Incorrect participial phrases. Syntactic norms

The adverbial phrase, like the participial phrase, is usually used in book speech and is almost never used writing. Let us remember the famous line from the “Book of Complaints” by A.P. Chekhov: “Approaching this station and looking at nature through the window, my hat flew off”- this is the entry left by official Yarmonkin in the station complaint book. With this sentence structure, it turns out that the hat was riding on the train and admiring nature. And, of course, it was not by chance that Chekhov attributed this absurd statement to a provincial official who was not very advanced in terms of his level of development. Similar illogical statements occur today.

Most often in written texts the basic requirement of using participles is violated. It consists in the fact that the gerund and the verb to which it refers denote the actions of one person. Violation of this rule leads to the absurdity of the statement. Here are just a few examples from newspapers: “By combining all our efforts, we will regain confidence in success”, “Speaking about miscalculations in the preparation of the election campaign, it is necessary to highlight a number of objective reasons”, “Once dressed in Reebok, you will not want to buy sportswear from other companies”, “ By making an appointment at city ​​administration, citizens are issued passes”, “after watching the film, I was surrounded by its characters as if they were alive.”

And here are the lines from the essays and presentations of schoolchildren: “Standing on the porch, a sleigh drove past me”, “Back home, it started to rain”, “Not having gone a mile, a snowstorm began”, “Driving towards the house, the dogs started barking”, “Having poured shag dough into Pavka’s butt, they kicked him out of school " There are many such examples. How to reduce their number? All that is required is more attention to this norm, a more demanding attitude towards the way you speak. TO basic principles of use participial phrases include the following:

1. When using adverbial phrases, it should be remembered that the action they call denotes the action of the subject. For example: Driving through a birch grove, I remembered my native village (I drove by, and I remembered).

2. It is possible to use it participial phrase V impersonal offer with the infinitive. Such sentences have neither a grammatical nor a logical subject. For example: When editing a manuscript, you need to take into account the author's style.

3. Participial phrase not used in the following cases:

A) if the action expressed by the predicate, and the action expressed by the gerund refers to different persons. You can't say: Passing a birch grove, I felt dizzy (that’s right - When I passed a birch grove...);

B) if in an impersonal sentence there is a logical subject expressed indirect case, and there is no infinitive (Driving past a birch grove, I felt sad - When I drove past a birch grove...);

C) if the sentence is a passive construction. In this case, the subject of the action passive design does not coincide with the subject of the action indicated by the gerund (Having run away from home, the boy was found by his parents - Boy who ran away from home...).

The undoubted advantage of the adverbial phrase is its brevity and laconism. Let's compare two sentences: After I completed homework, I went for a walk with friends. – After finishing my homework, I went for a walk with friends. It is easy to notice that the second sentence, more condensed in its vocabulary, sounds more energetic than the first.

Participles and participial phrases are highly expressive, which is why they are widely used in the language fiction. For example: The fogs, swirling and twisting, slid there along the wrinkles of the neighboring rocks (M.Yu. Lermontov); From time to time, light ripples ran along the river from the wind, sparkling in the sun (V.G. Korolenko).


1. Choose a form that corresponds to the literary norm.

Waving - waving, plowing - plowing, rinsing - rinsing, prowling - prowling, whimpering - whimpering, pinching - pinching, purring - purring, tormenting - tormenting, dripping - dripping.

2. Indicate cases of incorrect or stylistically unjustified use of tense forms and verb moods, correct the sentences.

1. They move furniture upstairs all day long. 2. Read the text and correct mistakes. 3. For Last year athletes have achieved great success. 4. Bunin, like all Russian writers, worried about his people and very keenly feels the drama of life. 5. Scientists move science forward. 6. At this time, the fish spawns.

3. Correct sentences that contain errors in word management.

1.After several days, the search for the missing was stopped. 2. Upon receipt of the letter, write a response immediately. 3. Upon returning to work, he passed sick leave to the accounting department. 4. Suggestions for overcoming the crisis were heard. 5. Upon arrival at the laboratory, sign the journal.

4. Make up phrases with verbs and nouns that are similar in meaning according to these models:

Be based (on something), rely (on something), pay (for something), pay (for something); superiority (over something), advantage (over something), pay attention (to something), pay attention (to something), lead (something), lead (something); reproach (for something), blame (for something), desire (for something), desire (for something), need (for something), demand (for something); slow down (something), hinder (something).

5. Correct, where necessary, errors in the construction of phrases and sentences.

1. Due to the fact that there is not enough time to think about education, crime increases. 2. Many scientists took part in the discussion. 3. Pensioners find it difficult to pay for their apartment. 4. Many people are in need right now - can't we agree on that? 5. The speaker noted that a lot of funds are required to implement the plan. 6. All the above facts indicate that peace talks will complete successfully.

6. Correct errors in the use of participial phrases.

1. An explanation of these phenomena can be found by taking as an illustration latest events. 2. Thus, having considered functional characteristics structures of the municipality, the following is proposed. 3. Looking at what is happening today, my hands are free. 4. The trading floor was cleared of people for fear that the ceiling would collapse. 5. By raising prices for cars and fuel, this directly affects the cost of agricultural products. 6. Having read the manuscript a second time, I think it needs serious revision. 7. When applying one or another form of labor organization, in each individual case it is taken into account local peculiarities. 8. Having found out that production volume has decreased, the question arises about the reason for this. 9. Giving great importance research methodology, a number of experiments were performed. 10. Studying the process of denationalization, a certain pattern is discovered.

Features of the use of participles

(based on scientific, artistic and conversational styles speech)

1. Introduction............................................... ........................................................ ............................5

2. The concept of participles and participles.................................................................... .............6

3. The use of participles in different styles of speech.................................................... .............7

2.1. Participles in scientific style.................................................................... ...........................................7

2.2. Participles in artistic style................................................................... .................................8

2.3. Participles in conversational style.................................................................... ......................................10

4. Conclusion................................................... ........................................................ ......................13

5. List of used literature................................................... ................................14

1. Introduction

In this research work, we tried to identify and compare the features of the use of gerunds in the scientific, artistic and colloquial style of speech.

Purpose of the study: to consider stylistic features the use of gerunds, to identify the frequency of their use in a particular style.

1. Select and analyze factual material

2. Determine the functional significance of gerunds in texts different styles

3. Compare the features of the use of gerunds from a stylistic point of view.

The participle is special shape verb, which denotes an additional action with the main one. Relatively recently, gerunds began to be identified as an independent part of speech, so the topic of using gerunds in different areas communication remains poorly understood. Conducting this study, we found virtually no sources that addressed such a problem. Therefore, we consider our work to be relevant, its novelty lies in the fact that such a study has not previously been conducted on the frequency of use of gerunds in a particular style, and the reasons for using or not using gerunds in different communication situations have not been considered.

This study was conducted based on sources belonging to different styles speech. Participles in a scientific style were considered in textbooks on mathematics and physics for the 7th grade, in an artistic style - in programmatic works of Russian literature, in a conversational style - listening to the speech of classmates, teachers, and friends.

The following research methods were used: exploratory, comparative and descriptive. Theoretical basis served as works

1. The concept of gerunds and participles

Participle... In this term we are familiar with the second part, but what does the first mean? We can also find it in words such as active person. Turning to the dictionary, we learn that the term “gerund” arose in the 17th century, consists of two parts (dead + participle) and can be explained as involvement in an action. Indeed, this form of the verb means in a sentence the additional action of the verb, and by grammatical features this form is similar to an adverb, since it does not change, therefore in some grammars the gerund is called a verbal adverb. For example, in E. Asadov’s poem “Forest” there is the following quatrain:

Shivering from the fresh breeze,

A little turning blue, strong oily ones,

Taking hold holding hands like guys

Stomp, warming up, there is a stump around!

Here, one verb is given four gerunds, which create a picturesque picture of the “actions” of oil in addition to the main action, expressed by a verb. Consequently, gerunds, like adverbs, decorate the verb and complement it with other actions.

In this study, we would like to clarify the most difficult moments in education, the use of gerunds.

A gerund, like an adverb, serves in a sentence as a circumstance that explains the verb. Let's compare examples:

1) Trezor ran ahead and 2) Trezor ran ahead,

wagged his tail waving tail.

In the first example both verbs: ran And waved - are predicates. In the second example there is only a verb ran is a predicate, but the gerund waving is a circumstance of the manner of action that serves to explain the predicate; it answers the question how? (ran How? – wagging its tail). Here are more examples where gerunds, explaining the predicates, are different circumstances: 1) We've moved on(When?), having rested and fed horses(reg. time). 2) Vasilisa Egorovna left me alone(Why?), seeing my stubbornness(general reasons). 3) Don't stick your nose in the water(under what condition?), Not knowing ford(ambient conditions).

Participles are formed from transitive and intransitive verbs perfect and Not perfect form; they can be formed from verbs in each of the three voices: active, passive, neuter.

Yes, from the verb read a book) - transitional, active voice, imperfect form formed gerund while reading a book); from the verb stop – intransitive, middle voice, perfect form formed gerund stopping; from the verb discuss – passive voice, imperfect form formed gerund being discussed.

Participles indicate time in relation to the time of the action being explained. Imperfect participles, as a rule, denote actions that are simultaneous with the actions being explained: We walk talking. We walked along talking. We will walk talking. Perfect participles denote actions that occurred before the actions being explained: After talking, we part ways. After talking, we parted ways. After talking, we will go our separate ways.

