elites, will be more independent of them and will begin democratic reforms that will ensure the stable development of the Russian state.

Prediction by Maria Duval

A French fortuneteller believes that Russia's next president in 2018 will lay strong foundations for a modernized Russian economy. By the beginning of 2020, the Russian Federation will become one of the richest powers in the world and will maintain the training of its armed forces at a high level. At the same time, Russian science, medicine, and computer research will flourish. Grandiose breakthroughs in these areas, with the assistance of the state, will lead to the discovery of means that increase life expectancy.

Forecast by Pavel Globa

A well-known Russian astrologer is less optimistic about the immediate future of our country. According to his forecast, the signs of celestial bodies indicate the possible death of the Russian President in 2018. However, the astrologer does not answer unequivocally who the next president of the country is after the death of the current head. Pavel Globa made similar pessimistic forecasts regarding the fate of the Russian leader in 2012. It is quite possible that the celestial bodies will change their will at the last moment, and the prediction will not come true.

Edgar Cayce's prediction

The famous American mystic, medium Edgar Cayce made a famous prophecy stating that Russia, after the weakening and fall of the socialist regime, will be a rather weak country for a significant period of time. The standard of living of the population will decrease significantly. Starting from 2010, the situation will change dramatically: the state will overcome the black streak, the economy will begin to rise, and the political and economic power of the country will grow. Central to this revival will be the lands beyond the Ural range, especially Siberia. It will ensure the salvation and prosperity of Russian civilization. As for the president elected in 2018, Edgar Cayce predicted his technical education would become a solid foundation for a new society in Russia.

Prophecy of Nostradamus

The famous seer Nostradamus predicted that the elected president in 2018 in Russia will be a native of the northern territories, the heir to an unusually multifaceted society. It will consolidate the success of the Russian Federation, which began in 2014, and will lead it into a real Golden Age.

Vanga's predictions

The famous Bulgarian soothsayer has repeatedly predicted a brilliant future for Vladimir Putin as President of Russia. Vanga was sure: the glory of the president, together with the glory of Russia, would be known to the world even centuries later. Vanga saw Vladimir Putin as an unwavering defender and unifier of the Slavic peoples, as well as a defender of primordial Christian traditions. Despite the grief and hardships experienced by Russia under his rule, everything will not be in vain and Russia will not only maintain its position in the world, but will also gain even greater influence on countries. Unfortunately, Vanga could not foresee either the future fate of Vladimir Putin or who the next president of Russia would be after him.

Prediction by Vasily Nemchin

A famous predictor, who lived and practiced astrology in the distant 17th century (but this is not certain), was able to make a fairly accurate forecast about the Russian president. He is confident that after Putin, the president of Russia will be a “great potter” who will lead the country to a great future. The astrologer noted that the ruler will be different from his predecessors, he will be extremely smart, familiar with esotericism, and the basics of magic. A distinctive feature of Vasily Nemchin’s prediction is the exact age of the new leader: at 55, he will take the highest post, having previously independently recovered from a serious illness. It is such a president who will provide the country with a powerful economic recovery and return some republics of the former USSR to Russia. The astrologer predicts that at the peak of its economic development in the mid-20s of the 21st century, Russia will become part of a new state uniting 15 developed countries of the world.

These predictions were shared by famous psychics, astrologers, and fortune tellers, each of whom turned out to be right many times. Most of them concern the next president of Russia and his influence on the fate of the country. According to almost all forecasts, bright times await our country. We will learn their truthfulness only after time.

In ancient times, at the dawn of civilization, people who were able to foresee the future were equated with divine creatures. And much later they did not lose their power and power. They are always called differently: prophets, soothsayers, seers. They have the ability, unusual for most, to see the future, distant or near.

Forecasters foresee the fate of entire states or individuals. Some consider this a unique gift, others consider it an excellent ability to compare their knowledge of the past and, based on it, make predictions about the future. However, the most prominent of the prophets were respected by their contemporaries and also became famous throughout the world.

