Children's tongue twisters for 5 years old. What are speech therapy poems and tongue twisters?

By the age of 3, a child has accumulated a large vocabulary and formed phrasal speech, but most children still do not speak clearly and indistinctly. As a rule, children do not yet pronounce the sound R and hissing sounds. To help children develop clear and correct speech, we offer you a number of exercises.

The exercises are aimed at developing clear and intelligible pronunciation of words and phrases, at developing auditory attention, speech hearing, and the vocal apparatus. To prepare a child for these classes, it is necessary to conduct several classes with the child to develop a long and smooth exhalation.

You can use soap bubbles for this. Play the game “Blow the Biggest Bubble” with your child or blow air through a straw into a glass of water.

Reinforcing correct pronunciation is facilitated by repeating pure sayings, memorizing riddles, nursery rhymes, rhymes and poems rich in certain sounds.

Exercise: Describe the picture

We show the child pictures with fairy tale characters or animals and ask the child to tell who he sees, to describe what kind of character he is. For example: a bunny is gray, soft and fluffy. If your child has difficulty describing it, help him. For older children (4-5 years old), you can complicate the task: let them compose the story not in individual words, but in whole sentences. For example: here is a bunny. He lives in the forest. He is gray and fluffy. This exercise expands the child’s vocabulary and promotes the development of thinking.

Pure talk

Sounds M, P, B

1. Om-om-om-om-we will build a new house.
2. Whoop-whoop-whoop-whoop - I'm making soup for dad.
3. I wish there were mushrooms growing in the forest.
4. Mila’s mother washed soap in the bath.
5. Petya was sawing a stump with a saw.
6. All monkeys love bananas.

Sounds T, D, N

1. Ta-ta-ta, ta-ta-ta - the cat has a fluffy tail.
2. Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - children are running around in the garden.
3. But-but-but, but-but-but- it’s dark in our room.
4. The dog Tom guards the house.
5. Daria gives Dina melons.
6. The nanny is babysitting Nadya and Nina.

Sounds K, G, X, Y

1. Ko-ko-ko- the cat loves milk.
2. Ga-ga-ga the goat has horns.
3. Ha-ha-ha - we can’t catch the rooster.
4. Oh-oh-oh-bunny is cold in winter.
5. Geese are cackling on the mountain.
6. A fly landed on the hamster’s ear.

Sounds F, V

1. Af-af-af- we will put a closet in the corner.
2. Woo-woo-woo - an owl was seen in the forest.
3. Fanya has a sweatshirt, and Fedya has shoes.
4. Our Filat is never to blame.

Sound S(s).

1. Sonya’s sleigh goes down the hill on its own.
2. Senya met a fox in the forest.
3. Our gas has gone out.
4. Su-su-su-su - quiet in the forest in autumn.
5. Senya carries hay to Senya, Senya will sleep on the hay.

Sound Z

1. We wash Zu-zu-zu-bunny in a basin.
2. Zina has a goat in her basket.
3. Lisa bought Zina a basket in the store.
4. Zoya and Zina are drinking juice at the store.
5. Zina’s bell rings loudly.
6. Little Zina’s bunny sleeps in a basket.

Sound Ts

1. Tsutsy-tsy-the chicks want to eat.
2. Water is pouring from the well.
3. The tit bird is not great, but smart.
4. Tsu-tsu-tsu - they gave us a cucumber.
5. The chicken drinks water from the saucer.
6. Slava put flowers on the windowsill.
7. Tsk-tsk-tsk - we washed the cucumbers.
8. My ring has no end.

Sound Sh

1. Our Masha was given little porridge.

Sound Zh

1. Zha-zha-zha two hedgehogs ran away.
2. I am chewing, chewing, knitting a blouse.
3. The pie is good, there is curd inside.

Sound Ch

1. Cha-cha-cha - the bunny is sitting at the doctor.
2. Chu-chu-chu - the doctor goes to the rook.
3. A sheep’s fur coat warms better than a stove.
4. Four turtles each have four baby turtles.

Sound Shch

1. Shcha-shcha-shcha- Kolya walks around without a raincoat.
2. Shchi-schi-schi-we are looking for sorrel for cabbage soup.
3. For fish soup you need bream, and sorrel for cabbage soup.

Sound L (L)

1. Lu-lu-lu- sharpened Tolya’s saw
2. Li-li-li soup is salty, don’t add salt!
3. Grandfather Danil divided the melon.
4. Lara washed the floor, Lilya Lara helped.

Sound R (рь)

1. The magpie said to the magpie: I’m like a fish, silent in class.
2. There is a mink under a walnut bush. A mink lives in a hole.
3. I have poppies and daisies in my pocket.

Mixed sounds exercises

  • There is a cart of oats, next to the cart there is a sheep.
  • The dog is sitting on a chain.
  • The sun will also peek into our window.
  • There lived a crane on the slope near Shur.
  • The cat sleeps, but sees the mouse.
  • The hedgehog lies under the Christmas tree.
  • You can't get bread by lying down.
  • The student was studying his lessons, his cheeks were stained with ink.
  • A boy cleans a horse with a brush.
  • The puppy plays with a ball.
  • Sa-sha-sha- Sonya washes the baby.
  • As-ash-ash - there is a hut under the pine tree.
  • Six little mice rustle in a hut.
  • Sasha loves sushi, and Sonya loves cheesecakes.
  • The mice washed the bowls for the bear.
  • Cha-tsa-tsa - the boy is standing at the porch.
  • Tsa-cha-cha, the rook's chick is growing.
  • The she-wolf has cubs, the hen and heron have chicks.
  • A girl drinks tea from a cup.
  • Right now a fox is sitting under a bush.
  • If you look for a goose's mustache, you won't find it.
  • Cabbage soup and porridge are our food. Every thing has its place.
  • A fisherman catches fish.
  • All the catch went into the river.
  • Delicious halva, praise to the master.
  • Rimma and Tima walked past the shooting range.
You can come up with humorous phrases yourself, like:
  • "yes-yes-yes - there is quinoa in the garden"
  • "doo-doo-doo - apples are growing in the garden"
  • "sha-sha-sha - they brought home a ruff"
  • "too-too-too - we'll go to Vorkuta"
  • "zha-zha-zha - the hedgehog has needles"
  • "chi-chi-chi - the rooks have flown to us"
  • “zhu-zhu-zhu - I’m lying in the sun” ... and so on.

Tongue Twisters

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Greek rode across the river,
sees the Greek - there is a cancer in the river,
the Greek stuck his hand into the river,
Cancer by the hand of a Greek - DAC.

Karl stole Clara's corrals,
Clara stole Karl's clarinet.

There is grass in the yard
firewood on the grass,
children on firewood.

The cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood,
put on the cuckoo's hood,
how funny he is in the hood.


Happy child 16.06.2017

Dear readers, now I suggest you remember funny tongue twisters for children. Each of us probably remembers how cheerful and funny they are, although sometimes it’s not at all easy to pronounce them. Did you know that tongue twisters are not only good for fun, but also useful? They help develop a child’s speech, teach him to pronounce previously inaccessible sounds, and improve diction.

Why don’t we offer children funny tongue twisters? Today on the blog we will introduce you to interesting and memorable tongue twisters for children and bring to your attention a selection of children's poems for practicing with your child at home.

I give the floor to Anna Kutyavina, the moderator of the column, and then I will expand on the topic of the article.

Hello, dear readers of Irina’s blog! Do your children love tongue twisters? I’m sure that if they don’t like them, it’s for only one reason – they’re just not familiar with them! Or they are still too small to pronounce such constructions. For other children, tongue twisters are a pleasant and very fun pastime, especially in combination with active play.

Are tongue twisters fun? Not only!

What is so special about tongue twisters? First, as expected, let’s turn to the dictionary. So, tongue twisters are a simple, rhythmic, often humorous text, which is a certain combination of sounds that makes it difficult to quickly pronounce words.

Most tongue twisters are a product of folk art, and they are passed down from generation to generation as a way to develop children's speech. And this is actually a very useful game, because with the help of tongue twisters you can effectively correct a child’s diction, as well as eliminate certain speech defects.

Most often, children are delighted with funny tongue twisters. The parents’ task is to memorize several of them and use them as often as possible in play with their child. Tongue twisters can be spoken at different speeds: slowly, at medium speed, quickly and very quickly. But be sure to ensure that the child does not swallow the syllables and pronounces the sounds clearly and clearly. Only in this case will the baby’s speech develop correctly, and the tongue twisters themselves will be beneficial.

You can also play the following games with your children:

  • ask your child to rhythmically hit the ball off the floor or wall while reciting the rhyme;
  • try playing together with your child, taking turns pronouncing lines from a tongue twister;
  • set the rhythm of the tongue twister by clapping your hands;
  • Hold a competition to see who can say the tongue twister the fastest and not get lost.

And now we present to your attention a selection of tongue twisters for children of different ages.

Tongue twisters for children 5-6 years old

Rye bread, loaves, rolls
You won't get it while walking.

Have fun, Savely, stir the hay.

White sheep beat drums.

Granny bought beads for Marusya.

Valenko's felt boots fell into the clearing.

Four turtles have four turtles.

Bananas were thrown to a funny monkey
They threw bananas to a funny monkey.

In our courtyard,
The weather became wet.

The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.

The crow missed the little crow.

Kirill bought a jar and a mug at the market.

Polya went to weed parsley in the field.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have pricking needles.

If you don't look for a goose's whiskers, you won't find them.

Grandfather Dodon played the pipe,
Dimka's grandfather hurt him.

Osa is barefoot and without a belt.

Hedgehogs became friends with mice in the rye.
They went into the reeds - and there were no souls in the rye.

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

Grandfather Danil divided the melon -
A slice for Dima, a slice for Dina.

Vlas is with us, Afanas is with you.

Don't blow your lips on the oak tree,
Don't blow your lips on the oak tree.

Koval Kondrat forged steel, forged it and forged it.

Emelya spent a week spinning a box of tow,
And Emelina’s daughter has to spin for one night.

One Klim pounded the wedge, pounded and knocked out.

Scared of the bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,
Swift with a swift and a haircut.

There is a vine on the cart, and a goat on the cart.

A weaver weaves fabric on Tanya's dress.

Kondrat's jacket is a little short.

Let's see how you can work with your child using tongue twisters - what you need to pay attention to, what tempo to choose, how many repetitions to do. Very useful video.

Tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old

Children grow, and tongue twisters grow with them. If simpler and uncomplicated phrases are used for preschoolers, then for schoolchildren you can use something more complex. So, there are short tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old, and there are longer ones, like real poems.

Topal was stomping along the road,
Topal stomped to Sevastopol.
Well, Seva was stomping nearby,
Topal is on the right, Seva is on the left.

Mila washed the bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap
Mila dropped her soap
Mila didn't wash the bear.

Sasha walked along the highway,
She carried a drying bag on a pole.
And sucked on the dryer.

Greek rode across the river.
He sees a Greek - there is a cancer in the river.
He put the Greek's hand into the river.
Cancer for the hand of the Greek - DAC.

A lilac eye picker with half-broken legs.

The snake bit the snake,
I can’t get along with the snake,
I've already become terrified,
Don't eat the snake-snake,
Without the snake-husband it will be worse.

There is grass in the yard
There is firewood on the grass.
Don't chop wood
On the grass of the yard.

The longboat arrived at the port of Madras.

The sailor brought a mattress on board.

A sailor's mattress in the port of Madras

The albatrosses were torn apart in a fight.

The parrot says to the parrot:
- I'll scare you, parrot!
The parrot answers him:
- Parrot, parrot, parrot!

The tongue twister quickly spoke: you can’t repeat all the tongue twisters, you can’t talk too quickly. But having spoken quickly, he still spoke quickly: you will repeat all the tongue twisters, you will repeat them quickly.

Three hundred thirty-three ships
Maneuvered, maneuvered,
Maneuvered, maneuvered,
Maneuvered, maneuvered,
Yes, and they didn’t catch it,
Yes, and they didn’t catch it,
And they didn’t catch it.

Four black horses are no match for the devil on the fourth Thursday of November.

Once upon a time there lived three Chinese - Yak, Yak-Tsidrak, Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni,
And three more Chinese women - Tsypa, Tsypa-Dripa, Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
Yak got married to Tsypa, Yak-Tsidrak to Tsypa-Drip,
Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidron-Tsidroni on Tsypa-Dripa-Lampomponi.
Here they had children: Yak and Tsypa had Shah,
Yak-Tsidrak with Tsypa-Drypa has Shah-Sharah,
At Yak-Tsidrak-Tsidroni with Tsypo-Drypa-Lampoponi - Shah-Sharah-Sharoni.

Four little black ones
Little grimy little devils
Drawings in black
Ink drawing
Extremely clear.

