Fun pranks for April 1st at school. Sweets with a surprise - a school prank for classmates

The first of April is one of the most fun and reckless holidays of the year. Indeed, only on this spring day can you legally make fun of your parents, friends and classmates. Despite the fact that April 1 is considered an ordinary working day, it is always “in sight” on the calendar - everyone is preparing for April Fool’s Day in advance and in all “seriousness”! According to one of the many versions of the origin of the holiday, the ancient Romans celebrated Fools' Day with funny jokes and practical jokes, which became the prototype of the modern April Fool's holiday. As another source says, April 1, popular today, originated in medieval Europe with its carnivals and costumed entertainments. Starting from 1703, April Fools' Day began to be celebrated in Russia - thanks to the foreign courtiers of Tsar Peter I, who also liked this “overseas” holiday. Since then, on April 1, it has been customary to play pranks on children and adults by inventing the most incredible jokes and holding pranks. Of course, the purpose of these have fun is a general good mood and laughter, so jokes for April 1 should be selected that are not offensive or degrading. We will be happy to share with you fun ideas and videos for pranks on April Fool's Day - for mom and dad, classmates at school and friends in the yard. We are sure that your April Fool's jokes will cause cheerful laughter and provide all participants with a good mood for the whole day!

Short jokes on April 1 at school for classmates - Ideas for funny pranks on April Fool's Day, video

School humor is truly an endless space for imagination! In our country, the tradition of organizing funny pranks for classmates on April 1 is firmly rooted, so school “merrymakers” carefully prepare for this day every year. As a rule, situations from school life, and classmates and even teachers become “objects”. Undoubtedly, a joke on April 1 should be positive and funny for all participants - so, in our “arsenal” there are many ideas for short funny jokes on April Fool’s Day. So, how to make a successful and fun joke on April 1 at school? Instead of the “traditional” placing thumbtacks on a chair or smearing a chalkboard with soap, we offer equally funny alternative jokes on video.

Original ideas for short school jokes for April Fool's Day:

To carry out such an April Fool's joke, you will need double-sided tape, with which you can discreetly stick your classmate's school supplies - notebooks, textbooks and a diary - to the desk. Such manipulations are best done during recess, when the “victim” of the prank is not in class. When the next lesson begins, the student will definitely try to “move” some object from its place - this is where this funny joke will work.

With the advent of mobile phones in our lives, many jokes and practical jokes have appeared related to these irreplaceable gadgets. Having found out the cell number of a classmate, you can send a comic SMS on April 1 - about debiting the payment for communication from the account (we’ll come up with an amount) or “voluntarily-compulsory” transfer of the subscriber to the new “Balabolny” tariff.

School jokes involving a classmate’s “false” call to the principal or head teacher are always popular. And who will “take a risk” and arrange such a prank for the teacher? At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher who comes to class is informed that the director is calling him to his office. While the teacher is distracted, one of the students hangs a piece of paper on the “director’s” door with the inscription “April 1st - I don’t trust anyone, not even the best students!”

Funny jokes and pranks on April 1 for friends - a selection of interesting ideas, video

In anticipation World Day Because of laughter, many adults and children try to come up with the most unusual and funny pranks for their friends and acquaintances. After all, only on this spring day can you make fun of anyone with “impunity”, giving all participants a charge positive emotions. Of course, the most fun and unforgettable pranks traditionally go to our friends - after all, who else can you have so much fun with on April 1? In our selection you will find cool versions of April Fool's jokes and practical jokes that will cause cheerful laughter and lift the spirits of the whole company for a long time. Many interesting ideas for jokes, you can learn from our video - give your friends an unforgettable April Fool's Day!

Interesting ideas for funny April Fools' pranks:

The topic of telephone pranks is inexhaustible - prepare to the best friend joke on April 1st by calling his home number and introducing himself as a water utility employee. Then inform that due to repair work Water will be turned off for a day, so residents are asked to fill all containers. After 10 minutes, we again make a “call to a friend” and ask if he has collected water. Having received an affirmative answer, you can be “happy” that geese will now be brought to him to swim.