2. The use of participles in different styles of speech

The participle is widespread mainly in book speech and is not typical for everyday speech. colloquial speech.

The participle, denoting an additional action that characterizes another action, is primarily used to relegate one of the actions to the background compared to the other. In this respect, a verb with its associated gerund is opposed to two verbs. So: Standing by the window reading a letter indicates that the main thing is stood, A reading details this state by indicating the activity that accompanies it, whereas stood by the window And read the letter represents both verbs as equal and independent. The use of the gerund makes it possible to establish another relationship between these verbs: Standing by the window, reading a letter, where it appears in the foreground read, and by an addition indicating the position in which the reading took place, - standing. This ability to give a combination of equal verbs, on the one hand, and establish a perspective between them, highlighting the main and secondary, on the other hand, serves as a convenient means for expressing various relationships between several actions and states. Let's compare: He talked and laughedHe told, laughingTelling, he laughed; They ran across and shotThey ran across, shootingRunning across, shot.

How gerunds make it possible to subordinate some actions to others, to make them expressive of various details and circumstances of other actions, can be seen from the following examples: Gorky “Childhood”: Grandmother remained silent, drinking cup after cup; I sat by the window, watching the sky glow The evening dawn is in the city and the glass in the windows of the houses sparkles red...; And she[grandmother] laughs with a hearty laugh, her nose trembles hilariously, and her eyes, glowing thoughtfully, they caress me, speaking about everything even more clearly than words; I think more and more often about my mother, putting her at the center of all fairy tales and stories, told by grandma. An attempt to replace gerunds with verbs would break the connections between individual actions, destroy the differences between the main and additional ones, and make the list of individual actions monotonous.

In many cases, gerunds cannot be replaced by a verb at all. This happens when they acquire adverbial meaning, for example: Grandma leans gloomily against the ceiling and sighs, lowering her eyes to the floor(= with downcast eyes); He[grandfather] stands with his head raised(= with head up); I, too, was ready to cry, feeling sorry for my garden, hut(= out of pity).

The relationships expressed by gerunds are very diverse.

2.1. Participles in scientific style

There is a large amount of use of gerunds in a scientific style. As mentioned above, gerunds give speech a bookish character, which is precisely distinctive feature scientific style. Logicality, argumentation, and at the same time clarity and conciseness - all these are signs of a scientific style of speech. And the gerunds in it help to achieve brevity and conciseness of the statement:

“Assuming that each point on the plane is associated with a certain number, which we will call mass”(Mathematics, 7th grade. Inequality. Page 9)

The use of these forms and phrases allows, within one sentence, to indicate the properties of an object, to express different relationships between the described actions and processes - for example, relations of simultaneity, consequence, method and nature of action, conditions, reasons, etc. For example: When calculating the current strength, use the following formula (simultaneity relation: applied during calculations)

In addition, the use of gerunds leads to the construction of a logical sequential chain of actions, with the help of which you can trace which of the actions is the main one and in what sequence the actions were performed: “In 1538, 19-year-old student Galileo Galilei, observing the oscillation of an assembled chandelier, noticed that the period of time during which one oscillation occurs is almost independent of the amplitude of the oscillations.”(Physics, theory textbook, grade 7. Page 17). That is, you can establish the order of actions: first watched, and then noticed, but at the same time a verb noticed is key.

You can also note the fact that in the scientific style of speech, present participles are mainly used with the suffixes –a, -я (imperfect form).

Measuring physical quantity We also need to find the weight.(Physics, theory textbook, grade 7. Page 25)

Method mathematical induction the good thing is that it allows you to carry out the proof in general view, without considering each separatelyn.(Mathematics. Inequality, p. 4)

This gives the statement a timeless character, as if showing that the action being performed is static, that is, stable, and does not relate to a certain segment time.

If we consider conclusions, conclusions, decisions, which are also characteristic of the scientific style, we can note the widespread use here of perfect participles of the present tense with the suffix – in: The Russian mathematician and, independently of him, the Hungarian mathematician L. Boily showed that, by taking the opposite statement as an axiom, it is possible to construct another, equally correct “Non-Euclidean geometry”(Handbook for a new type of student: Geometry section, p. 145)

This form, on the contrary, shows that the action denoted by the gerund occurs earlier than the action of the main predicate verb: After reading the article “Atomic and nuclear physics", you will be able to understand how the atom came to serve man.(Handbook for a new type of student: Physics section, p. 416). Having chosen one or another textbook to create or study geometries, you must strictly follow the logical course unfolded in it.(A new type of student's handbook: Geometry section, p. 123). And it helps to give a final character to the statement, to draw a conclusion, to derive a solution . Noting the most Interesting Facts, we can come to the conclusion...(Handbook for a new type of student: Physics section, p. 418).

2.2. Participles in artistic style

The artistic style incorporates shades of all styles of speech. Here you can also find appeals and appeals characteristic of journalistic style speeches, and logical, reasoned statements, thoughts of heroes in a scientific style, as well as colloquial expressions in the speech of the characters. Therefore, in this style you can also find many gerunds and participial phrases, depending on what goal the author sets for himself.

IN poetic speech gerunds perform mainly the role of rhythm and rhyme-forming means:

Storm hazy sky covers,

Snow whirlwinds twisting ;

She's like a beast will howl,

then he'll cry child .

(Poems. "Winter Evening")

You can observe cross rhyme, which is achieved with the participation of gerunds.

The carriage body quickly flashed by,

The shiny copper glass

(. Poems. "On Nevsky")

In this stanza, thanks to the gerund, the rhythm of the poem is observed - iambic 5-foot.

The role of gerunds is special when performing an aesthetic function; they “decorate” the verb, giving it features, complementing the main action. For example, from Pushkin:

Winter!.. The peasant, triumphant,
On the firewood it renews the path;
His horse smells the snow,
Trotting along somehow;
Fluffy reins exploding,
A daring carriage flies.

Is it possible to replace the gerunds with a verb here? All the beauty and charm of the enchanting picture of winter will be lost, the wagon will no longer rush so successfully if it “flies and explodes,” and the peasant will not be able to simultaneously renew the path and triumph, because it is he who “triumphantly renews the path.”

A study of the manuscripts of Russian writers shows that in the process of auto-editing they sometimes introduce gerunds into the text that perform aesthetic function in speech. For example, the famous lines from the poem “I go out alone on the road” have undergone the following stylistic edits:

In the first edition there were no gerunds at all, but the poet changed the lexical composition of the stanza, crossing out a number of adjectives and inserting these expressive verb forms.

Participles that figuratively depict an action often serve as tropes. Like adverbs, they can indicate a sign of action:

I love the storm in early May,

When spring, the first thunder,

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbling in the blue sky.

In prose, gerunds are often used in the author’s speech when creating a portrait of a character. But this portrait is not a description of the appearance, but of the dynamics, movements, facial expressions, and gestures of the hero.

Afraid of some familiar encounter, she seemed to be flying rather than walking.(“Young Lady Peasant”)

Seeing how he always galloped first when hunting, without making out the way, the neighbors agreed that he would never make a good chief executive.(“Young Lady Peasant”)

He walked with his hands behind his back, arched, exposing his chest, decorated with patch pockets.(Vladimir Tendryakov “Bread for the Dog”)

Gerunds, compared to participles, have greater verbality, which is due to their semantic-syntactic connection with the predicate verb. Denoting an additional action, gerunds give speech a special liveliness and clarity: “I’m tired of you,” Pyotr Stepanovich suddenly jumped up, grabbing his completely new hat and as if leaving, and yet still remaining and continuing to talk incessantly, although standing, sometimes walking around the room and in animated places of conversation hitting himself on the knee with his hat.(Dostoevsky). Try replacing the gerunds with conjugated forms of the verb in this sentence and, instead of a dynamic description, you will get a regular narrative. And on the contrary, it is worth introducing gerunds into one or another description of an action - and the picture will immediately come to life.

It is appropriate to recall the episode that I talked about while drawing literary portrait: “He [Dostoevsky], apparently, was pleased with my essay... he did not like only one expression... I wrote it like this: “When the organ grinder stops playing, the official throws a nickel from the window, which falls at the feet of the organ grinder.” . “Not that, not that,” Dostoevsky suddenly spoke irritably, “not that at all!” You sound too dry: the nickel fell at your feet... You should have said: the nickel fell on the pavement, ringing and bouncing...” This remark - I remember very well - was a revelation for me. Yes, indeed, ringing and bouncing comes out much more picturesque, completes the movement... These two words were enough for me to understand the difference between a dry expression and a living artistic and literary device.”

You can also note one of the functions of gerunds in artistic style, when the author deliberately introduces gerunds into the direct speech of the characters to stylize them as colloquial speech:

It used to be that I, huddled behind the bushes

Prickly, I can’t see enough

("Snow Maiden")

The colloquial participle “I can’t see enough” instead of the literary “I can’t see enough” gives the speech exactly this folk flavor.

Sitting under the icons, he ate the prosphora of God and with his finger called his companions, the executioners Moguchy and Glazov(Pikul).

Here we are not only attracted by the colloquial nature of the gerundial participle “siduchi”, but also by the author’s attempt to age up the form of the gerundial participle by using the suffix –uchi, which is so unusual for modern Russian literary language, i.e., to carry out a historical stylization of the expression.

2.3. Participles in conversational style

Basically, gerunds are not typical for colloquial speech, since they are of a bookish, official nature, and an informal setting is inherent in conversation. This is why participles are so uncommon in ordinary speech.