If you haven't lived near a blackberry tree,
But if you lived near a strawberry field,
That means strawberry jam is familiar to you
And not at all the usual blackberry jam.
If you lived near a blackberry tree,
That means blackberry jam is familiar to you,
And not at all the usual strawberry jam.
But if you lived near a blackberry tree,
And if you lived near a strawberry field,
And if you didn’t spare time for the forest,
That means excellent blackberry jam,
You ate strawberry jam every day.

Who wants to talk
He must reprimand
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will reprimand
So correct and clear
So that it is clear to everyone.

Karl stole corals from Clara,
And Clara stole Karl’s clarinet.
If Karl hadn't stolen Clara's corals,
Then Clara wouldn’t have stolen Karl’s clarinet.

No apricot, coconut, radish,
Halibut, vinegar, kvass and rice,
There is no compass, longboat and rope,
Thermos, press, Indian sailor,
There is no bass, no taste, no weight and no demand,
No interest - no question.

Count Toto plays lotto
And Countess Toto knows about
That Count Toto plays lotto,
If Count Toto knew about it,
What does Countess Toto know about
That Count Toto plays lotto,
If Count Toto would never have lived
I wouldn't play lotto.

The king saved a penny for his crown,
Yes, instead of a crown I bought a cow,
And this king was saving for a cow.

We went Strumai, Strokzig, Marnos,

Proktsogjin and Prignotskroz.

Next to them were the sons Strumaika Protsgovich, Stranzigka Incognitovich,
Proktsogjin Prozsikovich and Karzatsig Prignotskroz.

The mouse whispers to the little mouse:
“Are you not sleeping, are you rustling?”
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
“I’ll rustle more quietly.”

Many of these tongue twisters are used by speech therapists in their practice. There are separate tongue twisters for producing a specific sound. So, you can choose poems for virtually any sound that your child needs to master. Let's look at examples.

Masha sewed for the monkey
A fur coat, a hat and pants.

Yegor walked through the yard,
He carried an ax to repair the fence.

Silkworm, silkworm
Row upon row of silk is spun.
Wrapped tightly in silk,
The silkworm remained inside.

Here's a huge one hissing:
- Very stuffy. I'd like to take a shower.
You need to take a shower
So that it wouldn't be so stuffy.

Sasha was eating porridge.
Sasha ate the porridge.
Sasha, eat slowly,
Our porridge is good.

Cuckoo bought a hood.
Put on the cuckoo's hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

At the edge of a hut
Old chattering ladies live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

Tongue twisters with the letter “s” for children

Sasha quickly dries the dryers,
Sasha dried about six pieces,
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
To eat Sasha's sushi.

Senya was carrying a cart of hay.

Alesya sat down, her legs hanging off the stove,
Don’t laugh, Alesya, but warm yourself on the stove.

Stepan has sour cream,
Curdled milk and cottage cheese,
Seven kopecks is a small sum.

Eat me - asks the cherry, afraid of being thrown away.

Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard.

Getting into a taxi, the dachshund asked:
“What is the fare?”
And the taxi driver replied:
“We drive dachshunds just like that.”

The stern Suvorov soldier Suvorov sternly drilled the damp wall of the Suvorov school with a drill.

The sun is shining very brightly
The hippopotamus became hot.

Elephants are smart, elephants are calm,
Elephants are calm and strong.

Centipedes have too many legs.

The sun is setting, the water is flowing,
The tit bird looks into the water.
The tit will drink pure water -
It is ringing and singing nicely today!

This is how easy and fun it is to teach your child to speak correctly. But you shouldn’t force your son or daughter to cram tongue twister poems! It is unlikely that you will get the result you want under pressure.

It's another thing if you turn learning into a fun game. Together with your child, you can compose a fairy tale about some sound, look for them in tongue twisters, build houses for them in the sand, and come up with songs. And repeat the tongue twisters along the way.

There can be a lot of ideas, the main thing is to start, use your imagination and act! Try it and your child will be very pleasantly surprised. And you yourself too, believe me.

Funny tongue twisters for children

Tongue twisters can be not only difficult to pronounce and educational, but also funny. Sometimes the text of the poem itself is funny. And such lines are much easier to remember, right? Here are examples of such tongue twisters.

Again the Greek wanted to cross the river,
The crab, as quiet as a fish, sat under a snag.
Stupid Greka stuck his hand into the river without thinking.
The crab grabbed the Greek's hand and laughed heartily.

Once upon a time crucian carp
Gave me a coloring book.
And Karas said:
“Color the fairy tale, Karasenok!”
On the coloring page Karasenka -
Three funny pigs:
The little crucian turned the piglets into crucian carp!

Brother tells sister for three days:
My holiday is coming soon
Third birthday
Let's eat jam.

The red crab shouts "Hurray!"
It's time to cut the cake.

Thunder struck - a thunderstorm was in full swing.

Three hundred thirty-three boxes
And there are three corks in the box.

Four turtles learned to drink from a cup.
A cup of tea was brewed and divided into four.

When I'm in a hurry, I eat noodles.
I'll finish the noodles and hurry.
I'm in a hurry.
Noodle noodles.
Well, I'll make everyone laugh again.

The prince invited the princess to take a walk along the avenue.

Chickens, geese and turkeys pecked at the parsley,
We ate some quinoa and ran for water.

Pashka has bugs and pieces of paper in his pocket.

Behind the village, near a country road, a quail sang in a field.
The quail flew in, the quail flew in.

Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Masha make yogurt,
And Mishutka ate a herring under his fur coat.

The mouse crawled under the lid
To gnaw the crumbs under the lid,
The mouse is probably dead -
The mouse forgot about the cat!

Skinny, weak Koschey
Carrying a box of vegetables.

It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie,
And forty forty is forty troubles.

The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground
And the sailors for three weeks
Caramel ate broke.

You can use funny tongue twisters for children as counting rhymes, and also create new ones while playing.

Don’t be afraid to create with your children, fantasize, invent. And such activities will pay off handsomely, filling your relationship with new emotions and impressions.

I hope you will like our selection of tongue twisters. Have fun games, joyful development of your beloved children and a happy life!

Anna Kutyavina,
psychologist, storyteller,
owner of the site Fairy Tale World

I thank Anya for the material. I would like to add a few words on my own behalf. Working at the Theater Institute, we often encounter big problems in students’ speech. They also learn tongue twisters. It can be very difficult for both us and students to catch up and correct what we could have paid attention to in childhood. But correct, pleasant speech is what we always pay attention to when communicating with people.

Have fun, interesting and useful activities with your children! And teach yourself tongue twisters. I’m sure that you and I won’t be able to get everything out quickly...

Sandy immortelle

The idea to collect and post on the blog some tongue twisters for the development of a child’s speech arose when Mashenka and I went to see a speech therapist. She, like many children her age, had problems with the sounds “s” and “r”.

How to deal with this problem? The simplest and most popular means for correctly correcting the speech of a child and even an adult are tongue twisters.

How to correctly tell tongue twisters to a child? To begin with, we tell Mashenka some tongue twister, syllable by syllable, while pronouncing it correctly, highlighting each individual sound.

Moreover, we showed her the correct position of the tongue when pronouncing a particular sound.

And we repeat this several times until she remembers it by heart.

Then, together with her, we repeat the text, slowly the first two or three times, then gradually speeding up.

Believe me, friends, tongue twisters are a very effective tool for developing a child’s diction. Mashenka recently turned 5 years old and her speech is fine thanks to tongue twisters.

Now you have learned how we developed our child’s diction. Try it too.

Choose and read tongue twisters for all sounds to develop your baby’s speech.

Arkhip is hoarse, Osip is hoarse.

An astronomer, a lawyer and one climber,
Architect, pharmacist and even artist
Once we sat on the carousel.
We couldn’t resist and flew down:
Pharmacist, artist, acrobat, astronomer.
Which of them were you not familiar with yet?

Grandma's bean blossomed in the rain,
Grandma will have bob in her borscht.

The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.

Two chickens are running naked down the street.

The fox runs along the pole: lick the sand, the fox!

White sheep beat drums.

White snow, white chalk, a white hare are also white, but the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white.

Birch tree rooty,
The root is crooked,
In the middle - a bit knotty,
The top is highly curly

The birch bark basket is full of cloudberries.

Two bulls were beating their foreheads against the fence,
All sides were pierced in a violent argument.
If only I could somehow overcome the anger,
The bull's thighs, foreheads and chests would be intact.

Beavers wander into the cheese forests.
Beavers are brave, but they are kind to beavers.

Bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf
The baker baked the dough early in the morning.

The butted bull fought sideways, the bull butted, the bull was invigorated.

Bull, bull, white side,
He ran with a bun into the meadow.

There was a commotion in the garden -
Thistles bloomed there.
So that your garden does not die out,
Weed the thistles.

There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs.
There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs.
Nowadays the cubs are making noise like jackdaws,
And, like cubs, the cubs are silent.

It was fun on the hill for Sana, Sonya and Egorka,
But Marusya didn’t ride - she was afraid to fall into the snow

Tales about “crible...” perished in the library,
The mice ate the grizzly poems!

Hedgehogs and snakes lived in a living corner

At the zoo, behind the fence, zebras frolicked playfully

In the Pole-Polyushka field
Field-pole flight.
There will be no weeds in the field,
If the flight field Fields.

Took Erema
Cartload of straw.
He carried it to the field
Cart from home.
Driving back
And not forward.
A cart rides ahead
The horse follows the cart.

The ship was carrying caramel,
The ship ran aground
The sailors ate caramel while aground for two weeks.

Varvara was guarding the chickens, and the crow was stealing

Valenko's felt boots fell into the clearing.

The big guy Vavila was happily moving his pitchfork with the hay.

Our hedgehog is in a hurry to get home.
And a wolf meets him,
A click on the hedgehog's teeth.
The hedgehog showed his needles
The wolf ran away in fear.
The hedgehog washed his ears in the bathhouse,
Neck, skin on belly.
And the hedgehog said to the raccoon:
“Will you rub my back?”

We started arguing one day
Climber and diver:
Who is more comfortable to climb?
On an underwater rock.

Delicious halva - praise to the master.

I am tying a vine in the forest.
I'm carrying a vine in a cart.
Goat, don’t lick the vine -
I'll punish you!

In the yard of the widow Varvara, two thieves were stealing firewood.

In the darkness, crayfish make noise in a fight.

The wolf waltzed with the she-wolf:
“It’s not good for us to wolf.”

The wolf is prowling - looking for food.
Here's some cabbage soup for you, don't look for us!

Everything can be, and everything can be,
It just can't be
What, perhaps,
It can not be!!!

I met a hedgehog in a thicket:
- How is the weather, hedgehog?
- Fresh!
And the two of them went, trembling, crouching and cowering, the two hedgehogs.

The otter jumped out of the bucket,
The water splashed out of the bucket,
Jump out then she jumped out,
She splashed out,
And I couldn’t jump back in, but I couldn’t splash in

The jackdaw sat on the fence,
Rook started a conversation with her.

Where, old man, did you get the sponge? Did Ali babble?

The parrot says to the parrot: “I’ll scare you, I’ll parrot you!”
The parrot answers the parrot: “Parrot, parrot, parrot!”

A rake is to row, a broom is to sweep, oars are to carry, runners are to crawl.

The rook says to the rook:
“Fly with the rooks to the doctor,
It's time for them to get vaccinated
To strengthen the pen!

You even stained your neck, even your ears with black mascara.
Get in the shower quickly.
Rinse the mascara off your ears in the shower.
Rinse off the mascara from your neck in the shower.
After your shower, dry yourself off.
Dry your neck, dry your ears, and don’t dirty your ears anymore.

Two puppies are nipping cheek to cheek at a brush in the corner.

The girl was driving a cart
Baby goat, goat and goat.
The girl overslept in the forest
Baby goat, goat and goat

Grandfather Danil divided the melon; a slice for Dima, a slice for Dina.

For fish soup you need bream, and sorrel is needed for cabbage soup.

Danya made the house in the village
“When I grow up, I’ll start living in it.”

Shot for quails and black grouse.

The children played together in the orchestra:
Karl played the black clarinet,
Kirill - on the horn,
On the harp - Allah,
And Lara played the piano.

The woodpecker was hollowing out an oak tree,
Yes, I didn’t finish it.

The woodpecker was chiseling, chiseling, chiseling,

Yes, I didn’t gouge it out or gouge it out.

A woodpecker treats an ancient oak tree,
The good woodpecker loves the oak tree.

Evsey, Evsey, sift the flour, and sift the flour

- Bake kalachi in the oven and the swords are hot on the table.

Yellow russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts.

Barely Elizar,
He goes and goes to the market.
And from the market, and from the market,
You won't catch up with Elizar.

Lena barely ate,
I didn’t want to eat out of laziness.

Ate two Eli
Eclairs in bed.
Mom washed
El barely.

The rinsing raccoon rinsed the laundry, rinsed it, but didn’t rinse it out.

Pussy eats soup from a bowl.
Full pussy, empty bowl

Fedka eats jelly with radish,
Fedka eats radish with jelly.

