What is remote work on the Internet? The Complete Guide to Remote Work, Based on Personal Experience

I am convinced that remote work is the future of our planet. Not in isolated manifestations, as is happening now, but on the scale of the entire population of the Earth. Today, technology is developing at a breakneck speed, and sometimes it seems to all of us that we are the heroes of some futuristic book.

Technological progress is stunning, amazing, inspiring and frightening at the same time. But one thing can be said with absolute certainty: never before has a person had so many opportunities in any area of ​​life. This is especially true for work, the main component of a person’s life. In this article I want to take a closer look A mind-altering phenomenon of the 21st century is the possibility of remote work.

What is remote work

It would seem that everyone understands that remote work is when an employee is not tied to his workplace and performs his professional function “remotely”. The opportunity to work remotely appeared with the development of the Internet, when participants in the intellectual labor market realized that they could transfer work results and receive new tasks using a computer and a global network, without the need to sit at a specific desk in a specific office.

The concept of remote work was developed by the American Jack Nilles. In 1972, he expressed the idea that it is not necessary to keep workers in the office, since modern means of communication make it possible to maintain contact between employees at a distance. The authorities showed interest in developing the idea of ​​remote work, seeing it as a solution to transportation problems that were acute in cities. The new organization of labor could resolve these issues, and at the same time provide work for the population of remote rural areas.

However, in many cases, people working remotely are still looked at with narrowed eyes, identifying them with anything but dishonest work. Most people do not understand the phrase “remote work” at all, despite the fact that this same majority uses all the benefits of the Internet every day.

Believe me, I know this firsthand. Every other day they ask us: “How do you work remotely? Do you have your own business? What do you do? How exactly do you make money? People seem to have the impression that remote work is for a select few. This is wrong! Remote work is not a business, not a hack job, and not a scam. People are simply divided into two types: those for whom the Internet is entertainment and sometimes a time killer, and those for whom the Internet is a sea of ​​opportunities and a tool for making money.

Remote work is a regular job with an employment contract, schedule, weekends, paid leave, bosses and subordinates, workdays, stress and deadlines. Everything is like a classic office job, only outside the office.

How is remote work different from freelancing?

I noticed that many people confuse remote work and freelancing. Nikita is often called a freelancer, although he is not one. In fact, remote work and freelancing have only one thing in common - the Internet as a method of communication. All.

The word "freelancer" is literally translated from English freelancer, as a “free worker”. This means that a freelancer is not associated with any company, he works for different companies, different clients, and looks for them on his own. Perhaps a freelancer is registered as an individual entrepreneur, he has his own website where he describes his services, or his fame spreads across the Internet, and clients find him themselves. Perhaps he is an active participant in such specialized sites as fl.ru or freelance.ru, where customers and performers of any service find each other.

Freelancer is in free flight, he has no schedule, no boss, no team and most often no permanent job. There are different projects - one, five, twenty per month - that bring him income. This already depends on the specialization and authority of the specialist. A remote worker has a permanent contract with one company, fixed working hours and fixed monthly salary. He is not free to choose projects and tasks; he does what his manager tells him. Perhaps he himself is in charge of someone. After all, today there are entire “distributed” teams, where all employees work from different cities and even countries.

Why remote work and making money on the Internet are different things

There is another big confusion in concepts. And I really want to dot all the i's. You already understand what remote work is. Now let's figure out what making money on the Internet is.

Working on the Internet means performing certain actions that bring profit, but the the work process and the results of work do not go beyond virtuality. I will not consider all possible ways to make money on the Internet, I will only give examples. There are special sites where any Internet user can complete tasks and receive money for them: like, leave comments, subscribe to public pages; in addition, there are sensational binary options and other financial transactions, understanding which you can make money; There are all kinds of information products - courses, lectures, e-books, the authors of which also earn money.

What is the difference between remote work and freelancing? In such work, the Internet is not just a communication tool, but directly a material for earning money. Roughly speaking, remote work and freelancing are possible without the Internet- specialists perform the task at home (for example, make cadastral calculations or accounting reports) and personally bring them to the office on a flash drive or send documents by mail. No internet needed. Namely, “making money on the Internet” is not possible without the Internet.

Myths about remote work

Myth 1. Remote work is very difficult to find.