However, in conversational style one can note the widespread use of phraseological units, which include gerunds. For example, “hand on heart”, “headlong”, “roll up your sleeves”, “fold your arms”, “a little later”, “headlong”, etc. In many of them they use outdated forms participles. Therefore, you need to be very careful when using data set expressions in speech. Errors of this kind are quite common when forms are arbitrarily replaced with modern forms participles. For example, instead of idiomatic expression“don’t sit with your hands folded”, i.e. “don’t sit idle”, the form “don’t sit with your hands folded” can be used, which completely changes the meaning of the phrase, indicating that the hands are actually folded and that this position of the hands follows change.

Similar confusion arises when used incorrectly with other phraseological units. Let’s compare: “work carelessly” (carelessly) and “work with your sleeves down” (with your sleeves down), or “run with your tongue out” (quickly) and “run with your tongue out” (with your tongue out).

Quite regularly in speech, the so-called filling of “empty cells” is also observed, that is, the erroneous formation of gerunds from verbs that in a literary language cannot have gerund forms at all (for example: While sleeping, he shuddered). Or the use of one suffix instead of another when forming participles. For example, in the sentence: I dialed the number after hanging up– the form of the gerund with the suffix - a was mistakenly used. From verbs with a base to a sibilant, perfective participles are usually formed using the suffix - a, but the normative option would be a form with the suffix - in (putting phone).

While conducting this research, we often noted similar errors in the speech of classmates:

“I don’t eat in the canteen, to protect my stomach,” “I’m afraid that, by putting everything off and putting it off, you might completely forget about our event.”

Errors in the use of gerunds are their use depending on the verb when the gerund and verb represent the actions of different persons, for example: Entering the room, the mother stood at the window.

Here entering is the action of the speaker (= when I entered the room), and stood mother. The inadmissibility of such phrases, in addition to the fact that they are not accepted in the Russian language, is also explained by the fact that they lead to ambiguity due to the possibility of attributing the action denoted by the gerund to the person who is the subject of the sentence: for example, if we were to phrase: When I returned home, my grandmother fed me me for lunch replaced by a construction with a gerund: Having returned home, my grandmother fed me dinner, it would give the impression that my grandmother had returned home.

Errors of this kind are quite common in student work, for example: One evening, while sitting at home, he came in to see us. stranger; After working for three months, my father was transferred to Penza; After studying at school for four years, I had a desire to study further; The doors were closed tightly, fearing that sounds from the street would not reach the lady’s ears. Sometimes such phrases make their way into print: Knipper, “A few words about Chekhov”: And when they noticed how, listening to him, at my eyes and cheeks were burning, the dear student was quietly removed from our house.

Particularly noteworthy are similar turns of phrase, found occasionally in classics, mainly of the first half of the 19th century V. (Pushkin, Lermontov, Herzen, L. Tolstoy). For them, such a syntactic structure was supported by the influence of the French language. Lomonosov also drew attention to this, writing in “Russian Grammar”: “Those who, due to the properties of foreign languages, separate gerunds from personal verbs by persons, are very mistaken. For the participle must, on which the power of all speech consists: on my way to school, I met a friend; Having written a letter, I send it overseas. But many write contrary to this: On my way to school, a friend met me; Having written a letter, he came from the sea; which is very wrong and annoying for ears that sense right-wing Russian writing.”

Here are examples of such prohibited phrases from the works of Herzen and L. Tolstoy: All this was done while approaching the village; After leaving Vyatka, I was tormented for a long time by the memory of R.*; Passing through the gate, Pierre was overcome with heat, and he involuntarily stopped.

Listening to the speech of classmates, teachers, and parents, we came to the conclusion that gerunds are used so little in speech because they are drier, more condensed, and do not convey the full range of meanings. emotional condition, expression of the statement. Often in speech you can find the replacement of gerunds with other subordinate clauses with conjunctions. Let's compare:

Entering - when he entered

After he entered

Suddenly he came in!

As soon as he entered

As soon as he entered

One day he came in

All shades given value are lost when replacing the subordinate clause with an adverbial phrase, which indicates only the previous action, but is devoid of subtle shades of temporal meaning.


In this scientific study, we examined only the use of gerunds in the scientific, artistic and colloquial style of speech, leaving without attention the journalistic and formal business styles. So there is a field for further activities, which we will definitely continue.

But even after considering these three styles, we can conclude that the most common participles are in the scientific style, since they are characterized by bookishness, accuracy, and conciseness of the statement. Next comes art style speech, in which gerunds perform rhythm and rhyme-forming functions, and are also used by authors for aesthetic description and dynamic portrait of a character, or for stylization under folk speech and historical orientation. And gerunds are practically not used in colloquial speech, with the exception of phraseological set phrases.

If we imagine the use of gerunds in texts of different styles in percentage, then we can draw the following conclusion:

Scientific style – 55%

Artistic style – 35%

Conversational style – 10%.

List of used literature:

1) . Essays on the stylistics of the Russian language. – Moscow: Education, 1989.

2) , , . Interesting about the Russian language. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2003.

3) . Tough questions morphology. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007.

4) . Russian grammar. – Moscow: Education, 1984.

5) . Dictionary alive Great Russian language. – St. Petersburg: Encyclopedia, 2010.

6) . Letter to the publisher. – Moscow: Eksmo, 2010.

7) , . Brief etymological dictionary Russian language. – Moscow: Education, 1987

Internet sources:

http://ru. wikipedia. org/wiki http://studysphere. ru/work. php? id=394 http://pravila-ru. /deeprichastie. html

Participial is a participle with dependent words.

Participial turnover is a participle with dependent words.

Practice has shown that greatest number errors are associated with incorrect use of the participle (the norms of agreement between the participle and the word being defined are violated) and participial phrases. (Sometimes such errors are called “independent adverbial phrases.”)

Among the tasks of the Unified State Exam there are the following:

A16. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Looking at the drawing,

1) it seems that the bird is alive;

2) pay attention to the shading;

3) the light suddenly went out;

4) I remembered summer.

The beginning of a sentence is nothing more than an adverbial phrase. Errors in constructing sentences with gerunds and participial phrases are a common occurrence, despite the clarity and simplicity of the basic rule: an action named with a gerund and an action named with a predicate must have the same performer. He is the subject of this sentence (in a one-part definite-personal or indefinite-personal sentence this person is indirectly expressed in the form of a predicate, in an impersonal one it is implied).

To choose grammatically correct continuation, you need to check whether the requirements of the rule are met. In option 1 the subject is impression; it's clear that impression cannot look at the drawing, which means this option is unacceptable. Option 3, where the subject is light, and option 4, where the subject is summer, are excluded for the same reason. Therefore, only option 2 is acceptable: pays attention for shading And is considering drawing the same person, it is not named here because the verb form is 2nd person imperative mood makes it redundant (the implied subject is You).

Training exercises.

No. 1. Replace the verbs in brackets with active present participles, agreeing with the highlighted nouns.

1. The dawn is beautifully red, spreading over the wavy, still (foaming) width ocean (blush) paints. 2. The sky spread over the earth (to warm) blue. 3. In the background (fade) sky two silhouettes appeared - two woodcocks. 4. The first voices were heard across the meadows (coo) black grouse. 5. (turn pale) heights rang with songs.

(A. Novikov-Priboy.)

No. 2. Replace the highlighted verbs with active participles of the present or past tense, then from two sentences under the same number, make one with a participial phrase, highlighting the participial phrase with commas if necessary.

Sample. The sun illuminated the tops of the young linden trees. The linden trees turned green a week ago. – The sun illuminated the tops of the young linden trees, which had turned green a week ago.

1. The cloud turned into a cloud. The cloud gradually covered half the sky.

2. The rain washed out the path. The path is cool rose to the mound.

3. The tourists headed to the river. River sparkled in the distance like a shiny ribbon.

4. A tent was visible on the cape. Cape towered above the surface of the lake.

5. The street ended with a recently built house. House painted in green.

No. 3. Rewrite by inserting the missing participles given in brackets and matching them with the nouns. Indicate orally which participles are active and which are passive.

1. The school drama club, artist of the city theater, is preparing a new production. – The artist, ... the school drama club, carefully explains the role to each participant in the performance ( leading, guided). 2. Young people, ... a lot of work to expand the school garden, wrote about their experience in the school wall newspaper. – Big job, ... was described in detail in the school wall newspaper ( done, done). 3. The girl, ... a new book, told her friends about her impression of it. – A new book, ... by a girl, was written brightly and captivatingly ( read, read). 4. The new device, ... by an engineer, has great value. – Engineer, ... new device, received an award ( invented, invented). The wind, ... the clouds, did not subside for a minute. – Clouds, ... the wind, quickly rushed across the sky ( chasing, driven).

No. 4. Rewrite the common definitions given in brackets, matching the highlighted words. Choose their place before or after the word being defined yourself.

1. The road winds between two ruts(overgrown with green roadside grass). 2. Saucers of lilies and threads very graceful ( going deep from them). 3. The sun has set, and the lungs froze in the sky clouds(sunset pink). 4. From somewhere to the right they heard sounds(extremely similar to a baby's cry). 5. By steppes the horses walked slowly ( densely overgrown with grass). 6. Shepherd approaches our fire ( spent the night in the mountains). 7. We sailed in solid fog(covering the coast and sea). 8. In the snow open spaces difficult to determine distance ( deceiving the untrained eye).

No. 5. Indicate what errors were made in the construction of participial phrases. Correct these errors and copy down the sentences.