Foretellers of antiquity

Epimenides is an ancient Greek soothsayer. According to legend, he was a simple shepherd who accidentally discovered his miraculous abilities. Epimenides was able to predict to his compatriots the Persian attack on Crete, saving them from the plague. For this, the people of Athens erected a monument to him.

Jeremiah is a major politician of his era. The fortune teller was considered an outcast in his society. He tried to open the eyes of his fellow tribesmen to the real state of affairs in Jerusalem, to the poverty of the people, and rapid changes for the worse. But the ruling elite did not hear him, firmly believing in the exclusivity of their nation.

Elijah is the most famous prophet of antiquity. He actively persuaded his people to renounce paganism and accept the true faith.

Daniel is a biblical prophet who predicted doom.

Bukid is an ancient Greek soothsayer who was one of the first to describe his visions in a book. It is worth noting that this name eventually became a household name - in some countries the prophets began to be called Bakids.

Cassandra is the daughter of King Priam of Troy. According to legend, the god Apollo gave her the gift of providence. The girl made her predictions in a state of trance, so many considered her crazy.

Edgar Cayce is an American visionary known for prophecies about the Great Depression and the invention of the laser, about two World Wars and the collapse of the Soviet Union. Although many of his predictions did not come true, for example, the unification of European countries by Hitler into a democratic union, the revival of Atlantis in the mid-20th century.

Polish psychic. Hitler considered Messing an enemy because he foresaw the fall of the Reich. Stalin did not like him either. Despite the help during the Great Patriotic War, the “leader of the peoples” could not forgive the seer for knowing the exact date of his death.

Blind peasant woman from Bulgaria. She knew how to diagnose a patient, although she did not treat it herself. “I saw” the fate of the person who turned to her. She foresaw the beginning of World War II, the death of the submarine "Kursk" and left prophecies until 3797.

Sheikh Sharif is an African boy. His prophecies are mainly related to Muslims. He knew how to heal with the touch of his hand, knew several languages, although he had not studied anywhere, and was quoting the Koran at the age of four months.

Russian seers

Procopius of Ustyug was one of the first to be canonized by the Orthodox Church. He predicted the death of Ustyug and thereby saved the city and healed the city squad. According to legend, if this holy fool carried three pokers with the curve upward, then this is to, with the handle upward - to a shortage in everything.

St. Basil the Blessed is the Moscow holy fool. He knew how to predict people's future. He predicted to Elena Glinskaya the birth of her son Ivan the Terrible, not forgetting to mention his cruelty and despotism. He prophesied the death of Tsarevich Fyodor and Ivan Vasilyevich himself, and foresaw his own death.

He is believed to have predicted the 1917 Revolution and the death of the royal family, described in his letter to Nicholas II.

Monk Abel. Russian clairvoyant who predicted the time of death of Catherine II, Paul I, the attack of Napoleon and the destruction of Moscow.

Vasily Nemchin. A Russian predictor who told about the reign of three empresses: Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth and Catherine II, about the bloody reign of Ivan the Terrible, and about the attack of the French. Although some skeptics call Nemchin an invention of Pavel Globa.

He played a significant role in the life of the last imperial Romanov family. He prophesied the blockade of Leningrad, the dropping of atomic bombs on Japan, Gagarin's flight, the American landing on the moon, the communist regime.

Nina Kulagina. She had the ability to telekinesis. It could expose photographic film, affect magnetic fields, and cause a burn on the skin with the touch of a palm. During one of the experiments, Ninel Kulagina was able to stop the frog’s heart through an effort of will.

Juna (Evgenia) Davitashvili, a Russian seer, our contemporary, was L.I.’s personal healer. Brezhnev. She left behind prophecies about the economic crisis and sanctions.

