Articles about professionals in their field. How to be a professional in your field

Choosing a profession and further education and practice allows you to reach unprecedented heights and develop your skills. But first you need to know what educational institution should you go, and what are the main recommendations for becoming a real specialist in your chosen field.

How to become a professional accountant

First of all, you need to get a higher education economic Education. This will allow you to study the basics, operations, and documentation details. The duration of study will be from 3 to 4 years, depending on the chosen university.

It is recommended to apply to a higher education institution with a narrowly specialized stream. For example, private university with legal and economic direction. Among the proposed specialties, you can choose simple enterprise management and complex systems for work in large companies, maritime management.

After completing the training, you should undergo an internship at a small enterprise, try out all the acquired skills and understand future plans. After all, to become a professional accountant, primary knowledge will not be enough. Required additional study codes and regulations. Special specialized courses are suitable for deeper training. Their duration does not exceed two years. After this, you just need to gain practice, communicate with colleagues and increase your experience.

How to become a professional boxer

  • First things first for getting up career ladder in boxing you need to undergo training in a club. The institution must have close ties with sports associations and others higher organizations. This will allow you to show off at important events. career growth contests and competitions.
  • After signing up for the club, you need to get to know both the coach and the partners. It is advisable that the other club members be of different heights, ages and weights. This will allow you to work in the future with different types of boxers, which is important for gaining experience.
  • Exercises in the gym, independent warm-ups at home, running in the morning - all this needs to be combined and done constantly, without missing a single workout.
  • Proper nutrition is also very important. It will allow you to achieve the desired physical shape.
  • After training for several years, you need to prove yourself in competitions. This will allow you to find yourself a manager and begin vocational training. As soon as the higher-ranking masters of sports notice the newcomer, everything will be ready. All that remains is to obtain a boxing license, join a world-class club and participate in international competitions, gaining the reputation of a true professional.

How to become a professional in tourism

To start your career, you will need to complete a tourism management course. This can be either individual lessons or training in specialized university. Having gained practice and received basic knowledge, you should move on to realizing your dreams.

  • First of all, you need to get a job on tour. an agency where gaining sufficient experience will not be difficult.
  • Then move from the simple sphere of tourism to the business sphere. There, orders are placed for travel of representatives from large companies, private organizations. This type of tourism has become one of the most expensive.
  • As soon as required level experience will be achieved, clients will constantly turn only to a professional operator and assistant. After all, a well-spent holiday is the key successful work and professional preparedness.

Sales representative - how to become a professional

To become a sales representative, it is advisable to have an economic education and understand the “supplier-company-consumers” work patterns. But when strong desire It is also possible to achieve professionalism in this profession.

First of all, you should learn to work with clients. Not just offer products, but also covertly advertise them, revealing their advantages. “Psychological marketing” courses, which describe ways to influence other people, will come in handy.

Constantly expanding the territory of work and adding new customers will allow you to climb the career ladder. And thereby achieve recognition from both clients and colleagues. Then you can move on to work as a merchandiser or supervisor. But if you like the sales mission, you should switch to completely new level: remote work by profession. You can periodically work with regular clients over the phone, accepting applications from a distance. And in free time expand the territory for orders.

The most important thing is to remember to visit clients at least once a week. Respect and interest are one of the pillars of professionalism.

How to become a professional in your field

To achieve your goal and become a real specialist, you need to constantly develop. For sports this is physical activities, for other areas - studying the characteristics of the profession, communicating with masters of this industry. Constant self-education will allow you to achieve professionalism as early as possible and, of course, receive a decent reward for this.

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A professional is a person who knows his professional opportunities, constantly improves them and never acts outside the scope of his competence.

Thus, a professional can be any person who has achieved certain success in his business, clearly understands what he can do and what he cannot do, and does not try to take on more than he is capable of doing.

Two simple conclusions follow from this:

1. Any student who has applied his knowledge in practice, obtained certain results, and is not trying to be “cooler” than he is, can be a professional.

2. A professor who has read a lot of books and can philosophize intelligently is not a professional. various topics, but he himself did not apply even half of this knowledge in practice.

How to identify a professional, how to distinguish him from other people.

