Second higher education online. We receive a second higher education on the basis of higher education remotely

Which institute or university should I go to in Moscow full-time, part-time, remotely, after 11th grade, college, get a second higher education, transfer from university to university without losing my course?

Entering the Moscow Institute is a reasonable and deliberate step. It is here that you will receive a high-quality, in-demand education in your chosen specialty. Excellent teaching staff, technical equipment, rich student life and employment are guaranteed to those who enroll in full-time, part-time, distance learning, and correspondence courses. For distance learning students, a wealth of teaching material, a universal personal account and educational consultation have been collected. Students who have completed a transfer from institute to institute are guaranteed

1. translation without losing the course

2. maintaining the form and cost of training.

How to choose a specialty, form of study at the institute?

Full-time training - Requires mandatory attendance at lectures, practical classes, and laboratory work. Usually the school week is five days, rarely six days, depending on the schedule. .

Distance learning - Involves mandatory attendance at lectures, practical classes, and laboratory work twice a year for two weeks. Usually divided into winter and summer sessions. .

Distance learning - Conducted using Internet technologies using special training programs. All tests and exams are taken exclusively electronically (remotely). .

Specialties of institutes and universities in Moscow. .

Where can I study during the year?

Admission within a year is possible by transfer from university to university.

In a number of educational institutions, enrollment in correspondence and distance learning is possible within a year. (Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law and Institute of Business Careers)

If I don’t live in Moscow, is it possible to go to college or university on a budget?

Nonresident citizens and citizens of foreign countries enter Moscow institutes and universities on a general basis in accordance with the admission rules. When enrolling in full-time study, residence permit or registration in Moscow is required.

How much does it cost to enroll and attend distance learning at the institute?

The cost of studying at the institute depends on the choice of form of study. The approximate cost of training is presented here.

Every year the conditions for admission to the university become more and more difficult. One of the main factors for admission to a university is passing the Unified State Exam. It is much easier for modern schoolchildren finishing 11th grade to pass all these tests, but what if you graduated from school 5, 10, 15 years ago? It is very difficult to improve your knowledge over the past years, and the school curriculum has changed... There is a reasonable way out of this situation - enrolling in college and further studying at the institute! After receiving a college diploma, graduates enter the institute without passing the Unified State Exam for shortened training programs.

The School - College - University program is suitable for applicants who have completed the 9th grade of high school and do not want to continue their studies in the 11th grade. Those who want to quickly obtain a specialty, find a prestigious job and continue their studies at the institute.

One higher education is good, but two?

Increasingly, people with a university diploma are thinking about sitting down again and getting a second higher education in absentia or full-time.

Do you also feel the need for new knowledge? Is your professional activity at the intersection of specialties and do you need additional competencies? Or maybe you are disappointed in your profession and want to correct your mistake by choosing a new direction of study?

The “Bachelor-Master” website will help you navigate offers from universities for a second education.

Obtaining a second higher education: reasons

  • The profession with the first diploma is not in demand on the labor market.
  • Low average salary in the field to which the first specialty belongs.
  • The need for knowledge in new or related areas (for example, management, IT, marketing, law, etc.).
  • The desire to occupy a leadership position often prompts engineers, doctors, and teachers to obtain management qualifications.
  • The work on my first degree was disappointing. The phrase “this is not mine” is often heard by career consultants from their clients.
  • The person has never worked with his first degree, or there was a long break in his working life. Changing life guidelines, searching for new ways of development.

Why is the second higher education distance learning* the most popular form of repeated education?

The second education is received by adults, independent people, often with their own families. Naturally, they are already working in one field or another. Distance technologies, as noted by students and educational specialists, are most adapted to the needs and capabilities of busy people:

  • individual training schedule,
  • your pace of completing the educational program,
  • low cost of training compared to other forms,
  • current database of digital educational materials,
  • professionalism of course developers and lecturers,
  • remote consultations, webinars, discussions.