Reality: Finding a remote job is just as difficult as finding a regular job. It all depends on your knowledge, experience, personal qualities, goals, etc. For remote positions you also need to pass interviews, tests, and show a portfolio.

Myth 2. Remote work is not for everyone.

Reality: The remote labor market is developing every day. I am sure that in a couple of years, even typically “applied” professions such as doctors, teachers and even cleaners will find themselves in remote work. The range of remote vacancies is much wider than we used to think.

Myth 3. Remote workers earn less than office workers.

Reality: Perhaps at the dawn of remote work as a phenomenon, such discrimination took place. This is not the case now.

Myth 4. A remote worker cannot build a career.

Reality: If you understand the main thesis of this article, then this myth is no longer relevant for you. A remote worker is a regular worker, and if he is worthy of a promotion, he will be promoted.

Pros and cons of remote work for an employee

pros Minuses
Freedom of movement: a remote employee can work at home, in a park, in a cafe, on the beach, or travel around the world.Constantly searching for good internet: any fabulous place to work can turn out to be hell for a remote employee if the internet there is bad.
A comfortable workplace: a warm bed with hot cocoa, a hammock between palm trees, the sound of the surf - anything for your inspiration. You can work naked, in pajamas, without makeup or hair.The costs of water, toilet paper, electricity and Internet are your concern; the company does not pay for this. You also provide yourself with the necessary equipment for work.
Saving time on travel and fees: no need to get to the office with traffic jams or by subway. Plus, no morning stress. The time saved can be spent on family, self-education and relaxation.There will be no more fun drunk corporate parties with colleagues. Although, for some this is a plus.
There are no unnecessary distractions from the work process: the colleague at the next table will not pester you with jokes, and you no longer need to devote your lunch break to discussing the New Year’s gift for your boss.You will not have New Year's or any other gifts. But being in a noisy cafe can also interfere with your productivity.
If you are an introvert, it is impossible to imagine a more ideal job for you.If you are an extrovert, then you will miss socializing over a cup of tea, group jokes and the opportunity to make new friends. Although you can also make friends remotely.

Pros and cons of remote work for employers

pros Minuses
A remote employee is more motivated: he does not have to sit in the office for eight hours. He completes his tasks, the faster he completes them, the more personal time he will have. As practice shows, more often remote employees work even more than eight hours, because... they are passionate about the task and want to complete it.Setting up competent work of a “distributed” team is not so easy. It is necessary to carefully consider the system of reports, communications, online planning meetings, and so on.
The choice of an applicant is not limited to one city: you can choose the most talented specialist in the industry to join your team, even if he lives in another country.The HR department must be prepared for the formalization of remote employees. This entails additional operations, for example, sending a contract, processing money transfers, etc.
Saving costs on renting a workplace and wear and tear of equipment, as well as other accompanying expenses: a remote employee bears the costs, for example, of a computer breakdown.If the employer does not provide the employee with the necessary equipment, he does not have the right to demand certain things. For example, in the event of force majeure: a computer breakdown, a power outage or an earthquake in the place where the employee works, work will be temporarily suspended, and this must always be kept in mind.

Rating of demand for remote professions

I studied several of the largest Russian and international sites where new remote vacancies are regularly published, and I also analyzed popular pages with current job offers on social networks. Based on this research, I compiled a ranking of the most in-demand remote professions today.

  1. Information Technology: programmers, all kinds of developers, HTML coders, SEO specialists and others.
  2. Financial sector: banking specialists, accountants, expert estimators, financial project managers and others.
  3. Sales: sales managers, call center operators and others.
  4. Education: all kinds of tutors, trainers, authors of student papers and others.
  5. Administrative area: assistants, collection administrators, transcriptionists, database operators and others.
  6. Media, marketing, advertising: PR specialists, SMM specialists, copywriters, journalists, internet marketers, website editors and others.
  7. HR: recruiters, HR managers and others.
  8. Design, photo, video: graphic designers, web designers, illustrators, photo and video shooting, video editing, video creation and so on.
  9. Consulting: project managers, consultants and others.
  10. Other: translators, tourism managers, insurance agents and others.

