The influence of information on accelerating the development of society. Lesson: Basic patterns of development of human society: why is history accelerating? Speed ​​and acceleration of progress

Question 01. Define the content of the concept “information society”. Why is it also called “post-industrial”?

Answer. According to its theorists, the information society is the next stage of development after the industrial one, which is why its other name is post-industrial. This is a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

Question 02. What is the knowledge (information) market? Why has knowledge production become a profitable area of ​​investment?

Answer. In the information society, knowledge (primarily new technologies) becomes a commodity (that is, it has its own price), moreover, the most valuable commodity. And any product is quoted on a specific market. Investing in the most valuable commodity is profitable. IN in this case such investments allow the first to have access to new technology and make excess profits before the technology becomes generally available.

Question 03. Why is the pace of scientific research constantly accelerating in a society that has reached the information stage of development? technical progress?

Answer. Each scientific and technological revolution in the twentieth century is basically not a negation of the previous ones scientific theories, but a sharp increase in the amount of knowledge. An increase in the amount of knowledge leads to an acceleration of the pace of research and an acceleration of the rate of accumulation of knowledge. Soon, as they say, quantity turns into quality: the accumulation of knowledge leads to a new scientific and technological revolution.

Question 04. How did the emergence of the Internet influence the development of world civilization and man?

Answer. The emergence of the Internet leads to the gradual emergence of a single information space (today it is divided by languages, but no longer by states, the borders of which play practically no role on the Internet).

Question 05. Describe the process of change social structure societies of developed countries by the end of the 20th century.

Answer. In the process of transition to the information society, the number of poor people is decreasing, as well as the number of super-rich people. The so-called middle class begins to make up the majority of society. The poor and even the homeless are present in society, but their numbers are not large enough to become a source of social tension. In general, this is a society where the basic human needs the vast majority of its members.

Question 06. Expand the concept of “middle class”. What role does he play in socio-political life?

Answer. The middle class consists of wealthy people who have more the required minimum, but not people living in luxury. Usually most of the middle class works in the service sector. In modern developed countries, it constitutes the main source of tax revenues, the main electorate, and in general is the face of society.

Collection output:


Fomin Igor Nikolaevich

Director, Limited Liability Company "OrgCenter"

EnergoKB", Moscow


Igor Fomin

Director, Limit liability company "OrgCentr EnergoKB", Moscow


The article examines the role of information in society and analyzes the influence of the volume of generated, stored, transmitted and processed information on the pace of development of society. Special attention focuses on the consideration of the categories “time”, “information”, “society” as components of a unified information system of the Universe. The issues of nonlinear development of the social information system and the mutual influence of time, information and society are considered according to S. Kapitsa’s theory on the analysis of society as a complex stable network system.


The article examines the role of information in society and impact analysis is the amount of data stored, transmitted and processed information on the rate of development. Special attention is paid to the categories of "time", "information", "society" as a single component of the information system of the universe. The problems of non-linearity of social information system and the mutual influence of the time, information and society according to the theory of the analysis S. Kapitsy society as a complex network system stable.

Keywords: information; time; society; Information system.

Keywords: information; time; society; information system.

At the end of the 20th century, world society was faced with new phenomena: the emergence of computers and the formation of post-industrial information societies. Informatization of society has affected all areas human activity. Humanity has lived for tens of thousands of years in a primitive state, thousands of years in a state of pre- industrial society, a couple of hundred years in the era of industrial society and has now stepped into the post-industrial stage. The speed with which society, technology and technology is changing, the depth of their influence on daily activities man has surpassed the imagination of science fiction writers.

More recently from theoretical research Hundreds of years passed before technical innovation, since technology and technology lagged significantly behind fundamental science. Now the dynamics of business development and integration require the use of new scientific ideas immediately after their appearance. Against this background, there is a rapid growth in the volume of generated, transmitted and stored information.

The science that studies all aspects of receiving, storing, transforming, transmitting and using information is called computer science. This science explores different sides the key essence of humanity - information, based on practical problems and information theory.

Since ancient times, man has used his brain as an unrivaled machine for generating, storing and processing information. Information entered the brain through the senses, transmitted verbally, transferred over distances and recorded on media from cave paintings and texts to handwritten books. At the dawn of mankind, information was passed on from mouth to mouth, and information about the secrets of the craftsmanship of a craftsman, healer, and farmer was carefully guarded from competitors. Later, the information was stored in monasteries; only certain, very special people had access to it. narrow circle people, but it was processed by the same device - the human brain. As man developed, he began to create various devices and devices for storing and processing such information.

