Reasons why a person eats a lot. What is food and why do people eat? (Healthy eating)

The food that a person consumes is necessary for him to maintain vital processes. Food is a kind of building material for the body, as well as a charge of energy for it. In addition, delicious food brings indescribable pleasure. So why do people need to eat so much?

To maintain metabolism, which occurs every second. This is human physiology. The cells of the body divide and renew themselves, metabolic products are removed, and so on ad infinitum. In this process, the food consumed plays the function of building material: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins that the body is not able to produce on its own. Boredom. Such cases are also not uncommon when a person begins to eat in order to occupy his hands and himself with something. However, this phenomenon always has a dark side. Eating for fun is a direct path to obesity. After all, as a rule, at such moments a person gives preference to snacks, appetizers, sweets, fast food, in a word, extremely unhealthy food.

To satisfy psychological dependence. This mechanism is extremely simple: even if a person is not hungry, he is unlikely to refuse a piece of delicious cake or a chocolate bar. This scheme almost always works.

To obtain energy. Scientists have long proven the fact that a person can live without food for a maximum of one and a half months, provided they drink water. Next comes the cessation of all vital processes in the body. Its functioning gradually slows down and soon stops completely.

For pleasure. Moreover, the abundance of food today plays into this perfectly. Currently, there are so many types of products that this trend undoubtedly dictates its own rules. When going to a supermarket for shopping, a person is faced with many temptations that do not allow him to pass by. This rule especially works when the body is in a state of hunger. Then everything that catches your eye goes into the grocery basket. In the same way, food is consumed chaotically upon arrival home.

As you know, a person eats to live. But today food consumption has grown into a real cult. That is why humanity suffers from a number of diseases that could be avoided if we eat properly and in moderation.

Obesity is a very common problem in the 21st century. Its main cause is gluttony. Why does overeating happen? Is it really so difficult to stop in time? In this article we will look at the main causes of gluttony.

Causes of gluttony and gluttony

Large portions

Ask yourself: “Should my lunch portion be this size?” Because that’s what my grandmother fed me as a child? Because they serve so much in a cafe or because your friend cooks it when she hosts you? Because this is the size of the plates sold in stores?

As a rule, a person eats not as much as he actually wants, but as much as is accepted in society. As psychologist Olga Lovi says: “In the process of development, a child learns social norms, he is taught to suppress animal instincts, listen less to the true needs of the body, follow the rules, including in the matter of eating behavior.”

What should I do? You just need to give yourself 2 times less than usual. Pause and after 10 minutes ask yourself: “Am I still hungry?”

In addition, it is recommended to use small serving dishes, such as dessert plates. If you eat in a cafe, eat half and again pause. The feeling of fullness comes late, so don’t rush with food. Let this feeling catch up with you - it may happen long before you see the bottom of the plate.

It is likely that the desire for large portions is a signal from the body that it cannot fully digest the food. Removing toxins, waste and taking care of health is an important point here.

People eat forcefully

“From childhood, a person is taught to eat everything with bread, for lunch there are 3 dishes (for example, soup, salad, dessert), and be sure to finish eating, otherwise your mother will be upset,” says Olga Lovi. – Therefore, when a child grows up, it becomes difficult for him to determine his norm, to “hear” what exactly his body needs at this moment, today and now. Very often a person has a fear of not being satisfied, of not getting enough food, since food in our time is perceived as a value.”

What should I do? While you eat, listen to your feelings. Compare your emotions from the last spoon of the dish with the emotions from the first: was it as tasty as at the beginning? If not, there was no reason to continue eating. Maybe it wasn't worth starting.

Modern people eat while watching TV or at the computer

Classics of the genre: chips, sandwiches, chicken legs, etc. “When watching a film, a person is more captivated by a vivid emotional state than by a feeling of satiety,” explains Olga Lovi. “Because of such involvement, it becomes difficult to realize whether you are full or not.”

What should I do? Eat only at the dinner table and during meals turn off the TV, computer and put the book away from you. Such actions will also allow you to better experience the taste of food.