This idea for a prank on April 1 will be of interest to students living in the dormitory. We choose the moment when the neighbor left his room and “get” inside (in this case, the door of the room should open outward). Using threads we tie together many objects - a chair, notebooks and books on the table, spoons, a cabinet door. Then the tip of the thread needs to be attached to the inside door handle. As soon as a friend opens the door, a real April Fool's surprise awaits him and complete chaos in the room.

If your friend “part-time” is a neighbor in the stairwell, you can arrange a fun prank on April 1 - with a firecracker. We tie a firecracker to the doorknob of a neighbor's apartment using a rope, and attach its other end to the railing. We ring the doorbell, quickly hide in our home and position ourselves at the peephole. As soon as the neighbor’s door opens, there will be a deafening “explosion” - the April Fool’s joke was a success!

Easy April 1st jokes for mom and dad – Funny pranks for parents, ideas, videos

The first of April is a great occasion to play a prank not only on your colleagues or friends, but also on your beloved parents. Of course, jokes for mom and dad need to be light, funny and positive. After all, the purpose of such funny pranks is surprise, joy and cheerful laughter - parental and childish. We hope that our April Fools' ideas with videos will inspire you to create a real holiday, and your parents will have a lot of fun with your jokes and gags.

How to prank mom and dad on April 1 - a selection of easy jokes:

For mom and dad on April 1, you can organize a draw - a fun tea party. To do this, pour salt into a sugar bowl the night before, and in the morning we set the table and invite parents to drink tea. In addition, you can drop iodine into your cup of tea and dip a piece of bun or cookie into it. As a result of the effect of iodine on starch, the bread will acquire a bluish color - those present will be surprised!

You can “delight” dad with cosmetic procedures on April Fool’s Day by painting his toenails while he sleeps. Of course, such a funny prank is best carried out with the moral “support” of your mother. When dad wakes up, he will definitely appreciate such creativity - then he can “admit” that he has run out of nail polish remover at home. As a “calming” gift for dad, a small souvenir gift will be suitable, which will remind the whole family of this funny April Fool’s prank for a long time.

Funny jokes for children on April 1 - video pranks for April Fool's Day in kindergarten

IN kindergarten On April 1st there are many pranks and children's laughter sounds. We bring to your attention a video with funny jokes for April Fool's Day - you can arrange an unforgettable holiday for kids on this day!

April 1 – April Fool's Day, jokes on video

Spring brings us not only the warmth of the sun and greenery on the trees, but also the most joyful holiday - April 1st. On this wonderful day you can joke everywhere and with everyone - even strangers They will perceive your pranks with understanding and humor. In the video you will find interesting ideas for jokes on April Fool's Day that your relatives and friends will definitely appreciate.

What jokes to choose for April 1st? We have collected best ideas with videos of funny jokes and pranks for April Fool's Day: for classmates at school, friends, mom and dad (parents). Organize a fun prank for children and adults - in the form cool SMS by phone or in person. Let your jokes on April 1st give those around you only cheerful laughter and a sea of ​​unforgettable impressions!

You should have jokes for April 1 prepared like a loaded gun before a hunt. After all, on April 1, it’s a sin not to play pranks and laugh at colleagues, friends, and classmates. And be prepared for counter pranks directed at you.

The only thing worth thinking about is the consequences of your jokes. They must be safe and inoffensive - then the holiday of humor will be a success!

During recess, when students are usually in different places as possible more classmates separately (so that others do not hear) to say that they are urgently important matter calls some other classmate, who is now on another floor or at the other end of the school. Can you imagine the rushing around the floors and corridors?

Jokes as old as time, but still funny.

Make fun of your teacher by rubbing the board with dry soap. After this, you won’t be able to write on the board, but keep in mind that you will have to wash the board later.

You can prank the teacher by lightly spritzing a chalkboard rag with French perfume. The rag must first be rinsed thoroughly so that it is clean and has no foreign odors, but it is better to prepare a new one. But my mother, the owner of expensive perfumes, will not be delighted if she finds out...

A woman should smell like herself - then

A tougher option for a less-loved teacher is to soak a rag in beer or fish brine.

Funny, and most importantly - safe jokes on April 1 - when you hang a lot of balls on strings on the doors of the classrooms where you teach different lengths. Teachers or classmates entering the door open the door, and suddenly balls fly at them - funny?