Ways to find remote work

For most people, finding a remote job is an unknown mystical ritual, seasoned with wild dancing and joining a sect of the elite. Many people told me that remote work is only available to residents of megacities, although the idea of ​​remote work breaks any connection to geolocation. Let's look at the three main ways to find remote work.

  1. Talk to your boss. He may want to transfer you to a remote position with office visits once a week, and then no participation in weekly planning meetings at all. Personally, we had such experience, it works in practice. Even if your company doesn't have a single remote employee yet, you can be a pioneer.
  2. Browse numerous job search sites. Even on the same HH.ru, more than 12 thousand remote vacancies are available today. There are specialized sites for finding remote work. I will write about them in a separate article, because... I have accumulated a good database of cool resources.
  3. Contact relevant specialists who professionally prepare people for remote work, help retrain if necessary, advise, train and help with employment. Today there are many free consultants on remote work, as well as webinars, books, articles in which experts share secrets on finding remote work.
If you are really interested in remote work, but have absolutely no idea where to start, I advise you to pay attention to. RD2 is one of the most dynamically developing companies in the field of online training for remote work. The company was founded in 2012, and today it is an international organization that teaches remote work to Russian-speaking people from more than 30 countries on five continents. The company's team consists of 65 people, and all employees work remotely from different parts of the world.

The company conducts unique trainings that help people find their strengths and use them to make money in a new field. Company motto: “There is remote work for everyone”, which I completely agree with.


Remote work allows you to manage your life, gives you more freedom, more opportunities, and this is exactly what the average middle manager in any country dreams of. Large international corporations have long been practicing a partially remote schedule for employees, and young, effective startups rarely consider standard offices as a space for work.

In Russia, remote work as a phenomenon is just beginning its journey. In big cities, more and more companies are opening remote positions, and people are increasingly striving for such work. But such a strange approach to work still doesn’t fit into our mentality. As evidenced by numerous misunderstandings, myths and stereotypes regarding remote work.

Unfortunately, I did not find any surveys or specific statistics on this matter. Only from personal experience can I say that among young people around the world, remote work is not just a fashionable trend, but the most acceptable way of life, in which work, family, travel, leisure and hobbies are combined in a balanced way.

I spent a long time collecting information and my thoughts on this matter, so the article turned out to be long. I hope you will take it as a basis for reflection and your own conclusions, and not as the ultimate truth. Share in the comments what you think about remote work? Do you have similar experience? What would you add to my theses?

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Hello friends!

I recently ran into a friend who hasn’t been able to find a job for several months and was surprised that she still doesn’t work remotely. The fact is that many people, including young people, come up with many barriers for themselves, and as a result, they never start looking for work on the Internet. Therefore, today I decided to talk in more detail about remote work, tell how it differs from standard freelancing and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of activity.

Ability to work anywhere in the world

Remote work - what does it mean? Imagine that you are sitting in a cozy home environment, or in a cafe, or even better - in a beach house in the Maldives, doing your favorite job and getting decent money for it, do you think it’s hard to achieve this? – Actually, no, this is all properly structured remote work. If you love the work you do and are ready to improve every day, then getting this kind of job is very easy. Also one of the most important factors in this work is self-discipline .

If you, dear reader, know how to independently organize your work day and think that a standard work schedule is not for you, then this type of activity will be to your liking! How often does it happen that while driving to work you think: “Now I could calmly drink a cup of coffee, spend more time with my family, and not just see them for a few hours in the evening”? This is felt especially acutely by people who live in big cities; they travel 3-4 hours a day. Calculate how many days a year you waste just on travel... I’ll tell you - on average 30-40 days. But there are such poor fellows that they are forced to spend up to six hours of their precious time on the road, then this turns out to be two whole months, which they can erase from their lives.

Remote work and freelancing - what's the difference?

Now about something more specific - how is freelancing different? Remote work implies official employment in a company for a remote worker vacancy. You can now sign all the necessary documents without any problems via email.

But if this organization is located in your city, then I advise you to visit there at least once and see what this organization is like. And working as a freelancer is a type of private business. You can find many jobs and projects online, even for novice freelancers. Depending on the level and experience of the employee, his remuneration also depends.

Who started working remotely?

