Travel game simple physics mechanisms. Lesson-game “Simple mechanisms

“How are you with me?” my caring subordinate Tanya asked, sighing sympathetically at the other end of the line.
-I? Thank you, good... Well done for calling, how are you doing without me? What's the news, how are you?
- Be calm, the report is almost ready, letters to the media have been sent. More precisely, get well soon...
- Thanks, i will do my best...

The beeps were brought back to reality. And, rejoice! Without me, everything goes on as usual, everything is under control. But no! Letters? Did Tanechka take everything into account? What's in them? In all media? What's in the report? Taxi... Quickly get ready and rush to the office for half an hour, take a quick look at the annual report, letters and... back. What would it be like without me?! And I have no official worries?!...

What am I? Again... The day before yesterday I went, yesterday I was there. Everything is in place. Well, I tell myself, it goes on as usual! Well, no... If you iron towels, do it on both sides. If you cook pilaf, then such that a friend who runs in for a minute, losing weight, eats half a cauldron... If you do it, then it’s the best... No, to give up on the routine and, taking advantage of the moment, get sick and heal with clear conscience. So that, having impartially told where, in which folder on the desktop, the urgently needed documents are located, I can fall asleep for a while after lunch. Or find plausible excuses not to wash, not to cook, not to cover the service opening with your sick body... To be sick, to be treated...

No! No. And no... Because this diagnosis is incurable, and its name is perfectionism.
It is to others that we, our ward brothers, are ready to forgive anything, to come to the aid of others at work and at home. Because no one else can do the job except us or better than us. It is others who can forgive a typo, an overdue report, forgetfulness... Others. But not to myself.

I remember in childhood, on school lesson physical education in the sixth grade, I had a chance to high jump. Few people have “jumped to the top five”... But we, these same idealistic perfectionists, cannot fail to “jump.” By itself! The five was in my pocket. Among the three lucky ones, as expected, I am shining near the bar... The meter is taken, the meter and five centimeters are also taken... Shouldn’t I jump ten meters!? Jump! Some shrug their shoulders, others smile unkindly with poorly disguised envy, sitting with the “four” on a brand new wooden bench. I take a running start, fly over the crossbar and... strangely, as if in slow motion, as if in weightlessness, I fall onto the mats on the other side of the treasured crossbar. The height has been taken! Hooray! The only problem is, I broke my leg during the jump or during the landing... My classmates huddled over me, some congratulated me, some regretted me, some said that this is what a stubborn person should do, there is no point in aiming at the impossible... But, it is possible! My height! Well, let it be at this price. We, perfectionists, don’t care... Well, in truth, we have our own level, both directly and indirectly. figuratively, always on maximum height... But it was taken.

But, life is harsh. How many such bars have been and are being hit on the heads of people like me... In relation to others, everything with us is always higher, more often, better... Decisions and actions are either absolutely correct or absolutely not. Either black or white. In relation to yourself. Is this why the constant companion of a perfectionist is a feeling of guilt? Thank you, parents! Expecting that the child will not disgrace, surpass, surprise... We are taught to be the first always and everywhere from the cradle: at the age of five they unobtrusively begin to teach foreign languages, at six they give it to music school, they choose more effective hobbies for us, they inspire us that we always need to be " the best". Always...

School. Institute. The principle by which the fate of such a person is shaped may seem banal to you. And in vain. This is not always a “medal”, a “red” diploma”, some other standard “bar”. But it is always “the best”. Who is the saddest if everyone is laughing? Who has an extraordinary appearance and strange hobbies? In the era of atheism - sincere faith, non-standard religion. Alternative music. Tattoos.

That's right. For people like us, for those who scroll through the events of the day, conversation in detail, mercilessly analyze and then stay up half the night, doubting whether they put a comma in in the right place or not, everything should be perfect, otherwise... Could it really be otherwise? And in the morning, rushing into a deserted office, we turn on the computer and, pushing our fur hat to one side, “run through” our eyes the reason sleepless night and sigh with relief: “as always, I worried in vain...”. Who gnaws and scourges himself for what is said and unsaid? Who is unable to forgive himself for the slightest imperfection? Who, who...

