The numeral name has constant and inconstant characteristics. Grammatical features of cardinal numbers

A numeral is a part of speech that serves to indicate the number, quantity and order of objects. Numerals answer the questions: how many? Which? which? Examples: three, one hundred twenty-seven, first, both, four.

Quantity can also mean other parts of speech. In contrast, numerals can be written not only in words, but also in numbers: five (or 5) hockey players (number) - the magnificent five (noun).

Simple and compound numbers

Based on the number of words, numerals are divided into simple and compound. Simple ones consist of one stem, compound ones - of two stems or several words.

  • Simple - have one base (describe one number): one, three, eight.
  • Complex ones - have two bases (describe two numbers), are written together: thirteen, seventy.
  • Compounds - consist of several words, written separately: two thousand fourteen, one hundred eighty.

In compound numerals, the number of words is equal to the number of significant figures, not counting zeros, but with the addition of the words thousand, million, etc. and taking into account the continuous writing of complex numerals: 102 - one hundred and two, 1501 - one thousand five hundred and one.
Numerals ending in “-thousandth”, “-millionth”, “-billionth”, etc. are written together: five thousandth (bill), one hundred and twenty millionth (budget).

Meaning and grammatical features

Depending on their meaning and use, numerals are divided into cardinal and ordinal.

There are also other types of numerals that are usually not considered in the school curriculum: counting (single case, binary code), multiplicative (double impact, triple benefit), indefinite quantity (few, several). The classification of numerals is a controversial issue, since different authors and philologists identify different types of numerals. But in the school curriculum everything is simple, cardinal and ordinal numbers are studied.

Morphological characteristics

A numeral is an inflected part of speech; numerals are declined according to cases. The initial form of the numeral is the nominative case.

All cardinal numbers (integers, collective numbers, fractions) change by case. The numeral one varies by gender (one, one, one) and numbers (one, one), the numeral two changes by gender (two, two).

Ordinal numbers change according to cases, numbers and genders. The ordinal number agrees with the noun; in the phrase, the ordinal number is a dependent word: the first car, the second car, the third bell.

The main page of the site describes in detail the declension of all types of numerals with rules, exceptions and examples.

Syntax function

Cardinal numbers can be any part of a sentence. Ordinal numbers are more often a determiner, less often a predicate and subject.
Twenty is divisible by five (the numeral twenty is the subject).
Six six - thirty six (the numeral thirty six is ​​the nominal part of the predicate).
We are traveling in the fifth carriage (the numeral fifth is the definition).
The war ended in 1945 (in 1945 - a circumstance of the time).

A cardinal number in combination with a noun is one member of a sentence.
Eight employees of our company are going on a business trip tomorrow (eight employees - subject).
The working day begins at eight o'clock (at eight o'clock - circumstance).

Numeral gender

The numeral gender can be written together, with a hyphen, or separately.

It is written together: if it means “half” and is part of a compound word, the second part of which is a noun in the genitive case and begins with a consonant: half a kilogram, half a kilometer, half a third, half an hour;
if it is part of an adverb: half turn, in a low voice;
the word half-liter and the word quarter are written together as part of complex words: quarterfinal. It is written with a hyphen: before a vowel, before the letter l, before a proper name: half-island, half-lemon, half-Russia. It is written separately: if it has an independent meaning and is related to the subsequent noun through an agreed definition: half a tablespoon, half a bag of sugar.

Abbreviated spelling

Ordinal numbers can have one or two letters on the right (3rd, 21st), there are no other options. If part of the word is written in numbers, and part in letters with its own root, then the increment on the right is not applied (10th anniversary, 2-tone, 3 percent). In all numbers, starting with five-digit ones, their entire part is divided by non-breaking spaces into groups of three digits: 18,789,300, 25,000 (but 200, 3700). If four-digit numbers are used in the same column or list with numbers of a higher order, then they are divided into groups: 15,000, 2,000, 145,000. A non-breaking space in Windows is set by simultaneously pressing Alt + Shift + Space, for MAC - Alt + Space.

Spelling not with numerals

Negation with numerals Not written separately. Examples: not two, not the first on the list, not the prime meridian passes through our city.

Using zero and zero

Both forms are acceptable. The use of each form has its own rationale.

