Gdz on Mikheev’s workshop on information technologies. Mikheeva E.V.

Elena Viktorovna Mikheeva

Workshop on information technology in professional activities


In the age of digital technology, a personal computer is a tool for working with information for many specialists. This means that the qualifications of a modern specialist and the effectiveness of his work are largely determined by the ability to use information technologies in professional activities.

The workshop is aimed at mastering the skills of practical application of information technologies in professional activities in the preparation of students studying in specialties of group 0600 “Economics and Management”. It is a continuation of the textbook by the same author, “Information Technologies in Professional Activities.”

The workshop contains training and monitoring practical tasks on the use of Microsoft Office 2003 applications (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access), programs for working with e-mail and the Internet (Microsoft Outlook Express, Microsoft Internet Explorer), decision support programs (legal reference system "ConsultantPlus" and the professional accounting program "1C: Accounting").

The workshop can be used both for conducting basic and optional practical classes, and for individual improvement of existing skills in working with computer software products.


Practical work 1


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the information technology of creating, saving and preparing for printing Microsoft Word documents.

Task 1.1. Create an invitation according to the sample

Operating procedure

1. Open the Microsoft Word text editor.

2. Set the desired screen type, for example Page Layout (View/Page Layout).

3. Set page parameters (paper size - A4, orientation - portrait, margins: top - 2 cm, left - 2.5 cm, bottom - 1.5 cm, right - 1 cm) using the command File/Page Settings(tabs Fields And Paper size)(Fig. 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. Setting Page Options

4. Set the alignment to center, first line to indent, line spacing to one and a half, using the command Format/Paragraph(tab Indents and spacing)(Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.2. Setting Paragraph Options

5. Type the text below (the text can be changed and supplemented). While typing, change the style, font size (for the heading - 16 pt, all capitals; for the body text - 14 pt), paragraph alignment types (centered, justified, left), using the buttons on the toolbars.

Sample assignment

6. Frame the invitation text and fill it with color.

For this:

– select the entire text of the invitation with the mouse;

- run the command Format/Borders and Shading;

– on the tab Border set the border parameters: type – frame; line width – 2.25 pt; apply – to paragraph; line color - at your discretion (Fig. 1.3);

– on the tab Fill select a fill color;

– specify the condition for applying the fill – apply to paragraph;

– press the button OK.

Rice. 1.3. Framing the invitation

7. Insert a picture into the invitation text (Insert Drawing/Pictures); set the position of the text relative to the picture - in front of the text (Format/Picture/Position tab/Before text)(Fig. 1.4).

8. Copy the template invitation onto the sheet twice (highlight the invitation, Edit/Copy, place the cursor on a new line, Edit/Paste).

9. Edit the sheet with the two invitations received and prepare for printing (File/Preview).

10. Print invitations (if you have a printer) by running the command File/Print and setting the required print parameters (number of copies – 1, pages – current).

Rice. 1.4. Setting the position of text relative to the picture

11. Save the file to your group folder by following these steps:

Task 1.2. Fill out an application using the sample

Brief information. Draw up the upper part of the application in the form of a table (2 columns and 1 row, line type - no borders) or in the form of an inscription using the panel tools Drawing. Align cells left and center.

Sample assignment

Additional tasks

Brief information. Design the upper part of the advertising letter in the form of a table (3 columns and 2 rows, line type - no boundaries, except for the dividing line between the lines). Align the table cells: the first row is centered, the second row is left-aligned.

Sample assignment


firms, enterprises, banks and insurance companies

The International Institute of Work and Management offers to your attention and the attention of your employees the program “Company Image and Management Personnel”.

The purpose of the program: the formation of a positive image of the company, the acquisition of communication and etiquette skills by the company’s employees.

Course duration – 20 hours.

Suggested topics:

1. Psychology of business communication.

2. Business etiquette.

3. Culture of appearance of the company's personnel.

Experienced psychologists, cultural experts, doctors, makeup artists, and fashion designers are involved in the implementation of the project.