It's simple. There are three for this simple signs:

* A professional lives and devotes himself to his work most of your time, often even to the detriment of your personal time.

* A professional is always interested in talking about his “topic”.

* And most importantly, listening to a professional, you want to give up everything and take up his profession.

A person's acquaintance with professionals begins at school. I think your favorites school items largely depended on who taught them. And you probably had situations when you didn’t like the subject, but came new teacher and your attitude changed dramatically. Or, on the contrary, the old one left, and the new one could not interest you with his attitude to the matter.

There are two types of professionals:

* Extra-class professional

*Emerging professional

The difference between them lies only in the amount of knowledge and skills. That is, both of them love their job, know their competencies and do not go beyond them, but one can do more. And a growing professional always becomes a top-class professional.

Signs of a professional that will more fully reveal the answer to the question - Who is a professional?

* He is constantly learning and developing his skills and abilities. A professional realizes that there are no limits to perfection and therefore constantly improves his skills.

* He easily uses the help of colleagues who are more competent in some issues and does not try to hide his lack of professionalism in those issues where he is not yet so strong.

* He realizes that he cannot give a 100% guarantee. After all, in any business there are factors that can reduce the likelihood of success. But he makes every effort to realize the necessary event.

* A professional knows those people whose level of competence in some matters is higher than him and, if necessary, uses their experience and knowledge.

* A professional will refuse a case if he knows that another person is capable of showing better results, or if he personally cannot help the person.

* A professional is physically healthy, has material wealth and is happy in personal life. The higher the level of skill, the higher the pleasure from the work received. This means that the easier it is for a person to do his job and show better results. Many famous professionals lived long, happy and fruitful lives precisely because of their activities.

* A professional can teach another person what he can do himself.

* A professional does not fuss at work. He has nowhere to rush and he doesn’t need to make himself look cooler than he really is. He doesn’t make unnecessary movements, but this only speeds up his work.

* His profession is his hobby, his life, his talent, his soul and calling.

So now I'm sure you got it full view about who a professional is and how to become one. It is professionals that employers need.

That is, those people who can do something, constantly develop themselves and their potential, do not speak unnecessary words and don't fuss around trying to be something they're not.

Therefore, I wish you to take the path of professionalism. This is the shortest path to your dream job and to the situation when the job itself will look for you.

And being mediocre is almost a curse.
But if you think that every person is necessarily talented in something, you just need to find what it is - this is not true. Many of us will never be outstanding specialists in our field, will not become famous and famous, no matter how hard we try. And this is not a bad thing, because sometimes having strong relationships, family and friends is much more valuable than inventing the hadron collider or writing bestsellers, devoting all of yourself to your work.

But still, each person has certain inclinations and abilities that can be well developed and it is worth doing this, just so that work is not a labor obligation, but brings pleasure.

Thus, love for a particular activity and improvement in this activity opens the way to professional excellence.

Often mastery is a combination of several sub-talents that make you a master of one thing.

– List all the things you loved to do between the ages of six and eighteen, before university, relationships, part-time jobs, responsibilities, children, self-loathing, etc. took over your life.

– Find a topic on which you would like to read 500 books. If you can't wait to read all 500 knitting books, then you probably have a passion for knitting.

Even if you think that your hobby is insignificant, even ridiculous from the point of view of other people, then forget about them. If you enjoy doing it, then it's worth it.

I think four hours is enough, but every day without exception.

For example, Anatoly Karpov, a former world chess champion, said that he spent three hours a day studying and improving the game of chess. He devoted the rest of the day physical exercise, learning languages, and some other things to balance my life.

We must strive for, and for this we should not forget about its spiritual, mental, physical and mental components.

What can you expect?

On your path to mastering a skill, many pitfalls await you: you may become disappointed in the work you are doing, in your abilities, and decide that you cannot cope. You will be criticized and at some point you will feel that you can’t do it anymore and already hate what you were doing. The famous tennis player Andre Agassi said that he hated tennis. You may also suddenly realize that you are too dedicated to the task and want to return to usual life, friends, family.