I'm trying to "treat myself". I tell myself: “it doesn’t matter, oh well, it’s nonsense”... I forgive myself for the unfinished report, the unwashed dishes with my sore hand, the uncooked soup... Long live freedom from obligations! Promises! Sense of duty! On the side standing under the washing machine waiting last minute washing. Let the laundry at least once be taken and dried there, inside, I don’t care!... Long live healthy indifference! Conscience protests, tries to stick a working tool in his hands: a computer mouse, a ladle, or at least a TV remote control, hisses: “Don’t relax! Be yourself!” And I said to her: “No, that’s enough. This is some kind of clinic. Not life, hard labor! Give me freedom!”

I wonder if indifference can be instilled artificially? Or will these “ten-meter” jumps last forever?...

Teachers can only choose, if, of course, they are ready for this choice. Today we bring to your attention 13 different applications and games that can be useful when studying physics. However, they are so interesting that they are quite suitable not only for pupils and students, but also for everyone who is interested in the structure of our world.

Snapshots of the Universe is an amazing application for iOS, recently released by Stephen Hawking himself together with Random House. The app consists of eight experiments that give users the opportunity to not only get basic knowledge in physics, but also to get acquainted with the principles that govern our Universe. As part of the proposed experiments, players can send rockets to open space, collect your own star systems, search and study black holes. Each experiment can be carried out countless times, changing physical parameters and observing the emerging effects. To better understand the experiments, you can go to the results explanation section and watch the video. The app is available on iTunes. The cost of the game from the great physicist is only $4.99.

This is a game with a unique combination of arcade and puzzle features, set in the world subatomic particles. By taking control of one of the quarks, you must negotiate with the fundamental forces of the Universe. Other particles will attract and repel, combine and change polarity, the task of the unfortunate quark is not to lose control and avoid destruction. The story of Alison, a young physicist with a difficult past, runs through the entire game. Her journey through the subatomic world takes place in flashbacks and ultimately leads to amazing discoveries. The site offers a free demo version, but for the full version you will have to pay from 5 to 50 dollars, depending on the features of your system.

The first-person game, developed by the Game Laboratory (MIT), allows players to experience the perception of space at near-light speeds and understand the theory of relativity. The player's task is to move through 3D space, collecting spherical objects that slow down the speed of light by fixed values, which makes it possible to observe various visual effects of Einstein's theory.

The slower the radiation moves, the clearer some physical effects. By the 90th stone collected, the light will spread at walking speed, making you feel like heroes of a surreal world. Among the phenomena that the hero can become familiar with during the game are the Doppler effect (a change in the wavelength of the light he registers as the player moves, which leads to a change in the color of visible objects, which shifts to the ultraviolet and infrared region), light aberration (an increase in the brightness of light in the direction movement), relativistic time dilation (differences between the player’s subjective sense of time and the passage of time in outside world), Lorentz transformation (distortion of space at near-light speeds), etc.

Crayon Physics Deluxe is a 2D puzzle/sandbox game that allows players to experience what it would be like if their drawings could turn into real ones. physical objects. The player’s task is to help the ball collect stars by drawing surfaces suitable for its movement - bridges, crossings, levers, etc. Everything happens in magical world children's drawing, where the player's tools are wax pencils. At a minimum, the game develops artistic vision and Creative skills, as a maximum, allows you to get acquainted with the basics of mechanics - gravity, acceleration and friction. For testing, a demo version is presented on the site, the full version for PC, Mac and Linux can be purchased for $19.95, applications on Android and iOS will cost $2.99.