1. There were many birds in the meadows covered with lush vegetation. 2. The novel created by a young author caused lively debate. 3. Residents of the flood-affected village were provided with timely assistance. 4. The detachment avoided danger thanks to the decisiveness shown by the commander. 5. The driven boat was quickly rushing along the river with waves and wind. 6. From afar, logs floating on the water were visible.

No. 6. Name the errors that occurred when using participial phrases. Edit sentences using parallels syntactic constructions.

1. The facts presented in the report indicate great successes medical science. 2. None of the critics of the project proposed anything else that would move things forward. 3. In the same situation as the residents of Adria, there were residents of nearby villages and farms, cut off by the flood and fleeing on the roofs of houses that threatened to collapse at any moment. 4. The arrested man was worried about his family, who had been taken under police surveillance and whom he had left without any means of subsistence. 5. In the hands of the director are stills from a new film being filmed at the Mosfilm studio. 6. The hitherto existing situation in the field of using electric locomotives does not satisfy the already increased demands of transport. 7. The peasants knew that the farm had over 40 tons of grain that could be sent to the elevator. 8. Students sent to practice must be equipped with detailed program practical training and instructions carefully developed by specialists.

No. 7. Find stylistic errors in the use of participial phrases. Mark with numbers (1) the non-existent form of the participle, (2) the inconsistency of tenses in the sentence with the participle phrase, (3) the destruction of the participle phrase, (4) the incorrect word order in the sentence with the participial phrase. Correct the texts.

1. The family, which was afraid of losing a large fortune and which wanted to transfer the factories under the guardianship of the treasury, fell apart. _____________________ _________________________________________________________________

2. A certain failed Irish terrorist, who described his adventures with a brigade of militants in a best-selling novel and, as a result, was invited to work as a journalist for thriving London magazines, said something catchy while hanging out in the Astoria that evening. ___________________________________________

3. Later, when the group of infected people was identified, it turned out that people experiencing a feverish state were 5 times more likely to have the virus. _____________________________

1. Systematic shutdown hot water could have caused accidents to occur in the village. ____________________________________________________________

2. We, deputies of the City Duma, also feel this when we hear from them references to published materials at receptions with citizens. __________ ____________________________________________________________

3. I would very much like current officials to adopt the accumulated experience of their predecessors, even Soviet ones. _______ ____________________________________________________________

4. The impeachment process, which would have begun the process of developing democratic procedures in the country, was cut off at the root. __________ ____________________________________________________________

5. A project that wandered around Hollywood for fifteen years, which Oliver Stone took on, but stopped due to the dissatisfaction of the Argentine government. ______________________________________________

6. Deutsche Telekom and Telecom Italia, Europe's No. 1 and 4 telecom firms, respectively, have officially announced their upcoming merger, creating one of the world's largest telephone companies. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________

10. Guided by personal interests, Berg buys his wife a wardrobe. ________________________________________________

11. Anchar, a poisonous tree, killed a man who dared to use its poison. _____________________________________

12. Prince Fyodor is a relative of one family present at the evening. _____________________________________________________

13. If we throw away this morality of life that has been instilled in us since childhood, then it becomes not entirely clear whether it is possible to kill or not. _______ ____________________________________________________________

No. 8. Read excerpts from the article about participial phrases by A.S. Petukhov. What types of violations of literary norms are observed when gerunds are used in speech?

In this article I want to consider one phenomenon in the field of syntax, where the weakening of the old canon is no longer just clearly visible, but is about to become literary norm. It's about about participial phrases.

As you know, gerunds are used as syntactic “extenders” of verbs (including in the form of the infinitive), as well as verbal nouns. Segments that include gerunds (adverbial phrases) are analogues of subordinate clauses, but somewhat more compact compared to the latter. Almost any participial phrase can be replaced by a subordinate clause, but the reverse replacement is not always possible. It is probably precisely such – unconscious – attempts to make a reverse substitution that become the main source of violation of correctness. Let's try to figure them out.

...The peculiarity of the participle, as I already said, is that you can freely dispense with it in speech. Any sentence with an adverbial phrase is transformed into another statement without any visible damage to the meaning. Of course, in many cases - primarily in literary texts- you can detect more or less subtle differences between the first and second, but it is very difficult to explain them.

Therefore, we have to either turn to the postulate according to which we reject absolute synonymy in all areas of language, or limit ourselves to pointing out that in poetic text its creator is forced to think about metric-rhythmic form. So, the sentence “Winter! The peasant, triumphant, renews the path on the logs” without any damage to the “meaning” can be easily transformed: “When the peasant renews the path on the logs, he experiences triumph.” Having destroyed Pushkin's line, we nevertheless received correct sentence and proved: you can do without gerunds.

Why then the participles? Obviously, they make it possible to somewhat shorten and condense statements, which undoubtedly increases the dynamics of speech and, probably, its speed. That is why in our time of a general increase in the pace of life, gerunds have become very common.

Normative use participles.

The rule, which has long become canonical, looks very simple: “The subject of actions called gerunds and that verb form, which it defines, coincides” (Russian Grammar. Vol. 1. P. 672). Based on this rule, we can easily “calculate” possible deviations: mismatch of subjects, absence of one of the subjects and, finally, false subjects.

First type of violations– “mismatch of subjects” or otherwise – different subjects are presented in the main clause and in the participial phrase: “Having lied once, who will believe you.”

Second type of violation– the absence of a subject in a sentence or participial phrase. Strictly speaking, from the point of view common sense Participle phrases must necessarily have a subject, because participles are “subjective” in nature. Practice shows that this does not always happen: “I felt uneasy reading this book”; “What happened between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, turning Babylon into ruins?”

The third type of violation. Its main difference is that if in sentences of the second type there was no “subjective” subject, now we have sentences that do not have a full-fledged subject in gerunds, because the action called gerunds occurs “subjectless”, spontaneously: “Daring criticize certain pseudoscientific studies... the young scientist was fired.”

No. 9. Copy by replacing the highlighted verbs in the past tense with participles of the same type and filling in the missing punctuation marks. Union And in this case it is omitted.

Sample: The brother talks about the incident and is very worried. – My brother talks about the incident, very worried.

1. There was fog coming from the river and envelop..shaft pr..coastal bushes. 2. The tourist walked quickly along the paths..and weighed..lo whistle..shaft. 3. Path came out like a snake and led to the reed... thickets. 4. The dog stung in front of the hunter and constantly... looked around... 5. Grouse is hard heaved..sniffed wings, rose and flew. 6. A flock of ducks turned around over the lake and sat down on the water near the cable.

No. 10. Insert the missing letters. Transform the sentences so that one of the actions expressed in them is secondary, the other is main.

Sample. Andrei Bolkonsky admires Napoleon and dreams of his own Toulon. – Admiring Napoleon, Andrei Bolkonsky dreams of his own Toulon.

1. Chekhov bitterly hates the leaden abominations of his time and yet in his works he turns not to merciless satire, but to denunciatory humor. 2. Chekhov denounced his past and contemporary life and welcomed the Russia of the future in the person of Petya Trofimov and Anya. 3. We read Sholokhov and learned about life, the beauty of the world of human feelings. folk word. 4. The blows of the Siberian divisions near Moscow were powerful. Their echo spread throughout the world and shook the stupid myth about the invincibility of the German armies.

No. 11. Insert the adverbial phrases in brackets into the sentence.

Sample. Levinson stood for a while and walked even faster (listening into the darkness, smiling to himself). – Levinson stood for a while, listening into the darkness, and smiling to himself, he walked even faster (A. Fadeev).

1. The doctor carefully examined the patients and left the room ( giving the necessary instructions). 2. Moonlight rays made their way through the glass windows ( illuminating it with dim light). 3. A group of geologists climbed the mountainside and descended from opposite side (along the way learning different rocks; having reached the pass). 4. A woman entered the room with a small child and began to undress him ( leading by the hand; sitting on a chair). 5. A few minutes later the horsemen were racing along the road ( quickly jumping onto the horses; raising thick gray dust). 6. In the evening and in the morning the young man kept thinking about the same thing ( going to bed; getting up at dawn). 7. The hunter lingered a little, and then confidently walked towards a small lake ( peering into the darkness of the forest; noticing something interesting). 8. The old man stopped and looked back ( after walking a few steps; as if waiting for someone). 9. Behind the village stretched a dense forest, where hundred-year-old pines pressed tightly against each other ( surrounding it with a semi-ring; reminiscent of fairytale giants). 10. My interlocutor lit a candle and continued his story ( taking out matches from his pocket; pour out some water from the mug).

No. 12. To these adverbial phrases, instead of dots, attach one of two the above proposals. Explain why you chose only one option and the other is not suitable.

1. Having reached the river, ... a) fatigue took possession of us; b) we made a halt. 2. Taking careful aim, ... a) the hunter shot and killed the pheasant; b) the pheasant was killed by a hunter. 3. Sailing in a boat, ... a) many birds were seen along the banks of the river; b) travelers saw many birds along the banks of the river. 4. Noticing boats and people from all sides... a) a flock of wild birds and goats rushed in all directions; b) a herd of wild goats was seized with terror. 5. When getting ready for a hike, ... a) the guys carefully thought through all the details of the trip; b) a collection was scheduled at dawn. 6 Approaching the station, ... a) the passengers became worried and began to collect their things; b) it became noisy in the carriage. 7. Picking up speed... a) the train was quickly approaching a mountain pass; b) the flickering of telegraph poles could be seen through the window.