With the development of civilization, the volume of information that humanity generated, searched for, classified, stored, transmitted and processed increased, and the influence of various information on human life and culture also increased. One can state the acceleration of certain types of human activity (learning and dissemination of crafts, rituals of knowledge about the world) with the advent of printing houses and publishing houses. And after a few hundred years, a person was bombarded with such a large flow of information that the problem of orientation in this flow, searching for the most valuable information at a given moment in time arose, and the problem of protecting the interests of information owners arose, i.e. information security problem. It was during this period that the truth “who owns the information, owns the world” became clearly visible. In the modern post-industrial world, it is more correct to say this phrase: “Who controls the information, controls the world.”

IN this work the author examined the role of information in society and complex technical, natural and social systems, the influence of the volumes of generated, stored, transmitted and processed information on the pace of development of society is analyzed.

When considering the role of information in society and analyzing the influence of information flows on the pace of development of the Universe and society as part of the Universe, it is impossible to do without Einstein’s postulates. First we need to define time - the basic concept of both philosophy and physics.


Time is a conventional measure of the movement of matter and information flows, as well as one of the coordinates of space.

It is believed that time has an irreversible flow, flowing in any direction of space, within which certain processes occur, as a result of which information is generated.

Time can be considered in different forms: as the coordinate of the event on the time axis ( absolute time); as an interval between two events (relative time); as a subjective parameter when comparing several processes ( social time).

Historians and sociologists have recognized that time can be represented as a spirally developing flow, that is, it is cyclical, in which there is an invariable repetition of events that have already taken place. The past serves as a model for the present. The future is a repetition of the present. If you try to find the past in the future and present, then this can only be done by comparing information about the past, present and future, and therefore information is a certain criterion of time.

I. Kant defined time as empirical concept, derived from experience, as a form of sensory contemplation, as an a priori formal condition of all phenomena in general. The result of experience and contemplation is information about the phenomenon.

A. Einstein defines time as the fourth measure of space. Special theory relativity (SRT) of A. Einstein establishes a connection between time and space, which manifests itself in a reduction in lengths and durations when a body moves, and also predicts the effect of an increase in body mass with an increase in its speed. Einstein denies the instantaneous connection between any events occurring in different points space, because the maximum speed of propagation of flows of information and influence is equal to the speed of light in a vacuum. Unlike Newton's laws of mechanics, where time was considered absolute, flowing in the same way, regardless of anything external, in STR it is proven that in different reference systems time flows differently and makes matter, space and time dependent.

The presence in matter of molecules, atoms, and their nuclei with positive and negative charges suggests that, on the one hand, these elements contain information about matter, and on the other hand, they are a form of energy existence. Thus, in a philosophical context, time connects the concepts of information and energy.

The Universe is an information system, the main dynamic attribute of which is time. Changing forms of energy in the Universe as a sequence of unfolding material processes- there is time. Also, changes in the forms of energy in the Universe generate streams of information about matter, which themselves are energy. The universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. The acceleration of the Universe is explained by the presence in it dark energy, fueling the acceleration of the expansion of the Universe. This chain of interconnections leads to two assumptions:

· The energy that powers the expansion of the universe is a flow of information generated in the universe as a result of changing forms of energy;

· The passage of time is constantly accelerating commensurate with the rate of expansion of the Universe and the amount of information generated in the Universe.


Information (from Lat. Informatio - explanation, presentation, information) - significant information about something. Information, like time, can be absolute (or objective), relative (or subjective) and social.

Quite recently, humanity did not even try to define information, measure its volumes and correlate its flows with time, but now many different definitions are being found.

Probably, at each stage of development of society, information had various definitions, depending on the goals and objectives of its use, methods and tools for its processing, as well as depending on the role of information in society and complex technical, natural and social systems.

Let's consider the properties of absolute, relative and social information from the point of view of philosophy and modern science and try to determine what determines certain properties of information and information flows.

From a philosophical point of view, information is the fundamental concept of formalized reflection objective reality, as matter, space, time, systematicity, function, which determine the systematic nature of the universe. The existence of information as an objective property of matter logically follows from the known fundamental properties of matter - structure, continuous change (movement) and interaction of material objects.

Information is a property of matter and a property of time, since it reflects their properties, and its quantity is subject, like time, to measurement. Information is the order of objects in the material world, which can be static or can form a flow.

From the point of view of computer science and mathematics, information is a sequence of data that is written into a vector. The properties of information in this context are its creation, recording, storage, and reading.

In physics and mathematics and cybernetics, information is defined as a property of material objects and is associated with the concepts of “signal” and “message”, with concepts characterizing information flows.