Private and public universities set minimum requirements for admission to a second higher education course remotely*. As a rule, the applicant does not pass the exams. Entrance tests are organized in the form of an interview, including remotely.

You will learn how to get a second higher education in absentia in Moscow or another region of Russia on the “Bachelor-Master” resource, which was created specifically to provide



Administrative support for those who are thinking about how to build their educational route.

Second higher education remotely* at a public or private university?

Don't know which university to choose? Have you heard that the level of education in commercial educational institutions is lower? Free yourself from stereotypes and study the educational organizations offered on your own. After listening to the feedback from today's and yesterday's students and employers, you will understand that private education today competes with public education on equal terms. And often it is a leader in the field of educational information technologies used and the introduction of educational innovations. This is explained by the greater flexibility of the management system, as well as the desire to gain a strong foothold in the educational market.

Second higher education: how many years to study?

This question worries everyone who is thinking about getting a second specialty. The duration of study, as a rule, is shorter than if we were talking about entering a university for the first time. Depending on the chosen area of ​​training, the educational institution:

  • Offers training in groups with those who do not yet have a university diploma. In this case, your training is organized according to an individual plan; the disciplines that are re-taught for you do not need to be attended. The training period is usually the same as if you were studying for the first time.
  • Organizes separate groups of those who intend to obtain a second higher education in absentia. In this case, you will complete your training faster.

How to apply for a second higher education remotely?

Specialists of the Bachelor-Master project often hear this question.

On the pages of specific programs are posted:

  • Detailed admission rules,
  • List of required documents,
  • List of entrance tests.

As a rule, upon admission you are not required to present USE results. Competitive selection for the second higher education involves passing an interview or testing. In many educational institutions, when choosing a distance* form of education, the applicant has the opportunity to submit documents (send by mail, send scanned copies) and pass entrance examinations remotely.

Do you feel like you won’t be able to understand the flow of information in order to get a second degree remotely*? Can't choose a university? Do not panic.

Distance learning* under the second higher education program is offered by both state universities and private ones. Explore the “Bachelor-Master” resource. With it you:

  • Get access to information on all educational programs of the second higher education.
  • Promptly study educational institutions that offer second higher education and the conditions for admission.
  • Understand the possibilities of receiving education remotely*.
  • You will understand what your professional prospects are when choosing one or another area of ​​training.
  • Get acquainted with the organization of the distance* learning process at partner universities.
  • Consider the benefits of a second higher education compared to other forms.
  • Get step-by-step instructions on how to proceed when applying to a university remotely*.

If, after working on an educational project on your own, you still have questions, the specialists of the “Bachelor-Master” website are always ready to help you. To do this you need:

  • Select from the catalog of second higher education programs the one that interests you.
  • Fill out all the points in the feedback form in detail.
  • Wait for a consultation within 4 business hours.
  • Get answers to all your questions from a specialist.
  • Follow the recommendations received for further actions.

Admission remotely*, although different from the traditional procedure, is much simpler and faster. With the “Bachelor-Master” resource, you can be sure that you are on the right educational path!

*Correspondence course using distance learning technologies.

, Remote education, education via the Internet - behind these definitions today there is not some fashionable and dubious “trick”, but a fundamentally new, high-tech approach to the process of knowledge transfer. And the fact that obtaining higher education remotely today is becoming increasingly popular, and the number of universities offering education using distance learning technologies has grown sharply, is explained not only by the development of information technology. Internet education, and especially obtaining higher correspondence distance education has a number of fundamental and already generally recognized conveniences for the student.


Learning using distance technologies accessible from virtually anywhere in the country. To receive education remotely, you only need access to the Internet and a personal computer. You can study even in Moscow, even at the end of the world, at home, in the country, and even, excuse me, on the sofa. This is often a decisive factor for those who want to combine work with study, are busy with household responsibilities (such as young mothers) or cannot leave their place of residence for health reasons.