  • When counting and comparing, the form zero is most often used: zero is less than one, zero whole and one tenth.
  • In the terminological meaning, the zero form predominates: the sum is equal to zero, the street temperature is kept at zero.
  • Both forms occur in set expressions: zero attention, at twenty zero-zero, reduce to zero, temperature of absolute zero.
  • The adjective is often formed from the form zero: zero kilometer, zero mileage.

1.What are the constant features of a numeral name?

The numeral one retains in the modern language the old declension on the model of full adjectives (one, one, one, etc.); It has genus(one option, one line, one hole) and a formal indicator of multiple numbers(one sleigh, one skate);

The numerals two, three, four have the same declension, while maintaining gender differences (two toys, two bananas, two windows). In oblique cases, two, three, four agree with nouns (two, three, four portfolios);

The numerals five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten retained their declension according to the type of nouns of the 3rd declension (bone, night, daughter, steppe);

Numerals from eleven to nineteen, twenty and thirty change according to the 3rd type of declension of nouns;

The numerals forty, ninety and one hundred have only one form in all cases: forty, ninety and hundred;

Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives;

Fractional numerals are combinations, the first part of which is a cardinal numeral, and the second is an ordinal number, taking the form of either the nominative singular feminine case or the genitive plural case: one seventh, two second four hundredths;

Collective numerals are declined as pronouns or full adjectives: two - two, five - five.

2.What non-constant features of a numeral depend on its rank?

The presence and determination of gender, number, and case depends on the category of numerals. There are the following categories: quantitative, ordinal, fractional, collective.

3.Which numerals are declined as adjectives?
Ordinal numbers are declined like adjectives: tenth, tenth, tenth, etc.
4.What is the difference between simple and complex numbers?
Simple, or non-derivative (names of units of the first ten, as well as forty, one hundred, thousand). They have the same root. Compounds have two roots: thirteen, thirty, fifty, five hundred.
5.What are called compound numerals?
Compound numerals are combinations of two or more numerals (thirty-five, forty-four, two thousand one hundred forty-seven, forty-two, fifty-three, one hundred eighty-four.
6. What is the peculiarity of the declension of complex cardinal numerals?
Their declination is varied:

Numerals from eleven to nineteen, as well as twenty and thirty, change according to the 3rd type of declension of nouns;

In the numerals from fifty to eighty, as well as from five hundred to eight hundred, both parts change;

The numeral ninety has only one form in all cases: ninety.
7.Which compound numerals change each word during declension, and which ones change only the last one?
For quantitative compound numerals, all words change, but for ordinal compound numerals, only the last word changes: forty-five - forty-five, forty-fifth - forty-fifth.
Compound numerals must be distinguished from complex adjectives formed on the basis of a noun and a numeral. Such adjectives are written together. Wed: twenty-five years - twenty-five years, thirty-three days - thirty-three days.
8. In what cases is a soft sign written in numerals?
For the cardinal numerals five - nineteen, twenty and thirty, the soft sign is written at the end, and for the numerals fifty - eighty, five hundred - nine hundred - in the middle of the word. In practice, it can be determined this way: if there is a soft sign at the end of the numeral, then it is not in the middle.
9. Which names of numbers are written separately, and which ones together?
1. The cardinal numbers are written together, the last part of which is -ten, -one hundred, -hundred, and the ordinal numbers formed from them: seventy - seventieth, six hundred - six hundredth.
2. Ordinal numbers in -hundredth, -thousandth, -millionth, -billionth are written together: eight-millionth, twenty-thousandth (or 8-millionth, 20-thousandth).
3. Compound cardinal numerals and formed ordinal numbers are written separately: forty-five - forty-fifth.
4. Complex adjectives, the first part of which is a numeral, are written together: forty-degree, nine-story.
5. Fractional numbers are written separately: four ninths, one second.

1.7. Lesson summary

2.1- 2.3. Dictionary of concepts and terms

6. 1. - 6.3. This is interesting

7.Let's smile

8.1. Check yourself.

11. Mastery Material

17. Homework

There are two types of numerals - cardinal and ordinal. Collective numbers. (1.1).