No. 13. Read it. Indicate what errors were made in the construction of participial phrases. Rewrite the sentences, correcting them.

1. I was filled with laughter more than once while watching the comedy “The Inspector General.” 2. After reading the play, images of the characters appeared in front of me. 3. Having watched such a production, one immediately comes to the conclusion about life outside the walls of the Kostylevo flophouse. 4. Reading the poem " Dead Souls“And when faced with the image of Plyushkin, you feel disgust. 5. Having arrived from the city, Davydov faces a number of difficulties. 6. Many cities and villages were destroyed by the Nazis, depriving the population of shelter. 7. Entering the stoker, we were overcome with heat. 8. Hearing about the reconnaissance, Petya felt happy. 9. Having taken power into their own hands, the Soviet government issued decrees.

No. 14. Find examples misuse in speech participial phrases. Explain the nature of the error. Mark in numbers (A) the impossibility of using the participle phrase, (2) the non-existent form of the participle, (3) the discrepancy between the grammatical tenses of the gerund and the verb, (4) the unreasonable homogeneity of the participle phrase and the verb, and (5) the unreasonable homogeneity of the verb and the gerund. Give the correct option.

1. Lying on the stove for thirty years and three years and at the behest of a pike, only in native Russian fairy tales does the work get done. ___ _____________________ _________________________________________________________________

2. Considering this question, our faction came to the conclusion: do not support! ________________________________________________

3. Having untimely demonstrated presidential ambitions, the head of government was dismissed. ____________________________________

4. I think, having finished with this law, we will have to write an explanation to it. ___________________________________________________

5.Looking at the problem of ratification from a different perspective, we came up with a successful solution. _____________________________________

4. The Soros Foundation, risking capital and saving many Russian enterprises, still holds hope for the stabilization of our economy. _________________________________________________

5. Having reached the nearest traffic light, the driver’s engine suddenly stopped. _____________________________________________________

6. Having higher education, we will be given a certificate of completion special school, which trains private detectives and requires no more than a month to train. ___________________________

7. It is worth noting that detectives, working in strict accordance with the law, do not at all condemn their colleagues, who, at the risk of losing their license, nevertheless expand the scope of their activities.________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

8. Complementing the relevant theoretical course by the same author, the bottom manual is also compiled taking into account all the requirements of the school curriculum. _______________________________________

9. The dictionary included historicisms and archaisms found in the works of classical writers of the 19th century, making it difficult for students to understand the text.___________________________________________

10. By purchasing pencils from us today, you will be given bright colors as a gift. _____________________________________________________

11. To the base training course laid down principles intensive training, helping to significantly improve your English proficiency in 12 lessons. __________________________________________________________________________

12. Many doubted that the footballer who returned from Spain would be able to demonstrate the same brilliant game as he showed before leaving, believing that all his potential came out on the bench of the Spanish club. ___________________________________________

13. Having seen the clear military life, many guys changed their attitude towards the army. _________________________________________

14. He invites Grushnitsky to renounce the slander, but he is afraid public opinion, does not go back on his words. ___________ _________________________________________________________________

15. But having met Olga, any desire to risk his life disappeared. _____________________________________________________

16. Bulgakov worked on the novel for ten years without having time to edit it. _____________________________________________________

No. 15. Copy the sentences, introducing adverbial phrases in place of the ellipsis for visual purposes. Fill in the missing letters and open the brackets.

1. Here and there... (into) the distance of the lake winding straits went. 2. Some lapwings were hovering over the tussocky swamp and crows were pecking at the shells. 3. The seagulls sank onto the water and... rose in circles again (to) the top. The sun appeared from behind the clouds and... began to lean lower and lower. 5. The sun appeared and... disappeared.

Reference: breaking through the thick clouds of reeds; (c) walking along the coastal shallows; barely touching her; painting the city horizon with a muddy glow; brightly looking out the window.

No. 16. Make up a sentence-period characterizing the work of M.A. Sholokhov. What is stylistic function this technique?

Material to use: deeply, in all details, knowing the reality depicted; avoiding any deliberateness, scheme, or simplification in his work; able to penetrate deeply into hiding places human souls; depicting conflicts, both social and personal, with gritty truthfulness; remaining faithful to artistic truth to the end.

No. 17. Compose working materials (sentences with participial phrases) for a possible essay about the work of S. A. Yesenin.

Material to use: passionately loving your Motherland and people; not always correctly understanding what is happening; freeing himself from everything superficial in his work (mystical motives, patriarchal illusions); reaching the heights of world poetry; possessing a unique talent for poetic self-disclosure; possessing the gift of conveying the subtlest nuances of the most intimate moods.

Synonymous constructions.

In the Russian language, syntactic synonymy is observed, that is, the variation in the use of different syntactic constructions to convey the same idea. This phenomenon is called syntactic parallelism. For example:

1.The writer read the manuscript and wrote a working review;

2. The writer, after reading the manuscript, wrote a working review;

3. The writer who read the manuscript wrote a working review;

4.The writer finished reading the manuscript and began writing working review;

5. When the writer read the manuscript, he was able to write a working review;

6.After reading the manuscript, the writer wrote a working review;

7.Writing a working review by the writer became possible after reading the manuscript.

Training exercises.

No. 1.Illustrate syntactic parallelism examples of various designs.

Sample: 1. The correspondent visited the scene of the incident and wrote a note; 2. A correspondent who visited the scene wrote a note; 3. The correspondent, having visited the scene of the incident, wrote a note; 4. When the reporter visited the scene, he wrote a note; 5.Writing the note became possible after the correspondent visited the scene of the incident; 6. After visiting the scene of the incident, the correspondent wrote a note.

1. The journalist studied the problem and finished the article. 2. The student read the lecture notes and went to the exam. 3. The teacher listened to the student and asked a question. 4. The State Duma developed the federal law “On Veterans”, the President approved it and signed it. 5. A new legislative draft has been presented to the Duma and, after discussion, will be sent to the Federation Council. 6. Anatoly Chubais flew to Davos for the World Economic Forum and spoke there in English. 7. The economic forum was held in Switzerland and attracted the attention of the entire world community. 8. Russian tennis player Kafelnikov was out of action a day before the draw in Durban and will not participate in the final of the Shanghai tournament. 9. The domestic producer has not yet strengthened in a free market and is weakened by inflation.

No. 2. Rewrite, filling in the blanks and replacing the attributive subordinate clauses separate definitions. What speech styles do sentences belong to and what is the stylistic role in them? separate definitions? How do synonymous constructions differ stylistically?

1. The sun set and the light clouds, which were still pink from the sunset, froze in the sky. 2. The stone wall of the cliff that was drenched in the sun was melting... glowing with a yellowish flame. 3. To ensure the blinking of the sidelights and taillights that signal a turn, a breaker is included in their circuit. Turning on the direction indicators is carried out by a switch mounted on the steering shaft support.

No. 3. To the highlighted nouns add agreed or inconsistent definitions. Which sentences are more meaningful and expressive? What is the stylistic function of definitions in these speech styles?

Sample. Mayakovsky's satire grew out of his civil feelings. – Mayakovsky’s satire grew out of his civic feeling, He was unusually developed.

1. Mayakovsky demanded satires. 2. Mayakovsky did not speak about faceless shortcomings, he saw living types behind these shortcomings of people. 3. Amazing... were hers eyes. 4. B sky bluish wisps of clouds foamed. 5. Here my childhood.

No. 4. Compare the unedited and edited versions of the sentences. Indicate the errors corrected by the editor (unjustified replacement of the conjugated form of the verb with a participle or gerund when indicating the main action, use of the active participle in the meaning of the passive, incorrect education participial forms and other style flaws). If you disagree with the editor, make adjustments to the stylistic edits.

1. Atoms are structured in such a way that one or more electrons can be relatively easily removed from the atom.

2.The process of returning the Peruvian nation to its natural resources, plundered by foreign monopolies for decades.

3. T. Novikov defended his diploma excellently, graduating from a factory technical school.

4. School No. 7 located nearby will be represented at the rally by 20 students.

5. The existing shortcomings in this matter necessitate the distribution of circulations in accordance with the personnel stationed in the country.

6. Having put on my coat, the thought occurred to me that, being a member admissions committee, I'll have to stay until late tonight.

1. The structure of atoms is such that one or more electrons can easily be detached.

2.The process of returning to the Peruvian people the country’s natural resources, which had been plundered by foreign monopolies for decades, has begun.

3. T. Novikov graduated from the factory technical school, defending his diploma with excellent results.

4.20 students will present at the rally neighboring school №7.

5. To eliminate these shortcomings, it is necessary to take into account the placement when distributing circulations educational institutions around the country.

6. Having put on my coat, I thought that as a member of the admissions committee I would have to stay until late in the evening.

No. 5. Replace participial and adverbial phrases with parallel syntactic constructions, compare them with those given in the exercise and give stylistic characteristics sentences that you consider more appropriate to express thoughts in each particular case.