There are dryers for Sashka, Proshka and Antoshka.
And two more dryers for Nyushka and Valyushka.

A Greek was driving across the river, he saw a Greek - there was cancer in the river,
He stuck the Greek’s hand into the river, and grabbed the Greek’s hand!

Toad, crane and yellow bug
We went to the meadow to visit the hedgehog,
To be sewn in place by a seamstress
Letter Ш and the forest became quiet.

The puppy squeaks pitifully
He is carrying a heavy shield.

Zhenya became friends with Zhanna.
Friendship with Zhanna did not work out.
To live together with friends,
There is no need to offend your friends.

Once upon a time there was a beetle, there was a beetle

There lived three Japanese
Yak, Yak - tsedrak, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni.
There were three Japanese women,
Tsypa, Tsypa - drip, Tsypa - drip - drip - drypamponi.
They all lived through it: Yak on Tsypa, Yak - tsedrak on Tsyped-drypa, Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni on Tsypa-drypa ​​- drypamponi.
And they had children: Yak and Tsypa: Shah, Yak - tsedraka with Tsypa - drippa: Shai - balls,
At Yak - tsedrak - tsedrak - tsedroni with Tsypa - drypa ​​- drimpamponi: Shah - Sharakh - Sharakh - Shironi.

“Zhu” yes “zhu” -
Flocked into a circle
June beetle,
Rhinoceros beetle,
swimming beetle,
Sonny beetle
And the father beetle
Ground beetle,
Bug-bug -
Everyone got caught
In my net.

I'm sitting on a branch
I'm sitting on a branch
I keep repeating the letter “w”.

The beetle is buzzing over the lampshade,
The ground beetle is buzzing,
It buzzes and spins.

The crane and the giraffe were fattening,
While they were chewing fodder and rye!

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

On the heels of the hippopotamus
The hippopotamus stomps.

A goat walked behind a goat, the goat was angry at the goat, the goat called the kids, and the kids made the goat angry.

The bunnies trembled
Seeing a wolf on the lawn.

The hare with a scythe sits behind the sedge grass,
Looks sideways, like a girl with a braid
Mows the grass with a scythe.

A green birch tree stands in the forest,
Zoya caught a dragonfly under a birch tree.

Frosty winter morning
Birch trees ring at dawn

In winter, the field is white, frozen and icy.

Zoya's bunny's name is Zaznayka.

And the tongue twisters jump like crucian carp in a frying pan.

Ivan is a blockhead, he talked about milk, but didn’t blurt it out.

Vovka and Igor were playing,
They rolled down the hill head over heels.

There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat walks with a barefoot goat.
There goes a goat with a sideways goat,
A goat walks with a barefoot goat.

Water flows from a nearby well all day long.

Frost lay on the branches of the spruce,
The needles turned white overnight.

The interviewer interviewed the interventionist.

Joseph wears a hat, but doesn’t take it off.

Irishka baked a cake for the dolls,
Grishka and Marishka like gingerbreads.

Scared of the bear cub
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and with a hedgehog,
Swift with a swift and a haircut.

The donkey carried firewood to the village,
The donkey dumped firewood in the grass

Like thirty-three Yegorkas standing on a hillock.

Like at dawn
Two Peters and three Fedorkas
Compete with Egorka
Speak quickly.

Karl was putting the onion on the chest.
Clara was stealing onions from the chest.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
If Karl had not stolen corals from Clara, then Clara would not have stolen Karl's clarinet

The cook cooked the porridge, overcooked it, and undercooked it.

When mignonette grows easily by the pond.

Once upon a time I was scaring a jackdaw, I noticed a parrot in the bushes,
And then the parrot says: “You’re scaring the jackdaws, pop, scare them. But just jackdaw, pop, scare, Don’t you dare scare the parrot!”

A cap in a cap, a cap in a cap.

The ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack

Queen to the gentleman
Gave me a caravel
Queen with gentleman
She left in the caravel.

The king saved a penny for his crown,
Yes, instead of a crown I bought a cow,
And this king was saving for a cow,
Yes, instead of a cow, I bought a crown.

Cat under the hood.

Mow, mow, while there is dew, away with the dew - and we are home.

Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse.
Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.

A steep mountain, in the mountain there is a hole, in the hole there is a wormhole.

He who does not work does not eat what he who works eats.

Who wants to talk
He must reprimand
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will reprimand
So correct and clear
To make it clear to everyone

The cuckoo sewed a hood for the cuckoo.
I tried on the cuckoo hood.
How funny he is in the hood!

Godfather Gavrila, godfather Gavrila.
I told Gavrila:
The spindles are not accurate,
In the bathhouse, the brooms are soaked.

Kyrgyz brought kumis to China.
The Chinese like kumiss.

The hippopotamus bought new boots for the hippopotamuses, and the hippopotamuses are jumping through the swamp in new boots.

Granny bought beads for Marusya.
At the market, a grandmother tripped over a goose...
All the beads were pecked by the geese,
Granny and Marusya were left without beads.

We bought Valerika and Varenka
Mittens and felt boots.

We bought a lace dress for the cuttlefish.
A cuttlefish walks around - showing off its dress.

Chestra-motley chicken, flat-toed duck.

Lying in a puddle, a ground beetle buzzed pitifully, terribly stung by a snake.

Lazy red cat,
I rested my stomach.

The hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles,
And below, they look like little ones,
Last year's cones lie on the grass

Goats climb into the vine during a thunderstorm - goats gnaw the vine during a thunderstorm.

Lera with Laura and Larisa
Surprises for mom:
They cut, cook, work,
That's how smart they are.

Swans with their cubs were flying.

A starling flies - winter is over.

Ducks fly for a minute without making jokes.

Elk and fallow deer go to salt
And for spawning - catfish, salmon!

A mosquito got into Makar's pocket.
The mosquito in Makar's pocket disappeared.
A magpie in the forest chattered about this:
“The cow is missing from Makar’s pocket!”

Little soap was lathered,
And all the water poured out.

Mom washed Mila with soap,
Mila didn't like soap.

Mom sews a shirt for her daughter.
He scribbles lines on his shirt.
He urgently writes forty lines:
My daughter is growing like a sprout.

The monkey and martin went to the market.
The monkeys wandered around the market all morning.
Monkey with martyn to little monkey
We bought four pictures at the market

Masha and Misha are confused!
Mom machine gaiters
He searches but can’t find it,
Dad is frowning and drooling,
Misha's things are missing,
Confused Misha,
He started looking for his briefcase,
I couldn’t find it and... I was confused!
Mom and Masha are looking for Misha,
Dad even climbed onto the roof
Mom and Masha - to the balcony! -
Misha is dreaming in a niche!

Masha, don't look for us,
We pinch the sorrel for cabbage soup.

A minute passes and replaces another.

They are of constant length.

Wash your hands cleaner and more often.

We heard from the owl that there are no words starting with the letter “Y”.

Mila washed the bear with soap,
Mila dropped the soap
Mila dropped her soap -
I didn’t wash the bear with soap

Mice are rodents.
Cheese is chewed.
Did you finish it?
They are gnawing.

The mouse crawled under the lid
To gnaw the crumbs under the lid,
The mouse is probably dead!
The mouse forgot about the cat!

The mouse washed the bear's pine cones.
They gave the mouse little soap.
There were too many bumps
The mouse didn't wash the cone.

The mouse dried the dryers,
The mouse invited the mice,
The mice began to eat the dryers -
The teeth were immediately broken!

The mice wave the bag to Mishka.
How funny the bear is for mice.
Mice were sewn from a bag,
Baggy pants!

The mouse whispers to the little mouse:
Are you still rustling?
The little mouse whispers to the mouse:
I will rustle more quietly.

The ball was missing in the attic.
They are looking for the ball in the chest.
Searching in vain for the ball
Girl and boy.

There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood under the yard, firewood above the yard,
Firewood along the yard, firewood across the width of the yard, the yard does not contain firewood!
We'll probably move the wood from your yard back to the wood yard.

Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.
Don't cut wood on the yard grass!

Let's make the dough with yeast,
Let's look for a warmer place.

There's a tiny midge on the window,
The cat deftly catches it with its paw.

At the edge of a hut
Old chattering ladies live.
Every old lady has a basket,
There's a cat in every basket,
Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.

On the river shallows we came across a burbot.

Little Valya fell into her felt boots with snow.

Our Polkan from Baikal lapped.
Polkan lapped and lapped, but Baikal did not become shallow.

Our Filat is always to blame.

Our daughter is articulate, her speech is clear.

Don't be hasty, but be patient.

Don't believe other people's words, but believe your own eyes.

Mom did not spare soap.
Mom washed Mila with soap.
Mila didn't like soap, Mila dropped the soap.

Emelya spent a week spinning a box of tow,
And Emelina’s daughter has to spin for one night.

Distressed Magpie
Returning from class.
I spent the whole lesson chatting with the jay,
And she returned home with a deuce

Cucumbers - well done green-white lips

There is no ring near the well.

The guys have a simple game!
Suddenly the guys had a fight -
Everyone asks to go to Saratov,
Their grandmother lives there, -
Here it is! - Baba Ulya!
Mama Tole says:
- You have conjunctivitis!
Dad has to fight with Olya for a long time,
To fix the unit!
Mom goes to grandma Ula
Without a daughter and a son!
Only mom from the yard, -
The game begins!

Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.

Osip was hoarse, and Arkhip was hoarse.

Sharp horns
The goat has Earrings
And Seryozhka said:
"I'm a little afraid

From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.

The bull lay down side by side.
Don't lie down, get up, little bull!

A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered out.

Our sail is sewn conscientiously,
Even the storm will not frighten us.

The arable land is being plowed
Pasha with Yasha,
Masha and Dasha.

Baker Peter baked pies

The quail hid the quails from the boys.

The dog Fluff broke the pot,
And the cat Fedot spilled the compote.

Peter baked cookies in the oven and over-baked all the baked goods

Petya was sawing a stump with a saw.

Clouds floated across the sky,
There were four clouds.

Seven of us sat in the sleigh ourselves.

Cook Peter and cook Pavel,
Peter baked, and Paul soared,
Pavel soared, Peter baked,
Cook Peter and cook Pavel

Repeat without hesitation:
There are dewdrops on the aspen tree,
They sparkled like mother-of-pearl in the morning.

The weather got wet

Makar gave Roman caramel,
And Roman Makar is a pencil.

A field full of wormwood fell to Polina to weed.

The field is not weeded, the field is not watered,
Asks Pole for a drink -
The pole needs to be watered.

Striped rugs
Vlas's daughter rinsed.
Rinsed, rinsed -
The river became striped.

Nazar went to the market early in the morning.
I bought a goat and a Nazar basket there.

An adventure happened
About keys and cookies.
The keys are firmly hidden
In rolls and bricks.

The rooster crows about colorful birds,
About lush feathers, about down.

Praskovya exchanged crucian carp
For three pairs of striped piglets.
The piglets ran through the dew,
The piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.

Forty forty jumped into the field, ten took off and landed on a spruce tree.
How many forty are left in the field?

Puffs like a plump
Our chubby bear.

Once - a dewdrop-bead, and once again - a bead, the beads sparkled on the blades of grass-tendrils.

— Tell us about your purchases!
— What kind of shopping?
- About shopping, about shopping, about your shopping.

Larisa painted daffodils in watercolors.
Natasha painted dahlias in gouache.

The ruffel grew in the river,
Grew, grew, became a ruff,
But he didn't grow up.

Fish in the hole are a dime a dozen.

A tear fell from my eye and licked my face.

Hedgehogs became friends with mice in the rye.
Gone into the reeds - and there are no souls in the rye.

One magpie is one hassle, forty forty is forty hassles.

Sasha loves sushi, Sonya loves cheesecakes.

Sasha hit a bump with his hat.

Sasha quickly dries the dryers,
Sasha dried about six of them.
And the old ladies are in a funny hurry
To eat Sasha's sushi.

The pig had a white snout, a blunt snout, and dug up half the yard with its snout.

Getting into a taxi, the dachshund asked:
“What is the fare?”
And the taxi driver replied:
“We drive dachshunds just like that.”

The falcon sat on a bare trunk.

Alesya sat down, her legs hanging off the stove,
Don’t laugh, Alesya, but warm yourself on the stove.

The mouse sat in the corner and ate a piece of bagel.

Gray bunny, hide your teeth:
It's not cabbage, it's a ball.

A black grouse was sitting on a tree, and a black grouse was sitting on a branch with black grouse.

The titmouse said with a laugh to her neighbor: “The magpie strives to become the most squeaky one!”

Skok, magpie,
Skok, magpie,
Blind from the eye
Crooked from the side.

No matter how much the sieve eats,
I was never full.

Centipedes have too many legs.

Elephants are smart, elephants are calm,
Elephants are calm and strong.

The old women listened to the cuckoo crow at the edge of the forest.

The laughter of honest people is heard,
Luda is afraid to go down the hill.