People become victims of their own rigid inhibitions

As soon as you say to yourself: “That’s it, no more chocolate in my life!”, then proper nutrition turns from a healthy task into a test, a punishment and loses its chances of being accomplished. Strict restrictions and sudden unmotivated refusal of your favorite food in most cases will lead to breakdowns and nightly raids on the refrigerator.

What should I do?“It’s better to slowly move towards a healthy diet than to try to jump over the abyss in three leaps,” says Olga Lovi. – Sometimes a person looks at parameters that are not organic for his body, too rigid. And this is hard work - to keep your body weight below your individual level, which was intended by nature and the structure of the body. In this case, life will not be easy, since the body will be capricious, and happiness and a feeling of joy are the emotional state of a healthy body.

Food for pleasure and comfort

“The nature of the human body is such that when a feeling of anxiety, fear or irritation arises, it becomes easier and more natural to move than to remain still. But since social norms of behavior tell people to behave decently and sit down (for example, at negotiations or at lectures), then in order to extinguish and accumulate tension, a release in a socially acceptable form is necessary, says Olga Lovi. “Therefore, food often becomes a kind of relaxant; it gives a person a feeling of satisfaction, calmness, satiety, reduces irritability and relieves anxiety. This explains that when an employee is humiliated by his boss, he eats a cutlet to relieve himself instead of punching the boss in the face. :)".

What should I do? Understand what exactly the sensations are that draw you to food. What emotions are you experiencing? Answering these questions will help you look for a solution at the address, and not in food. Olga Lovi states: “You must not hide your emotions, or at least be aware of them, and not discharge them into your body by eating the third sausage. Tell yourself, “I am sad and angry. My boss is an asshole!” instead of trying to regain lost peace of mind with food.”

It is difficult for people to adhere to their chosen behavior strategy when visiting

It can be quite difficult to refuse the offered supplement, as well as the temptation to eat the dessert that the hostess herself prepared. How in this case not to offend with your “no”? The simplest thing, of course, is not to visit guests...

What should I do? Of course, go visit, but do not forget about two rules. Rule one: you can try every proposed dish, but only 1-2 tablespoons, based on your feelings and your desires; Praise the hostess, but refuse the supplement, explaining that your stomach is full to capacity. Rule two: do not be afraid of gluttony as the end of the world - and if you do overeat, do the following days.

How do you manage to avoid overeating? Share your tips in the comments. ;)

The question of why you want to eat all the time is a question many people ask. Everyone knows perfectly well that this is a natural physiological need, and a person cannot exist without nutrition.

When a person eats three times a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner, this is considered the generally accepted norm. However, cases arise when a person experiences as a result of which his stomach works with maximum load. And here the question of why you want to eat all the time becomes of paramount importance, since a suspicion arises that this is a pathology. In any case, it can be explained. Let's consider this problem in all its details.

So, are you hungry all the time? The reasons for such a physiological anomaly are very diverse.

We sleep little

If a person went to bed late and got up early (he spent not the required 8 hours of sleep, but only 3-4), then the concentration of a special substance in his body - leptin, which controls appetite and body weight - often decreases.

When “lack of sleep” occurs regularly, we begin to experience a “brutal” appetite, while metabolic processes slow down.

Low calories

To the question of why you want to eat all the time, you can give a completely logical answer. If you eat low-calorie foods, you will feel full a little later than when you eat a standard set of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Every day a person should eat from one and a half to three kilograms of food. To dull the feeling of hunger, you should drink as much water as possible and eat (vegetables, fruits).

Learn to eat in doses

So that you don’t worry about why you want to eat all the time, try to eat in small doses. Do not use large or bulky plates.

Carbohydrate deficiency

If your diet does not contain foods rich in carbohydrates, then you will eat more than you need. Carbohydrates also function as appetite control, and their deficiency can trigger a decrease in the level of serotonin, the “pleasure hormone,” which can result in increased appetite. However, it should be understood that there are healthy carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables and fruits) and harmful ones (flour and sweets).