1. General Lebed shared his thoughts on the country’s recovery from the crisis, based on the force of law. 2. Lebed named Marshal Zhukov as an example for himself, who won the love of the people and was in disgrace with those in power. 3. Zhukov turned the wheel of history three times: for the first time, by defending the Soviet Far East, breaking Japanese troops; then - defeating the Nazis in December 1941 near Moscow; the third time - by executing Beria in 1953 in the cold summer after Stalin's death. 4. The guest ended his first American evening in the company of American billionaire George Soros, a famous philanthropist who donated many millions of dollars for the development of science, education and democratic structures in countries former socialist camp. 5.The second was George Bush, former US President, who was an example of a hospitable and helpful host. 6. Also present at the midday lunch was General Brent Scowcroft, former Bush aide national security. 7. According to reviews from both sides, the lunch organized in honor of the meeting with General Lebed went well. 8. Before leaving for New York, General Lebed also visited the Institute of Modern political problems, led by former US Secretary of State James Breaker, who showed keen interest in meeting with the guest from Russia. 9. It is noteworthy that the publication interviewed A.I. Lebed, “Intellectual Capital” is a magazine without pages, distributed over the Internet and becoming available almost instantly throughout the world.

No. 6. Compare the unedited and edited versions, and name the errors that the editor corrected. If necessary, make corrections to the edited text.

1. A fire broke out in one of the restaurant halls, which had recently been renovated, but was extinguished in time and did not cause much damage.

2. Both sides expressed a desire for contacts between Russian and Czech scientists and cultural figures to receive their further development.

3. Not acknowledging criticism of himself, Ivanov invariably replied that it would be better if others did not interfere in his affairs.

4.The work was completed within five days instead of the expected six.

5. Incoming letters are carefully studied and commented on.

6. At the scientific and methodological conference, which was devoted to teaching issues foreign languages, a number of reports were made that contained interesting data on the use of a programmed learning system.

7. It was impossible to hold back the pressure of the waves that rushed onto the shore, sweeping away everything in its path.

8. The simultaneous growth of all these crystalline formations, colliding with each other, crowding each other and preventing the neighbors from developing normally, led to the fact that the crystals were unable to obtain their characteristic correct polyhedral shape.

9. Mechanical properties of steel, tested on samples made from rods forged from a piece cut from profit ingots, presented in table. 2, met the requirements of the technical specifications.

10. “We, the blasters, Efremenkov and Borovkov, having come to our shift, were called to blow up the face by foreman Kozlov, who blew up according to the instructions and then personally confirmed it.”

1. A fire broke out in one of the halls of the recently renovated restaurant, which was quickly extinguished, so it did not cause much damage.

2. Both sides expressed a desire to further develop contacts between Russian and Czech scientists and cultural figures.

3. Without accepting criticism, Ivanov invariably stated that it was better for outsiders not to interfere in his affairs.

4.The work was completed in five days, not six days as expected.

5. Letters received by the editor are carefully studied and commented on.

6. At a scientific and methodological conference dedicated to the issues of teaching foreign languages, a number of reports were made that contained interesting data on the use of a programmed learning system.

7. It was impossible to hold back the pressure of the waves that rushed onto the shore and swept away everything in their path.

8. The regular polyhedral shape characteristic of crystals is not formed if several solid crystalline formations grow in solution at the same time; they collide, crowd each other and thereby interfere with the formation of regular polyhedra.

9.Samples for mechanical testing were cut from rods obtained from the profitable part of the ingots. The test results showed (Table 2) that the mechanical properties of these steels meet the requirements of the specifications.

10. We, blasters Efremenkov and Borovkov, were called by foreman Kozlov, who instructed us to blow up the face. The task was completed as directed, and Kozlov confirmed this.

No. 7. Edit sentences using parallel syntactic structures; simplify heavy, unwieldy sentences.

1.Automatic open hearth instruments show the maximum temperature that is allowed technological instructions, which was compiled by the technical bureau. 2. The facts presented in the book indicate great successes of medicine in the treatment of the most terrible diseases. 3.Valuable time is lost at work State Duma, listening to stupid conversations of irresponsible deputies. 4. The car was blown up in the very center of Moscow, a few steps from Ilyinka, turning right from it in the first lane. 5. Idleness is a relative concept, and sitting at home, it doesn’t happen! 6. Having received recognition from a wide readership, the book was republished, bringing considerable profit to the author and publisher. 7. Having read the manuscript, it seemed to the editor that it needed serious revision. 8. Having drifted over 250 km in 9 months, the ice floe was abandoned by us, led by the expedition leader Papanin. 9. Mammoths were steppe herbivorous animals and lived during the cooling period of our planet, when the polar waters were frozen, when the tongues of glaciers from the north reached the Central Russian plain, when winters were little snow, dry, frosty, when woody vegetation survived only on the floodplains of rivers, and northern border forests lay in the subtropics. 10.Minister of Communications Russian Federation ensure the provision of benefits for the installation of residential telephones and subscription fees for their use, provided for in Articles 1 and 2 Federal Law“On introducing amendments and additions to Articles 15 and 23 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Status of Military Personnel”, military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, as well as citizens discharged from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, health conditions or in connection with organizational and staffing measures, total duration whose military service is 20 years or more, and family members of military personnel who lost their breadwinner and had the right to the specified benefits on the day of death of military personnel. 11. Reimbursement of expenses associated with the provision of benefits for the installation of apartment telephones and subscription fees for their use shall be made from federal budget funds allocated by the federal body executive power, in which military personnel (including those killed and deceased) and citizens discharged from military service are (passed) military service. 12.Did you get a headache trying to understand all this gobbledygook?

No. 8. Fill the gaps. Replace subordinate clauses with participial phrases, expressing the idea more briefly and energetically.

Participles and gerunds have a bookish stylistic connotation and are used primarily in bookish and written speech styles. Participial and adverbial forms and phrases with them are especially widespread in official business and scientific styles. The use of these forms and phrases allows, within one sentence, to indicate the properties of an object, to express various relationships between the described actions and processes - for example, the relationships of simultaneity, consequence, method and nature of the action, conditions, causes, etc. For example: When calculating the current strength, use the following formula(simultaneity relation: applied during calculations); Noting the achievements of the enterprise in the past year. the speaker moved on to critical remarks(following relation: after noted.... moved on) ; Persons who are late for the start of the session are not allowed into the auditorium(relationship conditions: if they are late, they are not allowed), etc. .

To express relations of this kind in colloquial speech, not participial and participial phrases are used, but subordinate clauses with the conjunction When, With union word which etc. or non-union complex sentences (see Part II, “Syntax”). Compare: Unlocking the lock, I broke the key. - When I unlocked the lock, I broke the key; The lock was unlocked - the key was broken; Tired after the hike, the guys instantly fell asleep. – The guys were tired after the hike(or: were tired), fell asleep immediately; Woman delivering milk – Woman delivering milk or A woman delivers milk.

In everyday life and some genres of journalism (such as a report, a newspaper essay, a speech at a meeting), participles can be used, but they usually do not have dependent words and do not denote relationships between objects or actions, but some constant signs subject, for example: His voice is kind of trembling; the flowers are all dried up; sitting dressed and so on.

Brief passive participles (reviewed, read, opened etc.) are used both in book-written and colloquial speech. However, they are used in different ways. IN book styles these participles can be used in combination with instrumental case a noun denoting the subject or instrument of action, forming a passive construction, for example: The issue was considered by the commission. The novel was read by the students. The door is opened with a key. Such constructions are not typical of colloquial speech. In everyday style short participles denote an action whose result is currently taking place, for example: The table is already set. Lunch has long been served. Gas has already been supplied to the house. He has a cover on his skis. Are you very busy at work? and so on.

Participles turned into adjectives (brilliant mind, aspiring writer– see § 252), as well as participles that, together with the noun they define, form compound names of objects (walking excavator, printing device, sliding schedule etc.), are stylistically neutral and can be used in any functional style.

Participles, used in everyday life, denote a procedural characteristic of an object or person, for example, its position in space (that is, they are similar in meaning to adverbs). For example: reading while lying down, sitting bent over, working in silence. In colloquial speech, adverbial forms with negation are used: without going home, he walks without turning, he answers without hesitation, but also stable phrases with gerunds: sit back, honestly speaking, run headlong, work tirelessly and so on.

Some categories of gerunds are obsolete - these are, for example, forms with suffixes -shi And - lice: having arrived, taken down, collected; so in most styles literary speech they are almost never used. In the language of fiction, the use of these archaic forms is associated with various aesthetic goals (for example, the deliberate stylization of the author's speech, which is characteristic of the language of historical novels).

Participles with suffixes -teach,-yuchi: writing, sitting, playing and so on – are used as a sign of folk poetic speech. In the vast majority of styles and genres of literary language (both book-written and spoken) they are rarely used.

Note. Some participles in -teach, -yuchi turned into adverbs: This must be done skillfully; He lives happily ever after: She dealt with him effortlessly. Such adverbs have a colloquial connotation and are used mainly in everyday life.

Exercise 321. Write it off. Underline the imperfective participles with one line and the perfect ones with two lines. Indicate where the gerund denotes an action that is simultaneous with another action, and where it denotes an action that precedes another action. Fill in the missing punctuation marks.

1) A horseman with a burden rushes with a black cloak covering it. 2) An eagle from a distant peak soars motionless along with me. 3) In the hut, a singing maiden spins. 4) A fisherman’s fire was already burning across the river, smoking. 5) The maiden dropped an urn with water on a cliff and broke it. 6) On red paws, a heavy goose, planning to swim along the bosom of water, steps carefully onto the ice, slides and falls. 7) I walked forward, rising higher and higher. 8) However, you won’t pick mushrooms by chatting with you.

(From the works of A.S. Pushkin.)

322. Write imperfective participles from the verbs from which they are formed.

Understand, slow down, hold, protect, lead, hear, plow, conduct, treat, beat, chill, fight, correspond, worry, touch, settle, stay.

