Cool pioneer birthday cards. Happy Pioneer Day SMS

May 19 - Pioneer Day.
There is no longer a Soviet empire,
But, as before, our pioneer
A good example for kids!
Pioneer country, don't be bored,
And receive congratulations on your day.
I congratulate you, pioneers.
Good luck, success, health, I wish you!
Let the cry of the pioneers of the new years
It will be as before: “Always be prepared!”

Who is ready always and everywhere,
Who is kind and brave without measures?
Got a ton done in a day
Incorruptible pioneer!

He will always help the old
He will set an example for the younger ones
He will sell half a ton of newspapers for nothing,
Incorruptible pioneer!

Happy Pioneer Day. Always be ready - ready for hard work, a good deed, a big victory. I wish you to live an interesting and fun life, like a pioneer, I wish you the same wonderful, exciting, varied, bright, glorious life as the guys in red ties and caps.

Pioneer - it sounds proud,
Pioneers are respected everywhere.
Although their children don’t know them now,
But every adult remembers and knows them!

Today I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Those who proudly wore their scarlet tie.
Who has been to rallies and won more than once,
“I was ready” to help those who asked for it!

To a woman

You were a decent girl
I always studied well,
Helped everyone with everything
And she became a pioneer.

Today for you, pioneer,
The door to childhood will open,
Do you remember the past years,
Bonfires and chants, hikes.

And a tie and a school dress,
And your own class at the parade,
And many wonderful moments;
We wish you new achievements.

The pioneer bonfires are all blazing,
We are congratulated on Pioneer Day.
You must wear the Pioneer honor proudly,
Be ready for all challenges.

Help everyone and not for a reward,
And if they ask for something, then it must be done.
Always be ready for anything immediately.
It was fashionable to be a pioneer yesterday and now.

Happy Pioneer Day! Let's light a fire
And let’s start helping together again, like before,
Cross roads for elderly people
Collect waste paper and hardware!

After all, we still have a fiery enthusiasm,
The fire of great youth did not burn out.
Happy Pioneer Day! Be happy today
Be sure to forget about all your worries!

On this holiday we remember
Glorious, kind pioneers,
These brave guys
Were a pride, an example,
Pioneers were respected
Everyone - both adults and children,
They knew about this movement
People are all over the world!

It's such an honor to be pioneers
Everyone who was one remembers this!
We marched and sang songs willingly,
Everyone wore a red tie and a badge!

Eh, there were times we once had,
And it seems like everything happened yesterday!
Let's shout together, guys,
It's Hurray for Pioneer Day!

What a pride it is to be a pioneer
And join the squad together!
Become a serious example for children
And work for good deeds.

Who hasn't forgotten about the scarlet tie,
About the spring march and the badge,
From my heart I wish you glory,
I send greetings and congratulations!

This tribe is young, youthful and daring,
Doesn’t offend kids - “honestly pioneering”.
Respects old age, happy to help everyone,
And they don’t need any reward for their work.
We will congratulate the young eagles in May,
Any of them is ready to fight for honor and truth!

Pioneer Day is celebrated on May 19. On this day, it is worth congratulating your family and friends on this holiday from childhood. You may wish to stay strong in spirit and always achieve your dreams.

In the USSR, this holiday began to be celebrated in 1922. Nowadays, in many cities this celebration is not official. However, the authorities of many cities organize a cultural program for people on Pioneer Day

Happy Pioneer Day funny pictures: congratulations with exciting postcards

In honor of Pioneer Day, you can congratulate your loved ones with a postcard that will remind loved ones of their childhood.

By sending greeting card friends, you can write interesting fact about the holiday. An example would be the song “Raise the fires, blue nights,” which was written based on the march.

They became pioneers at the age of 9 for certain personal merits. You can wish a person on this day to always achieve their goals.

Traditionally, Pioneer Day is celebrated on May 19. Using a postcard, you can remind people you know about the importance of the history of this holiday.

When sending a picture to your loved ones, you should also wish to honor traditions Soviet people.

