Analysis, evaluation and interpretation of search results. Possible options for interpreting the results of assessment procedures

Unified State Examination results are valid for 4 years (not counting the year of passing the exams). When applying, you can only use valid USE results.

In accordance with the current Procedure for conducting GIA-11, it is necessary to select one level of mathematics to pass (basic or specialized).

The issue is beyond our competence. Contact the education department of your district or the Ministry of Education of the Novosibirsk region.

Hello! The order to conduct the final essay (presentation) in the Russian language has been sent to the educational authorities of the District Administration...

Hello! The periods for taking the Unified State Exam (early or reserve days of the main period) are chosen by graduates of previous years at will and indicated in the application...

Hello! The developers of CMMs and materials for GIA-9 are the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, with all changes and materials...

The explanations you refer to were given in conditions where two standards were implemented at the basic general level: FC GOS and FSES LLC. ...

Graduates of previous years write a final essay if they wish (there is no mandatory requirement). The final essay as a condition for admission to the State Examination Academy is written...

Hello! In accordance with the Procedure for conducting GIA-11, you need to submit an application to the places of registration before February 1, 2020. List of places...

The answer to this question is beyond our competence.

Hello! In accordance with the Procedure for conducting the GIA-11 (clause 14, clause 16), to participate in the Unified State Exam, you must submit an application before February 1, 2020, including...

Hello! Yes, you have the right to take the Unified State Exam in 2020.

Hello! Students choose the level of mathematics passing (basic or specialized) independently. Admission conditions must be clarified...

Hello! The student chooses the form of passing the state final certification (GIA) independently (OGE or GVE). The need for pass...

Hello! In accordance with the Procedure for conducting the GIA-11 (clause 14, clause 16), to participate in the Unified State Exam, you must submit an application before February 1, 2020, including...

Hello! NIMRO does not conduct trial exams, please contact the head of your educational organization.

The procedure for obtaining estimates of population parameters (the sum of the indicator, the average value of the indicator, ratios of indicator values, shares, etc.) must be precisely defined. An estimate is a value of some population parameter calculated from sample observation data. Estimation is also understood as a formula or algorithm for calculating the numerical value of a parameter of the population being studied, estimated from sample data.

Typically, for observations based on probability sampling, estimates are calculated using weights appropriate to the sampling design (sampling weights).

To compensate for the impact of systematic errors (failure to receive a response from observation units, incomplete coverage) on the reliability of observation results and obtain more accurate values, estimates can be adjusted, including using auxiliary information (for example, the calibration method).

If auxiliary variables are used in the assessment process, their choice must be justified, they must be correlated with observation variables and updated. The use of a particular assessment procedure model should be documented, including the underlying assumptions made by the model.

In sample observations that use non-probability samples, estimates are typically obtained using appropriate statistical models. In this case, the assessment procedures must be justified, and the assumptions made must be plausible and, if possible, tested.

Estimates of population parameters must be accompanied by characteristics of their accuracy (coefficient of variation of the estimate, mean square error (MSE), root mean square (standard) sampling error), which must take into account the characteristics of the sampling plan (stratification, multistage selection, etc.), as well as corrections included in the weights. If possible, they should also reflect other major errors that occur throughout the statistical production process. Accuracy measures for the most important indicator estimates should be obtained both for the entire population and for the main development sections. If they are calculated by approximate calculation methods, then these calculation methods must be documented.

Criteria for publishing estimates must be established before they are calculated: that is, the level of error in the estimate must be fixed, above which the resulting data are not published.

Procedures for assessing the results of statistical observation, as well as their application, are described in detail in the relevant sections of methodological materials (methodological recommendations, regulations, etc.), approved in the prescribed manner and posted in the public domain on the official website of Rosstat.

The assessment procedure can be carried out using specialized or standard software. Custom software must be previously and accurately tested before making final assessments. All results from evaluation processes must be reproducible (exactly or within close approximations), meaning that if the entire processing procedure is repeated, the same results must be obtained.

Data obtained from observations, surveys, experimental work, and experiments cannot yet be considered scientifically reliable results if they are not subjected to analysis, evaluation and scientific interpretation (interpretation).

The analysis should reveal the role of objective and subjective factors influencing the progress and results, and make it possible to identify the leading factors and conditions necessary for using the data obtained. The results are assessed, their significance, degree of novelty, and practical relevance are identified. Interpretation makes it possible to explain the mechanisms of action, the meaning of the results obtained, their relationship with previously known provisions and concepts, and reveal prospects for the further use of newly acquired knowledge or proven technologies.

In order to carry out the final part of the study, it is necessary to return to its initial stage, using identified and already tested criteria, indicators and indicators (measurable indicators). Essentially, this is the final stage of monitoring - constant monitoring of the educational process, the impact on its quality and the results of introduced innovations. This is the study of the dynamics of a process for the purpose of comparison with expected results. Monitoring includes the collection and systematization of information, its analysis and interpretation, and decision-making on process adjustments to optimize it.

The criteria (generalized characteristics) on the basis of which the dynamics and results of the process in education are monitored and assessed due to its complexity and multifunctionality, must always be comprehensive, but differentiated.

There are criteria for assessing the quality of projects and programs (relevance, scientific validity, novelty, practical feasibility, resource provision), criteria for the success of the transformation process (legal and resource provision, degree of motivational readiness, effectiveness of activities, psychological comfort of participants, dynamics of progress towards planned results) and, finally, criteria for achievements (results).

The last group of criteria - performance criteria - can relate either to the process (system) being studied and transformed, or to the main “product” of education - a person, an individual.

