Winged expressions about human dignity. Aphorisms about dignity

Dignity is a set of high moral qualities, as well as respect for these qualities in oneself.

In chapter Sages on Dignity site “All Wisdom!” collected sayings, aphorisms, statements, expressions of sages, thinkers, philosophers, writers, poets, great, famous people of all times and peoples from the ancient world to the present day about dignity.

We are waiting for you on other pages of the site “All Wisdom!” . Read also the sections “Golden Fund of Wisdom”, “In a Nutshell”, “Wisdom of the Seven Wise Men”, “Biblical Wisdom”.


“Human virtues are precious stones that play more beautifully in the frame of modesty.”


“No one is forbidden to live with dignity.”

E. Rotterdamsky

“A worthy person does not follow in the footsteps of other people.”


“Dignity expresses the resistance of the spirit to instinct.”

I. F. Schiller

“A man who behaves honorably from the very beginning is free from remorse.”

Abul Faraj

“A worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has dignity.”

V. Klyuchevsky

“The dignity of every person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions.”

Marie Antoinette

“It’s not a pity that a person lost his money, house, estate - all this does not belong to a person. It’s a pity when a person loses his true property - his human dignity.”

“True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.”

M. Montaigne

“The more we talk about our virtues, the less they believe in them.”

“Dignity is an unrealized disadvantage.”

Alisher Faiz

“If advantages continue longer than necessary, are revealed not when necessary, and not where necessary, then they are shortcomings.”

“Dignity cannot be taught to us by those who behave unworthily.”

“A person’s dignity is determined by the path he takes to reach his goal, and not by whether he achieves it.”

A. Kunanbaev

“A worthy man does a lot, but does not boast about what he has done; he makes merit, but does not recognize it, because he does not want to reveal his wisdom.”

“The less a person thinks or knows about his own merits, the more we like him.”

R. Emerson

“Dignity is precisely what elevates a person most, what gives his activities, all his aspirations the highest nobility.”

“A person’s dignity does not lie in his origin. God did not create slavery, but gave man freedom.”

John Chrysostom

“Immense pride and conceit is not a sign of self-esteem.”

F. Dostoevsky

“The main dignity of a person is the ability to confront himself.”

S. Johnson

“Consciousness of one’s own dignity makes an intelligent person more modest, but at the same time more persistent.”


“The child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more self-aware of his dignity.”

N. Chernyshevsky

“Many people have no merit other than their name.”

J. Labruyère

“We have in our souls exactly as many virtues as we can see in other people.”

W. Hazlitt

“Dignified behavior is a woman’s best adornment.”

L. Ulitskaya

“The worthy walks side by side with the unworthy,
and the middle one wanders off to the side, intimidated and timid.”

“Simplicity is the consciousness of one’s human dignity.”

“Only that person is free who is fully aware of his human dignity.”

B. Auerbach

“It is a great evil to humiliate a person’s dignity, to consider oneself as a person deserving respect, and another person as a “small speck of dust.”

V. Sukhomlinsky

“There are people with merits, but they are disgusting, while others, even with flaws, are sympathetic.”

: A worthy person is not one who has no shortcomings, but one who has merits.

Luis de Camões:
If you deserve a lot,
It is low to wait for alms.
Madame de Pompadour:
You need to have virtues yourself in order to see them in others.
It's better to fall from a high mountain
On a hard bed of stones and
Shatter into pieces
It's better to put your hand into the snake's mouth,
Full of poisonous teeth
Better to throw yourself into the fire
Why sacrifice your dignity?
Michel de Montaigne:
True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes.
Dignity cannot be taught to us by those who behave unworthily.
William Hazlitt:
We have in our souls exactly as many virtues as we can see in other people.
Ambition in itself may be a vice, but it is often a source of dignity.
Abraham Lincoln :
People who have no flaws have very few virtues.
Pierre Buast:
You need to have high virtues or a lot of intelligence in order to be tolerant in society without having politeness.
Pierre Buast:
Simplicity is consciousness of one's human dignity.
Vissarion Belinsky:
Every dignity, every strength is calm - precisely because they are confident in themselves.
Jawaharlal Nehru:
The man who talks a lot about his own virtues is often the least virtuous.
If the main goal in life is not the number of years lived, but honor and dignity, then what difference does it make when to die?
Lao Tzu :
A worthy husband does a lot, but does not boast about what he has done; he makes merits, but does not recognize them, because he does not want to reveal his wisdom.
Lao Tzu :
A worthy husband puts on thin clothes, but has a precious stone in himself.
Lao Tzu :
The law of the worthy is to do good and not quarrel.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau:
To renounce one's freedom means to renounce one's human dignity, the rights of human nature, even its duties. No compensation is possible for someone who renounces everything. Such a refusal is incompatible with human nature; to deprive a person of free will means to deprive his actions of any morality.
Boris Andreev:
They do not demand a decent attitude towards themselves, but create and create it through energetic efforts of good will.
John Chrysostom:
A person's dignity does not lie in his origin. God did not create slavery, but gave man freedom.