We also often feel hungry because we have trained ourselves to eat chocolate on an empty stomach. We regard any high-calorie and sweet product as tasty, so we think that by eating it we will satisfy our hunger. It is better to leave sweets and cakes for dessert rather than eat them as a main course.

Eating in front of the TV

The problem of why you want to eat all the time has another very reasonable explanation. When a person puts a plate of soup and potatoes on a tray and goes to eat in front of the TV on, this helps increase appetite. The brain associates watching a movie or your favorite show with food, so as soon as you sit down in a comfortable chair to watch some talk show, you have a desire to eat chips even if you are not at all hungry. At the same time, this is produced quickly. Learn to eat in one place, and where there are no irritating factors, such as a radio, for example. Otherwise, you will be constantly distracted, and your brain will lose control over the feeling of satiety.

The above list of reasons explaining why you constantly want to eat is not limited to the peculiarities of your diet. There are also nuances of a psychological nature that contribute to the fact that we have an unbridled desire to constantly eat.

We begin to automatically put something tasty in our mouth when we experience nervous tension, depression, sadness, resentment and other negative emotions. Food pleases us with its taste and thereby calms us down.

Alarm state

Why do you always want to eat? This is because we feel anxious. Before eating, it is better to relax in warm water in the bath and calmly analyze the situation that is bothering you.


If you are tormented by remorse, feeling guilty about yourself, then opening the refrigerator and then “filling” your stomach with food to the limit is not the best solution. Try to direct your energy in a different direction: clean the house, do laundry, ironing and other chores.

Aggressive state

Another argument can be made as to why we begin to “sweep” food off the table after experiencing feelings of anger or rage: we chaotically cut, chew and swallow.

In this situation, throw out negative emotions in other ways: work out on sports equipment, play a computer game, you can even break dishes if this makes you feel better.

Boredom and depression

When you are uninterested in the world around you, you find your only outlet in food. At these moments, condensed milk seems especially tasty to you, and you consider pancakes with cottage cheese to be the pinnacle of culinary creation. After you have eaten, the world no longer seems so boring and gray. Again, to combat melancholy it is better to use other methods: read a book, watch your favorite movie, go to the theater.

Feeling of shame

For those who do not have the slightest idea of ​​why they constantly want to eat, it will be useful to know that such a pathology often arises when a person feels offended. By “refueling” with something tasty at this moment, we are thereby trying to console ourselves and bring our nerve cells into a state of rest. Instead of eating, play a game in which you will not consider yourself a loser. You can also spend time in the company of your friends and family so you don't feel lonely.

Are there other reasons that explain the fact that you feel hungry all the time? Absolutely yes. After physical activity, sports, intimacy, and prolonged exposure to fresh air, the appetite also awakens.

Who else often wants to eat? Of course, a woman who is pregnant.

How to fix the problem

Those who want to normalize their diet should know that this can be done by adding hot spices, in particular pepper, to food. It will help reduce your appetite. Eat more malt and egg yolks. These components also dull the feeling of hunger. Drink plenty of water, which will flush out toxins and help you feel full.

Reasons why a person eats a lot. Why do we sit at the table:
I want to talk about why and how we eat. And what is it like to be a Raw Foodist in a traditionally eating family.

Having decided to switch to a raw food diet, I read more than one book, prepared myself for the positive, for daily discoveries, and even for the resistance of others, but most importantly, many times I caught myself thinking that I began to devote more time to what I eat, and much less why.

Having learned some facts about meat and dairy products, salt in large quantities,
black tea, coffee, yeast bread, packaged juices, I gradually eliminated these products from my diet.
A raw food diet was just around the corner, but cravings got in the way
to cookies, buns, sweets and an ongoing series of holidays.

And then the thought arose, why exactly do we eat so much and what can be done to avoid falling out of society by changing our diet.
I have highlighted the following functions that food plays, I am sure there are more of them:
1. Nutritional function. We eat in order to obtain from food the elements we need and to pacify the feeling of hunger. Everything is simple here and the choice of products is dictated by our diet and program, for example this “animal proteins are necessary
for growth."
2. Having fun. We focus on which dish will bring the greatest pleasure. The problem with most “non-working” diets is that while the body receives all the nutrients, it remains
unsatisfied, the feeling of hunger returns.