Upon completion of training, students are issued a certificate from the International Institute of Work and Management under the advanced training program.

We hope for fruitful cooperation, understanding the exceptional importance and relevance of the topics we propose.

Task 1.4. Prepare a memorandum according to the sample

Brief information. The upper part of the report should be formatted as a table (2 columns and 1 row, line type - no borders). This design technique will allow you to perform different alignments in table cells: in the left cell - along the left edge, in the right cell - in the center.

Sample assignment


The sector cannot complete the examination of the marketing research project of the Eureka company in a timely manner due to the lack of complete information about the financial condition of the company.

Please instruct the technical documentation sector to provide complete information on this company.

Appendix: protocol on the incompleteness of the technical documentation of the Eureka company.

Note. When finished, close all open files, close the Microsoft Word text editor window, and then shut down the computer (Start/Shut down computer).

Task 1.5. Create a property write-off act

Sample assignment

About write-off of property

Reason: Order of the General Director of Vlados LLC dated 10.10.2007 No. 1 “On conducting an inventory.”

Compiled by a commission consisting of:

Chairman: Commercial Director S. L. Roshchina;

members of the commission: 1. Chief accountant D. S. Kondrashova;

2. Head of the administrative and economic department S. R. Semenov;

Present: storekeeper O. G. Nozhkina.

During the period from 10/11/2007 to 10/15/2007, the commission carried out work to establish the unsuitability for further use of the property.

The commission established: according to the list attached to the act, the property is subject to write-off due to its unsuitability for use.

The act is drawn up in three copies:

1st copy – to the accounting department;

2nd copy – to the administrative and economic department;

The 3rd copy is in file No. 1-03.

Application: for 3 l. in 1 copy.

Chairman of the commission (signature) S. L. Roshchina

Members of the commission (signature) D. S. Kondrashova

(signature) S. R. Semenov

The act was reviewed by: (signature) O. G. Nozhkina

Workshop on information technology in professional activities. Mikheeva E.V.

15th ed. - M.: 2015. - 256 p.

The textbook can be used to study general professional disciplines of technical specialties in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education. The textbook is intended to acquire practical skills in working with the most commonly used application programs in professional activities. Contains tasks on the main sections of the textbook “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” by the same author, published by the Publishing Center “Academy”. These tasks are provided with detailed instructions for execution and clarifying screen views of the corresponding program for clarity. To consolidate and test acquired skills, the workshop contains additional tasks. The maximum effect is obtained by parallel use of the textbook and workshop. For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

Format: pdf(2015, 256 pp.)

Size: 16 MB


Format: pdf(2014, 256 pp.)