Comfort and efficiency

Very flexible and convenient education system. In fact, the student himself sets the parameters for acquiring knowledge, choosing both the schedule and pace of classes. At the same time, for a person receiving distance education, there is no problem of finding educational materials and manuals - he receives them automatically. And, in addition, when learning using distance technologies, it is possible to gain knowledge from the best teachers who would hardly travel to lecture in some remote corner of the country.

Democracy and variability

When learning using distance technologies, there are virtually no age, professional, educational, etc. restrictions. Moreover. A student can equally successfully obtain a higher or second higher education remotely. Likewise, there is a wide range of higher professional education programs through “distance learning”. It covers a wide variety of areas of study. For example, at our university you can get distance higher legal education, as well as distance higher education in the program of state and municipal management. And since 2011 we have been preparing distance bachelors jurisprudence, management, economics. That is, there are many options for obtaining correspondence distance education. The main thing is to choose a university with training using distance technologies, where everything is worked out and adjusted.


It should be noted that training using distance technologies, especially distance education in Moscow, much cheaper than the traditional one. True, there is an opinion that receiving higher education remotely, no matter what learning systems using distance technologies are used, is “not quite right.” They say that the distance learning form is a certain simplification, and the education itself received via the Internet is of lower quality. Actually this is not true.

In any education system using distance technologies, as, for example, in our university, constant monitoring is carried out, which ensures high quality of distance education. Besides, in learning using distance technologies knowledge assessment systems are objective and independent of anyone. Here, it is impossible for the teacher to single out a “favorite” or give a “biased” grade.

Often, those who want to get an education via the Internet fear that the employer may not like the entry in the diploma about some kind of “distance learning”. Therefore, it is important to immediately understand that the diploma indicates the form of education in accordance with the Law “On Education”. And in this case - in absentia. That is learning using distance technologies is a technology of correspondence education, And the word "remote" in the diploma is simply not is being written.

By the way, in February 2012, amendments were made to the legislation on education, according to which (Federal Law dated February 28, 2012 No. 11-FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in parts of the application of e-learning, distance educational technologies") e-education and distance educational technologies (DET) can be used in all educational programs implemented by educational institutions, in all forms of education.

The law clearly states that under distance educational technologies refers to educational technologies implemented mainly using information and telecommunication networks with indirect (at a distance) interaction between students and teaching staff.

In addition, it has been determined that the structure of federal state educational standards will henceforth include requirements to create conditions that ensure the use of e-learning and distance education.

Moreover, in the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which came into force on September 1, 2013, a special article appeared that regulates in detail the concepts "e-learning" and “distance educational technologies”. In particular, in paragraph 1 of Article 16 of the said law it is formulated for the first time that “Under e-learning is understood as the organization of educational activities using information contained in databases and used in the implementation of educational programs and information technologies, technical means that ensure its processing, as well as information and telecommunication networks that ensure the transmission of this information via communication lines, the interaction of students and teaching staff.”

So currently distance learning and education are an absolutely equal form of education in relation to traditional ones. It's no coincidence that universities with distance learning today they are more popular among applicants compared to educational institutions that do not have this form of training.

It remains to add that the current one at our university learning system using distance technologies fully complies with the latest legal requirements, and its cost has remained stable for several years and will not be revised in 2017.

Getting education remotely at MIGUP is simple and reliable!

NOU VPO "Moscow Institute of Public Administration and Law" invites you to study at the university via correspondence using distance technologies (Internet address: Upon completion of training, a state diploma of higher education is issued.

Advantages of our learning system using distance technologies:

  • The system allows you to study without visiting an educational institution, remotely;
  • Access to educational materials and exam questions is provided via the Internet, around the clock, which allows the student to maintain his work schedule and not leave his city even during test and examination sessions;
  • A student of distance learning does not need to incur additional expenses associated with a trip to Moscow, payment for meals and hotels;
  • All educational materials were prepared by highly qualified teachers, including doctors and candidates of science. All materials meet the current training standards in the Russian Federation;
  • Communication with the teaching staff can be carried out either in the format of correspondence by e-mail or in a question-answer format (forum) on the website of the distance learning system using distance learning technologies.