323 . Form and write perfect participles from these verbs. From which verbs can we form participles with a suffix? -I?

To sow, to glue, to see, to build, to harness, to lock, to blossom, to grow stronger, to touch, to settle down.

324 . Write from the given verbs below active participles present tense, changing them by gender, and imperfective participles.

To carry – carrying, -aya, -her; lucky; wash, breathe, walk, see, hope, care, build, fight.

325 . Write active past participles from the verbs below, changing them according to gender, and perfect participles.

Recover – recovered, -aya, -ee; having recovered; perform, grow, skip, skip, catch up, stop.

326. Copy it, replacing the highlighted words with participles. Underline the participles from transitive verbs.

1) They were talking friendly when we were walking together through the forest. 2) Andrey Gavrilovich, after reviewing calmly addressed the assessor's requests, saw the need to answer in detail. 3) Since I was I am not vindictive by nature, I sincerely forgave him both our quarrel and the wound. 4) When she listens to me she looks into my face with soft eyes. 5) When they meet on the street, both of them are still smiling at each other from afar somehow especially well. 6) Nature, when will he wake up from sleep, he will begin to live a full, young, hasty life. 7) Chechevitsyn didn’t say a word, when I said goodbye with girls, 8) Aspen, since she's different from the greenery of other trees, gives a lot of charm and diversity to the forest during autumn leaf fall.

327 . For each participle with explanatory words, two sentences are given. Choose which of these sentences can be associated with a gerund, make a sentence and write. Explain your choice.

1) Standing at the post at the warehouse, ... (I heard someone’s steps. I thought I heard someone’s steps.) 2) Loudly thumping on the water, ... (The steamer was going upstream. We were sailing up the steamer downstream.) 3) Running down the slopes of the ravines, ... (The spring songs of the streams rang. The streams rang with spring voices.) 4) Having overflowed the banks and overflowed, ... (The river flooded the meadows. The meadows were under water.) 5) Sitting down at the piano, ... (The sounds of a waltz were heard. She began to play the waltz.) 6) Having received a letter from a friend, ... (Joy overwhelmed me. I was very happy.) 7) Rolling out from behind the mountains, ... (Immediately it became light. The sun illuminated the tops of the pine trees.)

328 . Taking into account the stylistic properties of the combinations with participles and gerunds listed below, write these phrases in three columns: 1) used in book styles; 2) stylistically neutral; 3) used in colloquial speech.

3. Norms for combining homogeneous members.

Members of a sentence that perform the same function are called homogeneous syntactic function, united by the same attitude to the same member of the sentence, connected by a coordinating connection. By means coordinating connection are coordinating conjunctions and intonation or just intonation.

Using in speech homogeneous members, should be considered:

– that words denoting generic and species concepts, For example: * The store is looking for sellers of household appliances and televisions. IN in this case the violation of the norm is caused by the fact that the generic concept “household appliances” and the specific concept “TVs” are used as homogeneous members;

– that homogeneous members of a sentence cannot be words expressing so-called crossing concepts, i.e. words whose meanings are somewhat the same. Designs not allowed: * Management noted and rewarded best employees valuable gifts . Meaning of words Mark And give bonuses largely coincides;

– that it is unacceptable to use words denoting diverse concepts as homogeneous members, for example: * Issue finished products made on account and upon presentation of a receipt;

– that participial phrases and subordinate clauses, participial and participial phrases cannot be used as homogeneous members: * Considering your proposal and solving this problem positively, I would like to draw your attention to the storage conditions of the products; *Students who strive for knowledge and who actively participate in the lesson must be encouraged(Right: ...students who strive for knowledge and actively participate... or ...students who are eager to learn and actively participate...);

that when listing homogeneous members of a sentence, you can omit identical prepositions, but not different ones: We were at the cinema, the park and the stadium And *Groups of tourists can be found on the streets, squares, squares(Right: ...on the streets, squares, parks);

– that homogeneous members of a sentence can have different morphological expression: A young man came in tall, about twenty, wearing glasses, with a briefcase in hand. But they do not combine as homogeneous members of the noun and indefinite form verb: *I love English language and solve examples;

– that it is unacceptable to combine logically incompatible concepts in one row: *Demonstrators walked with placards and happy faces;

– that mixing of components is unacceptable double alliances– creation of an incorrect pair of conjunctions: *We visited not only Moscow, but also St. Petersburg(Right: ...not only in Moscow, but also in St. Petersburg);

– that violation of agreement in the case of members is unacceptable homogeneous series and a general word: *Representatives took part in the forum various countries: England, France, Belgium(Right: ...England, France, Belgium);

4. Norms for the use of participial phrases.

A participle phrase is a participle with dependent words. When using participle phrases, you should pay attention to the agreement of the definition expressed by the participial phrase with the word being defined. For example, in the sentence * The air was saturated with the pungent smell of the sea and oilyfumes land, shortly before eveningmoistened rain the participial phrase is mistakenly coordinated with the wrong member of the sentence; Right: ...evaporationland , shortly before eveningwetted rain. In a sentence *The brothers went to see friends who invited them to come see them the case of the participle is chosen incorrectly; Right: friends who invited

The word being defined should not break the participial phrase, for example: *Relatives who arrived from Siberia stayed with us. The word being defined must appear after or before the participial phrase: Relatives who came from Siberia stayed with us or Relatives who came from Siberia stayed with us.

You should pay attention to sentences in which the participial phrase extends a combination like some books, when depending on the meaning, different agreements of participles are possible. Wed: Some of the booksintended for an exhibition,already received(all books intended for the exhibition have been received). – Some of the booksintended for the exhibition, already received(not all books intended for the exhibition were received). Such agreement options occur in cases where the participial phrase does not determine separate word, but a phrase. Wed. Also: amount of electricity,By consumed... (the quantitative side is emphasized) – amount of electricity,consumed... (characterizes an object, a part of which we're talking about); two thousand rubles,borrowed -twothousand rubles,taken on loan.

5. Standards for the use of participial phrases.

An adverbial phrase is a participle with dependent words. When using an adverbial phrase, it should be remembered that it, as a rule, denotes an additional action of the subject: Allfaces , involved in the formation individual style pedagogical communication future teacher,must act together,helping each other(everyone must act together and help...); Developing in huge numbers, bloodworm participates in cleansing rivers,assimilating and mineralizing organic matter (bloodworm develops, participates in cleansing, assimilates and mineralizes).

It is possible to use an adverbial phrase in an impersonal sentence with an infinitive: Projecting the findings onto the object of our research, it can be stated , What…;

The participial phrase is not used:

a) if the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the gerund refer to different persons (objects): * Studying history, I have an opportunity be proud of her past(gerund participle studying does not indicate the action of the subject opportunity; Right: Studying history, we have the opportunity be proud of the past); * Having turned from border fortress to the capital of the principality, the rating has changed strategic position of Moscow(the assessment has changed, and Moscow has become the capital; correct: When Moscow turned from a border fortress into the capital of a principality, the assessment of its strategic position changed).

b) if there is no infinitive in an impersonal sentence: * Having learned this truth, it becomes clear that an incorrectly chosen method of raising a child aggravates the regulation process whole organism (Right: Having learned this truth, can be understood , What… or Having learned this truth, understand , What…).

c) in a passive construction: * Based on the analysis of domestic and foreign publications, official documents and other scientific and methodological literature, weredeveloped Andtested two experimentalprograms (Right: Based on the analysis.., we have developed...); * Rejecting the child, parents in childhooda reaction is generated anxiety and fear(Right: By rejecting a child, parents give birth to...).

6. Use of complex sentences

When using complex sentences, the following must be taken into account:

- in sentences with consistent submission clauses, repetition of identical conjunctions is unacceptable: *Many company employees believed that the engineer was so young that he would hardly be able to create his own project(Right: Many company employees believed that the engineer was too young to create his own project);

– subordinate clause definitive sentence with the word which cannot be separated from the defined noun: *We learned a lot about the man who lived in this house, who now lives abroad(Right: We learned a lot about the man who lived in this house and now lives abroad);

– in the construction of complex sentences, which are indirect speech, elements of direct speech cannot be included: *The hero of the film believes that I will definitely cope with my opponents(Right: The hero of the film believes that he will definitely cope with his opponents);

– similar in meaning cannot be repeated subordinating conjunctions: *The teacher thinks that we are not preparing enough for classes(Right: The teacher believes that ( or as if) we don’t prepare enough for classes.

– in the additional part of structures like those who And everyone who the verb should be used singular: those who came...; everyone who came...: Those who went on the excursion were very pleased. We should not forget about the agreement of subject and predicate in the main sentence. Wrong: *Many of the travelers who have been to the Russian North strive to visit Kizhi again(Right: Many travelers who have been to the Russian North are eager to visit Kizhi again).

Failure to comply with syntactic rules can lead to the following: speech errors:

1. In the area of ​​phrases.

    Violation of management standards: the speaker shared about...; pay for travel.

    Wrong choice of preposition With or from: returned from vacation; came from Romanovka; they are from our school.

    Expansion of word compatibility: I’m not crying to you, but to Aunt Sima.

    “Stringing” of dependent words is an excessively long chain of dependent words that complicates perception: *Return before children's dinnerto your camp from the hike. It is especially difficult to perceive when one case is “strung together”: *Image of an episode of the Tarasov factory workers’ strike.

    Violation of logical homogeneity in a coordinating phrase: The leaves in the forest smell of greenery, berries and nature. There was silence in the yard and someone’s car.