Performance criterion the process of transformation in personal terms, as we believe, must necessarily include five “sub-criteria”, which make up: the criterion of the results of the main activity - educational, sports, creative and performing (depending on the type and focus of the educational institution or the area being studied), the criterion of personal development, the criterion of good manners, the criterion of health, in some cases it is legitimate to highlight another criterion of social adaptation or readiness for life in an open society. The indicators by which each criterion is monitored are, firstly, very diverse and variable, and, secondly, they themselves are partial and relative. Therefore, the results of education cannot be judged by individual indicators, for example, by the results of the Unified State Examination, which mainly reflect the quality of knowledge and final skills, but only very indirectly indicate the development of thinking abilities, social maturity, cultural outlook, and competence. A very “partial”, limited indicator is the identification of “residual knowledge” of students during the certification of universities. Undoubtedly important, for obvious reasons, non-exhaustive and incomplete are such indicators of educational activity as school performance, awarding medals to graduates, their admission to universities, even to budget places, not to mention fees Frame 10

nykh. Only based on a set of indicators can one conduct an analysis and evaluate the results. Understanding the results obtained makes it possible to fulfill the requirements for research work, including dissertation work, to establish the novelty, theoretical significance and practical usefulness of the results. In reports on the results of practical projects and programs, requirements regarding theoretical significance are not so mandatory; the requirement of novelty is more categorical, although its degree may vary: from discoveries to improvements and modernization of the known, and practical significance must be identified especially convincingly.

Novelty, theoretical and practical significance act as generalized criteria for the effectiveness of the work done.

When establishing novelty, the key word to give a specific answer is “for the first time.” For the first time it was established and revealed.

defined, original data obtained, explanation given, etc. Novelty can be contained in the formulation of the problem, in the idea and plan, in the technologies and procedures for optimizing the pedagogical process, in identifying the optimal conditions for its occurrence. Let us note in passing that the words “for the first time” and “novelty” are synonymous, and if novelty is revealed, then repeating the word “for the first time” makes no sense (see frame 11).

Let us present terms (verbs) that allow us to identify the novelty of the results.

Frame 12

Let us turn to the example of the author identifying the novelty of his work. In the study “Nurturing the creative attitude of the future teacher to the organization of the educational process” (2004), the author sees the novelty in the fact that he identified the structure of the creative attitude of the future teacher to the organization of the educational process, and this structure includes motivational-value, content-procedural and emotional-volitional components (note that they can be identified in any pedagogical or educational process). The essence of the relationship under study lies in the search and selection of original forms, methods, means of organizing the educational process, the development of an individual creative style of activity, and maximum self-realization of the future teacher.

The word “for the first time” cannot be applied to statements of this kind, since they are all already very well known. He modestly remains silent about what the author was able to discover by applying these principles to his subject of research.

In such cases, I would like to remind graduate students, applicants, and practicing researchers that they are not diplomats. Charles Talleyrand, as is known, said that language was given to a diplomat in order to hide his thoughts. This saying is often remembered when it comes to diplomatic language, but it is given to the researcher in order to clearly and specifically express his ideas, principles, recommendations and the novelty that they possess (if, of course, it is discovered).

For example, L. I. Gritsenko, already mentioned by us, expressing the novelty of her positions in relation to the legacy of A. S. Makarenko, emphasizes that the social orientation of his educational concept is filled with humane and personal content, the essence of A. S. Makarenko’s education lies in constructive synthesis of externally and internally oriented approaches to human development, which is carried out on the basis of subjective activity. The binary nature of the educational system of A. S. Makarenko is manifested in the harmonization of collective and individual principles, directive and humanistic methods in the organization of pedagogically expedient life activities of the subjects of education.

This approach argues both with the traditional positive interpretation of A. S. Makarenko as the author of the concept of education “in the team, for the team and through the team” and with his critical assessment as a “commissar for education”, as, allegedly, a supporter of military-disciplinary pedagogy.

In practical research there is no strict need for separate designation of novelty and theoretical significance, and in dissertation works it is not always possible to separate them unambiguously, but it is necessary to identify and specifically disclose both.

Let's look at the example we've already used.

Emphasizing the theoretical significance of his work on the creative heritage of A. S. Makarenko, L. I. Gritsenko highlights the following provisions, which undoubtedly contain scientific novelty:

S the essence and specific features of the axiological guidelines of Makarenkovsky education are determined;

S the organic binary-synthetic integrity of the Makarenkovsky educational system, including the collective and the individual, was revealed;

S the subjective, active nature of the mechanisms of education in a team is shown, manifested in the specific features of the use of the principles of environmental conformity and cultural conformity in Makarenkovsky education;

S the social-democratic foundations of the functioning of educational institutions of A. S. Makarenko were identified, ensuring their humanistic and personal orientation;

S the content and essence of the goals of education in the system of A. S. Makarenko are revealed, the contradictions of the ideological (class) nature of the official ideas of education and their humanistic orientation are revealed;

S The genesis and essence of Makarenkov’s ideas about the team were studied on the basis of modern scientific knowledge and approaches in domestic and world science.

Essentially, L. I. Gritsenko showed how modern and promising are the conceptual provisions of the educational system of A. S. Makarenko about the individual and the team to clarify the ways and conditions for harmonizing the pedagogical process.

Theoretical significance means something different than novelty, namely: how new connections, dependencies, approaches, methods identified in the study change (deepen, expand, prove the inconsistency of certain provisions) theories, concepts, approaches existing in science and practice; what new necessary concepts have been introduced into scientific circulation; what prospects for scientific and scientific-practical research are opened by the results of the research (see frame 13).

Frame 13

And finally, about practical significance and usefulness. To identify it, you need to comprehend and show what has already been done practically, where and by whom, with what results the recommendations arising from the research were applied, what implementation materials have been developed and distributed (manuals, recommendations, programs, methods, technologies, etc. .). It is useful to put forward proposals to improve the content, organization, and material support of education and its workers, to strengthen the role of education in the socio-economic development of the country and region, and to improve its status. These proposals need to be addressed to different levels of state and municipal government, to different government bodies, in accordance with their competencies. The questions that need to be answered in determining the practical significance of the work are indicated in frame 14.

Syritsyna Tatyana Nikolaevna,

Deputy Director for Educational Work

MBOU "South Podolsk secondary school"

Cherlak municipal district

Omsk region

Using the results of assessment procedures

in improving the quality of education

The formation of a system for assessing the quality of education is one of the key priorities for the development of education in the Russian Federation. There is increasing recognition that measuring student achievement is necessary not only for monitoring purposes, but also for improving the quality of education.

How should the results of assessment procedures be used in managing the quality of education?

The results of assessment procedures should serve as the basis for improving the teaching of academic subjects; to raise awareness, develop models of parental assessment, and make informed decisions about choosing a child’s educational trajectory.