You can hear the rustling in the reeds,
It makes my ears ring,
One hundred fearless frogs
The heron is scared in a whisper

Look how simple the frame is: right angles and square edges.

The soap struggled to wash itself off and was washed away.

Snowflakes are caught by Taya,
They fly off, melting.

Margarita collected daisies on the mountain, Margarita lost daisies on the grass...

The sun is setting, the water is flowing,
The tit bird looks into the water.
The tit will drink pure water -
It is ringing and singing nicely today!

The sun is shining very brightly
The hippopotamus became hot.

Sonya is a stranger
And Zina is arrogant.

Sonya brought elderberries to Zine in a basket.

Forty forty stole peas
Forty crows drove away forty.
Forty eagles scared the crows,
Forty cows scattered the eagles.

Forty forty for their forty
Forty shirts are urgently being sewn
Forty shirts were not stitched on time
Forty forty quarreled immediately

There is a cart of oats, next to the cart is a sheep.

The priest is standing on a haystack,
Butt cap
A shock under the butt,
Pop under the hood.

The stern Suvorov soldier Suvorov sternly drilled the damp wall of the Suvorov school with a drill.

Sushi your fur coat Sasha,
It's her flank coat, not ours.

The ant grabbed the burden,
Shouts: I won’t quit for anything!
He rests his feet on the ground,
And the ground bends underneath him.

Sasha sewed a hat for Sanka.

The cap is sewn, but not in the Kolpakov style; the bell is poured, but not in the Kolokolov style.
It is necessary to re-cap, re-cap.
The bell needs to be re-belled, re-belled.

Valerik ate dumplings, and Valyusha ate cheesecake.

Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard.

Avdey was dragging a bag of nails,
Gordey was dragging a bag of milk mushrooms.
Avdey gave Gordey nails,
Gordey gave Avdey milk mushrooms.

The heifer chewed up the aunt's panicle, and aunt after heifer - heifer after the tree.

The black grouse on the current pushed the black grouse,
That grouse grouse, and
This grouse is a grouse.

The river flows, the stove bakes.

Hush, mice.
Hush, mice!
The cat is sitting on our roof.
Mouse, mouse, watch out!
And don't get caught by the cat.

Only Tanya will get up in the morning.
Tanya is drawn to dance.
Why is it taking so long to explain?
Tanya loves to dance.

They stomped and stomped,
We reached the poplar.
We reached the poplar,
All the feet were stomped.

Skinny, weak Koschey*, dragging a box of vegetables.

The tram began its journey and trilled off the rails, dispersing the trolleybuses.

Three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce

Three chattering magpies
They chattered on the slide.

Thirty-three cars in a row,
They chatter and chatter.

Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but did not tack.

The pike tries in vain to pinch the bream.

A ram's horns are twisted - twisted, twisted - turned over.

Bori has a screw. Vitya has a bandage.

If you don't look for a goose's whiskers, you won't find them.

The Christmas tree has pins and needles.

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the grass snake has a snake.

The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have thin needles.

Buba the bunny has a toothache.

Ivan has a shirt
There are pockets on the shirt.

The little doll's earrings have disappeared,
Earrings I found an earring on the path.

Kuzya has a cousin - Kuzinina Zina.

Masha has a midge in her porridge, what should our Masha do? I put the porridge in a spoon and fed it to our cat.

Masha has poppies and daisies in her pocket.

The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.

The stump has five honey mushrooms again.

A quail and a quail have five quails.

Proshka made a mistake with the bowl -
He turned the bowl over with his head.

At the bee, at the bee
Why no bangs?
I answer why:
“A bee doesn’t need bangs.”

The shell has sharp wings,
The owl has sharp eyes!
The frog has crayfish next to him,
The quack has hoarse quacks!

Sashka has cones and checkers in his pocket.

Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.

A stay-at-home neighbor has a restless neighbor,
A fidgety neighbor has a stay-at-home neighbor.

Thirty-three striped piglets,
Thirty-three ponytails are hanging.

Fanny has a sweatshirt, Faya has shoes.

Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.

The baby turtle has turtle boots on his little turtle little hands.

Four turtles have four hatchlings.

The coals were placed in the corners, the coals were placed in the corners.

Fishing with a fishing rod
Our Yurochka is smart.

I was already running along a crooked path,
Not a single one stomped his foot.
He would have stomped but he couldn’t,
Because he had no legs.

Already granted to hedgehogs
A dozen new pajamas.
Old pajamas
Pricked by hedgehogs.

It hisses and the beetle buzzes.

The snake was bitten by the snake, and you can’t get along with the snake.

Duck - young
Huddles in a tent.
Don't huddle there duck -
Living in a tent is scary.

The student learned his lessons with inky cheeks.

The sideways goat left with the goat.

Fedya is afraid of the owl -
The owl may get angry.

Philip was stuck to the stove.

Fofan's sweatshirt fit Fefele, and the pharaoh's favorite was replaced by sapphire and jade.

Drill case.

I praise halva.

Cunning ferret, quick ferret,
He grabbed the bread and ran away.

Sly magpie
Catch the trouble
And forty forty -
Forty hassle.

A quonka walks around the yard,
Leads children around cages.

The pie is good, there is curd inside.

Even though the pike is eager,
Don't eat the ruff off the tail,
A ruff is good for a ruff.

The crested little girls laughed with laughter: ha-ha-ha-ha!

The heron was tenacious,
The heron was not sad for a long time,
Immediately “dac” and entirely
The little frog swallowed.

The heron wasted away, the heron was withered, the heron was dead

The circus performer can prance,
Train animals and birds.

Circus performer to circus performer Zinochka
He gave me a scarf.

The gypsy on tiptoe tsked at the chicken: “Tsits!”

Chicks and chicken drink tea on the street.

The teacups, sad and bored, began to jingle and scream.

The good-natured beaver fords his beavers across the river.

The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

On a black night, a black cat jumped into a black chimney, there is blackness in the chimney - look for the cat there.

Thursday the Fourth,
Four Quarter Hours
Four Little Black Little Imps,
Drawing with Black Ink Drawing.

A quarter of an hour
Sang ditties on the ivy tree,
Black cat, big weirdo,
I climbed into the attic to listen.

Four little black, grimy little devils
A drawing was drawn in black ink.
Extremely clean.

Chock-chock heel
Ran into a twig
Came off, broke
Chock-chock heel

Fix it for me old man
Heel for a snout

Sha-zha-sha once we caught a ruff,
She-she-she we settled in the reeds,
Shu-zhu-shu I sit and don’t breathe,
Sho-jo-sho brush versik good,

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

Checkers on the table
Cones on a pine tree

Shishiga walked along the highway,
He walked rustling his pants.
The step will step, whisper: “Error”,
Wiggles his ears.

Shura walked along the highway to play checkers with Sasha.

The leaves rustle.
Whispers whisper with the grass.
The silence faded into silence.
“Hush, hush...” I heard.

The rough hornet shuffled slowly.

Six little mice rustle in the reeds.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Forty mice walked and six found pennies, and the poorer mice found two pennies each.

Three priests walked, three Prokopya priests, three Prokopyevichs.
They talked about the priest, about Prokopye, about the priest, about Prokopyevich.

The puppy eats sorrel cabbage soup by both cheeks.

Tongs and pliers -
Here are our things.

Is that you, Ilya? Or me, Ilya?

I brush my teeth with this brush,
With this brush the shoes
I clean my trousers with this brush,
I need all three brushes.

Yula spins around Yulka, sings,
Yula doesn’t let Yulka sleep.

Yulka was nimble
Sit still Yulka
I couldn't for a minute.

I am in the forest, and he is in the forest; I am for the elm, and he is for the elm.

I'm bringing soup! And to whom? Dog!

Yaroslav and Yaroslavna
We settled in Yaroslavl.
They live nicely in Yaroslavl
Yaroslav and Yaroslavna.

My yacht is light and obedient,
I will plow the seas on it.

Yasha and Pasha ate porridge,
Sasha and Tasha make yogurt,
And Mishutka is a herring under her fur coat.

How do you like tongue twisters? Do you know other tongue twisters for speech development? Share, we will be very grateful.

Finally, I would like to introduce you to Mashenka’s next new work – “Flower Meadow”.

This concludes this post. All the best!

I wish you creative success!

Tongue twisters and tongue twisters for children and adults

Podolskaya Irina Aleksandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, KSU Secondary School No. 4, Semey East Kazakhstan region of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Short description.
Tongue twisters and pure twisters are very often used in extracurricular activities and Russian language lessons. One of the main goals of a teacher, parent, educator is to practice the purity of sound. Today, this material can be easily found both in books for children and on the Internet. But I wanted to collect the material in one folder so that it would always be at hand. The material is easy to use, since it is arranged in alphabetical order. I removed the pictures on purpose so that the font could be easily enlarged, printed, and cut. The purpose of application will dictate how to work with it.
Gymnastics for the arms can be successfully used in mathematics, Russian language, reading, and labor classes. One or two exercises can also be included in physical education minutes spent in lessons where students do little writing. The effect of such exercises is great.
The selected material will be of interest not only to teachers, but also to concerned parents whose children have difficulty pronouncing a particular sound.


Who wants to talk
He must reprimand
Everything is correct and clear,
So that it is clear to everyone.
We will talk
And we will reprimand
So correct and clear
So that it is clear to everyone.


A 1. Agrafena and Arina have dahlias growing.
2. Andrey and Irina have dahlias growing.
3. Alyosha gives a signal to Alina.
Alina will hear and find Alyosha.
4. Vlas is with us, Afanas is with you.
5. Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse. Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse.

BE. Izmailov
1. White sheep beat drums.
2. The baker baked the bagel, bagel, loaf and loaf from the dough early in the morning.
3. Good beavers go into the forests; beavers are kind to beavers.
4. The beavers are going into the pine forests. Beavers are brave and kind to beavers.
5. The burs are walking along the log.
6. The beaver boyar has no wealth, no good.
A beaver's two cubs are better than any good thing.
7. Boletus grows in the forest, I take boletus from the forest.
8. White snow, white chalk, a white hare is also white.
But the squirrel is not white, it wasn’t even white.
9. A bull has a dull lip, a bull, a bull has a dull lip.
10. There was a white-faced ram, and he killed all the rams.
11. There is no concrete in the can, there is no loaf in the can, there is not a bud in the can.
12. Borka had not a cup, but a Rubik's cube.
13. There is a banker at the bank, at the banker's.
14. In the ABC book, Pinocchio has trousers, a bun and a shoe.
15. Malanya the chatterbox chatted, chatted, blurted out the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
16. The brawler ram climbed into the weeds.
17. The baker baked the loaf, loaf, bagel early in the morning.
18. Bob has beans.

Ba-bo-ba - there are pillars in the yard.
Boo-ba-ba - a pipe sticks out of the window.

IN 1. Fanya visiting Vanya, Vanya visiting Vanya.
2. The crow missed the little crow.
3. Ivan the idiot shook the milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
4. I led an ox into the yard, led the ox by the horns, and the ox led me into the garden.
5. There are boa constrictors near the water.
6. Vanya doesn’t let you down, but Vanya gets you through.
7. Vanya floated in the bath as if on a sofa.
8. Vanya is sitting on the sofa, under the sofa there is a bathtub; instead of a bathhouse, Vanya often washed himself in this bathtub.
9. We bring the governor to the cart, and on the cart – the governor! At the cart there is a governor and on the cart there is a governor. Two governors.
10. Valya, Varya and Valerka have dumplings on their plate.
11. Valenka’s felt boots fell into the clearing.
12. We bought mittens and felt boots for Valerik and Varenka.
13. Valerik ate a dumpling, and Valyushka ate a cheesecake.
14. Say it out, Veronika Igorevna: “The engraving is engraved and re-engraved.”
15. The razor-tailed duck raised the razor-tails.
16. And I’ll twist it, and straighten it out the gate, and kick it out the window.
17. Varvara was guarding the chickens, and the crow was stealing.
18. The big guy Vavila merrily moved his pitchfork.
19. Near the stake, loaches and hops climb onto the fence: they curl, weave, braid, and unwind.
20. Have fun, Savely, stir the hay.
21. The water carrier was carrying water from under the water supply.
22. The cook cooked the porridge, boiled it, but didn’t finish it.
23. The oatmeal flew towards the oats, and Ivan took the oats away.