Will help overcome such crises:

- Ambition. The belief that you can be the best, even if there are a hundred different rational arguments against it. It is ambition that will give you the strength to stand up to everyone who criticizes you and become a winner.

- The hopelessness of the situation. Many people who have achieved success in something, but then found themselves at the very bottom, and managed to rise again, said: “What else could I do with my life? I had to keep going!”

– Fortitude. Perseverance creates luck. Resilience overcomes failure. Resilience gives you experience. Because no matter where you are, there is you, doing what you have always done, not letting your temporary weakness get the better of you.

When will the result be noticeable?

Experts say that with regular practice, you will achieve your first significant success within three months, and will fully master your business in three years.

But – you don’t have to do any of the above. Perhaps you have your own values ​​that are higher than your career, achievements, and you are not ambitious. We are all different and therefore what constitutes happiness for some causes misunderstanding for others.

Very few people have achieved great success and true mastery in their field. And almost each of them experienced a lot of difficulties and pain along the way. And they will continue to experience it.
Choose what is more important to you, what will make you happy.

04.09.2018 18:08

A person’s motivation revolves around three things: skills, money and status (developed by Igor Mikhailovich Litvak and Boris Mikhailovich Litvak).

For top-class professionals and future top-class professionals, the main motivation is the acquisition of skills. She provides personal growth, there are more and more skills. Maybe not so quickly, but then money and status come. Therefore, it is better to refrain from hiring a person who is interested in the social package and material benefits. Fortunately, in times of crisis, when there are fewer jobs than applicants, this is not difficult.

True, even now top-class workers are not looking for work. Their work is looking for. But now they can be found floating freely.

This is the problem of problems in our society. Unfortunately, we are a society of amateurs. It’s hard to find a professional in any industry here. Each of you can tell how mechanics, tailors, cooks, painters, and plasterers let him down. How many of you have not purchased products that did not meet the qualities advertised? That's why, desperate to find professionals, many people (I mean even wealthy people) they cook themselves, repair plumbing, hang wallpaper, and get medical treatment. But science has nothing to do with it. She is very highly developed in all areas. All specialties are at very high level development and continue to develop rapidly.

The fact is that we have very few professionals, even among those who can do something sensible. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to judge professionalism by a person’s diploma, scientific degrees, categories, etc. And if you encounter bad specialist, then don't criticize him. Try to get rid of it.

Almost all textbooks and manuals, depicting the image of a professional, give a number of requirements, in addition to the requirement to possess a set of skills in their field. They also presuppose a number of personal qualities that may not be necessary for persons of average qualification, but are extremely necessary for a top-class professional. As an example, I will give a list of characteristics that should be included in the appearance of a modern professional.

A professional must be at the same time both a citizen and public figure . It doesn’t take long to look for examples: doctor Roshal, actress Pugacheva, writer Solzhenitsyn, hockey player Fetisov, others. In addition, he must have broad education(I would say a great general education), highly moral basis of motives. Professional usually authoritative, has personal charm, modest, optimistic, truthful, fair, honest, selfless, humane, good with words.

From textbook to textbook, quotes from Anton Pavlovich Chekhov pass on that “a specialist must be mentally clear, morally pure and physically tidy.” I would also add to this that a professional must be prosperous and happy man. You can evaluate how well a professional masters one or another method in his specialty, but how to measure honesty, citizenship, a highly moral basis of motives, truthfulness, etc.? That is why the division of the qualities of a top-class professional into professional and personal is very arbitrary.

So first I want to talk about professionalism in general.

I would classify professionalism as personal qualities. Professional skills are sometimes acquired quite slowly, but professionalism can be developed much faster. Professional I call someone who knows his professional capabilities, constantly improves them and never acts outside the scope of his competence. Therefore, in life you can meet both a professional - a novice specialist, and an amateur professor. I know one very good psychiatrist who occupies a prominent position. Everything would be fine if he had not yet pretended to be a neurologist. They did not say this to his face, but laughed behind his back and expressed doubts about his psychiatric knowledge.