If you have free access to a colleague’s computer who often works in Word, write them in “AutoCorrect”: popular words on others - cool. Let your imagination help you, and then his “Report” will turn into “Buy an elephant”, and if the report is not last-minute and not quarterly, then the mood will improve.

A joke with replacing the desktop with a picture.

Although not new, it works flawlessly. While your colleague is away, quickly create a small window on his desktop, make a Print Screen of the screen, transfer it to Paint and save your work as a desktop background. When a returning colleague tries to close the disturbing window, your task is not to betray yourself with laughter until he guesses what’s going on.

Sealing a mouse with tape is a matter of seconds.

But then what a pleasure it is to watch a perplexed colleague! On the tape you can write: “Scratch my tummy. Your mouse.”

You can even hide the mouse, instead putting a note with traces drawn and the words: “I went to the hairdresser to have my ponytail docked. I’ll be there after lunch.”

If you have time to prepare, bring a mousetrap, leave it lowered on a colleague’s desk with a piece of cheese and a note from the mouse: “Don’t be fooled by cheese, otherwise the same fate awaits you...”

You can make a joke about a classmate like this: buy an exact copy of his diary in the store, it’s good if it has a common cover. New diary leave blank. Hide your classmate's diary discreetly and replace it with a new one. When they call him to the board, they will be very surprised that his diary is completely empty. It is unlikely that he will notice the substitution. Don't forget to return the real journal with notes. The teacher will also appreciate the joke.)

You can make fun of your classmates like this: come first and tell everyone who comes again that now there will be not one subject, but another, since the teacher is sick. Tell the teacher himself that the schedule has been rescheduled. When complete chaos sets in, you admit to everyone that this is a prank on April 1st.

How to prank the director, head teacher and teacher on April 1
During the break, you need to go around as many classmates as possible and say that they were urgently called to the director (head teacher). It’s easy to imagine the reaction of the mentors when one by one comes to them a large number of person and ingratiatingly ask - did you call me?

Make fun of school teacher On April 1, you can rub the chalkboard with dry soap. After that, no matter how you rub the chalk, there will be nothing left on it.

Taking an empty box and writing something on it like don’t touch it is dangerous to put it where anyone can get it.

You can also cut a hole in a tin can. Then we take cotton wool, since we made a hole, we insert cotton wool. We tint the cotton wool red, but don’t overdo it, stick your finger in and you can run with it down the corridor.

Jokes on teachers on April Fools' Day (and not only on this day!)

"Clean slate": Just rub it school board soap.
"Sticky Web": Place narrow strips of clear tape on the doorway while the teacher is not in the office.
“Yeast bomb”: Pour instant yeast into a Kinder Surprise jar. During class, simply add H2O to the jar and roll it to the teacher’s feet. Do it quickly!
"One name": If the teacher suddenly an ordinary lesson gave a test, then you can “teach” him a lesson. The whole class: excellent students and poor students, sign their work with one name, for example: Galileo Galilei, 6 "A"
"Joke of Bubble Gum" : Chewing chewing gum so that the teacher notices. Spit it into the trash. Then you take out another piece of gum and continue chewing as if nothing had happened... Stock up on 2-3 packs of gum!
"Alien Name": Girls and boys change names.
“And your (_|_) is white!” : Take chalk and smear the teacher’s chair.
“And your (_|_) is black!” : Take validol and smear it on the teacher’s chair.
""blessing" stench":

First way:
1. Buy a package of “hydroperite” and a package of “analgin” at any pharmacy. Depending on desired result You can buy, for example, 3 packs of each...
2. Turn all these tablets into powder and pour them into some kind of mold or onto a piece of paper, you get 2 packages with white powder...
3. About 10 minutes before the start of the lesson, take and thoroughly mix these 2 resulting powders and pour them onto a double piece of notebook paper, then roll up a couple more double sheets, that is, a couple of layers of paper so that the powder is thoroughly compressed and does not spill out...
4. Then everything depends only on your imagination, where to put it, the coolest thing is to stick it with tape to the bottom of the teacher’s chair...
5. Result: the connection reaction occurs and after a certain amount of time has passed, it begins to White smoke and it starts to smell like a hospital!
""blessing" stench":
Second way:
Buy triple cologne and pour it in class.