G 1. A gander walked in single file with a gander. The gander looks down on the gander.
Oh, the gander will pluck the gander's sides.
2. Grisha was gnawing on a shortbread. Zhorzhik was gnawing on the nuts, and Garik was gnawing on a cracker. Eremka played the harmonica loudly.
3. Roma was frightened by the thunder; he roared louder than thunder. Because of such a roar, the thunder hid behind a hillock.
4. Peas grew in the garden, and buckwheat grew across the river. Our old goat Timokha was picking peas and buckwheat in the garden
tore across the river.
5. The pear does not like caterpillars, the caterpillar destroys the pear.
6. The rooks look at the jackdaws, the jackdaws look at the rooks.
7. There is a jackdaw on the willow, and there are pebbles on the shore.
8. The magician has navaga on the paper.
9. Yoga Yaga does not help.
10.The gnome has a sore throat.
11. Don't be rude to the black man.
12. The Greek was driving across the river. He sees the Greek - a crab in the river. He put the Greek's hand in the river, the crab grabs the Greek's hand - a claw.
13. Goose Gog and Goose Gaga can’t take a step without each other!
14.Geese are cackling on the mountain, a fire is burning under the mountain.
15. The breast warms the side in the sun. Go to the box, fungus!
16. The rook says to the rook: “Fly with the rooks to the doctor, it’s time for them to get vaccinated to strengthen their feathers!”
17. We bought Egorka a slide for a slide. All winter Egorka rode on the slide.
18. Egorka was picking mushrooms in the copse near the hillock.
19. The jackdaw sat on a stick, the stick hit the jackdaw.
20. I found a corner in the kitchen and buried my head in the coal.
21. A loon was flying over the barn, and another loon was sitting in the barn.
22. The crab made a rake for the crab, gave the rake to the crab: “Rake the gravel with the rake, crab.”
23. The pear girl was small and shook the pear tree. Pears, pears, pears hail. Pear is glad for pears (gr).

Ha-ga-ga - my leg hurts.
Ge-ge-ge - my toe hurts.
Gi-gi-gi - help me take off my shoe.

Geese, geese! - Ha-ga-ha!
- Do you want to eat? - Yes Yes Yes!

DI. Demyanov
1. A woodpecker heals an ancient oak tree, a kind woodpecker loves the oak tree.
2. The woodpecker is chiseling a tree, chiseling the bark all day long.
3. The woodpecker was pecking at the oak tree, but didn’t finish it enough.
4. The woodpecker was hammering the tree and woke up my grandfather with the knock.
5. Dema rode to the house in a sled. I met the drowsy Dema, defeated the drowsy Dyoma, Dyoma is dozing near the house.
6. Grandfather Dodon played the pipe, Grandfather hit Dimka with the pipe.
7. Daria gives Dina melons.
8. Don’t wake the bear - he’ll offend you.
9. In the Dynamo team there is Diana, Diana has dominoes.
10. Vadik, don’t let me down, bring my grandfather to the cart.
11. We’ll see Vadim and we’ll surprise him, but if we don’t see him, we won’t surprise him.
12. Dima is at home alone, but Dima is not at home alone. There is one Dima and two Vadim at home.
13. Don’t do it, Luda, for a week.
14. Is the road expensive?
15. Dali has medals, Dina has orders.
16. Uncle Fyodor has a house in the village, and Goodwin has a house in the city.
17. Lada has water in her bucket, and Dima has a deuce in his diary.
18. There is firewood in the yard, firewood behind the yard, firewood across the width of the yard. The yard will not accommodate firewood. Come out, woodcutter Dron. We need to remove the wood and put it in the wood yard.
19. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass; Don't cut wood on the grass in your yard.
20. There is a mountain in the middle of the yard, in the yard there is grass, on the grass there is firewood.
21. There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass: one firewood, two firewood, three yards. Open the gate, Varvara, and chop wood on the grass in the yard.
22. In our yard there is a courtyard.
23. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters sharpened their axes. The axes are sharp for the time being. Axes are sharp for the time being. Two woodcutters, two woodcutters, two wood splitters chopped down the forest with an ax, turned the forest into firewood.
24. Two woodcutters, two wood splitters, two woodcutters talked about Larya, about Larka, about Larina’s wife (“dr.”).
21. The blanket is in the duvet cover, and the radio is on the windowsill.
25. The hoopoe’s food is with the grandfather, and the grandfather’s hoopoe is with the uncle.
26. Don’t blow your lips on the oak tree, don’t blow your lips on the oak tree.
27. Grandfather Danilo divided the melon - a slice for Dima, a slice for Dina.

Doo-do-da - the wires are humming.
Yes, yes, yes - warm water.
Doo-doo-doo - I'm not going to sleep.
De-de-de - I don’t know where.
Di-di-di - sit quietly.

E 1. Lena barely ate; she didn’t want to eat out of laziness.
2. At dawn, Yevsey caught oatmeal in the oats. Yevsey is knee-deep in dew in the oats.
3. No matter how much Sieto ate, he was never full.
4. On the mountain, on a hillock, stood twenty-two Yegorkas. One - Yegorka, two - Yegorka, three Yegorka...
5. Thirty-three Yegorki stand on a hillock near the forest. From behind the forest, from behind the mountains, Egor is coming to them.
6. In winter, the field is white - frozen - icy.
7. Fedka eats jelly with radish, Fedka eats radish with jelly.
8. Like on a hill, on a hillock there are thirty-three Egorkas: one Egorka, two Egorkas, three Egorkas (and so on until thirty-three Egorkas).
9. But I don’t feel sick.
10. Don’t laugh at me, don’t laugh at me, I myself will laugh at you and ridicule you.

S. Pogorelovsky.
11. We ate, ate, ate ruffs from the spruce... We barely finished them off from the spruce.
12. Three waxwings barely whistled on the spruce.

AND 1. The crane would be friends with the toad if it wanted the friendship of this toad.
2. Hedgehogs and grass snakes lived in the living corner.
3. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a squeeze.
4. Zhora has a beetle, Rosa has a beetle.
5. I met a hedgehog in a thicket:
- How is the weather, hedgehog?
- Fresh.
And the two hedgehogs went home, trembling, hunched over, cowering.
6. The pie is good, there is curd inside.
7. – Zhora, is the iron lock rusty?
- The iron lock is rusty.
8. Centipedes have too many legs.
9. The bunnies trembled when they saw a wolf on the lawn.
10. The wolf is on the lawn - the bunnies trembled.
11.Hedgehogs became friends with mice in the rye. They went into the reeds - and into the rye - not a soul.
12. The bear cub was frightened by the hedgehog and the hedgehog and the hedgehog, the siskin and the siskin and the little siskin, the swift and the swift and the little siskin.
13.Lezheboka, a red cat, was lying down on his stomach.
14. Zhura the crane lived on the roof of Shura.
15. The ground beetle is buzzing, buzzing, but not spinning.
16. A beetle is buzzing over the honeysuckle, The beetle has a green casing.
17. The beetle buzzed to the beetle: “I buzz, I buzz.” I’ve been friends with the hedgehog for a long time..."
16. It’s terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.
17. The fly buzzed and the spider buzzed.
18.The centipede has a sandal on each leg.
19. Sasha is covered in soot.
20.Bits of paper are always falling out of Arkashka’s pockets.
21. Zhora is waiting for the manager with a pager.
22.Timoshka’s spoon contains horns, not horns.
23.And the wife irons her husband and irons him.
24. The wife looks like her husband - the husband is missing, and so is the wife.
24. A wife is similar to her husband - a greedy husband’s wife is greedy too.
25. Olezhka’s yellow cart is heavy.
26.A resident in a vest lies and licks jelly.
27. Once upon a time there was a tench and an ide - they lived in the mud, not being lazy.
28. I’ll look at the bank - is there a pie lying there?
29.– Shall we run in the rain?
- Let's wait.
- Shall we wait out the rain?
- We'll wait.
Zha - zha - zha - two siskins flew in.
Zha - zha - zha - we saw a hedgehog.
Zha - zha - zha - the hedgehog has needles.
Zha - zha - zha - we caught a hedgehog.
Zha - zha - zha - brought home a hedgehog.
Zhi - zhi - zhi - hedgehogs live here.
Zhu - zhu - zhu - they gave milk to the hedgehog.
Same - same - the rain has already passed.
Jo - jo - jo - meadow, snowball, pie, cottage cheese.
Zhu - zhu - zhu - I’m lying on the grass.
Live - live - show me the trick.

Zhok - zhok - they gave me a flag.
Zhok - zhok - I hold a flag in my hand.
Shkom - shkom - I wave the flag.
Shkami - shkami - we go with flags.
Press - press - press - we follow the regime

Z 1. Zina has a lot of worries, the bunny’s stomach hurts.
2. On a winter morning, the birch trees ring from the frost at dawn.
3. The bell rings, the bell rings, and Zoya goes to her class.
4. Zoya’s bunny’s name is Zaznayka.
5. A green birch tree stands in the forest; under the birch tree it caught a dragonfly.
6. Sonya brought elderberries in a basket to Zina.
7. Behind the hut is the hut, behind the star is the star. There is ash behind the vine.
8. Zina has a toothache and cannot eat soup.
9. Spectators are in the auditorium, and Zoya and Zina are at the station.
10. Zinaida is unlucky: Zina is unlucky on the train.
11. The snake hisses and the beetle buzzes.
12. Bunny Booba has a toothache.
13. Nazar went to the market early in the morning.
I bought a goat and a Nazar basket there.
14. Rose has a mimosa, Zakhar has a splinter.
15. It was in vain that Zakhar teased the goat - the goat did not forget the bully.
16. A goat walks with a scythe-goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat.
A goat walks with a sideways goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat.
17. There is a vine on the cart, and a goat by the cart.
18. A hut on chicken legs runs along a narrow path.
19. In the “horizon” there is not an umbrella, but an UMBRELLA.
20. Behind the fence is a fence, behind the booth is a forget-me-not.
21. Under the birch there is a boletus, under the ground there is a dungeon.
22. The son-in-law cannot take the ide from the Yauza.
22. A capricious Cossack has a capricious goat, a timid Cossack has a timid goat.
23. Rake - to row, broom - to sweep, oars - to carry, runners - to crawl.
24. The driver was carrying straw.

For-for-for - a thunderstorm is approaching.
For-for-for - go home, goat.
Zu-zu-zu - we wash Katya in a basin.

Za-sa-za is a dragonfly.
For-sa-za - the dragonfly flies.
Pleasantly - the dragonfly has wings.
Zoy-zoy-zoy - I'm running after the dragonfly.
Zu-zu-zu - we caught a dragonfly
1. Irishka baked a cake for the dolls.
2. Grishka and Marishka like gingerbread.
3. Frost lay on the branches of the spruce tree, the needles turned white overnight.
4. The donkey carried firewood to the village, the donkey dumped the firewood in the grass.
5. Ivashka has a shirt, the shirt has pockets.
6. The hedgehog and the Christmas tree have pricking needles.

Y 1. A sad magpie returns from class. I spent the whole lesson chatting with the jay and returned home with a bad mark.
2. Avdey was dragging a bag of nails, Gordey was dragging a bag of milk mushrooms. Avdey gave nails to Gordey, Gordey gave milk mushrooms to Avdey.

TO 1. Kolya pricks stakes.
2. The ball fell to the floor, the cat was rolling the ball.
3. The cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner, the cat rolled the ball of thread into the corner.
4. The cat Tiny was eating porridge bit by bit on the window.
5. The cat looked out the window for a long time, for the cat in the window was a movie.
6. Kondrat’s jacket is a little short.
7. The crab made a rake for the crab. The crab gave the rake to the crab:
“Hay rake, crab, rake!”
8. The crab climbed onto the ladder, and the crab fell asleep soundly, but the squid did not sleep, and caught the crab in its paws.
9. Clara put the onion on the shelf and called Nikolka to her.
10. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.
11.Karl put the onion on the chest. Clara was stealing onions from the chest.
12.Klara - Kralya sneaked with the crocodile to Lara.
13. Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl. Not true! Don't believe it! Didn't take Caral corals! And Clara didn’t take the clarinet from Karl! Karl gave Klara corals, and Klara gave her a clarinet in return.
14. The pockmarked hen is colorful and has an eager nose. White-breasted duck with a flat toe.
15. Buy a pile of spades, buy a pile of spades, buy a pile of spades.
16. Kostya drove to Kostroma for a visit.
17. Computer pirates are not welcome on the Internet.
18. Kotka has a cat, Yakov has a yak.
19. How do Cook Cook have cocoa and yak?
20. A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style.
The bell is poured, the bell is forged, but not in the bell style.
It is necessary to re-cap and re-cap.
The bell needs to be re-belled and re-belled.
21. A cap is sewn, a cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style -
no one will re-cap it, no one will re-cap it.
22. In the morning, sitting down on a green hillock, the magpies learn tongue twisters:
Kar-r-r! Kar-toshka, kar-tonka, kar-reta, kar-tuz,
Carrrr! Car-bottom, car-ramel, car-rapuz.
23. There is a button on the hemp, and there is a Petka on the button.
24. There is a haystack with a small haystack (small haystack).
25. Three needles curl around the stake.
26. There are bells near the stake, and bells on the stakes.
27. The grandmother was walking out of the cage, spilling grains.
28. Koval Kondrat forged steel, forged it and forged it.
- Peck, hammer, grain! Peck, hammer, grain! Peck, trigger, grain.
22. The cuckoo bought a hood. He put on the cuckoo's hood. How funny he is in the hood!
(I. Demyanov)
25. In one, Klim, stab wedge (V. Dal).
26. Pound, Klim, in one wedge! (I. Snegirev).
27. One Klim pounded the wedge, pounded and hammered out (G. Naumenko).
28. A wedge with a sub-blade is cut out.
29. The tailor cut out a wedge with a sub-blade (pieces of fabric in the form of a triangle or a truncated triangle) and recut it, recut it and cut it out.
30. The farrier forged the horse, the horse forged the hoof, the farrier forged the horse.