However, for those who have just begun to study the movement of bodies and various physical strength, it will also be interesting to check out the educational video game Physics Playground. The game is a platform on which the player needs to perform enough simple steps– use the green ball to shoot down the red one balloon. This is where classical mechanics comes in: without the correct application of Newton's laws, players are unlikely to be able to construct interactive environment mechanisms that will help set the ball in motion. However, you can also use intuition - the main thing is that over the course of 80 levels, intuitive knowledge that allows you to achieve your goal gradually leads to an understanding of the patterns that underlie classical mechanics. The game was developed by Empirical Game, which creates educational educational games. IN open access Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist, but the developers suggest contacting them if you are interested in this product. IN full version You can track the progress of players by analyzing log file logs.

“Science, entertainment and play come together in a beautifully unique creative experience at Newton’s Playground. Manipulate the Universe, create incredible combinations planets and trigger gravity,” say the creators of the application. Newton's Playground is an interactive application that is based on models that reflect the gravitational relationship of various bodies. By simulating the gravitational relationships of planets, a small app called Newton's Playground gives its players the opportunity to observe the interactions of spheres floating in open space, or experiment with the mass and density of various bodies yourself and create your own solar system. All calculations are based on research from the Sverre Aarseth's Institute of Astronomy. The cost of the application is in App Store – $1,99.

“Algodoo creates a new synergy between science and art,” reads one of the game’s pages. Algodoo is a unique 2D simulation platform for physical experiments from Algoryx Simulation AB. Using cartoon images and interactive tools, Algodoo allows you to create amazing inventions, develop games for use in the classroom or special experiments for laboratory classes in physics. In the process of their natural tests and the creation of various mechanisms, game participants can use liquids, springs, hinges, engines, light rays, various indicators, optics and lenses. By simulating different structures and changing parameters, players study friction, refraction, gravity, etc. For beginners, the site provides a detailed guide, and also created a channel Youtube, where you can watch dozens of videos on the topic. Free versions of the game are available for Windows and Mac; the iPad app costs $4.99.

Autodesk ForceEffect is an application for engineers who work various kinds design. With Autodesk ForceEffect you can make engineering calculations directly on mobile device. This greatly simplifies the design work at the concept stage, as it instantly determines the viability of the design. However, the application will also be interesting for those who would like to learn how various forces affect objects. Such enthusiasts, instead of a house diagram for an experiment, can take an ordinary bicycle and, based on its photo, conduct a series of experiments that will show what load it can withstand and what affects the balance of the bicycle. It’s especially nice that the application is open source and available for free for Android and iOS.

lesson plan presented" Simple mechanisms". This lesson is suitable for generalization-repetition in grades 7. It can also be used as public lesson during subject week.



Open lesson plan.

Lesson-game “Simple mechanisms”

Teacher: Olga Viktorovna Gorokhova.

Class: 7 date: third week of April.

Lesson type: summary and repetition.

Purpose of the lesson: To recall the basic concepts in the topic “Simple Mechanisms”, quantities, formulas, units of measurement of quantities studied in 7th grade.


  • Educational:
  • Educational:
  • Educational:

Equipment used and auxiliary materials: interactive board, 2 sets of equipment: tripod, lever, 4 weights, dynamometer, ruler, tasks for the workshop competition; cards with physical concepts; presentation with formulas; crossword puzzles for every fan; results tables for the jury.

Lesson structure:


Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities


Organizing time

Greetings. Meeting the jury members. Rules of the game.

Divided into 2 teams of 7 people. Listen carefully

5 minutes.

1 competition "Greetings"

Draw of lots.

Team performance: Name, emblem, motto.

5 minutes.

2nd competition “Understand me”

The teacher distributes 10 cards with physical terms (1 term on each card) to each team

2 people from a team speak for a time (50 seconds - each 5 words). They explain in words what is written on the card. You cannot pronounce words with the same root. The rest of the team guesses what is written on each card.

5 minutes.

3rd Formula 1 competition

A pre-prepared presentation with formulas opens on the screen.