Enthusiasm is nothing more than spiritual intoxication.
D. Byron

Courtesy and modesty indicate a person’s true enlightenment.
O. Balzac

A decent person differs not from a vulgar person in that he is completely alien to all vulgarity, but in that he sees and knows what is vulgar in him, while a vulgar person does not even suspect this in relation to himself; on the contrary, it seems to him more than anyone else that he is true perfection.
V. Belinsky

Humanity always and everywhere... is the highest virtue, the highest dignity of man, because without it man is only an animal, all the more disgusting because, contrary to common sense, being an animal on the inside, he has the form of a man on the outside...
V. Belinsky

The spirit of justice and mercy flows from the very power it gives to its owner.
Charles Baudelaire

Enthusiasm and love are the children of hope, contempt and hatred are the children of disappointment.
P. Buast

There is nothing more contagious than enthusiasm; he moves stones, he charms cattle. Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity, and without it truth does not gain victories.
E. Bulwer-Lytton

Of all... responsibilities towards others, the first is truthfulness in words and deeds.
G. Hegel

If you lose good, you will lose a little, if you lose honor, you will lose a lot, if you lose courage, you will lose everything.
I. Goethe

It is not difficult to be kind; it is difficult to be fair.
V. Hugo

Almost the whole secret of a great soul lies in the word “perseverance.” Perseverance is to courage what a wheel is to leverage; it is a continuous renewal of the fulcrum.
V. Hugo

Persistence is the key to success.
I. Dmitriev

Humanity is the only religion, and love is the only priest.
R. Ingersoll

If a person is firm, decisive, simple and quiet, then he is already close to humanity.

Courtesy of mind is the ability to think with dignity and refinement.
F. La Rochefoucauld

A decent person almost always becomes insensitive to praise and honor over time. D. Leopardi

Decency is sincerity of character combined with the right way of thinking; honesty of character.
Unknown Platonist

Humanity is like a stream of pure and fertile water: it fertilizes the lowlands, but remains at a certain level, leaving dry barren rocks that harm the fields with their shadow or threaten landslides.
J. J. Rousseau

Enthusiasm, and only enthusiasm, allows one to feel art; whoever does not have it is only fair and cold.
F. Saar

Compliance creates friends, but truth creates hatred.

A proud person respects not himself, but the opinion that people form about him; A person, with the consciousness of his dignity, respects only himself and despises human opinion.
L. Tolstoy

To be good means to live in harmony with yourself.
O. Wilde

He who is persistent gains good fortune, he who is moderate in food - health, the healthy - prosperity, the diligent - complete knowledge, and he who acts righteously - virtue, benefit and glory.

Goodwill, endless love for one’s own kind - this, believe me, is true bliss; there is no other...
P. Chaadaev

If you are pleased when people are attentive and sensitive to your mood, tastes and weaknesses, you can be sure that the attentiveness and sensitivity that you show in such cases will be just as pleasant to them.
F. Chesterfield

My holy of holies is the human body, health, mind, talent, inspiration, love, absolute freedom - freedom from force and lies, no matter how the latter are expressed.
A. Chekhov

If you give in, you win.

Check out the Sayings of thinkers about dignity for self-development and self-knowledge with pictures and photographs.

Many are friends for food, not friendship. Menander

Friendship between women is just a non-aggression pact.

Where friendship weakens, ceremonial politeness increases. Shakespeare.

A real guy should smell like alcohol, sex and her perfume.

Young man, love work; deny yourself pleasures not in order to give them up forever, but in order to have them all the more in the future! Do not dull your sensitivity to them with premature pleasure! Immanuel Kant

Love is a joyful acceptance and blessing of all living and existing things, that openness of souls that opens its arms to every manifestation of being as such, feels its divine meaning. Semyon Frank

Then she won’t give you away, won’t blackmail you and deviate from the conversation

The first victory is not a victory.

Imagination is given to a person to console him with what he does not have, and a sense of humor to console him with what he does have.

The hardworking bee knows how to collect honey from bitter flowers. Maxim Adamovich Bogdanovich

Ability, valor - everything is nothing until we put in the work. Slept

Good luck for the student, joy for the teacher.

I live in a world full of things I don't have but would like to have. Correction... I exist, because this is not life.

Friendship is when you send your friend on a date, and then spend the entire evening being angry with her because you have nothing to do.