L 1. We found burbot in the shallows.
2. Lenya climbed the ladder and picked Lenya’s peaches.
Lenya rolled down the stairs with songs and peaches.
3. People cherish bread in the fields and spare no effort for bread.
4. Lara plays the piano at Lyalya’s.
5. Lara plays the piano at Valya’s.
6. Vera told Lera not to cry.
7. Clara and Valerka have dumplings on their plate.
8. For Lyuba and Lyudochka - pancakes on a plate.
9. Kolya stabs stakes, fields field flight.
10. Marina Galina called for raspberries, Galina called Marina for viburnum (S. Pogorelovsky).
11. Kolya breaks the ice with a crowbar, Klim puts ice in the cart.
12. Olya ironed diapers for little Alenka.
13. There is a shock with a little underfoot.
14. Our Polkan fell into a trap.
10. Lena was looking for a pin, and the pin fell under the bench.
I was too lazy to crawl under the bench; I searched for the pin all day. I was looking for a pin all day.
11. Klim arrived from Klin to Crimea.
12. A fisherman is catching fish; the entire catch floats into the river.
13. Uncle Kolya gave his daughter Polya a collie puppy,
but the collie puppy ran away from Paulie into the field.
14. The ship was carrying caramel, the ship ran aground.
And the sailors ate caramel aground for three weeks.
15. There is a cap, the cap is knitted, but not in the Kolpakov style.
16. There is a priest on a head, a cap on the priest, a head under the priest, a priest under a cap.
17. Swans flew with swans.
18. The rabbit jumps around the beds deftly - the rabbit steals carrots from the garden.
19. Corey Kirill: “Don’t tease the gorilla!” They reproached the gorilla: “Don’t tease Kirill!”
20. Either Borya bought a roll of roofing felt for Tolya, or Tolya bought a roll of roofing felt for Borya.
21. Lara took eclairs for Lera. Lara and Lera's eclairs with cream.
22. Lyalya has a Lelya doll. Lyalya is made of linen - Lyalya likes it.
23. Olga and Galya did not lie to Oleg in the meadow.
24. The fox runs along the six: lick, fox, sand.
25. The liar put it in the chest, and the liar took it from the chest.
26. On the street, Lavrenty is with a bast shoe, with a nine - in public, Lavrenty has no time for bast shoes, or nine (weight, measure, counting, connecting nine units).
27. Crucian carp, don’t climb into the hole, the crucian carp is stuck in the hole.
28. Polya went to weed parsley in the field.
29. The field is not weeded, the field is not watered, the little pole asks for a drink, the little pole needs to be watered.
30. In the Polya-Polyushka field, the pole-polyushka flight. There will be no weeds in the field if the field is flying.
(S. Pogorelovsky)

La-la-la - here's the saw.
Loy-loy-loy – we cut with a saw.
Ly-ly-ly - no saw.
Lu-lu-lu - we broke the saw.
Lu-lu-lu - we bought a new saw.

Lo-lo-lo – it’s warm outside.
Lu-lu-lu - the table is in the corner.
Ul-ul-ul- our chair is broken
Ol-ol-ol - we bought salt.
Lu-ru-lu - the janitor took a broom.
La-ra-la - here is the car.
La-la-la - that's a spinning top.
Lu-lu-lu - they gave me a spinning top
La-la-la - the top is spinning.
Loy-loy-loy - I love playing with the top

M 1. Marina was pickling mushrooms, Marina was sorting out raspberries.
2. The cat lapped up the milk, and Borya was looking for the Pin.
3. Have you washed the raspberries? - They washed, but did not soap.
4. The bear found honey in the forest, but not enough honey, but a lot of bees.
5. Masha gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.
6. The little chatterbox chattered and chattered milk, but didn’t blurt it out.
7. Our hands were covered in soap, we washed the dishes ourselves, and helped our mother.
8. Makar dipped pasta in milk, and the macaque dipped Makar in the river.
9. Dear Mila washed herself with soap. She lathered herself, washed it off - that’s how Mila washed herself.
10.- Flour-milling goat, who did you grind flour for? And who didn’t grind?
- From the one to whom he ground, he received pies; from those who did not grind, he received blows.

Ma-ma-ma - I’m at home myself.
Mu-mu-mu - milk for anyone?
Mo-mo-mo - we eat popsicle.
We-we-we – we read.
Mi-mi-mi- let's sing the note E.

N 1. No one will beat our sexton, but our sexton will beat everyone.
2. The orona harrowed the unharrowed field.

ABOUT 1. In the winter cold, everyone is young.
2. Osip hoarse, Arkhip hoarse.
3. The fewer words, the more firewood.
4. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
5. Oak tree, broad green leaves.
6. Frosya is flying into the field, millet is taking out the weeds.
7. Take half a jar of sour milk from the white-bearded man.
8. It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is a forty hassle.

P 1. Peter baked pies for Peter.
2. The baker baked rolls in the oven.
3. Three bakers walked, three Procopius bakers,
Three Prokopievichs; they were talking about the baker,
About Prokopiy the baker, about Prokopyevich.
4. Petya was sawing a stump with a saw.
5. Baker Peka baked a pie: baked, baked - underbaked, baked, baked - overbaked.
6. Potap doesn’t have heel to heel - heel to opyat; and the python has no mushrooms or heels.
7. The approach is not an undermining, the approach is not a catch.
8. The bird's chick is smart.
9. The captain has a Rooster in his trap.
10. The dipper’s paws are on honey mushrooms again.
11. The great-grandfather has a great-grandson, the great-grandson has a great-grandfather.
12. A pair of birds fluttered, fluttered, and fluttered out.
13. Daddy has glasses under the nightstand, and slippers on the nightstand.
14. Repeat without hesitation: the dewdrops on the aspen trees sparkled like mother-of-pearl in the morning.
15. The stumps have five honey mushrooms again.
16. Again, five guys found five honey mushrooms near a tree stump.
17. Potap the cat clapped his paw, and Potap caused the cat to drown.
18. The rooster sings about colorful birds, about lush feathers, about down.
19. The sparrowhawk caught a quail, a quail, a quail and a sparrowhawk.
20. Sawdust is falling out from under the saw.
21. Our Polkan fell into a trap.
22. The parrot said to the parrot: “I’ll parrot you, parrot!”
To the parrot the parrot answered: “Parrot, parrot, parrot!”
(V. Bakhrevsky)
23. Fish in the hole are a dime a dozen.
24. Tell us about your purchases.
- What kind of purchases?
- About shopping, about shopping, about my shopping.
25. A man was walking from the market. They don't talk about cover in bargaining,
not about the hem, they are talking about the purchase.
26. Prokop came, the dill was boiling, and under Prokop the dill was boiling.
And Prokop left,
dill is boiling,
and without Prokop the dill is boiling.
27. Without Prokop, dill boils, with Prokop, dill boils,
Prokop arrived and the dill was boiling.
25. There is a priest on a shock, a cap on the priest, a shock under the priest, a priest under the cap.
26. Peter stands on a haystack, wearing a blanket and cap. And Peter has half a cap of peas in his blanket.
27. Pyotr Petrovich, nicknamed Petrov, went for a walk and caught a quail bird (pigalitsa); He went to sell, carried it around the market, asked for fifty dollars, they gave him a nickel, and he sold it like that.
28. Philip was sawing a log of linden trees; Philip dulled the saw.
29. Karp Polikarpovich Polikarp Karpych was watching for carps in a pond. And in Polycarp’s pond there are three crucian carp and crucian carp.
30. Ipat went to buy shovels. Ipat bought five shovels. I was walking across the pond and got caught on a rod. Ipat fell into the pond, five shovels disappeared.
31. If Philip had not cut down the linden trees, the linden trees would have bloomed in the summer, the bees would have brought honey, we would have treated the flu with honey.

Or-or - here's the axe.
Or-or - I brought an ax.

R 1. Bunches of rowan berries burn in the sun.
The boys' eyes are burning with rowan.
2. Whey from yogurt.
3. Mother gave Romasha whey from the yogurt.
4. The crow missed the little crow.
5. Larisa prepared a rice pack for Boris.
6. Khariton has four newts in his aquarium.
7. Large grapes grow on Mount Ararat.
8. A rowan tree grew by the river, and the river flowed and rippled.
9. Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle.
10. Brother and brother walked along the Arbat.
11. Polykartp’s catch is three crucian carp, three carp.
12. Marina was sorting out raspberries, Arina was pickling mushrooms.
13. In our courtyard the weather has become wet.
14. Thirty-three ships tacked, tacked, but didn’t tack
(sail so that the headwind is either from the right or from the left).
15. From dawn to dawn, sailors are vigilant on watch.
16. The fellow ate thirty-three pies with pie and all with sour cream and cottage cheese.
17.Kirill gave Kirill a fish, Kirill gave Kirill a smile.
18.Mark stuck the wrong stamp on Tamarkin’s envelope. Mark doesn't like that brand
and Mark likes Tamarka.
19. Varvara picked grass in a ravine, but lied and said she didn’t pick it.
20. Clara and Valerka have dumplings on their plate.
21. Borya tore the grass under the willow in vain - the nettles under the willow were very biting.
22. He reported but didn’t finish his report, he finished his report, but he started to finish his report and then reported.
23. The protocol about the protocol was recorded as a protocol.
24. Near the village there is a black grouse Terenty on a tree.
25.Early in the morning, three rams drum on drums. Three rams drum on the drums early in the morning.
26. The stupid pig dug up the whole yard, dug half a snout, but didn’t get to the hole.
27. Three priests walked, three Prokopya priests, three Prokopievichs, talking about the priest, about the Prokopya priest, about Prokopyevich.
28. I’ll walk the filly sideways along the strap, along the log.
29. Brother Arkady slaughtered a brown cow on the Ararat mountains.
30.Lera, repair the carburetor and adjust the valves.
31. I tied the belts with a belt, the lights burned with fire.
32. Kirill bought a jar and a mug at the market.
33. I quail and hid the quail in the copse from the guys.
34. From near Kostroma, from near the Kostroma region, four men, four men, walked with boxes; They talked about auctions, about purchases, about cereals, and about reinforcements.
35. Praskovya traded crucian carp for three pairs of striped piglets. The piglets ran through the dew, the piglets caught a cold, but not all of them.
36. Lumberjacks chopped oak trees into log houses.
37. Yegor walked through the yard, carrying an ax to repair the fence.
38. Daisy collected daisies on the mountain. Margarita lost her daisies in the yard.
39. Three magpies chattered on the hill (tr-).
40.They gave the children a lesson at school: forty-forty jump in the field. Ten took off and landed on a spruce tree. How many forty are left in the field?
41.Forty forty stole peas, forty crows drove away forty. Forty eagles scared the crows, forty cows scattered the eagles.
42. It’s a hassle to catch a cunning magpie, but forty forty is a forty hassle.
43. Behind the mountain, behind a hillock, a pine tree with a sucker grew.
44. A crayfish was caught on the river. There was a fight over cancer. It was Lesha the bully who threw the crayfish into the water again.
45.The courier is overtaken by the courier into the quarry.
46. ​​Once upon a time a crucian carp gave a coloring book to Karasenka. And the crucian carp said: “Color the fairy tale, little crucian.” There are three cheerful piglets in the little carp's coloring book: the little carp has repainted the piglets into baby carp.
47. Makar gave Roman caramel, and Roman gave Makar a pencil (L. Ulyanitskaya).
48. Arkhip shouted, Arkhip became hoarse. Arkhip doesn’t need to scream until he is hoarse (N. Melchakova).
Sukhikh G.I., Sukhina L.A.
49. Raya and Roma are happy about the hail and thunder. The fence is not a barrier to hail.
50.Georgiy gives dahlias to Margarita, and Margarita gives daisies to Georgiy.
51.Varya believes that Vera cooks.
52. Three pirates are hunchbacks, three pirates are bearded, three pirates are not happy with each other.
53. A lady is not a slave, a slave is not a lady.
54. Some beavers are cheerful and kind.
55. Territory of the terrarium.
56. Against each other - boyfriend and girlfriend.
57.Thirty-three striped piglets have thirty-three tails hanging.