Each student must guess 1 formula displayed on the screen.

10 minutes

4th competition “Myth Makers”

Prepares 2 sets of equipment for laboratory work“Clarification of the equilibrium condition of a lever.” Tasks for teams are placed next to the equipment. Monitors safety regulations.

3 people from a team go out to complete a practical competition task.

10 minutes

Captains' Competition "Physically Strong"

Names a physical quantity. Evaluates the captain's answer as "True" or "False"

The captain gives the name of the unit of measurement of a physical quantity.

3 minutes


The jury members count the points. The winning team is announced.

Lesson assessment.

They listen carefully. Congratulations to the winners.

5 minutes

Hello, Dear Guys and dear guests! Today we have a difficult lesson. I am glad to welcome you to the game “Simple Mechanisms”! During the lesson two teams will compete in physical knowledge, ingenuity, quick thinking, memory. Fans will also not be left idle: on your table there are crossword puzzles that you need to solve in your free time.

Now let me introduce the jury members: (presentation of the jury members. These could be teachers and colleagues invited in advance or high school students).

So here we go. And the first competition is Greetings. Each team was asked homework: come up with a team name, draw an emblem on A4 sheet, come up with a motto - a quatrain. This competition will be judged maximum rating five points. Captains, I ask you to come forward (captains presentation). By drawing lots we will find out which team will perform first. (drawing lots)

1 team is invited to the department. (performance of 1 team). Let's applaud the speakers. Take your seats. And please show your greetings to team 2 (performance of 2 teams, applause).

Members of the jury, there are evaluation tables in front of you, I ask you to enter your marks for the “Greeting” competition.

And we continue. 2 competition “Understand me”. Rules of the competition: 2 people per team are invited to the department. They receive 5 cards each. Each card contains one word or phrase that represents physical term. The player must explain this term to the team using any non-uniform words in order for them to guess it. If it is not clear how to explain this word, then it can be moved to the end of the pile and explained at the end, if there is time. Each player is given 50 seconds. One guessed word – 1 point.

So, 2 people from 2 teams are invited. (). And now we ask the guys from team 1 to come to the board. (Conducting a competition, summing up the results: how many words were guessed). Dear jury members, do not forget to enter the results into your tables.

(Terms for the competition in Appendix No. 1)

The next stage of our game called “Formula 1”: the formula is displayed on the screen, a student from the team says its name, and the correct answer is displayed on the screen. 1 person – one formula. One correct answer – one point. So, we ask team 1 to form a column, one at a time, in front of the screen. We ask the jury members to be attentive. In case of a hint, one penalty point is deducted from the team. Started (, ).

Great, 1 team earned….. points. We ask the second team to line up in a column one at a time in front of the board. Started (teacher using mouse to flip pages of slide presentation, the guys guess the name of the formula one by one and sit down in their place). So, team 2 earned….. points.

And now let’s move on to the very, very practical “myth creators” competition. On the desk for each team there is equipment for physical experience. Nearby are cards with tasks for which you need to write down answers during practical work. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum score for this competition is 5 points. Three people are invited from each team. 5 minutes are allotted for the competition. So, time has passed. (the guys conduct an experiment, the teacher monitors the implementation of safety precautions, keeps track of the time. The jury members have a response form for this competition.) …Time is over. The teams are asked to hand in their answer forms to the jury for summing up the results.

AND last competition– competition for captains “Physically Strong”. Captains are invited to the board.

The conditions of the competition are as follows: within 1 minute I give the captains the name of the quantity - in response they must name its unit of measurement in the SI system. If I tell them a unit of measurement, then in response they must name the physical quantity. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. (in this competition all quantities studied by students in 7th grade are named.)

And now we ask the jury members to sum up the final results of our competition and name the winning team (The jury members take the floor, express their opinions, sum up the results).

Thanks to all. This concludes our competition. Goodbye. Until next time.