Each educational organization currently has a basic educational program, which determines the main guidelines for the teaching staff in achieving quality. We use the results of evaluation procedures to solve problems reflected in the main educational program of the school, as well as to increase the efficiency of the entire team.

Today, a comprehensive system for assessing the quality of education is being formed in the education system, including the OGE, the Unified State Exam, All-Russian testing, national and international studies of the quality of education, as well as studies of teacher competencies.

In elementary school, assessment procedures are carried out in the form of complex work that makes it possible to identify the level of formation of universal educational actions.

Complex cross-sectional works were written by students in grades 1-3. 4th grade students took part in the All-Russian test.

This assessment procedure was carried out to assess the quality of primary education in the school. The main feature of the VPR is that it allows you to take a comprehensive look at the results of education: not only the achievement of planned results in individual subjects is assessed, but also the main meta-subject results, which are important for assessing readiness to continue education in primary school.

Students of the MBOU "South Podolsk Secondary School" showed high quality of knowledge in all subjects: in the Russian language - 88% with 100% progress, in mathematics - 66% with 88% progress, in the surrounding world - 66% with 100% progress. Based on the results of the work, a decision was made to continue the education of schoolchildren at the level of basic general education, and pedagogical recommendations were formed for individual support of students already in the 5th grade. The results of the VPR can be used as materials when the employer prepares applications for teaching staff for certification.

The results of the 2016 VPR are somewhat different from the results of the interim certification, especially in the surrounding world.

Primary school teachers take into account this discrepancy in results in order to determine a system of measures to increase the objectivity of assessing students’ knowledge; they focus their efforts on a more active study of methodological recommendations for preparing for the final certification in subjects, the active use of training materials in lessons, but most importantly - They use more productive methods of working to develop a child’s strong, stable knowledge of subjects.

Based on the results of the VPR, the following recommendations were given to primary school teachers:

1. Pay attention to typical errors, their causes and possible solutions.

2. Increase the personal responsibility of each teacher as a result of work to ensure that students acquire basic knowledge, skills and abilities determined by the program and educational standards for the Russian language.

3. Objectively evaluate students’ work, guided by accepted assessment standards.

4. Prepare individual programs (development trajectories) for students who completed the VPR with very low results, and for students who completed the VPR with fairly high results.

5. Conduct rehearsal work based on the materials of the open task bank NIKO, VPR with subsequent analysis of the results (identifying the dynamics of learning results).

Another important element of the system for assessing the quality of education is the state final certification.

The results of the OGE and the Unified State Exam are both a means of summing up and the basis for an annual analysis of the quality of education in the context of general education subjects at school. The protocols with the results of the OGE and the Unified State Examination present individual subject results, the solvability of each task, primary and final scores. We subject them to comprehensive processing and generate statistical information on subjects and topics.

The choice of a particular subject by graduates allows us to determine the professional orientation of graduates.

General results of the state final certification of graduates9,11 grades include indicators on the basis of which we determine the level of general education training of our graduates.

We compare the school's results with the indicators for the district and region. In the 2015-2016 academic year, 24 students took part in the state final certification: 15 ninth graders and 9 11th grade graduates.

1 student of the 9th grade received a certificate of basic general education with honors, 2 graduates were awarded medals of the Russian Federation “For special achievements in learning.”

Many graduates have two independent expert assessments in compulsory subjects (since the Unified State Exam is taken by those eleventh graders who took the Unified State Exam two years ago). Consequently, this can be used to determine the individual dynamics of each student in mathematics or Russian.

We are also conducting research to compare current and external assessments. Data statistics in this area make it possible to see the system of current teacher evaluation within the framework of unified evaluation standards. The quarterly, semi-annual, and annual grades in the subject assigned by the teacher are correlated with the OGE and USE scores. Thus, the school has created a system for the effective use of statistical analysis of the results of the state final certification, an integral element of assessing the quality of education.

Let's look at some results of the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam over several years.

1. Unified State Examination results and professional self-determination of graduates:

By examining the preference for the choice of general education disciplines by graduates of the Yuzhno-Podolsk Secondary School, it is possible to determine trends in the formation of a social order and restructuring of the educational services market in the unified state exam system. Unified State Exam statistics show that the majority of graduates choose the Unified State Exam in social studies, in second place -Russian history , biology, physics.

Therefore, it is necessary in these subjects not only to strengthen the level of preparedness in the classroom, but also to provide additional educational services, which will contribute to the implementation of the principle of achieving quality - “Customer Focus”. The diagnostic results showed that graduates of the 11th grades of the Yuzhno-Podolsk Secondary School over the past few years have mainly chosen the specialties of pedagogical and technical universities; graduates of the 9th grades enter secondary vocational education institutions mainly in the specialties of cook, auto mechanic, and machinist. tractor driver." Having analyzed our results and compared the results of the Unified State Examination in 2016 with the results of the Unified State Examination in 2015, we understand that it is necessary to organize work to form a unified educational space within the framework of the development of the agro-industrial cluster. Currently, this is where we see “problematic issues” for ourselves, which are expressed not only in a decrease in Unified State Examination results and a low rating when graduates choose subjects such as geography and chemistry, but also in general in the accumulation of human resources for agriculture. This is especially relevant for our region. Therefore, the development task for 2017 is to increase the specialized training of graduates of grades 9 and 11 in these subjects.

2. Identification of the level of mastery of topics in individual subjects(based on statistical data from control and measurement materials, the Unified State Exam allows you to study the level of mastery of topics in subjects):

In the process of carrying out this work, we came to the conclusion that the unified state exam allows us to obtain information not only about the level of educational training of graduates in individual subjects, but also about the quality of the teacher’s work. In particular, in the MBOU “Yuzhno-Podolsk Secondary School” it has been stable for several years years, there has been a significant discrepancy in the average score in mathematics between the school and district averages. That is, the average score for the school is significantly lower than the district one, which indicates that the work of mathematics teachers is not serious enough. Management decisions are regularly made based on this fact; the results of this work can already be seen when graduates of the 9th grade take the OGE in mathematics, where the average score for the school differs slightly from the average for the district.