I say half-jokingly and half-seriously that I am a professional, and in all areas human knowledge: I am a professional driver, a professional neurosurgeon, a professional singer (the list goes on and on) and a professional psychotherapist. And here is my evidence. I didn't have a single accident, but I never got behind the wheel. I haven't messed up a single neurosurgery, but I've never tried to do one. I'm a professional singer because I've never let a rooster fly off the stage, but I've never sung from the stage. My experience with psychotherapy and psychology is worse: sometimes there are failures. Either I will overestimate my capabilities, or I will overestimate the client’s capabilities. But every unsuccessful case for me is a reason for deep analysis. In the end, I either develop new methods, or transfer my ward to a more qualified specialist. To be honest, I do the latter with pain in my heart. But the client’s interests are more important to me personally. And so that my heart doesn’t hurt, I go to study with a colleague. And, of course, I hone specific techniques.

Thus, professionals can be divided into two categories:

  • extra-class professional;
  • growing professional.

The difference between them is not fundamental, because a growing professional will definitely become a top-class professional - it’s only a matter of the number of skills. But their prices differ significantly. Of course, it’s good to see a professional at work, but you can also spot him at social events and rituals. Try to talk to him about a professional topic. He will willingly do it. If he doesn't want to or avoids speaking professional themes, think about whether he is a professional, because a professional lives by his profession and he is always interested in talking about it, especially since he understands it. Listening to him, you want to quit your profession, if you are not a professional yourself, and take up his profession.

Some signs of a top-class professional from this point of view:

1. A professional always treats his colleague with respect and will never offer his services unless asked, but will never refuse help if requests are made.

2. A professional promptly and willingly resorts to the help of his colleagues and easily speaks of his incompetence in matters where he is incompetent.

3. A professional never promises a 100% guarantee of success, but only guarantees that he will make every effort. After all, the outcome of the case depends not only on the professional, but also on the efforts of the partners. A professional in his field tries to specialize as much as possible. He has a "trick". He knows how to do something that no one else can do. When I was practicing medicine, I could treat two diseases like no one else in the area. I don’t name it, because I don’t intend to return to medical activities.

4. A professional is constantly learning. Studying is actually renewal. After all, when we add a new, albeit in small quantity, ingredient to a dish, the taste of the entire dish changes.

5. A professional knows colleagues whose level of professional skills is higher than his.

6. A professional will refuse a case if he knows that someone does it better, if he knows that he cannot help the client, or if someone will do it better than him. So I wrote the monograph “Epilepsy” together with Valentina Savelyevna Kovalenko. But it makes the selection of medications for epilepsy better. And if I came across such a sick person, I would send him to her. And she referred to me patients with epilepsy who still needed psychotherapeutic influence.

My dear reader, I am telling you everything for you. You only need to find one professional. He will find the rest you need. Professionals know each other. Recruitment agencies also know where professionals are found. The same is true for other industries. Find one qualified mason and he will provide you with qualified painters, tilers, plumbers and others.

7. Already during the first conversation, the professional warns the client that he has the right to refuse his services if he stops trusting him.

8. The professional only takes funds for current expenses as an advance payment. He is confident in his work and understands people.

9. A professional is physically healthy, financially sufficiently secure and happy in his personal life. The higher the level of professionalism, the easier a person performs his work, the more better results, the more positive emotions, those better health. Many prominent professionals with the growth of their professional qualifications improved their health and lived a long, fruitful life.

10. A professional is someone who not only masters a craft himself, but can also teach it to others. This quality is necessary in order not to be afraid of being alone. If this happens, then you can prepare assistants yourself. Therefore, ask if he has any students. As a rule, a professional develops his own techniques and usually presents them in brochures or books. Or at least find out who he studied with and read the works of his teacher. And to put it all in short: a professional knows himself.

11. The professional has a broad general education. I once heard, I don’t remember where, one remark. A woman was asked why she was so smart. She replied that this was due to the fact that, in addition to higher education There is also an average.

It is easy to communicate with a professional, because he is complex and can adapt to any client. He does not have a distinct hobby. His profession is his hobby. Due to the great general education he feels great in any society and in any life situation finds something useful for his professional development. A person who is difficult to communicate is extremely primitive, and it is difficult to adapt to him. If it is possible to avoid communicating with him, then it is better to do it quickly.