The carriers of signals and messages, that is, the carrier of information in the Universe is light. Light is a stream of tiny charged energy quanta called photons. According to SRT, any matter is created from light (i.e. from information), representing its more low level converted energy. As a result of energy conversion processes, information flows are generated, which are energy that affects the rate of development of the Universe. It is logical to assume that the flows of information that society generated on different stages their development also influenced the pace of development of society.

At different stages of social development, society had to process more and more information. The reasons for social development are associated with awareness of the role of knowledge and information in social dynamics. Generation, search, transmission, processing, storage, semantic transformation, replication and dissemination of knowledge occupied an increasing place in people's activities. At any stage of development of society, information became an increasingly valuable product and commodity. IN different periods different definitions of information could be given over time.

Let us give several definitions of information in modern society.

· Information is a set of information necessary to actively influence the managed system in order to optimize it;

· Information is the most valuable intellectual resource in the life support system of society, the most important part of it intellectual property, the share of which is increasingly growing in modern world.

Information for society and for the individual is, first of all, the possession of answers to questions that allow solving assigned tasks or achieving goals. Such information for society and for the individual is knowledge.


Philosophically, humanity or society is a kind of Universe, standing on a par with such concepts as time, space, information, and in the mutual influence of these cosmological concepts. Like the terms “time” and “information,” the term “society” has a huge number of definitions.

Society is an information system developing in time and space, characterized by the totality of all types of interaction and, mainly, information interaction. Information interaction in society forms the social system.

This paper makes the assumption that any society in its development is increasingly informational.

It must be assumed that the invention of the wheel in ancient times accomplished industrial revolution, construction Egyptian pyramids became possible thanks to the concentration of production forces, and the invention of gunpowder and firearms became possible thanks to the transformation of science into a direct productive force. Certainly, economic basis information society are branches of the information industry (telecommunications, computer, electronic, audiovisual), but the creation in the Middle Ages in different countries of the postal public service, telegraph and radio was also new technology communications.

At different stages of development of societies, there were different legal, economic and technological frameworks. Technological basis information society is telecommunications and information Technology, who became leaders in technological progress at their stage.

Of course, according to L. Reiman, at the modern stage of development, the information society has become characterized by new properties that early stages were insignificant:

· priority value of information compared to other resources;

· dominance of the information sector in total volume GDP;

· formation as the main value of saving time through the use of new telecommunications and computer technologies;

· information, knowledge and qualifications become the main factors of power.

These and other characteristics highlighted by A. Rakitov, which include the availability of information, the production of information in volumes necessary and sufficient to ensure the life and development of society, accelerated automation and the priority development of the sphere information activities and services, significantly distinguish the modern information society from previously existing ones.

Huge flows of information, united in networks, begin to form a certain neural network or an unreasonable biosphere, which, like the brain, influences society and, permeating it with its information flows, accelerates the life of society.

At each stage of the development of society, humanity generated information, increasing its volume, and this information accelerated the development of society. In the post-industrial information society, the volumes of generated information have become unimaginably large and, merging into global flows, turned into energy that accelerates the development of society.

Society as a social information system

Information in all its manifestations is either statically stored or dynamically generated, transmitted and processed. Generation, transmission, processing and storage of information occurs in minerals and proteins, in neurons of the brain, in the gravitational, energy and time components of the Universe, on paper, magnetic media or any other objects where information processes occur. Information is a way of organizing objects in a system.

Objects are entities that can be material (atoms, molecules, cells) or immaterial (time, speed, various types of numbers) that form a system.

According to V. Tyukhtin, a system is a set of interconnected components of one nature or another, ordered according to relationships that have complete certain properties. Society and its history is also a kind of social system that generates, stores, transmits and processes information. Society and its history, like any complex system, is characterized by the presence of components, their connections and relationships, phases, stages and levels of development.

A social system is a special, highest type known to us material system. And one of the features of society, closely connected with all its other characteristic features and what distinguishes it from other types of systems is the ability for information-reflective processes of a special kind.

We can highlight the following procedures and basic operations that the company performs with various types information:

· Generation of information;

· Extracting information from the Universe and surrounding nature;

· Accumulation of information;

· Processing and aggregation of information;

· Transfer of information in space and time.

Society structures generated and processed information, ensuring the stability of the system. In the early stages, traditions, beliefs, moral principles were used for this, then national identity, culture, statehood, now these are standards, information exchange protocols, databases, file systems, in the future these may be new unimaginable forms. When analyzing society as a complex stable system, S. Kapitsa discovered that the description of such a system should not begin with consideration of more simple elements, of which it consists (as, for example, a description of the history of mankind usually begins with a description of individual countries). In a complex system, by definition, it is necessary to take into account the interaction of all its constituent parts. Moreover, an individual elementary particle society, engaged in processing and structuring information, is far from an elementary object of the system. His behavior depends both on his internal state, and from interaction with external environment, society.