The main political event of next year is the elections. The life of every Russian depends on who will be the president of Russia in 2018 in the next five years. The thought of what awaits Russia in the future naturally excites the minds of fortune tellers and magicians, prompting astrologers to make predictions. And the closer we get to the upcoming elections, the more relevant this topic is, the more active its discussion. So, let's look at the main predictions about the 2018 elections.

Over the past five years, world politics has left its usual course and is transforming at a rapid pace. It is experiencing global crises of both a political and economic nature. International relations are not going through the best of times. Russia's role in world politics has grown, and its opinion has begun to be taken into account. Many astrologers and predictors hypothesize that the country's new leadership will be able to lead it out of the crisis and provide assistance to other countries.

Predictions of who will become president of Russia in 2018

Many analysts of various stripes say that there will be no change in the political regime in Russia. However, most astrologers are confident of just the opposite: the current president will not run for a new term, and this initiative will come from him. And Vladimir Putin himself has repeatedly made statements that it is time to rest. Society is actively gossiping about who will replace the current leader and what kind of person this person will be like.

Forecast by Vasily Nemchin

This seer, who is fond of astrology, made predictions back in the 17th century about who will come after Putin in 2018. He believes that the “Great Potter” will be at the helm of our state and promised a good future.

He pointed out that this person would not be like the current rulers, he was very wise, had esoteric skills and was familiar with the basics of magic.

However, there is a clear mention of his age. It was at the age of 55 that he would take the post of head of state, having independently cured himself of a dangerous illness. The elected president will be able to lead the country to economic growth and return to the country those states that were part of the USSR, without indicating their number. The astrologer predicts the peak of Russia's prosperity by 2023, which will entail the creation of a new large state that will include 15 developed countries of the world.

Mikhail Levin's forecast

A well-known modern astrologer made a prediction that the next president of Russia in 2018 will make a complete reset of power structures and transformation of law enforcement agencies. The new head of the state will be distant from the current establishment and will take a course towards democratization of society, which will entail changes aimed at progressive development.

Maria Duval's forecast

The French fortuneteller believes that after the presidential elections, the Russian Federation will have a good future and an economic recovery. By 2020, the country will successfully cope with the crisis and become one of the richest countries in the world with a very strong army. Russian science will also achieve tangible success, especially in such areas as medicine and computer technology. With government funding, medications will be invented that can increase life expectancy.

Forecast by Pavel Globa

The forecast of this famous astrologer is quite pessimistic: the President of Russia in 2018, according to his prediction, will die, and the election year will be the last year of the life of the Russian President. It's all about the arrangement of celestial bodies. At the moment when the planet Saturn appears in the sign of the constellation Scorpio, a fatal prediction should come true. Nevertheless, it should be noted that Globa gave a similar forecast about the death of the current president for 2012 and, as we see, his prediction did not come true. It is possible that this time fate will not be so cruel to the leader of our state.

Nostradamus's prediction

This is perhaps the most famous predictor, whose prophecies come true to this day. He says that Russia is in for a boom, starting in 2014. The new president will be a man from the northern lands, a descendant of a society famous for its poets and martyrs. With his arrival, the country will face a Golden Age.

People have always been interested in their future; they were ready to give any money to look into the events of the future at least for a few seconds. Those who possessed such abilities were called seers. They existed at all times and used completely different methods to obtain information. It is unknown how many such people there were in history, because the names of a few seers have survived to this day. Who are they - the most famous predictors in the world?

Divination technology: how does it happen?

Scientists since the nineteenth century have been trying to determine how some people manage to predict the future and describe it in such detail. Unfortunately, to this day the mechanism of prophecy has not been revealed. Although the clairvoyants themselves claim that every person, without exception, is capable of this. It’s just that the majority do not know how to use it, but the lucky few managed to awaken the gift in themselves and use it for the benefit of other people.

Surprisingly, each seer uses different techniques that allow him to penetrate into the future. Some fall into a trance for this purpose, while others hear voices. There is a category of clairvoyants who use aids such as cards, coffee grounds or various crystals. Such predictions are often confused with fortune-telling, therefore, in the terminology of studying the unknown, there is a definition of soothsayers. These mainly include people who are able to talk about future events without aids. Therefore, we will be guided by this definition in our search for who can be awarded the title “the most famous predictor of all time.”