12. When working, a professional’s movements are smooth. It even gives the impression of some slowness. But due to the absence of unnecessary movements, it works quickly. There is no excessive tension in the body, the voice is low, and velvety basic notes can be heard. The rate of speech most likely depends on temperament. But even if a professional speaks quickly due to choleric temperament, there is no feeling of haste and fuss.

These provisions are useful to know not only for managers, but also for young specialists. Then they will willingly resort to the help of their more experienced colleagues, will not take on what they do not yet know how to do, will learn what they cannot do, and, ultimately, already in the first years of their professional activity will, from the point of view of benefit to the business, be professionals high class. If all young specialists adhered to these rules, we would have much fewer unfinished, neglected cases. Then they will quickly become professionals, who will eventually turn into top-class professionals.

Actually, I want to repeat once again that being a professional is not a specialty, but a way of life. And if a professional himself does not correspond to the principles he speaks about, then it is better not to deal with him. And if a person is not professional or does not want to become a professional, then, by and large, he cannot be considered a human being.

Choosing a specialist is a difficult matter, especially if you are not a professional yourself. I cannot say which specialist you should choose. But I want to tell you which specialist you should avoid:

First of all, if your soul doesn’t belong to him, then you shouldn’t deal with him. You will always have pronounced emotional stress. You will question all his words and actions. Internal tension will develop, which will negate everything positive that comes from the specialist.

But if a specialist arouses your sympathy, this does not mean that you need to immediately begin cooperation with him. After this, you should still think a little.

If a specialist is too autocratic, insists on fulfilling all his requirements without explaining their meaning, then I doubt that he will bring you significant benefit, even if his advice and recommendations are correct.

If a specialist makes it an absolute condition for you to visit only him, then it is better not to deal with him. This means that he does not trust you, your mind, your ability to distinguish one from the other. Even if you feel better with another specialist, then, of course, the professional will be offended, but he will be offended at himself, but will be happy for you.

If a specialist claims that only he knows this method and only he can help, then this should raise doubts in you. At best, he is a conscientiously delusional person, at worst, a charlatan.

A few more caveats. Don't expect radical actions and quick improvements from a professional, although they can sometimes happen. A professional always works for the future.

In general, if in the process of your contacts with a professional your life begins to resemble a ladder along which you are constantly climbing, then we can say that everything is going fine. It's an upward climb, as if you were walking up a mountain. And even if you slide, you slide forward - that is, you have troubles that simply could not have happened before.

But if in the process of your contacts with a professional you go in circles or even go down and roll back, then it is better to part with such a specialist.

Don't take anything for granted. If you do not understand his actions, it is better to refuse his services. Don't strain to understand it. It is his sacred duty to make sure that you understand him. “Truth is not in the words of the speaker, but in the ears of the listener,” the ancients said. The sacred duty of a professional is to make you understand the methods with which he influences you or which he invites you to use in the process. independent work. You must clearly understand the end results of the work, the signs by which you will recognize progress, and the time when the job will be done.

A professional is not afraid to teach others. After all, in the process of teaching others, you yourself begin to understand your profession more deeply and can come up with something new, while your followers continue to do something that has become uninteresting to a professional.

Now a few more words to employers.

Workers can be rude, sadistic explorers, money-grubbers, ignoramuses and angels. We'll talk about the first four below. But it is angels who need to be feared most of all. After all, there are no angels. Try to find something human in him, some shortcomings. And if you fail, then stop communicating with him. This means his behavior is unnatural. You will be deeply disappointed in the future.

If at the first meetings a professional irritates you, you don’t agree with many things, at times he seems either acquisitive, sometimes ignorant, sometimes sadistic, sometimes rude, but he awakens your thoughts, makes you object to him, and you are interested in him - stay around him a little . Then you will see its advantages, which outweigh all its disadvantages. It turns out that this is not money-grubbing, but necessary requirements related to production technology. Apparent sadism and rudeness are associated with a reluctance to spend extra time. And what seems to you ignorance is due to hyper-focus on your specialty. Remember Sherlock Holmes, who was almost completely ignorant in matters that did not concern his specialty. Moreover, soon you simply won’t notice them. But if there are only these shortcomings, then it is better to get rid of such employees or not hire them.