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.
Ry-ry-ry - the boys have balls.
Ry-ry-ry - the boys have balls
Ru-ru-ru - we will continue the game.
Re-re-re - there is a house on the mountain.
Ri-ri ri - bullfinches on the branches.
Ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket.
Ro-lo-ro - there is a bucket on the floor.
Ra-la-ra - we washed the floor with a bucket.
Ra-ra-ra - the mouse has a hole.
Re-re-re - we carry water in a bucket.
Ra-ra-ra - - we'll remove all the garbage in the morning.
Ro-ro-ro - we will collect all the garbage in a bucket.
Re-re-re - we sweep diligently in the yard.
Ri-ri-ri - there are bullfinches on the branches.
Ri-ri-ri - we'll clean the yard - one-two-three.
Ry-ry-ry - they didn’t notice the heat.
Ar-ar-ar - our samovar is boiling.
Or-or-or - the red tomato is ripe.
Or-or-or is a poisonous fly agaric.
Or-or-or - a fly agaric grew in the forest.
Or-or-or - you can’t eat fly agaric.
Ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall.

This RObot is not simple,
This RObot is awesome.
The robot turns its head
The robot stomps its foot
He was so funny then.

WITH 1. Oh, the entryway, the entryway, sleepy Senya went out into the entryway, and Senya stumbled in the entryway,
and somersault through vice.
2. It was fun on the slide for Sana, Sonya and Yegorka, but Marusya didn’t ride - she was afraid to fall into the snow.
3. Stepan has sour cream, curdled milk and cottage cheese, seven kopecks - a tuesok (a birch bark jar with a tight lid and a bracket or bow in it).
4. Sanya is taking his sleigh up the hill.
5. We sat down in seven sleighs, seven to a sleigh. Sanya was driving down the hill, and Sanya was riding a sleigh.
6. There are dryers for Prosha, Vasyusha and Antosha. Two more dryings for Nyusha and Petrusha.
7. Grandma bought beads for Marusya, but at the market the granny tripped over a goose. All the beads were pecked by the geese.
8. Sasha loves sushi, Sonya loves cheesecakes.
9. Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
10. Sasha walked along the highway, carried a dryer on a pole, and sucked on the dryer.
11. Senya was carrying a cart of hay.
12. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets.
13. Senka is carrying Sanka and Sonya on a sled;
Sleigh jump - off Senka's feet, Sanka's side, Sonya's forehead.
14. Kostya mows hay for Senya, Senya carries hay in the canopy.
15. Senya carries hay in the canopy; Senya will sleep on the hay.
16. Elephants are smart, elephants are meek, elephants are calm and strong.
17. Titmouse, titmouse - sister to the sparrow.
18. The bridge of the nose does not move from nose to nose.
19. There’s a tit on the knitting needle, the tit can’t sleep.
20. Senya, Seryozha and Sasha have soot on their noses, necks, ears and cheeks (f, s, w, sch)
21. Grishka asks Sasha: “Does the swift have a wife with a haircut?” (f, s, w).
22. There is forty forty on the nose of a rhinoceros.
23. Raisa has a sister Larisa, Larisa has a sister Raisa.
24. Tosya, don’t carry soda in the sieve.
25. The badger carried the dry branch.
26. Have fun, Savely, stir the hay.
27. The wasp does not have whiskers, not whiskers, but antennae.
28. Osa is barefoot and without a belt.
29. Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard.
30. The post on the pavement is empty - Senya the guard is on strike.
31. Styopa brought colorful sparkles to the sisters at the crossroads.
32. Alesya sat down, her legs hanging off the stove, don’t laugh, Alesya, but warm yourself on the stove.
33. Anos took him to sow oats. I sowed oats. The oats are born. Anos came, cut the oats, tied the oats, threshed the oats, Anos picked the oats down to the grain, took away a cartload of oats.
34. The birch is rooty, crooked at the root, gnarled at the middle, and tall at the top.
35. A goat walks with a side-eyed goat, a goat walks with a barefoot goat (k, s).
36. A scythe-goat walked with a scythe; a scythe goat came with a scythe (k, s).
37. Does not want to mow with a scythe; says: “Scythe braid” (k, s).
38. Mower Kasyan mows obliquely. Kasyan the mower will not mow.
39. The scythe hare sits behind the sedge-grass, looks with a scythe, as a girl with a scythe mows the grass with a scythe.
40. The mower mowed, carried a scythe. Mow, scythe, while there is dew, away with the dew - mow home. The scythe mows smoothly, the scythe loves the spatula, the spatula is sand, the scythe is a pie.
41. Vasya mowed ripe oats with a mower.
42. In the field, the flight of millet fields, Frosya takes out the weeds (I. Demyanov).
43. The chicken is bright and colorful, the duck is flat on its toe.
44. Ruff, gudgeon, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon are happy to meet each other.
Sukhina E.I.
45. Sysoy has a mustache from his nose to his waist.
46. ​​Father-in-law has a nose and mustache in dough.
47. A stay-at-home neighbor has a restless neighbor, a restless neighbor has a stay-at-home neighbor.
48. The daughter-in-law scurries from sheaf to sheaf.
49. Not all Lenas in the universe are cheerful.
50. Don’t sit on a pug dog - it will bite.

Sa-sa-sa - there is dew outside.
Sa-sa-sa - there is a fox in the forest.
Sa-sa-sa - I have a fox.
Su-su-su - I give Sasha the fox.
Sa-sa-sa - who has the fox?

Os-os-os - there are a lot of wasps in the clearing.
Su-su-su - we saw a wasp.
Sa-sa-sa - the wasp is flying.
Sa-sa-sa - the wasp flew in.
Su-su-su - we will drive away the wasp.
Sa-sa-sa - the wasp flew away.
Sy-sy-sy - we are not afraid of wasps.

So-so-so Svetlana has a wheel.
So-so-so - we changed the tire.
Su-su-su- it was cold in the forest.
Us-us-us - a goose is grazing in the meadow.
Si-si-si - take a bite of the cheese.
Xia-xia-xia - we caught a crucian carp.
Xia-Xia-Xia - Kostya catches crucian carp.

Sy-sy-sy - Semyon doesn’t have a braid.
Sa-sa-sa - that’s a braid.
Sa-sa-sa is a sharp braid.
Soy-soy – we mowed the grass with a scythe.

Sy-chi-sy - here's the clock.
Sy-chi-sy - the clock is ticking.
Sov-sov-owl - there are hands on the clock.
Sy-chi-sy - the hands look like a clock.

Sun - The sun is the golden bottom.
Sun - sun - shine.
Sun - sun - burn.

T 1. They stomped until they stomped, they stomped until the poplar, they stomped until the poplar, but they stomped their feet.
2. As soon as Tanya gets up in the morning, Tanyusha feels like dancing.
What a long time to explain! – Tanya loves to dance.
4. Under the black grouse tree I met a black grouse: “Grouse, black grouse! How are your little grouse? Grouse to black grouse in response: “My little grouse are healthy guys.”
5. The black grouse was sitting in Terenty’s cage, and the black grouse with the goshawks was in the forest on a branch.
6. From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field.
7. A weaver weaves fabrics for scarves (for a dress) for Tanya.
8. Don't be hasty, but be patient.
9. Where there is a bungler and a grouse, there is not profit, but loss.
10. He ordered the spider to weave canvas from his web.
11. In the stove there are three chocks, three geese, three ducks.
12. Our guest took away our cane.
13. Three crows on the gate, three magpies on the fence.
14. Tanya has a secret, this is Tanya’s secret, And Tanya is hiding this secret.
15. On the planet Pluto Petya and Anton got lost.
16. The raccoons looked at the notes for a long time, the notes were incomprehensible, the raccoons did not understand the notes.
17. Tanya and Nata are young people.
18. Tony has a ton of notes.
19. A hobbit has no trunk.
20. Tom has a volume, and Tom has a volume; that Toma is not about that Toma, that Toma is not about that Toma; Tom's volume is not about that, and Tom's volume is not about that.
21. The painting is entangled in a web, in the painting there are Lilliputians in a web.
22. In the photo there is a python, tapir, sea anemone, newt, rooster, termite, panther, cat, orangutan, act, aphid, raccoon, tarantula, black grouse, coyote.
23. This is Fedya, this is Petya, this is Nadya, this is Katya, this is Vitya, this is Mitya. Children, these are children.
24. Here is that Titus, and Aunt Tita is here, and Taya is here, and Here is here.
25. Shadow-shadow-shadow, all day long, wherever there is a stump, I braid the fence and unravel it.
26. Turka smokes a pipe. The trigger pecks the grain. Don't smoke a Turkish pipe! Don't peck the trigger!

Ta-ta-ta – our house is clean.
You-you-you – all the cats ate the sour cream.
Tu-tu-tu – I’ll pour milk for the cat.
Ti-ti-ti - we ate almost all the porridge.
Bye-bye-bye - we put off sewing.
That's it - we started playing lotto.
Whoops, we're going for a walk.
At-at-at – we take a scooter with us.

U 1. There was a slow-witted bull, a slow-witted bull.
2. The bull’s lip was tight.
3. Oleg’s cart got stuck in the mud: Oleg should sit here until the snow.

Wow-wa – a baby is crying in a stroller.
Ay-ay - I don’t understand who is lost.
Ooo-oo-oo - the wolf howls in the forest.
Wow, wow, wow – our iron got hot.
Uch-uch-uch - a ray of sun is shining through the window.
Ur-ur-ur - the cat told us: “Moore.”

F 1. Our Filat is never to blame.
2. Philip stuck to the stove.
3. Fani has a sweatshirt, Fedya has shoes.
4. Mikhail played football, he scored a goal.
5. The fleet is sailing to its native land, a flag is on every ship.
6. Fadey has daphnia.
7. Filya is a sergeant major in the film.
8. Feofan Mitrofanych has three sons Feofanych.
9. In the photograph of Fyodor - Fyodor, in the photograph of Fedora - Fyodor.
10. In the garden, Fekla gasped and groaned: the beets were born not in the garden, but nearby.
I feel sorry for the beetroot Fyokla. Fyokla complained: “The beets got lost!”

X 1. Delicious halva, praise to the master.
2. Prokhor and Pakhom were riding on horseback.
3. A bitter fly sat on my ear.
4. The fish soup will be good.
5. Tikhon is wearing a tunic.
6. The ferret is shaggy, and Micah is shaggy.
7. The crested girls laughed with laughter: “ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!”
8. There was a commotion in the garden - thistles bloomed there.
To prevent your garden from dying out, weed the thistles.
9. We want to ride on deer, argali, buffalo, seals, tapirs,
Leopards, lions, camels, mules and waves.
10. Bustle-bustle and bustle-bustle bustled and laughed.

C 1. Two chickens are running around right on the street.
2. Flowers are blooming in the flower garden.
3. Hyacinths were blooming in the gardener’s greenhouse,
swimsuits, cyclomena, tsenararia and zinnias.
4. Hyacinths and zinnias are blooming in the gardener’s flower garden.
5. A starling flies: winter is over.
6. The mischievous student received one.
7. The heron's chick clings tenaciously to the stump.
8. The heron wasted away, the heron was dry, the heron was dead.
9. In the circus there are not circulars and compasses, in the circus there are tigresses, lionesses and bears.
10. Lectures by the associate professor - about the location.
11. Well done green-white-lipped cucumbers.
12. The Macedonian fighter has a spear at the end of the window.
13. Grandfather’s father is father’s grandfather, father’s grandfather is grandfather’s father.
14. Fathers’ bolt is not from owls (z, s, c).
15. Sheel, soap, crooked spindle, silk towel - on the towel under the door.
16. You, well done, tell the well done: let the well done tell the well done, let the well done tie the calf.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - listen to boredom to the end.
Tsu-tsu-tsu - the matter is nearing the end.
Tsut-tsy-tsy - let's cut off all the ends.
Tset-tse-tse - what will we learn at the end?
Ets-ets-ets - winter is over.
Ets-ets - the starling is flying.
Tsa-tsa-tsa - we saw a starling.
Tsk-tsk-tsk - starlings are singing in the yard.
Tsa-tsa-tsa - two rings.
Tso-tso-tso - wash your face.
Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid an egg.
Tsk-tsk-tsk - they ate the cucumbers.

H 1. Thickets are more often in our Pushcha, in our Pushcha they are often thicker.
2. They put the pike into the river and put the pie in the oven.
3. At the top of the tower, rooks scream day and night.
4. It’s not bricks bursting on the stove at night. Rolls of bread are bubbling on the stove.
5. Swifts and siskins are chirping in the grove.
6. Thumbelina and her daughter have less than a dot.
7. Pull the strip out from under the kochedyk (the tool used to weave bast shoes).
8. The watchmaker, squinting his eye, is fixing the watch for us.
9. The turtle, not bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.
The turtle makes everyone laugh because he is in no hurry.
And why rush for someone who is always in his home.
10. Four turtles each have four turtles.
11. Streams gurgled and purred, bumblebees buzzed over the streams.
12. The teacups, in sadness, knocking and clinking, screamed.
13. Under the mat, under the ceiling, hangs half a container of peas without a worm, without a wormhole.
14. The shepherd in the sheepfold growled at the shepherd, the shepherd in the sheepfold growled at the shepherd.
15. Daddy has a daddy, and daddy's daddy has a daddy, and daddy's daddy's daddy has a daddy, and daddy's daddy's daddy's daddy doesn't have a daddy.
16. Lenochka and Olechka are the daughters of mommy Tanechka and daddy Igorechka and granddaughters of grandmothers Verochka and Lyudmilochka and grandfathers Yurochka and Volodechka.
17. Four little black little imps were drawing a drawing in black ink.
18. Our chebotar (shoemaker) is a chebotar to all chebotars, our chebotar cannot be outdone or overcharged by anyone - our chebotar will overtake and overtake everyone.
19. The river flows, the stove bakes, the river flows, the stove bakes.
20. The river flows, the stove bakes.
21. Half a quarter of a quarter of a pea without a wormhole.
22. If you did not live near a blackberry tree, but if you lived near a strawberry tree, then strawberry jam is familiar to you, and blackberry jam is not at all familiar to you.