Nonlinearity of development of a social information system

In order to identify the factor of growth in generated and structured volumes of information, as well as volumes that are not yet amenable to processing and storage, as an alternative, a generalization path is proposed, when in a complex system the most important thing that characterizes it is identified. Since we are interested in the dynamics of information volumes and their impact on the acceleration of historical time, the size of the Earth’s population can become a dynamic characteristic of such a system.

If society is imagined as a complex network system, then S. Kapitsa noted that the concept of complexity here acquires a narrower and more precise meaning. Complexity, or rather, network complexity of a system is expressed through the square of the number of elements (or nodes in the network) in the system. It is this expression of complexity that determines the rate of development of the human demographic system, which led to a nonlinear equation for the growth function. It is likely that the arguments of this function should be the nonlinear variable of the volume of information flow in the Universe and the amount of information generated and processed by society.

It is interesting that the basic laws of dialectics also confirm the assertion that the nature of society is the patterns of generation, processing and storage of information. I. Akchurin and A. Ursul, back in the 60s of the last century, noticed that the action of the basic laws of dialectics can be observed by analyzing the information processes of society as a system.

Since there is information as energy extracted by society from nature, and information as a product processed by society and transferred back to nature, the law of unity and struggle of opposites should probably manifest itself. When exchanging information between the system and the external environment, there is often a mutual influence of society as an information system on the environment as an external information system and vice versa.

Since one of the ideas about time is its representation in the form of a spiral, it is logical to recognize that society develops in a spiral. As each turn passes social development in society as a system, the accumulation of information contained in it occurs. At the previous stage of development, information generated or extracted from nature accumulates in the form of free information, which does not yet entail changes in its qualitative certainty. At the next turn, free information turns into bound information, this leads to consolidation of the acquired knowledge in the structure of the system. The subsequent change in structure is, obviously, qualitative change. This reveals the law of the transition of quantity into quality.

The spiral development of society assumes that the next branch of development repeats some of the features characteristic of previous turns. In this case, there is an alternating negation of individual parts of the system. By repeating one of its previous features, the system reproduces past structural information. This is how the law of negation of negation manifests itself in information systems.

Perhaps, in the early stages of the development of society, humanity perceived information according to its linear development, increasing the volume of processed information linearly, but with each turn of the spiral, the more noticeable nonlinear nature of the development of society and the manifestation of nonlinearity of time appeared.

With the help of dialectical philosophy, S. Kapitsa developed a model in which time is represented on a logarithmic scale. This view of time is traditionally accepted in anthropology. The development of society can be easily modeled on a scale from the Stone Age, which begins with the Lower Paleolithic, lasting a million years, and up to the Neolithic, lasting only 7 thousand years.

The Kapitsa model shows that society as a system is in a nonlinear time structure. If we divide the entire development of humanity from its origin T 0 to the moment of the global demographic transition T 1 into 12 periods, evenly dividing the entire time of growth, and if it is presented not on a linear, but on a logarithmic scale, then it turns out that in this sequence each subsequent cycle shorter than the previous one by e=2.72 times. That is, at the first stage it can be assumed that the duration is reduced in this proportion historical periods and during each of them the population of the Earth grows to the same extent. The number of 9 billion people who lived during each period appears to be constant from the Lower Paleolithic to the present day.

It is logical to assume that a certain number of people at each stage generated a certain amount of information, stored and processed not only it, but also information from previous periods, but only in a larger volume and in a shorter period of time.

If the history of society accelerates, relative time accelerates, then the life of each person must accelerate, social time must accelerate. At least the perception of time individual should be uneven. The properties of human perception of time are associated with the characteristics of information processes in the individual and social consciousness, that is, with the volume of information processed in qualitative, quantitative and exchange criteria.

The development of society as a whole can be described as the evolution of a self-developing, interconnected and interdependent system with the controlling influence on it of information from the outside and information that it itself produces.

In this case, time averaging also occurs, in which the growth rate does not depend on the instantaneous value of the world population, but on its average value during the averaging time, which becomes larger as it goes into the past. At the same time, the most appropriate measure of the development of society should be the amount of information that it generates, extracts from nature, accumulates, processes, and transmits.

According to V. Kremyansky, an evolving system is a system capable of reproducing itself and existing in historical periods of time on the basis of systems of lower integrative levels. For society, this basis is the unreasonable biosphere. To maintain civilization on Earth at the pre-industrial level, a tribe of several hundred people is required, while maintaining civilization at the industrial level requires hundreds of thousands of people. Post-industrial civilization in in full can only be supported by a state with hundreds of millions of inhabitants, in the coming decades this value will approach a billion. Thus, an increase in the volume of information requires an increase in the planet's population.