They know what they can and cannot do, and they are constantly trying to improve their level and move forward and upward. Don't ask people you hire about height claims. A normal employee has one dream - to take your place. This person will do a good job. But if you are a normal leader, then this will not upset you. In the end, a promotion awaits you, you will also grow, and you, leaving with former place work, you want to transfer your institution to good hands. A young professional will master management skills in a few years and will be able to replace you when you get promoted.

The only question is how to find a growing professional. The best time to look for him is when he is still in his second year at the institute (they often leave the first year). The selection should be entrusted to the teachers of the university where the student is studying. There they teach him not just his chosen specialty, for example electrical engineering, but they teach him how to work specifically at your enterprise. Over several years of focused study, he turns into a full-fledged professional and after graduation no longer needs pre-sale training, like many graduates of our institutes. When he goes to work, he gets a position, a decent salary and housing. The costs are worth it. And I'm not fantasizing. I personally know the head of such an enterprise in St. Petersburg.

There are very few growing professionals. But they exist. I would like to describe their symptoms:

Outwardly, they are invisible, do not participate in student parties, and do not go to discos and nightclubs. But they attend student clubs, where they study to the best of their ability scientific work. Some manage to prepare a dissertation work, of which their graduate research. They know in advance where they want to work and where they will work after graduation. Moreover, they try to work there during the holidays and in their free time from school. Usually they are already expected at their future job. Missing skills are quickly gained as work progresses. And again I’m not telling you fairy tales, but real facts. Not very often, but this happened during my work in Rostov medical university that by the end of their studies our students also mastered practical skills. But since, by law, they could not be registered on permanent job, they, while formally studying with us in residency or internship, actually worked already in medical institution as if in practice, but we were only registered. They didn't need graduate school.

When someone sets a goal to become an expert at a skill, the phrase that comes to mind first is “practice perfection”: the more time you put into it, the more mastery you can achieve. However, you need to devote time not only to quantity, but also to quality. Entrepreneur and financial expert Elle Kaplan spoke about the principles of the so-called “selective practice”, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by scientists.

Anders Ericsson, professor of psychology and author of Peak: The Secrets new science mastery" (Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise), for 30 years he studied people who became the best in one activity or another - from chess grandmasters to the best virtuoso musicians in the world. His observations go against traditional beliefs. Ericsson discovered that if you want to become incredibly successful at something, it's not just the number of hours you spend practicing that matters, but also the quality of your hours.

The rule the masters use is called “selective practice,” an informed method that will help you become better at whatever you want to do.

But how does this “selectivity” manifest itself? For most skills and abilities, not all types of practice are created equal. Simple repetition (doing the same things over and over again) will help you develop a habit, but it won't always make you a better person.

Behavioral psychologist James Clear agrees with this point of view: “We often think that we become better at something just because we gain experience. In fact, this is how we simply strengthen our habits, rather than develop.”

Now let’s explain: the essence electoral practice is inherent in its name, that is, you need to approach the matter with certain intentions, goals and calculations. Every step you take must have a clear meaning, you must know exactly what to do on any given day, as well as how and when you will achieve your goal.

Here are some ways to incorporate selective practice into your daily life.

Don't be afraid of failure

“Failure has allowed me to learn things about myself that I could not have learned anywhere else.”

Joanne Rowling

Once you embrace the idea that failure will help you achieve greatness, you can move on to selective practice. Instead of repeating the things you've learned over and over again, you'll be able to get better at the things you're least good at.

Grow gradually

"Be patient. Self-development is a very subtle matter, it is holy ground. There is no way to find a shortcut and take a shortcut.”

Don't try to learn everything at once. It's better to practice one skill at a time, so you can gradually work your way up to something bigger (and it will definitely be worth it).

Break yours new goal into segments - where should you start to continue your journey? Do you know how to read music so you can play the guitar you just bought? Have you learned how to properly warm up for the marathon you just signed up for? Learn the business little by little and final result It will turn out to be much more solid than if you grabbed everything at once.