Morphological and semantic features of cardinal numerals (1.2)

Structure of cardinal numbers (1.3)

Syntactic features of cardinal numbers (1.4)

Morphological, semantic and syntactic features of ordinal numbers (1.5)

Spelling of numerals (1.6)

Lesson summary (1.7)

1.1. Two types of numerals. Cardinal and ordinal numbers. Their morphological, semantic and syntactic features.

Numerals are words that mean quantity or serial number homogeneous objects. Usually distinguish cardinal and ordinal numbers.

Cardinal numbers denote number of items (Such was the Battle of Borodino, in which, according to the French, it was necessary100 shots each at every moment on their part; and on the part of the Russians it could not have been less, if you pay attention to the superior number of our guns / Ratch V.F. Public lectures given at the Guards Artillery. "Artillery Journal", 1861, p.839/ or called any number and answer the question How many? (The value of the information transmitted by Ekol via his walkie-talkie is equal tozero - a purely amateur work, I would even say - a caricature of intelligence, some kind of mishmash of gossip and false information. / Trepper L. The Big Game/).

Quantity can also be denoted by other parts of speech, such as nouns (three, two) , but only numerals can express the number of objects in both words and numbers.

Among cardinal numbers there are differences the following ranks: denoting whole numbers ( three, eleven, forty), fractional (five sevenths, one tenth) And collective ; the latter allow several objects to be perceived as one whole, i.e. transmit their numberas a totality (eg. two, four, seven ):..But the house does not belong to him alone, but to usfour (A. Chekhov).

Cardinal and collective numbers change by case (four, without four, with four, about four...; four, four, four...) , majority of which do not change according to childbirth/ only numerals have gender and change by number one, two, both, one and a half, thousand, million, billion, etc./; rest do not change in numbers . Their numerical values ​​are expressed by the root therefore, the grammatical expression of number would be superfluous for them.

These grammatical features distinguish cardinal numbers from all other parts of speech. If we compare numerals and nouns that have only the singular form ( oil, oil ) or plural ( weekdays, day, sleigh ), note that the plurality of nouns can be expressed indirectly, syntactically: for example, works s weekdays are holidays for us; There are different types of oil s stamps , oil different s species. A Cardinal numbers no way- neither morphologically nor syntactically - cannot distinguish between singular and plural.

From the semantic side cardinal numbers are names abstract numbers, not complicated by any meanings. For example, both words two And deuce denote quantity, but only the first is a numeral ( two) , because it matters abstract number, i.e. any two objects, actions, phenomena, etc.; its meaning is limited only to indicating the number in certain counting units. And the word deuce is the name of the quantity combining this value with names of different objects: 1) number two, 2) negative assessment of academic performance in a five-point system – deuce again! , 3) playing card with two points - deuce of hearts, 4) a two-rowed boat, a dinghy, 5) a woman’s suit, consisting of two items - a sleeveless blouse and a light jacket, usually made of the same type of fabric and matching colors, 6) /in colloquial speech/ the name of various types of transport, called numbers two (trolleybus, bus, tram) by route number - goes to the stadium deuce. Designation of quantity in a word deuce devoid of the abstract character characteristic of numerals; it has subject matter as the main one, therefore applies to nouns.


  • didactic material (Step No. 1,2,3,4,5,7)
  • graphic projector
  • Forms of cooperation: group, collective

    During the classes

    First step. I'll check your homework

    1. Read the text. How do you think, what does it teach this text?

    2. Write down the numerals in two columns. By what principle did you distribute these numerals into two columns?

    The famous inventor Thomas Edison lived and worked in America. In the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, the first electric light bulb of his design was lit. Do you know how much paper he spent writing down experiments until he came up with his discovery? Forty thousand pages!

    Edison said that in order to discover or invent something, you need to put one percent of innate genius and ninety-nine percent of persistent, hard work.

    Second step. I'll find mistakes have to put one percent of innate genius and ninety-nine percent of persistent, hard work

    One (percent)

    1. (How many?) one. N.f. one. The name is numeral, denotes quantity.