By switching to a raw food diet, tasteless food simply disappeared from my diet.
3. Ritual function of food. A glass of kefir at night, morning coffee, help
get in the right mood. Gift sets of sweets, coffee, tea, sweets seem to be specially created to solve the problem of a late gift. There is no wedding without
champagne and New Year's party without Olivier salad.

A meeting of guests cannot take place without tea, because since ancient times it has been customary for dear guests to be seated at
table with the owners and nourishing food. Most visits for an hour end in the kitchen with tea with cake, sweets, or a full lunch or dinner.

Having food on the table unites and gives a feeling of comfort and confidence.
4. Status function. What do a first romantic date and “informal” business negotiations have in common? As a rule, both take place in restaurants, and there, with the help of food, its presentation and the degree of sophistication, we try to produce
making a positive impression on your interlocutor while negotiating at the same time. Agree,
A romantic date and borscht are incompatible.

Modern teenagers eat fast food because “it’s cool”, against house rules, while gorging on stable authority along with extra calories.

5. Food as a means of effective communication and establishing contact.

Reasons why a person eats a lot

A simple example of this are grandmothers and adult grandchildren. The first, in addition to heartfelt care for grandchildren, is also
and fights for their attention with food, while the latter give her pleasure by devouring pies, vinaigrettes, jellied meats and other delicacies.

A familiar dish can become a “safety cushion” during a tense conversation.
6. Food as a means of filling pauses or an opportunity to do so Snacks and a cup of tea at work give us time to take a breath or put off a not-so-pleasant task.

A glass of wine will brighten up the wait for the main course.
7. Food as a reward “When you clean up the room, I’ll let you take some candy” - this is a noticeable idea of ​​food -
rewards penetrate our brains.
8. Food as a way to change the internal state, evade reality.
Boiled sausage, milk chocolate, semolina porridge with jam, each of us has our own childhood taste.

Trying this writing again, we experience certain emotions,
We fall into a special state and experience pleasant emotions. We can fill a joyless day with delicious food and improve our mood. I’ll finish the report and…..

Reasons why a person eats a lot
Why do we eat more than we need:
Internal reasons:
1. Fear or overcoming it takes a lot of energy and creates a feeling of hunger.
2. Feeling of own inferiority.
3.Strong experiences.

Women tend to eat up their problems with chocolate, cakes and other confectionery products containing an artificial hormone of happiness.
4. Due to incorrect portioning, unwillingness to throw away food
External reasons:
5. Waiting.

Most of us don't like to wait and calm down over food. It doesn’t matter what or who exactly, a late friend, the end of the wash cycle
washing machine.

Food will fill the waiting time.
6. Giving in to persuasion. “Which pie is looking at you?” - a phrase familiar from childhood. Often we take another cutlet/piece of cake, because the hosts of the holiday really praise the dish, the newest way to prepare it
or threaten to be offended.
7. Eating in front of the TV.

We eat many times more food if our attention is not completely focused on it.
8. Under the influence of advertising or other external stimuli.

Reasons why a person eats a lot
9. following an established tradition. This fully applies to festive events, when more food is consumed than necessary.
10. For company. This is especially noticeable during feasts, when the table is already empty and there is a pause in food intake, the next “rush” to dishes will be picked up by the majority
11. Sudden availability of product. Remember, there is a 40% discount on chocolate with almonds and your hands are already putting it in the basket with food.

About NLP
And also, our speech, it is also worth paying attention to, because we ourselves form with words the reality in which we live. Let me give you a simple example: I often at work
offer milk or sweets.

At first, out of habit, I answered something like: “Thanks, but I don’t eat that.” A simple answer, polite, but something is wrong. Yes, it has
the particle “not” is that insidious word that at certain moments literally gave a signal to the brain “I DO NOT eat this”, “I DO NOT drink milk”.

Everything inside from such a signal
It began to burn, if not with the fire of resentment for the missed delicacy, then a feeling of discomfort, even danger. That's right, how can I live without milk?