Size: 47 MB


Preface 3
Section 1 TEXT EDITOR MS WORD-2000
Practical work 1 4
Topic: Creating business documents in MS Word
Practical work 2 12
Topic: Formatting text documents containing tables
Practical work 3 15
Topic: Creating text documents based on templates. Creating templates and forms
Practical work 4 18
Topic: Creating complex documents in a text editor
Practical work 5 27
Topic: Formulation of formulas using the MS Equation editor
Practical work 6 33
Topic: Organizational charts in MS Word document
Practical work 7 36
Topic: Integrated use of MS Word capabilities for creating documents
Practical work 8 43
Topic: Organization of calculations in MS Excel spreadsheet processor
Practical work 9 52
Topic: Creating an e-book. Relative and absolute addressing in MS Excel
Practical work 10 57
Topic: Linked tables. Calculation of subtotals in MS Excel tables
Practical work 11, 63
Topic: Parameter selection. Organization of reverse calculation
Practical work 12 69
Topic: Optimization problems (search for solutions)
Practical work 13 77
Topic: Links between files and data consolidation in MS Excel
Practical work 14 83
Topic: Economic calculations in MS Excel
Practical work 15 91
Topic: Integrated use of Microsoft Office applications to create documents
Practical work 16 98
Topic: Creating database tables using the designer and table wizard in the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 17 104
Topic: Editing and modification of database tables in MS Access DBMS
Practical work 18 113
Topic: Creating custom forms for entering data into the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 19 120
Topic: Consolidating acquired skills in creating tables and forms in the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 20 121
Topic: Working with data using queries in the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 21 129
Topic: Creating reports in MS Access DBMS
Practical work 22 135
Topic: Creating subforms in the MS Acces DBMS
Practical work 23 142
Topic: Creating a database and working with data in the MS Access DBMS
Practical work 24 145
Topic: Organizing a search for regulatory documents using document details in SPS “Consultant Plus”
Practical work 25 151
Topic: Organization of full-text search. Working with a list in SPS "Consultant Plus"
Practical work 26 159
Topic: Working with the list and text of found documents. Reference Information. Working with folders in SPS "Consultant Plus"
Practical work 27 170
Topic: Working with forms. Organizing a search across several information bases
Practical work 28 179
Topic: Searching for documents, working with the list and text of found documents in ATP “Consultant Plus”
Practical work 29 183
Topic: Organization of initial work in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 30 193
Topic: Formation of analytical accounting and filling out reference books in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 31,199
Topic: Entering initial account balances in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 32 205
Topic: Reflection of business transactions in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 33 214
Topic: Calculation of wages and unified social tax deductions in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 34 220
Topic: Cash and banking operations in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 35 224
Topic: Generating financial results, reports and obtaining a final balance in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
Practical work 36,232
Subject: Email. Mail program MS Outlook Express
Practical work 37 237
Topic: Setting up MS Internet Explorer browser
Practical work 38 245
Topic: Searching for information on the global network
References 251

The textbook is intended to acquire practical skills in working with the most commonly used application programs in professional activities. Contains tasks on the main sections of the textbook “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” by the same author, published by the Publishing Center “Academy”. These tasks are provided with detailed instructions for execution and clarifying screen views of the corresponding program for clarity. To consolidate and test acquired skills, the workshop contains additional tasks. The maximum effect is obtained by parallel use of the textbook and workshop.

The textbook can be used to study general professional disciplines of technical specialties in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education.

Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid

For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

Publisher: Academy, 11th edition, 2012

ISBN 978-5-7695-8744-3

Number of pages: 256.

Contents of the book “Workshop on information technology in professional activities”:

  • 3 Preface
    • 4 Practical work 1
    • Topic: Creating business documents in MS Word editor
    • 12 Practical work 2
    • Topic: Design of text documents containing tables
    • 15 Practical work 3
    • Topic: Creating text documents based on templates
    • Creating templates and forms
    • 18 Practical work 4
    • Topic: Creating complex documents in a text editor
    • 27 Practical work 5
    • Topic: Formulation of formulas using the MS Equation editor
    • 33 Practical work 6
    • Topic: Organizational charts in MS Word document
    • 36 Practical work 7
    • Topic: Integrated use of MS Word capabilities for creating documents
    • 43 Practical work 8
    • Topic: Organization of calculations in the MS Excel spreadsheet processor
    • 52 Practical work 9
    • Topic: Creating an e-book. Relative and absolute addressing in MS Excel
    • 57 Practical work 10
    • Topic: Linked tables. Calculation of subtotals in MS Excel tables
    • 63 Practical work 11
    • Topic: Parameter selection. Organization of reverse calculation
    • 69 Practical work 12
    • Topic: Optimization problems (search for solutions)
    • 77 Practical work 13
    • Topic: Links between files and data consolidation in MS Excel
    • 83 Practical work 14
    • Topic: Economic calculations in MS Excel
    • 91 Practical work 15
    • Topic: Integrated use of Microsoft Office applications to create documents
    • 98 Practical work 16
    • Topic: Creating database tables using the designer and table wizard in the MS Access DBMS
    • 104 Practical work 17
    • Topic: Editing and modification of database tables in MS Access DBMS
    • 113 Practical work 18
    • Topic: Creating custom forms for entering data into the MS Access DBMS
    • 120 Practical work 19
    • Topic: Consolidating acquired skills in creating tables and forms in the MS Access DBMS
    • 121 Practical work 20
    • Topic: Working with data using queries in the MS Access DBMS
    • 129 Practical work 21
    • Topic: Creating reports in MS Access DBMS
    • 135 Practical work 22
    • Topic: Creating subforms in the MS Access DBMS
    • 142 Practical work 23
    • Topic: Creating a database and working with data in the MS Access DBMS
    • 145 Practical work 24
    • Topic: Organizing a search for regulatory documents using document details in SPS “Consultant Plus”
    • 151 Practical work 25
    • Topic: Organization of full-text search. Working with a list in SPS "Consultant Plus"
    • 159 Practical work 26
    • Topic: Working with the list and text of found documents. Reference Information. Working with folders
    • in SPS "Consultant Plus"
    • 170 Practical work 27
    • Topic: Working with forms. Organizing a search across several information bases
    • 179 Practical work 28
    • Topic: Searching for documents, working with the list and text of found documents in ATP “Consultant Plus”
    • 183 Practical work 29
    • Topic: Organization of initial work in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
    • 193 Practical work 30
    • Topic: Formation of analytical accounting and filling out reference books in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
    • 199 Practical work 31
    • Topic: Entering initial account balances in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
    • 205 Practical work 32
    • Topic: Reflection of business transactions in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
    • 214 Practical work 33
    • Topic: Calculation of wages and unified social tax deductions in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
    • 220 Practical work 34
    • Topic: Cash and banking operations in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
    • 224 Practical work 35
    • Topic: Formation of financial results, reports and obtaining the final balance in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”
    • 232 Practical work 36
    • Topic: Email. Mail program MS Outlook Express
    • 237 Practical work 37
    • Topic: Setting up the MS Internet Explorer browser
    • 245 Practical work 38
    • Topic: Searching for information on the global network
  • 251 Bibliography






Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

as a teaching aid for students of secondary vocational education institutions

12th edition, stereotypical

Ð å ö å í ç å í ò û:

deputy Director of the Moscow College of Urban Planning and Entrepreneurship for informatization of the educational process, head of the regional computer center, member of the Expert Council on Informatization of the State Construction Committee of Russia, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A.E. Timashova;

head Department of "Informatization of Banking" of the Moscow Banking Institute, Ph.D. tech. Sciences A. N. Gerasimov

Mikheeva E. V.

M695 Workshop on information technologies in professional activities: textbook. aid for students institutions prof. education / E.V. Mikheeva. - 12th ed., erased. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2013. - 256 p.

ISÂN 978-5-7695-9006-1

The textbook is intended to acquire practical skills in working with the most commonly used application programs in professional activities. Contains tasks on the main sections of the textbook “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” by the same author, published by the Publishing Center “Academy”. These tasks are provided with detailed instructions for execution and clarifying screen views of the corresponding program for clarity. To consolidate and test acquired skills, the workshop contains additional tasks. The maximum effect is obtained by parallel use of the textbook and workshop.

The textbook can be used to study general professional disciplines of technical specialties in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education.

For students of secondary vocational education institutions.

ÓÄÊ 303.6(075.32) ÁÁÊ 32.81ÿ723

The original layout of this publication is the property of the Publishing Center "Academy", and its reproduction in any way without the consent of the copyright holder is prohibited

© Mikheeva E.V., 2004

© Educational and publishing Center "Academy", 2004

ISBN 978 -5 - 7695 - 9006 - 1 © Design. Publishing center "Academy", 2004


The interests of companies and firms with the expansion and deepening of the range of tasks they solve require the appropriate use of information technologies. Life itself sets the framework for the use of application software packages to ensure maximum efficiency of the organization.