Cha-cha-cha – Tanya was at the doctor’s.
Cha-cha-cha - a candle is burning in the room.
Chu-chu-chu- I knock with a hammer.
Chi-chi-chi - the rolls are steaming in the oven.
Hour, hour, hour - the kids started dancing.
Ooch-och-och - night has come.

Chok-chok is a spider.
Chok-chok - there's a spider behind the stove.
Chok-chok - a spider weaves a web.
Chok-chok - a spider is waiting for prey.

Sh 1. In the silence of the night, the rustling of a snake is barely audible near the reeds.
2. Masha has whey in her porridge.
3. Mom gave Romasha whey from yogurt.
4. Glasha was given curdled milk, and Glasha had porridge.
5. They gave curdled milk to Klasha. Klasha is dissatisfied:
“I don’t want yogurt, just give me porridge.”
6. There are six naughty girls in the hut.
7. Sasha knocked over some bumps with his hat.
8. On the window, the cat deftly catches a tiny midge with its paw.
9. The slippery cones rustled, noisily
splashed down from a pine tree. A layer of snow, like
shawl, will hide the bumps until spring.
10. Sasha sewed a hat for Sasha.
11. A hat and a fur coat - that’s all Mishutka is.
12. Mishka knocked down the pine cones with his hat.
13. Donuts and shanezhki - for Pashka and Sanechka.
14. Six little mice rustle in the reeds.
15. Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies; two smaller mice carried two pennies each.
16. Sixteen mice walked and six found pennies.
17. The mouse whispers to the mouse: “You keep rustling,
You’re not sleeping.” The mouse whispers to the mouse: “I will rustle more quietly.”
13. Spy and spy - millet.
14. A car was walking down the street, a car was walking without
gasoline, there was a car without an engine, there was a car
without a driver, she was walking, without knowing it, the car was walking... groovy.
15. Gleb walked with bread, Olya walked with salt.
16. Proshka made a mistake with the bowl - Proshka turned the bowl over.
17. Our conscience is a sail, even a storm will not frighten us.
18. Frol walked along the highway to Sasha to play checkers.
19. Cones on the pine tree, checkers on the table.
20. Maybe grandma knits, but ask - she won’t say (f, s, w).
21. Vanechka - Vanyushka, Tanechka - Tanyushka, Katechka - Katyushka, Nadechka - Nadyushka, Vitechka - Vityushka (h, w).
22. Pasha hid all the toys under the pillow. It’s stuffy with toys hidden under the pillow.
23. The seamstress sews pants for Masha, Pasha, Dasha and Natasha.
24. Cats breathe, mice breathe, bears and kids breathe.
25. Grandma Lusha was going to see baby Grusha. Lusha has big pears in her basket.
26. Grisha covers the roof for Gosha, Alyosha and Misha.
27. There are noodles on the sleepers.
28. Your spy will not out-spy our spy, but our spy will out-spy your spy.
29. Antoshka has a little porridge in his spoon, and Timoshka has a little potato in his spoon.
30. Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka.
31. Timoshka’s mongrel barked at Pashka. Pashka hits Timoshka's mongrel with his hat.
32. Although the pike is eager, it will not eat the ruff from its tail. A ruff is good for a ruff. (fishing equipment made of rods in the form of a bottle, funnel).
33. Old talkative women live in a hut at the edge of the forest. Every old lady has a basket. There's a cat in every basket. Cats in baskets sew boots for old women.
34. The old woman listened to the cuckoo crowing at the edge of the forest.
35. Masha stirs the porridge, and Misha interferes with Masha.
36. Masha has midges in her porridge. What should our Masha do? I put the porridge in a bowl and fed it to the cat
(S. Pogorelovsky).

A mouse squeaked among the reeds:
- Your rustling broke the silence!
The reeds whisper noisily:
- Hush, mouse, don’t rustle!
The cat will hear your rustle,
You should go to grandma, baby
If you disobey us, mouse,
The cat is going to grab you, stupid!
In general, mouse, don’t make a noise,
Better hurry to the hole.
The mouse didn't listen to them
The little girl squeaked again:
- For me, fearless,
cat -
What for the same cat
I haven't heard from you since then
Naughty braggart
Vladimir Kremnev.

Sha-sha-sha - we love the baby.
Sha-sha-sha - the mother washes the baby.
Sha-sha-sha - I’m sitting by the hut.
Shu-shu-shu - I'm writing a letter.
Ash - ash-ash - Marina has a pencil.
Shoo-shoo-shoo—the mouse jokes with the cat.
Ysh-ysh-ysh - the cat is afraid of the mouse.
Ysh-ysh-ysh - a mouse rustles under the bench.
Shey-shey-shey - I'm afraid of mice.
Oshka-oshka-oshka - the mouse catches the cat.
Eat, eat, eat, and you’ll get yourself a bump.
Ear-ear - here is my pillow
Ear-ear is a soft pillow.
Ear-ear - I put a pillow on the bed.
Ear-ear - I'll sleep on the pillow.

SCH 1. Wolves prowl, looking for food.
2. Swifts, tap dancers, goldfinches and siskins are chirping in the grove.
3. Two puppies, cheek to cheek, nibble the brush in the corner.
4. Masha, don’t look for us: we pluck sorrel for cabbage soup.
5. Wash your hands cleaner, more often.
6. If you don’t look for a goose’s mustache, you won’t find it.
7. The puppy squeaks pitifully, he is dragging a heavy shield.
8. The puppy eats sorrel cabbage soup by both cheeks.
9. Tongs and pliers - these are our things.
10. I brush my teeth with this brush, with this brush -
Ashmaki, I use this brush to clean my trousers, I need all three brushes.
11. Skinny, weak Koschey is dragging a box of vegetables.
12. Koschey screaming in the boiling cabbage soup.
13. The dapper bathhouse attendant sported a raincoat.
14. Don’t look for the predator’s nails!
15. The lizard has a chilling squint.
16. Pig bristles, pike scales, slits and cheeks.
17. I’m dragging the pike, dragging it, I won’t miss the pike.

Shcha-shcha-shcha - Vova caught a bream.
Shchi-schi-schi - bream live in the river.
One more thing - bream is a fish, not a thing.
Shcha-shcha-shcha - we are bringing home the bream.
Shcha-shcha-shcha - the pike is walking around the bream.
Shcha-shcha-shcha - the predator will not catch the bream.
Shcha-shcha-shcha - Sasha walks around without a raincoat.
Asch-asch-asch - we’ll put on a raincoat.
Pike-pike-pike - I’ll look for pike in the thicket.
Shchi-schi-schi - you, little mouse, are not food.

Y 1. Mila’s mother washed her with soap. Mila didn’t like soap.
2. Mila washed the bear with soap, Mila dropped the soap.
Mila dropped the soap and didn’t wash the bear with soap.
3. The pig dug, blunt-nosed, white-nosed, dug up half the yard with its snout, dug, dug, but didn’t even get to the hole. That's why the sow hare snouts, so that she digs.

YU 1. Yula spins around Yulka, sings, and doesn’t let Yulia and Yura sleep.
2. Yulka-Yulenka - a spinning top, Yulka was nimble. Yulka could not sit still for a minute.
3. Little Yulka, you are a neat little thing.
Yulka loves yumbrikas and plays with cubes.

I 1. My yacht is light and obedient, I will plow the seas on it.
2. The lizard was on a skiff, carrying apples to the fair in a box.
3. Once upon a time there lived three Japanese: Yak, Yak-tsedrak, Yak-tsedrak-tsedrak-tsedroni.
Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-dripa, Tsypa-dripa-dreampony. They all had a blast: Yak on Tsypa, Yak-tsedrac on Tsypa-drip, Yak-tsedrac-tsedrac-tsedroni on Tsypa-drip-drempompony. And they gave birth and children: Yak and Tsypa have Shah, Yak-tsedrak and Tsypa-dripa have Shah-sharakh, Yak-tsedrak-tsedrak-tsedroni with Tsypa-drippompony have Shah-sharakh-sharah-sharoni.

Byaka-byaka-byaka - that’s what a bully is.

Yal-yal-yal - the jelly is healthy, it contains starch.
Yar-yar-yar - the carpenter made the table and chair.


1. I.p. – arms are bent at the elbows in weight. Forcefully clench your fingers into a fist and unclench them.
2. I.p. - Same. Rotate with each finger. The fingers of the left hand rotate to the left, the fingers of the right hand rotate to the right.
3. I.p. - Same. Rotation of the hands to the right and left. The right hand rotates to the left, the left hand rotates to the right and vice versa.
4. I.p. - Same. Rotating your hands, as in exercise 3, raise and lower your arms to the starting position.
5. I.p. - Same. Circular rotation of the arms in the elbow joints in front of you, towards you and away from you.
6. I.p. - hands with fingers closed, palms facing forward. Move your thumbs to the side and, one by one, starting with the index finger, attach all the others. Next, move your little fingers to the side and attach all the other fingers to them in turn.
7. I.p. - fingers in the “lock”. Press your hands to your chest, turn your palms forward, stretch your arms forward.
8. I. p. – arms extended forward, palms to the side. Clasp your fingers in a “lock”, turn your hands towards yourself, return to the starting position.
9. I.p. the fingers are clasped together in a “lock”. Free movement of fingers in the “lock”.
10. Relax your hands, shake them to the beat of the music or randomly.

Fingers played hide and seek
And the heads were removed,
Like this, like this
And the heads were removed.

Rain, rain, pour it
There will be a loaf of bread,
There will be rolls, there will be baked goods,
There will be delicious cheesecakes.

The old man was walking along the road,
I found a goat without horns.
Come on, goat, let's jump.
We kick our legs.
And the goat butts
And the old man swears.

Dressed up legs
In new boots.
You walk, legs,
You walk - stomp,
Don't splash through puddles.
Don't go into the mud.
Don't tear your boots.


1. Blow the cotton wool from your palm.
2. Blow on a light object tied to a thread (cotton wool, a leaf, a cotton ball, a bug, a butterfly).
3. Blow into the bubble.
4. Inflate the balloon.
5. Blow on thin paper glued to cardboard.
6. Blow confetti or small paper off the table.
7. Blow into a straw.
8. Blow a paper snowflake from your palm.


"Let's pet the kitten"
Kitty, little kitty, wait,
I'll stroke you with my hand.
Give a relaxing exercise for your fingers.

"Our Baby"
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is our baby.
straighten your fingers alternately from your fist.

I will paint with a soft brush
A chair, a table and the cat Masha.
connect all the fingertips and make the “paint” movement.

"To work"
One thumb stood up
The index finger is behind him,
The middle one will be nameless,
He raised his little finger.
All the brothers stood up. - Hooray!
It's time for them to go to work.
extend your fingers from your fist.

The cat's daughter
There are claws on the paws.
Don't rush to hide them,
Let the kids watch.
press the pads of your right and left hands towards your palm.

A wasp sat on a flower
She drinks fragrant juice.
extend your index finger and rotate it.

The bunny went for a walk
And pick a carrot.
spread the index and middle fingers of the hand - “ears”.

"The chicken drinks water"
Our chicken was walking
I plucked fresh grass,
And drank some water
Straight from the trough.
Make the hand like a beak; tilt down, lift up.


1. Bulatov M. Thirty-three pies. Games, counting rhymes, collusions, tongue twisters, long twisters, boring fairy tales, riddles of the peoples of the Soviet Union. Collected and processed by M. Bulgakov. M., “Det. lit.”, 1973, - 239 p.
2. Zhirenka O.E., Gaidina L.I., Kochergina A.V. Learning Russian with passion: Formation of spelling literacy: grades 1-4. – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005. – 240 p. (Methodological library).
3. Zhirenko O.E., Gaidina L.I., Kochergina A.V. Learning Russian with passion - 2: Part of speech. Offer. Text. Speech development: grades 1-4. – M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005. – 204 p. – (Methodological library).
4. Naumenko G. Thirty-three Yegorki: Russian folk tongue twisters / Comp. G. Naumenko; M.: Det. lit., 1989.– 32 p. (Book by book).