The spiraling and nonlinear pace of development of society can be compared to phase transitions in thermodynamics. As in the phase transition, the transition of society to next stage occurs when external conditions change. In physics, different thermodynamic phases are described different equations condition. Society has the same “thermodynamic” properties when the volume of information processed changes, which means that it is always possible to find a value that changes abruptly during a phase transition. Obviously, these quantities are not only the population size, but also the amount of information processed.

Streams of information generated by billions of people, collected in networks, like neurons generate control influences on society and on its individual elements, therefore, this real energy, governing society and accelerating historical time.

In addition, society is part of the Universe, which is also a complex system that, as it accelerates, expands and, becoming more complex, generates more and more information.

The mutual influence of time, information and society

M. Sukharev noted that another pattern is visible in the development of society: the acceleration of the growth of complexity over time. If we extrapolate this trend into the future, it turns out that the speed of development of society should increase so much that socio-economic formations will begin to change every fifty, ten and less years, and humanity will unite into a superstate during the 21st century. It would seem that this progress must inevitably slow down, since qualitatively new states of society cannot appear every day, hour, minute. The trend towards increasing volumes of information and accelerating complexity of society will continue, at least for the foreseeable future. Information systems and global networks, according to M. Sukharev, are a certain stage in the evolution of the Universe and continue the noted trend towards self-complication of matter.

S. Kapitsa tried to consider the growth in the speed of development of society at the junction modern physics and a number historical sciences. He called this growth the “acceleration of historical time” and in his study applied interdisciplinary boundaries between fields of knowledge separated by both the tradition of education, conceptual apparatus, and research methods. . For this purpose, the research of I. Kovalchenko and his followers was used using mathematical methods in history . Kapitsa based his research on the quantitative patterns of human growth on the use of modern ideas about dynamics complex systems in relation to the description of the process of historical development.

The history of mankind is the development of an interconnected system in which the flow of information is constantly increasing and for which, in addition to external, physical time, it is possible to introduce the idea of ​​internal, systemic time.

The acceleration of historical time is the result of the informatization of society and the complication of information systems created both by nature itself and by man.

The reason for the acceleration of historical time must be sought in the accelerating flows of information that permeate the Universe, as well as in the accelerating flows of information that humanity generates independently.

As for the information that humanity generates independently, as S. Kapitsa noted, “our era is marked by the limit of compression of historical time.” This is what leads to the post-industrial consequences described above, which is why our era should be considered a time of information and demographic revolution, the likes of which have never happened in human history.

The enlarged division of history into pre-industrial, industrial and post-industrial can also be compared with different aggregate states of matter. It is known that not every phase transition of a substance is accompanied by a change in the state of aggregation, but any change in the state of aggregation is a phase transition.

The theory of global population growth, which considers change as a phase transition, indicates the meaning of changes occurring in the world, and groups phase transitions into “aggregate states” of society. During these transitions, historical time is compressed. With time compression, the volume of information in each phase transition increases, growth accelerates, and spatial and temporal connections are broken. This can explain the dynamic reason for the collapse of empires, the disruption of order in the organization of society, the growth of many negative phenomena that suddenly befell humanity.

In the demographic system, the history of human development is the passage of time, which is irreversible, discrete and uneven. This is evident when human development is represented on a logarithmic time scale, and the most major eras, identified in anthropology and history, are identified with demographic cycles, periods that evenly divide, in a logarithmic representation, the growth of humanity over the entire period of its development. In the course of our lives, we live in absolute linear, uniform, Newtonian time. It is objectively measured in hours or years. However, both the literature and our own experience show that throughout life, especially in childhood and old age, the influence of relative and social time on a person increases. It’s not without reason that they say that “happy people don’t watch the clock,” and in captivity time drags on unbearably long.

Historical relative time should be perceived on a logarithmic scale, and it is given by the scale of demographic cycles. S. Kapitsa called these cycles demographic, since they arise from the model of growth of the Earth's population. Despite the fact that it is almost impossible to discern specific demographic data in these cycles, these estimates are quite consistent with the calculations, since they relate to periods identified by archaeologists in the Stone Age based on an analysis of the development of stone tool technology, and are in no way related to population growth.

S. Kapitsa's model is based precisely on the connection between population growth and development, and development is expressed as a function of population. In this way, development is linked to population, and therefore the demographic cycles of the model become periods reflecting technological and social development. It is quite logical to make the assumption that for any acceleration, including the acceleration of time, some energy is needed and this energy - there are various flows of information.