I recently came across some interesting information. Did you know that the pioneer in the development of distance learning was Jack Nilles in 1972? Of course, there was no Internet at that time, and telephones were used to communicate with remote workers. After conducting a number of studies, it has been proven that telecommuting has many benefits for both entrepreneurs and workers. Managers save on rent, electricity and many related expenses.

Monitoring the process from a distance is carried out in the same way as during office work, since no one canceled reports on the work done. And for a disciplined employee, this type of activity will bring even more advantages. After all, everyone would like to have time to do several personal matters during working hours. It would seem that there are not many of them, but if they pile up like a big snowball on a short evening after an 8-hour working day, then it becomes difficult at this pace to find time for basic rest.

There is a job for everyone

Absolutely anyone can do work from home , regardless of age, nationality, religious beliefs, etc. The main thing is to have at least basic computer skills. Think about it: perhaps you have a hobby that you would like to transform into a paid job, but, for example, there are some problems with selling your products?

In this case, start looking for organizations or individuals who could pay for your work. As a result, by doing what you love, you can earn no less than doing office work that does not bring you as much pleasure. There is work on the Internet, as they say, “for every taste and color.”

Benefits of Internet Workers

Internet business is moving forward with great strides, so using this resource, you keep up with the times. Abroad, every fifth resident already works remotely. This is beneficial, because you don’t need to spend time and money getting to your workplace, you can cross out the purchase of clothes to comply with the dress code from the expense column, and this type of activity is also different in that you can start working without investing money , which will also have a positive effect on your wallet.

Do you think these are all advantages? - No, there are still many of them. But for me, the main advantage is that it gives you the opportunity to devote more time to your family and yourself. To feel that you are living and not existing, you need to constantly develop. And if you sit in the office every day and do the same routine work, then development, unfortunately, remains somewhere in the background. Working from home, you can engage in one type of activity for some time, and if in the future something doesn’t suit you, you can always retrain and you will have the opportunity to try yourself in a new role.

Some of the most active home workers are students, women on maternity leave, and IT specialists. IT companies are the most common firms that make the most of remote work. Specialists in a given organization can be scattered all over the globe, and this not only does not interfere with them, but, on the contrary, makes it possible to obtain a wider client base.

Perhaps you know grammar well and like to read and write? Then you can try yourself as a journalist and contribute to various websites. Perhaps in the future you will be able to write for some famous glossy magazine and many readers will admire your articles. Or you know a foreign language perfectly, then the payment for your work will increase by at least three, or even more. After all, European and American companies will pay for quality work in foreign currency, which in the current economic situation will only increase your earnings.

A Guide for Beginning Freelancers

: There is a large selection of sites where you can find decently paid work, but you should always choose trusted sites. If you have friends who already work remotely, then perhaps at first they will help you correctly navigate the World Wide Web. Or do you want to try your hand at a new field on your own? Then I can advise you to go to the freelance exchanges weblancer.net and work-zilla.ru.

On these sites you will find responsible employers who clearly set tasks and help new freelancers not only learn how to correctly complete the required tasks, but also pay your work on time. Job vacancies and projects on these sites are divided into categories, so searching for the information you need is very easy and convenient. Even older people will be able to figure it out and find a job they like.

Don’t wait, try yourself in new areas, change your life for the better. After all, the world is so wide and multifaceted. There is so much you can try and do, and the Internet is the easiest way to access the unknown. Take advantage of the benefits that today's technology gives us. Subscribe to my blog updates, as I always have relevant and interesting information. Share it with your friends. I am sure that after reading the blog, you will always be able to show off your erudition.

Bye everyone, see you in the next articles.

I’ve been doing remote work in one form or another for about 10 years. Almost all this time I did it without leaving home, using a computer or laptop and the Internet. What is remote work, what are the pros and cons of remote work and what are the pitfalls? This is what we will talk about now.

Due to better internet connection and higher standard of living remote work as a mass phenomenon appeared in developed countries of Europe and North America (USA, Germany, UK, etc.). For example, 10 years ago in Russia all this seemed crazy and was not taken seriously, if only because there was not high-quality Internet everywhere. Today, remote work has become a reality here, too. More and more people are choosing to work remotely. Remote work or freelancing ( freelance- translated from English as freelance) - requires no less effort and time than classic work. At the same time, remote work is usually less stable than regular work in an office or factory. On the other hand, remote work provides many advantages that the generations of our grandfathers could not even dream of.