    Violation of morphological homogeneity in a coordinating phrase: The girl loves beautiful dresses, kittens and reading books. They walked down the street quickly and talking about something.

    Incorrect selection of coordinating phrases: *This irresponsible person can not only let down his friend, but also all his classmates.

    Excessive lengthening of the coordinating phrase: * In the character of this hero, I am especially attracted by cunning, caution, vigilance, courage, willpower, endurance, patience and caring.

    The combination of different types of syntactic units as part of a coordinating phrase: *I love animals and when my dad and I go fishing.

2. In the area of ​​a simple sentence.

    Violation of agreement between the predicate and the subject: *Youth gathered in the square; His relatives did not like him; A flock of swans flew from the south; There are many books in the closet. Anna Petrovna, the school director, congratulated us on the start of the school year.

    Predicate tense inconsistency: * When a writer works at night, the cat would jump up on the table and sit there. *The next day he comes to us and told the following story.

    Inconsistency of types of predicates: *When the cubs grew up, they were put on a chain.

    Violation of coordination of the participial phrase with the word being defined: *The poem “Mtsyri” tells about the fate of a boy who was sent to a monastery andyearning about freedom.

    Use of an independent participial phrase.

    Inclusion of other words in the sentence into the participial phrase: *Having met the guys near school, we went for a walk.

3. In the area complex sentence.

    Contamination separate turnover and a complex sentence: * Ivy climbing along the wall greatly decorates the interior. I was very upset when I visited my sick grandmother.

4. Violation of word order:Athletes rush to the river, having arrived at the camp.

6.2.4. Stylistic norms

Stylistic (style) norm– rules of use linguistic units in accordance with the characteristics of the style, the requirements of the genre and the conditions of communication.

In any functional style, inter-style (stylistically neutral) language means predominate, since each style primarily implements general linguistic, or inter-style, norms. At the same time, each style also has its own individual stylistic features. The norms of some styles, for example, scientific and colloquial, are sharply opposed to each other; the norms of other styles, for example scientific and official business, have significantly less differences.

For example, the scientific style is not characterized by the word order typical of the colloquial style. IN scientific text The order of words is subject to a logical principle, the options for word arrangement are limited. In colloquial speech, the order of words, reflecting its emotionally expressive nature, may have various options, including the location of the components of the phrase at a distance from each other.

For the scientific style, completeness of the syntactic structure is required; the boundaries of the sentence can be very extensive; the conversational style, on the contrary, is characterized by incompleteness, moreover, not only at the syntactic, but also at other levels; The length of sentences is very limited. IN scientific speech words with an abstract meaning predominate, in colloquial meaning - with specific meaning. The conditions for the functioning of these styles are also directly opposite: indirect communication and careful preparation in scientific style, spontaneity of communication and lack of preparation in conversational style. They also differ in the form of manifestation: primary, and sometimes the only form majority scientific genres is the written form, the primary form of the conversational style (with the exception of the genre of everyday letters) is the oral form.

Within each stylistic norm, variations are possible, since each style is heterogeneous in genres, themes, etc. Scientific report and scientific article are genres of the same style - scientific, but they manifest themselves in different forms- oral and written, therefore, in each case there are different versions of a single stylistic (style) norm. A report, especially one intended for a serious conference, is usually written in full. It requires precise wording, logical argumentation, sometimes statistical data, quotes, etc. It is required to read the written text in advance to ensure that it can be spoken in 20 (or 15) minutes. At the same time, when preparing a text, one should focus on the listener, i.e., strive for syntactic diversity, some (within the norm of the genre) lexical and phraseological revitalization and, of course, avoid cumbersome constructions and unusual use of terms. And if the text is designed for oral reproduction, then this should be manifested in its style: in its appeal to live listeners, in a greater variety of intonations, which must be fully realized in the reading process. For scientific article characterized by greater rigor in the selection of linguistic means.

So everyone functional style has its own stylistic (style) norms, which vary depending on the type of style, as well as oral or written form its manifestations.

At the same time, in the choice of linguistic means, the factor of communicative expediency in a specific area of ​​communication is of significant importance, speech situation taking into account the goals and objectives of communication, the content of the statement, its genre, etc. The style must be such that the linguistic means used in it and their organization lead to communicative success.

Violation stylistic norms leads to stylistic errors, which can manifest themselves in the field of vocabulary, morphology, syntax. Stylistic errors consist in the inclusion in the text of units that do not correspond to the style and genre of the text. In this case, stylistic diversity arises, since the used stylistically colored linguistic device appears to be in conflict with the context. However colloquial vocabulary used in journalistic articles, essays, reports, popular science literature and discussion statements to create an atmosphere of informality and trust.

The most typical stylistic errors in scientific speech are:

– Unjustified use of expressive and emotional-evaluative means, unmotivated stylistically.

– Mixing styles is the unjustified use in one text of words and syntactic structures characteristic of different styles of the Russian language. For example, a mixture of scientific and colloquial styles, when words are used in scientific speech grammatical forms, syntactic constructions characteristic of conversational style.

Thus, in the article “The problem of the noosphere and unified theory fields”, dedicated to the concept of the noosphere and the prospects for its development, was inappropriately used stable combination more than enough(colloquial and emotionally charged, according to the “Dictionary-Reference Book of Russian Phraseology” by R.I. Yarantsev): Gloomy forecasts for further development human society and the biosphere as a whole -more than enough .

Unjustified use speech stamps: Center of gravity all work in this direction (as well as all educational work) falls on the scientific and pedagogical teams of the departments... Moving on to subsequent courses, they(junior cadets - S.Sh.) take on their shoulders the main burden in carrying out research work(in an article by a teacher at a military university); Central link work in this direction - assessing the state of the ecosystem using bioindication(in the article about environmental monitoring); Let's turn to the three main mathematical disciplines: mathematical analysis, geometry, algebra, which have a number of points of contact, and together make upthe foundation on which it rests Allbuilding modern mathematics education . IN last example the word was also used unjustifiably rest on related to high vocabulary and not appropriate in this context.

Stylistic errors also often include a violation of the logical and grammatical structure of a sentence, which leads to the loss of the meaning of the statement: Having built interdisciplinary bridges, nonlinear dynamics gave hope for understanding the most complex patterns; In conclusion, we would like to note that the use corporal punishment is not an appropriate way to raise children and is not supported scientific research and practical experience.



Verb type

Reflexive pronoun


Participial turnover

Active participles

Fractional numbers


Abundant Verbs




Fluctuations in gender of nouns

Cardinal numbers

Lexical norms

Verb person

Personal pronouns



Morphological variants

Morphological norms

insufficient verbs

Inanimate nouns

Indeclinable nouns

Imperfect species

Inconjugated verb forms

Homogeneous members of the sentence

Animate nouns

Infinitive (past tense) stem

Basis of present (future simple) tense

Transitive verbs



Positive degree of comparison

Word order




Imperative mood


Possessive pronouns


Variably conjugated verbs

Speech errors

Gender of nouns

Syntactic norms


Declension of numerals

Declinable nouns


Complex sentence

Complex numbers

Collective numbers

Perfect view


Compound numerals

Conjugated verb forms

Verb conjugations


Stylistic norms

Stylistic errors

Passive participles



Control questions

    What is a lexical norm?

    What errors does violation of lexical norms lead to?

    What is pleonasm?

    What is a tautology?

    What are the morphological norms?

    What are the standards for the formation of forms? nominative case plural of nouns?

    What are the standards for the formation of forms? genitive case plural of nouns?

    How is the gender of indeclinable nouns determined?

    What difficulties may arise when determining the gender of inflected nouns?

    Which nouns fluctuate in gender?

    What are the features of the formation of animate and inanimate nouns?

    Which speech errors can arise when the norms of formation and use of nouns are violated?

    What degrees of comparison does an adjective have?

    How are forms of degrees of comparison formed?

    What speech errors can occur when the norms for the formation and use of adjectives are violated?

    What categories are nouns divided into?

    What are the features of the compatibility of collective numerals?

    What features does the declension of cardinal numerals have?

    How does the declension of ordinal numbers differ from the declension of cardinal numbers?

    How are fractional numbers declined?

    What speech errors can occur when the norms for the formation and use of numerals are violated?

    What are the features of using personal pronouns in scientific speech?

    What to consider when using pronouns mine And myself?

    What speech errors can occur when norms of formation and use of pronouns are violated?

    What are the standards of education species pairs verb?

    What are the rules for forming the person form of a verb?

    What verbs are called insufficient?

    What verbs are called abundant?

    What verbs are called differently conjugated?

    How are the imperative forms of a verb formed?

    How are active participles formed?

    How are passive participles formed?

    How are imperfective participles formed?

    How are perfective participles formed?

    What verbs do not form participles?

    What speech errors can occur when the norms of formation and use of verbs and verb forms are violated?

    What is a syntactic norm?

    What are the rules of control for transitive verbs?

    What features of prepositions should be taken into account when forming prepositional-case forms of nouns?

    What are the approval standards?

    What word order is called direct?

    What are the features direct order words?

    What word order is called reverse?

    What are the norms for coordinating the main members of a sentence?

    Balashov Saratov region» ... training electronic process educationally-methodologicalcomplexes. In particular, in 2007- 2008 ... Creation methodological software (UMK) special course « Theory And practicescientificspeech"Fornon-humanitarianspecialtiesuniversities" (...

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    ... For students non-humanitarian ... special course ... Balashov A.T. ... 2008 ... scientificspeeches based on texts on cultural studies. Educational