Comparative data obtained as a result of monitoring studies of the Unified State Examination results make it possible to determine the ranking of graduates and teachers. At the meetings of the ShMO, the reasons for the successful and unsuccessful passing of exams by graduates are identified,events are planned to improve the quality of education and provide methodological assistance to teachers. The main forms of organizing work based on diagnosing professional difficulties of teachers, analyzing and monitoring the results of the Unified State Exam include:

Drawing up a program for methodological support of the educational process in order to provide methodological assistance and support to teachers in creating a high-quality system for preparing students for the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam;

Formation of a data bank of used teaching materials;

The use of pedagogical technologies, the organization of elective courses in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Each of these issues is considered at meetings of methodological associations at the beginning of the new academic year, an algorithm has been developed for preparing students for the State Academic Examination - 2017. I am sure that an independent assessment of individual educational achievements will also allow the teacher to adjust the current assessment system he uses, taking into account the requirements of external assessment.

Modern approaches to assessing the quality of education frighten parents; they have many questions, they are worried about how to help their own child in preparation for an important test. Since today specific forms of implementing the rights of parents to co-manage the educational process through the activities of the School Council are provided, multidimensional cooperation between family and school is more necessary than ever.

In our school, in order to involve parents in the educational process, open days are held; parents take part in the State Examination, the VPR as public observers. Issues of monitoring studies at various levels are considered at meetings of the School Council. Parents are constantly informed through an information stand and the official website about upcoming monitoring studies, and there is a hotline for State Examination issues.

Undoubtedly, there are possible risks and contradictions in conducting assessment procedures:

Unconscious position of a certain part of parents towards education;

Insufficient motivation of students for educational activities;

Monitoring studies may not be in demand and not systematic;

Incorrect use and interpretation of the results of assessment procedures;

The frequency and volume of assessment procedures should be optimal, and studies should not duplicate each other.

Based on the results of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination, the following is applied at school:quality assessment model education: organization of the educational environment - use of modern pedagogical technologies - creation of a system for assessing the quality of the result and monitoring the personal achievements of the graduate - assessment of the quality of education through the characteristics of the process and compliance of the result with the graduate model.

To summarize, it must be emphasized that the use of the results of assessment procedures allows the school administration to:

Develop and implement programs to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning, make changes to the basic educational program;

Identify bottlenecks in the activities of the teaching staff and develop appropriate recommendations for each teacher;

Identify the least prepared students in order to provide them with the necessary assistance;

Provide appropriate resource, organizational and methodological support to ineffective teachers;

Have an independent assessment of the activities of an individual teacher or a group of teachers to organize work with teaching staff.

Teachers use the results of assessment procedures to adjust their work programs, as well as in preparation for certification in order to establish a qualification category.

Students and their parents, based on the results of assessment procedures, receive recommendations on the formation of an individual curriculum, making changes to the individual curriculum, as well as prospects for obtaining further professional education.

It is precisely this coordinated work to use the results of assessment procedures by all participants in the educational process that leads to an annual increase in the quality of education at school.


1. Bolotov V.A., Valdman I.A., Gorbovsky R.V., Zakhir Yu.S., Mertsalova T.A. Key issues in the development of national and regional systems for assessing the quality of education (expert review), - M.: Publishing House of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2016. - 380 p.

2.Valdman I.A. A model for using the results of monitoring studies to improve the quality of education and ensure effective management of educational systems. Educational management: theory and practice No. 1 (17) – 2015.

Report on the topic: “Use of the results of the main assessment procedures in the activities of an educational organization: designing the main educational program, improving the quality of mastering educational programs of academic subjects (courses), improving the internal assessment of the quality of education.”

Prepared :

Deputy Director for HR

MKOU "Secondary School No. 4" IMRSC Volkova E.V.

The formation of a system for assessing the quality of education is one of the key priorities for the development of education in the Russian Federation.There is increasing recognition that measuring student achievement is necessary not only for monitoring purposes, but also for improving the quality of education. The results of the educational institution's basic assessment procedures can be used to make decisions that support the development of a variety of educational strategies aimed at ensuring equal learning opportunities for all students. Such strategies may include: development and implementation of programs to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning in a general education institution, identifying the least prepared students in order to provide them with the necessary assistance, providing appropriate resource, organizational and methodological support to ineffective teachers.

The quality of education is impossible without qualified personnel. It is not without reason that they say that personnel decides everything.The head of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, Sergei Kravtsov, said that the results of assessment procedures should be used to improve the qualifications of teachers. The head of Rosobrnadzor recalled that one of the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin following the meeting of the State Council of the Russian Federation on December 23, 2015 sets the task of forming a national system of teacher growth. According to him, the results of assessment procedures should influence the formation of this system, as well as the content of educational programs.

Assessment procedures only truly improve the quality of education if they are used to make informed decisions, help teachers improve their teaching practices, and equip parents with knowledge of how well their children are learning.

In the 2015/2016 academic year, the work of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 4” IMRSC was focused on achieving the general goal:Development of professional competence of a teacher as a factor in improving the quality of education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOOs and LLCs.

Based on the state of the educational process at school, the presence of problems and contradictions, as well as modern strategic priorities of the educational space, the main directions for the development of the system for assessing the quality of education of MKOU “Secondary School No. 4” IMRSC are the following:

    the formation of a unified system for diagnosing and monitoring the state of education, ensuring the identification of factors and timely identification of changes affecting the quality of education in school;

    obtaining objective information about the functioning and development of the education system at school, trends in its change and reasons affecting its level;

    providing all participants in the educational process and the public with reliable information about the quality of education;

    making informed and timely management decisions to improve education and increasing the level of awareness of consumers of educational services when making such decisions; forecasting the development of the school educational system.

As the ancient Chinese sages believed, there is no point in constantly trying to compare yourself with others. After all, there will always be those who are ahead of us, and there will certainly be those whom we ourselves managed to get ahead of. Is this worth focusing on? It is much more important to “compare yourself with yourself yesterday.” Results-based management is based on the subject's systematic knowledge of how the managed process proceeds. For this purpose, the school is creating a system for assessing the quality of education, a monitoring system - constantly tracking the progress of the educational process in order to identify and evaluate its intermediate results, the factors that influenced them, as well as making and implementing management decisions to regulate and correct the educational process.