Famous predictors: who are they?

Throughout the history of human civilization, more than once people have appeared who possessed a powerful gift of prophecy and were able to look centuries ahead. Therefore, it is quite difficult to find out which of them is the most famous predictor. After all, the prophecies of many seers have already come true, but the time of others is just coming. Moreover, almost any person, faced with a prediction that has come true, experiences sacred horror and begins to pay more attention to the words of the seers.

Recently, the topic of clairvoyants was touched upon in one well-known entertainment program “100 to 1”. The most famous predictor was named by Russians who were randomly interviewed on the streets of Moscow. The opinion of the townspeople was as unanimous as possible; they named six names. The predictors known to Russia are as follows:

  1. Vanga.
  2. Nostradamus.
  3. Globa.
  4. Messing.
  5. Juna.
  6. Longo.

These names are known to almost every Russian. After all, each of the named people appears to ordinary people as a predictor. But is this really so? And what exactly do we know about these clairvoyants?

Forecasters known to everyone: Vanga

This woman has long been considered one of the most legendary personalities of the twentieth century. Born in 1911, the girl turned out to be extremely far-sighted and was able to make a lot of predictions to ordinary people and heads of government of different countries. In the family of the future seer, no one expected that the girl would be so gifted. She grew up as an absolutely ordinary child until she was twelve years old, when she lost her sight during a hurricane. During World War II, in the village where Vanga lived, they started talking about her extraordinary abilities. Over time, the fame of the clairvoyant spread throughout the globe; she received ordinary people and the powerful with equal attention.

Vanga herself said that she sees the future as a window in which the entire history of a person’s life is squandered. A voice in the head comments on what is happening, focusing especially on what exactly needs to be revealed to the person who comes to Vanga for help.

The seer predicted the defeat of Hitler, the death of Stalin and the change of regimes in various countries. Much of what the clairvoyant spoke about has not yet come true. Before her death, she managed to make predictions up to the year five thousand. It is during this period, according to Vanga, that the end of the world will come and the death of all humanity will occur. Whether this will happen is unknown, but so far all her predictions have tended to come true.

Nostradamus: the secret of the Katrans

is a very mysterious figure from the past. He encrypted his predictions and wrote them down in the form of poems - katrans. Over the centuries that have passed since the death of the seer, his katrans have been deciphered more than once. Moreover, each author proposed a completely new version of the prediction. It is believed that Nostradamus was not only a clairvoyant, but also an astrologer, alchemist and poet. Many historians argue that in the sixteenth century, when the slightest hint of magic could bring you to the attention of the Inquisition, this was a very dangerous activity. It promised trials and a fire. That is why Nostradamus carefully encrypted his predictions and made them somewhat vague.

Some researchers of the prophecies of the great astrologer believe that he wrote his katrans based on the texts of another predictor who lived in the fourteenth century. His name was Rainier Nero, and many of his contemporaries called him the Black Spider. Despite some similarities in the texts, it is difficult to say that Nostradamus copied them. In addition, he was able to make predictions until 2240, when humanity (in his opinion) will come close to its destruction. But the astrologer himself did not claim that the end of the world would definitely happen. He believed that humanity could well survive, and then a new era of prosperity and peace on the planet would begin.

modern astrologer

Almost every Russian knows the name of Pavel Globa. He was born in the middle of the last century and is currently a very controversial figure in the world of the unknown. The fact is that he is classified as one of the people who stood at the origins of modern Soviet astrology. He managed to organize his own center and even hosted several television programs.

Unfortunately, many of Globa's forecasts are unfulfilled. According to experts, their number is more than fifty percent.