This postcard can attract a person’s attention, and also invite you to take the oath of a true pioneer.

Happy Pioneer Day funny pictures: history of the holiday

The Pioneer Day holiday began to be celebrated back in 1922. During the second all-Russian conference Komsomol decided to establish this celebration. Traditionally, in the USSR, in childhood, a citizen was an October child, then became a pioneer, and later a Komsomol member. A person became a pioneer after reaching the age of 10 years. In 1924, the pioneer community was renamed Lenin, in honor of the leader of the Soviet people. It was an honor for every young pioneer to bear this title, because it was given for excellent studies or any personal achievements.

To become pioneers there was a long preparation. It was necessary to learn the history of the organization, the biographies of the pioneers who accomplished special feats. At the Pioneer Organization meeting itself, participants voted for a new member to join their community. On April 22, the leader’s birthday, the pioneers solemnly took an oath. The best pioneers were given red bands around their necks, as well as badges on their chests.

The holiday itself began with a pioneer parade in many cities; ceremonial lineup. Music was played, songs were sung and awards were given to the pioneers who had distinguished themselves during the year. After this event, the celebration was transferred to the stadium where the matches were held. At the end of the entire cultural program, the pioneers went for walks in parks, ride attractions and eat in cafes.

Nowadays, Pioneer Day is celebrated unofficially in many cities. Some cities continue to cherish the traditions of Soviet times, and it is on this day that cultural events are held. public events. Older generation walks with his children in the parks, listens to parade music and has fun, remembering his childhood.

May 19, 1922 is the pioneer’s birthday. correspondent found in Volgograd region an entire school whose students wear red ties every day and compete to see who has collected the most waste paper.

The school is international

I went to this school with my 10-year-old son Vanya. He's too interested in Lately era of the USSR. I dug up old things in my grandfather’s garage - a first aid kit Soviet-style, gas mask, badges and coins. Therefore, he really wanted to see real pioneers.

Modern pioneers are the most large organization in the Volgograd region - they live in the village of Primorsk. The population here is only 3,200 people. There is practically no asphalt here, mostly dirt roads. Cows and horses crawled across the steppe. high-rise, apartment buildings No. Only private farmsteads, next to which chickens roam. There is a school in the very center of the village.

The inscription on the facade of the school. Photo: AiF/ Nadezhda Kuzmina

The school is the same age as the village itself, which was formed during the construction of the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station. Quotes are still preserved on its facade - “Citizens of the USSR have the right to free education” and the legendary - “Lenin bequeathed to us: study, study and study.”

And the students themselves are truly international, like greetings from former USSR. Russians, Uzbeks, Turks, Kalmyks, Koreans, Azerbaijanis - all of them proudly wear red ties.

Volgar kids first

The first pioneer detachment appeared in the seaside school in 2004. Senior counselor Olga Naslednikova does not hide the fact that in some ways this was her dream. After all, she was once also first a pioneer, then the chairman of a detachment, and the secretary of a Komsomol organization.

“In 1995, pioneering was revived in the Volgograd region. Then schools began to join, detachments began to appear. We, too, having learned about this, revived our pioneer organization. At first we had only one detachment, then two. Now there is already such a large organization - 7 teams according to the number of classes from 4 to 8,” says the teacher.

Regardless of nationality, all schoolchildren wear red ties. Photo: AiF/ Nadezhda Kuzmina

Before becoming pioneers, junior high school students go to Volgariat. These are like the October people who were there before. The responsibilities of the Volgars are similar to those of the Octobrists: to love the Motherland, help each other, be honest and study well. And only in the 4th grade does a Volgarenka have the right to wear a red tie. To join the pioneers, fourth-graders write applications addressed to the senior counselor, and at the bottom of the sheet the parents put their signature that they agree with the choice of their son or daughter.

Statement by a future pioneer. Photo: AiF/ Nadezhda Kuzmina

Schoolchildren rush to talk about how much they like being pioneers.