Using modern cosmological models, it can be assumed that our entire Universe at the time of its formation could be described by an insignificant amount of information, perhaps tens or hundreds of bytes. With the formation of atoms, molecules, bodies, life, societies in the Universe, its expansion, complexity and filling with information are observed. The nonlinear acceleration of the expansion of the Universe should lead to a nonlinear compression of time, in otherwise The universe would explode soap bubble. The expansion of the Universe is probably due to dark energy, which, in essence, is flows of information generated by the Universe and fueling its expansion and acceleration of time.

Having considered time as a measure of the movement of not only matter, but also information flows, having considered information as a property of time, it is possible to model a system that describes the mutual influence of time, information and society (Table 1).

Table 1.

Mutual influence of time, information and society.





Accelerating time affects the development of society

Accelerating time affects the amount of information

Society development

A developing society accelerates the passage of historical time

A developing society increases the amount of information



Increasing amounts of information speed up the passage of time

Increasing volumes of information accelerate the development of society

The given structure combines the concepts of time, society and information into a closed system. The accelerating dynamics of time accelerates the development of society and increases the amount of information, both in the Universe and in society. Technological, communication, information and cultural development society accelerates the pace of historical time and leads to an increase in generated, transmitted, processed and stored information, just as the development of the Universe increases the volume of information in it. An increase in the volume of information and information flows in cosmological terms accelerates the passage of time, and in social terms leads to the acceleration of historical time, closing a single system.

Having considered the role of information in society and complex technical, natural and social systems, having analyzed the influence of the volumes of generated, stored, transmitted and processed information on the pace of development of society, we can state that volumes of information influence the acceleration of time both in human society and in the Universe. The flow of information generated in the Universe is reflected in the structure of dark energy, therefore, can be considered the energy of accelerating the expansion of the Universe, and the flow of information generated by society is reflected in the structure of historical time and can be considered the energy of accelerating the development of society and the energy compressing historical time.


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Question 1. Has the world always been one? What makes the modern world one?

No, the Ancient world was not united. In ancient times, when the Earth was inhabited by small groups of hunters and gatherers who met each other once every few years, it was impossible to talk about the unity of the human world. And in the Middle Ages, the world was fragmented into many principalities warring among themselves, which either disintegrated or united into larger states. Trade connections were quite rare, highways, railway tracks, the Internet, uniting today different countries, did not exist then. People traveled very little, living their whole lives in their city or village.

Due to the presence of a huge number of fast-moving Vehicle Now you can get to anywhere in the world in a matter of hours. Technical inventions made in one country instantly become the property of all humanity. Airplanes, mobile communications, computers and the Internet are now used by almost every inhabitant of the Earth, although they have authors and a country of invention. Today, all inventions are the subject of international trade.

Question 2. Explain why the Council of Europe was created? Why did the question of creating such an organization become acute at that time?

The Council of Europe is an international organization promoting cooperation between its members, European countries, in the field of legal standards, human rights, democratic development, the rule of law and cultural interaction. The purpose of the Council of Europe is to bring about closer union between its members to defend and promote the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and to promote their economic and social progress.

At that time, it is necessary to restore the economy and the standard of living of people of different European countries, destroyed by war.

Question 3. What is global community, globalization? Give examples of globalization.

World community - totality modern societies existing in the world.

Globalization is the process of worldwide economic, political, cultural and religious integration and unification. Globalization is a process of changing the structure of the world economy, most recently understood as a set of national economies connected with each other by a system of international division of labor, economic and political relations, inclusion in the global market and close intertwining of economies.

An example of globalization can be the creation of international companies, retail chains and restaurants, banks.

Question 4. What is the meaning of accelerating the development of society?

Its essence is that each subsequent historical stage in the development of society takes less time than the previous one. In each subsequent era, more technical inventions and scientific discoveries, tools and technology are improving faster.

Question 5. How has the population of our planet changed over time? When answering, use the data in the table on p. 114.

Russian scientist Sergei Petrovich Kapitsa established that there is a connection between the acceleration of social development and population growth. The closer to our time, the faster the population grows.

In the early Stone Age, only 100 thousand people lived on our planet. After 1.5 million years, the rate of population growth was already 10 thousand times greater than at the beginning of the Stone Age and the population was already 10 million.

Over the 20th century, the number of people has almost quadrupled, and over the next 50 years it will grow by another third. According to experts, by 2050 about 9 billion people will live on Earth.

Question 6. Think about why the world's population is growing at a rapid pace today. Why was there no such growth in the Ancient World and the Middle Ages?

Population growth is ensured mainly by the countries of Southeast and South Asia, the population in these countries is growing at a rapid pace because the level of education and enlightenment there is very low, unlike the countries of Europe, North America and Australia, but the quality is improving medical care, which helps reduce the mortality rate among newborns. IN ancient world medicine was at a much lower level.