During the 2015-2016 academic year, the school administration, together with the heads of school methodological associations, conducted an internal audit of the assessment of the quality of education through:

    monitoring of student progress in the main subjects of the Curriculum (administrative tests 2 times a year);

    the state of teaching academic subjects, elective subjects, implementation of state educational standards, analysis of the results of intermediate and state final certification;

    monitoring the state of teaching in parallel classes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in order to organize activities and intermediate control of knowledge of students in lessons;

    studying the demand for additional educational services (elective subjects) for the next academic year;

    monitoring the participation of students in intellectual (olympiads, conferences) and creative competitions.

Also, in the MCOU “Secondary School No. 4” in the 2015-2-16 academic year, an external audit was conducted to assess the quality of education through:

    Regional verification work on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory dated 02/16/2016 No. 103-pr “On conducting regional verification work” and the order of the education department of the AIMRSC dated 02/17/2016 No. 107 “On conducting regional verification work.”

    Mathematics, Russian language, the world around us in 4th grade.

    Mathematics in 5th grade, basic mathematics in 10th grade;

    History in 8th grade;

    Russian language in 10th grade, essay in 10th grade.

The results of internal and external audits were discussed at meetings with the director, school teaching councils, methodological councils, meetings of school methodological associations, school-wide parent meetings, and meetings of the School Council.

One of the key issues when assessing students' educational achievements is the question of how the results of various assessment programs can be used to improve the quality of an educational institution and improve student learning outcomes.

There are many ways to use the results of basic assessment procedures in the activities of an educational institution. These methods can be divided into two groups:

    use for adjusting the educational process - data is used to identify learning problems and measures to overcome them for individual students;

    use to identify the level of qualification achieved (has mastered the educational program or not).

Also, the results obtained during the assessment of individual achievements within the framework of an external assessment of the quality of education are used for accreditation of an educational institution, certification of teaching staff, and self-assessment of educational institutions.

Based on the above, the following types of solutions can be distinguished:

    Decisions regarding the student.

    Here it is necessary to find out at what level the basic educational program of primary general education has been mastered,secondary general education and basic general educationin basic subjects and meta-subject results (basic, advanced, high, below basic, critical in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Decisions are made regarding the continuation of the student’s education at the level of basic general education.

    Decisions regarding the teacher.

    The data obtained can be used for teacher certification. In this case, the results of the final assessment of students should serve as one of the criteria for the teacher’s activities, along with a professional portfolio, teacher self-assessment, assessment by the school administration, assessment by parents, results of methodological work, certificates of advanced training, as well as taking into account the teacher’s working conditions (student population , degree of preparedness of students, etc.).

    Developing a plan for professional development and advanced training in order to overcome professional deficiencies identified during the final assessment of school students and improve the quality of education for schoolchildren.

    Decisions about school.

    The school administration may take into account the results of the final assessment as one of the criteria for the school’s performance when conducting a self-assessment of a general education institution.

    Using the assessment procedure as one of the elements of the system of intra-school monitoring of the quality of education of a particular educational institution.

    The administration of the educational institution and the methodological association of teachers are designing a system of methodological work and advanced training for school teachers.

    The administration of the educational institution and the methodological association of teachers make decisions regarding the choice of educational and methodological sets for which training is conducted.

In his work on using results of the main assessment procedures of MKOU "Secondary School No. 4" IMRSC is based on the Regulations on the internal system for assessing the quality of education, which is implemented according to the following indicators:

    I. Quality of educational results:

    1.1. Subject results.

    1.3. Health of students.

    1.4. Achievements of students at competitions, competitions, olympiads.

    1.5.Parents’ satisfaction with activities and relationships in the educational institution.

    1.6. Professional self-determination of graduates.

    II. Quality of implementation of the educational process:

    2.1. Basic educational programs

    2.2. Work programs by subject

    2.3. Extracurricular activities programs

    2.4. Implementation of curricula and work programs

    2.5. The quality of lessons and individual work with students

    2.6.Quality of extracurricular activities (including class management)

    2.7. Satisfaction of students and their parents with lessons and conditions at school

    2.8. Organization of student employment

    III. Quality of conditions ensuring the educational process

    3.1. Logistics support

    3.2. Information and development environment

    3.3. Sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions.

    3.4. Catering

    3.5. Using the social sphere of villages and districts.

    3.6. Staffing

    3.7. Public management and promotion of quality education.

In his speechon the use of the results of the main assessment procedures in the activities of MKOU "Secondary School No. 4" IMRSCI want to open the systeminternal assessment of the quality of education, based on the following indicators, which make it possible to design the main educational program of the school, thereby increasing the quality of mastering educational programs of academic subjects (courses).

I. Quality of educational results

1.1. Subject results

Like most schools in the country, the problem of achieving modern (new) quality of education is urgent for our school. The school is looking for ways to solve this problem. Through the efforts of the teaching staff, it has already been possible to stabilize a number of indicators, which makes it possible not only to monitor the situation of schoolchildren’s learning, but also to move on to effective management of the quality of education at the school level. The stability of academic performance and the increase in the quality of education indicate the implementation of a differentiated and activity-based approach to learning.

Quantitative indicators of the contingent

Total classes/

students in them






1-4 grades





1 2 / 251

5-9 grades






10-11 grades





2/ 42

Diagram of changes in student population over 5 years

Conclusion : Analyzing the tables of quantitative indicators of the school student population, we can say that there are very good indicators of increasing the student population at the primary and secondary levels of education.

Monitoring progress over the past 11 years

From the table and diagram presented above, it can be seen that the percentage indicator for differential characteristics has some changes. The increase in the total number of children remains unchanged and the number of children with problems in the development of the intellectual sphere is gradually decreasing. Progress monitoring shows that each teacher must outline a plan for working with both strong students and weak ones. Teaching each student well, giving him knowledge is the task of the teacher and the teaching staff as a whole. Here the problem of the teacher’s personal responsibility for the work of each student arises. Unfortunately, life shows that this responsibility is often entirely shifted solely to the student. In essence, the teacher does not bear any responsibility for failing students. And it should be mainly moral. Every teacher must accept this responsibility towards himself.