Only stupid people consider the path of love happy. Only the one who gives up everything in Her name will be able to take Her path. And having walked this path to the end, he will find not happiness, but pain. But only those who have walked this path can say that they have lived. Maria Nikolaeva, “Alien Way”

By the degree of greater or lesser respect for work and by the ability to evaluate work according to its true value, you can determine the degree of civilization of a people. Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

Companionship and friendship are signs of real reconciliation with one's gender role and real balance between the sexes. Alfred Adler

The school is a place where cobblestones are polished and diamonds are destroyed. Robert Ingersoll

There is no law for fools. If it is written it is not read, if it is read it is not understood, if it is understood it is not understood!

To fall in love with someone who loves you back is a miracle in itself. P.S. I love you

Never give up - never, never give up. Winston Churchill

And no one ever found out what the Rabbit thought about this, because the Rabbit was very well-mannered. Alan Alexander Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

You need to look for happiness in yourself!

Happiness is not the reward for virtue, but virtue itself. Spinoza

A person is valuable when his words match his actions. Oscar Wilde

Thank you for having me, even if you don’t really want it yourself! You are an amazing friend.

What good is it to a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?

I dream about you every day, I think about you at night!

A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes. E. Reclus

Glory is in the hands of labor. Leonardo da Vinci

The chastity belt does not affect the possibility of betrayal, but only the method. J. Stebo.

The saying that there is a freak in every family was one hundred percent invented by a beautiful woman. Aurelius Markov.

Absurd love is better than no love at all. Stephen King "The Green Mile"

Love laughs at obstacles. Mine Reed "The Headless Horseman"

Women are created to be loved, not to be understood. Oscar Wilde

Hatred for the same object brings people together a hundred times stronger than love, friendship, and respect combined.

God is our true friend: He knows everything about us and yet does not stop loving us. Toyshibekov.

My life is wonderful, I'm always positive. Such happiness to be the only one so beautiful in the whole world.

Look, we're missing three things. The first is the quality of our knowledge. The second is leisure to think through and absorb this knowledge. And the third is simply to act on the basis of what we have learned from the interaction of the first two. Ray Bradbury

It is bad if the authorities test their strength through insults; it is bad if respect is acquired by horror; With love you will achieve what you want much sooner than with fear. Pliny the Younger

Do you know how great a woman's curiosity is? Almost the same as men's.

I enter into friendship with only very few, but I value it. Karl Marx

Great minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires. Washington Irving

Happiness is when on a cold evening with friends you remember past adventures

Aphorisms about dignity

The dignity of every person depends only on how he shows himself in his actions. Adolf von Knigge

The virtue of speech is to be clear and not low. Aristotle

There is nothing more useful than a good name, and nothing creates it as firmly as dignity. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Of all the virtues and virtues of the soul, the greatest virtue is kindness. Francis Bacon

True dignity is like a river: the deeper it is, the less noise it makes. Michel de Montaigne

It is not a pity that a person was born or died, that he lost his money, house, estate, all this does not belong to a person. It’s a pity when a person loses his true property - his human dignity. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Thinking is a great virtue, and wisdom lies in speaking what is true and listening to nature and acting in accordance with it. Heraclitus

Do the work - and show the work. Everything is valued not for its essence, but for its appearance. Having dignity and being able to show it is a double dignity: what is not visible is as if it were not there. Baltasar Gracian y Morales

Don't be content with a superficial glance. Neither the originality of each thing nor its dignity should escape you. Marcus Aurelius

Dignity, position, wealth, in a sense, are necessary for old people so that young people keep their distance and do not think of mocking their advanced years. Jonathan Swift

Being able to speak is a less important virtue than being able to stop. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the elder)

Study people, try to use them without trusting them indiscriminately; look for true dignity, even if it is at the end of the world: for the most part it is modest and in the distance. Valor does not stand out from the crowd, is not greedy, does not fuss, and allows one to forget about oneself. Catherine II (Ekaterina Alekseevna)

The worth and dignity of a man lies in his heart and in his will; it is here that the basis of his true honor lies. Michel de Montaigne

Suspicion is more of an asset than a disadvantage, since it is likened to a dog that guards but does not bite. George Saville Halifax

Modesty enhances dignity and excuses mediocrity. Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The strong are not the best, but the honest ones. Honor and self-esteem are the strongest. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Our entire dignity lies in our ability to think. Only thought elevates us, and not space and time, in which we are nothing. Let us try to think with dignity - this is the basis of morality. Blaise Pascal

The main dignity of a person is the ability to confront oneself. Samuel Johnson

A modest person is more intolerable to me than a braggart. A braggart recognizes everyone's dignity, but an overly modest person, apparently, despises the one in front of whom he is being modest. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Good nature is the most common quality, kindness is the rarest virtue. Maria-Ebner Eschenbach