Question 7. Explain how the size of the Earth's population affects the unity of the world.

The larger the population on the planet, the more people contact each other and exchange information. This means that the higher the population, the more united our world should be considered.


1. Complete the sentences.

The modern world can be considered united because... technical inventions, committed in one country, instantly become the property of all humanity. Airplanes, mobile communications, computers and the Internet are now used by almost every inhabitant of the Earth, although they have authors and a country of invention. In the historical past, technological innovations were kept deeply secret. For example, in China, the secret of making porcelain was kept for many centuries. Today, all inventions are the subject of international trade.

2. How do you personally experience the unity of the world in your life? Write 5-6 sentences.

I read news from different corners world, I communicate with relatives from another country via the Internet, I order things from an online store.

3*. Prepare a report on the activities of any international organization. Use materials from newspapers, magazines, and the Internet.

The United Nations is an international organization created to maintain and strengthen international peace and security and develop cooperation between states.

The UN Charter was approved at the San Francisco Conference, held from April to June 1945, and signed on June 26, 1945 by representatives of 50 states. On October 15, 1945, Poland also signed the Charter, thus becoming one of the original members of the Organization. The date of entry into force of the Charter (October 24) is celebrated as United Nations Day.

On December 10, 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Provides humanitarian assistance in countries that have been exposed for a long time natural disasters or recovering from conflict.

UN peacekeeping operations are an important tool for maintaining peace and international security. Their activities are determined by a number of resolutions of the General Assembly adopted in accordance with the Charter of the Organization.

The UN holds conferences and forums where decisions on many pressing international issues are discussed and developed.

How often do you hear the phrase: “Time has begun to fly faster. “Before, I managed to do everything, but now one, two, and the day is over.” Surprisingly, scientists have found evidence that the cycle human development really sped up. And the explanation for all this is the law of acceleration of history. And if we consider not humanity as a whole, but each individual individually, then these rules will also apply to a short human life.


Many schoolchildren fail the exam when they hear the question: “What is the law of acceleration of history?” This topic is covered in social studies in the eighth grade, and political science is studied at institutes. We will help students and figure out how to give the correct answer.

A social society, like a factory, constantly increases the rate of production. From the time of primitive people we strive somewhere, discover and find something. Studying the history of our world, scientists came to a very funny conclusion. It turns out that each new stage of human development passes much faster than the previous one. This is the law of the acceleration of history.

Remember that in terms of time frame, capitalism was shorter than feudalism, which lasted for almost 3 centuries; it, in turn, was shorter than slavery. This is confirmed by archaeologists who studied the structure of earthen layers. They indicate that the longest stage of humanity was the primitive system, which conquered people for two million years.

Let us derive a specific concept of what the law of acceleration is: each subsequent stage of humanity is much shorter than the previous one.

Example No. 1

Let's consider specific cases our life. Everywhere we can find the law of the acceleration of history. Examples are hidden in the modern world. Behind the scenes it is called the information age. Here's a trend: how much information was available to a person 20 years ago? Most of us remember this period very well. There was one channel on TV, newspapers were delivered twice a week, and in the queues at the store the hottest gossip in the city was discussed.

What has changed today? In just 20 years, which is a small grain of sand in human history, the flow of information has doubled 120 times. Not just twice as much, but 120 times as much! And that is not all. This trend will continue, and every 20 months the amount of information bombarded with us will proportionally double.

Thus, we can assume what will happen to us in 100 years. The amount of all kinds of data entering the human brain will increase 1200 times! He will either explode or turn into a cyborg.

Example No. 2

With each era, new inventions, tools and weapons appear. Thus, a tool that existed in the primitive system called a chopper (made from specially processed pebbles) served for millions of years. And over the course of our lives we can improve our shovel several times over.

The new world is only one thousandth part (0.001) of world history. This is a tiny stage during which an incredible amount of social, cultural, economic and political changes took place.


Evidence of the real existence of this concept is how the law of acceleration of history manifests itself. Our grandparents, born at the beginning of the 20th century, experienced a huge number of events. First World War, the collapse of huge empires, the restructuring of society, the Second World War, an industrial breakthrough, a technological breakthrough, the collapse of society again. Now the world is on the brink; a new large-scale war could break out. Over the past hundred years, the planet has gone through three stages of civilization development: agricultural, industrial and post-industrial. And this is 4 generations.

What happened before? Cro-Magnons existed for 1600 generations, after them another 1200 lived without leaving caves. The era of writing has survived 240 generations, and books have been printed for 22.