A mocking prank on girls that works amazingly. You need to put something incredibly heavy in the potential victim’s briefcase, something that the guy will have difficulty lifting. Then all you can do is watch as your classmate pulls the strap of her bag in bewilderment.

So during class you write on a piece of paper: “There’s a sock on the ceiling.” Next, you pass this piece of paper to your desk neighbor and say when you read it, pass it on to someone else... The effect is amazing... Everyone who reads this looks at the ceiling (and the teacher)

In this article we will pay attention to what jokes on April 1st can be for children at school. As soon as this day is not called, its essence is the same - a lot of practical jokes that cheer everyone up and simply make them laugh in the most seemingly strict and inappropriate conditions. Including at school.

When exactly the tradition of celebrating appeared is not completely known. Evidence has been preserved that since the 16th century, masters sent their servants somewhere on this day, giving them the most incredible instructions, naming addresses that simply did not exist. In Russia, the holiday was first celebrated in 1703 in Moscow.

Today, both at work with colleagues and with friends at school, I want to do all sorts of jokes and pranks that will leave Nice memories and impressions. Two last words are extremely important, because on April 1 you cannot joke evilly, play with weaknesses person. This holiday of laughter and fun is created for every person, and not just for the inveterate joker. Next, we’ll look at jokes and pranks that can be organized right within the school walls or outside of it.

With red nail polish

You will need to take red nail polish. Pour some varnish onto the paper and leave it until it dries completely (this will take several hours). Next, remove the varnish from the paper - you get a blot, which you can now put on the keyboard of the person you want to joke about.
At school you can put a blot on a diary or inside a friend’s notebook, or on the teacher’s desk. Now all that remains is to wait for a bright April Fool's reaction and not forget in time to admit to the person that this is not a real inkblot, but just an April Fool's prank.

Clear nail polish

Regular clear nail polish can also be used to your advantage to make an interesting prank. In school toilets, you need to coat each piece of soap with this varnish and give it several hours to dry. Then the students will simply be at a loss as to why they can’t get soap to wash their hands. What else can be arranged?

Blocking a number

Interesting April 1 jokes for children at school can be done using a mobile phone. Moreover, practice shows that today Cell phones even have junior schoolchildren. You will need to call a friend and tell him in a serious voice that today the number will be blocked for all subscribers of this network. If he does not want this, then he should pay the operator 10 rubles every hour.

Carbonated drink

You can simply treat your classmate to a carbonated drink, but the joke will be that you shake the bottle well first.

Stick things

You can glue the student's things to the desk using double-sided tape. Here, of course, the diary immediately comes to mind. If a friend is called to the board at the next lesson, the prank will be even more interesting and fun.

To the director!

You can rush into the classroom in frantic excitement and shout that Ivanov, Petrov or another student whom you want to prank is urgently summoned to the director. After this, you will need to wait until the student begins to get ready and congratulate him on the wonderful holiday of April 1 at the door.

Cling film

You can come to class early and, if the door does not open inward, stretch cling film or newspaper over the doorway. The first student who comes into class after you will be shocked, to say the least.

SMS pranks

Of course, April 1 jokes for children at school may include options for sending text messages. For example, you can send the victim an SMS with the content that it is time to pay all bills and debts. You can report that a friend won money in the lottery. It is clear that messages should only be sent from unfamiliar numbers in order for them to look believable.

As for rubbing the board with soap, it is quite dangerous. The point is that you really won’t be able to write on the board. But then there is no way to correct this, and the government item will be spoiled. So, it is recommended to immediately abandon this version of the drawing, so that parents do not have to buy a new board for the class.

These are the April 1st jokes for children at school that you can safely use to amuse yourself and your classmates. You shouldn’t use the April 1 holiday to make fun of a person you haven’t liked for a long time. April Fool's Day is a holiday and your joke or prank should under no circumstances spoil this holiday for anyone.

April Fool's Day is approaching - one of the most happy Holidays, when all people try to prank each other and have a lot of fun. Absolutely everyone plays jokes and pranks on April 1: children and adults, colleagues and co-workers, friends and lovers. At the same time, even the sharpest jokes do not cause offense, since everyone is satisfied and happy on the Holiday of Humor and Laughter! We have selected for you the most interesting and fun pranks, jokes and gags for April Fool's Day.