Monitoring the quality of knowledge for three years in graduate classes

Comparative analysis of the quality of knowledge over two years

The quality of training is stable. An analysis of the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, carried out by the administration during the school year, shows that the vast majority of students master the program of the subjects they study. The quality of students' knowledge in individual subjects is at a relatively low level in the middle school, falls from the 5th grade to the 9th grade and gradually increases by the 11th grade; this is explained primarily by the age and psychological characteristics of schoolchildren, and different degrees of motivation for educational activities. There is a decline in the quality of teaching from grade 7 to grade 9 in algebra and geometry. This is due to increased demands on the performance of students who wish to study at the third stage of education. The feasibility of such a strategy is confirmed by an increase in the quality of learning during the transition from 10th grade to 11th grade. Graduates of the 11th grade showed a high level of training, which is confirmed by the results of the Unified State Exam.

Number of good and excellent students in dynamics over 3 years

Conclusions: analyzing the quantitative and qualitative results of training, a clear trend of positive growth dynamics is visible. The number of students at primary and secondary levels has increased.

Unfortunately, the number of students mastering the curriculum well and excellently has decreased. This may be due to the historical and social characteristics of the village: students of our school, mainly representatives of working families and graduates of the 9th grade, consciously choose the Agrotechnical College of the village of Moskovskoye to obtain a working profession, and children focused on entering a university after school, more are successfully studying in grades 10-11. The dynamics of growth in the quality of training at the 3rd level of training confirm this assumption.

Of course, the majority of excellent and good students study in primary school, but positive changes are visible even at the 3rd level.

Quality of training in the main subjects of the curriculum

in comparison between 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 academic years.

Analysis of the quality of academic performance in subjects shows changes, both positive and negative. In comparison, the quality of mastering the educational program in the subjects: literature, biology, physics has increased, while the Russian language, social studies, and physical culture have remained at the same level. Unfortunately, the quality of the results of mastering academic subjects has decreased (in the range from 1% to 10%): algebra, geometry, physics, foreign language, chemistry, history, geography, foreign language, computer science and ICT. The teaching staff of the school will have to direct their efforts to improve the quality of education in grades 5-9.

The quality of academic performance at the 3rd level of education has only increased in almost all subjects. This supports the idea that students are making a more informed choice to continue their education in high school. Four graduates of the 2015-2016 academic year graduated from school with certificates of excellence and received medals.

Results of the final certification of graduates of 9th and 11th grades

Students 9A, Bclasses passed 2 mandatory exams - in Russianlanguage and mathematics in the form of the OGE and 2 compulsory elective subjects in the form of the OGE.




% of total

Average score

Maximum score

Minimum score

Number of those who did not receive the minimum points


FULL NAME. teachers



We rented out

Exams in the form of OGE

Russian language



Safonova Marina Anatolyevna




Cheap Larisa Viktorovna




Cheap Larisa Viktorovna



Surneva Elena Ivanovna

Solovyova Irina Vladimirovna

Social science

Surneva Elena Ivanovna Solovyova Irina Vladimirovna



Dolgova Tatyana Alekseenva


Garanzha Galina Nikolaevna



Semenikhina Natal'yana Nikolaevna



Garanzha Galina Nikolaevna




Safonova Marina Anatolyevna

Computer science


Lapin Dmitry Ivanovich

The average score by subjects is presented in the form of a diagram

45 students graduated from 9 classes, two received a special certificate: Bernikova Victoria, Kuhar Daria.

State (final) certification in 9th grade passedsuccessfully. Prepared action plan for preparation and implementationcertification has been completed in full.

Russian language exam

The final certification in the Russian language was carried out in the form of an OGE - test tasks, a concise presentation and an essay.

Comparative analysis of the results of the OGE in the Russian language for three years:





According to the exam results, the quality of knowledge was 49%, which is 5% lower compared to the previous academic year, the level of learning remained at the same level and is 100% this academic year, but basically all 9th ​​grade students confirmed their annual grade in Russian language.

Analysis of the results of the examination work in the Russian language gives grounds to assert that graduates, in general, successfully completed tasks that tested the level of development of basic subject competencies.

Math exam

The final certification in mathematics for a basic school course was carried out in the form of an OGE. The examination work consisted of two parts. The first part of the work included tasks with a choice of answer and a brief recording of the answer, corresponding to the level of compulsory training, and the second - tasks with a recording of a detailed solution.

Comparative analysis of the results of the OGE in mathematics for three years:

According to the exam results, the quality of knowledge was 20%, which is 13% higher compared to the last academic year, the level of learning has decreased and is 100% this academic year, basically all 9th ​​grade students confirmed their annual assessment.

Analysis of the exam results showed that compared to the previous academic year, the level of students’ mathematical preparedness has increased.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, 18 students graduated from grade 11.

All students were admitted to the final certification for the course of secondary general education. 18 graduates successfully passed the exams and received certificates of secondary general education. Students of the 11th grade passed two mandatory exams - Russian language and mathematics (basic and specialized levels) in the form of the Unified State Exam and elective, taking full advantage of their right in accordance with the planned admission to vocational education institutions.

For the final certification, graduates chose the following subjects: mathematics (basic level) - 16 people (100%), mathematics (professional level) - 13 people (100%), Russian language - 18 people (100%), social studies - 10 people (55%), physics - 8 people (44%), history - 4 people (22%), geography - 2 people (11%), biology - 2 people (11%), chemistry - 3 people (17%), literature - 2 people (11%)

The Unified State Exam results are presented in the table:


Number of students who passed the subject

Number of students who passed the subject

Passing score on the Unified State Exam

Average score

according to the results of the Unified State Exam

Russian language


Mathematics basic level


Mathematics profile level

Social science


4 9,2







In 2016, the Unified State Exam in Russian was taken18 graduates (teacherSurneva R.N.). All students completed the examination work. The minimum limit of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, established by Rosobrnadzor at the level of 24 test points, is determined by the amount of knowledge and skills at the basic level, without which it is impossible in the future to continue education in institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education. In 2016, all 11th grade graduates passed the minimum threshold. This indicates that graduates have achieved a basic level of training in the Russian language. Average test score of the Unified State Examin Russian language at school -71.2, which indicates a fairly high level of educational achievements of schoolchildren. In 2016, 5 examinees scored over 70 points for the exam paper, 2 examinees scored above 90 points for the examination work - Artyom Fedoseev (91), Alina Surneva (98).