The student’s personal presence at the educational institution is required only for passing final state exams and defending a thesis.

For training in the system in admissions committee Bwe should submit (by by mail or in person) the following list of documents (upon provision of documentsOnly notarized copies are accepted by mail):

  • Application for admission:
    • for bachelors - download
  • Questionnaire:
    • download (.docx) sample form
  • Original or photocopy of the passport or document proving the applicant’s identity and citizenship.
  • The original state-issued document on education (with an attachment!) or its copy certified by MIGUP (certified by the admissions committee based on the original) or notarized in the prescribed manner.
  • 2 photos (3x4, matte black and white).
  • Pass testing in subjects approved as entrance tests for your chosen field of study (For persons with higher professional and secondary vocational education, foreign citizens and other categories provided for by the admission rules).

After the MIGUP Admissions Committee receives the necessary documents from the applicant, and the parties enter into a Training Agreement, an account is created for the applicant and the appropriate access attributes (login, password) are provided.

After the applicant provides documents on payment of tuition in accordance with the concluded Agreement, MIGUP issues an order for enrollment, after which the applicant becomes a student of the university.

Access to the system is located at: Below are screenshots of the system:

Distance higher education is a type of university education that allows you to obtain a diploma by studying online. The interaction between the teacher and the student occurs remotely - they see each other through web cameras and communicate online.

Since February 2012, distance and electronic educational technologies have been officially recognized in Russia as a form of education. Law No. 273-FZ finally equated the diploma of higher distance education with the documents that are issued upon completion of full-time, part-time and evening faculties. This was a breakthrough in the Russian education system - many people across the country began to learn professions online, and interest in universities offering this form of education grew significantly. Among the advantages of such training are:

  • You can live in one city and receive education in another;
  • Distance learning is much cheaper than full-time or correspondence;
  • Studying is based on an individual approach, which takes into account the life circumstances and mental capabilities of the student;
  • Higher distance education is available to everyone, regardless of health status and social status.

In this article we will pay attention to all the nuances associated with distance learning, as well as what an applicant will need for admission, and how the diploma will differ.

The content of the article :

Universities of distance higher education and tuition fees

At the moment, there are several dozen institutions offering distance learning. For comparison, 5 years ago they could be listed on the fingers of one hand.

Below is a list of the most popular state universities where you can get a professional higher education ( first and second) education online.

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State distance higher education

The greatest trust is generated by government institutions that have appropriate licenses and are carefully controlled. Graduating from them is considered more prestigious.

Distance learning at the university can be obtained in the fields of mass media, psychology, economics, the Institute of History and Archives, as well as in the department of sociocultural studies. Here you can study journalism, state and municipal administration, cultural studies and other humanitarian disciplines. The cost of training is from 44 to 47 thousand rubles per year.

Available faculties:

  • economics - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • management - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • personnel management - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • public administration - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • jurisprudence - 22,700 rubles per semester;
  • advertising and public relations - 22,100 rubles per semester;
  • philosophy - 21,600 rubles per semester;
  • journalism - 22,700 rubles per semester.

A prestigious metropolitan university offering public distance higher education in the field of psychology, with a profile in social psychology. Training program - bachelor's degree. The faculty of distance learning is engaged in teaching students. There are no budget places at the university, the cost of training is fixed - 120 thousand rubles per year. Personal presence will be required to conclude the contract.

Teaches the following specialties: management, construction, economics, technology of transport processes and operation of transport and technological machines and complexes. The university teaches industrial and civil engineering, as well as economics and management in the investment and construction sector. Tuition fees range from 23 to 28 thousand rubles in year.