Wolf Messing: a man of legend

The life and work of Wolf Messing is surrounded by an aura of secrets and mysteries. Some consider him a brilliant telepath and hypnotist, while others consider him just a talented artist and psychologist. Until now, there is no exact definition of his talent, because many of Messing’s words have not been confirmed during detailed and thorough testing.

Many of the hypnotist’s contemporaries claim that he conducted his performances in an atmosphere of high emotional intensity, which prevented the audience from really assessing the events taking place and the artist’s abilities.

Juna - healer and astrologer

Despite the fact that Russians consider Juna a fortuneteller, she considered herself a healer. This was her main gift, which glorified the woman throughout the Soviet Union. Juna's abilities were seriously studied and tested by Soviet specialists. The healer's clients were top officials of the state who believed in her gift and found it very powerful.

In addition to healing, Juna was engaged in creativity and said that she received energy from space and from higher powers. The mysterious woman died in 2015 at the age of sixty-five.

Yuri Longo: magician and illusionist

Yuri Longo can also hardly be called a person with paranormal abilities. He was born in the middle of the last century. Longo was very sensitive to new trends, expressed in interest in everything mystical. He hosted the first Soviet television shows in which he tried to raise the dead and heal the sick. Modern experts argue that Yuri Longo can be classified as a charlatan who made a fortune by deceiving ordinary people.

Surprisingly, if you analyze the activities of those who at one time claimed to be magicians and soothsayers, there are quite a lot of scammers and charlatans among them. But, besides them, there were real seers, whose predictions still plunge scientists into a state of bewilderment and shock.

Edgar Cayce - the "sleeping" seer

The famous predictor of the future, American Edgar Cayce, was an extraordinary person and clearly belonged to the real clairvoyants, to whom any distances and times are accessible. This man had a phenomenal gift of foresight, and most of his predictions have already come true.

Casey was born at the end of the nineteenth century into the family of a simple American farmer. At the age of nine, the boy showed paranormal abilities. He could not learn the lesson, and the angry father hit the boy on the ear. As Casey fell, he heard a voice telling him to sleep. Subsequently, the boy went to bed with his textbook and literally within a few minutes he knew everything that was necessary for the lesson.

It was for his ability to receive information in a state of trance, similar to sleep, that Cayce was nicknamed the “sleeping” prophet. Throughout his life, he made a lot of predictions about the fate of nations, talked about past civilizations and future catastrophes. In his predictions, Casey paid a lot of attention to Russia and its future. He argued that after a series of disasters that would practically destroy America, Europe and part of Japan, Russia would be the hope of the world. It is she who will revive human civilization and bring it to a new stage of development.

Seers of the past

The most famous predictors of the world, who left their mark on history, appeared in all centuries. In Greek mythology, the soothsayer Cassandra occupies a special place, about whom historians and scientists are still arguing. Presumably she was the daughter of King Priam and was able to predict the death of Troy from a huge horse. Ancient Greek sources contain very contradictory information about Cassandra’s abilities.

For example, Homer, recognizing her as an amazingly beautiful girl, does not focus on her special gift. Aeschylus in the tragedy "Agamemnon" mentioned the girl's ability to foresight, which she received from Apollo. Having deceived God, she was punished by people's disbelief in her gift. Ultimately, this led to the fall of Troy.

She later became the wife of Agamemnon and bore him two sons. Historians claim that she often testified to the fates of other people and even foresaw her own death.

Famous world predictors: Maria Lenormand

There have always been legends about this French woman. She was born extremely deformed and was also lame. Even the girl’s parents were amazed at her ugliness and by the age of five they gladly sent her to be raised in a monastery. It was during this period of time that the child began to exhibit strange abilities that frightened his parents.

By the age of sixteen, Maria returned to her father's house. She received a fairly good education, and studying books on esotericism and numerology gave her a lot of new information, which she easily applied. In Paris, where the girl went in search of a better life, she began to tell fortunes to everyone and quickly gained unprecedented fame, since all her words always came true. Any famous modern forecaster could envy Lenormand's gift. She could do almost everything - cards, clairvoyance, palmistry and many other methods of prediction were available to her.