Comparative analysis of the Unified State Examination results in the Russian language over three years:

Academic year


Number of students

Maximum score

Minimum score

Average score


Surneva Rimma Nikolaevna


Surneva Rimma Nikolaevna


Surneva Rimma Nikolaevna


A comparative analysis shows that this year's GPA results are much better than last year.

All 16 graduates took the Unified State Exam in basic level mathematics during the main period and showed the following results: average score -14.3, maximum - 18 points, minimum - 7 points. The overall performance for all years of study was 100%; in the exam, students showed 100% performance. 13 graduates chose the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level, 11 passed successfully, and showed the following results: average score -39, maximum - 68 points, minimum - 27 points, 2 students did not cross the minimum threshold.

Comparative analysis of Unified State Exam results in mathematics over three years:

Academic year


Number of students

Maximum score

Minimum score

Average score

Unsatisfactory results


Shumakova Elena Yurievna


2014 -2015

Cheap Larisa Viktorovna


Shumakova Elena Yurievna


The table shows that the level of mathematical preparedness of students, in comparison with previous years, has increased.

Social Studies Exam

10 graduates took the Unified State Exam in social studies, scoring an average of 50 points, the maximum score was 64, the minimum score was 42. They successfully passed the exam Social Studies Exam

replaced by 8 graduates.

A comparative analysis shows that this year's average score is not much higher than the previous one.

Physics exam

7 graduates took the Unified State Exam in Physics, and 7 graduates passed successfully. The average score is 49, the maximum score is 58, the minimum is -41.

History exam 4 graduates took it, 4 passed. The average score is 49.2, the maximum is 57 points, the minimum is 40 points.

A comparative analysis shows that this year's average score is higher than the previous year.

Geography exam 2 graduates took the test, all 2 passed successfully. The average score is -48.5, maximum -52 points, minimum - 45 points.

A comparative analysis shows that this year's average score is higher than the previous year.

Summing up the results of passing the Unified State Exam and the Unified State Exam, we can conclude that we have something to work on. Yes, we have results, we work hard, but... I believe that not all administrative and pedagogical resources have been used. It is necessary to provide an individual approach to the issue of teaching and preparing students, both with high and low educational motivation. It is not always the teacher’s fault that a child fails the exam; there are a number of objective reasons. (the main reason is the reluctance of children to study). More than one year will pass before children realize that it is necessary to study. But we are working today and taking exams at the end of the year, so we need to look for ways to improve our work to improve the quality of education

Assessing meta-subject results involves assessing students’ universal learning actions (regulatory, communicative, cognitive), i.e., such mental actions of students that are aimed at analyzing and managing their cognitive activity.

Achieving meta-subject results is ensured through the main components of the educational process - academic subjects, presented in the mandatory part of the curriculum.

The internal system for assessing the quality of schoolchildren’s education systematically solves the problems of monitoring the formation of interdisciplinary skills and abilities; an important criterion for assessing the effectiveness of a school’s internal control is an independent assessment of knowledge of the educational program.

Below is a diagram of the quality and training of grade 10 based on the results of the RPR.

Conclusion : Analyzing the results of the RPR, we can say that the school’s students show results that are generally consistent with the overall picture in the district. The results of independent diagnostics make it possible to assess the quality of HSQO.

1.4. Achievements of students at competitions, competitions, olympiads

One of the important areas of the school’s work is working with motivated students. This area of ​​work was carried out by the teaching staff of the school in accordance with the document approved in the 2011-12 academic year PROGRAM for the support and development of the abilities of motivated and gifted children for the period 2012 - 2017.The school administration and teaching staff strive to ensure that the school has all the conditions for the development of the creative personality of students, for self-determination and self-realization of schoolchildren, and for improving students’ knowledge in a certain area. Students were involved in extracurricular activities in subjects, clubs, participation in intellectual games, competitions, olympiads: annual(based on the results of participation - 1st prize - biology Malyukova Daria (8th grade) - 2nd place)

Monitoring of prize places at the municipal stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

Every year, school students take part in regional and all-Russian competitions and games such as “Kangaroo - 2015”, “All-Russian Olympiad Autumn Session 2015”, “All-Russian Olympiad Spring Session 2016”, “Man and Nature 2016”, “Russian Bear Cub 2015”, “PEGASUS”, “International distance competition “Infourok” and in International projects videouroki. net- becoming not only prize-winners, but also winners.

Participation of students in grades 5-11 in subject competitions at various levels





Safonova I.

All-Russian Olympics “Constellation” (final)




Malyukova D.

All-Russian correspondence junior forestry competition “Podrost”

1 place

History, social studies

Hayrapetyan Irina

Grade 11

Municipal stageAll-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren



Zargaryan Gayane

Grade 11

Municipal stageAll-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren



Almanova Anastasia

9 B class

Municipal stageAll-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren



Buyko Yana

9 B class

Municipal stageAll-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren



Volkov Vladislav 11th grade


Guarding the maritime borders of the fatherland

3rd place


Kondratenko Daria

Certificate of participation


Nosonova Natalya

Regional youth scientific and practical conference “Stavropol region - our small Motherland”

Certificate of participation


Sokovykh Anatasia

Regional youth scientific and practical conference “Stavropol region - our small Motherland”

Certificate of participation


Buyko Yana

Regional youth scientific and practical conference “Stavropol region - our small Motherland”

Certificate of participation


Khorubko Anna 7th grade

2nd place


Sokovykh Anastasia 10th grade

“Hospitable Caucasus” correspondence stage

2nd place


Sokovykh Anastasia 10th grade

Russian local history tournament "Hospitable Caucasus" full-time stage



2nd place


Volkov Vladislav 11th grade

All-Russian competition dedicated to the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland

3rd place

Russian language and literature

Kuhar Anastasia

6th grade

For the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl, the nomination Essay “Chernobyl is our memory!” 2

2nd place


Zinovieva Irina 11th grade

SOFIT All-Russian creative competition for young actors, dancers and reciters

2nd place


Zinovieva Irina 11th grade

All-Russian competition “Talents of Russia” category: Literary and artistic creativity

2nd place

Participation in creative competitions:

Mkrtychan Galina

Grade 10




Mkrtychan Galina

Grade 10

"Soldier's Envelope"