The workshop is a continuation of the textbook by the same author, “Information Technologies in Professional Activities,” published by the Academy Publishing Center. It is aimed at mastering the skills of practical application of information technology in the professional activities of students studying in the specialty group “Economics and Management”.

The workshop contains practical (training and monitoring) tasks on the use of Microsoft Office applications, such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, programs for working with e-mail and the Internet, MS Outlook Express, MS Internet Explorer, as well as decision support systems - help - legal system “Consultant Plus” and professional accounting program “1C: Accounting”.

The workshop can be used both for practical training (core and optional) and for individual improvement of existing skills in working with computer software products.

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Practical work 1


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the information technology of creating, saving and preparing MS Word documents for printing.

Task 1.1. Make an invitation according to the sample.

Operating procedure

1. Open the text editor Microsoft Word.

2. Set the desired screen view, for example - Page Layout (View/Page Layout).

3. Set page parameters (paper size - A4; orientation - portrait; margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top - 3 cm, bottom - 1.5 cm) using the File/Page Settings command (Margins and Paper size) (Fig. 1.1).

4. Set line spacing to one and a half, alignment to center using the Format/Paragraph command (tab

Indents and spacing) (Fig. 1.2).

Rice. 1.1. Setting Page Options

Rice. 1.2. Setting Paragraph Options

5. Type the text below (the text can be changed and supplemented). While typing, change the style, font size (for heading - 14 pt.; for body text - 12 pt., paragraph alignment types - centered, justified, right-edged) using the buttons on the toolbars.

Sample assignment



Mr. Yakov Mikhailovich Orlov!

We invite you to the scientific conference “Informatization of modern society”.

The conference will take place on November 20, 2003 at 12.00 in the conference hall of the Technological College.

Scientific Secretary

S.D. Petrova

6. Frame the invitation text and fill it with color.

Rice. 1.3. Framing the invitation

For this:

highlight the entire text of the invitation;

execute the command Format/Borders and Fill;

On the Border tab, set the border options:

type - frame; line width - 3 pt.; apply - to paragraph; line color - at your discretion (Fig. 1.3);

on the Fill tab, select the fill color (Fig. 1.4);

specify the condition for applying the fill - apply to paragraph;

Click OK.

7. Insert a picture into the invitation text (Insert/Drawing/Pictures); set the position of the text relative to the picture - “Around the frame” (Format/Picture/Position/Around the frame).

8. Copy the standard invitation twice onto the sheet (Edit/

Copy, Edit/Paste).

9. Edit the sheet with the two invitations you received

è prepare for printing (File/Preview).

10. Print the invitations (if you have a printer) by executing the File/Print command and setting the desired print settings (number of copies - 1; pages - current).

11. Save the file in your group folder by following these steps:

Rice. 1.4. Invitation color fill design

Task 1.2. Prepare a report using the sample.

BRIEF REFERENCE. The upper part of the report should be formatted as a table (2 columns and 1 row; line type - no borders). This design technique will allow you to perform different alignments in table cells: in the left cell - along the left edge, in the right - in the center.

Sample assignment


The sector cannot complete the examination of the marketing research project of the Astra-N company in a timely manner due to the lack of complete information about the financial condition of the company.

Please instruct the technical documentation sector to provide complete information on this company.

Appendix: protocol on the incompleteness of the technical documentation of the Astra-N company.

Task 1.4. Fill out an application according to the sample.

BRIEF REFERENCE. Draw up the upper part of the application in the form of a table (2 columns and 1 row, line type - no borders) or in the form of an inscription using the tools of the Drawing panel. Align cells left and center.

Sample assignment


to CEO


I.S. Stepanov

from Olga Ivanovna Kovrova,

living at the address:

456789, Saratov,

st. Komsomolskaya, 6, apt. 57

Please hire me for the position of chief specialist.