“A pioneer - he is the first in everything. Helps the defenseless,” say the Dadashov sisters, Gunay and Vusala. — We help everyone who needs help - veterans, children, the village. We are organizing some events.” However, they cannot talk about their actions in more detail - they look like chicks at the counselor. Even the largest event, Victory Day, is remembered with a hint.

“We have no worship of Lenin”

On May 9, in Primorsk, as throughout the country, there was a parade and Immortal Regiment, and the Victory Banner, on which the students wrote the names of all their relatives who went through the war. And, of course, the most honored guests are veterans. In total, the schoolchildren are supervised by four war veterans. Them Special attention. But schoolchildren do not forget about the ordinary old people of the village, about those who are lonely or simply need help. Someone will get potatoes from the cellar, someone will get food from the store, or they will dig up trees in the garden. Olga Naslednikova says that this is for children a big joy- to be needed by someone.

Olga Naslednikova herself was a pioneer and Komsomol member. Photo: AiF/ Nadezhda Kuzmina

“We don’t worship Lenin. We live by the laws of being the best. Pioneer means first. We want our children to be the first, the leaders,” Olga Naslednikova clarifies. — Pioneers take care of lonely people, not necessarily veterans. They themselves are looking for “addresses of care.” Like Timur and his team. But we do not idealize any party. We have public organization, we do not bear the name of Lenin.”

“And I know who Lenin is,” Vanya suddenly says. - This is like a president or sovereign during the USSR. He helped his people a lot, signed all sorts of agreements at factories.”

"They want to be together"

“Look how to tie a tie correctly. First you make a vertical knot, then a horizontal one,” the girls from the Pioneer activists demonstrate the intricacies of tying a Pioneer tie. They also know how to play pioneer marches on the drums. True, for every 6 young drummers there is only one drummer - Seryozha Egorov. He is especially valued here - after all, he can also play the bugle.

“Children are interested in this, probably because they want to be together,” Olga Naslednikova answers the question of why young people today are so drawn to a seemingly outdated ideology. — There is not enough communication, the Internet takes up a lot of time. And all such pioneering activities are joint endeavors. They went somewhere together to visit veterans, together they went to collect waste paper, they competed for something. Each detachment has links. They compete with each other, just like the squads. We are holding a “Pioneer of the Year” competition. There they evaluate the studies, the classroom, the school duty, and the condition of the school grounds. They try to be leaders in everything. This is a very kind competition, and not just going and punching someone.”

Revive the Komsomol

Olga shows cards with questions to which exemplary pioneers should know the answers: “When do the fireworks go off?”, “Play a drum march,” “What do you know about Sasha Filippov?”, “Insert the missing words into the text of the pioneer song.” Winners school competition they will go to the region, and from there the best will go to the region and, if they are lucky, to Moscow. Primorsky pioneers have already represented the Volgograd land at a gathering of the best pioneers in the capital. They hope to win now.

Schoolchildren are preparing for the Pioneer of the Year competition. Photo: AiF/ Nadezhda Kuzmina

“Our organization is the largest in the region. So that the whole school, I haven’t met,” says senior counselor, teacher-organizer Olga Naslednikova. “But every year there are fewer and fewer events for us. We are stewing in our own juice. About 10 years ago the movement was more extensive. The pioneers met with Maresyev, went to Zvezdny and met with cosmonaut Malyshev.”

And they dream of reviving the Komsomol. Photo: AiF/ Nadezhda Kuzmina

But the Primorskaya School is not used to despair. To the beginning of a new one school year Here they plan to revive... the Komsomol. In the meantime, students starting from the 9th grade are simply called high school students.

The entire time I was talking with the schoolchildren and the senior counselor, who was giving me a tour of the school, my son listened attentively and took photos. And then he said: “Mom, please, let’s move here. I want to be a pioneer too.”

P.S. This is partly mine professional holiday- In my youth I worked at the Senior Pioneer Leader school.

Therefore, I want to congratulate all past, present and future pioneers on the Holiday!