Mkrtychan Galina

Grade 10

Miss Spring 2016

Second runner up miss


Emelianenko Vera 10th grade

Miss Spring 2016

Miss Charm


Kondratenko Daria 8th grade

Regional stage "Leader 2016"

3rd place


Cook Daria

Science and Technology Exhibition

1 place


Chubova Victoria

Science and Technology Exhibition

2nd place

Physical Culture

Conclusions: Analyzing the effectiveness of the work of the school’s teaching staff in implementing the program of work with motivated and gifted students of the school, it should be noted that in the 2015-2016 academic year, the school’s students took part in more competitions and olympiads compared to last year. However, teachers pay great attention to project work with children. History and social studies teachers began to more actively attract students to participate in intellectual and creative competitions at various levels. Compared to last year, there has been a decline in activity in this area of ​​work among chemistry and computer science teachers. There have been positive developments in the development of students’ research activities in physics and geography. But unfortunately, students of MKOU “Secondary School No. 4” IMRSC practically do not go to design, creative conferences, competitions in the subjects: mathematics, life safety.

1.5. Professional self-determination of graduates

The teaching staff carried out targeted work to study the interests and inclinations of 9th grade students. A survey of students and parents, school-wide and class parent meetings, individual and group consultations on career guidance and pre-vocational training were conducted.

The share of graduates of grades 9 and 11 who entered secondary secondary schools and universities


Academic year




Secondary Schools


Secondary Schools


Secondary Schools







12 out of 17

12 of 19

12 out of 18

Monitoring the employment of graduates of 2016 according to the following indicators

Conclusion: Analyzing the section of professional self-determination of school graduates and the trend in the choice of secondary educational institutions and universities that they choose, we can conclude that the teaching staff and administration need to pay special attention to this area of ​​work.

In the 2016-2017 academic year, in grades 10 and 11, the implementation of a system of elective courses will continue. The choice of these profiles was determined by the wishes of 9th grade students (the survey was conducted in April 2016) and their parents.

II. Quality of implementation of the educational process

2.1. Basic educational programs.

The main educational programs of primary, basic, secondary general education of MKOU "Secondary School No. 4" IMRSC are developed in accordance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard for primary general education and the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3 "On Education in the Russian Federation", taking into account characteristics of a general education institution, the educational needs and requests of students and their parents, as well as the conceptual provisions of educational and methodological sets used in teaching.

The educational program determines the content of education, goals, objectives, planned results, content and organization of the educational process at the level of primary, basic, secondary general education and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, spiritual, moral, civil, social, personal and intellectual development, self-development and self-improvement students, ensuring their social success, development of creative abilities, preservation and promotion of health.

2.2. The curriculum of MKOU "Secondary School No. 4" IMRSC for the 2015-2016 academic year was compiled in accordance with the following documents: Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation of 2012. Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 (as amended on November 26, 2010) “On approval and implementation of the federal state educational standard for primary general education” Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SanPin Russian. Local acts of MKOU "Secondary School No. 4" IMRSC.

The curriculum of MKOU "Secondary School No. 4" IMRSC is aimed at achieving the following goals:

-Formation of a general culture of individuals studying on the basis of mastering the content of educational programs, their adaptation to life in society, creating the basis for informed choice and subsequent mastery of professional education programs.

-Creating favorable conditions for the intellectual and moral development of students by meeting the needs of students in self-education.

-Creating conditions for creative activity of students, for the development of the individual abilities of each child, taking into account his interests and psychological characteristics.

-Construction of basic and additional education based on the principles of health conservation, the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

-Creation and development of a unified information space for the school, the use of information technologies in the educational process and extracurricular activities.

-Ensuring the systematic nature of the learning process by implementing interdisciplinary connections.

-Integration of the processes of training and education by strengthening the educational component and the widespread use of various forms of extracurricular work.

The institution's curriculum includes invariant and variable parts and contains a list of compulsory educational subjects at all levels of education, subject to the maximum permissible weekly load of students. The selection of programs at the educational levels is carried out in accordance with the List of textbooks and educational and methodological complexes recommended and approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The educational institution observes the principles of continuity and completeness of educational lines in all subjects of the curriculum.

The educational institution is provided with programs in academic subjects, integrated courses, and elective courses.

The formation of school and student components took place according to the following criteria:

1. Needs, interests, abilities of schoolchildren;

2. Contents of the results of diagnosing the professional orientation of students;

3. Professional level of teachers working at the senior level of school.

Work programs for curriculum subjects are developed by subject teachers based on sample programs. Work programs have the following structure:

- an explanatory note that specifies the goals of general education, taking into account the specifics of the academic subject;

- general characteristics of the academic subject;

-description of the place of the subject in the curriculum;

- content of the subject;

-calendar and thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students;

-requirements for the level of training of students;

- educational and methodological complex for teachers and students.

In the work program, the teacher reflects and justifies the peculiarities of the order of studying the main structural blocks of educational material, the technologies used, forms and methods of teaching, the possibility of taking into account individual characteristics and needs of students and other factors that have a significant impact on the implementation of subject programs at school. The content and mechanisms of work programs are guaranteed to ensure the solution of leading problems and the achievement of goals stated in the author's curriculum of academic subjects. When drawing up work programs, all subject teachers adhere to the same structure. Specify the status of the document. It is mandatory to indicate the authors on the basis of which they develop their work program. All teachers prescribe the goals and objectives of the course, its place in the curriculum, the level of training, the duration of the program, the content of educational material, indicating the hours allocated for each educational line. All work programs indicate the teacher's and student's teaching materials. Curricula and work programs correspond to OOP. All programs are developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards, State Educational Standards, and correspond to the school curriculum. Work programs for curriculum subjects are completed in full (100%), including the practical part.

At the end of my speech, I consider the quality of educational results and the level of implementation of the educational process at the end of the 2015-2016 academic year to be satisfactory. In the 2016-2017 academic year, the school administration will continue to improve the internal system for monitoring the quality of the educational process.

Dear Colleagues! To a much greater extent, the quality of education depends on us, our attitude to business, the level of professional training, and the creative component of each teacher.

We need to improve methodological work to support the professional growth of teachers and improve the professional competence of teaching staff, and organize work with young staff. I would like each of us to understand: “We have a tomorrow ahead of us, to live up to it, we need to constantly progress.