So let's figure it out what is remote work and what are the hidden pros and cons of this type of employment.

Pros and cons of remote work

Quite difficult to understand .what is remote work until you try it yourself. I worked remotely for many years, and today I have been working on a completely flexible schedule for more than a year.

Pros of remote work

I have seen research data that indicates that entrepreneurs are generally happier and more satisfied with life than hired employees. The reason is that they have more freedom in their work. And remote work and freelancing can also be considered a type of entrepreneurship. You can work at any convenient time. Morning, evening, night or even day. Just work! At the same time, the boss does not stand over the soul. All you need is for your clients to be happy, then you will receive regular payment for your work.

No office intrigues or hysterics. You can work Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and take Tuesday off. Of course, you have to pay for freedom with instability of earnings and all sorts of problems with the tax office and pension fund. For example, the other day the pension fund wrote off money from my current account that I had already paid. The money was written off by mistake, and now I have to run around to get it back.

But what matters is that you no need to put in hours at work, even if there is actually nothing to do right now. Business before pleasure. This fully applies to remote work.

You are your own boss— you negotiate with clients yourself, make key decisions yourself. You do everything yourself.

Flexible schedule. You are free to set whatever schedule you want. It can be floating. Sometimes you can stay until the morning when there are a lot of orders. When there are no orders, you can completely relax. You shouldn't go to work during rush hour and sit in traffic jams. You don't waste any time commuting to work. Two hours a day of savings on travel is almost a third of the time the average metropolitan resident spends on the way to work and back. Plus saving money on travel.

Saving all types of resources very big. You don’t spend an hour on lunch - you can have a snack in 10 minutes. You don't waste time on the road. There is no need to waste time dressing too stylishly or putting yourself in order. Girls don't need to tidy up their makeup, men don't need to iron their shirts. Strictly speaking, remote work is work that can be done almost anywhere and in any form. To the point where you will only be wearing a T-shirt.

Wherein remote worker, as a rule, does not depend on one customer. Usually, over time, several stable sources of certain orders are developed. In the end, it only seems like the remote worker is taking a risk. In fact, his workplace may be much more stable than many other jobs.

You can work either more than the required 40 hours a week or less. You may be a workaholic or vice versa allow yourself to relax a little. However, we should not forget that good rest is the key to productive work.

Remote work allows self-realization for talented people from small towns where there are no vacancies that would help realize this or that talent. Also, remote work is well suited for young mothers who are on maternity leave and cannot work in a traditional job, but who have a desire to self-actualize and earn money. Remote work can also be considered a great way to earn extra money.

Disadvantages of remote work

The first thing is that you will need self-discipline and organization to be able to work effectively without a manager or leader who is constantly standing over your soul and pushing you. A disorganized person may become less productive and efficient if left unchecked. Needed. Otherwise, freedom can turn into irresponsibility and a complete failure of all deadlines. As a result, a disorganized person may find himself without orders and money. Read about. You need to be able to resist all kinds of temptations and temptations. Otherwise, you will not complete the required work on time. . Remember this.

Many who work remotely note that they lack of communication. At the same time, this can be easily cured by finding a good hangout where you will spend time after work. For example, I chose a gathering of athletes for this. However, this was a major problem for me for a while.

Raises questions and material wealth. It can be unstable and may depend on seasonality and the economic situation in the country. Now you won’t have such a thing as salary, sick leave, maternity leave, and so on. Only if you, as an individual entrepreneur, insure yourself with the Social Insurance Fund and pay the appropriate contributions. But it also costs money. In addition, a remote worker in the initial stages has a small number of orders. By the way, you will also need to take care of contributions to, say, the Pension Fund yourself, because now you don't have an employer who does it for you. Also, you yourself now take care of elaborating tax legislation, as well as submitting reports. In short, you do everything yourself.

Not to mention the fact that, as a rule, freelancing and remote work assume that you you are looking for clients for yourself. And this is another problem. Especially at the launch stage.

Almost always, remote work from home involves unstable income, as well as unstable loading. Sometimes you sit for months with practically no work, and sometimes there are so many orders that you have to stay up at night to get everything done and put off some other things.