Appendix No. 1.

Words for competition 2.

Slide captions:

Competition “What is the formula?”

1 team.

A=FS Mechanical work

F=mg Gravity

R=R 1 +R 2 Resultant of forces directed in one direction.

N=A/t Determination of power.

V=S/t Body speed.

 =(A p / A h)100% Efficiency

E=m v 2 /2 Kinetic energy

2nd team

F= p f V t g Archimedes' force

P=mg Body weight.

R=R 1 -R 2 Resultant of forces directed towards different sides.

ρ =m/ v Density of the body.

ρ 1 / ρ 2 =h 2 /h 1 Equation of communicating vessels

p= p gh Pressure of the liquid column.

E= mgh Potential energy

Well done!!!




Lever arm












Simple mechanism

Kinetic energy

Potential energy

Moment of power



Axis of rotation

Simple mechanism

Answers for the jury:

1 team


Lever arm






Simple mechanism

Potential energy


Axis of rotation

2nd team.








Kinetic energy

Moment of power


Simple mechanism

3 competition:

A lever is given. On the left shoulder at a distance of two divisions hang 3 weights. Complete the tasks.


  1. Find the division value of the dynamometer._____________________________________________ (1 point)
  2. Record the maximum measurements for the dynamometer _________________________ (1 point)
  3. Write down the weight of the goods.____________________ (1 point)
  4. Write down what the left arm of the force is equal to.___________________________ (1 point)
  5. Measure the force with which the lever can be balanced if the second arm is 4 divisions (1 point).

Total: _________________________________


Summary table of evaluations for the “Simple Mechanisms” competition.

Competition name

1 team

2nd team

Greeting: (3 b each)

Name, motto, emblem.

Understand me. Each correct answer – 1 point (maximum – 10 points)

Time: 50 seconds per participant.

Formulas: each correct answer – 1 point (maximum – 7 points)

Practical: each correct answer – 1 point (maximum – 5 points)

Time: 3-5 minutes

Blitz tournament.

(30-40 seconds for each captain.)




9. Simple mechanism.


8. Simple mechanism.

11. Simple mechanism.


Crossword "Work. Power. Energy. Simple mechanisms."

Completed by: 7___ grade student _____________________________


3. Present in many devices, it can give a gain in power.

5. A simple mechanism representing a disk with a groove.

7. Rest or uniform rectilinear movement in physics.

9. Simple mechanism.

13. Unit of work in the SI system.

14. Any solid, capable of rotating around a fixed support.

15. General property quantities such as mass and energy.


1. Physical quantity, numerically equal to the product strength for the path traveled.

2. Physical quantity, numerically equal to work per unit of time.

4. A physical quantity numerically equal to the product of the force by its arm.

6. Inclined... - a simple mechanism.

8. Simple mechanism.

10. A quantity characterizing the body’s ability to do work.

11. Simple mechanism.

12. Unit of power in the SI system.


Islands of Physics. Mechanics

We join a physics teacher and his students on their exciting journey through the Physics Islands.
On the “Mechanics” Island we will study simple mechanisms, find out what mechanical work is and Various types energy, we will find sources of energy, and also play to consolidate the acquired knowledge.",

The application "Islands of Physics. Mechanics" contains unique interactive content. Studying physics with him is not only easy, but very exciting and interesting!

Friendly characters will help you with this. The physics teacher and his students continue their fascinating journey through the land of knowledge. This time their goal is to discover the laws of mechanics. You can click on each character, and he will repeat the main conclusions about the phenomenon being studied. You will learn about work, force, energy and mechanisms - the world around us is so diverse and amazing!

Create your own travel route using the map. At the end educational topics they are waiting for you exciting games. Learning mechanics will be fun and interesting process! Download the game "Islands of Physics. Mechanics" right now!