Funny jokes and pranks on April 1 at school for classmates and teachers

What funny pranks can you come up with for April 1st at school? Take note of the following jokes and try to prank your favorite teachers and classmates. Your desk friends will remember this fun day for the whole year! However, always remember that pranks and jokes, no matter how funny they may seem, should not be traumatic.

How to prank a teacher at school on April Fool's Day

  • If you are not afraid of the wrath of your favorite teacher, rub the chalkboard...with soap! It will be almost impossible to write on it.
  • Tell the teacher that the principal or teacher from the next class is calling him (it all depends on your courage and arrogance!). And hang a poster “From April 1” on the door of the director’s or teacher’s office.
  • Place a notice in a visible place (lobby, front door) in the school with in the following words: “Due to a water pipe break, classes on 04/01/2016 are cancelled. Students in grades 10 and 11 must arrive tomorrow at 10 a.m. in work clothes with buckets and mops.”

How to prank classmates on April Fool's Day

  • Offer your friend a soda (cola, mineral water), but shake the bottle well beforehand.
  • During class, pass a note to the student in front of you saying, “Look, there’s a mop on the ceiling. And pass it on." Almost every classmate will definitely look at the ceiling. Ideally, the note should reach the teacher, who will also most likely look up.
  • Well, how can you not make fun of cute girls on this day? For example, put something very heavy in their briefcases, and then watch them, in complete bewilderment, struggle to pull the backpack strap.

The best funny pranks on April 1 for office colleagues and family

To surprise your loved ones, relatives or colleagues, sometimes you still need to prepare a little. We present to you excellent selection original funny pranks for April 1st. You will be the best prankster on April Fool's Day!

To prank your household, early in the morning of April 1, go into the bathroom, unscrew the faucet divider and insert a tablet with food coloring. The effect will be amazing! Also, take a bar of soap and cover it with clear nail polish. Oh, miracle - the soap stopped foaming!

Make “scrambled eggs” with yogurt instead of white and half a canned apricot for the yolk.

Make fun of a colleague: cover the bottom of the computer mouse at his workplace with tape.

A joke at work: call the secretary or another employee and ask him not to answer the phone for 5 minutes, since at this time the telephone operator is working at the station and he may get a serious electric shock. After 5 minutes, call again and scream at the top of your lungs!

Funny April 1st pranks for friends

How to surprise and make your dear friends laugh on April Fool's Day? There are a lot of options for jokes and pranks on April 1 for friends: these include jokes on the phone, video pranks, and SMS. Below are some of the most interesting jokes, which you can please your friends with.

Mix phenolphthalein with ammonia to create a pink solution. Pour it into a cup and “accidentally” spill it on your friend. It only takes a few seconds and the stain will disappear! However, during these seconds your friend will be, to put it mildly, in fierce indignation! Just in case, before April 1, practice with liquids at home using a light-colored waste cloth.

A funny prank on the phone: “Hello, good afternoon, do you need a talking horse? Please don't hang up! It’s very difficult to pick with your hoof!”

Another funny phone prank. Call a friend and say: “We are from the housing office, the water in your house will be turned off this evening, urgently fill all containers with water.” And an hour later you call back: “Did you get water? Great! Now, please, heat it up - we will bring the elephant to you to wash yourself.”

Short SMS giveaways for April 1

Urgent message from emergency services! Leave your premises immediately, as laughing gas has been detected in it!

Congratulations! Humanitarian aid from Honduras has arrived at your Russian Post office. You can pick up your parcel any day from 4 to 5 am.

Attention! You have exceeded your usage limit hot water. From this day on, you will wash and take baths only in cold water.

Paying utility bills has never been easier! Just put money in your Mailbox and our company will do everything for you!

The best video giveaways for April 1st

Laughter is known to prolong life, and also strengthen friendships and simply promote good mood. Best selection ideas on how to prank your colleagues, household members or friends are presented in this video. Funny original jokes from April 1 will bring pleasure to everyone without exception!

Cool harmless pranks for April 1st – great way amuse yourself and your loved ones. Don’t be afraid to prepare a couple of funny jokes for your friends, colleagues and family. We wish you a good celebration of this wonderful day and be careful: do not trust anyone on April 1st!