(signature) O.I. Kovrova

Task 1.5. Create a personal certificate.

Sample assignment

OJSC "Vestor" REFERENCE 08.11.2003 No. 45 Moscow

Olga Ivanovna Vasilyeva works as a leading specialist at Vestor OJSC.

Official salary - 4750 rub.

The certificate was issued for presentation at the place of request.

Task 1.6. Create a short protocol.

Sample assignment

JSC "Vestor" MINUTES 08.11.2004 No. 27

meetings of the Board of Directors

Chairman - A.S. Serov Secretary - N.S. Ivanchuk

Present: 7 people (list attached) Invited: Deputy Director of the Book Chamber

Í. Sh. Strelkov.


1. Organizational matters.

2. About the project of an illustrated publication about the activities of companies


1. A.A. Sidorov to prepare a draft staffing table for 2004.

2. Instruct member of the scientific and information commission K.S. Petrov to coordinate the draft publication with the Book Chamber.

Tutorial. — 14th ed., erased. - M.: Academy, 2014. - 256 p. — ISBN 978-5-4468-0800-7. The textbook can be used to study general professional disciplines of technical specialties in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for secondary vocational education.
The textbook is intended to acquire practical skills in working with the most commonly used application programs in professional activities. Contains tasks on the main sections of the textbook “Information Technologies in Professional Activities” by the same author, published by the Publishing Center “Academy”. These tasks are provided with detailed instructions for execution and clarifying screen views of the corresponding program for clarity. To consolidate and test acquired skills, the workshop contains additional tasks. The maximum effect is obtained by parallel use of the textbook and workshop.
For students of secondary vocational education institutions. Preface.
Practical work
Text editor MS Word-2000

Creating business documents in MS Word.
Preparation of text documents containing tables.
Creation of text documents based on templates. Creation of templates and forms.
Creation of complex documents in a text editor.
Formulation of formulas using the MS Equation editor.
Organizational charts in MS Word document.
Comprehensive use of MS Word capabilities for creating documents.
Spreadsheet processor MS Excel-2000
Organization of calculations in the MS Excel spreadsheet processor.
Creating an e-book. Relative and absolute addressing in MS Excel.
Related tables. Calculation of subtotals in MS Excel tables.
Selection of parameter. Organization of reverse calculation.
Optimization problems (search for solutions).
Links between files and data consolidation in MS Excel.
Economic calculations in MS Excel.
Comprehensive use of Microsoft Office applications to create documents.
Database management system MS Access-2000
Creating database tables using the designer and table wizard in the MS Access DBMS.
Editing and modification of database tables in MS Access DBMS.
Creation of custom forms for data entry into the MS Access DBMS.
Consolidation of acquired skills in creating tables and forms in the MS Access DBMS.
Working with data using queries in the MS Access DBMS.
Creating reports in MS Access DBMS.
Creating subforms in the MS Acces DBMS.
Creating a database and working with data in the MS Access DBMS.
Legal reference system "Consultant Plus"
Organizing a search for regulatory documents using document details in the Consultant Plus SPS.
Organization of full-text search. Working with the list in SPS "Consultant Plus".
Working with the list and text of found documents. Reference Information. Working with folders in SPS "Consultant Plus".
Working with forms. Organization of search in several information bases.
Searching for documents, working with the list and text of found documents in the Consultant Plus SPS.
Accounting program "1C: Accounting" (Versions 7.5/7.7)
Organization of initial work in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”.
Formation of analytical accounting and filling out reference books in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”.
Entering initial account balances in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”.
Reflection of business transactions in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”.
Calculation of wages and unified social tax deductions in the accounting program "1C: Accounting".
Cash and banking operations in the accounting program "1C: Accounting".
Generating financial results, reports and obtaining a final balance in the accounting program “1C: Accounting”.
Organization of work on the global Internet
Email. MS Outlook Express mail program.
Setting up the MS Internet Explorer browser.
Searching for information on the global network.