    2. Morph. signs.

    1. Post:
    a) simple;
    b) quantitative;
    c) whole.
    2. Non-post.: I.p.

    3. Synth. role – subject.

    Third step. Formulating the lesson topic

    1. Think about why I suggested you complete this task? / Write down the topic of the lesson in a notebook.
    2. Using supporting words, formulate the purpose of the lesson

    identify …………………………………………………………………………………
    formation of skills…………………and…determine…………………………………………………………

    Fourth step. I will determine the morphological features of ordinal numbers by completing the following tasks:

    1) Fill in table " Morphological features of cardinal numbers, adjectives and ordinal numbers »

    Signs Quantitative numerals Ordinal numerals from exercise 403. Ordinal numerals Adjective




    Twenty fifth

    one thousand nine hundred


    in the twelfth



    category: qualitative-relative-possessive




    A) fill in table columns 1, 4 / if you have any difficulties, you can refer to the textbook p. 108, 162-163;

    b) exercise 403. Read text. Find ordinals. Write it out to a table column 2 ;

    V) look pay attention to ordinal numbers and think about it, do the constant features of ordinal numbers coincide with the constant features of cardinal numbers? Fill in the table column 3: indicate these signs

    G) highlight for ordinal numbers ending, what non-constant signs are indicated by the endings of ordinal numbers?

    With inconsistent signs of what parts of speech do they match? Fill in the column 3 .

    Fifth step. I will draw a conclusion: what are the constant and non-constant morphological features of ordinal numbers?

    Read the rule p. 173 . Let's compare the result obtained with the content of the scientific and educational text.

    Sixth step. Have you learned I gained knowledge

    Assignment: complete exercise 404. / one student completes the task on tape for control /

    Seventh step. I'll analyze the recording

    eight hundred


    eight hundred



    eight hundred


    (two numerals taken from home exercise)

    A) I'll highlight finish e for ordinal numbers
    b) I'll determine, what is the ordinal number composition: simple, complex, compound ?
    V) I'll determine case
    G) I'll think about it what we must remember when declination (changes by cases) data on the composition of ordinal numbers?
    G) I'm reading rule p.174.
    d) which one new information I received)?

    Eighth step. Did I assimilate the acquired knowledge? ?

    Exercise: do it exercise 405. Write it down offers. Numbers write it down words. Explain spelling unstressed vowel at the end of ordinal numbers.

    Ninth step. I write down my homework: pp. 173-174 (rule); Exercise 408.

    Tenth step. Summing up.

    Name it key topic words.

    /constant morphological characteristics:
    simple, complex, compound;
    inconsistent morphological characteristics:
    case, number, gender/

    Numbers play an important role in everyday life; people use them to determine the number of objects, count time, determine mass, value and order when counting. Words that can be designated in writing by writing letters and numbers are called numerals. Another definition is: numerals are words denoting the serial number of an object or quantity.

    Grammatical signs of numerals

    All lexemes denoting integer and fractional numbers, as well as the number of people, animals or objects, are a special group of words, the composition of which is fully formed and does not change.

    Such units are one of the important, or, as they also say, significant parts of speech and can have several designations:

    The concept of number as such: five, ten, fifteen and so on;

    Number of specific items: two cars, six houses;

    The cumulative value of several items that were counted.

    Accordingly, the questions to them sound like this: what is the count? which? How many? Depending on the meaning and the question that the numeral name answers, they are divided into several types (we will talk about this a little later).

    For example: Thirty (subject) is divisible by ten. Six six - thirty six(nominal part of the predicate). Speaking about the place of numerals in a sentence, it should be noted that they can be both main and secondary members. Another feature is that the numeral as a part of speech is a non-replenishable group of words. All forms used in oral and written speech are formed exclusively from the names of numbers. In a syntactic construction, a numeral as a part of speech can be either part of the main or part of a secondary member of a sentence.

    Note! The numeral denoting quantity and the noun associated with it always act as one inseparable member of the sentence. For example: We walked until six in the morning. Swimming pool classes start at five o'clock. The girls collected twenty-five daisies.

    Types of numerals

    Next, you should highlight the initial form of the word being analyzed, what category it belongs to (ordinal or cardinal), structure (simple or compound) and features of its declension by case.

    The next step is to identify non-constant features. These are case, gender and number, if these can be recognized.

    At the end of the analysis, they describe the syntactic function of the word in a sentence, what part of speech it is associated with and whether it is consistent with it. And although such an analysis of the numeral is unlikely to be useful to anyone in life (except perhaps to future philologists), for the correct use of words in speech and writing, it is simply necessary to be able to produce it.