One of Marie Lenormand's most famous predictions is the death of Queen Marie Antoinette, who rose to the scaffold during the French Revolution. The clients of the lame seer were the leaders of the revolution, noble nobles and even Napoleon himself. The woman told him about the future rise and inglorious decline of his life. This is what led to the fact that, having become emperor, Napoleon tried to kill the fortuneteller.

There is historical evidence confirming that Maria Lenormand was visited by the Russian Emperor Alexander I and the future Decembrists, who ended their life on the gallows. One day a woman laid out the cards on herself and saw her death coming to her fourteen years later, exactly as she had predicted.

It is difficult to determine which famous predictor is the best, because every era gives birth to its heroes and prophets. This means that pretty soon people will hear about a new seer who will become the most famous in the twenty-first century.

Find out what awaits Russia in 2018, what future the Russian people should prepare for, and how to avoid difficulties in the new calendar period. Why do many people predict a new president of Russia? Forecasts from modern psychics and legendary predictors of the past will help you prepare for the future.

The words of Nostradamus cannot be called inspiring optimism among Russians. His prophecies describe natural disasters. Most likely, a disaster will occur in Kamchatka and the Far East. The homes of the residents of these regions will be destroyed. Many people will die. The survivors will be forced to change their place of residence.

Siberia will suffer from severe fires. Perhaps Michel Nostradamus had in mind a repeat of the events of 2015. Then forest fires brought a lot of grief. Perhaps the cause of a major fire will be a disaster at one of the factories in the region.

Political unrest and a struggle for power after the death of the president cannot be ruled out, which should happen between 2018 and 2021. People will not be happy with what is happening in the country, massive popular uprisings will begin. Only by 2025 will the situation in the country become similar to its condition in 2017.

How the stars align

Astrologer Pavel Globa, describing his visions, predicts an unprecedented economic boom for Russia in 2018. Russians will no longer have to live below the poverty line. Residents' incomes will increase. A new president will provide a way out of the crisis, but more about him below.

Domestic medicine will develop, and the prerequisites for this can be seen at the very beginning of 2018. Russian doctors will become the inventors of a fundamentally new medicine or method of treating currently incurable diseases. Doctors' salaries will rise.

Technical progress will not lag behind the pace of development of Russian medicine. In the middle of the year, Russia will begin producing a gadget that will eclipse its foreign counterparts. Russian technology will be popular all over the world. But conquering the world market will last several years. A start will be made in 2018.

Gradually, the Russian Federation will become a world leader around which the rest of the world will unite. Influence on the world political stage will be gained through peaceful means. This is assistance to refugees from other countries, active promotion of the export of domestic products and inventions of Russian scientists.

What will happen to Russia - Vanga's predictions

Vanga's predictions always come true, but they are extremely difficult to interpret correctly. The soothsayer explained her visions extremely vaguely. If you believe her, in 2018 the Russian Federation will begin the path to obtaining the role of a leading world state. But returning to great power status will take many years.

The country's territories will expand. In this case, there will be no military action; Russia will receive land through some peaceful means. Perhaps Donbass will cease to belong to Ukraine in 2018, which will be the reason for the end of military operations in this region. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will be resolved to the benefit of both sides.

Natural disasters will rage in Europe. It won’t become “cold and empty” yet, but many residents of the European Union will die. This disaster will not affect Russia. Russians will help European refugees, which will have a positive impact on the state’s reputation and will be one of the reasons for restoring its authority on the world political stage.

Terrible visions of Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow’s words about the future are often taken as a prediction about the end of the world in 2018. But this is not entirely correct. Her predictions were vague; no one knows exactly what the saint saw in her dreams. Literally, the prophecy about what will happen to Russia sounds like this:

There will be many victims. Without war you will die. You will all lie on the ground. At sunset, everyone will fall to the ground, and at sunrise they will rise, and the world will become different.