I drank it for so many years, following the program.
As soon as I changed the answer to “Thank you, I’m on a different nutrition system,” instead of bitterness I began to feel joy and even pride in myself. I spoke internally
"Well done!" and prepared to explain the principles of my nutrition, if necessary.

Reasons why a person eats a lot

My changes on a raw food diet:

— I became more cheerful and energetic, a good mood became the rule. There was a feeling of comfort, self-esteem increased.

I began to look at my reflection with pleasure in the morning;
- although I used to be the “lucky owner” of chronic tonsillitis, over the past six months I have never caught a cold,

In general, I only had to use medications a few times in six months, headaches do not bother me,
— 5-5.5 hours is enough for sleep, I began to fall asleep faster, I tried sleeping on the floor, it turned out to be convenient;
— the weight has hardly changed, but I changed part of my wardrobe, since now I wear clothes one size smaller;

I acquired new hobbies and learned a lot about the world around me; because there is more time;
— I began to love walks, workouts, and regularly do exercises in the morning, I tried gypsy and yoga;
- the unpleasant smell of sweat has disappeared,

- the stomach began to work “on schedule”;
— while working as an official, I started going for walks during my lunch break,
- the structure of the hair has changed, the hair generally began to shed less and even grow back, the nails became stronger, the skin of the face was clearer;
— I stopped eating artificial vitamins, the desire to “feed” myself with various chemicals disappeared,
(c) Catherine

Nutrition and energy production, as well as metabolism, are necessary conditions for survival not only for humans, but for all living beings. Nutrition occurs in different ways depending on the type of organism. Some people feed on the outer covering, while others have special organs for processing and using the energy received from food. In this article, we will be interested in the human body and ways of feeding it. Thus, we will answer the question of why people eat and why people eat meat. So:

Nutrition as the key to survival and development

In addition to the fact that food gives us energy and building material for the body, it gives us special pleasure. In human psychology and physiology, the pleasure factor is a serious motive for eating food. Metabolism with the environment is necessary for both humans and animals and plants for adaptation and survival in an aggressive external environment. Without receiving the necessary microelements, acids and substances, the body becomes weakened and ultimately may die. Thus, the main function of nutrition is the survival of the animal or plant.

Let's talk a little about the mechanism of digestion. In a general sense, the process of digestion is the separation of large food molecules into smaller ones for the absorption of substances and their use for the implementation of body functions. The breakdown occurs under the action of enzymes in our stomach. It is no secret that digestion can often be accompanied by various disorders of the organs involved in it. This may depend on the quality of food or on the condition of the body as a whole. After the molecules of food are divided into simpler elements, the walls of the stomach absorb it for further sale. Microelements enter the blood and lymph, which carry the necessary elements to the necessary organs.

An important function of digestion is that by receiving and processing microelements, the body is able to create its own cells.

Also, few people know that the human digestion process begins in his mouth. The fact is that when food enters the oral cavity, the exocrine glands are stimulated. Already in the human mouth, polysaccharides are broken down.

Why do people want to eat? The need for food is formed when the body gives a signal to the nervous system about the lack of any substances in its work. Everyone can remember what weakness and lack of strength he experiences in a situation where food has not entered his body for a long time. Many nutritionists advise eating food often, but little by little. Thus, the body receives a constant flow of necessary substances that are so necessary for its successful and efficient functioning.

Why do people eat a lot? The answer to this question lies rather in the field of human psychology. As we have already said, the need for food is characteristic not only of survival, but also of pleasure. That is why many of us are not ready to limit ourselves to a tasty lunch, even if we overeat. Eating has a strong emotionally positive character, which leads to the consolidation of eating behavior, and in some cases to an emphasis on it.

Why does a person eat little? As with overeating, active refusal of food is an area of ​​the human psyche. The only difference is that people who eat little food experienced some negative emotions about eating, which led to the formation of a certain attitude towards this process. Remember, however, that each situation is unique, as is its culprit, so the reasons for undereating or overeating can be more than varied.