There is also a chance that you may throw when performing remote work. That is why it is profitable to work on white terms with large and respectable customers with a good reputation.

There is one more BUT. Distant work These are strictly defined types of activities. As a rule, this is work as a programmer, copywriter, designer, layout designer, or modeller. Working remotely as a director of a manufacturing company—this simply doesn’t happen. Therefore, if you want to become the director of a manufacturing company, then freelancing in any form is not for you.

For which professions is remote work from home suitable?

By the way, it is not necessary that remote work must be done at home. You can take your laptop and go to work in a park, a coworking space, or somewhere else. But practice shows that working at home is the most convenient.

Typically, remote work is a story about creative professions. In addition to what I just talked about, remote work is also suitable for photographers, artists, video bloggers, vloggers, and so on. In principle, remote work can develop into a full-fledged business. For example, the owners of Internet services that employ a decent staff started this as remote work for themselves. Also, remote work can be done by coach consultants (read: psychologists), economists, lawyers, translators (relevant!), and so on. And, for example, Tinkov Bank offers applicants to work from a home call center and so on. Every year there are more and more interesting options for remote work.

You can look for remote work on job sites, as well as on special freelance exchanges.

I had an interesting experience when I took a job on the other side of town. Soon I got tired of traveling back and forth every day and decided to quit. The director held me back and only suggested that I come a couple of times a week to take on new work and show results.

Incredible quality of life from remote work

Don't forget that remote work is a rule, and therefore don't forget about sports. and these are not empty words. When people let themselves go, so do women. This is not only not aesthetically pleasing, but can also greatly ruin the quality of life. everyone knows. For example, many experience problems with vision and posture.

But if you exercise, eat right and take breaks, then all negative factors can be neutralized.

But the quality of life you get with remote work is very great! There’s really less stress here, less fuss that’s not on business. You have the opportunity to live for yourself, and not for the sake of the boss. By earning less, you can provide the same standard of living, because... you don’t spend money on travel, expensive suits and corporate events. Your colleagues don’t annoy you, and you are the master of your life and can go to yoga in the morning and only then go. You have a lot of free time and this does not mean that you are a slacker. You just spend it more rationally and correctly than many who go to a classic job.

We've all heard about remote work. Modern means of communication, the digital world that surrounds us, create conditions for effective business and a comfortable life. We don't need to go to the bank to pay utility bills. Having made a purchase in an online store, we pay for it using electronic payment systems, and the goods will be delivered to our door. What does remote work mean for the average person? Is remote work suitable for students, workers, engineers? What skills are needed? Should you make it your main source of income? There are a lot of questions, and answers... even more. The Internet is littered with various offers and vacancies. Let's try to figure it out. As an example, work at Kwork.

Benefits of remote work

  • The first advantage of remote work is the absence of a mandatory gathering place for workers. You are not geographically tied to your employer. No tedious commute to and from work. There is no need to buy a business suit, follow a dress code, sit at planning meetings, or enjoy all the “delights” of office life.
  • The second advantage is the level of remuneration. The employer can be from anywhere in the world. The standard of living is different everywhere. The cost of the same work can vary greatly, both up and down.
  • The third advantage is operating time. Basically, they pay for the action performed. How quickly and at what time of day you complete it depends only on you. There is, of course, remote work where you need to be in touch from... and until... a certain time. For example: call center operator or online consultant.
  • The fourth advantage is social equality. Gender, age, appearance, number of children, religion and health do not matter. The main thing is how professionally the work is done.

Disadvantages of remote work

  • The first and most important thing is the need for strict self-discipline and responsibility.
  • Secondly, you need to spend your own money to create a job. But you can make it as comfortable as possible for yourself.
  • Third is the uncertainty of career growth. However, no sane employer will refuse the services of a good employee.
  • Fourth, there is a risk of running into scammers. But no one is immune from this even at regular work.

Who is most suitable for remote work and where to look for it

Considering how rapidly this type of activity is developing, remote work is suitable for everyone - both a highly qualified specialist and a person with little experience. There are quite a lot of special platforms on the Internet - exchanges created for communication between customers and performers. For example, the Kwork freelance services store.