There are many versions about the future described by Matrona. Based on her piety, many believe that the saint was not talking about the physical death of the Russian people, but about the loss of spirituality. The saint often argued that loss of faith in God is equal to death. But the prediction may warn of the use of weapons of mass destruction in one of the European Union countries or a natural disaster, meteorite fall or other disaster.

One way or another, the trouble threatening Russia is heavenly punishment. God is going to punish those who have lost faith. The only salvation is to work on developing spirituality. Every Russian should pay maximum attention to it.

Read: Matrona's frightening predictions for 2018

Predictions of the winners of the “Battle of Psychics” for 2018

Psychic Fatima Khadueva foretells the stability of the economy and politics in 2018. There will be no third world war, or it will not affect the Russians. The first half of the year will seem difficult for residents of the state, but difficulties will be replaced by relief. Many problems will be a thing of the past. By 2025, Russia will become the richest country in the world. It will also serve as a world spiritual center.

Julia Wang describes Siberia and the Caucasus as hotbeds of rebellion against the current Russian government. But no serious incidents are expected. Russians will be busy adapting to new conditions for entrepreneurs who will be affected by the crisis in the first half of the year. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia will not end, but large-scale military actions will remain a thing of the past.

Swami Dashi is confident that Russia will include new territories that were previously related to the Soviet Union. Dmitry Volkhov saw the prerequisites for the growth and development of Russia. He completely agrees with Vanga about the fate of the Russian people.

Mohsen Narouzi warns against resuming hostilities in Syria. He sees a threat to Russia coming from an Arab state. The clairvoyant calls on the government to pay more attention to the residents of the Russian Federation rather than other countries.

Other predictions about Russia in 2018

Clairvoyant and astrologer Maria Duval wrote that she sees Russia as a world leader. The new president will lead the state to dominance. By 2020, the Russian Federation will become the richest and most influential country in the world. Breakthroughs in science and medicine are expected, and the standard of living and life expectancy will increase.

The mysterious soothsayer Vasily Nemchin predicted: in the period from 2013 to 2020, Russia will become part of another state. Most likely, this means unification with China, which Wang also hinted at. Perhaps the Russian Federation is facing a rebirth.

General and scientist Valentin Moshkov believed that from 2013 Russia will begin its path to becoming the center of civilization. The Russians will stand at the head of the world. There will be no disasters or wars, the country's economy will recover. In 2018, Russians will be able to continue to observe the prerequisites for this.

Clairvoyants about the new president of Russia

Fatima Khadueva believes that the president will not change. Vanga assured that a new leader would come to power in 2018. It will solve the social and economic problems of Russians. They will be able to forget about poverty and other problems. Michel Nostradamus said something similar.

Astrologer Mikhail Levin claims that a personality completely opposite to Vladimir Putin will rule in 2018. He will not be associated with the elite, he will come to the presidency from the people. This person will radically change the country's governance system. First of all, he will introduce democratic reforms, which will guarantee the stable development of the Russian Federation.

Maria Duval said that the new president would lift the country's economy from its knees. She did not specify anything about his personality, but argued that the new ruler is the guarantor of a happy life for every Russian. Under him, Russia will become an influential and rich country.

Pavel Globa is confident that Vladimir Putin’s reign will end in 2018. The new president will not be associated with him. The life of the Russian people will change for the better. Swami Dashi expects a change of government in 2018 at the initiative of the current one.

The “Great Potter” that Vasily Nemchin spoke about may come in 2018 - during the presidential elections. He will be familiar with magic. With the help of witchcraft, the new president will get rid of a serious illness, after which he will understand that his mission is to serve the Russian people. With him, Russia has a great future.

There are many predictions about what awaits Russia in 2018. Some of them inspire optimism in any Russian person. Some prophecies make you think about the future and take time to save yourself from God's punishment. Regarding the president who will be elected in 2018, most psychics see a completely new leader. He will lead the state to prosperity.