A sought-after, accredited educational institution whose graduates are highly valued in the labor market. The university trains students in geodesy and remote sensing, land management and cadastres, as well as applied geodesy. Cost of education - 60 thousand rubles per year. Also at the university you can get distance education on the basis of higher education.

Maritime State University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelsky

If you dreamed of learning shipbuilding, ocean engineering, technosphere safety, operation of transport and technological machines and complexes, as well as management and economics in the maritime sector, this university is for you. The cost of distance learning in these specialties is: from 65 to 70 thousand rubles in year.

Directions: folk art culture, production, radio engineering and television. At the university you can study television production and broadcasting, audiovisual technologies, as well as other arts of film and television. Price - from 72 to 85 thousand rubles annually depending on the specialty.

Available faculties:

  • radio engineering (profile: audiovisual technology) - 36,000 rubles per semester;
  • television (profile: television production and broadcasting) - 37,500 rubles per semester;
  • folk artistic culture (profile: management of a film, photo and video studio) - 41,000 rubles per semester;
  • production - 42,500 rubles per semester.

To study you need to have a webcam, headphones, microphone, as well as a printer and scanner.

National Research University "MPEI"

On the basis of distance education, the university provides training in the following programs: business informatics, management, advertising and public relations, thermal power engineering, management of technical systems, quality management, economics. Cost of education - from 72 to 77 thousand rubles.

One of the most popular universities in the northern capital. Distance education is available only at the Faculty of Law, specialty - jurisprudence. The cost of training is high – 417 thousand rubles per year, but education at the university is at the proper level, and graduates of the educational institution are in demand among employers.

Moscow University offers several programs: business informatics, state and municipal administration, management, psychology, social work, personnel management, economics and law. University education is worth it from 54 to 88 thousand rubles.

The state university trains its students in various humanities specialties through distance learning programs. List of areas: library and information activities, pedagogy in various fields, psychology, and social work. Price - from 42 to 51 thousand rubles in year.

Non-state universities of distance education

Location: St. Petersburg, Nevsky Prospekt, 60. Founded in 1991.

Available faculties:

  • economics and finance of enterprises and the banking sector;
  • business management.

Cost of education - from 20,000 rubles per semester. Admissions are available all year round.

Location: Moscow, 5th proezd Maryina Roshcha, 15-a. Founded in 1994.

Available faculties:

  • economics (bachelor's degree), profile: finance and credit;
  • management (bachelor's degree), profiles: organization management; organization management (in the restaurant and hotel business);
  • state and municipal administration (bachelor's degree);
  • jurisprudence (bachelor's degree);
  • customs business (specialty).

Cost of education - from 35,000 rubles in a year.

Location: Moscow, 2nd Kozhukhovsky proezd, 12, building 1. Founded in 1993.

The following faculties are available:

  • business Informatics;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • management;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • psychological and pedagogical education;
  • advertising and public relations;
  • tourism;
  • economy;
  • jurisprudence.

Cost of education - 19,900 rubles per semester.

How to enroll and receive higher education remotely

Before starting training, each potential student goes through an admission procedure.

What do you need to do to get higher education remotely? First of all, you need to register on the website of the university you are interested in and send an application for admission. A university employee will contact you and send a list of documents to send to the university admissions office.

In order to enroll in a university for distance learning, you will need to provide the appropriate package of documents. It is similar to what is needed for full-time admission and includes:

  1. Passport (certified copies);
  2. 4 photographs 3x4 for personal records;
  3. A document of secondary education (certificate), or a diploma, if you need distance education on a higher education basis (certified copies);
  4. Certificate with USE results;
  5. Application for admission and other documentation required by the university (application forms, etc.).

Some universities provide entrance exams for school graduates, and interviews are organized for applicants planning to obtain a second higher education degree. When you are accepted as a student, you will receive a training agreement and a check for the semester payment by email. Having signed the agreement and paid for the semester, you send the documents to the admissions committee, the staff draw up an enrollment order, and you become a university student.