Work at Kwork

Kwork is a new service format for finding remote work. The creators took as a basis the idea of ​​​​selling a service at a fixed price of 500 rubles. The contractor creates a quork - a service card, in which he describes in detail what he will do for this amount. More precisely, for 400 rubles, since 100 rubles is the system commission. The customer selects the number of quorks he needs into the cart, just like in a store, and pays. The performer does the work. Submits it to the customer for inspection. After confirmation of the correct execution, the customer receives payment. Everything is very simple.

The service creates the most comfortable working conditions for both the contractor and the customer. Registration is simple - use your email or social media account. After registration, you must fill out a personal profile. Write briefly about your skills and experience or what area you specialize in.

Now you can proceed to creating a quack - a service card. Describe your services in detail. Since all quoks are divided into categories, when created, various fields will appear to fill out. Very good tip. Expensive services can be divided into several quarks. Then the work is sent for moderation. If everything is filled out correctly and complies with the rules, then the service appears in the window.

The created quark remains active for a year. If necessary, it can be temporarily disabled.

The Kwork service is a guarantor of respect for both the rights of the customer and the rights of the performer. The customer cannot fail to pay for the work performed if it fully corresponds to the description in the workbook.

The reputation of the performer (star) is an important indicator for a potential customer. It is influenced by both the number of completed orders and customer reviews.

Most of us are used to working “for our uncle.” We live according to the scheme “home-work-home” or, more precisely, “home-traffic-traffic-traffic-traffic-home”. Sometimes on weekends you manage to meet with friends or go out “out” with the whole family. Vacation is on a schedule; being sick and doing personal business at a convenient, usually working, time is not recommended at all.

Pros and cons of remote work

Not everyone is ready to put up with these shortcomings and limitations. Therefore, recently such a form of work as, or remote work from home.

It should be noted that the concept of remote work was invented by the American Jack Nilles back in 1972. Even then, existing means of communication allowed employers to maintain contact with employees at a distance. 7 years later, the term “flexiplace” was coined - “flexible workplace”.

Now, thanks to the development of the Internet, a huge number of people around the world work and earn money without leaving home. These are men and women, pensioners and students, mothers with babies in their arms and professionals tired of daily long commutes to work. There are many types of remote work from home. And everyone, whether a highly qualified specialist or a person with little work experience, can choose the right option for themselves.

Modern businessmen willingly hire remote employees into their teams. This is very profitable: you don’t have to rent premises, buy furniture and office equipment, or hire service personnel. All the work is done by people living in different parts of the world. If the work of remote employees is organized correctly, then the company’s clients will not even understand that the staff does not work in a single office, but at home in comfortable conditions and according to an individual schedule.

Pros of remote work

  • No need to waste time and money traveling to work and back.
  • Free work schedule.
  • You can live wherever you want (and there is Internet).
  • You are your own boss: you can freely manage your working hours, prices for services and work with customers of your own choice.
  • There is no need to be afraid that the employer will refuse because of age, gender, appearance or the presence of small children.
  • People with disabilities and poor health can work.
  • It is possible to choose a job where communication with people will be kept to a minimum (for some this is very important).

Disadvantages of remote work

  • It is necessary to maintain self-discipline and high responsibility.
  • Prospects for career growth are not always clear.
  • Problems with excess weight and health in general due to low mobility, heavy eye strain, lack of motivation to look good.
  • Some areas may have expensive and/or slow internet service.
  • Limitation of “live” communication with colleagues (although the “minus” is dubious).
  • You need to spend your own money and time on setting up a remote workplace.
  • There is a certain risk of running into scammers.

By the way, Since 2013, Russia has provided for legal regulation of remote work. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, remote work is officially called remote work. And an employment contract for remote work can now be concluded not in paper form, but signed using an electronic signature. This allows you to find official work from home and reduce the risk of fraud from employers.

If you are attracted by the “advantages” of remote work from home via the Internet and are not bothered by the “cons,” then you may well find remote work to your liking and in accordance with your abilities, including as a part-time job.

Next time we will talk about the most popular Internet professions on the market and what parameters you can use to earn part-time work at home in order to...

Remember the words of Confucius: “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

To better understand what remote work is, watch a short video about people who successfully work via the Internet. They share their feelings about the new form of work and talk about what has changed in their lives for the better.

Based on materials from the book “24 Internet professions, or how to work without leaving home.”