The application includes 4 educational and game sections through which you can travel:

Mechanical work
Energy sources

4 educational and game sections in one application.
Cheerful and friendly characters who help you learn the material.
Each character can be clicked on for more information.
All information is presented in the form of colorful pictures, videos, models and dynamic animations.
Fun educational games included.
The Help section is presented in the form of an interactive scene.

Open lesson plan.
Lesson-game “Simple mechanisms”
Teacher: Olga Viktorovna Gorokhova.
Class: 7 date: third week of April.
Lesson type: summary and repetition.
Purpose of the lesson: To recall the basic concepts in the topic “Simple Mechanisms”, quantities, formulas, units of measurement of quantities studied in 7th grade.
Equipment and auxiliary materials used: interactive whiteboard, 2 sets of equipment: tripod, lever, 4 weights, dynamometer, ruler, tasks for the workshop competition; physics concept cards; presentation with formulas; crossword puzzles for every fan; results tables for the jury. Lesson structure:
No. Lesson stage Teacher’s activity Student’s activity Time
1 Organizational moment: Greeting. Meeting the jury members. Rules of the game. Divided into 2 teams of 7 people. Listen carefully for 5 minutes.
2 1 competition “Greeting” Draw. Team performance: Name, emblem, motto. 5 minutes.
3 2 competition “Understand Me” The teacher distributes 10 cards with physical terms (1 term on each card) to each team. 2 people from the team speak for a time (50 seconds - each 5 words). They explain in words what is written on the card. You cannot pronounce words with the same root. The rest of the team guesses what is written on each card. 5 minutes.
4 3 Formula 1 competition Opens a pre-prepared presentation with formulas on the screen. Each student must guess 1 formula displayed on the screen. 10 minutes
5 4 competition “Myth Makers” Prepares 2 sets of equipment for the laboratory work “Finding out the equilibrium conditions of a lever.” Tasks for teams are placed next to the equipment. Monitors safety regulations. 3 people from a team go out to complete a practical competition task. 10 minutes
6 Captains’ competition “Physically strong” Names a physical quantity. Evaluates the captain's answer as “True” or “False.” The captain gives the name of the unit of measurement of the physical quantity. 3 minutes
7 Summing up The jury members count the points. The winning team is announced.
Lesson assessment. They listen carefully. Congratulations to the winners. 5 minutes
Lesson content:
Hello, dear guys and distinguished guests! Today we have a difficult lesson. I am glad to welcome you to the game “Simple Mechanisms”! During the lesson, two teams will compete in physical knowledge, ingenuity, quick thinking, and memory. Fans will also not be left idle: on your table there are crossword puzzles that you need to solve in your free time.
Now let me introduce the jury members: (introduction of the jury members. These could be teachers and colleagues invited in advance or high school students). So, we begin. And the first competition is Greetings. Each team was given homework: come up with a team name, draw an emblem on A4 sheet, come up with a motto - a quatrain. This competition will be assessed with a maximum score of five points. Captains, I ask you to come forward (introduction of captains). By drawing lots we will find out which team will perform first. (draw lots)
1 team is invited to the department. (performance of 1 team). Let's applaud the speakers. Take your seats. And please show your greetings to the 2nd team (performance of the 2nd team, applause).
Members of the jury, there are evaluation tables in front of you, I ask you to enter your marks for the “Greeting” competition.
And we continue. 2 competition “Understand me”. Rules of the competition: 2 people per team are invited to the department. They receive 5 cards each. Each card has one word or phrase written on it that represents a physical term. The player must explain this term to the team using any non-uniform words in order for them to guess it. If it is not clear how to explain this word, then it can be moved to the end of the pile and explained at the end, if there is time. Each player is given 50 seconds. One guessed word – 1 point.
So, 2 people from 2 teams are invited. (Conducting a competition, summing up the results: how many words were guessed). And now we ask the guys from team 1 to come to the board. (Conducting a competition, summing up the results: how many words were guessed). Dear jury members, do not forget to enter the results into your tables.