The time spent between the first invention of an object and its actual use in life is also shortened. So, paper was invented in China, but they began to write on it only 1000 years later. The first one was launched in 1868. But it was too small, and for 80 years people could not figure out what to do with it before it became the basis for the movement of cars. The telephone took 50 years to develop, the airplane - 20, the transistor - 3, and the fax began to be used within 3 months after the first project. Isn't this the law of the acceleration of history?

Rebuttal #1

Everything is clear in the past. There is more than enough evidence about how the law of accelerating history manifests itself. But what awaits humanity in the future? What needs to happen for us to move to a more advanced level? Or is the apocalypse true? These and other questions are difficult to answer, and many controversial issues arise in this regard.

We are talking about the development of humanity, using the data that science has today. But all this applies only to a small part of the world - Western countries, including North America, and partly some Asian countries. Most states on the world map are at the level of primitive concepts of achievements scientific progress. They are shoved into technology, but not shown how to manage it. They are given money to develop vaccines for deadly diseases, and 80% of the world's population can't even read.

Many scientists insist that the law of acceleration of history is just a curtain, with the help of which it is easier to express oneself and explain the unknown. The rate of change is a constant value, if we compare it not with short decades, but with centuries of slow evolution.

Rebuttal #2

The Law of Acceleration of History is a great topic for philosophers. By reflecting on the past, one can predict or assume what humanity will come to in the future. Academician Sergei Kapitsa, in one of his latest articles, raises the question of why it seems to us that time is starting to move faster.

In his opinion, everything depends on So, during the Paleolithic period, about 100 thousand people lived on Earth. The era lasted a million years. How many of these thousands of people were geniuses? 2, 3 or 10 that could come up with something completely new? How many people are living now? Seven billion! One hundred thousand is just the population of a small town. What percentage of gifted people are in our century? Therefore, it seems to us that the process development is underway faster.

Waiting for something new

History stubbornly tells us that something is about to change. The transition time to new level, which means it is logically necessary to assume that it will come very soon. Interested to know what will happen in 100 years? Will the planet change?

Once in the 70s of the last century, one scientist derived a formula for the demographic increase of the population on Earth. According to these data, there should have been 10 billion of us by 2010. But epidemics and pandemics take hundreds of lives in order to somehow equalize the precarious balance of nature. Perhaps we are already on the way to something new, to a new life and new problems. As you know, population growth is no longer as sharp as 10 years ago, it has stabilized, which means that a certain stage of transition has already taken place.

During the development of mankind, it became obvious to our distant ancestors that by uniting in a group, we can achieve better results and become more adapted to the conditions environment. Most effective form The unification of living beings on Earth is society.

Having united, people have acquired a huge advantage over any other living beings on our planet. For example, ancient people got the opportunity to hunt particularly large animals together and succeeded in this.

The essence of progress

A must-have companion human society is the development from primitive forms of existence to modern complex types results-based activities scientific and technical achievements and so on. This phenomenon is called social progress.

Man took what nature gave him and used it for his own purposes to improve the quality of life. So, ancient man began to use fire to prepare more nutritious and satisfying food, and used a stick, stone or bone as a tool to increase his physical capabilities.

Since ancient times, the progress of our society has gone far ahead, and today we use very complex devices to maintain our livelihoods. Huge structures such as hydroelectric power plants harness the power of nature to provide us with the electricity needed by every modern person.

Speed ​​and acceleration of progress

It is easy to notice that the speed with which humanity has developed, that is, the speed of social progress, over the years and centuries it became more and more intense. So, for example, in ancient times quite a lot of time passed before man progressed in the use of iron for the production of tools, and then there was no talk of complex computer technology.

During the development of human society, special parts of our brain developed, and at the same time our ability to think. Ultimately to XVIII century all this resulted in the creation of science. Science has become an additional force that has accelerated the progress of our society.

Scientists appeared, people who were engaged in understanding and developing new ways of conducting labor activity. As a result, it no longer required a huge amount to feed one person. natural resources, man has learned to use more wisely what the world around him gives him.

The connection between technical progress and the development of society

The rate of technological progress has also increased, especially in XIX-XX centuries. Man invented machines, which greatly expanded the range of his capabilities. In turn, these inventions also began to increase the speed of development of society and social progress.

A person no longer has time to get used to any technology before it is replaced by a more advanced one. In addition, technology has become more accessible; for example, most families now have a car, and almost everyone has a cell phone.

Progress in modern society

Gradually appeared new type of people - information workers. Now the accelerated development of society is largely due to these people. Of course, the problem of exchanging such a huge amount of information arose. This is how a method of transmitting information using a network appeared, i.e. Internet.

With the advent of the Internet, it has become easier for people to communicate with each other and exchange useful knowledge. There is an opportunity to save your time, for example, buy necessary things without leaving home. Today it has become much easier to get a rare book or textbook.