To enroll in a university, you do not have to attend it; all documents are sent by mail, and applications are completed online.

When you are officially enrolled, you will be given a login and password for your personal account, where your study plan, contacts for communication with teachers, lecture schedule are located, and if you wish, you can download recordings of classes if you were not there.

How the training works

Distance education does not oblige you to move to another city, quit your job, or spend time and money on transportation.

After admission, you will have access to your personal account on the website, where you will find your schedule, subjects, assignments, teacher contacts and materials for training.

In the schedule for each subject there is a link to a conference - a lecture that will take place online at a certain time. During class, you can communicate with the teacher by asking him questions in the group chat. Homework is uploaded on the lecture page.

Obtaining a profession remotely lasts the same amount of time as full-time or part-time education – from 4 to 5 years. When receiving a second higher education remotely, the time is reduced to 1-3 years. After the session there are holidays, but some universities allow you to skip them and immediately start the next semester. You will also have to undergo practical training in order to improve your theoretical knowledge - some universities offer enterprises on their own, others leave the choice of organization to the student.

Distance education abroad

If you want to study abroad remotely, in addition to basic documents, applications and letters of recommendation (which must first be translated into a foreign language), you need to pass a language proficiency test. These are the TOEFL exam for English and the TestDaF or DSH exams for German. Sometimes universities require additional tests. For example, when applying to National University in the USA, you will take tests in arithmetic and psychology.

You can study in America, Canada and Australia, as well as in many European countries - Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Finland and Switzerland. Foreign universities work the same way as Russian ones. You register on the university website, listen to lectures and participate in seminars, solve assignments and tests, and submit completed work for verification. After completing your studies, you will receive a certificate or university diploma (bachelor's or master's depending on the program).

  1. University of Winnipeg PACE. Foreign students can study in a variety of advanced training programs and gain new knowledge. Directions: business systems, risk management, leadership, pedagogy and management.
  2. Aalto University. One of the most popular Finnish universities. Offers the best programs in the fields of design, business and architecture. The university also offers distance learning programs in Finnish.
  3. Alliant International University. At the university, foreigners can study applied criminology, pedagogy, family therapy and psychology. It teaches undergraduate and graduate programs, and also prepares doctors of science.
  4. State University of New York College At Cortland. The campus is part of the State University of New York. Teaches physical education, coaching, leadership and sports management.
  5. University of Bridgeport. The University of Bridgeport offers programs in psychology, business administration, educational leadership, and even dentistry and nursing.

Many universities of distance higher education offer a high level of training, and the diplomas obtained in this form are quoted on the market as well as documents on higher education in full-time or part-time forms. All you need to do to start studying is to choose the university you like and submit an application for study.

Receiving higher education remotely is not only an innovative learning model, but also a number of advantages for the student:

  1. Admissions are available all year round. This rule is taken as a basis in most universities, since the curriculum is selected individually for the student, and not for the group. Therefore, there is no longer any need to wait until September or “the day the moon sets” at public universities to apply.
  2. Training is cheaper. The difference in price is sometimes almost 2-3 times different than with full-time training. Indeed, the institution will not need to allocate an audience for you, require personal visits from teachers to lectures, and also provide a hostel if necessary.
  3. Exams and contact with the teacher directly from home. A minimum of stress and a comfortable environment will contribute to effective learning of the material and adequate passing of exams.
  4. Can be combined with work. The schedule of classes and exams can be coordinated with the university so that it will be possible to combine work and study at a full level, and not as full-time students do by skipping classes. The correspondence form similarly involves long examination sessions, which prevented many from continuing their studies due to a conflict with the employer.

In addition, distance learning and higher education are, first of all, opportunities that were previously unavailable to many people living in remote regions and beyond. This also gives super-busy employees a chance to get a second higher education remotely without risking their career.