(Terms for the competition in Appendix No. 1)
The next stage of our game called “Formula 1”: the formula is displayed on the screen, a student from the team says its name, and the correct answer is displayed on the screen. 1 person – one formula. One correct answer – one point. So, we ask team 1 to form a column, one at a time, in front of the screen. We ask the jury members to be attentive. In case of a hint, one penalty point is deducted from the team. We started (the teacher clicks the pages of the slide presentation with the mouse, the children guess the name of the formula one by one and sit down in their place).
Great, 1 team earned….. points. We ask the second team to line up in a column one at a time in front of the board. We started (the teacher clicks the pages of the slide presentation with the mouse, the children guess the name of the formula one by one and sit down in their place). So, team 2 earned….. points.
And now let’s move on to the very, very practical “myth creators” competition. Each team has physical experiment equipment on its desk. Nearby are cards with tasks to which you need to write down answers during practical work. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. The maximum score for this competition is 5 points. Three people are invited from each team. 5 minutes are allotted for the competition. So, time has passed. (the guys are conducting an experiment, the teacher monitors the implementation of safety precautions, keeps track of the time. The jury members have an answer form for this competition.) ...Time is up. The teams are asked to hand in their answer forms to the jury for summing up the results.
And the last competition is the “Physically Strong” captain competition. Captains are invited to the board.
The conditions of the competition are as follows: within 1 minute I give the captains the name of the quantity - in response they must name its unit of measurement in the SI system. If I tell them a unit of measurement, then in response they must name the physical quantity. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. (in this competition all quantities studied by students in 7th grade are named.)
And now we ask the jury members to sum up the final results of our competition and name the winning team (jury members take the floor, express their opinions, sum up).
Thanks to all. This concludes our competition. Goodbye. Until next time.
Appendix No. 1.
Words for competition 2.
1 team
Lever arm
Simple mechanism
Potential energy
Axis of rotation
2nd team.
Kinetic energy
Moment of power
Simple mechanism
Appendix No. 2
A slide presentation has been prepared for the 3rd competition.
Appendix No. 3
Assignment for competition 4:
A lever is given. On the left shoulder at a distance of two divisions hang 3 weights. Complete the tasks.
Tasks: Find the division price of the dynamometer._____________________________________________ (1 point)
Record the maximum measurements for the dynamometer _________________________ (1 point)
Write down the weight of the goods.____________________ (1 point)
Write down what the left arm of the force is equal to.___________________________ (1 point)
Measure the force with which the lever can be balanced if the second arm is 4 divisions (1 point).
Total: _________________________________
Appendix No. 4.
Summary table of evaluations for the “Simple Mechanisms” competition.
Competition name 1 team
2nd team
Greeting: (3 b each)
Name, motto, emblem.
Understand me. Each correct answer – 1 point (maximum – 10 points)
Time: 50 seconds per participant. Formulas: each correct answer – 1 point (maximum – 7 points)
Practical: each correct answer – 1 point (maximum – 5 points)
Time: 3-5 minutes Blitz tournament.
(30-40 seconds for each captain.)
Appendix No. 5 Crossword "Work. Power. Energy. Simple mechanisms." Completed by: 7___ grade student _____________________________
3. Present in many devices, it can give a gain in power.
5. A simple mechanism representing a disk with a groove.
7. Rest or uniform linear motion in physics.
9. Simple mechanism.
13. Unit of work in the SI system.
14. Any rigid body capable of rotating around a fixed support.
15. General property of such quantities as mass and energy.

1. A physical quantity numerically equal to the product of force and the distance traveled.
2. A physical quantity numerically equal to work per unit time.
4. A physical quantity numerically equal to the product of the force by its arm.
6. Inclined... - a simple mechanism.
8. Simple mechanism.
10. A quantity characterizing the body’s ability to do work.
11. Simple mechanism.
12. Unit of power in the SI system.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15